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Shawn Simpson ft. Yorkie’s Hosting Debut | Coming in Hot LIVE – June 6

Shawn Simpson joins the show once again! In what is also Yorkie’s HOSTING DEBUT, the guys will discuss the offseason ahead for the Ottawa Senators, as well as the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

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n time now for coming in hot with Brent Wallace and former Auto Senator Jason [Music] [Applause] [Music] York good morning everybody special uh special show today with a very special guest old uh old friend of mine standing right right behind the uh the Pink Floyd wall sammer I still love that backdrop I think what you and I spoke yesterday and I think the surprise lasted about you’re like can I tweet it out can I tweet I’m like yeah fill your boots but good to have you good to have you back by popular demand simmer I think well that’s that’s always good I I I think initially social media is very kind to you so we’ll see if it ends up lasting and all I could think of Yorkie is that first of all because of our vintage this is going to be a fullon 80s so my PumpUp tape last night was actually Top Gun and I thought to myself you know what I need I need to feel some speed so I thought to myself hey let’s get going here and I don’t want to be Goose because he ends up dying so I’m gonna label you as Iceman and I guess I’ll be was ma was Tom Cruz Maverick oh yeah he was he was Maverick Iceman I Iceman was uh what’s his Val Kilmer yeah kmer I didn’t want to poor Val Kilmer e guy can’t talk anymore he’s got oh he passed away didn’t he no no no I don’t believe so I I and I I’m pretty good with that I know Jr a few times has either talked about people passing away when we worked together or people had passed away and he was wishing them happy birthday so um but Val Kilmer was obviously in the and I had not heard that because the last documentary I saw on him was with his son and it is real sad cuz he was the cool guy like cocky and he had the Tom Cruz he had the Rivalry and he had all the look back one of the one of the best undercover movies we we we couple of my favorite ones uh do Doc Holiday yeah oh absolutely unbelievable but you know what’s a sneaky good movie Heat with ro you ever seen heat I don’t know you know what I mean honestly I I’ve watched so many mo I’m more of the documentary guy but the the Doc Holiday one was outstanding cuz was he dying of like liver cancer is he the one coughing up blood all the time uh raging alcoholic exact Bo boozed up the entire movie could still still the best gun in the west but great oh yeah great scene great scene in uh in uh what’s it w wer anyhow great scene in that movie when he shows up for the gunfight and he’s like I’ll be your Huckleberry just outstanding outstanding um but hey that’s way men used to settle things right there just a quick draw and then hey if you’re dead you get carried away and if you’re not you back in for another shot of good old whiskey yeah Tombstone Tombstone is the name of that movie yeah yeah to this day I will put that W up against any because it’s just got such great characters and by the way I think we set a record we set a record for getting off topic I think the over under like 10 seconds what are what are the topics that’s the better part when you end up going through it but that that was a this is what always happens in these are the out the window yeah this is what always happened in Hollywood though remember all of a sudden they’d be making a Vietnam movie and then there would be three at a time um then you ended up having amilio Estes ended up coming out right and they had the Bon over song like it was all of a sudden in groups where you know these things would end up being made and they’d all be Classics right there so oh speaking of the classic I had this you know what I wanted to do with you I thought you would be a big Name That Tune guy but you’re more of a you’re more of a historian Russian history I’ll give you I’ll give you I’ll give you uh I’ll give you five seconds on this one okay [Music] ah come on simmer no but you know have to Pro I’m hearing it very faintly I I’m hearing I’m not hearing is it are we talking some type of classical music here oh a little Journey action for sure yeah okay okay yeah yeah no there we go okay and there’s another one of U my favorite rockumentaries is when they end up going over to the Philippines and they find the singer to replace Steve Perry you ever watch that oh it’s unbelievable Armando or whatever that was singing in the Philippines and those he was set singing seven hours a day living on the streets and then he ends up getting the job with journey that was actually pretty classic to watch they had EXO the guy that they had previous to that was just terrible too like I’m like where did you come up with this guy like if you I don’t I don’t know if you have to sound just like him but he was like put this guy out of his misery and I think he lost his voice on purpose but anyways they uh they end up sliding in and that was classic right there we go to the shes Cat every every Monday but we’re going to have you we have to have you out one time for trivia night because Wally’s been bugging me W he’s been bugging me for a year now but he’s he’s not coming he’s no fun yeah they do and Name That Tune on Monday nights and 80s simmer 80s simmer I cannot it’s it’s my wheelhouse oh I absolutely and I’m not bad but I’ve got to also say just like I do with movies and what I used to do when I was on the air I kind of him and H but what’s that movie and and with the music there there’s some I think ‘ 880s I wouldn’t be bad once it’s after that in 990s with the rest man I hear the tune and I don’t know I’m always asking people who’s singing that who’s doing it and we’re also of the Vintage now where movies are being remade you know I I you know that uh keano Reeves Point Break movie was redone and I’m like no they didn’t oh yeah one patri szy no oh yeah and I was like you you absolutely have to go back and watch the initial one because this is garbage and that that and I’m not even a big Keana re fan but that was a top shelf movie what was his name Dakota the quarterback working for the FBI and that that whole movie was outstanding um so listen before I got actually made I’m actually prepared I made a list of things we’ll get to those soon but the reason the reason I’m hosting is uh Mr Wallace he’s off on a European Vacation right now and I was I was I don’t even know where he is right now I think he’s in Paris well his wife tweeted out a picture of Paris and it was showing the beach volleyball but I honestly I don’t know what it was in my head about a month ago he mentioned I’m going away to London and I honestly thought London Ontario and I’m like what in God what would you be doing in the summertime for a vacation in London Ontario and I thought is his kid gonna or son going to be at like a Hockey Camp or what’s going on here so that was my whole mind then I’m like well it makes a lot of sense he’d be going to London England and I like I said I think they’re over in Paris now well he’s been grinding out spring hockey tournaments Non-Stop he’s he’s like my son wants to play I’m like well who’s a fraking adult here you can say no it’s okay to say no yeah London onario the only reason you would go to London Ontario in the summer is to play Red Tail you ever heard course yeah is it’s a private course in London it’s owned by it’s owned by a couple guys did they do the not the trivia Pursuit guys maybe anyways a couple guys made a bunch of money opened up this golf course and yeah no no tea times you show up you can stay overnight with your buddies um the bar is wide open you go in there it’s just honor System you stay the night you sign what you have you wake up in the morning no tea time play golf it’s like you have the place to your yourself the place is I’ve never been I’d like to go but for anyone listening that’s been to Red Tail um that is a reason to go to London Ontario in the summer listen let’s get to uh you know I guess the news of the day simmer you and I haven’t spoke about this yet yeah you got a throw what’s what’s your uh sense coaching staff they they brought greener in You Know Travis they brought Nolan bomgardner in Mike yo uh Benny Sexton’s back Al’s back and I believe Justin Peters the goalie coach remains so looks to me it looks like a pretty good staff like like well it does on paper in a sense of and again kind of familiarity as far as Travis Green you know I think back to my buddies that played with him in Capital District I know people that worked with him and played with him in Vancouver so all very positive the unfortunate with York and you’ll never get around it probably in this market Mark or any market after years of the situation with brassard and different moves that were made where you take the guy signing bonuses paid then all of a sudden you trade for him when you start talking about Craig buuy and these other names unfortunately for Travis Green simple reality is he’s not the sexy guy I mean all of a sudden it comes in I think it’s a positive move I’m I’m very open-minded I’m also not going to sit here and say he’s the greatest coach ever I don’t know but now when I look at the staff the familiarity I went to uh Minnesota’s training camp in 2011 did some Consulting that year and Mikey was there Mikey o just a great guy and and he’s got a ton of experience and people will point to different things first of all Minnesota not a bad record and just like everything else in life and I always say this to people like what did people think of Paul Maurice 10 years ago when I was in Toronto Paul right now has learned a lot he’s a great coach and when you look at Miko what he brings to the table he’s full of energy he’s a standup guy I think he’ll be great Nolan bomgardner well I couldn’t be more familiar with the player drafted him in the first round in Washington out of Cam Loops outstanding defenseman fortunately ran into some shoulder injuries and and you know a little bit on the small side but played on those great teams with ainla with Don uh with Darcy Tucker who was an ultimate Point guy but I was out at Memorial Cup self-develop him great guy and finally Yorkie and this has been brought up a thousand times by me former D former D former D and I go back to the Randy Carlile but I just don’t I’ve never understood in the time and I think it’s 2011 13 years Ottawa has not had a guy that played in the National Hockey League so I like that I like the staff I like that Alfie’s coming back so on the surface yeah it looks real good now can they finally and God I guess we’re getting old here when we hear the press conferences about 200 foot hockey accountability speed hard training camp I just want to see it now I want to see an organized hockey team so on paper I it’s all fresh fresh management fresh coaching and I think it looks real good what about you I am the same I’m the same I I really like bringing Mike Owen because from the guys I’ve talked to they said he’s super organized yeah he’s he’s been a head head coach a couple times he’s been at it for a long time so I look at the staff you got you got Greener the ex player you got Alfie the ex player uh you got Nolan bomgardner ex player Mike yo to me just seems like more that guy that’s going to be probably like just you know the computer guy in the group but he’s not going to be the stats guy just like he’s gonna be a guy that’s super organized and I think he need that on your staff not that Greener is not organized and the rest of the guys but it’s you got a you got a nice mix and I do agree with you on the Nolan Barb Gunner I’ve been talking about it too being a former defenseman I’ll tell you one of the best defense coaches I ever had was Dave Lewis yeah I had I had Louie in Detroit and Lou is one of the guys that’s responsible because he’s one of the first guys to get their hands on Nicholas lrom when Nicholas lrom came overseas nobody knew about Nicholas lrom Detroit had cough cough was there Paul coffee and I I remember watching Nick Nick L at this time like this guy is going to be a fraking stud but Louie Lou is the guy that taught him the NHL game and uh you look at the defenseman that rolled through Detroit Through The Years look what happened to Larry Murphy oh God yeah when he went to Detroit you know it helps when you go to a great team and you got all those great players yeah but but Dave Lewis played over a thousand games in NHL I had him again in Boston he just even when he was the head coach simmer and I I used to love this with with with your D coach and this was this was Louie doing this in Boston spend a little extra time with your D after practice you do your splits you do your forward D splits you go when the D go down to their end simmer you know this because you’re a goalie you usually a go usually a goalie comes with the D we go to the other end we talk [ __ ] about the forwards we talk about how we catch we talk about how we never you know the old saying right never trust a forward and the D the D have a bond like the D and goalies I I’ll share this D I’ll share this with you know this we’re the smartest guys on the team oh absolutely directed by the go sometimes sometimes you get sometimes you can get a goalie that’s so batshit crazy and the team just just loves them but yeah that’s your your D coach has a bond with his defenseman and he knows how to relate because he’s and especially if he’s been a player so I I agree it’s it’s it’s Uber important I love that Alfie’s back and I I’ve heard a lot of really good things about Ben sexon young guy lots of energy can do a lot of the grunt work it comes to work every day with a smile on his face like just a guy that can bring some young youthful energy to your group so I agree well again like this team is going to be is going to go as far as the genders play yeah we all we all know that like we can you can look at hey why did Craig buuy do such a great job when he came into St Louis well look at bennington’s save percentage when when that change happened no no disrespect to to to uh to Chief but yeah if you if you if you don’t get Quality Gold tang in the NHL you are not going to it doesn’t matter who the Fring coach is so yeah hope hopefully hopefully that happens simmer because I think that’s that’s the most important thing well yeah I mean yor you go back to it I mean go back to the 21 team NHL okay maybe you sneak in we’re talking 32 teams now and we can get into some of the playoffs and I’ve talked about like it’s it’s never been more evident that okay you can talk all you want about getting into the playoffs what’s the formula need goaling structure special teams then you get to the dance and kind of figure out either from a matchup standpoint and that happened here in Ottawa um or other situations where all of a sudden the match up or you don’t have the right players but getting there absolutely and then back to louio was in Belarus with him he’s such a great man and just the teaching aspect that should never end it should never end from that standpoint in the National Hockey League and I just don’t think there’s enough of it that goes on so from an auto perspective and I also like when we look at these benches and I don’t know how it works now during a game when you got four people on there but whatever but the other part is I think people behind the scenes would be shocked at how little communication there is at times with players because you have all these meetings at the start of the year then all of a sudden as a coach you look down you realize I haven’t talked to that guy for three months having people that can go around like a sexon or or a yo or a bombgardener where you actually have an interaction because you know as a player you actually start to back off you kind of be like well obviously they don’t want to talk to me so you become quiet and there’s nothing better than just getting tapped on the shoulder by Louie and saying hey why don’t we have a little coffee here and sit down and talk about family talk about what’s going on and you know talk about a little bit of a confidence things so again communic a is such a key having people around and again I don’t know stos that well but I just think of even having pulie around like pulie to me when we again another guy had as a player in Washington I thought ra away he felt like a general manager on our team and and not that he was going to take anyone’s job and a coach I’m shocked that he hasn’t been a manager sooner maybe it’s the old Toronto syndrome but just communication you know coffee as you said like I think people don’t realize behind the scenes how temperamental and how insecure hockey players are at the NHL level would be shocked like like they they they just don’t even they don’t understand the animal you’re dealing with right there’s a reason there’s a reason the best player in the world hasn’t changed his suit coat in the month because you’re so you’re so superstitious you just like simmer I was convinced I don’t know about you as for superstitions go I was convinced that I had to put my left shint pad on first every single time I got dressed or I was going to blow my knee out I had myself convinced this I was actually in this yeah I was in the Sue I was convinced that Lynden SLU who sang The Anthem every time he sang it I was going to play bad and unfortunately Lyndon never left neither did the anthem I it was one of the most funniest things I ever tur on an auto Senators game and I’m like I swear I’m having like nightmares I swear that that’s the same guy and sure enough it was uh but no all of the routines and we had the most ridiculous routine when I played in the Sue of you’d get on the ice and youd skate around and Rob zetler would give me a twirl and then i’ do all these different things and I’d just be exhausted by the time I get to the point where you had to scrape up your crease and I’d be like geez that’s probably not a good sign my legs are already shot and they haven’t even started the game yet so and I was a big first save guy like if the first one was bad or it went in like hey old Donnie Boyd just start reeling me in here because it’s gonna be a short night just short leash and you know it you know it you know it too when the coaches with when the coach is sing like that but you know I used to love in Baltimore cuz Jimmy Jimmy rivnak was a golender he was a starting golender and there were some nights like I was already at a point where I was doing some broadcasting and stuff and if he would play well or there was some night sometimes when we went out the night before I’d be like and we went real hard I remember we were in Springfield we went real hard I said listen whatever you do you’re not getting pulled tonight I’m not going in and I remember he let in a couple of goals early I remember Barry Trot is looking at me and I’m trying to pretend like I can’t see him I was saying to myself do whatever you do don’t make eye contact with him like you wanted end up going in there all these did you ever uh did you ever work with Doug McLean oh God yeah yeah because okay here’s here’s a here’s a Washington Story of All Things uh my second year Pro I believe or whatever no first year Pro actually it was Terry Murray was the head coach and so we ended up having uh Terry and then you have Brian Murray and Doug mlan and I can’t remember who the other assistant was in Washington well of all things Brian gets fired Terry goes up and then Doug mlan comes down and old maack first of all we had a real good team and we had a lot of Veteran guys at the time so it was a pretty good mix but he came down and he’s such a great guy and for Terry Murray is such a great hockey guy but his personality and his interaction is just different you know and I have all the respect in the world for him if he had Brian’s personality God knows what he might have but but dougy mlan was a blast and and douge knew he was going to be there so much fun I got to uh so when I was in adarand this was before this was before Bowman came in it was Brian Brian drafted me in Detroit but dougy mlan was the assistant GM but douge was running out of rondak yeah so I’m down in out of rondak it’s year two and I wasn’t a guy that went out a lot night before the game I was you know I was a seventh round draft pitic so I wanted to keep my keep keep you know keep your s out of trouble and but one night one night we’re in Hamilton and remember Hamilton had a they had an AHL team for a while the name of it back then so was that edon’s team at that time or Montreal I think it was Edmonton I think it Wason so we I don’t know why but it’s myself Bobby bugner Jamie Pusher and I forget the other guy who was with us we just you know guys let’s go out for a couple of beers we weren’t tired we ended up this this is the Cardinal mistake we made if you’re going to be late for curfew curfew was uh 11 o’clock that night we came in at we came in at quarter to 12 so we come in at quarter to 12 we stroll into the lobby that hotel that’s uh joined up with cops Coliseum and who do we see we see douge mlan in the lobby and we’re all young guys we’re all young guys so push doesn’t know what to do he looks both ways he can’t go I dive under a tree I climb out boogie boogie runs down the the down the escalator mlan says Hey push how you doing he goes ah yeah hey Doug he goes yeah you can tell Yori and Boogie I saw them too and if you guys don’t win the game tomorrow I’m sending all three of you down to the east coast League perfect so the next the next day it’s an afternoon game we we have a team meeting before the game and we’re like guys we have to win this game if we don’t win we’re going and we probably weren’t we probably weren’t but you’re so scared you’re young oh God yeah but douge after the game he’s like good win boys you guys owe me one you two [ __ ] like it was just you know how he is just such a such a funny witty guy so well you know and it was a perfect mix because at the same time don’t don’t screw him over don’t make him look bad like you don’t want to take it too far but he had such a terrific sense of humor and as I said we had some older guys so it really did make it a whole lot of fun just the interaction and everything that went with it and hey you know the one thing I always say about the American Hockey League please remember is that the coach wants to be there as much as the players do like Doug mlan was not looking at the rest of that’s why so many of these guys I ended up having uh Brian trach and Portland and he signed up and he said he wanted to get some head coaching experience well when he got down there and realized he’s back on the bus the last time Brian trach was on a bus was Junior Hockey in the 70s my oh my we’re in the Stanley Cup Final that year and he’d already taken a job with Colorado someone did you hear see Brian tro got hired I’m like no he never said anything I was like well you realize being an assistant coach in the National Hockey League is a hell of a lot better than cruising around in the bus at the American Hockey League it’s a It’s a Grind you know I mean it is really for the coaches um hey they want to get to the National just like when I see a broadcaster that’s come through my old buddy Joe beninati work through the American Hockey League in the office you do all the different things when you get to the National Hockey League for those guys it’s almost more rewarding than a player for all the grind that you’ve gone through I just I just love it Executives broadcasters players anybody that’s done the grind Oru starting the East Coast Hockey League it’s almost tougher for broadcasters because broadcasters don’t retire until like 70 or 80 because the job’s so good you don’t want to give it up it doesn’t it doesn’t matter like you can you can go out the night before a game if you’re a broadcaster because you don’t have to play the next game but look look it’s I think it’s tougher simmer especially for for play byplay guys the guy that was doing play byplay great great guy when I was in adarac in 1992 is still grinding it out the miners great guy Bob Crawford we won we won the we won the CER cup but the guy is he because guys don’t retire once you once you get one unless unless you’re in an American market and yeah you don’t tow the company line and you’re a broadcaster you’re getting fired yeah yeah know and it’s funny from a broadcasting standpoint because one of the years in atar rondak it was actually John Kelly we end up going on vacation with him a couple of guys and he’s been in St Louis and then I was fortunate in the American League they identified me pretty quickly I’d be a better broadcaster and all of a sudden it was Mike Haynes who had come out of baseball and every know knows hanesy went on to Colorado and had a great career then uh the legendary Kenny Albert comes in ends up being my roommate so I was like God I’m propelling all these guys into the National Hockey League like what about me um but that ended up being an absolute blast to end up doing but the other guys too in the American Hockey League first of all the the crap that they take just like Junior like lugging the equipment around having to set up you know just and and a lot of times at The Wrath of the coach right you know the coaches at those levels just absolutely abuse we had a a broadcaster in the Sue when I first got there my first year was was an older fella and we were terrible but his name was Harry wolf that that in itself was quite interesting who did that to their kid people would just be screaming like he’s like he’s like 800 years old riding a 9h hour bus ride and guys are making noises about Harry the wolf I tell you what the nicknames the nicknames for hockey players back in the 80s and 90s are so much better than they were back then like we used we used to put some thought into it like we had a guy on our team speaking of wolves this guy you ever play Chris you ever play with Chris tansel uh no but he was uh he was on those great Springfield teams uh I think with Jeff hacket they were the Islanders right they ended up winning the uh winning the cder cup so Tel so Tel comes to our team and he’s like 5 foot s and he’s got like the Wolfman Jack hairo and he’s got the chops and he’s and he’s totally like his a little hairy guy he wasn’t he wasn’t big enough to call him a wolf or something so we so we called him Teen Wolf little Michael J fox action there little Michael J fox Teen Wolf for Chris T and after after every single win and add a round back and we went on to win The Calder Cup and this is kind of stuff that that you know gets your team close you you get something to laugh about we put on we’d put on the old song Werewolves of London and and and the Teen Wolf would get in the dressing room middle of the square you’d start dancing everybody start but it’s it’s stuff like that nobody’s on their phones nobody’s everyone’s paying attention watching the te watching the Teen Wolf dance celebrating the celebrating a victory and then like just little things like that like it’s stupid but it’s stupid but it’s funny no and Al also with a nickname zorki if you could come up with something that was fun like the guy and initially you know youd you know some of the guys coming out I wouldn’t say college but coming out they’re kind of like well that’s not my nickname and sure enough the longer you use it the more it would stick and again I I’ll say this next player and this is one of the funniest ones uh was Brent Thompson I think he was playing in La organization I remember I remember him d man yeah and that’s his son I think it’s his son that plays in uh plays for the for the Sabers anyways but you know we’re during a game or something everyone’s calling him two people and I’m like like what what’s deal here what’s two people and they’re like no one person could be that stupid and just all these different things that would end up sticking with guys and you you know like you said the camaraderie and when you get to that point where as you said the guys doing like what teams everone to Champion I always I love those stories about Jeremy ronic where he’ put on the strobe light and put on like the the boxing outfit in come out and and again the right guys the right time and I can imagine nowadays nobody would ever do something like that Sheldon Shel so sheld Kennedy was on that team with me and and he’d do this thing if the boys weren’t fired up enough he’d notice that we need some more energy in the room we had a yeah we had a you know where the tape goes in the middle of dresser and the table of tape right in the middle Sheldon would start out in the hall he would Sprint and then leap over the table and and stick the landing and the guys would just go crazy and the whole the whole the whole group would get fired up I mean you know a little something like that to to spark the energy a and it was also funny and I I relate to cuz I never I dressed for three games the NHL never played but the other thing I’m getting all these flashbacks to playing in Baltimore and the one thing I I never forget postgame and I’ll go to a pregame story say postgame was all of a sudden we’d come in and be like ah great Victory Jack and then we’d hear that Washington had lost and everyone would cheer and then people think that at the farm team you’re like cheering the mod like no no you don’t want them to do well and we had a player by the name of Chris Felix same thing so if the the the group was a little bit tight you know all of a sudden he he was a character so one time we’re sitting there in the locker room and he comes in and he only has his skates on in an inner jock and he all of a sudden comes out and he starts doing like the stripper dance you know with the hands then he does the old reach and you know and for me if I was nervous I don’t know if Laughing helped me more or it put me in a different spot but the American Hockey League at that time just like Junior Hockey first of all you’re a bit older but Baltimore we traveled a ton I’m sure and is the same thing like you really have a bond with those guys cuz you’re also as you know York like the college kids for the first time you’re living on your own like it’s a whole different experience you know what you go through and and and and I say fun things like it was just a really looking back um playing in the American Hockey League was an absolute blast couple things he said on that Barry Melrose who was my coach back then yeah we would we would be sometimes you know it does get long you’re and you don’t no one’s getting called up and Barry would say you guys moaning and belly aching when you’re older you’re going to look back and say this was the most fun you ever had yeah and he was right but you you said something every time you say something you spark another story in my mind a little a little a little bubble comes up it’s funny you said the topics pretty soon we’re only half out it’s funny people people don’t understand this because they think oh big happy organization guys in the miners they’re on those guys in the NHL we when we were because back in the 90s Detroit had there was no salary cap so they just they would just buy a new team year oh God they were spending 80 million in the early 90s the fourth line is all of a sudden Bret Hall and Luke robati and the guys in the my is like yeah when’s my chance gonna come I’m a I’m supposed to be a Swiss army knife and you’re bringing in Hall of Fame players to play on the fourth line so we’re in the we’re it’s the year that Detroit played Minnesota and they were losing in the first round and the douge mlan again we’re all on a bar we had just played somewhere in the AHL Springfield or somewhere and yeah dou douge wants to watch the end of the game so bus pulls over we go to a bar and Detroit gets scored on and all of a sudden everybody in the bar all the guys not we all jump up and go yeah plane looks like he goes what the hell are you guys cheering about and we’re like like we want to get a shot like yeah he’s like never mind my job’s on the line here oh no his meal ticket was Brian Murray and then even even you know you go back to some of the stuff and well let’s it’s 9:30 I’ll actually this will be the last one we’ll move on to actual hockey topics the other part yorky was again both in junior hockey and the American Hockey League I don’t think people have any idea of how little guys want to win like a lot of guys are like I just want to get called up I don’t care if we’re out and all of a sudden I’m going to be a black Ace I I thought being the third goal tender for the playoffs was the greatest thing of all time and my first pro experience I went to fortwayne Indiana after I was in the Sue and first of all I got a ticket and I’m like well obviously this is a mistake I should be going right to the show like why why are you sending me to the IHL and where the hell is Fort way in Indiana and I got there first of all a great town you could basically have meal you want for three bucks I’m sure beers were a buck at the time I had a blast but I also just went there and I was in total party mode and a couple of things one I’m thinking this go this coach Robbie lar I never going to see him again I’ll be in the show he’ll be back in mid well the following year he’s my coach in Baltimore and obviously his already got a load of my act and doesn’t like it but the other part was there the season was ending the end of April and guys in the that time are making 20 grand there there were guys moving out of their place and living in their truck my God because they didn’t want to pay a month’s rent and and you’d come out after practice and and and Rob be like listen whatever you guys do I want you to stay you have faith we’re going to do well in the playoffs and you come out in everyone had a Bronco back then the thing some of them even on the roof it’s like they got all their stuff they’d already moved out ready to rock and roll so that was a whole different world back then with the old IHL and uh even the American Hockey League is it kind of transitioned into more of a development league well yeah well back in the day it was it was it the the AHL and the IHL were were were kind of similar like they were kind usually the I was actually kind of better for a time because there was more older guys there and there were some guys on some big tickets in the IHL back then oh you know that’s where you kind of went they kind of put you out to pasture you’d go to the IHL get a couple years making a couple hundred grand and a lot of guys and they was kind of it was more of the floater league right all big time yeah but uh well Su I got I got a bunch of topics we can get to 9:32 where do you want to you want to we can start with uh well we did a we did a little sense coach and staff so let let’s start with a little playoff action and like is Wally trying to buzz in yet has he has he he had any contact W’s W’s Wally’s the guy that fun forgot um he’s probably tour in some art museum in in Paris now W he’s in the roundabout right now he’s just keep going around and around that’s Big Ben that’s Big Ben that’s Big Ben yeah so well we I was you know I don’t think there’s any sense going back and rehashing Dallas the Dallas series no Edmonton was just the better team Florida the Florida series shouldn’t even have been close everybody knows that the uh the Rangers shesterkin was just so good so why don’t we start with uh well you’re a goalie simmer this like we said it always comes down to goal tending so you got yeah Principal Skinner and goalie Bob in the finals like how did Skinner all of a sudden finally find his game because I thought after he gave up that soft go in the series I thought he was done but yeah great great intestinal fortitude shown by Skinner and then was fantastic the rest of the SE series like how do how do you see the shaken down in the finals Skinner versus goalie Bob uh well first of all when I watch a guy like Skinner York keep going back to that and you think about blips of and I’ll go all the way back to I think Gerber and then Ward hopped in I’ll go back to Holby where he didn’t start the first couple of games they come in here’s a guy in the Vancouver series doesn’t play a couple of games that doesn’t normally happen and I know game seven in Vancouver wasn’t uh the The Ice was tilted but I still said to myself at least he came in and was respectable but I got to say this and I I said it more going forward that he’ll be better for the experience and in the back of my mind I always go back to Mike Vernon and Vernie was from Calgary and the pressure that he had and for a kid like Skinner who first of all Skinner could be in the Wyatt ER movie as well like the other night when he got interviewed I thought throw a cowboy hat on definitely owns some Wranglers there’s no doubt big old pickup truck but I just got a lot of respect because all of a sudden series and again the clinching game he’s been playing outstanding early in the playoffs what was he doing he was just dropping and if the puck hit him that was great I think it was in the Vancouver Series where he made one of these reactionary uh blocker saves and was outstanding but the way that he grew in the series I had nothing but respect now in the back of my mind this is the unfortunate part both in the break and also understanding that guys play well and all of a sudden it’s like the Super Bowl you get to the Stanley Cup Final I I want to see him do well I want Edmonton to win but I also got to say this bosski is playing hassk like he is playing on another level and we’ll get back into kind of you know our picks and everything but he’s just been so good Yorkie and I’m just wondering from Skinner standpoint can he end up handling this but I got so much respect for him he’ll be better for the whole process going forward they got a true number one goal tender but just in the back of my mind I still don’t quite have the trust for him but I’m impressed by him and the bosski situation he’s not only making saves he has ability in his butterfly to make second saves that’s what him and shuren do that’s what swan does that’s what hassk used to do it’s one thing to be down but this guy has the ability to just go into an absolute mode gymnastics mode and hey it’s it’s been a treat to watch it’s crazy too when when you think about where boski was Florida if you go back in time Florida all barely snuck into the playoffs last year boski was an AF everybody thought who was a goalie they were using last year I was talking to someone yesterday yeah like a little short guy just like like a minor league goenda sudden playoffs he got going then had another great year but we talked forever can’t move that contract can’t move that contract it’s crazy it’s crazy but uh Hey producer Gavin I I don’t know if we have this ability but we got to we got to bring a Doc Holiday clip onto the show with I’ll be your I’ll be your Huckleberry it’s uh it’s so good I I think I’ve I think I’ve got the record for most times watching the movie Tombstone I think I watched it’s one of those movies simmer what you you know you know the movie that you’re at home you’re watching one of those channels high up in the in the rotation and it always seems to be on there was a time when when Tombstone was always on um yeah I I um I I agree with you I’m still there’s that little bit in the back of your mind that’s kind of waiting for skin to falter and you don’t really trust him but I I there’s obviously something there because I thought I thought they were cooked in that series you let that go but how about how about how about the balls on noof to make some of the moves he’s made because everybody says oh if you’re going to win in the NHL you need a veteran coach what do you think what do you think people in emont were thinking when they oh they’re just bringing him in because he’s Connor’s puppet and he’s he coached himman junr now this guy now this guy looks like the smartest coach in the NHL like no it’s not and and he’s and he’s teaching them yeah third third and fourth lines are playing hard they’re they’re they have a roll now their D are big they’re long they can move they’re getting some goal tending but special teams like he’s running the penalty kill the penalty kill 28 straight kill simmer so yeah yeah noof is whatever he’s saying to those guys and whatever he’s doing behind closed doors like this guy’s been impressive no he really has and my first thought was when he arrived is I don’t think there’s a dress shirt that could fit that neck like it that was all like and I think about Chuck noblock the old baseball player but he’s got pencil neck and I’m like is is he is he is he a 14 think he I like like he should be a goalie that’s a goalie’s neck right I have a skinny neck and I’m I’m a 16 and a half yeah but that’s a Ryan Miller where all of a sudden the gear comes off and you’re like well that can’t be the same person other part to this is that I think glixon has come in and done a nice job with him and I just I do wonder about Paul coffee I was kind of leery about that when it happened but the evolution of Bard I’m not going to go all Paul coffee it’s been all about eckholm and all of a sudden the stability that they’ve been brought there but as far as the coach like what a ballsy move I mean they were 3 n and one all of a sudden the guy comes in and there I don’t I don’t think yorky there was a major push at first and you’re kind of like where’s this going and then it was also the goal tending situation Jack Campbell was supposed to be the guy you’re dealing with the Connor Brown we’re talking about 10 million bucks between those two players so oh I think it’s a great story and now here’s the other thing and this is what I always wonder with coaches it’s not just about being inexperienced but I remember Jim shanfeld came into Washington and he would make all these changes the first year and we ended up beating Pittsburgh finally but it was always interesting with coaches is that as they followed along and there was more pressure on them they wouldn’t be willing to make those moves they they’ all of a sudden freeze they you know they’d be like a deer well they’d being a deer in headlights so I love what he’s doing but honestly you wish people would continue to do that all the time so hey what’s not to love and I’m not going to get into the whole Canadian thing I just love and respect the Edmonton fans and I think for myself been really really fun to watch and you know what it brings back Yorkie and it’s probably old Stony Mondays it’s probably on a Saturday night and we couldn’t hear the volume it was probably Chris cuthber but always being excited to come home and watch Calgary or Edmonton playing in the playoffs and we be at St Mondays I still remember where the TV would be on Coach’s Corner would come on 250 Tuesdays exactly but Coach’s Corner would come on people would be around the TV with no volume watching Don Cherry and I’m like what are you getting out of this but it was a real memory of it was Destin TV and at least for myself it’s more of a draw I was saying to someone the other day I’m not saying I wouldn’t watch it but if it was Dallas and Florida it wouldn’t be the same draw for me where Edmonton and Florida to be honest with you I’m I’m pumped I’m even thinking a little outdoor TV one of these nights here just get out in pure canadiana tough question for you um Edmonton’s fans especially up in that 300 level simmer like is there there’s like you got to give the edge You Gotta Give the edge right now to Emon is there going to be a response from the Florida fans this G to be a response I I I think Florida both probably in the quantity of their fan base and and probably through augmentation I think they’ve got a tremendous opportunity here to show what they’re all about but one of the things you have to you have to respect I love how you dance but I think you have to respect Yorkie is at this time of year it does get warm up in the higher part of the building so Jesus Christ social media is unbelievable the stuff they I’m like they really put that online um everybody everybody knows we’re talking about it went viral but you know what in saying that whatever you call that I know producer Gavin lives in Edmonton is that what do they call that is that the mosh pit with all those Oiler fans like that’s could you imagine being at Emon right now how crazy that scene is with those so it’s so good for the game in Canada right now yeah um well I think you it back toor this goes this goes into one of the points you and I how good yeah how good is this for Canada well I just think it’s great overall and again all this stuff about Canadian teams I I don’t put anything into that we’ve had a run where teams have struggled you’ve had teams go to the final that didn’t end up getting it done um no I think this is tremendous and you go back to the excitement that when Calgary went to the finals and here in Ottawa um hey let’s face facts from an Ottawa perspective of back to when I was covering the team that year they played Montreal and because of the lockout the series came a little bit later and it was spr Hockey being outside after our winter you’re just walking around remember we went to Montreal and myself and Ian you’re doing the show like who doesn’t feel good and you’re in Edmonton right now I mean God the days are as long as you can get is for you know pretty close to it it’s real good it’s great with Conor McDavid I have no idea in the United States how it fares with a Canadian team and Florida versus a Dallas and the New York Rangers but I’ve got to think and this isn’t again going back to the cups got to come back to Canada I couldn’t care less in the sense of there’s so many Canadian players on both teams but in this case to me Edmonton respect the fans love McDavid and there’s just something really cool about what’s happening so yeah I think it’s good and I’m real excited just to kind of see what the TV numbers are because I’ve got to think they’ll be better and it’s not like all of a sudden you’re going to be a s fan wearing an Oilers Jersey but I think the peak of interest at least for myself personally is much higher than if it was a Dallas Florida Series yeah no I I’m I’m fired up I’m also fired up because I have eight Oilers in my hockey pool oh nice and they’re top five top five scores the playoffs right now are all Oilers or right up there they’re they’re the Oilers the cook because they’re the only team in the league that leaves their power play on for two minutes yeah when you when you think about that it’s like they get people wonder why the Edmonton forwards obviously are the two best players in the game but they’re the only two forwards to play the entire two minutes of every they don’t come off I keep I keep waiting for them I’m like they’re stay another two minutes and then they get so many goals on that power play in the last 30 seconds and they just they just they’ll get another look another look oh here you go dry SLE back door score here yeah but U you know that just uh just to wrap up that point on Canadian cities you weren’t here in Auto yet back in 207 a when so I was I was wrapping up my career this kind of this is kind of how my broadcasting career started I was sitting in Boston and we missed the playoffs yeah and and back then it was team 1200 they used to call me all the time to go on as a because they’re always looking for guys to come on and oh for sure and I never said no because I liked it and I I had a relationship with J yeah so I I said to uh I said to back then Dave Mitchell was running the station actually and I said Dave I said I’m not doing anything here in in Boston I go why don’t I come back I go we do an afternoon show I go you have Jim you have Jim Rome on like nobody wants to listen to Jim Rome with the Senators being in the finals he’s like that’s a great idea so go and I had a buddy I had a buddy uh Luke Rushford that owns St Louis uh ribs on Elgen Street yeah and Luke and I got talking he goes you know what I’m going to do Yorkie I’m G to build a tiki bar in the parking lot and you can do the show from the Tiki Bar nice so think about this finals uh it’s it’s just chaos on Elan Street they had the cars going up and down I remember the One S fan who had the uh he had this red Mustang he painted it all up in s colors and they were parading down there after all the games but I had this show and this is how my career started from a tiki bar on Elgen Street a AJ jackub back and I sat in this Tiki Bar for three hours in the afternoon an I did an afternoon show it was uh it was so much fun and then the next year I ended up retiring started doing a little bit of fill in yeah and then that’s that’s how I started doing radio because the tiki bar on Elgen Street yeah amazing you just show some interest right I I joked about being the third golender in Baltimore and doing the games and you get into that now what time did you guys start like what what time did you start tipping them back when was the first one that the owner kind of brought over like you know right right before the show okay okay that’s that’s fine I I I didn’t have any experience yet so you had to loosen up a little bit oh yeah get a little oil in hey get a little oil in get uh no but AJ was good but uh no it’s people that were here simmer the city what the Stanley Cup finals does to your city it just it changes everything and people remember probably the greatest not probably it was the greatest time here for the S franchise um really well also if you’re if you’re a franchise yor I know they didn’t end up winning but also what comes to the buildup you know that that’s the tough part for any team and unfortunately in Washington well we went going to the finals in ’98 but we really weren’t very good but all those cap teams in the 80s you exhausted your fan base you know you got to a point where they no longer believed at least going to the finals gave them a bit of hope it was like okay we didn’t end up winning the cup but finally Alfie scores the goal I just think there was even a sense of relief and just a quick point back on Edmonton as well and you’ll appreciate that watching the buard fella play on the power play first of all the guys in the rocking chair I don’t think he even moves his lower body but one of the amazing Parts Yori is that if you want to teach young defenseman and part of it I think is just his true true St strength that he has both in arms and legs his ability to get pucks through man is so unbelievable he there’s never dead plays he’s always making a quick adjustment like how many of his pucks and again chance to break of all people Paul coffey’s assist record McDavid might be Gretzky’s record but a big part of that as you said is the power play and his ability just to he’s so calm back there and that fine line This is almost back to Larry Murphy when it’s going well you’re real calm and you’re cool you’re good when it doesn’t go well that guy’s way too casual he doesn’t care he’s not physical enough and sof people said that on buard when he was in junior but you know like you said it all just works and and it’s fun to watch and hey let’s face facts when you can possess a puck like McDavid and dry cdle nice little combo to have along with Bard there’s nobody else in the game right now that can hold pucks and extend plays obviously like McDavid but play off Leon play off Leon the way he can Shield it like he just as a defenseman he probably gives you an extra second yeah by the time by the time it’s going to take the penalty killing forward to get out and get your lane so that that does help buard a little bit but I watched him a lot in junior simmer because my son is a 2000 I watched buard when he was playing in London he had that ability back then he didn’t he he couldn’t skate he was even more upright back then but I watched him like this guy he sends so many seeing eys to the net that just seem to always find a way in but he wasn’t that Dynamic on his edges like he’s not like a he’s not like a like a mar or a highkin in like those guys those guys are Elite skaters I think those are probably the two best defensemen although I could make a case for EOL right now simmer maybe the best maybe the best defenseman on the playoffs twoway cuz he’s such a good player but with buard I think Paul cof’s stress to him make plays make hold on to the puck and buard um he does get a little extra couple seconds there but he he’s pretty good at extending plays too and his shot like you and I both said probably the best seeing eyer from the point it’s just yeah everybody talks about the B bomb The Slap Shot I think that little drag Riser he has is probably his uh his his best weapon yeah it really is and and I don’t know if by Design like AOL and I go back to different pairings methot to Carlson bom to leech I don’t know if this was what it was happening and couple of things have happened and when you see this you know you all of a sudden have a Tyson Barry well all of a sudden Bard evolves there’s only going to be one of on the power play obviously Barry’s not as good on the power play or at even strengths so he’s Expendable and yeah all of a sudden you this is emerges but the part that’s also interesting the guy in Darnell Nursey he paid N9 and a half million is now a second pairing defenseman that has Str Str incredibly has the pouty lip going and everything else and you’re thinking to yourself listen man suuck it up here because if they want to win against a team like Florida if he just goes out and plays don’t think you’re a good athlete just go out and play but his body language and the way that he’s acted so far in the playoffs I can’t stand but they’ve got a legitimate first pairing and now I thought he was I thought he was better I watched him last game he was really good on the breakouts of I I agree I told I think someone T I think when coffee made those comments you know was like listen man and he seriously like when you think about a guy like Bennett you think of barov you think of kachuck physically he is the guy that could have an opportunity of even Cody just relax just go out and play you’re this close forget about yourself your contract’s guaranteed you’re making N9 and a half million bucks just go out and play and he could end up being if he goes into beast mode for the finals that would be huge for Edmonton he was really good in their last game I was I watched him closely because he took a lot of heat and McDavid came out and said listen I’ll take I don’t know if you saw the press conference MC McDavid is showed some great like he’s come out of his show and and and been more vocal taken some heat off some of the guys I really like what he said I I thought nurse was better I do agree early in the playoffs he was struggling but I like how he’s playing right now but if you people keep talking about this simmer with emont oh it’s all about it’s all about McDavid dry Sidle and Heyman and and we haven’t even talked about the NJ the NJ is is playing some of the best hockey ever played but I think one of the biggest reasons Edmonton’s winning right now do you see how big on paper like no understands Matias EOL he’s 6 foot five Darnell nurse he’s 6 foot4 Cody Cece’s 6 foot2 yeah the big the big guy back there de har or whatever his name is he’s six foot s like Edmonton quietly has turned their D into a much harder group it’s not even close to what they were to what they are right now and you look at all the teams right now in the playoffs look look how big Florida’s the year oh man it’s just it’s it’s you need big long and can skate right now and you just you gota you got you gotta think teams like Ottawa that have struggled defensively everybody’s paying attention we had Luke Richardson on the podcast last week yeah first thing Luke talked about he goes yep I’m having meetings with our scouting Department we’re gonna talk about bringing in long big rang defenseman that can skate and you can’t just you can’t just be like a Robert Dirk now my old defense partner just big just big and cross check you got to be able to move like you can’t just be big that’s that’s what Edmonton has like for 6 foot5 eom’s going back there he’s doing Escape moves he’s holding on the like it’s it’s something else well it’s an annual discussion that we end up having in York he the same as the goenda to say of Jared Tori when he was drafted by Montreal okay that’s the formula but I got to draft guys that can actually play and then you have to insulate them Vegas is a great example when autta was coming through on the stone trade they decide to pick the five six defenseman who I give credit to has has developed and you know I don’t know what he was expecting to be but every year we go through the defense one through six you go back to St Louis that’s smother in defense now some of these guys aren’t the best they need support they need to be able to play but you’re right you need length you need all that stuff that goes with it and then this is we can kind of transition into a little bit of the Rangers talk and I put out a tweet the other day man the formula to first of all make the playoffs is so difficult now it’s half of the teams Miss I’m surprised they haven’t done something as far as a playin because back in the day hey the Norris division was terrible 16 teams make you got teams with 50 points but you got these even these defensemen and you say to yourself hey would I want Quinn Hughes on my team absolutely would I want Fox on my team absolutely now ask yourself a question how many teams have won Stanley Cups won four rounds of the playoffs with their top defenseman being an undersized guy you go back to Colorado a couple of years they ended up losing I’m blanking on the little French guy they end up losing him in the playoffs it was actually a blessing Sam Sam Gerard Sam Gerard yeah Sam jard they ended up getting better it’s just really hard as you said and you go back to even montre Montreal’s team that went to the finals you could make an argument they might not have made the playoffs with that defense because it was so slow but at that time the rules were different and once they got in and he got back into water skiing mode all of a sudden that defense ended up working but from an Ottawa perspective yeah I mean you just absolutely as you said and and I think clevin is a perfect type of guy I need long I need Mobility I need structure to support these guys but forget about trying to make the playoffs to go four rounds the smaller defense just kind end up doing that and we really saw the difference of buard and and Hughes in that Vancouver Series yeah yeah even even I watched obviously fox in New York looked like he was something was wrong with his shoulder yeah he’s like he just they wore him down like they just absolutely pounded and pounded them like you target him like you know when you’re in a when you’re in a pregame meeting everybody thinks there’s all these elaborate schemes and systems the head coach first thing on the on the Whiteboard yeah get on their d hit their D every single chance you can and there would be a big circle around Fox a big circle around Quinn and it would be non-negotiable AB guy is finished every single time difference is you want to go finish finish matius EOL you saw him he got knocked down a few times he just gets up dusts himself off it’s like that’s all you got like come on yeah and a lot of guys kind of get rubbed off in the play and and and to your point as well when you’re Hughes you’re playing big minutes you’re also playing to play trying to play properly and if all of a sudden you start playing properly you don’t have the energy uh Fox ends up being the same thing so man that counterbalance of again trying to have big guys and then as you talked with Edmonton I mean if buard is in his own Zone all the time and doesn’t have eckholm you’re going to look at all the flaws in his game when he has Puck possession a good partner in a power play now all of a sudden you’re raving about it so it is situational and I always go back to Larry Murphy okay Dave Lewis did a great job first of all Toronto was an awful team he got booed out of it he went to a puck possession team and this is the same is Chara like when Chara first was Ottawa but even with the Islanders you watch the guy play he’ll never play in the National Hockey leag well he’s facing the glass the whole game get him to a team that possesses the puck and he’s got skates up ice and it took a while here in Ottawa you were you were around but I’m just saying the situational part of him the support it’s incredible the difference that can make for a player and especially for a defenseman simmer we’ve gone 55 minutes and I was supposed to sneak I was supposed to sneak these ad reads in about 40 minutes ago so I got I’m gonna slide one in here show is proudly presented by betway it’s uh you can bet your away with betway must be 19 plus please play responsibly sign up at be back probably well who knows we’re probably going to talk for another 20 minutes but after that we’re going to get to our locks of the day which simmer and I are going to take our picks on who we like in the finals um and also we can’t forget about our good friends at Bei if you’re looking to spruce up some curb appeal simmer you got to give uh Bei a chance U they could do a great job on your drive with the paving Aggregate and top soil sales plus bii you can also write your equipment from them give them a call if you need some Landscaping 613 432 1120 or you can get them at boner Excavating tocom uh Bei helping to shape the Auto Valley and remember please slow down in construction zones this summer lots of construction going on in except in my neighborhood the fraking roads are awful there’s potholes everywhere a come on you’re in the high end and the one thing I’ve always loved is a hot mixing Paving like there’s one thing and it’s almost like getting your back your back wax like there’s that’s just a good feeling all of a sudden that hot mix is going down and is there anything better even when you do a little cover on your driveway to make it look new again and as a young man just the smell of of of the pavement coming off on a hot day yesterday was not a good day to be a paver that’s my God yeah were you outside yesterday that was oh yeah absolutely no it was you know and again but I I’m pretty fortunate lived in Maryland for a long time so I gotten a bit used to it but you’re right from an Ottawa perspective one of the great things is we generally don’t have the high high humidity and that was one of those days there a little bit like sha Shank Redemption where the guys finish Paving the roof you just take that first pint and you’re just like you remember them having that and Andy sitting back he’s not even having any but those workers are just like you’re just like that’s like having a sip of your dad’s beer back in the day when he used to cut the grass right be a hot day out and you’re not even liking beer you know I’m probably 12 years old and you just take a nice sip of that and you realize you know what someday I’m going to be a man I’m GNA slide that down after I just cut the nice grass old Andy defra he enjoyed that he didn’t even have a deer simmer that day there with that stupid smile on his face and just yeah just watched the watch that anyways I got one more ad read to do because this our good friends at Wendy’s uh Frozen pucks are awesome when they’re in the back of the other guy’s net but that doesn’t mean you’d want to eat one simmer that’s why Wendy’s only ever uses fresh Canadian beef that’s never seen on the inside of a freezer or in the burgers whether you’re uh whether you order a Baconator Dave single or even a JBC you’ll only ever find real fresh beef that’s real juicy and loaded with fresh toppings so download the Wendy’s app check out the latest deals and order a burger uh that’s your only job uh being delicious oh whoever put that one together deserves a raise oh I I I just go right back to where’s the beef like you know that that’s what Curtis was that’s where Curtis LA are would have been saying on the ice like where’s the beef you get that nice old B was that was that Wendy’s that did that one no God oh I I or was that B I think it was Wendy’s wasn’t the old lady where’s be where’s the beef and then I’m also saying we’re talking movie topics enough have you watched the founder movie with Michael Keaton oh so good so good oh it is just a classic like like I love that kind of stuff first of all it’s a true story um but I the classic line out of that one is he’s walking out and the guy’s coming behind him that ends up working with him he goes you’re not in the burger business you’re in the land business all of a sudden you start buying up the land and you own the entire country and Lease those bad boys over that was just a hey I want six mixers did you say six mixers he drives all the way out to San Bernardino and wants to see what’s going on with the original McDonald’s two speaking of the original how about the original party animal if we want to talk about the most iconic commercials you said where’s the beef can’t forget about you can’t forget about Good Old Spuds McKenzie well no because this is this is part of and first of all how he hang out with the girls and I I think he you know remember they brought him to award show I think he was they they obviously had him on volume but this was going in 1986 getting drafted I was fascinated with American culture this was the height of Spuds McKenzie and I couldn’t get enough of it and and we would go down there you wanted to get that you wanted to get anything that was Florida related Florida Gators and then we also were fascinated going into before because we got a lot of younger listeners we’re probably yeah so first we’ll we’ll just a little a little uh history Spuds McKenzie was who I believe it was Budweiser decided to use in their ads it was a it was a white I think pitbull or some kind of dog it was similar to Don Cherry’s dog was yes they put and and it was the weird it was the craziest campaign ad where they put some shades they put some shades and a little Hawaiian party shirt on them and and and if you bought the but if you bought the bud L whatever the beer it was it was buds McKenzie the original party animal then it took off like everybody was talking about spudsy yeah yeah no and you know again had the girls and I like I said I remember the award show he’s just sitting tight and I’m just thinking he’s just hired in a kite but we would go down to the United States and everything was like I you want to see and I remember we go into the the store we ended up going down for uh training in in uh Maryland when I got drafted and we had one week we were training on a Friday night we ended up going watching wrestling at the old Cap Center and then of all things there’s 12 of us of 22 and under we get in a van and drive to Ocean City Maryland and and I’m thinking nowadays like first of all you’d have a chauffeur how we got the van the van’s loaded up with beer we go to Ocean City Maryland I think we arrived 1:00 a.m. we did not even have a place to stay we show showed up at someone’s house that somebody knew and all of a sudden there’s 12 of us in there for the weekend and we had the blast just a blast we had all these floaties that were out in the ocean they’re getting destroyed we’re getting destroyed and just having a good old time and as you know it’s either K’s light Bud Light or Miller Light and just pound them down and having a good old time in Ocean City Maryland this because of Spuds McKenzie and that trick trickery advertising by budlight um yeah they forced us to do it Yorkie they forced us to do it um we have to get it’s simmer it’s already been an hour can you believe it we’ve threw we’ve flew through an hour just uh talk and I’ve had a great time by the way it’s been this been a lot of fun absolutely we were gonna go to uh well we can save this for next time yeah let’s get to our Gavin let’s get to our uh our locks of the day because I believe what is it Saturday night game one Saturday night game one of the Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday yeah and this series a lot of people most people I were talking to were were all over Florida now I think it’s kind of changed people are saying hold on a second Edmonton Edmonton’s got uh it’s not just McDavid dry cidal and and hymar they’re they’re deeper so um who do you like who do you like for the final Edmonton Florida who do you like and how many well here’s York going back uh first of all the Rangers shouldn’t have beat Carolina um old Freddy Anderson leted in that second goal in game six Carolina for check yeah Carolina forche was all over the Rangers Florida was the same thing I’m not saying that Florida’s forche isn’t strong but this idea or what’s kind of been put into people’s head is Florida’s just going to come in and dust up when you look at the size of the D as you mentioned on Edmonton but their ability to possess the puck we’re not talking about paner the baged and the disappearing act of everybody on the Rangers Edmonton’s a much better team my only thing I go back to is going to be the edge and goal I’m not looking at Florida and people are saying they’re hungry or they’re going to roll through them I think it’s going to be a hell of a series but I am going to take Florida in seven games and I just keep going back to barowski uh he’s in beast mode he’s into hassk mode the way that he’s reacting the way he’s competing the way he’s seeing pucks I just think that’s going to be the edge in the series but I think it’s going to be long I think it’s going to be fun and I think it’s a lot closer than people are are taking it out to be now don’t go and watch game of Edmonton clinin against uh Dallas because that was a maybe a two nothing lead in Quicks samam so I’ll go I’ll go Florida and seven what about you are you saying it’s Leon dry sidled is going to be tougher to play against than DJ zbed uh yeah I think and and and you know this is again going back to would I want panan on my team and I I’ve talked about Mitch Marner I got into the light and heavy I a guy like zrus is on the market well New Management has realized yeah you know I love in warm-up when guys do all these tow drags and I love the the the Michigan which we should call the Mike leg Ley was the one that ended up doing it but certain players yeah I mean the difference and this will be interesting I will say though um I think with mik Zan going back to just quickly I think he was so psyched out by barov where McDavid is gonna understand I don’t need to be in a physical matchup with this guy I gotta use my speed and my skill because barov is probably the toughest player to play against in the National Hockey League so I’m probably not even going to waste well Leon might take a lot of the draws anyway I’m not going to expend a ton of energy this a different animal uh when you talk about and a guy like Heyman the way that he goes to the net that’s the funny part with krider people think krider is a power forward yorie he doesn’t even do it he’s actually best on the pedal kill so different animal they’ll be better but as I said I’ll still still take florid and S yeah no it’s it’s people keep saying and I’ve heard this one I’ve heard this on a lot of panels they they they shut down the Boston brooms and pastr David past’s a a pure goal scorer he is a but he’s not a play driver he’s not he’s not a possession guy that can hold on the it’s not even close in my opinion uh if you compare Leon dry and David pck they’re not they’re not in the same conversation and also without the support down the middle York now I mean when you take bers on and cre you away I mean what are you going to end up doing when you’re Pastor neck I mean again you got to look at matchups and and he tried but you’re great it’s hey dry cidal is you know it’s it’s a dream I mean he’s he’s like a a higher a better John lir yeah and he’s and he is going to get a massive massive payday like there’s all kinds of rumors what’s going to happen to Leon like he he wants to win but he knows he’s been playing on a he’s been playing on a contract for a long time I think he’s making eight yeah he’s he’s gonna be a $14 million player Oh totally agree yeah so I I just sync to your point I I’ll agree with you on this zbad and panarin they’re not even in the conversation with McDavid and and dry Sidle and also too like yeah we haven’t even talked I mentioned Newen Hopkins Newen Hopkins has been better in the playoffs than those players then panan then zbad and all those guys so there’s secondary players Zach Heyman who you mentioned geez how about the Toronto Maple Leafs must be just kicking themselves for letting this guy go like yeah plays like a dog on a bone can score I I know he’s getting some feeds from McDavid but still he’s tenacious he’s Relentless he seems like a great team guy and plays the game the right way so I think that Dallas series really uh prepared Edmonton but I even think the Vancouver series like they they it was it was it was tough but um but Dallas that was a good test I think uh they’ve learned some lessons from there the only thing I think it’s going to go seven um I have question marks about Skinner but I just think those elite players for Edmonton are going to be the difference in this series I I like your big D if they can just get they don’t need great go tending Skinner just just be good I’ll take uh I’ll take Edmonton in seven for those reasons yeah not disagree and and I think with Skinner it’s not only about not you know just be good but don’t let in the deflating goal and nice recovery against Dallas but just from a momentum standpoint there’s still that in the back of the players’s mind so make sure you don’t end up doing that and I’ll also say this and then I know people in Florida are having a blast but as you know you go over to the Elbow Room right now they’re proba talking more about the Dolphins training camp and and sure they’ll have the fans and and when it first came in it was a great Market but as you’ve pointed out at the start of the show there’s something real special about a Canadian market and I also think what’s different than when Calgary went last time Edmonton went Vancouver a little bit different I think Edmonton feels like they can win I don’t think this is one of those ones where all of a sudden you show up in the dance we were in 98 with smok in mirrors where we beat Ottawa or Boston beat Ottawa beat Buffalo then we arrived to the big dance and it’s kind of like listen Detroit is in a whole different stratosphere you lose a couple of games and the realization we got swept that was kind of hey all of a sudden it struck midnight I don’t think the Edmonton oers feel that way and I think there’s also realization for all these players probably like what Mario went through when he was in Pittsburgh of how long it took and all how tough the process was and then all of a sudden they show up in that final and you say to yourself okay this is an opportunity here don’t let it go and I think players nowadays yorky realize that more and more there is no more of this we might get back next year Jesus we might not even make the the playoffs in the 32 Team league so I think the old carp DM here sees the moment and I I I’m sure Edmonton’s feeling that right now sees the day that’s a great great saying I used to put that on my sticks in the playoffs carpm so yeah um KH SM who would you pick right now who would be your guy well you know okay I if Florida ends up winning it um quietly kachuck had a real nice playoffs he leads him in points barov has been real good but I’m going B brosi all day long and it’s not even close I I really feel like he has been the guy now if it’s the Edmonton side it’s a fun debate and you can get into dryad or you can get into Heyman you can get into buard but I still think at the end of the day and I I know the writers vote on it but I still feel like if they win if McDavid breaks the assist record he leads the you know the the NHL in playoff scoring I’ll go McDavid and I’ll go bosski but I think it’s more of a discussion I don’t know how you feel it is more of a legitimate discussion on the Edmonton side than it is on the Florida side yeah I’m with you oh by the way big big Kev fan of the show says Oilers and six just fire thaty producer Gavin we got to get a pull a nice poll out for later on the coming in hot website maybe uh who do you think’s going to win the Stanley Cup and and get either Oilers or uh or Florida um con SMI I I thought Leon was the guy on emont side until Connor went off in those last couple games uh I would be fine with either Conor or Leon on the side of things I know bards had put up the points hman but those are the two guys for Edmonton um I I love barkov I think this guy is just and I love boski Broski’s been their best player but burkoff he’s so special simmer yeah I listened to Billy uh and we didn’t even get into the general manager debate um yeah B Billy Zito was on the Jeff Merck show the other day and I heard him talking about about barkov about the kind of person he is and how he leads and how he’s he’s confident but humble and how his how his personality has been infectious on that group and it just goes to show you when your best player doesn’t cheat the game yeah if you watch if you watch the Rangers series panan cheats cheats for offense barkov never cheats yeah and he plays hard it just forces your whole group and that’s that’s kind of Edmonton now too you go back to early days when they would get when they would get bounced out early in the playoffs McDavid was still kind of cheating you know doing those circles in the dzone trying to pick up speed Leon not coming all the way back they’re not cheating anymore um they’ve they’ve learned their lessons but man I I I I love watching barov play he is he won the best defensive player in the year but he’s uh he’s very underrated offensively too yeah no and you go back to York and I was thinking in my back of my mind I’m going back of my mind again I think I’ve said that aund times today so fine me um go back to Steve Eiserman you know in the total talk and have him do it and I think in the case of Conor McDavid I don’t need you to try to play like barov I need you to play underneath people be responsible manage the puck I don’t expect it your weight to do it but when you watch barov play and you go back to St Louis when they won with Ryan O’Reilly this is Ryan O’Reilly well I W want to say on steroids but this guy’s a freak of nature verion well he is and and when he comes back and gets underneath people they’re toast and he plays the game properly he’s a coach’s dream legitimate argument and you keep talking about oh one of the most underrated players in the league I don’t think if you know hockey if you talk like that but he would be in a conversation for sure if I’m starting a team of what do I ultimately want like he’s a bigger Patrice berson and when he does it properly he can make plays and then the other part I like is that there are a lot of teams in the National Hockey League that when him and hubero are superb buddies would be really afraid and you might even go to the player some team we talk to the player well we’re thinking about oh you can’t move them well first of all don’t talk to the player the players all want to win and if you make a real good trade doesn’t matter if there’s their best buddy they made a ballsy trade of not only how this would end up affecting the club but how would it affect barov huberto has gone to Calgary been a Gong Show kachuck has come in along with Bennett along with other guys has changed the mentality of the culture and hubero is another guy I mean hey good regular season player he’s not even that R now no showing the playoffs so I love what they’ve done and you’re absolutely right for anybody that wants to do teaching just watch him play and he’s been like that since day one I mean he is an absolute Manchild and it’ll be fun to watch the matchup like I said I think dry side all on the draws but I’m C curious to watch him against McDavid and I’m sure for for barkov as well playing against the zbad you know I mean he was just he soft as church music he was just spinning records all night he must have thought this is the easiest matchup that I’ve ever had and Boston not having berson or kety how much easier that was I just go it reminds me back remember back in the in high school days the great Niners remember the minor Niners oh God us there used to there used to be like they used to have initiations in high school and the seniors they’d have a great ner Niner and then you know they’d get you You’ they used people W want to hear this but it happened back in the day they used to go the minor Niners they’d give them like a wedgie you get a wedgie or something almost it was almost like K was like come here zad just give a wedgie on the locker it’s like oh yeah you had the Tidy whes going I remember grade nine going to K Wilson too and that was when grade 13 was around I’m like I’m sure some of these guys are approaching 30 and they had a smoking section at grade nine I’m like this this I can’t be at the right school here and then went home and watched Fast Times at rgon high and realized okay this is reality now we’re we’re in the big we’re in the show now simmer when I uh so you know when you go to play Junior Hockey and it was my second year I was I was in Windsor yeah and my Billet house was in kind of like a blue collar area of Windsor there was there was a few more things besides smoking going on at the school my first day at school I walking out for lunch all of a sudden this undercover van pulls up right in front of the right in front of the school grabs some students puts them against the wall they all get bust they all get busted for having marijuana on them oh wow if it was today it doesn’t matter but that but but back then I’m like what the hell have I walked into here I’m like this school’s like a it’s like it’s like a drugie school and I was all worried for rest of the year yeah no you know the the experiences you get and and also coming from Ottawa and the Sue is actually great to go to but Ottawa is just basically Utopia I always say that to people so any experience and my loved and winds are where the rink was first of all hole and I hated playing there cuz I had to stand there they’d be throwing coins at me but our our first year coach we’re God awful so the the morale is low like lower than whale [ __ ] and I remember he’d tell us listen when we’d arrive in wior we had to get out or anywhere we went we had to get out of the bus Dad we had to go for a jog and we’re in the projects of Windsor and at first you think it’s a rocky baloa scene then you realize these people are actually chasing us we couldn’t get into the building fast enough to get in there oh that crowd that was in there man I I never in three years of Junior Hockey I never won a game in Windsor just got smoked all the time and that’s just when Rutherford Comm in in compy wear and they were so much better anyway but I was so intimidated playing in that building we um you know what’s funny when I when so when I played in Windsor Pete dor as you know he was he was on the team with me Pete was the captain and the best part of it was you know this Paul Maurice had played the year before I got there they went to the Memorial Cup and then Windsor it was great timing for me I came in Windsor when they’re rebuilding so I got to play all the time but mole started started his career there as a DD coach and he was 21 years old and back to my point earlier on in the show about your relationship with your decoach and and your defenseman Paul marce took me under his wing I tell a story all the time simmer and he would work with me after practice on Little Things walk in the line talk to me really took me under wing and I’m not going to say I knew he was going to be an NHL coach because I was just a kid in the OHL but he was so beneficial for my career simmer and yeah you know I’m not surprised to see what he’s done now as a coach just good real good quality people in thater spit organization back there Jimmy Rutherford was the tomster was the coach you had Maurice Adam Graves was there the year before they had such a good culture because Junior Hockey you and I have shared some stories back then was you went to some teams and it wasn’t a great situation to send your your teenager to but I was lucky I bad situation and then I got to I got to get coached by Tommy Webster Paul Maurice but the funny story you talk about rinks in a bad area we had this guy and I still don’t know what this guy’s name is to the day dor dor actually nicknamed the guy great guy I think his name was Paul and he used to come to all the practices stay after he’ come for lunch and it was in the ghetto of Windsor so we just called this guy his name was ghetto so like hey ghetto hey ghetto how you doing we go for lunch ghetto you coming for lunch if you if you saw Pete the boor let’s say you’re doing a went to a game you said hey Pete do you remember ghetto he would laugh his head off because he made the nickname up for him but such such good times playing in winter with those guys and good good good good people I was very fortunate to come to come across Palmer I still thank him simmer whenever I see him yeah I say I say mo if it wasn’t for you I I I probably wouldn’t have made it yeah no it’s amazing Yorkie you know and and the fork in the road you go from Detroit to Anaheim and I think to Paul being a sue guy he wasn’t a hard player and he would have been different in today ends up with the eye injury but a lot of teams back then our assistant coaches were like volunteers you know you didn’t even see them half the time so the fact that a a club ended up having something like that and then I’m having all these visions of the Masher because the Masher if anyone somebody just put out a happy birthday to the Masher the other day and and the the the Masher I was I was got you got to tell you got to you got to tell a backstory who the Masher is okay well anybody that was around the OHL in the 80s or I think early 90s the masher and I think he claimed or did work for the University of Huntsville Alabama but he was always around the OHL and he was just you know as what you’d expect someone to look like a Masher not the best dental program uh they have the trench coat on uh he always had different things and there were stories about him riding up under the bus with North Bay where Bert said listen you can ride up with us but you got to ride underneath I’m not feeling that one one year I went to the OHL draft though and I had my Jeep at the time and he’s like hey simmer can I get a ride with you so I ended up giving him a ride over to the draft and that that’s great okay we’re good to go well all of a sudden I realized he had left one of his bags in the car and and this is back to 1988 so we’re talking about trying to get a hold of somebody’s really difficult no cell phones all of a sudden he ends up calling my mom’s place he’s like I left my bag in your car can you end up grabbing it and I don’t think I had even taken it out but I go and I get the bag and first of all my first you know the first thing I should have realized the bag is from the Sheron Hotel so it’s just one of the plastic bags and then if if the Masher hadn’t emptied out everything from the Bible to the ashtray to the towels to the so everything he had emptied emptied the bag out and he wanted to get his bag back so that was the uh the Masher back of but for everybody as you said there are certain names that you mention and certain people and uh he is just one of those classic stories from the 1980s and just it just showed up everywhere and uh he was a character one of those things that that you know made the 80s OHL what it is and what fortunately Junior Hockey will never be again oh you know what I think I think we’re gonna have to I don’t think we can beat that story of the Masher so simmer I think we’re going to have to leave it at that it’s 20 after 10 we could probably go another two hours here um that was uh listen that was a lot of fun having you on today really really enjoyed really enjoyed it uh you and I are from the same vintage so it was good good to talk and share some stories um we’ll have to do it again soon yeah absolutely brother have a great weekend and for everyone uh yeah excited for the playoffs to get started and we’ll catch up soon and uh enjoy the old uh golf game brother yeah all right thanks for watching everybody see you next week cheers everyone Thanks for tuning in to coming in hot if you enjoyed the show hit that like button and be sure to subscribe to never miss an [Music] episode for


  1. Yorkie – I'll challenge you for that record. I watch it EVERY time it's on the tube. Love that movie and Doc Holliday.

  2. Doc holiday suffered from consumption……..nowadays called TB, tuberculosis. He was referred to in the movie as a “lunger”. The alcohol didn’t help.

  3. I really hope Wally wasn't listening in. He'd be dying of anxiety listening to these guys trading yarns and not coming within a country mile of any sort of nerd report.

  4. Great show!
    Top Gun 2: Maverick was one of the greatest sequels in movie history, even though Tom Cruise is a horrible person. I just downloaded Tombstone to watch after softball! I love Kurt "Snake Plissken" Russell: "I don't give a fuck about your war… or your president."

  5. Redwood is owned by Orion, Orion is owned by Amazon, does that mean there's adds after every hole? Skip ad now if you down a beer😆

  6. Yorkie you did a great job filling in for Wally. Wally can leave the show and know you're going to burn It to the Ground….lol…. Simmer is always a bag of laughs. He's got many great funny hockey stories. The time just flies by when listening to Simmer. I think you make a great third wheel on the show. Once a week to mix things up in between guests or when you're in need of a little pick me up show. Definitely going to need him for when Yorkie takes vacations. Keep up the great work guys, always fun. Best Senators podcast hands down.

  7. I watched this on replay and knew how long it was before I started. Even then while watching I thought this conversation was never going to end! Great content guys.

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