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Jason Kidd SNUBS Jayson Tatum while PRAISING the ‘best player’ on the Celtics ahead of GAME 2

Jason Kidd SNUBS Jayson Tatum while PRAISING the ‘best player’ on the Celtics ahead of GAME 2 of the 2024 NBA Finals. | FULL Media Availability

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have the microphone so please raise your hand uh over first question on the right Jason what what stood out about what you guys need to do better going back and watching the film especially to kind of attack their defense and some of the switching that they’re doing there yeah I thought um we we were you know too much one-on-one we got to move bodies we got to move the ball uh multiple guys got to you know touch the ball um we were just too stagnant um and that’s not the way we play so we we got to be better uh tomorrow you’ve gone up against show mul a handful of times what’s that coaching match up like what are some of the Tendencies and things you just kind of noticed from his coaching style that you know you’re going to have to match up against in this series unfortunately we’re not playing um so I don’t know how to answer that question um I’m taller I would post him up but he probably be more physical um no I he’s one of he’s one of the best coaches in this league he’s gotten his teams to the finals uh they played at a high rate he understands his group um and so when you talk about joah he he he’s done an incredible job um and it’s not easy especially when you’re favored or supposed to you know be somewhere it puts a little bit more uh you know pressure but I think he’s handled it well his group plays at a high level his group plays hard and um he’s one of the best coaches in the league so for that um we got our work cut out as a coaching staff know we got to be better Tim over here Jason going back and looking at Kyrie’s shots what what did you think of the shots he was able to get and uh you know you’re talking about needing to move the ball more how can you get him the ball in in more advantageous situations yeah he got great looks um unfortunately our two quarterbacks turnovers that normally you know don’t happen so um give credit to Boston um but we believe that the shots that he got in game one were great looks they just didn’t go Downy Jason new scrs here um in game two you guys have have won them uh what adjustments have you been able to make in the past that have allowed you guys to take a game one loss for instance and then get a game two well I think um just there’s no Panic with this group we don’t you know um we didn’t play well in game one give credit to Boston they did um but it’s a series and we don’t just look or capitalize on just one game um we’ve lost game one a lot of times and we’ve responded so um we we believe that we can respond a game two um and we just try to take it one game at a time um and so um we didn’t we didn’t have a really good first quarter there um at the end the end of the first uh you know put us uh down but the guys kept fighting we found a way to get it to eight um it was very similar to um the way the playoffs have started for us with the Clippers we didn’t play well um but we got it you know we cut that that 30-point lead down and made a game of it um but um we responded in game two on the road and so U we hopefully we can do the same thing here in Boston on your right Michael in second row Michael Pina the ringer uh Jason what are some of the problems that Jason Tatum can create on both ends and what did you think of your defensive execution against him in game one yeah you know uh Jason uh he’s one of the best offensive players in this league um and understanding that he puts a lot of pressure uh behind the the three behind the line and then also being able to get you know to the rim you know so um he’s not one that just settled so um we gotta again again try to keep him um you know from getting to the rim keeping them off the free throw line and then giving them U wide open threes and so that’s not easy it’s easy to said than done but um again we just got to make it tough on him and then on the defensive end he you know he’s uses his length um he’s strong um and he’s not one that to give in so um we got to find other ways to score Joe front right Joe Varden the athletic you knew that KP was going to play game one um were you surprised that he came off the bench and is there an extra or unique challenge of having to to guard or worry about him coming in as a second unit guy yeah we knew that he was going to play um and he played well uh he played well coming off the bench um and so uh he’s played well uh starting or as they show coming off the bench so um he we got to make it tougher on him um when he starts to you know get going he can shoot it from half court you know with with range and so we got to be able to take some of those threes away and then on the other end we got to make him work but we also got to account for you know being able to when you go to the to the basket he’s going to be there and so you got to count that he he’s got a good chance of blocking a shot so we got to take advantage of his overh help at times Jeff over here on the left fourth row Jeff zot USA Today Jason you’ve mentioned that uh you Kyrie and Luca you know shared a similar position I I wondered if you three are able to have you know conversations you know just amongst you three that maybe are a little different than you have with the rest of the team given what you guys can see or you know did see on the basketball court what are those conversations like yeah I think um we we we happen to play the same position um some are a little bit better than others um but when you look at um the things that we have to do just in this series uh better we got to take care of the ball um um we got to make it easier for Kai and Luca so you know being able to put those guys in different you know spots on the floor so that they can you know there’s a little bit um stress free so that they can do what they do at a high level um we just didn’t do that in game one um but it’s really simple conversation um uh when you talk about um some of the things that we have to do not just on the offensive end but defensive and and Kai and Luca you know take responsibility for that but um our conversations uh are are really simple and to the point um when you talk about the high IQ you don’t have to you know sit there and paint the picture you just can get right to it and they understand um from my side what I’m asking them to do and then um when they respond I understand what their responses are and what they’re talking about and what they see so uh it’s worked at extremely um high level for for when we do talk uh in game or um on a day like today of what we’re trying to get to and uh and those guys trust uh what I see or what I’m telling them and I trust their response third row on the right Tim Jason Tim keshaw Dallas Morning News uh you said there’s no panic but you told your team to have fun at half time which kind of worked because they got it down to eight pretty quickly did you think the team was being a little too either fearful or maybe even respectful of the you know Celtics environment you got young guys come out here and they see all the championship banners and everything going on did what did why did you tell them to have fun yeah you know I think uh just understanding this group um it’s not about screaming or yelling it’s it’s it’s about um what we do best and when we’re having fun and smiling is when we’re at our best and I just felt there at the end of the first um we just weren’t at our best um and then was and it was talked about and it’s going to happen it might happen in game two but the response from from our group has to be quicker and it has to be better um not where we’re talking about we have to score the ball but we have to get better on the defensive end um and that’s being connected and um we felt we lost a little connection there at the end of the first but when we talked about it at halftime it was a great response and that we did play at a at a better level in that second half Nancy in fourth row and Melissa last two Jason Nancy liberman WFAA how are you with Luca having the ball getting pressured a little bit in the back court taking some time off the clock and then getting into your half court offense um when you watch film with the team uh was there anything you saw about maybe getting into the paint a little bit more to rotate some of their defense so you get maybe lobs or those Corner threes is there any adjustments that you’ll have for that yeah we’ll we’ll make some adjustments but um Boston’s going to give the layup to Lucas so he’s got to take it and so uh they’re not going to give him the lot um and so they’re not going to give the corner three and so it’s it’s two on Two And so we have to take advantage of that and we missed some layups we missed some shots in the paint that happens um but we believe that Kai and Luca will get into the paint uh and make him in game two um but there’s no different than what we saw in Minnesota um just understanding that Boston is is is a really good defense and uh being able to Bluff or uh take away something we trust that Luca and Kai will uh will pivot and and do what’s best and that’s take the layup or take the easy to and uh continue to to just wear out the paint and and layups um but we got to make those too um because on the other end if you don’t make them and they come down and they make a couple threes it it puts a lot of pressure on your offense Melissa question in front U Melissa Rand Fox Sports um what makes going against a guy like Jaylen so challenging um well jaylen’s the best player so just looking at uh what um he does defensively he picked up Luca full court um he got to the free throw line um he did everything and that’s what you know your best player does you know just understanding um you know he plays both sides defense and offense at a high high rate and um he’s been doing that the whole playoffs I mean we talk about the Eastern Conference um MVP and uh it seems like he you know he’s continued to pick up where he left off and so he’s playing at a higher rate we just got to be a little bit more physical with him and again we got to keep him off the free throw line and out of the paint um because again he was finishing at a high rate or he was getting fouled and getting to the free throw line thanks Jason thanks

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