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U.S. Olympic Wrestling Trials: Jordan Burroughs vs. Jason Nolf | 74kg Challenge Tournament Final

Jordan Burroughs and Jason Nolf face off at U.S. Olympic Wrestling Trials to advance for a chance at Paris 2024. #teamusa #wrestling #olympics #jasonnolf #jordanburroughs

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six more times at the World level a seven time world and Olympic champion combined but for a rare occasion in his International career having to come through the Challenge tournament to try to get to a worlds or an Olympics normally he’s one of those guys waiting in the best of three finals already but here he is in the challenge final got to go through another Penn State guy in Jason KN his superb career here for the nitty Lions three time NCAA champion and a four time finalist and Burrow’s aggressive Early N staying in did he turned the table on him and a point picked up by n able to get fos to go out first yeah they’re going to throw the brick on that one I don’t it looked like there was a stoppage Jordan was on both knees so he was grounded and then they gave it they gave a point late so I’m I’m not sure they’re going to give that that one’s going to hold up so Mark Manning on the left Brandon SLE on the right in the coaching corner for Jordan Burrows opt to put the brick in so an early challenge here remember Burrows loses it can’t challenge again the coaches must feel pretty confident his knee was up for a little bit but he was grounded there and I don’t know why the referee decided to give that one and again if both wrestlers there grounded essentially not necessarily in control yeah you’re not going to get a step out if the wresters is grounded they they very clearly Define that in the international rules now so again working through the process of the video review as you look at Jordan Burrows 35 years of age now GRE up outside of Philadelphia cerville New Jersey couple of NCA titles at Nebraska challenge decision neither wrestler goes out of bounds the line is inbounds blue does not surpass that therefore no points scored whistle is blown in this position challenge is one so the challenge is one Burrows in his corner will hang on to it to potentially use it later and the point removed back scoreless here between n and Burrows worthwhile challenge both rusters coming out aggressive trying to make their Mark in this match so we’ll see if n can get at it he lost to burough at the 2021 world team trials in the challenge portion I three when they went head to-head yet it’s rare for Burrows with his 10 Olympic and World medals combined normally after securing one of those the next year at the worlder Olympic trials he got the automatic pass to the finals but not this time and the winner in London in 2012 disappointed with his Showcase in Rio as he crashed out didn’t place and then didn’t make the team for Tokyo bested by Kyle D who had been beaten by Burrows multiple times over the years but then Dake flipped the script beat Burrows and went on to win Olympic bronze Dake the fulltime world champion as well he’s waiting in the best of three finals in this weight class tomorrow yeah burrow would like to do what D did in in Fort wor three years ago come out of the Challenge Series and and take that take that Paris spot Warren Jordan for passivity here Jordan’s a rhythm rler he likes to get that space get a little rhythm bounce up and down and then take his blast double but n’s done a really good job of staying on his head making Jordan react versus Jordan making n react n got to the finals of the Tokyo trials Challenge tournament three years ago that time he got bested by Dake also beaten by Dake in final X which is essentially the best of three finals to make the world championship team in not Olympic years that happen in each of the last two years so he’s been so close so many times but trying to get to a world team from the United States he’s got to go through Jordan Burrows and Kyle Dake two of the best in American history and potentially in alltime history yeah n’s been knocking on the door for a long time hanging in that great wrestler but he’s up against two of the best of all time buros and off continuing the hand fighting still score excuse me no P that point was on the clock didn’t get anything done in that 30 seconds so the shot clock violation if you don’t score in the 30 seconds you’re on the activity clock as they now call it your opponent gets a point so KN has it Burrows now trying to counter and get in for a take down but KN wraps him up Jan’s got to be very careful here on the edge but Jordan’s an expert on on being at this Edge and not giving up points surprised his activity level hasn’t been hasn’t been as high at the last minute and a half for this match no trying to pick him up trying to score on the edge and they’ll give it to him two signal from The Ref let’s see if it’s confirmed not confirmed now the mat mat jge didn’t confirm that I get [Music] the we’ll see if n his Corner goes for a challenge and now it does go up so it didn’t go up at first and now suddenly it appears oh late confirmation so here comes the challengeing back from the red side and this crowd booing a little bit and it’s hard to hear them boo an American Legend and Jordan Burrows but against a Penn State guy you know who they’re going to be in the corner of a little contentious earlier when Burrows got by Mitchell messenbrink another n Jordan relaxed here this was this is an area where he shouldn’t have relaxed he uh he thought what we’re we’re already out but there’s no reason to relax there keep wrestling on the edge that could cost him two points or maybe and maybe a third if this challenge doesn’t work I don’t think they’re going to give it to him it’s pretty close but you put yourself in a position where anything can happen and you don’t need to do that you would really have to start working in the second period if this holds up really bad time to get complacent for Jordan so as they wait for this review action underway in the challenge final as well Greco Roman Joe Ral trying to break through to the challenge final at 97 kg taking on Nick hin and the lead for Ral at this point will flip you over 53 Advantage early in the second period Ral 33y old from the Chicago area three-time World member of the United States including last year he won at the Olympic trials for Rio in 2016 but the US never qualified the weight so he didn’t get to wrestle at the game no points in contact the take down is cancelled one point no points are stored the challenge is won so how about that two challenges for Burrows in his corner and two challenge wins so they hang on to that single challenge again if you win it you keep it they’ve done that twice and again that two taken off the board as we hit the break in a lows scoring battle Yeah Jordan was pretty content just to let that period go by hang in their one zero and I think we’ll see him come out very strong early in this second period and try and exert some dominance get a couple of tight counts and Jordan Burrows at age 35 wanting to make one more Olympic push and father of now five the oldest Beacon is nine badge the youngest only about 2 months old born in February certainly at the tail end potentially of his International wrestling career no with the blast explosion on the outside blast through for for Jordan barels Blast M gets his blast done not going to let video review take that off the board and electrifying two here to take the lead on Burrows again who was looking to push through to make it another Olympic team people have asked if you don’t win are you going to retire and he said he’s not even thinking about that he’s here to win this thing but KN going to make it challenging and n’s wrestling a great match burs he’s got to get moving now he’s got to start setting up some attacks make off react to him and and then set up his his double and get him through the zone or get get a clean take down in the middle and again the winner of this showcase matchup gets the right to take on an Olympic bronze medalist in four-time World Champ Kyle D tomorrow on the best of three bout final again we talked about at the top of the show Jim it is a supreme test at the Olympic trials just to earn the right to potentially represent the United States at the Olympic yeah there’s nothing like it Olympic trials particular 74 kg which has traditionally been the United States most difficult weight deepest and and best competitors in in this weight class 163 lb the 74 kilo weight class brow’s got to find some offense trailing here trying to get a point for a push out but he’s got to get going Jo Joe Ral just picked up the win in Greco Roman as he moves on he’ll take on Alan Vera in the best of three finals at 97 kilos coming up tomorrow right now Jordan Burrows pass to Rally here against Jason n who’s been so close so often to make a world or Olympic team for the United States Arrow’s desperately trying to get a push out but Ms were using them out really well and there are a host of nitty lions at this weight class coming in it’s now and ever for Jordan he’s not he’s not doesn’t have enough activity he’s trying to put pressure but he’s got to get up and down change the elevation look for his double look for something besides just this just the push [Music] out St mate there back to the middle KN hanging stroll 40 seconds and maybe the most historic wrestling career in the US history so Jordan’s got to get moving Burrows trying to continue the work to make it back to another Olympic team looking for a push out doesn’t get it that was close he almost had one but he needs multiple points here against nul under 20 seconds to go nothing there Burrows staying at it n going to Heap it at Bay Jordan Burrows phenomenal career in the United States winding down will this be the end Penn State fans loving life for Jason n as he takes down the legend Jordan Burrows here in the trials final [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tomorrow KN on to the best of three final against Kyle D tomorrow the respect there for Jordan Burrows to shake the hands of kale Sanderson and others in the corner we saw another top American Veteran Jaden Cox removed his shoes in the traditional sign of retirement earlier tonight but no such sign here from Jordan Burrows as he exits in all of his accolades with seven combined world and Olympic gold medals but for a second straight Olympic Games he will not be a part of it the United States incredibly disappointed in in that outcomes Jordan for the work that he put in to try and get back to this stage didn’t make the team last year not going to be in Paris don’t know if we’ll see him again could be the end for Jordan Burrows we’ll see but it’s not the end for Jason knof he advances through as noof moves on and Burrows bows out here at Penn State [Music]


  1. Burroughs is a great wrestler, husband, father and man of God. Congratulations to Golf, but Burroughs has been demonstrating incredible talent, and work ethic for a long time. No one should have booed him.

  2. حالا خوب بود، این ۲تا که از یک تویله هستن و به جون هم دیگه افتادن، ببینن حق کشی یعنی‌ چی‌

  3. Nolf was absolutely stalling at the end. There should haven been at least 2-3 points awarded. Home advantage.

  4. توی سن و سال باروز باید میذاشت تا رقیبش حمله بکنه،، در سن بالا باید تدافعی کار کرد

  5. Burroughs непросто легенда, это спортсмен внес серьёзный вклад в развитие борьбы США. Наблюдать за его многолетним противостоянием с Российскими борцами это то самое наслаждение от этого спорта которое все фанаты ждали !!!

  6. Засудили Барроуза. Три раза синий вышел за ковер. Судья делал вид что не видел

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