Golf Players

Student INSTANTLY Gets Pro Level Shots After This Easy Change

It can be very hard to hit good golf shots consistently if you are fighting the natural movement and forces of the golf club through your swing, and that was the case for Tom during a recent lesson.

Tom’s downswing was a little off causing him issues in ball flight and consistency, however with just one simple change in concept and a few easy drills we completely changed his downswing, club delivery and ball flight.

I talked to Tom about the ‘balance’ of the club and how this concept was key to him improving the quality of his shots, he was fighting physics and the natural movement of the club, as soon as we changed that the results were incredibly and he instantly started hitting golf shots that would not have looked out of place on the pro circuits.

Really hope you enjoy this lesson as feel that there is a really key takeaway here about the hands and how they influence the shape of the swing, but i’d love to hear your thoughts


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00:00 Introduction
00:22 Tom’s Golf Swing
02:32 Perfect Delivery Position
03:11 Hands Through Impact
04:47 Match Up Drill
07:42 Tom’s New Swing

in this video you’re going to see me giving Tom a golf lesson and we cover and discuss one of the most important aspects and concept in the goling but it’s often Overlook it completely transformed Tom’s ging and it can do the same for you oh that was so good that was a nice draw that was so good that was a really nice draw in a moment you’ll see it on camera but effectively setup is pretty damn good back swing is good club’s in a great position and then as you transition into your ding that club shaft fractionally shallows so that puts the sort of the center of the the weight or the balance point of the club slightly behind your hands which is perfect yeah what happens from there and this is the key thing for us today is we need to look at how these move yeah okay because whatever these do as in your hands is going to have a reaction in the club yes so when we’re swinging at speed and that club’s traveling at 90 M hour it’s really hard to move that end on its own yeah if you move this end that will have a re so if I was to put the club here and I wanted the club head to fall down towards my golf bag in a golf thing the way i’ do it is I’d actually push my hands in that direction okay I’d do that which would cause the club to fall that way if I wanted them fall towards the camera I’d push them this way because that club has got so much energy it’s really hard to physically move that club so I’m going to make it far worse but what happens is as you get into this part here which is really good your hands start to come in towards your right thigh yeah too soon yeah and if I did that exaggerated it tips the club this side of your hands so you’re someone who’s got the club head shallowing which I’m looking at thinking perfect and then at delivery it suddenly kicked too much on the outside and then because of that your hips are backing up a little bit MH which is almost kind of part of the same movement if I got here in the back my hips up the club would sort of hands would sort of come in and the club would kick out what that does is it gives you a path which is left yeah and I think at your worst you were up at like there was a 6.1 in there okay okay so even though you’re aiming at your target the club’s traveling six degrees left it doesn’t look like that from this first move that first move is perfect what we’ve got to do is feel like the hands stay a little bit more outway from you MH the hips have a little bit more lateral shift and then when you snap the hands almost back into your body it’s a bit late okay if you took a setup to the ball yeah just a normal setup and if we look at where the grip of the club is so this end in here okay just I mean you probably can’t see it CU your arms in the way just think about how close it is to your thighs okay now at delivery position so when you’re about to hit the ball your hands aren’t in this position okay so what you’ve got is your wrists have got some set yeah okay which doesn’t really move the butt end of the club no okay but that isn’t your delivery position your delivery position is when your arms are rotated now when your arm arms rotated that does move the grip end of the club yeah out and away from you okay so that grip is now further from you than it was the setup that means that you’ve got l space for this yes okay space for the elbow so when you’re at delivery position this might be something a little bit extreme that we’ve done here but at delivery position the hands are going to be further away from you okay then if I said to you now I’m going to call it my terminology kind of snap but snap the club back to the ball those hands will come back into your body yes so we know that for the majority of really good players M you can have the club path dead straight slightly into out slightly out to win whatever you want to be but the hands are always going around to the left yes so your hand path is coming around to the left yes doesn’t mean that’s where the club’s going no if you go halfway back so just into your into your sort of back swing good let’s say you’re in your ding here yep okay this is your ding those things that we mentioned at the start are present yeah okay your risk have set yeah and your forearms are rotated now if you tip the ball you’ve got to undo those okay but just think hold it pretty lightly okay and think about if I took the grip of the club yeah and pulled it down towards your right thigh MH yes you see how that Strat away feels like the club wants to tip into my hand here okay the opposite would be the case if you push your hands out towards Joe it would have the shallow exactly yeah now lots of golfers and I would be in this category I’m way steep here yeah okay too steep I shallow it really late which flings the face open and then I have to flick it back that’s not the way to do it you do it the right way we’ve just got to hold it for a little bit longer yeah okay okay so here’s what I to do I’m just going to get myself well I was going to use a l stick but I use a golf club okay I want this golf club pretty much equal distance between The Bard and your toes okay now as you look down okay from your view point you take your set up to get yourself nice and comfortable yep okay we we call this the middle point of your hands so they’re kind of bit between the the left and the right as you look down the middle point of your hand should be sort of here on the mat y okay roughly okay as you as you look down if you were to sort of take your eyes past that point it’d be about here y good okay just make me a back swing and hold it okay all the way up good as you come down I want you to stop at delivery which is when the club shaft is level the ground yep okay so rotate your hips and your hands should be pretty much on top of the golf club okay give or take y okay yeah give or take but certainly not they not pulled in herea so if I was to mimic your gold golf S at the moment it would be great and then it would almost be these coming in too soon yeah so your feeling is can you go up to the top and work it to here yeah because we’re looking at a force going through the handle and a reaction in the club head you can feel all of those things really easily you know if I took my hand right hand on the club and just held it like as lightly as I could you know just held it as lightly as G I can put that in like a Sergio laid off position but if I start to pull this elbow and stick it behind me yeah I mean that club tips out that way you know I can feel that really really simply if I took my elbow and rammed it out over the golf ball we get the opposite reaction CL so whatever you do to this this is going to have a reaction okay we want a certain reaction yeah so just do a couple of these take your setup just going to go back just going to hold it and then I want you to feel like as you start your down so you’ve got a little bit more lateral shift we’ll touch on that a little bit more in a moment but I just want you to feel like elbows in front of you hands are over Club okay so this is what we’re looking for here this is what we’re looking for good good there you go good okay back and hold it good rotate and push perfect that’s where you got to feel yeah good and if you can almost do that and have the club fraction behind your hands as a rehearsal that would be yeah absolutely ideal there you go perfect the instinctive potential um kind of push back and definitely when I’ve touched on this before I’m talking about the hands being here and then delivery the hands being here yeah it’s like well I’m going to shank that cuz the hands are further out but this is delivery when we come to hit it the hands are going to come back in so I want you to go ahead and take a setup make me a back swing find your delivery position y here hands are over the club and then you’re just going to just work the club to the ball a couple of times so just and then just go ahead and clip super slow no speed just so we can get those hands working sort of back towards impact good CL PA zero okay now if I could use a sample size of one I must have look incredibly good sample one aren’t really enough to make a call but straight away we’ve seen a change in movement a change in path there’s a there’s a good sign there okay that’ll be very similar 4.4 right to the right starting to see a change yeah okay how did that feel so your clubs behind your hands more yeah I’d still like to see your hands a little bit more out but we starting to change the relationship between the the two so the the key thing you is if you look at where your right elbow is yeah I’d like to see that a little bit more in front of your body so we’ve changed the relationship between the club and the hands which is good M um which is really key because as soon as that club not that you need it but as soon as that club starts to get tipped that side of your hands yeah that’s a a kind of speed move which has been used yes okay so the more we can keep it behind here yeah you still want to use that movement but you want to use it kind of here opposed to here so I think you’d pick up a little bit of speed not that you need to no no but but natur speed is yeah speed is always good exactly if it’s going in the right direction okay hit one more for me yep so what I want to try and do now is just sort of fine tune that a little bit y so let’s try and play the golf ball from pretty much the same place every time so we’ll go we’ll to it from there as if there’s like almosts take your set up to that ball for me okay from your Viewpoint M when is this golf ball underneath your hand there there okay perfect another Golf Club at a slight slight angle yep okay so not sort of on your target line yeah but around back here yeah okay so if you go back to setup mhm so setup that board and that club should look as if they mean nothing okay there’s no no relationship between those and your no delivery position at all okay back can hold it okay but this time you’ve now got a a sort of spot so if you’re going to go hips a little bit more towards the target so slide them a little bit more and try and find that okay and then from there just swing through as if there’s a ball there there’s obviously not but find your delivery okay and then from there no back swing just hit the ground there you go so let’s just go ahead and hit a couple but I want you to do one rehearsal first good oh that was so good that’s a nice draw that was so good that was a really nice draw okay so that was I mean that was perfect so you look at your path yeah 2.2 degrees into out face a degree closed yes so you swung two degrees right face a degree closed I mean there’s your perfect that’s the draw that’s your perfect shot that was good speed jumped up again yeah that was more of a full swing PR good like I said the start you weren’t weren’t far away wasn’t like okay sometimes you look at Go sing you’re like okay we’ll do this and this today yeah but that won’t get you to where you want to be no then once you’ve done that we’ll do this and this but you weren’t you weren’t far off no tipping the club out early yeah that felt really good you you changed that you be fine yeah really good and


  1. The level of empathy and understanding exchanged is truly refreshing, creating a space for authentic connection.💝

  2. Thanks again for the lesson Chris! That simple change has really improved my swing & I'm striking the ball better than ever. 👍

  3. Awesome Chris. Thank you. I’m writing this after watching and then replaying some of my slow mo simulator videos and I can now see that I’m a bit like this student. Can’t wait to try and implement this minor change and see the results. Cheers!

  4. I struggle with this same issue (shallow to start the downswing but then get steep) and you’re the only instructor I’ve seen who perfectly notices this, but also has the solution to fix it. Great job Chris!

  5. Follow u more than anyone in Golf. But conflicted between this and Mike Malaska. Can you comment or offer a video on swallowing?

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