Proper Wrist Hinge in the Golf Backswing

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In this video, Michael demonstrates the correct way to hinge your wrist for a better position at the top of your backswing and provides clear instructions to help you improve your technique. Today’s video is a must-watch!

Michael Mitnick, the face behind ‘That Golf Grind’ is not just an influencer but a dedicated golfer passionate about improving his game. Through his relatable content, he provides a fresh approach to make it enjoyable for golfers of all skill levels.

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hey guys it’s Michael welcome back to scratch Golf Academy today we’re going to talk about a confusing Topic in the golf swing which is how to properly hinge your wrists to get it up to the top in a really good position so let’s get into it couple different thoughts on how to get the club to the top of the Swing you look at the pros on TV you see it looks like they have a beautiful motion to the top they’re set at a great position at the top of your swing and then they sling it through get some crazy power and you know we’re sitting back at home thinking wow really wish I could do that I’m going to try to simplify it for you and hopefully you can try to try hopefully you can try this and see some results on your own so first off I want you to shift your mindset of the golf club here we’re going to think of this almost as a lever so take a look what happens here I have the end of the club here and then I have the head of the club here watch what happens when I push down on the end of the grip that Club POPs straight up and now it’s the same sort of concept when we have our hands gripped onto the golf club right think of your front hand your top hand for me it’s my left hand pushing down on the golf club and watch how that Club POPs straight up from this motion here if I were to just feel like I’m pushing down on the grip here Watch What Happens that is a pretty good hinge position obviously it’s a little ere exaggerated but the goal is to feel this sort of lever Motion in our swing as we gradually start to bring the club to the top so take your stance here just got a seven iron and I want you to start to take the club away from the ball but as you do that you’re pushing down on the handle with your left hand you’re pushing pushing pushing now a couple things to keep in mind as you’re practicing this one you have to keep the lead arm straight as straight as you possibly can CU if this thing starts to collapse then we end up throwing the club at the ball no good keep the lead arm straight Trail arm nice and tucked in on your side like this that is what is key so with those things in mind we’re creating a nice triangle right here so we have a triangle here as we meet up to the golf club the left arm stays straight the front arm stays straight the right arm can bend right it can bend but just keep it nice and close to your body so let’s keep those in mind here push that grip down left arm stays nice and straight right arm begins to bend as we bring this club up to the top should look something like this push and now we’re in a great turn position we have hinged our wrists properly in the swing as you can see we’re not hinging way out here we’re not whipping the club way to the inside pretty neutral position here push down on the grip that club comes up and now we’ve almost created a little slingshot sort of motion in our swing we have now slung the club up to the top of the Swing Here and Now with through our turn and everything we have created that uh lag through the swing and that is what the potential energy and the power you get as you come through so practice swing here pushing down on the grip coming through now we are creating that angle with our wrist you can think of it I like to try to not think of so much of this motion you know it can get kind of crazy in your swing so that’s why I just think of push down on the handle everything sort of seems to figure itself out like that so let’s hit one like this nice and slow push down on the handle through right you’re going to see you get a lot more vertical with left arm front arm parallel than you would if you’re really straight and like this if you’re straight you’re not going to be able to create a lot of energy if you’re a little bit more vertical here now you can create some sling one more pushing down on the grip coming through push down through nice smooth s dead straight it’s going to take some practice lead arm straight right arm nice and tucked hinge the wrist push down on that grip create that lever give it a try make sure to subscribe to scratch Golf Academy check out my stuff over on that golf grind and I’ll see you guys out here real soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause]


  1. Excellent job Michael in explaining and demonstrating an easy way to get a proper wrist hinge in the backswing. I can vouch for this technique because I have been using it for a while and it does work. Then on the downswing, all that one has to do to release the hinge is to go into a knuckle down position with the left hand just before impact. Always enjoy your input Michael because you are short and to the point! Well Done!

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