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Harvard Paper retracted for Editorial Failure. How new article gets facts on the retraction WRONG.

Attorney Antonio Moore discusses how Harvard Paper was retracted. And details how new Chronicle Education article on Joan Donovan gets how the retraction happened WRONG. Moore also includes a 2/2021 discussion he had with Ice Cube on the topic.
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[Music] welcome to tone talk how’s everybody doing today this is attorney Antonio Moore coming to you from tone talks I want to hit this have a discussion about the Harvard paper on [ __ ] and then also and when I say [ __ ] I’m talking about American citizen slavery the project myself and Evette Carnell co-created out of our shows and our content that led to a national discussion about lineage and reparations what I wanted to do was just briefly give a context there’s a new article about Joan Donovan by the chronicle um that actually is digging into Donovan but missing the realities of what this article was to my knowledge they did not reach out to me they did not reach out to eveton they did not reach out to the [ __ ] org I have no idea how you decide to discuss this paper about me personally and you don’t say to me I think it is a failure of Journalism in my belief um I also to my knowledge didn’t see them dis discussing the deeper context of move funding half of a paper if not more through the authors that actually were working on the paper they were they were working on salary for move on which is a democratic donor org but also the press secretary that is the press secretary right now was at move on as the spokesperson it’s not that big a few months if not a month before they started the paper and you don’t talk about that I don’t know what everybody understands but this that’s bigger than Facebook and meta the [ __ ] movement and what we were dealing with and what we were talking about and challenging the dynamic because if the demons don’t get 80 to 90% of the black vote they do not get elected this was everything and I don’t think you understand you don’t get to talk about the people writing the paper meaning they talked about in I’ll show you in a second and being a black woman and not talk about the American descendants of slavery that were attacked in the paper y’all better go tell that lady be respectful but go tell that author I put it under her thread so who am I talking about and what am I talking about Harvard Kennedy School misinformation review retracts article admitting editorial failures so covid happens covid in my view is weaponized to create a whole suppression of speech matali inunde who is not American descendant of slavery has weaponized Blackness to basically use it against [ __ ] black folk how’ she do that well this paper I have no idea how you running around talking about a black woman and didn’t read the paper and ask why would a black woman then attack black folks [ __ ] black folks with this paper Stephanie M Lee She Wrote This Chronicle article they are digging into Donovan and appears there are multiple issues with her what I’m concerned with is why you didn’t reach out to me I’m concerned with why you ain’t talking about move on in the dims and what’s going on I’m a I’m a Democrat I’ve been liberal my whole life but I don’t have to vote for an agenda that don’t concern me and don’t concern Black Folk I want to know why move on had five authors on that paper and ain’t nobody ask no questions the distortions of Joan Donovan is a world famous uh she’s a world famous misinformation expert spreading misinformation she was basically the head of the review the I guess the misinformation review that put this out it ain’t that big I need you to understand that the author wrote on her and they were critical of her but then when they got to this paper they left us out but talked about the paper but I don’t know if she read the paper Joan Donovan one of the world’s leading misinformation experts claims that the haryy Kennedy School shut down her work there to appease meta a major donor well how about we don’t do this and then we don’t have no reasoning to get left out by Harvard Joan to your in your department I don’t let that happen in your department that’s not that big Harvard Ken School misinformation review retracts article admitting editorial failure can we talk I got people in the C I got people in the chat today I’m not going to keep you too long we’re going to give context please support this channel ton is how you support or you can do super chat or you can do cash app or patreon please share this video subscribe subscribe but if you guys don’t support these videos won’t get made and I don’t know we’re we’re the last standing black politics that really is looking out for you not just screaming into the dark myself Evette Carnell the [ __ ] Org the ad or who galvanized and and and set up for us to try to get om the Office of Management budget and the censes to add AOS and partition us from a people like mutal under this flat Blackness she was not here for Jim Crow neither was her family she was not here for slavery neither was her family I have no idea how then you Mas inside of flat Blackness to create an identity crisis for the for the for the whole context of this story because you saying black and black people been oppressed by Harvard cuz used to own slaves what you got to do with that muali that has everything to do with my family and then you do the paper and then you acting like you the victim and author sets it up where she GNA talk about you but not talk about [ __ ] can we get to it today I want to have the discussion now I’m I’m actually glad they got critical of of Joan but I want to know why was move on on this paper and why were they allowed to be on this paper you actually should do do more research if this isn’t Central in your review because initially I hadn’t seen it shout out princess for sending me so I could see it and it was in there but when I’mma show you in a second it’s in the it’s in there in the context of mutal and Joan and this overarching story but not dealing with us like we not victims I found part of this article and no Joan Donovan was in charge of the review that published the article at one point she said mutal accidentally sent Joan a cell phone text message I don’t have Joan’s number in fact she blocked most adol people so the person who has her phone number you gonna put on the on the opposite side and you gonna somehow make her be with us when she was blocking us meaning Joan Donovan I found part of this article and know Joan Donovan was in charge of the review that published the [ __ ] paper the misinformation review what review am I talking about again I’m talking about this the misinformation review that was she was the editor one of the editors it ain’t that big she didn’t lead a campaign to retract the article where her review attacked myself Evette Carnell and [ __ ] or it was [ __ ] orc and the people in [ __ ] orc who did this who took the fact that I talked about covid first while they said we didn’t talk about covid I talked about it before everyone and told people to get water get uh a mask you can’t just lie so this is Cube talking about the [ __ ] project and the Harvard paper and how we dealt with a smear of us that had no factual basis let’s talk about it is the thought process I had when [ __ ] was created with me andette Carnell is reorienting the way black folks do politics reorienting our structural position making America aware that we have demands for our vote inside of that we got attacked inside of that you got attacked and what I’m starting to see is them attacks are basically getting to a point where they just made up now recently Harvard shorstein Center uh Kennedy Center uh uh I believe one of their bit one of their schools they put out a paper about American descendants of slavery [ __ ] the problem is that the paper is supposed to be academic research paper but reads like a political hitpiece a political hit piece not based on any and the part of the reason I have Cube here is because he was mentioned in his paper and and it’s incorrect everything is said about adolfs is incorrect before look I’m G set this up because I want to talk about cube in a second but I want to frame the show a little more before we get to that that’s just a taste it’s gonna be about 10 minutes and it’s I’m G start it back up in a second you actually should do more research it’s me this is me actually responding to to this this article from the distortions of Joan Donovan if this is C isn’t Central in your review meaning the Harvard Kennedy School retraction and the context of it the actual paper not the authors of the paper that is retracted I found part of this article and no J Joan was in charge of the review that published the [ __ ] paper she didn’t lead a campaign to retract the article where her review attacked myself breaking V [ __ ] or after the retraction it’s possible everyone was looking for cover it was called an editorial failure and I’m not saying it Harvard did admitting editorial failure this is the Harvard Crimson there their paper there at the school the retraction was issued December of 2021 so we had to carry this this paper that basically totally misrepresented all the facts and lied on me personally I talked about covid I said something about Bowman passing so many different things for from January of 21 to December of 21 and people told us it will never be retracted Harvard don’t retract academic papers all that often and when I say all that often in years so for this to be this mutal failed at a basic level of even understanding what an academic paper is and that is what’s in the article from about mutal and her being a black woman I’ll read to you in a second that makes no sense for you to frame that that way or allow it to be in this paper not given the facts in this article in this academic paper that attacked me after the retraction it’s possible everyone was looking for cover it was called an editorial failure so the retraction was issued December 21 the texts that the author of The of of the of the chronicle are talking about are from Fall of 22 why are they in here then you would need those texts to be from Fall of 21 of course eight months later from a editorial failure paper Joan might say something negative about the authors that let that put this paper out the question is why was movon involved a year before 2021 why you didn’t ask that the chronicle did you even know what am I talking about so when you look into this Harvard Crimson they got a section and in that section they got a section where they talk about and again I’m talking about this paper and I’m talking about the authors on this paper that was about myself Evette Carnell personally and the [ __ ] project the foundation had hadn’t even it was just for me [ __ ] rebuttal alleged the article was part of a smear c campaign by Progressive political action committee and advocacy group move on move on is a a group that came out of the Clinton infrastructure when he was dealing with the Lewinsky stuff and all of the things that came out from that and I believe they were calling for him to step down they fund Democrats there is no way that the institution that is Harvard that’s doing a paper on a group that is talking about a democratic down ballot position and demand a Black Agenda should have ever allowed move on to have half the authors let be involved with funding the paper Joan were you involved with that is the question you want to talk about meta I’m not talking about guessing I’m talking about facts you talking about emails nine months after the paper I’m talking about the truth before the paper even came out [ __ ] rebuttal alleged the article was part of a smear campaign so I don’t want people to get confused because there’s two articles I’m talking about the actual misinformation review article that came out that actually is the Crux of everything about how we use covid and weaponize it to harm the black community and black politics and all of it was proven to be an editorial failure then we have just a day ago or two days ago the chronicle a primary education kind of paper come out with a review of Joan Donovan but they’re talking about the authors and not the victims the authors of an editorial paper that was deemed a academic paper that was deemed an editorial failure you done reached out to who let’s get to it but in addition you have Jean Karin Jean Pierre who is the current press secretary Karen joins the Joe Biden campaign will no longer be NBC News MSNBC cont contributor move on said she will be taking a leave of absence to join the Biden campaign senior leadership is she even still at move on this say leave of absence it didn’t say leaving oh what a great sign about the direction of the campaign in June at at a move on Forum a demonstrator storm the stage at Jee Pier was speaking with Senator KLA Harris and she stood up and everything but what I’m talking about is this right here if this paper was in part through giving the funding for the authors funded by this same move on that should have been your whole Chronicle article how did this happen I did a whole review with Cube I put the full 30 minutes up um shout out to Cube for doing that for me and for ad off um I’m going to show you 10 minutes now I had started it a second ago um again this this is Cube on the [ __ ] [ __ ] uh paper in Harvard and we just talking about it back in February of 2021 this is back when everyone was telling us it would never be retracted the problem is and we’re that this actually enters the space of Lial and slander because it is that Incorrect and I will show you why right now and in Cube let’s just walk through this thing a little bit together when I when I when I see this thing it’s called disinformation creep [ __ ] um and basically saying that we strategically weaponize uh weaponize things against black folks and I I I I start to see you know here goes the whole thing right here and I start to see this thing and the authors are here and this again it’s Harvard Kennedy School and I think for a lot of people they don’t understand that ademic research papers have to be accurate they can’t kind of be accurate it’s not like a blog or anything like that what you see here is that this academic research paper is not only inaccurate it makes things up along the way now we got to frame this thing [ __ ] brings about a national discussion about reparations unseen since the days of CI house and for that we get attacked we got to be clear about Harvard’s Harvard’s relationship with slavery more recently Harvard profited from slave photos we have this reality but we also have a reality that some of the the the people that are in this paper not the authors but people that recited have been basically stalking [ __ ] more recently put out a story based on representations of some of those people and had to retract and reput the story out in the original they titled it black Scholars form effort to fight trolls disinformation I reached out to the one of the head editors of AP the Associated Press they had to redistribute they don’t like doing this and change the title and also what they had to do is change things in the article from misstatements about our positions on on black immigrants like Somalians also that they didn’t have any basis for and they had and and statements of us being dubious had to be taken out all of this went on but what they did didn’t talk about in this paper and in this article and at all is what [ __ ] have done the politics we push the way that we we you got to understand before [ __ ] there were literally nearly no sponsors on hr40 the was Wall Street Journal I talked to a guy who um made made this chart or was behind this chart and he he didn’t even believe until he actually go pull the data after tazi coach’s piece you see right here in that in that space that’s really low the amount of sponsors went down there was no momentum after Obama adol through my show Evette show put people in front of Buddha gig in front of uh Elizabeth Warren in front of Betto in front of uh KLA Harris in front of Bernie Sanders in front of Black Caucus members the videos on YouTube that is what triggered these people to start signing onto hr40 it is [ __ ] and AD off nearly alone but understand this is not this is something the only people I I get money from is the donations on this chat I do this out of the kindness of my heart just like cube is doing his black contract I don’t do this to be attacked with liel though and so now cube is is you your you you’ve also been dragged into this and there’s statements in this article and I want to get into the article and ask before I said have any of these people reached out to you before they put this out no okay they not going to reach out they don’t want they don’t care about the truth they just want they just want to hang on their article see and this is the problem cube is that this isn’t a political hit piece it’s academic research paper so they have to care about the truth I don’t know if everybody understands the gravity of what Harvard just did through these researchers but when you read this I’m gonna explain to you in a second I’mma use I’m G use four different sections I’m going start off with the cube section but the basis of this thing really was Corona virus and us saying don’t support the Democrats now we’ve never said those things in terms of don’t support the Democrats and I was among the first people to tell black folks about the Corona virus in February of last year in February of last year they didn’t they they missed all of that the article actually says the ultimate impact this is from this article uhh Harvard did let me make sure I pull it up uh disinformation Creek adol in the Strategic uh you know the ultim impact that [ __ ] may have had on the 2020 election will be hard to ascertain however it did have a notable media moment when rapper Ice Cube talked with the Trump campaign about his contract with black America in October which was heavily based on [ __ ] ideas Watts 2020 is the source that source is actually this article it is nearly a Blog that’s why it’s in the culture section I believe this is The Daily Beast correct me if I’m wrong but this is a culture section so this is almost like a culture blog like a you know celebrity blog you’re doing an academic research raer and you pull a culture blog but not only do you do that but it don’t say what you actually said so you said one thing you said however it did have a notable media moment when raer Ice Cube talked with the Trump campaign about his contract which was heavily based on [ __ ] ideas your Source though watch 20 your actual Source says that he worked on AB 3121 the one one of the most Monumental uh reparations bill ever passed in American history you left that out you made up a whole fact that never happened CU you did your your your your uh contract with black America independent of [ __ ] correct yeah yeah correct so they have it right here with no facts to base that and it’s not even in their citation which is a Block in addition CU did you not meet with both Biden and Trump’s campaign yeah we met with both Bo Biden campaign Trump’s Administration come on so look not only when you met did you meet with them but when you met with them it was all across media that you met with both of them Ice Cube has talked to Biden and Trump’s team regarding his agenda to help black Americans do you know what it takes to put out a paper in Harvard’s like I guess uh whole uh web of sphere of influence that makes it sound like cube is a Trumper in addition when you go and read what what what it actually says is that you said Cube recently entered into the this is the site that they use watch 2020 Cube recently entered into the accompany fry of years of this year’s presidential election he has yet to endorse Joe Biden or president Trump and when he appeared on Cuomo prime time this Friday he clarified his stance I’m not on nobody’s team I’m not on team blue or team red now that don’t read like you just met with Trump what I’m saying to you is I’m starting just here this is just the beginning we gonna get into it CU what do you want to say about this whole thing and what they done said about you and how it is this factual or anything well you know it’s uh it’s tricknology you know what I’m saying it’s it’s it’s true and falsehoods mixed in together uh to create their own narrative um so it’s to be expected you know um you know I think these you know schools like this have done a lot to ensure that you know we’re at the bottom of this pyramid so they ain’t gonna do nothing to help us get up yeah this is the problem the problem though cube is these kind of Articles lead to people like me being deplatformed they take these articles and then they give it to MSNBC and they give it to YouTube and they give it to the government you can get investigated by FBI or CIA behind this article you better be right though they’re not right and they’re not just a little bit wrong I mean you know to me you gotta fight you gotta fight for your rights you gotta fight for your position you gotta fight for the truth so you know I salute what you doing um you know having the information is the key key having the information is the key to show um you know their you know not only blatant lies but you know their their little study isn’t worth the the the you know I guess they don’t print on paper no more but you know you you might as well you know throw it away because obviously they didn’t go in depth you know it’s shallow as hell it’s some shallow [ __ ] and so it’s like a blow you know actually the blog is more accurate than the study again we’re going to get into that right now um and Cube as I as I go through some of this I want you just to listen to it and then tell me your response again I say where is the mention of meeting Biden you you you can’t be as an academic researcher somebody who brings somebody up who so clearly met with the person that’s the president now and bring up who was the president when he was meeting with both sides and omit that whole thing Ice Cube is meeting Joe Biden to discuss the rapper contract with black America again this is this thisinformation creep [ __ ] paper attack on [ __ ] these are all the authors part of what we see is that people don’t want to get honest with when you just don’t even know if this is coherent this is the actual paper this is two sections from the paper I’m gonna read these two sections to you Cube and watch how crazy it sounds in one section Evette Carnell went on CNN with K Al Bell and they have her quoted in that one section Carnell says that [ __ ] does not support Democrats who do not commit to its vision for reparation stating we haven’t encouraged anyone to stay home anyone but we have encouraged down Democratic down ballot vote for Democrats but the but the top of the ticket there’s no love unless you come to set to us and say we have a reparation plan which includes Financial outlays anything wrong with that Q don’t don’t that’s what it is right simple and plain but then they section two says another part of the paper this is their paper but [ __ ] argues that in order to secure reparations for native born black Americans they must abandon the Democratic party we’ve never said that in your own paper you show that we didn’t say that and we actually said support the Democratic party you have these kind of inaccuracies that is liable you have a direct quote not just in some kind of uh small uh uh conversation written down it was on CNN you can’t make up the facts to make up your own narrative about a group without facing and the reason why is because this was elevated to the level of Harvard Ice Cube has talked to Biden and Trump’s team regarding his agenda to help black Americans and I I just look at this thing and before I I’m I’m G let you speak a little bit because I’m continue on not gonna hold you too long how do you you know how do you isn’t that crazy how they just you know what I’m saying they they do what they do um you know the fact that you know you breaking it down for the people saying you know by them putting this in an academic journal or or academic uh uh paper or whatever um the they’re basically saying that these are hard facts it’s kind of like putting misinformation in a medical journal it’s it’s you know it’s something that’s very very um You Know It’s Just sh how you look at sh what what we’ve done is we’ve made a reparations push and I come back to Maryanne Williamson Cornell Maran Willam Williamson comes to my show on dash radio and I have her there I I try to frames more of the reparations information she takes that to the debate stage frames reparations unlike something we’ve seen possibly ever on the presidential debate stage yeah I didn’t get that was that was me doing that for black folks I didn’t do that so I can be attacked and lied on so we have the context of this of this Cube discussion around this Joan Donovan p uh discussion that in it and I’ll read some of it in a second discusses this paper but not us so you gonna deal with the paper and the people who put the paper together and then put them against each other after the fact but not deal with the victims who got the paper retracted and who got misrepresented in the paper make that make sense Stephanie Lee Harvard Kennedy School misinformation review retracts article admitting editorial failure remember that the paper came out January of 2021 and for a year myself and Evette Carnell personally and the [ __ ] uh found uh [ __ ] movement because there was no Foundation at that time dealt with as a result the ability for you to send that to Facebook send that to YouTube send that to Twitter send that to Democrats send that to companies it basically crushed the [ __ ] movement and any idea of individual black politics for [ __ ] American descendant of slavery black Americans and it was authored by mutal k k who is not [ __ ] and that is the question I’m gon read this to you in a second you had in Cobra who is pushing for reparations for all blacks so now I believe has killed reparations possibly with Evon and what they’ve done what am I talking about talking about this right here City sued for let’s talk about it paying hundreds of black residents 25 I told you 25,000 I told you it don’t make no sense what they was doing to offer reparations to Black Americans including descendants of black residents who lived no it can’t be including it could be only cuz then it ain’t it ain’t reparations no other way how do you not know that you had a cam Howard from in Cobra who was putting this nonsense together this Evon weaponized the Harvard paper here in this video that then got retracted and he never apologized and said I was wrong I got it all wrong can we talk how cam Howard co-chairman of incer boldly spread disinformation against [ __ ] referencing the Harvard article you had [ __ ] Foundation [ __ ] the movement do a whole presentation that was then sent out to Harvard to inform them how bad their paper is because Joan Donovan was ignoring us among others blocking us smear reviewed a response from the [ __ ] advocacy Foundation to Harvard Kennedy schools disinformation Creek and now you have an authors in in at the chronicle trying to represent Joan Donovan in part in some way as some kind of champion for our retraction stop it you can’t be an author you can’t be a champion for a retraction that happened December 2021 in a fall 2022 tweet how do you put that in your article I know you didn’t reach out to me Harvard School retracts paper attacking [ __ ] and its leadership where are the NAACP silent Urban League silent CBC Congressional Black Caucus silent this is the top of America how do I know it’s the top of America because the current press secretary was at movon who funded nearly half of the Artic of the authors to make this paper a month before it started let’s read some of this article because I went through a lot that triggered me wanting just to frame this this article that she put out and what I’m talking about now she was highly critical of Joan and it’s about that time I have no idea what she’s talking about this woman talks about using sock puppet uh uh accounts or something of the sort hold on ain’t that misinformation you’ll see in a second and then when and then if if if somebody caught the sock puppet account she would say I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t do that then everybody be like [ __ ] is making fake accounts in the the distortions of Joan Donovan is a world famous misinformation expert spreading misinformation you can go read the whole article but here goes section in the fall of 2022 Donovan and Collins Dexter this is some kind of a researcher or something that’s a black woman young black woman were texting about their misgivings with the disinformation creek paper that is eight nine months after the retraction of course you got misgiving you trying to find cover what am I saying again I need you to know the timeline I need the author to know the timeline from The Chronicle it’s retracted in December of 21 of course they got misgivings now it’s affecting everything about their reputation ask where the tweets are in Fall of 2021 ask where the tweets are in Spring of 2021 ask where the tweets are in Fall of 2020 310 388 3499 please call in I’d love to hear from you I understand it’s no body calls because I’m given a lesson in the fall of 2022 I don’t even know why you would mention the fall of 2022 that’s not how it’s done you’re talking about it from the aspect of what happened after a retraction none of that is everybody running it’s about what happened before that we could have told you how she blocked us when we told her it was wrong meaning Joan Donovan oh you didn’t ask us in the fall of 2022 Donovan and Collins Dexter were texting about the misgivings from the disinformation creep paper that had appeared in the Kennedy schools journal The Fallout from the retraction was still not over now nearly a year later that October Donovan heard from the sociologist who accused her of engineering the retraction and blamed her for among other things having seeded distrust she ain’t got nothing to do with no goddamn retraction she wasn’t she wasn’t talking to none of us she ain’t talked to me she ain’t talked to vet she blocked us I have no idea how you put that line in there you didn’t ask us we could have told you we could have told you to to to read how this is what triggered that retraction hold on let’s go back let’s talk about it let’s talk about it this right here smear reviewed a response from the adol advocacy Foundation to Harvard Kennedy school’s disinformation creep and we know that because sections of this were in their internal and external review they were not quoting Joan Donovan in their internal and external review of this paper they were looking at my video this is a failure for you not to talk to me Stephanie Lee I am traumatized behind what happened involving Harvard involving Joan Donovan involving matali who is not American descendant of slavery this is inappropriate and a failure I want to talk that October Donovan heard the sociologist who accused her of engineering the retraction and blame for her for among other things seated distrust with groups funded in the leading researcher whatever Fallout they have personally is not supposed to be framed around Blackness this is beyond that once you have a professional failure of this level I have no idea how you let this even slide in the article Donovan denied to me that she was responsible for any problems in K had with fund funders and K declined to comment around that time and notice she asked Inon to comment so you’re going to ask the person that came out of an editorial failure of a paper to comment but not the people that were attacked in the paper around that time Collins Dexter Was preparing to give a talk to funders about her work Donovan suggested that she mentioned in K’s retracted paper as an example of how funders eager to support black women aren’t vetting the field that paper was not vetted it was not reviewed we know that because they have a timeline for review for that that that paper and it did not meet that timeline we looked into it who told them to put them out put that paper out why and how did move on get such a high interest and get five authors on an academic paper coming out of Harvard on misinformation targeting a black group that was demanding a black agenda for a or or they was gonna go down by the Democrat around that time Collins Dexter Was preparing to talk to funders about her work Donovan suggest that she mentioned in K’s retracted paper as an example of how funders eager to support black women aren’t vett in the field come on SO a vet that paper huh you need to ask that in April of 2023 so now we talking about April of April of 2023 the retraction was a December of 2021 all the stuff after really isn’t supposed to be here of course people gonna scrambled in you got to find sources before the retraction not after in a in April of and con herself ex texted Donovan so now you’re telling me that a person that blocked us individually adol folk for even talking about a retraction is on the side of she’s on our side with a retraction and a person who actually has her phone number to text they’re on opposite sides and that person was allowed to put out a paper in Donovan’s review art review paper the misinformation review that’s she was the editor hired I believe in 2020 in April of 2023 in K herself texted Donovan seemingly by accident Joan has no money to to take to her new institution is demanded tenure she wrote adding a string of laughing emoji so far everyone has said no that’s just nastiness so now you seeing that in K this is her her her hero well why we still talking about her that way in this article Donovan Maul whether to hit back in ways that she is she as a media manipulation expert intimately understood what do I do she asked colins Dexter sharing the screenshot I want to post it to Twitter that could backfire her colleague caution so now we doing we doing uh quality control on what she G to do I felt like I was being used as a shield and a weapon in service of Joan but later that day Donovan reported I made good gangs with academics that follow me on Instagram after I posted a screenshot lots of them were wondering what had really happened Donovan then raised the idea of publicizing details of the dispute anonymously she asked cins Dexter do you have any sock puppet accounts how many people know what a sock puppet account is out there huh so we got Accused by the top people in America of being a Russian box and having fake accounts we had Joy Reed we had Angela Ry we had people that we don’t even know about at the top of of wealth and whiteness saying [ __ ] does fake accounts all my folk is real go ask Kremlin oh her name Kremlin I seen her at the conference go ask Mara go ask princess go ask Evette Carell huh but we doing we she talking the lady on misinformation talking about can we get some sock puppet accounts a sock pocket as defined by Don’s own team is a false online identity typically created by a person or group in order to promote a specific narrative or opinion so division or circumvent a previous account ban again kin Dexter refused to entertain the idea so what happens if she actually does these sock peate accounts and they find out well she’s gonna say I didn’t do them and then they gonna say well who did him and then they gonna say well [ __ ] did him because they might even throw in the [ __ ] hashtag how about it when as Donovan told me that she never actually posted the screenshot to Instagram she also claimed that she was joking about sock puppets so she get to joke let me say sock puppets to The Daily Beast oh I’m gonna use a sock puppet I got one Twitter account and it is tone talks I didn’t even know what sock puppet meant can we get to it support the channel can we get to the discussion today of what just came out and how they decided that we not the most important in our own victimization we going to raise up this white woman we GNA talk about this this uh newer immigrant black woman as a black woman and then we gonna Tire into the Adar but we not gonna talk about the Adar that she was suppressing with a paper that didn’t make no sense when ask Donovan told me that she never actually posted the screenshots to Instagram she was joking about sock puppets I certainly have never tried to stir a pot on someone in this way she told me but colins Dexter told me that in hindsight as a black woman I felt like I was being used as a shield and a weapon in Servants of Joan Jan’s brand and Jon’s public perception and accusation against her by other black women so black women black women black women black how about [ __ ] now you know why you gotta do [ __ ] because what happens is you misplace me for kamla you misplace me for kenin Pierre you take out the [ __ ] black man and you replace him with molan C how that makes sense do you even have a group this woman has set up a whole framework of black women as a like a racial category a ethnic racial category where you got in day in but what about to oh he not a woman he not he out now you know why we got to do ad off it’s a whole lot going on here Collins dixer now wonders if there was any truth to the accusation that Donovan had orchestrated a whisper campaign criticizing research was one thing she told me but it was another to get people defunded but colins Dexter told me that in hindsight as a black woman I F like I was being used okay K Dex now wonder if there was any truth to accusation that Don had orchestrated win campaign criticized the research one thing she told me but it was another thing to get people defunded ruin their careers or potentially be subjected to online harassment ruin their careers mutal and kundai put out a paper with the help of move on and also the Harvard Kennedy School that l led to an editorial failure that ruins careers I don’t want hear nothing about Joan Donovan talk about me again matali d g laugh like we can’t do nothing y’all just at off all right you got that stick though ain’t nobody playing a f to lie on me I just wanted to come to you and have a discussion about this this Joan Donovan article you can go read it please uh subscribe if you have to to to get the article but I wanted to talk about it this one right here the distortions of Joan Donovan and talk about the failures in the article and the fact that I do I do appreciate that it is critical of her finally but I I think there are huge failures where and also that it was highly disrespectful that they did not reach out to myself event or to [ __ ] org and we are not Central in the discussion and that they have not critically evaluated while muon was involved in this paper how they were allowed to put this paper out attacking black [ __ ] politics you want to talk about meta you want to talk about tweets that happened uh nine months or 14 months or 17 months after the retraction again I say it again the retraction came out December 2021 we had dealt with that paper or a shadow over us for 11 months I had I had one writer tell me I ain’t G I had one source tell me soon as the paper her editor ran to her and said that said that uh uh uh see this paper you don’t think that was all across the nation in newsrooms that paper was used to kill your politics Harvard Kennedy School misinformation review retracts article admitting editorial failure I was not on the California reparations after being the lead expert and some Fillin Camila Moore she was a fill in she’s a fan of this show she was a filian I can’t get on that panel if I’m on this paper that paper was out and was not retracted when they chose who was gonna be on the ab 3121 commission I need you to understand that they ended up with hair care a recommendation for hair care and uh I think it was some other school vouchers I don’t know some some nonsense as reparations in California that would not have happened under my watch this is tone toss please go to tone to . net subscribe donate and share thank you so much for tuning in


  1. Something ain’t right, this was a targeted attack to distort the ADOS movement. You publicly posted it then quietly retracted it.😳

  2. It was consorted effort to prevent Tone from being on that California reparations panel. Thanks for your hard work, Tone.. from bayarea, ca

  3. Thanks so much Tone for all that you do for us and everything that you had/have 2 sacrifice 🙏🏽 ❤️ We sincerely appreciate and support you

  4. I am currently working with Harvard GPL and they are the worst. They have no respect toward me and my other Black colleagues and are literally offended when we are confident in our objection to their actions. Call them out Tone!

  5. Tech has changed their ability to justify their standards of “reporting” documenting and discussing these issues! They will try and hide these facts despite ADOS being readily available to make corrections!

  6. Tech has changed their ability to justify their standards of “reporting” documenting and discussing these issues! They will try and hide these facts despite ADOS being readily available to make corrections!

  7. The levels America will go to not address its biggest sin/failure/black elephant in the room 😮. Kudos to ADOS 🔥🔥🔥👏🏽….the fear is that they will have to face this & finally make us whole 💸🙌🏾!

  8. I read this article. The author didn't even name ADOS in the article, which in my opinion was intentional. It was a direct slight to attempt to make the org insignificant. Just disrespectful.

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