Without Doubt the most EFFECTIVE Driver Technique TO DATE!

Without Doubt the most EFFECTIVE Driver Technique TO DATE!

Uncover the ultimate driver technique in this must-watch video! Master the art of generating power and velocity in your swing by focusing on depth and shoulder turns.

Should we focus hard on a “HITTING UP” driver technique?. In this video, I’ll show you an effective driver technique that without a doubt makes the ball launch without all the focus on hitting up with driver. You’ll be swinging on a great plane with a lot more turn and you will hit drives that are higher, straighter and longer.


For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Filmed at:
00:00 Introduction
00:49 Canes for Basics
01:00 Creating Depth
02:00 Where the Club Goes
03:12 EGS details
03:28 No Depth = Steep
05:39 Tee Height
07:11 Swinging Outwards
08:11 Conclusion

#golfdriver #golftips #driverswingtips #golfswing

this is without doubt the most effective driver technique to date right we’re on let’s hit driver so two parts to this two massive parts to this address position with driver get yourself set up when you take the driver back we don’t go up here no no no no no we’re not all like Justin Thomas we can’t all get into that position and nine times out of 10 when I see people picking the club up like so they get to here and there’s very limited shoulder turn there’s no turn of the shoulders which is what required loads of depth loads of turn is what a driver requires picking the club up to here looks great because we’ve got lots of length our range of motion looks good we’re up here but as I say no shoulder turn we need to make sure we get that club behind us addressing the golf ball there I’ve got my Eureka canes out I’ve got my feet alignment path and shoulders there from there I need to get my depth so I want to make sure when I take the club back there’s incorrect although it looks good looks like Justin Thomas but you can see the handle of the club it’s close to my right ear I need to get depth I need the shoulders to turn I need to be here so now that line there that I’ve drawn my butt of my golf club is in Ms that line close to that line which is the opposite of lifting this club up and when I turn the club around here I’ve got much more to then give back to the golf ball much more power much more velocity and and even though my stance is open which reduces my range of motion I get more on the way through it reduces the bottom half but I can still rewind or get more coil by the top half of the body turning on the back swing the hips being reduced slightly so there’s more snap to the impact so there’s more sna impact so yeah my feet are open a dress position there good taking the club back round loads of depth in here fantastic and then from there I can then get the body to work swinging back down the same line and the club then goes out to the right so the club now goes out here as my body goes this way so my body goes this way and the club goes more out to the right because I’ve created that depth now the club going out to the right we’ll discuss let’s just hit this the club going out to the right as I mentioned we will discuss there out to the right there out to the right okay oh yes so I’ve ripped one just down the middle right of the Fairway that’s good okay so the club going out to the right now that only goes out to the right for 1 in through impact 1 in through impact so there trapman measures 1 in through impact and it feels though it goes a lot further before it comes back in but it’s only 1 in through impact so I’m deep there bodies goes left Club goes to the right deep body goes left Club goes to the right that was P that was right down the middle of that Fairway excellent now just quickly while we’re on here if you check out eure gool it’s got everything on there the iron swing series the driver swing series which you’re watching right now ball position and Sh shaping series which again you’re watching a bit of right now and of course crazy detail um senior series putting the whole lot is on there euref let’s get back to the video without that depth I’m going to get steep yeah so if I’ve picked the club up I’m going to come back down somehow when you take the club inside a lot of people think I’m going to come over the top that’s not the case and I’ll tell you why I’m here I take the club inside and people think from there I’m going to come over the top now I’m not going to come over the top I’m going to start with my weight 50/50 so an even balance of weight so I’m standing evenly balanced here I’m not standing with more weight on the right side I’ve not got a super high lead shoulder on a super low Trail shoulder to ensure I hit up I’m not interested in hitting up and neither should you be oh my God the whole of YouTube’s about to explode Steve Johnson says you do not hit up with driver I said you shouldn’t be bothered about hitting up if you’re 50/50 with your feet and your head is positioned behind the golf ball so if I’m there my head is positioned I’ll put it my club heads in line with my head there I’m evenly balanced my shoulders are pretty level and all I’m going to do there is move the club head towards the to Target good but I left my head there so yes my left shoulder will go up slightly and my right shoulder will go down because I’m moving this direction but it’s not I’ve not overdone it I’ve not got myself here to ensure there’s loads of tilt to the right to get underneath that my T is relatively low and I stay as level as possible and it’s staying as level as possible like that that’s going to ensure that you do not come over the top so I step on I’ll put my club face in line with the tips of the good and then move forward this is all on Eureka driver swing there great now I’m 50/50 I bring the club back in here so I’ve traced the top can I’m now my hands are nice and deep then from there I’m staying 50/50 my weight moves to Target they are good I don’t hang behind I don’t hang behind and try and help I move towards Target so I’m there 50/50 moving to Target there there there there can you see that there there there wow felt amazing now there’s one other factor that comes into play here and that’s tea height you’ll notice say when I put the tea in the ground the ball there’s less than half of the ball above that club head so I’ve not got it way high the higher I have the tea let’s imagine okay that’s dangerous that’s is very risky I now have to be behind hitting up and I’m really going to try and force this and and I can explode that anywhere when my T’s lower I can swing a little bit softer at it I don’t have this one here is a downwind hit hard golf ball I don’t want that okay I don’t want that at all this here T’s lower so less than half of the ball is above the crown less than half of the ball is above the crown and then from there I can swing smoother at it because I I feel as though I’m much more on that level you know not got a tea up here and trying to hit up my tea is lower down I’m trying to hit much more level my weight’s More Level everything is more level I’m set there great so there’s my club and line with the end of the canes I then move one Club head forward but I’ve not tilted my spine I’ve not lifted that lead shoulder up there there deep behind swinging out to the right deep behind swinging out to the right swinging out towards the golf ball it’s just easy the follow through is a little bit abbreviated because I swing out get to hear Round coming across and the way around much more controlled so I swing out towards the golf ball three-dimensional impact downwards forwards and outwards so that club goes out towards the golf ball I set myself all this is in Eureka go so I move that club forward so I’m now still centered to where the club head was left hand on great no high left shoulder no low right shoulder no trying to hit up and there deep and then out to the golf ball out I’m letting centripetal force pull that club away from the center of rotation my body is a center of rotation letting the club pull it away from my body let those forces just let it happen don’t fight physics don’t fight physics I’m there letting the club go out out towards the golf ball just just like that so think about there’s two things to think about there the two main things are are depth get depth in that back swing that gets the upper body to turn upper body turns lower B’s less turn then the down swing lower body opens in the top half so you’ve got that resistance you’ve got that torque there loads of depth bottom half goes in there’s a torque and then swing it out towards the the golf ball and te height is a second thing to think about think about hitting on the level don’t try and hit up you will hit up because you’ve started off with the club Behind the golf ball your ball’s here you’re there you started here and you’ve moved forward but you’re still centered to there so you’ll come down you’ll get to there naturally because you’re 50/50 then it’ll have to start Rising back up again into the back of the golf ball without even trying so nice level T less than half the ball above the crown the top of the club 50/50 weight get the depth in there and then from there as you come back through the bottom half opens up Let the club get thrown out let it get thrown out towards the golf ball nice and level as you like limited follow through let it work let it work


  1. Steve. I must say your tips have really helped me over the years.
    One thing I noticed on down the line view …when you’re showing your practice backswing position, you are way under plane … Probably 30° below your shoulder line. Then when you make your actual swing, you are perfectly on plane. Doesn’t seem to match at all with the backswing position you were attempting. Is that just a feel versus real thing? Jon

  2. You should explain to people about feel vs real cos in your real swing your arms are nowhere near where they are in your practice swing. If you don't you'll have people trying to swing around themselves to get to that position you're showing where your arm plane is way lower than your shoulder plane

  3. Another excellent explanation Steve. I only wish I seen this yesterday before I sprayed my drives all over the course!!😂😂

  4. Totally agree I tried to exaggerate the tilt as well and it just threw off my weight distribution when I looked at video from front facing cameras I noticed I already have a little natural tilt anyway because the ball is towards your left foot so you have to slightly angle your body.

  5. Practice swing is flatter than the dynamics of the actual swing. Feel v Real on show here……Should have mentioned that during filming but never jumped into my head at the time🤷‍♂️

  6. I’ve accidentally been doing this and my driver accuracy and distance has gone mad, positively mad. T😢hanks for this absolutely brilliant. Oh and trying to hit up stuffed me

  7. Just had a lesson tonight. Was told to get rid of the tilt and narrow my stance a bit and it worked a treat 👍

  8. Im a total hack, picked up golf again, 2 years ago, after 25 years.

    I never used a driver before, and this past year, I watched videos of the exact opposite, and I’m hitting driver better than ever.

    YMMV, if I try this stuff, my driver will stop working

  9. This is what the GOAT Jack teaches. The head stays centered and an imaginary poll between the head straight to the ground. No shoulder tilt to the right. A level swing with irons and driver with a touch of stack and tilt.

  10. Thanks Steve, last trainer had me with the tilt and that just screwed up my swing to the point I was hitting all over the place and mostly weak drives. I worked with another very good golfer who had me centered and same to take the driver back inside and now driving much more consistent and more distance!

  11. Thank you so much! I knew something was missing with my driver setup. At one point I was hitting it very well during winter on a simulator but could never get it back. Now my swing feels more smooth and smash factor is 1.38 and higher. Now I just need to work on closing club face so I don’t push it to the right 😂

  12. This guy ALWAYS gives excellent instructions! No BS, just quality teaching. Love to take lessons with him.

  13. Tried this, arrived late for a round had no time to warm up, hit a GAPR hi from the first tee, 2nd tee was backed up had a lot of time to practice swing, topped 3 attempts in front of 6 players, won’t be trying it again I thought, with hole just before the turn I was getting tired and my always reliable GAPR hi started to slice on me, sure sign of fatigue, thought f**k it I’ll give it another go, I gained 30 yards on my drive and for the rest of the round hit everything straight and long! Longest ever drive at 270 on the fairway. With only two swing thoughts straight back and top of swing position where Steve said. Thank you so much god I hope
    It lasts!!!

  14. You have a follower for life! I can’t tell you how much better and farther I’m hitting driver since watching this video. Game changer! Thank you so much for that instruction!!!

  15. Taylormade had a recent video out with tiger Rory and Nelly korda hitting driver. Nellys attack angle was -2.2 and she was banging it 260 yards. There’s still loft on the driver, I think people forget this.

  16. This technique just doesn't work for me. What you're doing is equivalent to a sweep….and especially with a low loft club, it's more likely to result in a stinger, if one achieves that basic loft. I don't believe in pulling the club so far behind….and I don't like the club arc you're creating. You're exaggerating what occurs with a slight lean backwards. The backswing goes more upwards….than back behind the body. In order to hit properly and get loft, one has to swing inside….and not come over the top. Once you get that path, the slight tilt backwards produces a beautiful straight hit….still coming through the hips and moving weight to the posted lead leg. The power is more direct than your sweeping hit…..which is much easier to pull….or shank.

  17. I swing on a single plane so it's not too difficult for me to try different plane angles. When I swing as flat as what you are showing, I find a lot more variation in face angle at impact. And a lot of hooks. OTOH if I do as you show for JT, that's a slice swing, but the face is much more consistent. Somewhere in the middle works best for me. My bottom line is that flat = more side to side dispersion and more hooks. EDIT: Now I see your pinned comment. 🙂

  18. Fantastic video!! Just subscribed. So many people tell me to lift the club higher (like Justin Thomas) if I have a poor tee shot. I try to keep it low and slow on the take away, make that turn, and come through with my body facing the target. My swing looks very similar to this. So nice to have a video confirming what I'm doing. I'm 53 but can hit it around 280. Wonderful video, thanks!!!

  19. For anyone struggling with a slice or push with their driver, this swing change has completely changed my game off the tee. I was struggling so much with my path with driver, this has made it so much easier for me to execute especially when I’m anxious on the first tee. I keep my hip bumped towards the target and then just think about swinging deep around my body. I can also swing much harder without losing accuracy

  20. I just watched a video of you with the driver head 12 inches behind the ball on the ground 3 inches in As your technique which one do you go with

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