Are we better than a HS golfer with a 1.4 handicap?

We traveled all the way from the PNW to West Palm Beach to play at @OldPalmGolfClub, taking on a 1.4-handicapper named Baker Tolentino — who’s only a 16-year-old high school golfer.

The shots were flying, the chirps were flowing, and the match was a fine display of sheer athleticism… or something like that.

Check out what happens when a couple of mid-handicappers take on a single low-handicapper — and get a crash course on some golf tips from Baker before a few of his shots, too.

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we just got little kids been chirping us all day and I’m ready to light his ass on fire look look the bird we’re here with Baker Tolentino 1.4 handicap kids a freaking stud roped into this for sure roped into this we’re going to go two men verse one guy two men vers one child yeah two two grown man one child one child we’re going to see who can win on a little three hole par five four and par three course so let’s go get it guys get this out of my hand we’re going yellow flag sticks today boys all right bake show us how it’s Don can you just call him bake yeah sorry I hope you’re all right with that I’m just trying to your head oh you’re using a driver interesting you sure that’s the move yeah I would have used maybe like a wedge from here or something up B I didn’t see it come down but you’re all right down all right so I was really hoping that was going to keep going right I know me too but it did not Sky it left are you serious all right Jake it’s up on you man it’s great let’s do it man you got to save us on this one I like to mix it up and put put a little pressure on you and the next hole maybe me you know come back around there it is there’s my teammate that’s what I like to see okay hey look at this baby we’re rocking and rolling we’re rocking shot the biggest highest little draw not there you know why because eyes he’s probably still farther definitely is he’s swing soing fast 100 yards yellow right yes sir yes sir so I like to see look at this hold it but I hit it good we’re going white right just kidding yo I’m super happy with that yeah have to be see if this Gap shot it yeah exactly ah it’s going to be short into the right we’ll use yours yeah okay we’ll be very are you going to make me do this I’m going to make you play this sole I might get him at the par three okay fair all right we got 70 yard so immediately 60° out of play cuz I don’t want to risk popping it up sure I’m liking a little low low 54° you’re going to come in like on the left yeah there’s like more center of the green yeah there’s a little palm tree out there that’s kind of my target okay nothing super special just a kind of pitch sand wge sit sit get over there that oh should be all right yeah it was pretty good it was a decent it was a decent shot we’re both on the green I mean he’s closer but we’re not in a bad position like I don’t think he’s going to make that look at my D B play looks like we got him yeah so my insane wedge play has paid off once again uh the first thing I see it’s kind of sliding a little right to left coming back uphill and into the grain um not trying to do anything super special here just SL it up there and guaranteed par sit keep going baby go right past that is not good okay we got the pressure we need s listen I knew from the beginning that we would take this one I’m just going to hit it okay wow what if what if oh my God it’s a great point I’m carrying this fing team right now oh boogy from 70 yards all right here we go listen happens to all of us oh me see that’s what I’m saying uhoh open anything like that first p got okay all right baby let’s do the next one yo that part three clutch clutch save there clutch save all that talking we actually had a chance to win and push that would have been bad yeah uh I’m going to hit an eight iron cuz Stone Cold ET said so have you seen Stone Cold ET either of you no pretty hilarious I must say just focus on the let me live my life okay hey oh that butterfly me up you guys saw that right that go in the water probably I can’t lose another ball got my eight here I mean we’ve hit this we played this what twice yeah so we know what to do and what not to do I guess hit it hit it thin but hey get there yo that’s going to be good you think that’ll be all right that’s going to be really good okay it might be in the hole might have a chance nah I have nine iron in my hand all right 60 165 is a bit of a long nine iron but it is downwind and that whole front of the green slopes towards the middle towards the back um so if I can land it into that slope it should kind of kick forward and have an uphill look at bird what a shot it’s not even that good looking what a shot you did exactly what you wanted to do I think that’s I think that’s okay might be a little bit left but that’s a hell of a shot man like than I mean yeah he’s insane he like a nine iron as far as like a perfect like the highest night super high draw it looks we’re get we’re both ey both gray shots I don’t know I think I think I I’m out again uh you might be out Baker yeah so do you believe in the theory of uh everything breaking with the water and all that stuff or no yeah I mean it’s pretty it’s pretty consistent I mean you can see it on this screen that whole this whole half slopes towards the water you have this kind of big knuckle here that this side’s going to slope that way but for the most part 90% of greens you see are going to break towards the water good to know great speed great speedoo thank you all right all right there you go ween two putut and tie uphill a little bit left to right I miss hit big time no I did what you did yours is probably [Applause] closer all right I thought that thing had a little bit of break to it yeah yo I have to make this putt really fast what the I hate this game here this kid is talking we putting closer every hole par five we’re up one I love I love the last right there just to give you our minutes before far we going to have a couple extra shots here just want to hit over that trap I mean it opens up a little bit to the right on that tree line um left is not terrible good shot exactly what I wanted yeah that was great there you go like I have no idea what I’m doing there we go but I’ll take it baby that’s going to roll for forever there we go yeah good ball who’s sandbagging who I’m just trying to bake driver here pretty much rip it right down the middle God damn it h a little bit that so far see that’s not going to be ideal but we’re in a good spot you feel that you feel the pressure I thought h a better dve than you you did damn you did I actually you might well oh we we want to do I don’t know where would you rather be cuz we got we split the Fairway I like this ball a little bit more just cuz that your slope’s going this way so it’s going to want to draw a little bit that one slope’s going away from you so it’s going to want to cut a little bit and it takes that like this ball takes the water on the right out of PL I have two 275s to the pin I’m not I’m not going to get it there that’s a big number but uh just trying to get through it as far up there as I can oh oh my God that is not a good golf SM there’s still a real good chance we’ll both this up B was there divots back here do you think the talk has gotten to you uh I’m thinking about it a little bit I grabbed my three-wood I’m going to hit a fivewood I’m not very confident with my three-wood weaknesses knowing your weaknesses is very valid I haven’t hit this club good yet and it’s literally my favorite Club yep yeah I like that mhm so knowing where we’re at I mean you want me to go for a three-w and go for do you want me to play it safe I want you to hit a 200 yd clo that gives us like 75 200 is a big number what’s that 200 is a big number this kid 16 years old do you have your driver’s license yet your mom’s picking you up after this isn’t she I’m surprised they let you drive that golf cart this this round might not even be legal because of that you’re supposed to be walking man oh such a p deep might be in like that cart path my cart path area yeah that’s not going to be bad though not bad I mean I I didn’t like it but the big issue I see with this is this downhill lie this Ball’s going to come out really low and it’s going to be kind of easy for me to get under it or behind it um so I kind of want to take something that’s going to take that Miss out of play I have 140 yards which is like a full nine iron a little bit of wind into me but I’m not really liking the idea of a full swing here so I’m thinking like a a pitch seven or pitch eight iron um something that lands maybe a little on the front of the green or a little short of it and run back just run it up there yeah yeah so this is where this is where like creativity comes into play being able to trust yourself to be able to do that shot I have this downhill lie which is really helpful it’s going to want to come out low and run so I don’t really have to hit this super hard I can kind of chip it out there and it should end up being pretty good that might be really really good oh man man go right go right sand back there isn’t there you might be okay yeah it’s going to be all right that’s going to be a bit of a tough up and down but my wedge game terrible 62 so I’m going to grab a 52 and I guess I mean we know that that runs off the back yeah yeah want be short so Short’s okay I mean sure and we’re going yellow yeah see I think we’ll be safe right unless that keeps rolling I might be gone might be gone all right we don’t know if NYX is off but I’m guessing it’s off so I’m going to put put the dagger in right now you know what I mean me I didn’t put the dagger in is not a dagger my chances just went way all right we’re lying three you’re lineing three too right or two three yeah okay you’re lineing three we’re both lying three yeah you’re out of you’re coming out of the sand your up and Down’s hard your up and Down’s hard it’s hard yeah yeah I’ll give you that but you have to do it in less Strokes than us to win or to tie pretty confident you should drop that confidence you’re going to lose all right so back of the green this is still a hard up and down what are you thinking um really what I do depends on how firm this is right here there’s not a lot of grass here so I don’t think it’s going to be very sticky it’s pretty firm I think I’m I want to try and land this here maybe just have it feed out to the pin a little bit don’t want to flirt with being long of it it’s a little little sketchy o sit down sit down sit down how you feel about that it’s came out a little hot out of the lie but we got a putt for par and you can make any putt so it’s valid I mean looks very blable to me very blable very blable not for us we’re professionals he literally has his whole bag with him versatility why didn’t you just bring your bag so I actually think I brought all these clubs I don’t like a 60 I suck at that I almost feel like I want to like chip put it with my eight and then let you try and do it with your uh your 60 yeah I mean I don’t think I would have done much better with my 60 all right using a 60° here I’m just going to Nick got pretty close so I’m going to try to do something wonderful a little too much no gim me that’s not bad not bad at all what are you thinking uh just trying to make a putt here honestly moving a little left to right yeah um more or less this put’s all or nothing yo stay up stay up hey it was a real good try real good try do you want to finish you want us to wait I’ll tap okay nice two putt for victory two putts to win two putts PR all right let’s do it Baker you know that we’re going to chirp you probably until you’re R I’m never I’m never going to hear the end of from Tony that’s what I’m more worried oh I know you got to hit it though you said Put it close I’ve seen Jake miss two of those now so oh God man I love Baker talking man nope missed it see you missed two of those too putting your ball I’m just going to make it oh game all game okay yo all right let’s go to the next I mean we’ll shake over here yeah I just want to get off the green you lost to a 19 and 16 handicap in a 2V1 yeah and I mean maybe our numbers are a little padded you know we might be sandbagging a little b a little bit I don’t know you guys look pretty good there’s some good good golf shots out there yeah I I mean that’s the problem with being like a mid to high handicapper is like you definitely I have the ability to be a lower handicap but oh yeah then it’s chunk it in the water do some crazy thing and then you just fall apart and you can’t get it back well then like as a low handicapper you know it’s way easier to go out and make two bogeys like that than it is to walk out and make two birdies you know what I mean and not say like like it’s I can’t make two birdies in a row but it’s definitely more difficult to you know it’s those those bogey sneak in a lot quicker or a lot easier than they think you think they do for sure yeah I would say Bogies are much more prevalent than birdies oh yeah pretty sure so dope all right yo this was awesome yeah enjoyed it was a blast suck losing but I mean felt real good winning [Music]


  1. First hole … missed shots on camera… I unsubscribe 😅 jk good entertaining videos boiiis!

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