BREAKING NEWS: The @WNBA leaves Caitlin Clark off of the Olympic roster…BIG MISTAKE!!! #1031

So the @WNBA has once again showed their lack of business acumen with the leaving of Clark off of the Olympic roster. Like they cant be that dense or slow but LOL they are!!! #wnba #caitlinclark #olympics #basketball

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hello hello hello you tuning to the episode of The Wonder control today’s first topic Caitlin Clark’s been left off of the Olympic team look I told y’all I didn’t really want to touch on this stuff because it’s so volatile I told you guys I said when it came to to Caitlyn Clark stuff I’m like bro I don’t really want to touch on it and stuff like that but here’s the thing life changes you pivot why do you pivot because certain things just don’t make sense to me now Look I know they’re going to say I’m a uh some people can say I’m a man and you’re not a part of this and blah blah blah blah blah I’m I don’t understand business wise why you would leave her off the roster look I’mma do something right now so you understand where I’m coming from this is a picture right that’s a picture of all the players for it now I’mma read these off to you Asia Wilson to who who is the best WNBA player right now in the league Brianna Stewart Dianna terasi Alyssa Thompson Britney grinder nef khier juel Lloyd Kelsey Plum Jackie young Kalia Cooper or copper um Sabrina lonescu Chelsea Gray right that’s one two three four five six guards six I want you to understand where I’m coming from on this cuz the point I’m going to make has nothing to do with what you guys think it’s totally business it’s to it’s I don’t care about the semantics cuz I’mma kill the semantics I’m I’mma destroy those I want to ask you guys how popular do you think Caitlyn Clark right now is I want you to ask this I don’t care that she’s a white woman I do not care that she’s a rookie I do not care that she just came out of college how popular do you think Caitlyn Clark right now is take a second no no no no no no no no no I want you to understand how how popular do you think this girl is let me show you how popular she is this is how popular she is her game out attendan the first game of the NBA Finals the the WNBA right now has a player that can rival almost any superstar in the NBA right now stands LeBron James cuz LeBron just like how LeBron James right now LeBron James not the best player in the league no more he’s not even top three heck I can make an argument he’s not even top five but he’s the face he is the face and even though there would be people that could make the team over him let’s say if the Olympic team for the W for the um for the NBA if LeBron City wanted to make it they’re he’s going on the team why because he brings eyeballs it’s not about the short game it’s we’re playing the bro if you’re building the WNBA it’s about playing the long game you guys pray God bless us please God said okay since y’all can’t do it this way I’mma bless y’all with a star here and y’all are just and now that you prayed for rain you are literally looking back at God and complaining about the mud no it doesn’t work that way and for everyone that’s going to come in here and be like Oh Nitro you don’t understand you don’t understand I’mma kill the semantics how many of you have watched an entire golfing tournament I want to know now I’ll give you time to think [Music] so none of you have especially in the 90s nobody was watching golf nobody only people that was watching golf right were like the big golfing enthusiasts but they had some of the worst TV ratings out of any sport in the world nobody was giving a darn about it here comes a young man named tiger eldris woods and I’mma make it even worse with this one this is why this one hits more than any other one golf historically has been a rich white man driven sport it’s not just about being white it was rich if you’ve never watched the movie the greatest game ever played it was built for gentlemen you know what gentleman was men with money high class high order not only did you have to be white but you had to have money imagine them imagine them having to come to the conclusion that everything that they do has to revolve around a tiger very tanned Woods imagine the imagine the the the the the the bullet they had to bite knowing that everything around their sport stands around this man who was playing golfing games this man had people bu golf shoes golf pants golf hats golf shirts it became in style that’s not this listen this is not about opinion this is facts you can’t argue facts want me tell you what makes this even worse I’mma read this to you also Team USA veterans were concerned about how Caitlyn Clark’s millions of fans would react to her likely limited playing time on a stacked Olympic roster Percy Brenan sports right okay two other sources both longtime US basketball veterans with Decades of experience in the women’s game told USA Today sports Friday that concern over how Clark’s millions of fans would react to What would likely be limited playing time on a stacked roster was a factor in the decision-making if true that would be an extraordinary admission of the tension that this multi-million dollars ation who signs autographs for dozens of children before and after every game has called for the Old Guard of women’s basketball the two people spoke on condition of anom uh um enmity uh because of the sensitivity of the matter so you left her off because you don’t want to be part of the craze this is about sacrificing your personal Pride for the betterment of the sport I do not care how you guys view say oh that’s that she’s not the it doesn’t care that she’s the best she’s putting butts in seats I go back to this picture when have you ever seen a WNBA game out Pace an NBA game they had to move this game this game I believe it was uh a capacity crowd that could only hold about four to 6,000 people they had to move the game over to another Arena and they sold out of all tickets in 30 minutes that’s a sensation you capitalize why is that so hard I don’t care about your pride what do you think was going on in the NBA when Michael Jordan showed up the Old Guard was just like man look at this guy I think he jumped so high all y’all want to talk about Jordan Jordan Jordan Air this air that everyone was wearing the same Converse shoes they were doing commercials for the converse he’s like nah I’m Nike look at this tracksuit it’s shiny that’s what happened they got mad they got this and that but it grew the sport globally and regardless how they UPF felt regardless how they played hard defense on them they knew that what is so hard to understand with this I do not care about a lot of you guys’ feelings this puts more money in your pocket AIA Wilson is the best woman basketball player on the planet it’s not taking away from her it’s building her it’s helping her most people don’t know that most people that’s sucked boys people watching the games more people tuning in you become more of a household name that’s how this game works I do listen I swear to you I do not care about the semantics if rich white guys can admit that we need Tiger Woods y’all can admit like hey we need Caitlyn it just is what it is that’s how sometimes the dice rule stop looking oh cuz she oh because she’s a white girl and this and that and she’s a rookie she don’t know nothing it’s about building your sport think about the girls that are going to benefit off that it’s called sacrifice you’re sacrificing a little bit of your pride this is listen if I’m in the WM I’m one of the best players how I’m doing hey how do you think about this Caitlyn hey man I think she’s great for the league you know there’s a lot of women out here that deserve to get views and deserve to be um cherished and they’re not but because of Caitlyn is going to bring a lot more eyes and a lot more um awareness to the greatness that some of these women are and Have and Have and Have achieved in this sport so you know it’s a little crazy at times and and it gets kind of overwhelming but hey you know it’s building the sport I’m all for go women that’s hard you’re telling me that’s hard we can’t do that and then if I and I already know women are gon to some women are going to come after me I already know that look I want y’all to succeed once again when you pray for rain you got to deal with the mud you’re not going to get it perfect this ain’t Burger King you can’t have everything your way and a lot of the people now that are on the side oh this is for women and D y’all weren’t watching the WNBA either I told you I’m coming from Twitter the only two people that I knew were covering the WNBA heavily I mean consistently was D Sports shout out to D she’s a Steeler fan and S the locksmith and he’s a and that’s a guy those are the only two people consistently that I know was watching Keeping Up player they know player after player after player knowing the rosters knowing what um what’s it called positions people are playing knowing uh uh what teams play better against each other like like Styles make matchups they knew the best matchups in everything they knew gam they knew all that stuff they were locked in those are the only two people I knew coming from Twitter that did it consistently so if they had something to say I’m like okay let me listen to you but all the rest of Y they just jumping St being like Oh I want to be mad about something I need something to to to argue about and scream about and rant about shut up why because you are throwing stones from a glass house I have a little girl daughter I had told my parents I don’t H women’s basketball you know it’s not they’re like oh cuz I a basketball player like oh why don’t she picks up the ball like how you used to I’m like I’m like you know it’s not I when you when you want High success for your kid you want them to achieve everything you want them to have a great lifestyle and stuff if she achieve in my mind at that time she achieved the highest rate what’s the what’s the highest rate what what are we talking about earning 200,000 a year that’s what we’re looking at if she turned out to be the best of the best now people are actively saying girl you better pick that basketball up it’s whole different whole different game whole different side because people are watching there’s more money they’re going to have better lives they’re going to be able to do more things can you imagine when women start making $5 million a year $10 million a year $20 million a year because they can it’s like bro we need her like could you imagine like come on now bro like get out of your feelings and be real be factual factual that’s all I’m saying look at that that’s fact those are numbers that’s not that’s not a diss at at Angel Reese Amazing Star you’re not putting butts in seats like she is right now you’re not there’s nothing wrong with that inuries is amazing beautiful too bad long wo Glory Hallelujah girl look like a tall glass of chocolate milk on a hot on the day with a kabana like yo but that doesn’t take away from Facts fact she puts butts in seats it’s not the first time we’ve seen it in sports seen it in golf it is what it is eventually the Stars start to get known and even if she doesn’t end up being the best player in the league she helped grow its portfolio and at the end of the day that’s all that should matter but what do you guys think does it bother you that they you know a missed opportunity from the WNBA once again leaving Caitlyn Clark off of the Olympic team or are you on this thing saying no Nitro do hold up and real quick I want to show you this too because a lot of people don’t understand this either right this isn’t even the first time that they’ve done something stupid like this the D I already and and and real quick cuz I want to make sure that I said this I want to consider that uh being left off the Olympic team a snub Candice Parker and ni OK and Mike right were left off the Olympic teams right the year that she was left off um NECA was left off uh or NAA was left off of the um the the Olympic team she was the MVP that year the MVP Most Valuable Player they left her off that’s dumb dumb and that’s what I’m trying to say it’s not like they haven’t made Bad Business decisions before but it’s like ah who cares that’s how they were like oh so this not the first time that they’ve done stupid they left an MVP of the Olympic Squad MVP Kanas Park ended up being one of the greatest un women players of all time and they left her off for the Olympic Squad so that’s all I’m saying it’s just business Savage it’s like they’re the void of it it’s like you have a diamond mine or a gold mine you know what I’m saying in Marvel terms you hit vibranium it doesn’t take away from adenium or perto adamantium or anything like that we already knew what wolverine was you feel me but now because everyone likes wakanda right by Brin he is now taking off a bigger name in Marvel and just it is what it is before it used to be ad now it’s everything vibranium vibranium vibranium it built up it helped build an entire franchise when was Iron Man ever one of the most popular people in comics even though he was popular come on now bro but now you had to put him in everything why because that’s what the people wanted it’s what it is it’s part of the game don’t hate me hate the game but like always like I always said that’s episode of the wondering show thank you for watching yall know how we get down we have fun and we laugh but everything we talk about rooted in what facts and truth please do remember like subscribe hit that notification Bell leave a comment you know love the comments if you have not done so ready check out the one shows patreon yes three TI of content goodness W your consumption give it a look give it a try let me know what you think and if you’d like to donate to the channel help out equipment and such stuff like that bottom of the screen QR code QR code to a cash app cash located in the description of every video that we do name of it is money sign the wondering show super easy well once again this is the wondering show this your host n signing off and as always you know my slogan peace and I am out of here huh y finish him daddy a


  1. She got left off the roster because she's not good enough. Damn you, Dummies, she a rookie. She's not that good yet. The hell is wrong with yall. Popularity doesn't have anything to do with it, bruh.

  2. What does golf have to do with women's basketball Nitro. Apples & Oranges. Rookies don't go to the Olympics, dude. Not in women's basketball. What facts, if you don't include Angel Reece or Cardero.

  3. She's not ready yet by the time the all star game comes around she should be ready to play in that game. I agree with their decision to not add her name at this time

  4. Oh, yea. Also, she's a turnover machine. Leads the league in turnovers by a damn mile Nitro. "TURNOVERS" leads to points for the other team mane. Now those are FACTS.

  5. When Jordan first made it to the NBA, he was not the biggest draw in the sport. He has to earn that after a few years to prove how great he is. CC is getting everything under the sun off of just college play. Imagine if Jordan was already given GOAT status off of what he did in college.

    I get what you mean from a business perspective for the WNBA, but CC has to prove her greatness against what the WNBA has to offer

  6. Considering who's on the roster, what has Clark accomplished that she deserves to be alongside those names?

  7. They should just make a pity add and sit her on the bench for everyone to oooh an aaah for whatever reason they do. Get the money have her play a couple mins do a three point contest have her wave and keep it moving.

  8. The Mystic-Fever game drew more fans than the NBA finals game 1. Are you haters stupid or just ignorant? Nitro for once is right. WNBA players have been crying for more money and now it's staring them in the face and they are going to turn their back. They just can't stand a white, heterosexual, catholic being the face of the league.

  9. Nitro,

    Question. Why are so many Black men keep wearing a superman cape for Caitlin Clark but are mum on Angel Reese? You keep comparing Clark to real superstars…Jordan, LeBron…and Wilson. Bro you're talking straight crazy…she has not earned her stripes to be on Olympic team. This team was put together before Clark's rise in college. So someone on the Olympic team needs to sacrifice their spot for Clark? Dude has to be your worse take ever…and why are you exerting so much energy on this. Just weird…😂.

  10. It’s not sexist you’re just ignorant to the sport. She simply can’t compete AND needs a vacation!!!!! College pros AND Olympics. Bad Nitro smh

  11. And why are you sexualizing Angel Reese, Bro. You're not doing that for the white girl….just highlight her talent.😤

  12. Keep it nfl/ravens talk bro tired of the CC talk her fans and all the talking heads are trying to push her off on people and I'm tired of it. She hasn't been all that special in the Wnba and her supporters need to chill out until she proves herself. They put a target on her back calling her the goat and telling other women they need to be thankful/grateful to her. Until she proves herself and wins something she's nothing more than hype

  13. Go listen to RGII’s breakdown of why…her game still isn’t good enough. Popularity is not better than professional skill. Religion has nothing to do with it.

  14. She doesn’t have a global status. Now if we talking about a wnba Allstar game than i can understand your position. Olympic sports already have the exposure it needs. Th Olympic is about putting out your very best athlete out and she just not one this year but I feel like she will the next one for sure

  15. No one person has ever made the Olympics, and no one ever will, my dude. Stop it! You're definitely trippin bruh. Comparing Lebron and CC is absolutely insane. Please go back to Ravens content, smh

  16. Sorry Nitro first time I am not with you on this one. I hear you, but the Olympics are about the best qualified. You are comparing her to people who were the best at that time, Tiger and Michael. It's a bad comparison. No, people have busted their tails all their life just like her. The Olympics should be about the best qualifier. The Olympics should not be about the most popular. And I know she is bringing eyes to the league. Yes, this is a money-driven world, but it does not make it the right thing to do. Just because people have done stupid things before does not mean it is the thing to do now.

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