Golf Players

LIVE | MAIN FEED | 10 a.m. ET Squad, June 8, 2024 | PBA LBC National Championships

Live coverage from the June 8, 10 a.m. ET squad at the PBA LBC National Championships with guest commentary from Kris Prather.

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Round of Applause right and good morning everyone from Bolero Mount Prospect in Mount Prospect Illinois this is the 9:00 a.m squad for this weekend’s competition in the PBA League Buller certification national championships I’m $2 Phil Bri will bringing you through the whole weekend of competition this will be the only live Main feed this weekend we’ll have Chris prayther in the booth about 10:00 local time so about an hour from now we’ll have Chris in the booth that’ll be the only live feed we have this weekend for a booth feed a Main feed with PBA Pro you’ll be able to watch Chris pray the bowl at 2 pm this afternoon uh we’ll get you some information on what pair he’s starting on and then you’ll be able to follow him all the way through the afternoon if you want to see how he does in the exempt division if you want to see how any of your friends and family do in any of the eighth divisions of competition well here in the main feed during this 10: a.m. Squad we’ll bounce around a little bit we’ll follow some hot hands as they continue to bowl and we’ll have some uh questions and answers with Chris Prather when he comes in the booth in about an hour if you have any questions about this LBC National Tournament there any questions later on for Chris pther uh drop them in the chat this morning and we’ll be able to get you those answers we’ll start you right now on Lanes nine and 10 we have Robert dolatowski he’s your top bowler on Lane nine it’s bowling the Open classic division Ben Snider bowling in the senior classic division Andre Eubanks on Lane 10 bowling in the Open classic Division and Jerry Matthew bowling in the senior classic division so all scratch players bowling right now here on Lanes nine and 10 eight streams for you to choose from so once you find your favorite player on those streams uh they’ll make movements every game so this morning with nine pairs in play uh these players a nine and 10 will simply move right next door to 11 and 12 for game two then the move to 21 and 22 for game three 23 and 24 for game four 31 and 32 for game five and all the way taking the big walk down to three and four for game number six and the nice part is especially for these players as they go through the day yeah if they H appear during this block that they’re just uh not happy with maybe do bat on or hit a pair they want to see how they pull every shot for a really good game uh they can go back and rewatch Us on YouTube uh PBA providing this coverage for free all through this 2024 League bowler certification national championships and so I know some of you may be watching that haven’t bowled the lbc’s yet and are looking to bowl the lbc’s if you’ve signed up great it’s appreciated if you haven’t signed up yet there’s still time to do so and you can do that right there LBC tournament for your 2024 PBA national championship tournament information for still openings for the next five weekends only Squad I know of that’s fully sold out is Saturday June 29th at 2 pm lots of big PBA 50 names will be on that Squad I know there was a question in the chat a little while ago about someone looking for Chris Barnes uh he’s out in Vegas at the USBC senior Masters that’s on a a different network as we like to say that’s being covered by TV so once again more information get it at LBC tournament they’ve got frequently asked questions they can answer for you you can sign up for a tournament Squad and lots of money available in this event $225,000 on top in the Open classic division $5,000 on top on the women’s classic and Senior classic divisions so it looks like we have a couple players Snider and Matthew that are not here not sure if they’ve resched squad or not kind of unusual you sign up for a tournament pay a significant entry fee and then not make it to the event so let’s see if this helps somebody said in the chat that microphone’s a little low this morning let’s see if that helps apologies if it’s been a little tough to get everything through here it looks like our audio is a little bit better now so there we go now we’re set appreciate everybody tuning in [Music] today once again if you have questions throw them in the live [Music] chat thanks Lissa for watching thanks Zulo the dragon Collins thanks for watching as well appreciate everybody tuning in you know the nice part about this too as mentioned in the chat is every pair in coverage you see if you go in [Music] the description below the video you’re watching on YouTube uh you open it up you’ll see all the pair by PA feeds so you can follow your favorite player as they make their way through this six games of competition let’s take a peek over here and Lanes 11 and 12 momentarily oh bad break there for Eubanks 11 and 12 got Mark Everly Mark Bing in the senior classic division got Ryan chapen chapen bowling in the men’s handicap division he’s coming with a 154 average Jim Novak Noak coming in the Open classic Division and William Harris Harris coming into the senior classic division so you know that’s someone nice thing too lot sometimes uh we saw a lot of it opening weekend teams signing up uh to bowl together four players bowling together obviously they’re bowling in the singles event right now now but there are the optional double events and optional team events four player team uh you don’t have to all be on one Squad but we saw that last weekend with a couple teams they all came in matching shirts pretty sharp B on the same pair they have different abilities uh in the doubles and team competitions uh they add in the bowlers handicap with whoever they’re bowling with for doubles or for team your first three games make up your doubles event total your second three games games four five and six make up your four player team event [Music] total and with only [Music] having a $25 per player entry fee on those events it really makes it easy to enter and you can even enter with a PBA Pro there might be some players that come in when Chris prayther Bulls today 2 p.m. central Time your start time for that there might be some players that might want to bowl with Chris payer maybe Chris will want to bowl with them uh all they have to do is pay the entry fee before the first player on a doubles event or team event bulls and uh you’re entered so if you want to bowl with EJ tacket EJ’s bowling later on this month and you want to bowl doubles you just would pay the entry fee before yourself and EJ bowl and even if you’re not here on site you can pay using the league Pals app uh to get those entries in way ahead of time as well so that’s one [Music] benefit to the tournament automation is that you can get all your events entered before you even show show up and just worry about if you like brackets if you’re a bracket fan uh they do have brackets available on every Squad to Bowl against the others on your squad scratch and handicap [Music] brackets yeah some people can be brackets fans I I I do enjoy an occasional bracket here and there back in the days when I bowled nothing wrong with getting in a a bracket pattern out here is the 43t LBC national championships pattern if you actually go to that LBC tournament information page they actually have the graph of that pattern available for you and they have all the numbers too so if you want to practice in your local Bowling Center prior to arriving here to blo Mount Prospect give you a general idea of how the pattern will play you can see what equipment works pretty well on it obviously the surface here at B Mount prpic May differ from your Bowling Center Angela good to see you’re going to be here next week feel free to stop by the booth say hi when you bow always happy to meet the people that watch the live stream Productions [Music] yeah this isn’t a sport pattern this is a kind of a cross between a sport pattern and a and a recreational or a house pattern uh just on the basis of it’s about a 4 and 1/2 to1 ratio on the pattern there’s a good chunk of oil in the pattern [Music] there’s almost 30 ml of oil in the pattern and with the 4 to1 ratio it really allows a lot of different varieties to get to the pocket we saw some players last week having some success early on on uh with urethane up the outside and then migrating towards the middle of the pattern making that big uh urethane to resin jump oh there you see a player looks like trying to use urethane right there for Noak maybe it’s not urethane maybe it’s just a kind of house shined rack the ball can’t get a good look from where I’m at here in the broadcast Booth uh for the women’s there’s two women’s division there’s an open uh women’s classic division which is a scratch Division and then there is a women’s handicap division as well so two different divisions for the women so that way I mean this tournament open all abilities and ages we do have for the players that are youth we do have a boys handicap and girls handicap Division if they want to bowl in a uh in a division and learn we had a young player last week that had an average hover around 20 that tried the boys handicap division so that is one thing come in get the experience of what it’s like at a PBA National event see what the pros do they move pairs after every game uh they have to record the serial numbers of their bowling balls on their score sheets uh could have your equipment checked our uh our head of equipment and specifications Neil stremel here this weekend uh we might be using your balls research and it also helps keep all the competition on the ultimate fairness level [Music] okay [Music] so we’re almost done with our first game of competition here of the six game qualifying round William Harris on a good run right now working on a four bagger to offset that open in the third frame and the high hard one does not get the four pin to fall for Harris so we’re starting to have some player movement and we’re going to come back with answering some questions Dro them in the chat and we should have Chris pay though with us right towards the beginning of game number three as the 2024 PBA LBC national championships rolls on from Bolero Mount Prospect thanks everyone for joining us this morning on our main feed here on our 9:00 a.m. local Time Squad a see you I need more frame [Music] [Music] the same f you [Music] F the Bo M for bu five games that’s aome for all right new players coming on we saw Eubanks and crew in game one uh Frozen grapes uh there’s eight op options you can choose from down in the description of the video we have all the pair feeds every game every Squad of the event uh we have a Main feed this morning we do have Chris Prather joining us in about a half hour tops uh in the booth so players will uh people watching will be able to ask Chris questions in the chat we’ll get a lot of them answer Chris will be bowling at 2: p.m. today local time 3:00 p.m. Eastern for those feeds later on so if you want to see how Chris prayther attack the lanes and follow him game to game to game through all six pair of feeds uh you’ll be able to do so all the way through his black [Music] yo and the one nice part Angela you met mentioned about practice for those players coming in next weekend every Friday night here at bolo Mount Prospect uh there is a practice session on this pattern uh that’s available when you get your email confirming your squad time for the weekend from the uh PBA LBC uh it should have that information about the practice session on there for you you do need to sign up in advance but if you’re getting to the Mount Prospect area on the Friday night before you bowl either Saturday or Sunday you you have the chance to take in that practice session and experience the exact Lane pattern you’ll be bowling on the next day so that’s you know one thing that’s really nice about this LBC National Championship it’s full transparency there’s other national championships out there that you might see a couple of shots if someone shoots 300 at 800 you don’t know what the lane pattern is before you travel so kind of you can make the wrong guess on equipment that you need to bring with you uh not an issue with this PBA LBC national championships full transparency of the F pattern full transparency of the pairs that are in play you can watch players that might have similar styles to you as they go across the house and see what equipment they’re using see what how they’re playing the lanes and that could help you as you take to the lanes here at brunsen Mount Prospect over our last five weekend weekends and once again you could have a special treat as well many weekends have a PBA Professional bowling on at least one of the squads if not more mentioned Chris prer today on the 2 pm Squad next Saturday on the 9:00 a.m. Squad Brighton early will be AJ Chapman then Sunday June 23rd at 11:00 a.m. Justin nolles Kevin mun and Zack tacket will all be on that Squad you imagine getting paired up with PBA Players Championship winner from 2023 Kevin mun having him on your pair Justin NES great run at the world series of bowling for Justin Zack tacking another solid PBA tour season along with being part of that Motown muscle with his brother EJ EJ you’ll see July 6th at 9:00 a.m. along with AJ Johnson and franois lavois [Music] almost all [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] Eubanks trying to get that double and he does as you can see watching these players it is a very playable pattern from many different angles many different approaches it’s just a matter of repetition as to getting through the one three p it properly for right-handers [Music] and joining me in the booth man had a pretty good 2024 he’s got a doubles title with Andrew Anderson on his belt for the Roth Holman doubles yeah not too bad not too bad we got Chris Prader in the booth with us and Chris uh not too far of a drive for you today uh to get the Bol Mount Prospect no total of 45 minutes oh that’s not bad at all yeah got to actually sleep in a little bit this morning didn’t have to wake up super early got up about 8:15 and got ready headed on over and now we get to hang out watch some bowling and bowl myself at uh 2:00 yep uh yeah so if you have questions for Chris drop them in the chat we’ll get to as many as we can as this goes along thanks to the uh wow a bunch of you there coming we’re looking forward to already seeing oh yeah we got 400 people almost in here absolutely watching uh some of these players in our Open classic and Senior classic divisions now when Chris takes the lanes today he’s in his own division he’s in the PBA exempt division so it’s not like these players here are going to be going against a score that Chris posts yeah honestly most of these guys are probably going to shoot higher scores in the pros will they did last year anyway yeah it it’s interesting because as we talked about I talked a little bit about the pattern earlier being a 4 and 1 half to one ratio that’s really really soft for what you see compared to what week in week out on the PBA tour and it already plays CLI Norm called the cliff when we had Norm Duke in the booth last week so you guys are already starting with a cliff pattern and then it’s going to get even more Cliff as you go along and repeat it so um here I’ll start with the first question what’s in the bag I mean you’ve seen something similar to this pattern uh in the past from last year’s competition and uh do you do you kind of you know I’m sure there’s some new pieces of equipment in there obviously storm Brands there all kinds of new balls that have come out uh what’s in the bag that you you’re going with and what kind of surface preparation do you have on so I brought I brought six balls and uh having you know the luxury of having bold here uh this season uh I kind of already know what bowling balls look good so I brought the new rotor grip XL and the new ion Pro uh mainly just cuz they’re new I haven’t actually thrown them yet uh if I’m being totally honest I’ve bowled one time since the TOC okay and it was last week in Michigan uh for a Memorial Day tournament and uh so it’s going to be uh you know an exciting day uh I did I did come in you know thinking about this tournament a little bit because the pattern is a little bit softer than what we’re typically bowling on I don’t necessarily want to hit what I’m looking at every single time because they are a little bit clipped um so I’m not exactly sharp but um I’ve been watching a lot more bowling than I have been in the past so uh my eyes should be doing okay and I think it’ll just depend on uh what everybody’s doing you know around me on the paars because you know if somebody’s throwing urethane I’m going to have to throw a little slower CU they’re going to get a little tighter down Lane and if I’m following a bunch of reactive then I should be able to play them pretty normal and uh I think it’s a a little a little tougher than your typical house pattern but it’s not going to be so difficult that you’re out here banging your head against the wall yeah we did have several players last week break the, 1400 Plateau so it’s it’s a 233 average if you shoot 1400 uh so we did have four players in the open class division get past that a couple notable player kind of funny a couple of Peterson winners Ryan col Meer and Matt stanager uh were both over 1400 and they thought compared to the tournament at Bolero wossa last year that there’s a little more difference pair to pair across the house here and it really keeps Shing your toes and you know for those people that maybe thought about getting intim all the scores are really high last year blosa these players thought uh that the scores would be a bit lower and Ryan colem actually said I’m going to get a bigger I shot the same thing last year 1430 and I’m going to get a much bigger check I think than I got last year oh 100% so yeah uh and it’s it’s funny because when we bowled the PBA event here the scores were relatively High I mean depending on the event they they were kind of high all year but the when we bowled here last the pair to pair was actually pretty good okay uh which led to scores being higher in the tournament then uh I do think that pair to pair is totally dependent upon who you’re following so that might have been kind of what he was seeing as far as the the pair to- pair difference but I think if you’re following you know people throwing reactive the entire time I think it’ll be fine and if they’re throwing on the urethane ball then you just got to be aware of it just cuz it’s going to drag some of that oil down the lane and make them just slightly tighter uh but I haven’t really seen any urethane balls going down the lane here today maybe one um but I also think that they’re soft enough to where you don’t need the urethane ball well not to put any pressure on you today but Angela in the chat says she has you as a doubles partner she’s bullying next week she’s already signed up with you as a doubles partner so so no pressure there Chris all right all right that is one of the fun parts of this tournament though is that you any other tournament in the world you might not ever get a chance other than maybe a proam and Chris really isn’t your partner in the proam because most of the prams it’s just your score that counts and the pros score you know they’re there having fun and they might shoot 300 with somebody else shooting the fill ball and a nine pin tap that kind of thing but this tournament you can have Chris Prather as your doubles partner you can still sign up before the 2:00 Squad today even if you haven’t registered for the tournament yet at all sign up for a future weekend get your doubles entry in on League pal as well sign up with Chris yourself pay that entry boom you now have Chris pther as a doubles partner it’s so cool uh somebody’s asking if they have me as a doubles partner no unfortunately uh I’m I’m kind of retired from Bowling actually because of the live streaming I’m working every Squad of the tournament so sorry you can’t have me as a as a fantasy doubles partner or whatever you want I’m sure you could find someone to run the stream it wouldn’t be as good most likely yeah but I’m sure you could find somebody to run the stream one for one block okay have you follow us around with the camera we’re going to follow you around the camera and see how you like it it’s beautiful yeah so well yeah we’ll definitely be talking to Chris after he’s done today so look on the PBA League bowler certification Facebook page later on next week uh as C we’ll talk to Chris after he Bulls the six games today and get his thoughts on what he saw in the lanes and as things go through the six games and you know watching The Fan it was pretty cool last week with sterer cuz sterer had a young uh young lady bowling with him and she was just so enamored to just be on the pair with the pro that kind of thing so I do think that having us Bowl you know whenever we’re available I think is really cool for the people bowling as well as convenient for us because you know after this weekend I’m busy pretty much every weekend all the way up until like August or September so there wasn’t going to be another opportunity for me to bowl however I do think that going back to uh you know people signing up for doubles with us and everything like that we’re stting bowled the first weekend right it’s tough for people to you know know when he’s going to bowl and say Hey I want Jason sterer as a partner right um so I I’m curious to see how those entries with the doubles and the the teams and everything like that kind of shape up in relation uh see if people still you know sign up ahead of time and and uh pick their partners and things like that so I do think um there’s pros and cons to both sides of it right really convenient because everybody that was bowling the tournament knew hey I can sign up when I get there to be to bowl with whatever Pro I want whereas now they have to sign up ahead of time uh but it’s also more convenient for all of the pro bowlers they can come out here and Bowl whenever they’re available so question in the chat somebody’s asking uh the question is there five difference between when they use urethane versus reative so I’m assuming that’s targeting and stuff like that but when do you know when to use urethane and when do you know it has to go back in the bag and reactive has to come out I mean it’s never a one case covers all scenario but there’s got to be some Basics you look for in ball motion for the difference between urethane and reactive yeah there’s two things that I look at um the first thing is just specifically throwing the bowling balls right we’re not even talking about Lane patterns because people throw it on 45 ft now right right um but for me it’s if that urethane ball is not reading the lane fast enough even with surface on it then I go go to a reactive ball because the core and the flare potential just isn’t there to get it to grip the lane um the other thing that I look at is kind of it goes hand in hand is if the ball is starting to read too early which means it’s either going offline and you know going high consistently and forcing my feet too far to the left if I threw it with my second hand on the ball it wouldn’t be that big of an issue uh but because I have my thumb in it as that urethane ball starts making me go left and open up my angles it doesn’t get high enough on the head pin so it always flat 10 or two pins so as soon as I see that first or second flat 10 or I feel like that ball starting to force me a little bit too far to the left to where I I’m having to kind of force it to hook or force it to strike uh and I’m not I I feel a little bit more in a box more or less um I I get out of it I’m probably one of the people that gets out of react or out of urethane the fastest but it’s because I throw it with my thumb if I didn’t throw it with my thumb then it would be less of an issue I’d be able to throw it for four or five games like troop and uh and Simo and all those guys you yeah all those guys this weekend I got to compete against those guys later on today cuz don’t forget everybody uh CBS Sports Network today uh the top eight from the last two-year rolling points list are in Bethlehem Pennsylvania Steel City Bowl and Bru for the PBA tour finals 4 hours of competition today 5 hours of competition tomorrow so if you’re not watching us here from Bolero M Prospect get yourself CBS Sports Network or if you don’t have it just wait a wait a little bit and it’ll get on the PBA YouTube channels as well so but some great competition there as well and uh yeah I don’t know if you looked at the uh step ladder but it’s going to be a two-hander versus a one-hander guaranteed yeah cuz the the two pods the two pods are also there’s a two count on uh Lane 10 right oh yeah yeah yikes so there is OB there is OB uh so anyway uh yeah the the one pod is all the two-handers so it’s uh belmo Simo troop and pachy and then the other one is Bill Marshall Jacob and EJ yeah I think Tom Clark had something to do with no it’s just how the points worked out cuz we all know it’s they they see them by certain point positions and uh almost got the uh conversion almost got the yeah let’s take a peek over on that par not we’re done with 11 and 12 for game two well in the game three here uh we’ve got Frank orama who’s in the men’s handicap division he’s coming with an average of 165 we’ve got Cory jumper who’s in the Open classic Division and then here you see up going a little wide is Sarah orswell and Orwell bowling a women’s handicap C division she’s coming with a 158 average and that is one thing that so great about this tournament you can get a PBA tour type experience coming into this event and you don’t have to be PBA T caliber yeah absolutely two players averaging in the 150s here on this pair goes to prove it and they have a chance to make TV just like you do the same chance to get the Bas side ball how about that for the cover nice spare never easy under the uh the live stream lights you know I this entire what how long has uh Nolan been working with the PBA couple years now a good couple years for noan Hughes yeah I I whenever he walks around with a camera or his phone I hate seeing him my strike percentage when he’s around and he’ll attest to it has got to be less than 10% it he said that it took him an entire day to get me get a a video of me striking and this was when uh Andrew and I were bowling really well at the doubles oh really so it wasn’t like wasn’t striking he just every time he came around it was some sort of split so was I I had that same effect this year at the World Series on Stu Williams oh yeah I did get a couple of gestures made my way by Mr Williams it’s so funny to like whenever Nolan comes around I’m like dude go away and it’s uh but it it’s not even uh it’s not even Nolan’s fa fault it’s just a just a happy coincidence it’s it’s it’s it it is funny watching uh some guys who like legitimately get mad about it uh where they’re like ah the camera’s around I’m not going to strike type of deal and uh but it’s totally just a a happen stance type of deal it’s very very uh at this point Nolan and I just laugh at it let’s see what we got here for another question in the chat oh what do you uh what do you do if a bowler you probably do a little coaching on the side as well Bowlers that aren’t balanced with speed and rev rate they’re either speed dominant or rev dominant is there are there let’s say there’s a bowler that’s speed dominant is there a drill that that type of player could use to increase the Rev rate or maybe it might be just a change in pitch or or something B pitches or yeah the the rate thing the the first thing that I would that that I would have them work on would it it would totally depend upon like how big the difference is right if somebody has a 125 rev rate but they throw it 20 mph right I would try to find a way to get those closer together first by dropping the ball speed and then by increasing the Rev rate um I feel like it’s a lot easier whenever it’s those big drastic differences but when it’s small because my goal is always to try to match the ball speed to the Rev whenever I’m bowling in non PBA competition right but that’s because in most scenarios I’m on the higher level of the Rev so I don’t need to throw it as slow as I do out on tour because we’re not bowling on as much volume and I’m typically transitioning the lanes a little bit faster out in the amateur world than I am on the PBA side right so when it comes to like coaching those types of things if someone is very speed dominant I have them focus on their Tempo meaning how fast their feet are moving to the line because that’s going to help them control that ball speed more consistently and then if they are uh really low on the Rev rate I will have them focus on just trying to keep their fingers uh their middle finger and the ring finger or whatever fingers are in the ball underneath the equator of the ball so if you take a slow-mo video of yourself from behind and you look can see you know you cut the ball in half like you do the globe right that equator you want to try to get your fingertips underneath that equator in like the southern hemisphere of the ball and that will help the unload process right cuz you’re unloading more and that should increase your rev rate and that’s the easiest way I have of explaining it uh once we get into like engaging the elbow and trying to create that more of like yo-yo effect then it becomes uh a little bit more process oriented and you have to try and feel more and there’s more uh things that you have to work on that really I can’t explain over video cuz I have to show you and then explain how to do it and then make sure that you’re getting it set up right so that way you can then feel what I’m talking about um and then if you’re uh more rev dominant and you have lower ball speed it’s still focusing on Tempo but increasing that Tempo from let’s say you go 1 2 3 4 and then you slide right let’s say it’s now 1 2 3 4 right you you see how that Tempo just kind of increased a little bit and that small jump is going to increase your ball speed significantly right that could be a mile an hour just right there just focusing on your Tempo because you’re getting your feet moving in a proper away and you’re accelerating to the line most people they go 1 2 3 4 and they try to accelerate at the last moment but they’re trying to get going so fast that they have to slow down so everything else catches up and what we want is trying to accelerate the entire time at the line or starting out slower so that way you can accelerate and save all that energy that you’re trying to build for the release point oh this is one of my favorite questions to ask you guys that are on tour because I know how much it can get under your skin oh gosh sorry to say it but Bowers just don’t look like athletes you look at Soak soccer hockey football majority are fit lean muscular to some degree yeah no I don’t have a problem with that I agree yeah so [Applause] why I mean people look at recreational Bowlers on their Thursday night league and we might see that you really don’t see that out on the PBA anymore you don’t see the the Steve Cook or the Old Dell Ballard where they would get through you could you can’t get through a major tournament nowadays with the physicality of the game without being physically fit because you can’t Bowl when you’re tired let’s be honest you can’t Bowl if you’re tired and exhausted out there you’re going you’re not going to keep up with the rest of the field yeah exactly and I think the biggest thing that when it comes to bowling right this is just my own personal opinion right we have someone like Kyle troop who’s in the gy a lot right I don’t know if people know how much Kyle’s in the gym but I’m pretty sure he goes four five six times a week uh Marshall’s in the gym a bunch um Chris VI obviously like I’m just trying to think of the the handful of people that are in the gym more often than what you would expect right someone like me I work out at home I do a lot of body weight exercises but if we are being totally honest like our game is so much more luck based than I think a vast majority of people realize and it’s also yeah physically throwing the ball right we have to be able to physically throw the Bowling Ball but it’s also about using your brain and being able to visualize what’s on the Lane right now mhm because if we’re just looking I’m not I’m not picking on Frank here but right like his score is showing that he doesn’t really have control of the lane and he doesn’t really understand what the lane is asking to do he’s not visualizing the pattern mhm right so that’s the side of bowling that house shots is completely obliterated right people don’t have to visualize what the oil pattern is asking for anymore because they can just Chuck it to the right and it’s going to hook because there’s friction over there whereas right now they don’t have that free hook so they’re trying to do something that they typically don’t ever do which is visualize what the oil pattern is wanting you to do based on what I’m seeing and the couple of uh guys that thrown more than a a strike or two is straighter angles and a little bit of surface right that’s that’s kind of what I’m seeing here right that’s probably going to walk right in the pocket throw a stri really straight he knows how he you know he understands his limitations he’s not trying to overhook the Lane he’s just trying to control the pocket and uh he’s bowling a really really good score right now yeah so that’s kind of what we’re looking at and so I think you can can be too physically fit or too muscular because similar to like golf right we have rotation we we need flexibility and if you look at a lot of especially on the women’s side right the women have very very flexible hands which allows them to keep their fingers in it longer so like someone like ad Daria right if you ask her to like Bend her fingers back they they’ve been back a long way they’re super flexible which is why she can create a lot of the Rev rate that she does and if you watch someone like an EJ right his hand is very very I guess malleable I guess is the the word I’m looking for right he’s super flexible and his fingers are in the ball for such a long time which is again why his rev rate is so high now the two-handers don’t really have to worry about that all that much um because they throw it without their thumb but if you throw it with your thumb you want your fingers to be flexible you want your wrist to be flexible which is why a lot of the one-handed Bowlers end up with you know that kind of mid to high rev rate if they’re working on it a bunch because they still have to worry about clearing the thumb right if you are just a new bowler starting out I suggest throwing it without your thumb because the rate at which you will get shoot higher scores I guess is how I should say it okay is going to be faster right because you don’t have to learn how to clear your thumb out of the ball that’s why it’s such a big thing when you get a new ball like hey you know if I throw if I throw in my thumb I got to make sure that my thumb comes out of it cuz otherwise I’m not going to throw consistent shots so yeah the physicality of it and being physically fit matters but it’s not the most important part of bowling I think the most important part is knowing how to knock all of all 10 pens down cuz that’s the goal and the process in which doing that is figuring out what the lane is asking so I don’t know that Bowlers have to be as physically fit as soccer players or football players or baseball players or or people that play other sports because it’s not as physically taxing we’re not running to the the foul line unless you’re Jacob butruff right uh you’re not running to the foul line you’re not trying to throw the bowling ball 30 mph you’re not trying to do all of these physically taxing things you’re trying to replicate a feel and a ball roll and that takes the fine tuning and feel of you know the the less bulky muscles right you have to be able to say hey I want to create 45° of axis rotation or I want to create 75 you know Norm Duke being one of the best Bowlers ever wasn’t a physically you know dominating presence and that’s not because he’s a short guy it’s just he knew what he needed to be physically to create the best version of himself on the lanes and I think that that’s totally fine do I think that Bowlers in general should spend more time in the gym sure yeah I think that that would be great for our image and I think that the those type of those types of questions would kind of go to the Wayside but I also don’t think it’s going to change the you know worldwi or I get not even worldwide but the American general population perspective of Bowlers drink beer and eat pizza while they Bowl right I don’t think that that’s going to change but if you look at the Youth of today right the the the guys that are going to make me retire all of them are in the gym all of them are are going to college and and you know they’re working out and they’re taking better care of themselves and they’re you know that physically fit kind you know type of body that these people are talking about so I think that the perception is changing and the the the the people are changing but you can’t expect somebody that’s 40 years old or 35 years old that’s probably never gone to the gym or maybe they did but they were 20 right you can’t expect them to just be like well I’m changing my whole lifestyle yeah right yeah it takes time oh and and one of the Prime examples of that a great coach uh to this day Dell Warren who was on the pro tour back in the 90 ‘ 80s and 90s and and D had to retire from the tour because he became too muscle bound on one side his doctor told him if you would have pulled 10 minutes a stay left-handed to you mentioned the flexibility and rotation that you need he messed up his flexibility and rotation because he became too muscle bound on his right upper half and his left lower half with with with bowling so so one of the things he works with with his athletes however is flexibility training rotation that type of thing and they have all kinds of different tools they use to work on that so it’s kind of ironic that you you bring that up and and how it’s been that way in Bowling for a long time that now people are knowing what they need to watch for it’s not just hey I can get out there and keep throwing a bowling ball no you got to work on all the parts of your body as well and and just uh 3 weeks ago I think um the I worked with the gentleman that was at the uh World Series in Detroit uh Paul with FasTrack physio okay um and we were doing some just drills and trying to figure out what my limitations were and everything like that I had 20 or 25% less rotational flexibility going to my left side than I did my right side really yeah 20% wow and the only way to fix that is by obviously stretching out all those muscles but I was also significantly weaker on my non-dominant side right which makes sense a little bit um but because you know when we bowl or when I bowl personally I use my I slide on my left leg and my right leg is pushing into the foul line so I’m still using it my legs weren’t too bad but when it came to just rotation in general it was a 20% deficit all the way around wow yeah how about this little guy Robert coming in [Music] rightt trist oh Tristan I’m sorry yeah Robert’s bowling on the other Tristan bowling and the boys Junior handicap comes in with a 172 average and as you mentioned these two-handers just it’s the revolution game and we have uh a question about a one-hander but no thumb so kind of a Tom dhy like uh type of thing and let me get that question back up here as uh how do they uh work on their speed consistency they seem that not have that much problem with the accuracy but uh speaky is the big uh cause for alarm so how do you work with with no thumb no second hand uh it it really just goes right back to tempo right and uh not having watched you bowl I’m going to assume that typically the Miss is you try to throw it faster and it immediately just dumps into the lane and then double bounces um and that goes back to funny enough if that is your Miss I’m not saying it is but if it is uh typically that is because you’re not strong enough to keep your hand underneath the ball right if you look at Tom dhy um the if you watch him when he balks right he literally like catches the ball with his hand on the other side of it and then throws it up in the air yeah and to to be that physically strong because it’s so easy to like if I were to do that and try to do that my my wrist would not it would collapse and the ball would go down the length so if you’re trying to throw it faster and also keep your hand underneath the ball without your thumb in it you have to be able to use your legs to throw it fast not your arm because when you’re trying to whip your arm and and create that ball speed the wrist is going to collapse you’re not going to be able to keep your fingers underneath the ball and it’s just going to dump into the floor now if you don’t have that Miss it’s still the same thing try to use your legs to generate the ball speed because your legs are typically stronger than your arms if even if you don’t go to the gym right you’ve never gone to the gym in your life your legs are what’s holding you up all day and it’s what’s moving you around you run jump whatever your legs are just naturally going to be stronger so focus on the foot Tempo speed with your feet and focus on trying to make it an acceleration to the line instead of acceleration slow down acceleration right you want it 1 2 3 4 or 1 2 3 4 right you want it accelerating as you’re getting closer to the foul line because you’re trying to generate that speed and acceleration onto the lane and you want it to be more natural right whenever you’re running you’re not picking up speed and then slowing down and picking up speed you’re trying to keep it a consistent yeah even a hurdler is not slowing down before they get to a hurdle exactly so yeah uh oh well here’s the somebody asking is this tournament alcohol free or are adult beverages allowed actually if you were Bing a PBA tour or PBA Regional event you would not be allowed to drink while you while you bow however here rules a little elusive for the PBA LBC national championships uh if somebody wants to enjoy an adult beverage at 11:00 a.m. while they’re bowling they’re they’re more than welcome to saw there were some drinks specials at the bar on domestic bottles and even mimosas for those that want to it is breakfast time take care of it is breakfast time so yeah so yeah rules are a little looser here for the PBA LBC national championships than they would be for a PBA tour stop or for a PBA Regional stop so uh somebody I do my best bowling buzzed that’s makes my bowling a game and not a sport well yeah everybody gets have a little fun with it sometimes no doubt about that yeah I think that the uh the rules on the alcohol consumption are perfect because if you want to you know if you’re the type of person that wants to come out bowlet tournament have a beer or two uh no problem but if you’re the type of bowler that wants to take it super serious and and have that competitive feeling you don’t have to indulge JT in the chat says Chris I really appreciate your professionalism and transparency you have one of the best deliveries on tour I appreciate I have to agree with that you do have one of the best forms on tour and that’s one of the things when you post a shot it’s you could hold that for couple of days if you wanted to no doubt about it yeah I I will admit uh it was something that I I worked on with Brian o’ the Team USA head coach um we notice that every time I post a shot and it’s like that solid finish at the line my ball uh reads the lane a little bit faster but I think it’s cuz it comes off my thumb a little cleaner okay so it gets into a roll a little quicker so whenever they’re uh you know a little tighter in the middle part of the lane you’ll see me posting more shots just cuz that’s a just a personal belief that I have now of hey if I post this one my Ball’s going to hook more so for those of you joining us a little late he’s Chris payer I’m $2 Phil bro we here at Bolero Mount Prospect for our fourth Squad of the PBA LBC national championships for the 2024 Edition uh the lane pattern is a 43t pattern almost 30 m oil in the pattern it’s about a 4 and 1 half1 the ratio uh so for a lot of these bullers out here it’s something that’s a little tougher than if they only Bowl leagues that type of thing for somebody like Chris is a little tougher cuz it’s not as tough as the PBA tour and he’s got to play a little bit different so we’ll let him talk about that a little bit more before he uh he leaves the booth this morning uh so that way you guys can hang out for a little bit while and uh check out what’s going on everybody’s saying thanks for answering the questions Chris and if you have questions drop them in the live chat we’ll get to as many as we can here yeah and I will say I didn’t realize that there was going to be 30 MS of oil on the lane that’s probably close to 15 maybe even 20% more oil than what these people are typically bowling on on like a house pattern yeah right you know most house patterns are somewhere in the realm depending on the Bowling Center of like 20 Ms to like 25 so not only are they bowling on a tougher pattern but they’re also bowling on more oil so they’re you know those super shiny bowling balls that you can throw on your league pattern aren’t going to work as well with that that shine on them right I’m a person that uses surface all the time right if I’m throwing a shiny bowling ball they are the lanes are on fire there’s no oil on Lane um and so here this is very similar volume wise to a lot of the oil patterns that we’ve bowled on on tour so I think the the people that you know are those somewhat competitive Bowlers CU even in like regionals right if you’ve bow a regional before most of the time those patterns are still around that 22 to 27 mil range so this is even more volume than that uh so people are seeing something different than uh what they would typically ever see cuz most bowling centers don’t want to invest that much money into oil on the lane because they don’t have to protect the lane as much because they you know they know their league base and they know how much traffic they’re going to get they know how much oil to put in the lane so that it’s not tearing up their their property protect the track and that’s the bait that’s the biggest thing protect 8 to 12 on the right side and they’ll be just fine exactly uh oh here’s a good question could you be effective on tour without having a loft game uh I think it’s becoming uh more easy to to make it without lofting okay um only because our formats are getting shorter um there are times where the like what we were just talking about the track being so dominant there’s so much friction because there’s been so much league play and open play in the bowling center that no matter what pattern is out you have to start at 20 and in that case I would say probably going to have to work on it a little bit uh but I would say s or 8 times out of 10 it’s probably fine uh we don’t bowl on double burn anymore uh we really don’t bowl on you know formats long enough to where it requires us to really LOF the gutter a significant amount um cuz even when I’m looking at like 30 or 32 with the arrows like I don’t really have to Loft it that far right if anything I’m trying to get it an extra like foot out onto the lane cuz I’m not trying to throw it to the arrows from there right I’m just trying to get it over the gutter um so it is it is feasible but there’s also a lot of times where the front panel hooks a lot whether it’s because it’s an old panel or uh the lanes just hook that much in the front uh where you do need to throw it at least you know 5 or 6 feet out on the lane just kind of not necessarily like ma but in that General consensus of like my Ball’s hooking as soon as it touch of the lane um I need to get it over cuz I don’t know I don’t know if you knew this was a thing uh I found this out the hard way when I was in college but there are some bowling centers they have so much open play that they’ll actually go behind the lane machine and uh squeegee up the oil on the first three feet because they don’t want people to walk past the foul line and fall yeah right so I I bow a tournament and they just did that because that’s what they were trained to do and I was like we’re tournament Bowlers so immediately I was like okay well now I have to throw it at least 3 ft onto the Lane right right and most of the time it’s maybe a foot or two and uh so there are you know some situations where you just have to throw it over the front part of the linee cuz there there’s really no rule about where the oil has to start with the USBC rules I mean you know if they want avalan with zero oil across it it’s perfectly legal with the way with the way the USBC is nowadays kind of Pierce Andes that happens but yeah I I do know of some senators in the I’m from the mil here I do know of a couple centers that uh for open play they do not oil the first 3 feet the lane just in case somebody would to cross the F line or step over and so they don’t fall but uh yeah they usually set it back when they know there’s tournaments coming in yeah and and which I think is totally fine that’s totally fine but I also like if you’re running a tournament and they’re not oiling the first 3T of the lane I do think that because of how 99% of the tournaments are I do think they’re needs to be some sort of announcement like hey guys just so you know there’s no oil in the first however many feet of L here you go uh and then let them figure it out so long story short yes you can make it out on tour without a loft game but I do think at some point it’ll bite you in the butt yeah especially if you get to a US Open type lock or something that nature uh hey even on I mean you guys don’t have it on on the on the regular tour at all anymore but you know the look at this past week for the USBC senior Masters yep oil fresh oil bir squad double burn Squad so even those guys on the senior tour are getting into their Loft game a little bit yep and I I I wish that we’d still B on the double burn stuff cuz I don’t really get any good until we get left to like 20 or 25 right so you know I need that double burn in the burn see and that’s one and that’s one thing I’ve always en enjoyed about the tour and especially like the times I do actually back in the day when I was on extra frame or the times now I watch on bull TV which is you guys do things out there that us mere mortals can’t do I love watching baseball I can never hit a home run and watching those guys go yard and hit a 450 yard 450t bomb is phenomenal I can’t hit a 300 yard drive like tiger I can’t Loft the left gutter on double burn and watch it go 45 ft down and just right back in the pocket and I always thought that was great for you know a couple of times a year for tournaments and that kind of when it got to that point cuz it shows what you guys can do that mere mortals can’t do I’d love to see that back even for just one event where you guys have I mean obviously now on the regular tour whenever possible they have single squads but for them you know even for the majors if they you know obviously the US Open is is uh three squads and uh the Masters is three squads you know there you know take the Masters back to to to burn you know fresh burn double burn that’d be awesome I I’d enjoy that thoroughly me too cuz it’s just it’s fun it’s fun to watch it really is yeah it but it does get to a point where it gets a little excessive because because a lot of us can throw the ball so far that it does actually damage the panels sometimes because it is you know 15 or 16lb object falling down from sometimes 6 or 7even ft right so I it looks awesome but I also know the the reasoning that they’re getting away from it is the Proprietors are like hey you guys can be here for a week and then you leave I still have to deal with all the damages after you know somebody doesn’t clear the gutter cap right yeah that’s true yeah some some hack that just yeah I saw those guys do it and yeah okay all right so we got to go both sides that’s but it’s just in my appreci it’s just it’s so cool to watch because M Mortals can’t do it y I’m the exact same way as you when it comes to sports I like man you know I would love to be like a Ray Lewis and just no matter who’s coming down the down the hill at me I’m going to knock him out yeah but I’m I’m 5’9 and 185 lb or 190 lb like it ain’t going to happen yeah or or be yanis and just dunk on everybody I don’t even think I can dunk with a trampoline nowadays let’s be honest so uh Chris you wear glasses have you ever tried to bowl with contacts I did yeah I did it in college um and I probably would have stayed with contacts but they got super expensive so I just went back to glasses and then obviously you know without the contacts I’m not you know Superman or whatever as people call me so so hey there’s a couple more questions in the chat we’ll get to we’re going to take a short little audio intermission here uh I’m going to refresh a beverage give Chris a chance to grab something I suggest you do that as well and we’re going to come back with the game four competition we’ll get Chris for uh probably one more game here answer some questions and uh thanks everybody for joining us this morning from bluram on Prospect wouldn’t be surprised ni [Music] [Music] this sus [Music] all it’s all right [Music] could I don’t know why that Happ it on the screen [Music] really [Music] [Music] this [Music] they got us just [Music] you [Music] [Music] got I’m I but like hly got yeah they just started I’m inas City yeah do wor [Music] [Music] over seven so far [Music] all right here we go back with Chris Prather M2 Phil R over here 9:00 a.m. Squad PBA LBC national championships another Squad today at two that Chris will be bowling on and we’ll have another Squad tomorrow 11:00 a.m. this is the only Booth feed for the weekend the only Main feed so if you do have questions for Chris we’ve got for another game game and a half and uh we’ll try to get as many questions as we can answered yeah I actually have a question so this is different all right so so bowling has its traditional scoring system of 300 what do we think the mass population would think if we switched from the traditional scoring system to more of [Music] a golf I guess where it like you have the 10 pens right all that’s normal but you count how many times it takes for you to knock them all down right the Petr SC system from ago they did they did a pwb event with that I remember that yeah so what if that became the norm because it’s easier to track and the general public can that doesn’t know bowling doesn’t have to worry about oh you know strike plus your next two balls or spare plus your next ball blah blah blah all the confusing stuff right um do we think cuz I’ve I’ve been thinking about how um like different the bowling world would look if that became the norm of because we have bonus right now right and it’s basically 10% of your of a Max score right 30 bonus spins so what if you win a match and instead of you know let’s say par is 30 right instead of 12 balls 12 you know shots you have 10 right a perfect score becomes 10 uh and let’s say you win your game and then you get one ball subtracted from your score in a bonus pin situation match play situation okay right because then it’s not about you know a guy throwing an eight bagger missing two spares it becomes hey you know that 10 pin you missed four times you still have to shoot it right right could you imagine you’re doing this stream and someone’s shooting a 10 pin for the fourth time and you’re like all right here comes attempt number five like how many shots is it going to take could you like imagine on tour right someone is just they haven’t made a 10 pen in in eight shots right it’s like tiger missing a three foot or four times in a row right it just doesn’t happen but you know I I feel like in today’s game spares are becoming significantly less important right because guys they just strike so much which is great that’s still exciting and that’s still fun but it would also be fun and kind of funny right if I’m up there shooting my 10 pin for the third or fourth time because I just didn’t knock it over the first time I try to shoot at it and you know could you imagine the nerves of like man I have to make this 10 pin in the next three shots next two shots now I missed it again oh I have to make it on this shot or I missed the cut right like that type of thing uh I just think that uh the the traditional bowling scoring method is uh not necessarily outdated but it’s just confusing for the general public right if you you ask somebody to try to give you a change you know at a at a restaurant in cash they have to like use their their calculator to figure out that you know hey uh you know the the bills 1287 they gave me 15 bucks I got to pay him $213 yeah right uh so it’s just like simplifying bowling in general cuz I think a lot of the reason why we don’t get the views that other sports do is because it becomes too confusing yeah and you know the world scoring system that was okay I like the Petr system or the system that You’ be bring up the one only concern I would have on it is I think you would have to have it as a certain average level before you could bowl that format cuz you couldn’t do a league in that format if you did a tournament where you knew you had 30 frames or whatever no I think you I think you do a Max score uh like a Max a Max attempt yeah Max attempts because there’s a lot of times in golf where you know like cuz double par you pick up and you write down double par I do 10 if you if you have if you have 10 shots on a hole then you’re done you just pick up your ball or if you can’t find your ball great so yeah so I like I like that there would be a Max yeah I think in the leak scenario like four or five per frame or whatever yep I think in a leak scenario you make it you make it four attempts or five attempts right and then at the professional level it’s however many it’s unlimited yeah yeah and the the obvious negative to that is uh there could be certain tournaments that go longer right it’s tougher to uh have a multiple Squad Day meaning uh you know you bowl at 9:00 a.m. and then you bowl again at 5:00 it’s tougher to do that because the squads could go longer because somebody just can’t you know let’s say I go out there and my first frame is a six and then my next frame is a five and then my next frame is a seven right I’m taking forever to knock all those pins down right but it also brings that that spare game back into relevance as well as striking because if you’re striking great one one one two you know whatever uh and then it’s more about not necessarily like oh man I have to throw a eight bagger to make up for this score it then becomes hey I you know I I need to make my spares to stay relevant right y um and and yeah I mean you it’s kind of funny because looking at the Modern mechanics and the debate that we’re getting with string pins these machines like we have here at bolo M Prospect with Brunswick a2s or AMF 82s you’d have to have some back resetting pins after two balls you don’t necessarily have to have if you have GF GSX pin Setters where you can program the pinfall you can just come right and set the pin that are left back up after the second ball or same with string pin same thing you can have that string pin come down every you know every time until it’s May so it’s something where you could take the modern You’ have to be you know modern technology Center but it’s something where you can incorporate the format that you’re thinking about and just go yeah here it is it’s great with that technology it can’t be that hard to reprogramming a scoreboard for it’s got to be it’s got to be a line of code or something the program CU they cuz they do different games on these on these on the on the GSX pins I know I’ve been to Parker bones rev rates in New Jersey and they can do all kinds of different stuff with pinfalls and watching EJ tacket at his Center in in Easy bow and bl in Indiana they do all kinds of stuff with the string pins as well so it’s it’s pretty it’s pretty interesting how you could tie that in and bang change like you said change the line of code boom here you go it’s a scoring thing everybody can do and yeah it’d be great to see a PB event like that where hey what what did it take to win this week 16 in the championship match when they look at you kind of funny y while it was the you know if you keep it with the petraglia scoring system or whatever however they went hey how about that 710 pickup nice shot by Natalie Dutton Dutton bowling in the women’s classic division she’s sitting uh that’s 60 right now after three so only had one entering that division last weekend so there’s uh 5,000 is guaranteed on top however and the top two finishers in that women’s classic division yep she’s BL pretty well seven over right now speaking of Portland September it was looking a little little Hit or Miss there for a while for The Lumberjacks they were getting some ups and downs and now you guys end up as a two seed you could have been a five seed uh yeah it was uh it was crazy coming down to the the stretch there where you know it was for us if we won the tiebreaker didn’t matter right we had beaten the we had the record against the people that we would have been tied with had we won but then had we lost we would have lost the tiebreaker to the people that we would have then been tied with so it was a a pretty weird scenario there for a little bit but I love what the PBA is doing with the PBA league and and extending the format and giving us a kind of a League season if you will and ending it with the playoffs in September now do I wish that the playoffs were kind of earlier in the year when everybody’s still sharp and we don’t have to get resharp for the for the league absolutely but I do think it gives us some exciting content at the end of the year that kind of leads us into the next season yeah and they do kind of make the pattern a little softer for you once you get to Portland Roth pattern isn’t exactly the the world’s toughest that pair of lanes that you guys two and three on on the on the new side at Bayside bull uh you got to be on your toes no matter what because they they do they don’t play as different as they used to still a bit different since they love the lanes there’s some good opinions coming back about uh the the question you posed Chris about the the new scoring system uh one person says issue is uh you know sometimes you can have a bunch of Bowlers standing around because it’s taken somebody a long time to make a spare but I think that’s where your your your cap system would be you know maximum number of of balls before you pick up as they say yep so uh what else uh somebody just said yeah do total number of frames 20 you know you just do a total number of frames or 20 you know whatever they you know have some scoring system for just 20 balls if you you know you could do that as well but then that doesn’t bring the spare game into play if you just do 20 shots add up you know one 10 add your total pins or whatever right um that would definitely be the easier way of doing it but you’re missing the kind of you know in this golf analogy the stroke per shot or per frame aspect of it right so a somebody asking about the shark pattern since you are oh shark Bing on the shark pattern coming up they’re just kind of asking for like some strategies you might use going to a bowling center knowing that’s the pattern you’re attacking yeah I guess it depends on which version of the shark you’re bowling on uh which again totally honest here this year I made the shark TV show that was the first time that i’ had ever made the cut on shark so maybe the name isn’t as accurate as uh as what it uh you know should be I guess but uh the things that I’ve always struggled with on the shark pattern is the fact that like the old one used to have those like two strips of uh right around the track area that on both sides where there wasn’t really that much oil so you were confined to that middle part of the lane um and you have to play really straight angles now I I do know on the newer version of the shark those those little strips where there’s less oil aren’t there uh but you’re still going to use a decent amount of surface on a relatively strong ball um shallower launch angle so you’re keeping the ball really close to the headpin no matter where you’re playing on the lane and um the other thing that I would say is actually use some surface on some of your like quote unquote pearlized bowling balls because a lot of the time those pearlized bowling balls come into play but you don’t get to throw them because they don’t have enough surface on them so they’re not reading the lane early enough to to kind of chew through all of that oil that’s one of the things that we do a lot on tour is we take weaker bowling balls hitting with hit hit them with a lot of surface and get those bowling balls to still use that to create that entry angle into the pins because they’re still relatively quick down Lane even with the surface but they don’t read the front part of the lane immediately and I think that’s what the uh kind of amateur or Semi-Pro level players miss out on is they just think a ball comes out of the factory with polish on it I have to throw it with polish on it uh when in reality you can do whatever you want there’s a lot of experimentation that I’ve done on bowling balls and different surfaces and just trying to figure out what I like that’s why I know like on a on a uh virtual energy blackout I absolutely love that bowling ball when I hit it with 500 straight out of the box and then hit it with 2,000 over the top of it because it doesn’t Lane shine and it the 2,000 cuts that 500 kind of in half but the 500 takes all of the polish off of it so it doesn’t get shiny or slimy or anything like that it keeps that grip let’s see should be one there was another good question in here oh falling so much they’re having problems with falling but then if they go to change the sole of their shoe mhm insta stick okay so is that something where maybe they should try walking around with the with the second soul to try to break it in more because it’s so new that’s why they’re sticking or yeah that could be a combo of that cuz I know that a uh like if you’re typically using like a number eight soul from Dexter um those are super slick but then if you go to like the next one down is a number six or technically is there’s a number seven but number six is the the most you know widely known one some people don’t realize that there’s actually 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 now something like that they have something called Black Ice which is so ridiculously slick um but number six is fresh out of the pack and even number sevens because they’re half number eight half number six but number six is fresh out the package have some sort of like film on them I use a number six whenever they are the slickest thing slickest approaches that they have because they are number sixes out of the out of the pack for me are so tacky that they uh they slide less than a number two uh number three number four they they are the least amount of slide for me so if you’re going from like a number eight to a number six I would actually go down to a number four or a five because they don’t have uh they’ll actually end up sliding more fresh out of the pack than a number six and they’ll break in way faster than a number six at least in my opinion it just depends on what you’re using the other thing I would suggest that I do that I don’t know of anybody else that does is Dexter makes these uh shims they’re just velcro little rubber pieces that have Velcro on both sides but they make your heel taller so most of the time when I foul is because I’m not putting enough pressure on my heel uh so the rubber of the heel is actually not coming into contact with the approach okay so shoving that that shim in the heel of your soul will end up allowing you to put more pressure on your heel putting more pressure on that rubber and causing you to slide less um it’s kind of like a old school uh way of making yourself slight less that that really nobody does anymore I know for a fact I’m the only guy on tour that does it cuz Ronnie had six of them on the on the truck uh and I was like hey dude do you have any shims and he and he goes uh yeah no one’s going to use these take them all so so I have plenty all right there’s another good question oh uh combating double bouncing like when the BL now sometimes honestly it might not be the person delivering the ball because sometimes the way they put lanes over old Lanes with the synthetics sometimes there’s just give in the front part of the lane and ball hit the Lane’s made to give a little bit and it’ll bounce the ball back up again but if someone’s having consistent problems they’re going from house to house to house and having issues with the double bounce uh What uh what can they consider yeah the the two things that I’m thinking of is the first one is the immediate dump into the Lane right it actually doesn’t get on the lane it hits before the foul line and it hits the approach and then it jumps on the lane that’s the first thing I’m thinking of and then the second one is the over Loft right where you’re throwing it out onto the lane and then it’s Landing with such force that it bounces back up in the lane kind of what you’re talking about um going to the first one where it’s into the lane before the approach I just want you to focus on not necessarily throwing it slower but going at like 40 or 50% speed while you’re practic iing and just feeling what it’s like to get the ball out onto the lane keep your hand underneath it and feel like you’re trying to throw the ball out onto the lane instead of allowing your hand to collapse and just kind of throw it in the lane um it could also be a uh swing steepness thing where you’re not using enough knee Bend and you’re bending at the waist so much that your swing gets Steep and the ball is not traveling on an arc anymore it’s more of a straight line down into the approach so the thing I would focus on there is more knee Bend and less waist Bend that’ll help get that swing back on an arc and going parallel to the approach instead of almost perpendicular um now going to the out onto the lane I want you to try to focus on again this goes to knee Bend because a lot of the people that you see that throw it out on the lane they’re lifting up out of the shot and they’re kind of standing up and losing that knee bin I want you to focus on you know almost sitting down as you’re coming in the line feeling like you’re kind of sitting down into a chair keeping that knee Bend nice and low and trying to feel like you’re rolling it on the lane and again this is great at 40 or 50% speed yeah where you’re just trying to get that ball you know down on the lane keep your hand underneath it and just roll it you’re not trying to throw it um a lot of the times you like I said you see people just trying to throw it and kind of overpower the lane and just muscle the ball down there and you don’t really have to do that so it just depends on what kind of double bounce you’re working with all right oh here we go the question that everybody’s got one s or the other on string pins have you bowled on them yet I practice on them every time I practice the the bowling center that I uh that I practice at you know when I’m getting ready for tour is string pins okay um the way that I would describe it I think they’re fine I so it’s a certified it’s not some people call them Carnival or short short strings the the ones that I practice on are certified um I have a sanction 300 and 800 on them um and I will admit that there were only two strikes in the entire uh three games that you could consider the string knocked the pin over okay okay um in the 300 game none okay all right so do I think that string pins are kind of the future of bowling in away yes but it’s only because when you come to a center that has a2s or an older machine the number of people that are qualified or have the knowledge to take one apart and put it back together and fix all the things that have to be fixed with them are becoming so significantly smaller than you know having somebody just tighten up a string and they don’t even have to tighten up a string they hit a button they hit a button and they tighten the strings and all of a sudden the pins are on spot again right with these you have to change the bucket you have to change the scissors you have to figure out which way to move everything right you have to have experience and knowledge to do that whereas you can train somebody to you know type in a code and tighten the strings right um so if the younger generation that are eventually going to be working on these machines want to do that and learn how to work on the machines like the only person that I know of that would be in that age range that has the the desire to do it is Anthony Simonson yeah right he’s the he he can work on every type of machine uh and and you know help somebody build it put it back together all that kind of stuff right but the vast majority of the population is becoming a lot less mechanically inclined and they’re becoming a lot more you know electronically inclined right so the way that just the worldwide culture is becoming is more around electronics and technology which I think is totally fine but specifically bowling wise on string pins I think it’s more of like imagine the sidewalls don’t exist right yeah because with these machines because of Deadwood and things like that the sidewalls are actually angled to where the pins will will go to the back that’s why we have Messengers right whereas on string pins the sidewalls are now straight dead straight so the the head pin just goes left and right so that’s why you don’t get Messengers I throw them all the time they don’t hit anything because the pin is in front of the of the of the 10 um I don’t trip as many four pins I still can but they’re way less common um so that’s kind of how I I figure it is like that kind of old adage of like you hit six you get six right that’s that’s very much string pins right and if they are the certified machines you don’t have near as many occasions where the string is knocking the pins over on the wash outs in the splits where the the pin gets flown around it mhm you’ll see it sometimes yeah but the strings are getting long enough and they’re handling the the tangling aspect of them well enough to where it’s no longer as prevalent right we if we go back to the Birmingham event uh for the uh what was that world world games yeah yeah there those strings were way too short yeah and you saw the the kind of repercussions that uh but in my experience there’s a lot more of the traditional perfect strike uh and I do think that that’s actually hindered my ability to get the messengers and the trip fours on tour I didn’t have near as many off hits as you call them okay uh this year on tour I had a lot more of the you know quote unquote perfect strike um but it’s because I’m not seeing you know I’m not seeing the messengers on a consistent basis I’m not seeing the trip fors when you’re practicing when I’m practicing I’m seeing the you know if I throw a strike it’s 10 back and that is that’s what you saw from me on tour it was very few trip fours very few Messengers I still got them from time to time because if I was bowling well I’d get those off hits but when I wasn’t bowling as well as other people it was you know strike strike strike four pin cuz I missed a move or strike strike Strike 10 pin because I made a move that I didn’t need to yet so uh you know it it’s to me they’re fine to me if they’re the sanction pin Setters it’s more 10 back strikes not as many you know Messengers it will I say it makes bowling less exciting a little bit because you’re not getting the tomahawks off the off the wall that people like you know you don’t you don’t get the uh you know the tomahawk messenger slap out get you some of that uh you get the ooh that’s 10 back uh I’m locked in type of type of look so and I know there’s a couple of regions coming up in October one of those being at EJ Tac it’s easy B and Blu and then the following week uh at Fox VI Lanes walk shot Wisconsin uh considering bowling either are you considering bowling either one of those regions I know you’re not you hit regionals here and there yeah honestly uh with how much I practice on string pins I probably should go in Bow um but like I said from now until August I’m I’m busy pretty much the entire time I’m I’m going to Team Masters in late late June uh so I will be there uh mainly because my my jersey company zel gear sponsors the event so we produce all the jerseys for all the competitors uh so we’re going to be there supporting that event and then uh storm will have me at Junior Gold so I’ll be at Junior Gold uh with the uh Storm Team and after that I go to the Lucy and then I host my own event in Pensacola Florida I host a Swiss trios event at DeLuna lanes and then um after that we go to Sweden yeah shortly after that and then Portland after that so so starting to get busy again had a had about a month off and now it’s time to uh you know get back into bowling form all right let’s see what else we got in the chat here oh there’s another going a little farther back let me get it we got questions you got about uh five more minutes of dump in there for Chris before he’s got to head out and talk to some of the players on the squad and obviously get ready for his Squad this afternoon you you you must approach every event the same whether it’s getting on TV for uh PBA TOUR Championship or an event like the PBA LC here uh what What’s the routine for the 90 minutes before you throw that first practice shot uh the big thing for me uh now that I’m getting a little bit older is stretching that’s a huge thing for me um because we spend especially like in the truck when I’m driving places uh spend so much time just sitting uh I have to do some squats and get my legs working again because using my legs in my delivery is such a huge crucial part of me producing a good shot that if I don’t uh kind of activate those muscles before the block I’m pretty much done for it okay um I can manage in some scenarios but more times than not I got to get there at least an hour hour and a half early uh so it’s really convenient that I got in the booth with you today uh for me anyway just prepping because I’m already here I can spend all the time you know I can go outside it’s pretty it’s a little cloudy but it’s nice outside I can stretch outside and kind of walk around and just get my legs moving um but the other part of it is like conveniently there’s this squad so if I hadn’t bowled here before um I would kind of watch how the pins are falling not necessarily like like this gentleman on Lane three just left a four pin right his ball motion looked pretty good but that’s kind of telling me that maybe the trip 4 isn’t there so maybe I need to use less of the headpin maybe the messenger there there so it’s all looking for those kind of off hits yeah and trying to best prepare myself for whenever I get into those kind of transitional moves of like hey I’ve gone High uh or High flush a couple times in a row maybe I need to make a move if I know that the messenger is in play I’m more apt to make that move okay whereas if I know the trip fours in play I won’t make that move because I know if I hit high on the headpin I’m likely to still strike yeah so I I very much look at how people are playing them but mostly how the pins are falling because that’s the important part right the goal is to knock the pins down and it’s one thing that newer Bowlers there tunan really should focus on as well is that you need to watch that ball not just 60 ft to the head pin you need to watch it 65 ft as it gets all the way through the end of the pin deck into the pit yep so because there’s so many times where you’re making adjustments off of four pins or nine pins or weak tens or ring tens that to keep competitive cuz if you make that wrong move and you give it away for another frame on that particular Lane because you’re going from one lane to another that could interrupt instead of having a three bagger you go strike spare strike yep 21 pins less at a minimum on your scorecard and oh somebody else is passing you that game yeah exactly like especially on tour every hit is so crucial I missed a handful of cuts this year I missed the cut here by two right um and I missed the cut at the TOC now granted my first block of the to was not great but I missed I missed the cut at the Toc by 40 or 50 but I miss cash by one or two pins or something like that or I mean every every spare every every hit is very crucial out on tour so one of the things that I’ve been doing differently is when I am lined up and I’m have and I have control the pocket if I leave like a nine pin like we’re talking about but ball motion looks really good is I don’t necessarily move unless I’ve already made a hand adjustment okay right let’s say I’m using 45° of axis rotation and I nine pinned I’m like okay well I don’t necessarily need to move it just means that my ball drove through the pins too much so I use just slightly less axis rotation and that’s where that feel comes into play right I use slightly less AIS rotation to get the ball to go through the back of the pin deck instead of left through the back of the pin deck right we want the ball finishing kind of behind the N pin and since I missed the N pin I know I didn’t have enough deflection through the pins so I use less rotation so the ball doesn’t drive as much and then Mo I would say nine times out of 10 I follow that nine pin up with a strike okay right so it’s those small moves that the maybe maybe some of the pros aren’t even thinking about they just do it naturally uh but there’s also some of those Pros that make they have have a n pin and then they just move yeah right there there’s that’s totally fine um but for me because I am such a f bowler and I I I want to feel like I’m in control of what’s going on uh at least in my delivery uh I want to be able to make those smaller moves and uh feel like I’m in control of the pocket cuz I feel like that’s my most crucial part of bowling is is having control of the 1 three and being able to say you know what if I make this small move I’m not losing sight of what’s important which is the one three pocket knives uh terrifier question he’s got the questions about so many games without Shing your body after the stream St terrifier go back to game three Chris does a great about five six minutes on what he does not just about what he does but the physical uh abilities on tour of what they need to do to keep up nowadays that type of thing go back and listen to that thing cuz I want to make sure we get this question in before Chris leaves uh you’re getting ready you mentioned the lucky Larson you’ll be going over for that how long does it take you to get ready for that I mean you got to worry about probably what immunizations visas all the other stuff I mean how far in advance do you have to start planning for an overseas bowling trip like that uh I’ve been thinking about it for about 2 months already and we’re still 2 months away so I would say like the the prep of like looking at flights and trying to figure out the most cost effective way to get there um and in a lot of ways like if I have haven’t been there before I’m trying to find somebody that’s been there okay um luckily I’ve already been there so I’m trying to set up uh flight landing times with Alec keplinger cuz he’s going for the first time okay and when you get to uh cuz you actually fly into Copenhagen uh Denmark and you take a train to Hing Borg so you go under the Baltic Sea and then go you go around it oh you go around it okay you go around it on the train but you you sit on your well technically in a lot of situations you stand because the trains aren’t built to handle people flying with three or four bags so like last year when we went we were in like the worst spot but also the best spot because all of the all of the seats were taken and all the luggage spots were taken so we were just standing there with our bags our luggage and our bowling bags in the doorway of where people are coming in and out so it was really inconvenient and people were just looking at us like where are you going and a lot of the a lot of the uh locals speak English so it’s not like and all the signs are in English as well like but if you don’t know where you’re going it can be kind of a you know stressful situation like the first time I ever went to Japan had no one land with me I didn’t know anybody that was going um so back then it was Kirk Von Krueger who was in charge and he was like hey this is what you’re going to do you’re going to go get on a taxi and you’re going to say I want to go here and I get there and no one at the hotel because my flight was delayed so I’m just standing there trying to like talk to people and luckily once I got to the hotel they spoke English and uh it was a very stressful situation so but when it comes to like bowling balls and things like that typically I’ll I’ll worry about that when time comes closer because we figure out the pattern and everything like that but travel uh we look at you know months in advance yeah so and let’s uh let’s give you one more question here before you head out uh do you use middle finger or ring finger pressure adjustments on your shots to control how your ball reacts it depends uh if I want to roll it more meaning less axis rotation I use my ring finger if I want to rotate it more I use my middle finger and then if I just want to increase the Rev rate in general but not change anything I do both okay yeah there you go Chris thanks for your time uh I know the fans really appreciate everybody stuck around for quite a while today and uh hey come back 2:00 we won’t have a main Booth feed but you’re going to be able to uh Follow Chris through all six of his games pair to pair to pair we’ll have all the pair of feeds going so you can look for those uh on the PBA YouTube page we’ll make a post we’ll try to make a post on social media or here on the feed uh let you know where Chris is starting so you can start there and follow him all the way through chis absolutely yeah good luck this afternoon thanks for the time appreciate you guys thank you for all the questions and uh hopefully see yall soon all right game six coming up next sh is [Music] [Music] [Music] can’t right [Music] 5 [Music] when is oh oh my God be [Music] better starting to up right now oh you do you know what [Music] I [Music] know yeah I down at Le [Music] 13 yeah I couldn’t find swi [Applause] [Music] [Music] my e [Music] the can’t [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] Happ for [Music] [Music] oh you need to go now to get to [Music] oh B lucky need [Music] [Music] can’t help [Music] [Music] there have much [Music] [Music] W wasn’t going on me all [Music] all right yeah we’re well into game six to6 here the graphics Department a little slow this morning apologize for that as we were trying to get the information on where Chris prer is starting know a lot of you are going to come back at 2:00 we’re not going to have a booth feed at 2: p.m. but we will have all of our pairs streaming so you’re going to be able to follow Chris prayther pair to pair all the way through the event and if I can’t get the starting pair for Mr Prather before we end this stream for a 9:00 a.m. Squad 10: a.m. eastern the start of course we’re in the central time zone here at po M Prospect uh I’ll try to get it posted to the PBA LBC Facebook page so if you haven’t already friended the PBA a league bowler certification Facebook page uh please do so as you get a lot of tournament updates tournament information some great posts uh we had a great interview with Jason sterer last week after he was done with his round of competition here in Mount Prospect and we’ll do the same thing with Chris prayor once he’s done on the 2:00 Squad and that’ll be posted of course right to the PBA LBC Facebook page so if you haven’t liked it already please do so and if I can’t get you the information on Chris Prather for the 2:00 Squad cuz I know quite a few of you are tuned in now and would like to watch Chris at 3 Eastern 2 Central uh we’ll get you info so that way you can know where Chris is going to be game by game cuz obviously you’ll have to change your feed on Facebook and once again all the pairs will be listed in the description below the video you’re watching so that way it’ll be easy for you to go pair to pair to pair and follow Chris all the way through so thanks for the comments thanks for all the questions today in the chat uh Chris really appreciate it as well uh he’s like yeah there’s some pretty knowledgeable fans for the PBA aren’t there yes there are and we’re glad that some of you just taking part of your Saturday and joining us here for these LBC national championships and don’t forget today as well tune in CBS Sports Network 300 p.m. Eastern so you can double screen you’re going to have the live day one show one at 300 p.m. Eastern 2: p.m. central that’s when we’re starting here here again in Mount Prospect show two will start at 5:00 p.m. and on that first show will be the one-handers as it just happened to be tacking O’Neal Kent butruff 300 p.m. Eastern then at 5:00 P p.m. Eastern Simo troop handran so the B two games on Dual patterns 46 foot Pia on the left lane 38t hulleman on the right and then after those opening two games the third and fourth place totals will automatically be the three four seeds for Sunday’s group stepladder shows the top two qualifers Bowl one additional game just that game pinfall doesn’t carry over to determine who gets the top seed for those Sunday group stepladders and there’s going to be a big advantage to being the top seed in those step lers not just because of your positioning towards the title but the first two matches of each group step ladder is a single game so four versus three winner versus two those are single game matches whoever wins out of that matchup advances to the number one seed and it’ll be a race to two ninth and 10th Frame tiebreaker and then the championship match will also be a race to two between the two group stepladder winners so definitely a different format for those PBA tour finals but it keeps things Lively no doubt about it love that they’re using dual patterns again has to show the versatility of the player and with that rolling two your points list you know you’re getting some players that are just on fire like EJ tacket I mean EJ had such a great 2023 that he would have been the three seed without bowling an event in 2024 just phenomenal to one one seed tacket two seed Simon and three seed four seed O’Neal five seed Kent six seed troop seven seed hanran and 8 seed butruff so you can see by that staggered and that staggering was planned well in advance for the staggered seating to seed each group final uh wasn’t meant to be one hand and twoand it just happened to work out that way but I’m have it set in my DVR at home looking forward to some great PBA tours final action coming up from Pennsylvania and what great host they have for the this event with Lee s Christa S Steel City bowling brw and of course their other entity that’s a great supporter of the PBA bowler [Music] x uh if you want to answers to the Brandon Novac questions it’s all over social media just do a search do a Google search I’m not going to answer that question but we will not be seeing Mr Novak for a few years we’ll just leave it at that uh once again oil pattern today 43 foot LBC national championships pattern you can go to LBC tournament has all the tournament information including not just what the pattern looks like but all the numbers you need so if you wanted to practice on this pattern in your home Bowling Center and they were willing to program those numbers into their oiling machine you could practice on this pattern before you get to Mount Prospect [Music] so thanks everybody for joining us on this squad uh like I said I’ll get on at social media uh the PBA LBC Facebook page we’ll get it out there uh where Chris Prather will be starting on his round along with where he’ll be moving to each game so you can view on those streams at your convenience thanks everyone for joining us once again the next Squad starts 2 p.m. eastern time you will have all of your pair feeds no Booth feed for the rest of the weekend but join us very soon and if you do get questions about the PBA LC national championships LBC tournament will answer those otherwise I know they’ll be Manning the message board and the PBA League bowler certification Facebook page I’m $2 Phil Brio hey parents take the kids bowling because they will have fun for life and we’ll see you back here at 2 p.m. Eastern par Me 3 p.m. Eastern 2: p.m. here in Mount Prospect f [Music] [Music] do for better [Music] just better not stay there no but those [Music] my feet that’s a bigger bigger I can 230 or 240 by S good adjustment ex gu right [Music] [Music] e three [Music] perect scoreboard [Music] was one [Music] must be time to go problem uh no [Music] what do we do now next9 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] must yeah they said they said it didn’t really matter going [Music] the buet for bucket h that’s right do you buddy we tied the right come on [Music] C she [Applause] there TJ for you probably chill out find [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Buton [Music] I think plent time Miss you’re might have


  1. Hey guys I'm a blind bowler any tips to help me line up better and be more consistent to the pocket only been bowling about 2 years my best score is at 2:41 looking for some ways to be more consistent I probably average about $164

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