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These BIG decisions could DEFINE Sharks next DECADE (Celebrini, Smith, Couture & Coach)

Check out Max Miller:

0:00 Welcome Max Miller
0:40 Magnitude of the No. 1 Draft Pick in 2024
2:18 Macklin Celebrini NHL ready this season?
4:00 Will Smith SIGNS with San Jose, now what?
6:01 Are Smith & Celebrini PACKAGE deal coming to Sharks?
9:43 Luca Cagnoni SIGNED with Sharks, what to expect?
12:00 Sharks next core YOUTH group: what’s their vibe?
14:31 Evolution of William Eklund late last season
17:15 Current Sharks Coaching Search
25:19 Sharks plans for Mackenzie Blackwood
27:21 Status of Logan Couture
32:05 Who would be the next Sharks Captain?
36:16 Leon Draisaitl.. TO THE SHARKS?!?!?
38:18 What kind of free agents do Sharks bring in?
42:12 BEST part of next Sharks season?

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so I’m talking to Max Miller but I’m actually going to surprise you Max do you have any news to announce to me uh from Recently did I see a life change for you yes yes you did uh you did see a life change uh uh I went through last season single uh but I got myself a ring and uh I’m now engaged week after the season ended I decided to to pop a question give myself a ring congratulations thank you thank you you growing up real fast one season of sharks huh that that made your mind up on life huh yeah exactly she stuck with me through the whole thing knew she was a keeper well congratulations to you and and your fiance uh so thank you there is a lot of sharks news I don’t really know exactly where to start here I mean there’s like literally a number of different places but let’s start with number one as in the number one overall pick for the first time in franchise history um we know it’s going to be mlin celebrini and in a weird way that’s fun because there’s not a lot of anticipation it’s also weird because there’s a lot of years where it’s turn left or turn right and that’s a huge pivotal franchise decision like the destiny is kind of made for this team in this franchise I think he’s going to be a franchise changer I don’t know if we’re going to realize that in month one month three month 10 but I think in year three or year five this is such a big deal in the long term this is not like winning a game or winning a series this is like hopefully a decade of success that all happened because of the draft lottery a couple weeks ago what do you think yeah no I I completely agree with you there I think you know it’s he’s the first one in history the fact that he’s a Bay area native yeah uh you know he wasn’t born here but he was raised here and and all the the the professional sports background that he has with his father with Steve Nash’s his uncle like the mental preparation that this kid has brings nothing but success or possible success to the table for the Sharks and like you said I don’t know if we see an impact right away I mean heck Conor Bard didn’t score his first goal for like what five or six games like give him some time and I mean this is going to be another really young team for the this year and and the mental preparation and knowing what it takes to be professional athlete brings me hope that he could figure it out in a hurry but I don’t think we’re going to see the best of mlin caprini until like you said maybe year two year three and we’re going to really start seeing that whoa this guy’s a player that’s going to carry the Sharks for a very long time I think it also helps that he’s a big boy sometimes there’s a there’s an early High pick that looks like the body hasn’t matured yet and I don’t know that you and I are going to get all the way into people’s physique but he already looks like physically he could be NHL ready and and last year there were a couple players straight from the draft that went right into the NHL I know that’s not an every year thing but it does seem like at least in this year’s draft there is that option that he could get drafted and go right to the NHL if that is the the destiny yeah and and I I agree with you I look at Will Smith and I look at his physique and and he definitely needed another year of college after the draft he needed to fill out the biggest thing is get stronger you look at Colin graph right the biggest thing on him when when he when he spoke when he got here oh I didn’t realize how strong it is it’s you got to be strong on pu and when I met the guy I mean his arms is they’re pretty small now arms is not you know necessarily as needed as legs but clearly like he he came in the first thing you said was physicality but like back he’s he’s wide like he’s a guy who is prepared and obviously 17 years old he’s still growing and I still think he’s going to get stronger but from a from a straight out of draft pretent like Readiness I the physique is there and as a 17-year-old that just should bring more excitement because he’s still got room to grow and and beef up if he will well I’m not going to say like the direct comparison between Bard and celini but with Conor Bard at least like you could see physically he was capable of of at least playing in this league and starting in this league I think you have to have that no matter where your talent level is your skill level is no matter where your team and your franchise is at you have to have the NHL ready body I think at least that’s an option I I guess that’s how I’m putting it with celebrini uh he’ll make it an option as for Will Smith obviously just signed with the sharks I think that is kind of overshadowed a little bit by getting the number one pick waiting for mlin celebrini to be officially drafted Will Smith the fourth overall pick from last year uh he’s going to be somewhere in San Jose sounds like right with the sharks maybe the Barracuda maybe a little bit of both what would you expect from a San Jose rookie season for Will Smith um look if he’s starting with the sharks right away I expect expect a pretty a pretty light start uh to his offensive season like I feel like he could be really one of those slow starters where you know hopefully not too many people jump on him and be like oh he’s he’s a boss he’s going to be bad blah blah blah no the guy is still learning he’s got a lot of raw raw talent that needs to be honed in he’s got a lot of talent that needs to be worked on but from a hockey sense and just the small area skills the shot the hands the plays like that that’s where he’s going to be good and if he put that together he’ll be in a great position to be successful in NHL I think there’s going to be a learning curve for him though he needs time to kind of figure it out he strikes me as a guy who similar to David poock where he finds those soft areas he finds those areas where he could be successful he doesn’t know them right away in the NHL or the AHL he’s going to need a second to play a few games get involved with this speed understand it and learn it’s going to be a learning process and and what I’ve talked about with with friends or or throughout the league and other meds I feel mlin celebrini is more NHL ready than Will Smith and it’s not because you know SBR is number one pick and Smith is four it’s just like you talked about the body of Will Smith is is still filling out I think celebrini is more enel ready in terms of just pure talent level and how refined it is and bringing that to the next level whereas Will Smith is going to take more development time and it show and that’s why he went to college for year I’m excited I do think it was the right time for him to make this jump but let’s see what he can do but don’t jump on the kid early it’s early yeah all right big question here Smith now in some way shape or form coming to San Jose he’s joining the franchise professionally does that lead me to believe that Macklin celebrini is also going to do the same thing are these two a package deal I I would expect so and I think I can go back to what I just said where I think celebrini is more ready than Will Smith I think if Will Smith went back I think celini is coming anyway um I think if celebrini was a defenseman maybe you send him back for another year guys like Owen power went back for he was a number one pick and and I had a few others and they’re not crossing my mind but in recent times those College defensemen they went back for a year or they you know they they took a second kale Mar was in college for another year before he came out yes he made his debut in the playoffs look at look at K Mar he’s top three defenseman top two defenseman in the NHL celebrini is a center but I think he’s got all the skills and the tools both physically and the big thing for me is mentally to be able to go into the nextev I don’t see why wouldn’t come out of college this year that is a big deal right to have two forwards like that and I think the evolution of a forward the integration of a forward into the NHL easier than somebody on the blue line so like I I totally agree and and those in the true know from the player perspective have told me it would be their idea too look nobody knows for sure what celebrini is going to do and it it’s been interesting right that Macklin won’t even officially recognize that he’s a shark yet and and why would he right he’s doing he’s doing the proper thing but I think the right is on the wall for everybody so you’d have to think that these things are already going through his mind I I wonder what that conversation goes like you know I wonder if and it’s tempting right because from the Sharks perspective like the hockey side you want to do right by the player the shark business side I mean this is exciting right it’s it’s almost one of those weird things of life this is so tempting to bring these guys in no matter what because people are instantly excited about it and you know what it’s not the wrong thing ever to bring them in I just wonder if it’s the perfect time to bring them to the NHL level I don’t know I guess we’ll find out right yeah I guess we’ll find out I think from like you said the business side it’s exciting I think they’re doing a great job Blaster they had the draft party at sap Center this year it’s going to be even crazier there I think you know fans are going to go to the draft more especially with a closer location like Las Vegas right last year was in Nashville like Las Vegas like it’s other than staying it like Che flights there are going to be cheap like I have a bunch of friends who going like I I found a cheap flight like it’s it’s I think fans are excited to go and and and I think from a business standpoint the sharks are doing the right thing I’m sure you’ve seen all the posters and all the digital ads on the freeway you know come celebrate at the tank you know futur is toal my favorite part about this is that the beginning of celebrate the c l BR R are in all caps and then at is in lowercase if that isn’t the definition of the sharks are picking mcklin celebrini I don’t know what is yeah I saw that crossing the bridge the other day coming home from the studio and by the way I I’ll be at the draft at the sphere in Las Vegas I’m only there because Randy Han allowed me to use his private jet for the weekend so oh boohoo Southwest is taking me Southwest is my private J probably me too I don’t even book the flights but probably me too uh I’ll see you there it’ll be fun that it’ll be great I mean honestly again just to kind of end on that part you know for the number one pick for the first time um the sharks have had a number one pick in Joe thoron for all those years but just think about like what you’re about to unwrap here the package you’re about to accept here uh this is not a one day thing a one game thing a one month or one season thing hopefully hug steal it really is I I just I don’t know that we’ve all fully grasped that yet defenseman Luca kagoni was a fourth-rounder from last season the Sharks just signed him to an ELC and I’ll be honest I don’t know that I’ve got the the greatest grasp on him but I’ll tell you who does Scott Hannon saw him in the development camp and he was raving about kagoni what do you know about him yeah well luuka Luca’s been one of the guys where I’ve I’ve kind of watched closely I’ve made some contacts with him and his his Camp so I’ve been talking about Luca and some people in his Camp so i’ I’ve had my close eye on him the biggest thing and he he talked about it when he was introduced is he worked on his defensive game and Lucas spizza was the development coach that was tasked with you know overseeing his development and talking with him and through him the biggest thing that I heard from from Lucas camp was that Lucas beza was not afraid to be honest with him and tell him maybe not necessar like you messed up here but in a way where it was good coaching where it was firm but it it it applauded success and the biggest thing that you saw from him was that when the defensive game really started to excel everything else followed through behind it and that’s where the offensive numbers came through even when he wasn’t focusing directly on the offense he was like oh I know I can shoot pucks from the point a little bit more there’s a clear definition of hey I know as a fourth round pick why is that going to hold me back and I think a lot of the reason why he was fourth round pick is the height concern right’s the biggest guy but he’s like Macklin he’s wide he’s he’s a big boy he’s bigger than Macklin right like he’s he’s heavy on his skates it almost gives me Kil capriso defenseman skating Vibes right you never really see capriso get knocked on his feet too often very strong on his feet that’s the vibe I get from his style of skating as as Luca kenyani with a big emphasis on defense and that’s the key for him if he can continue developing the defensive side of the game first everything around it he’s got all the tools to be a successful defenseman in the NHL to pushes offense forward oo say his last name again am I did I get it did I get it the wrong American way uh I I’ve been told it was kenon K see K come on Brazil I wait until Dan rusinowski says it and then I just copy whatever ruy says if if ruy says it it’s correct so we all know that I I just haven’t heard it yet so watch it’s going to be something that neither of us get correct yeah he’s been known to go even a third route from the two U disagreements you know all of Famer for a reason isn’t he obviously whether it’s Luca whether it’s a Quinton musty whether it’s you know celebrini or whether it’s an Eckland or a bordalo all you know this young group that’s coming together piece by piece and and I don’t know if I don’t know if this is fair to ask the question yet but I know you’ve talked to some of them and you’ve kind of been around some of them so far the sharks of yester year the Ryan close Dan Bo Joe Thorton Danny Heatley Patrick maros jumbos if I didn’t say him they they all had they had an ad ude like the team had a Vibe if you had to describe the group sometimes you could Joe pavelski throw him in there too um what would be the vibe you’re gauging so far of the next group of sharks and I also realize young hockey players are very cookie cutter they’re all trying to play it safe I don’t want to say too much or get in trouble do you gauge any type of vibe any type of personal characteristic about this next group um the thing I get from this group is their upbeat I think they’re determined to be good I see the work ethic I’m interested to see what it’ll be like after we find out who the next head coach is I think a lot of it was they knew the situation and quickly into the season they recognized where it was going and how it was going to finish and that whole time they were a pleasure to talk to they were always upbeat they were always happy they were always working on their craft you never didn’t see a player not working on their craft and that’s something that is crucial crucial for a young team like this is if they aren’t having that work ethic they’re not going to be successful and I look at guys like theab edland even right he was a second round pick like you didn’t hear about him much you heard about him this year now I think he was playing in an elevated role if he would on like a Tampa Bay Lightning if you will but he he proved he could handle it and he scored over 20 goal like he’s like there’s a work ethic to this group and I’m interested to see if they can go past that you know we’re working on developing to that we’re we are taking a step here like this there is progress that has been made past last season not just we’re continuing to work like I want to see a dramatic shift of okay that was your one we developed we know what we do let’s let’s take that and learn from it y it’s a good point I think granin last year uh was probably the most consistent player once he kind of picked things up and turned things on after the first month zedin maybe um I can’t say most improved well maybe I can but I think ekin made the most progress so like two different things improved in progress I don’t know if I’m even describing that right but both those two definitely their strides and I know you wanted to talk about William ecklin too because I mean we could look at the stats we could look at the performance and all that will probably go along with what we’re going to say here but I think with the eye test confidence is what I saw at a certain level from him to start the season but I definitely saw it there at the end of his first full season what did you see yeah that last month there was a clear I belong feeling to his game right you look at the beginning of the year it was okay I I want to make an impact maybe he was gripping the stick too tight he clearly has a shot and he can shoot the league and then you flipped him to Center he looked good at Center and then it maybe a little bit too much and then you moved him back to the wing and then you moved him with Mel granin fan sou and all of a sudden he took off right it takes time and and the one thing you know Will Smith celini kenon whoever they get at 14 right these guys are all going to be excited William Eckland I would almost consider as the start of the rebuild right he was the guy that was the high pick he may not be a Mike Greer guy right he was he was right before Mike GRE the last of the last era actually right and you look at him he was the seventh overall pick people projected him inside the top five so if you’ve grabbed a top five Talent at number seven okay yeah he may need more time to develop he showed something and I’m interested to see with what he learned from a lot of the guys like cacher hurdle when he was around granin and a lot of the guys who’ve been in the league I think he took that all in and he was finally able to put it together in the last month and I think it showed at least for the first few years here I think he’s going to be a Winger especially with Smith and celebrini I think if you can give him some direction because I saw the same thing with bordalo when you you know when you gave him Direction you’re going to be a Winger you saw maybe not the offense with him but his game started to take off you gave ecklin some direction okay we’re we’re going to stick you on the wing on the top line and you you saw that last month that Swagger if I’m an NHL and I know it all you really need to go back and watch is the hatrick on hat night game that was that was awesome and it wasn’t even the third goal it was when he put on the straw hat talk about confidence that’s the confidence not just the goal scoring but the celebration to do that my Dad wears that hat every time we golf now wait how do you still have it how come it didn’t end up on the ice because my dad wanted to golf in it no at the game it should have never oh I I I’m with you there I was like Dad why didn’t you throw it he goes It’s a Good Hat to golfin it keeps the Sun out of my face I don’t get to go to a lot of hockey games as a straightup fan but I’ll never wear a hat to one and for that obvious reason because if I’m wearing a hat I like that hat and I don’t want to get rid of that hat so yeah that’s a genuine thought who actually wears a hat to a hockey game anyway the at the premise that you might lose It On Any Given night somebody with a with a hat collection maybe maybe uh another big topic to get to here we talked about the players who’s going to lead this next group of players they’re looking for a head coach the wheels have kind of turned around the NHL openings and vacancies that have now been filled I not I don’t want to say the sharks are the last on to figure this out I mean we’ll see how the rest of the full season plays out uh do you have a favorite I know I know we’re kind of on round two and the the pack has been kind of narrowed down a little bit to the candidates do you have an idea a suspicion or a favorite um I think my I think the top three that we keep hearing for for head coach are are blel warski and Sturm I think if you had to put a favorite I would I would probably say rovski and blel for me my favorite is not those two too um it’s it’s Sturm and and Marco Sturm I think I thought you were going to say Nico see this is so confusing no Nico can’t coach and no I’m I’m kidding though that actually n’s a good player coach type guy he leaves them on the ice no you know what’s funny when Nico joined the team a while back I had to retrain my brain every single time to not say Marco Stern nope nope Nico Stern sorry I interrupted you but we’re we’re talking about Marco obviously go ahead they’re they’re both German it’s okay yeah um so right and I I look at you know one of the things that ker said during his ex interview is somebody with NHL experience now while Sturm only has assistant coach experience in the in the NHL he’s been a head coach in the AHL the Ontario R had a very good season again um and I look at his time as the German national team head coach like that team has Tim stula it has Leon dyle and Philip guow is your goenda offense in in that type of maybe with the national team that team in like the last 8 to 10 years has really become a competitive team maybe not Championship winning but they’re they’re in games they’re in metal rounds they’re in they’re you know it’s it’s and I look at who their head coach was and I look at the collective system and how he got the best out of his best players and he got the best out of his role playing players and I look at a team like the sharks in which they just Tred to get the best out of everyone I feel like Marco Sturm can bring a lot of I want to say Direction and structure more so than just on Ice play but as as a you know almost you know you know the phrase Know Your Role like while I’m not trying to say he’s a fourth liner he should stay that way like take pride in it look at a guy like barklay Goodra like he’s he’s a bottom six forward fourth line forward he’s got two cups to his name and signed a big contract because of it he’s a former shark right I look at guys like uh you know fourth liners like Cory Perry right he’s a guy who went from MVP to third fourth liner right like knowing your role and taking pride is something that I think the Sharks did well but I don’t think they emphasized enough what the differences and roles need you need your stars to be Stars you need your good players to be good players you need your role players to be solid and one of my favorite clips from David Quinn was how bad you’re bad and instead of grouping that all in one you know push your best to be your best push your veterans that are lower in the lineup to play their best and provide a little bit more and I think that structure of what Marco Stern on an eye test could bring that’s why I like him because I feel like he could section out players on this team differently than we’ve seen in in some recent years with the sharks so I mean I I had some thoughts initially when the opening happened and I was thinking about well Todd mclen doesn’t have a job former sharks head coach Jay Woodcraft obviously also was dismissed this season by the Oilers what a weird situation he and Todd could take separate jobs or take a head and assistant coach job together I don’t know was thinking about all those things um but I do know this when when David Quinn was hired and the Sharks were really still trying to figure things out I know I never thought the expectation was there for him to get this team to start winning it would have been a bonus on top if he could get them to do that I do think whoever is brought in next has to do two things really well number one work with young players help them develop help grow them help them understand the situation but it’s some point if that person that next head coach wants to stick around by the way I should have said this too we’re recording this On th night I’ll be publishing this on Friday so if we’re having this conversation and oh a shark head coach was announced 10 minutes ago I can feel it it’s gonna happen Max and I didn’t know that on a Friday we’re suspecting it it could happen on a Friday but we have no direct knowledge of that the next head coach is is expected at some point to turn a corner the next head coach can’t be part of a team that loses again for two or three more years so I think I think there is some added pressure on the hire the person and not to say that Avid Quinn didn’t put that pressure on himself but we’re realistically going to your point to get to the point where we’re we’re trudging out of the demolition of the rebuild and starting to do the build of the rebuild right and and you know Mike career like you look at a GM if you come in you bring in you know let’s take a look at a traditional situation GM comes in there’s already coach in place right okay maybe not going well fire coach bring in your guy that doesn’t work out you fire him okay the new guy better work or or your your job looks like it’s more on the line mik career brought in his guy and David Quinn he let him go you better get this one correct and I think there’s pressure not only on him but on on on the head coach as to bring the next level like you’re saying but Mike like this is mik’s second head coach in three seasons but the timing of it I will say though is even the Sharks to move on on hiring Greer and also the head coaching decision if I’m correct I don’t think the bner dismissal to the to the Quinn hiring I think it was late in that summer right yes a couple years ago my point being yes it was Mike Greer’s guy but the it didn’t necessarily happened conventionally where there was some time to sit and evaluate it it kind of had to be a GM head coach hiring tandem situations to your point you’re right I’m just saying that even even the Quinn hiring was not bad there was nothing wrong with it it just happened quick and I agree with you and I think from that offseason to this offseason I think there’s more options this offseason I mean when what is it 19 head coaching changes have happened lot to through absolutely yeah and and and Mike care and I’m sure you can agree with on this and everything that we’ve seen from him are are it seems like he’s a guy who’s thorough he he’s meticulous in his process he makes sure it gets it correct and I get that sense from him every time we we get the chance to speak with mik career and you know it kind of he’s this is a crucial part in the Sharks rebuild it’s that build part the demolition is basically done still some things to do but not a crazy tear down like we saw the last two seasons you got to get this coach correct because if you can’t develop thee that you brought in and it’s still going to be like you still got two more draft classes to bring in and that that’s not including celebrini right he’s in who you going to take a 14 you got more picks two picks first round next year who knows what other trades they make you got to get someone who can take this team the next level maybe not win the cup with them maybe they will but you got to get this head coach correct because you can’t go through a 19- win season and then come back with 23 wins like if it’s 23 wins and you’re competitive sure maybe you leave it but I want to see a significant difference in play I don’t want to see a 10-1 game or 10 two game we we get one sure but you can’t follow it up with another one and I’m not blaming David Quinn for that but there’s clearly there was there needs to be a significant shift in direction of this team I just think the attractive pieces will be enough for us to pay attention to this year new players high draft picks if it is Smith and celebrini plus eckland’s next steps and zerland all that stuff I also want to talk about Mackenzie Blackwood here in a second I know he’s under under one more year of contract but I I I I’m honestly not even setting the expectations high for the team on the ice this year I also don’t know what they’re going to surround this young group with veteran wise free agent wise which I also want to ask you about in a second too so let’s just get right to McKenzie Blackwood one more year on his deal I got to say I’ve I’ve wished that he was the shark goalie what now five or six years ago really uh I don’t know I just I think that he’s a guy they never really had I think he makes the big stops I know there have been some out there uh Greg wasinski for example from his jersey days tells me I’m crazy but I’m like no I just watched him play this year and it wasn’t the greatest defensive support team in front of him and he made them look good in some cases gave the team a chance to win um what are they going to do with him extension trade piece there are some definitely some things to consider here I think it it’s undecided at this point I think it all depends on how his season ghost right can he replicate the health that was the big that was the big knock on him coming into San Jose is right like I think if he’s healthy I don’t think he’s a shark I think he’s the devil starting golender still because he showed he could play yeah and so can he repeat the healthy season um hopefully they put a better defensive structure and players in front of him can he repeat the success with a better defense in front of him if not okay and if he’s kind of successful but maybe doesn’t show signs of being the guy is he garnering great interest so I think the first one is C is is and it’s the most obvious one is is can he replicate the healthy season that is first and foremost because if he gets hurt again or he’s out a long ter it’s like okay this guy’s just perpetually injured you don’t want a peret perpetually injured starting golender you’re never going to win in the league after that it’s it’s to me it’s truly performance-based if they want to extend him or not because you know he’s he’s not old he’s not young um he’s a guy who’s 27 years old and you know it takes a long time for goalies to be good and no knock on Corona or Romanov or or mckamy but I don’t think they project to be what we saw the potential McKenzie blackw has right no and I again I think that’s the best compliment I can give him I I wished to see mckeny Blackwood be the net minder of one of the good sharks teams of yester year obviously before things got a lot more difficult speaking of when things got difficult it’s amazing that the captaincy of Logan cure has spanned all of these hardest years and I’ve obviously known him his entire NHL career covered literally the first game he came up and played but I know that for him and I won’t even have to ask him to understand this he just went through his roughest Pro season what five or six games didn’t start the season obviously didn’t finish the season I just think without even talking to him much lately um I think there’s a real concern about what comes next for him and how healthy can he get that’s not even a question I should say that’s not even an answer we know at this point yet he still needs a full month of of sorry a full summer of many more months to recover from the injury and from what I hear this specific injury it’s a it’s a hard one it takes time and there’s no two ways about it what are you thinking about just what lies next for him on the ice we’ll talk about the captaincy in a second but um I I I I don’t know I wish I knew I wish I had an instinct I really don’t know what’s next for him on the ice I I think Logan kacher when you look at it in in this across the NHL like he’s a guy who performed in the playoffs like really really well like he’s a playoff guy and you look at some teams around the League this year in the playoffs like they’re missing that guy maybe they have a guy who’s been good but they don’t have that game breaker in the playoffs that Logan cure has shown time and time again so not saying he he will do that for the Sharks when they get back there but it it all spans on his health it was such a weird situation to go through with with the you know unknowingness of what is actually going wrong is he healthy is he getting surgery what does it require right uh he he told us that he wants to get back on the ice in July if he can get back on the ice in July with no issues and train you know what whatever like 90% and push it to 100 and be okay if he can stay healthy for 60 games this year for the Sharks I see his name going up in flames in the trade rumors like I think he’s going to be a hot commodity now the hard part is that contract situation and his mental his mental is is he wants to be a shark I think he loves it here I don’t think he doesn’t want to be a shark I think he just wants to play hockey right but the guy wants to win and you can tell he it it burns him that he’s not on the ice regardless if the team is successful or not I’m not saying he’s going to request a trade nor does I’m saying he wants one the guy just wants to win if he thinks this team can win in the near future I see him rejecting a trade if they find one for him but if he sees that he could be successful and he’s healthy I think he there’ll be two folds of it I think he loves the Sharks and if he feels like okay this deal can really help the Sharks and I have a chance to go win win- win like this can help the Sharks now I don’t think he has I don’t think he’s thinking about that too much right now his full Focus right now has to be on he that’s all he said the entire time this entire season I it really it’s just I think it’s going to be one of the most interesting underrated storylines in the NHL given his playoff success because if he’s healthy teams are going to be calling that’s what I think there’s no oh I hear people they calling but look like the history of the player in the playoffs yeah is extremely successful what playoff team wouldn’t want that if healthy so what I’m hearing from you is dry Sidle straight up one-on-one for Couture is the trade is the trade I’m in we’ll talk about Leon in just a second um well and so I won’t speak for Logan but I to your point I think exactly what you said is true that he’s not begging to get out of here he understands that he’s a captain and that there’s only so many of those jobs and you know San Jose’s been good to him he wants to be good at the franchise but I almost feel like if the Sharks found something for him and something they could get value from I think it’s the courtesy you’d give to your captain to say hey we’re talking about this are you cool with this now he also has some Clauses in his contract which stipulate where he would and wouldn’t go but the point being is that um I think it’s the courtesy they would give to him they would only do this if this was a win for the team and a win for the player and obviously the trade would go well in a lot of different ways I do remember before Logan was Captain and whether it was Jumbo’s time as Captain or Joe pavelski’s time as Captain I would look at a guy like kachur and say hey someday when the situation is right and I’m not trying to force jumbo out of the way or obviously pavelski is still playing um but I’m like I could see Logan as the next Captain so not a slight to anybody else I hate to even turn the tables on Logan right now because of what he’s going through but yeah if you’re a sharks of course you’re thinking about well what candidates are out there right now who might be next to kind of take that claim I don’t know that there’s that player out there right now but I do hope for the franchise it becomes clearer to us maybe starting this season you know what I’m saying yes and I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down and I I’m with you there in the locker room I see a lot of guys who are good leaders don’t see that guy who can take the bull by the horns and take it to Next Level my hope is for mlin celebrini to be that guy right he may not be the 150 Point scorer that Conor McDavid is and he’s a leader on and off the ice and that’s why he’s the captain but there’s just there’s something about celebrini it’s his hair yeah that’s exactly it um uh there’s just there’s something about celebrini and the way he goes about his business and the way he can bring his team into a fight and the way it it’s just for me it’s all about the mentality that he he has and the experiences that he has for what it takes to be a successful professional sports athlete not just a hockey player his dad has been a trainer in sports for years he’s his his uncle is Steve Nash NBA Hall of Famer who was a leader of his team a leader of men who willed those Suns teams into deep playoff runs I see those experiences and what he’s seen his whole life and he there’s no reason why he shouldn’t and won’t bring that to the NHL and if he can bring that to the NHL it’ll almost be like whoa this SE this 18-year- old’s working his butt off and he’s providing like I want to be that guy like that there’s just there’s Parts about the way he goes about his process now there’s no way of knowing until we actually see it but I think they’ve got good leaders they need a guy to be that that dog that that Top Dog the Nathan McKinnon yeah he’s great player but there’s a reason why landeskog is that Captain and from what I’ve talked to and being and talking to some some me like with L gong it’s been a lot of M rantin being that guy in the room because Nathan McKinnon is great but moo like there’s just something about cini’s mentality that has me hooked of there’s more that he could be than just a great hockey player but he could be a leader of a hockey player too see like in NCO STM right now he’s got all the tools I think to be a captain but but it’s not it’s not just about and there are other players too that would fall into that that category but it’s the timing of it too you know it’s got to be the right person the right player but also the right timing of the situation you don’t want to do a bridge Captain situation and I was around when Rob Blake had his one year as sharks captain and there was nothing wrong with that but in Reverse it was a bridge it was a transition obviously jumbo took over the next year my point is I don’t I don’t I’d rather have the and I was also covering the Sharks year where they had no Captain they had four alternates that was it I’d rather them not have a captain if it comes to that then trying to thrust somebody in there who doesn’t fit the bill and the group doesn’t resp I think they just like picking the head coach um I hope the right things emerge for this team and making that decision I also by the way I’m not ready to push Logan out the door yet we’re just we’re having this conversation as like a premature thing to to just look down the road and say well what what are we doing you know five years down the road so let me yeah let me let me add one more thing on this and the other part with this is if you’re going to pick a young guy to be a captain you don’t want to throw too much on his plate too early great Point like that is to me like you can go a couple years without a captain like the New York Rangers went like five or six years without a captain after they traded Ryan McDon like I think this is what Jacob trouba’s second year is I’m not 100% he’s still a weird captain to me too by the way I I no knock on trouba at all but it’s just maybe he’s the perfect Rangers captain I don’t who knows yeah and it’s different but like when it comes to a team like the Sharks and how young their team is and how young their team will be for the next couple years you can’t be like all right Southern bini you’re you’re Captain I know when I just got into the league what do you want me to do here and that’s why when you said that I was like yeah but just not right away like let’s make it so that if if Logan plays out his contract then captain celebrini in year four I guess or five or whatever so yeah that would make more sense so you’re going to have young players a lot of them whether it’s soon like this next year or in the next couple years but let’s talk about this offseason actually you know what let’s talk about Leon dradle before we before we get to the rep the fun stuff so I think the dry cidal thing is only out there because the sharks have a wealth of cap space for the first time in a long time right is that is that the only reason the dry sidal thing is out there why else would that have ever been floated out there uh what nationality is hop platner that’s the only other only Marco Sturm Nik Sturm and now Leon drle and hoso platner running the ship hey I said the national teams are being successful and and I know sharks fans don’t like to look back at the AR Crossing trade but their pick at number three was Tim stutler you’re you’re making this very nationalist but okay but why would dry cidal ever get away from the Edmonton situation like why would he want to ever be away from that I know right now I know at this moment things aren’t at their brightest for the Edmonton Oilers but playing with Conor McDavid and Company my goodness like you’re it’s Batman and Robin you know I mean it could be you know uh it’s a weird example but a Kyrie Irving example where he’s like I don’t want to be under LeBron Shadow you lost me you went NBA on me and you told no I get it I’m just kidding yeah I I get I’m not a huge NBA guy myself but I remember that was like just kidding that was the big narrative right he didn’t want to be under LeBron Shadow I and I don’t get that sense from from dry cido that he’s like oh I’m under Conor mcdavid’s Shadow yeah but but maybe he wants to be the guy somewhere like if he were to come to San Jose guy I mean he he’d be the guy absolutely all right so we think the chances of this are uh 2% yeah I would say 12% 12% if we’re being generous I’ll say 86 is the number I wear when I play so I’ll say anywhere from 1 to 8.6% oh wow okay all right um but there is still a lot to be determined about what the sharks look like next year on the ice so training camp I guess will figure out how many of the young players actually make the roster make the team but free agency is going to happen way before that what do you see the Sharks doing with that cap space this year what type of free agents do they bring in what’s important do they do the old flip thing where they they give players veteran players a try out maybe they are trade pieces by the end or is this a shift in mentality are you now looking to actually build a proper team of veterans you want to keep with free agency yeah I think the you mentioned the bring in Free Agents of veterans to to flip that didn’t work um I think it can work I don’t think the right players are out there for that to work like Mike Hoffman I know it was a trade that that didn’t work Justin Bailey was a nice ad from a try out du Clair got traded you know we’ll see how the trade totally works right yeah that worked out but I just think from an overall perspective you you can’t go into a team that has that many veteran players that are on a massive decline not to take a shot at some of the players that are you know likely won’t resign whether it’s Hoffman Le bank or or even barabanov at this point now barabanov is situation that was injuries and yeah and and that was kind of a lot of stuff and Co he told us too but I think Mike in the way he spoken about it too is he needs to put a better quality team on the ice whether that’s you know young players that are ready to take a step in a higher role or whether it’s making a move for another guy like a Duke Clair or somebody somebody that can produce and I think part of the reason why those guys didn’t produce and this maybe was the reason for the coaching change is maybe just that that system that kind of Know Your Role type thing it was okay we know these are the top and I think I think if you can do a little bit more of giving young players some more opportunity but I know there was a lot there it’s a weird balance that it’s kind of hard to explain but I think it’s you got to bring in players that are Bonafide nhlers you can’t bring in a Mike Hoffman as a cap dump and put him on your second power play when you’ve got denil Gan who’s scoring like crazy in the minor leagues or nothing on on yon rder or Nikita HOA but like we saw on the three games mukam Mulan could be a successful NHL in a in a second third line pairing role you’re saying the minutes that are available to be played are important more so than trying to get veteran presence like like utilize the minutes for the for the players that you want to grow in those minutes right right and I think when you bring in those veteran players I think you need to complement them with the young players and it’s going to be interesting to see who they bring in and like you said I think the biggest piece is what young players are going to stick you would expect celebrating to stick Will Smith I think should at least start in the NHL if I had to guess but like is Halton going to start is musty going to be there what are you going to do with bordalo what about Aussie weisblat lot players these are good problems to have actually there’s a lot of players where they could be are they ready to go but you also need to be able to put a quality Team without you know I don’t want to say don’t give too many chances but you need to give enough chances for the guys who maybe haven’t gotten one yet while still forming it gets a hard like it’s fun but it’s also like from M career like this is tough yeah you don’t want to bring in too many guys the right decision the right strings have to be pulled pretty quick here this this is crucial whether it’s coaching player develop like this is a crucial time for a team to get in the right direction because you can get good but maybe not like you know we don’t want to fall into Buffalo Sabers where they look good but they just can’t get over the hump so it’s so weird who’s going to be here next year also there’s some impatience and I I I think it’s more so from the fan side of things it’s been now a handful of years you know that they’ve they’ve been a playoff team uh this is their longest skid ever in that sort so a lot of people want to get this right sooner than later let me close it out by asking you first let me I’ll answer the question first um I’ll just say the thing I’m looking forward to most about this season is following some individuals I know it’s a team and how they do is important but to kind of isolate on how’s the development here here here here and here to your point who even makes the team is interesting to me um so for me it’s all about following the evolution or the debut or the progress of individuals what are you looking most forward to this season because you get to see it up close and literally personal yeah you know I’ll flip it to you at the end I’m going to give you three guys and I’m going to exclude Will Smith and mlin celebrini because those are the obvious answers um I’m going to give you three guys that I’m going to look at and I want to be like okay what are they going to do this year I think the first one we’ve talked about him a bunch of times William ekland okay he finished strong let’s let’s take it to the next level now um the next time Shakir mamad Dulan is the guy who I I would I want to see more of him because in the three games he looked like he fit right in I want to see more of that and then the next I’m looking for is a guy and it’s kind of a mesh of people it’s the it’s it’s a mesh of the the bordalo the wise blat the guian the Cardwell is in there too pH Beast those guys are kind of like okay are you going to be part of the future right um from from a team perspective I can’t make a mark on the defense other than mukam Mulan who I want to see take to the next level until I see what Greer brings in because that defense they had last year yeah it ain’t it yeah and I and I think we didn’t see nearly close to the best of Henry thrun I think we know what Mario Ferraro is and I’m interested to see what the reworking of the back end is like and until we see what’s brought in there other than Shakir Madan I I can’t speak to the defense defensive miscues is the is the nice way to say it but there were a lot of defensive miscues last year and you put yourself behind the curve in the NHL you spot the other the team two three goals when you’re the sharks who have struggle uh struggle to score regular goals you’re obviously in trouble all right Max uh appreciate this so I will see you at the draft I guess we might we might talk uh when there’s a Sharks head coach there’s a lot to there’s a lot to be interested about and I I will say as much as I’ve seen maybe the Casual sharks fan kind of parade in recent years because you know the team hasn’t given them enough to be interested about I look forward to what lies ahead I know there’s a lot of stories and and um topics and things we’ll be we’ll be covering that are interesting to people now all of a sudden so the fund’s about to be back uh we’ll do this again sometime soon be well and congratulations again engagement for you thank you so much Brody appreciate it [Applause]


  1. My goal next year is growth and trending upward mostly, letting our first wave of the rebuild (or 2nd if we count Eklund) gets experience a little bit before the 3rd wave of Musty, Cagnoni, Haltunen etc hit. Also 25 wins/65 points would be awesome. That would be an almost 20 points improvement, and still be bottom 3 most likely so we draft another high prospect, hopefully a true #1 dman

  2. Don't forget that the Sharks are well below the salary floor for this season.
    I'm looking forward to seeing a number of the young players getting the Barracuda back into the post season.

  3. They have arguably the worst defense of the last 25+ years. Given the good play of their goalies, the D was spectacularly bad. If they don't address this their young forwards will get killed and they will continue to not be able to attract coaches and free agents.

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  5. It would be so awesome if Jumbo announces the pick this year. Former number 1 overall pick who is probably the sharks best player ever announces the sharks first ever actual number 1 overall pick.

  6. The Draisaitl thing was on Jeff Marek's radio show. Both him and his guest had mentioned they heard rumors.

  7. I have been let down during free agency so much, that I don’t expect anything big happening. That being said, I do think that Grier has a ton of pressure on him to improve this team. We also have never had this much cap space before, so I hope Grier surprises us fans.

  8. Hey Brodie,
    Thanks for the show. I am a longtime Sharks fan from the days of their first play off run against the Red Wings and Jamie Baker's shot heard round the world. With regard to the next coach: I am a huge Marco Sturm fan. He is one of my guys for life unless he tuns into an axe murder or something else awful. hahaha I would love to see Marco be the Sharks head coach? Definitely. It would feel like justice. On some level I think the organization owes him that after he was traded away when the team was just hitting its stride.

    Here is my dilemma: I don't want to see my guy Marco get "Quinned" when the team struggles to be successful by the "barbarian band wagon fans" roaring for heads at our gates. I think I am not alone in thinking that the team is not poised right now to take that Daryl Sutter step and begin the return to success. I will be really upset if Marco gets the heave ho in two years or less because the team is not ready talent and development wise to be competitive.

    For that reason alone I would prefer to see someone else as head coach right now until the team is ready to make that Daryl Sutter step into respectability.

    P.s. There might be others but, Jumbo is not the only number 1 over all pick the Sharks have had play for us. Who is the other one I am sure of? Buster. The one and only Owen Nolan!

    Thanks Brodie and enjoy your weekend man.

    Peter St. John
    Clovis, CA

  9. Hardest part is over. We have our golden goose most likely. Now how they play it determines the likley hood of success.

    If played with patience and intelligent supplementing. This team can build a core that carry’s the team for years to come.

    Imagine sharks play this like Chicago. Some good vets but not enough to tip the scales. At least 2 more years of gathering prospects. You’d likely have a core and extras to trade for need.

  10. Sharks fans will remember when DW wanted to show that younger Sharks prospects were really for a bigger role after a Sharks playoff disappointment which resulted in 1st rnd pick Micro Mueller being put in lineup before he was ready and it resulted in a huge mistake destroying his development.

  11. Why don’t you guy’s ever include Quentin Musky crushing it in the ohl or Kaper Halttunen also delivering in ohl playoff. These 2 guys should be in every conversation about the future

  12. Great show! I followed the Sharks from 1991 to 2019. I remember Doug Wilson wheeling and dealing trading away future 1st and 2nd round picks. Interesting time for the Sharks.

  13. They might have a chance at James Hagens 2025 draft , he is a game changer and Porter Matrone

  14. 13:30 Minor correction, he was a third round pick (63rd overall so he was the first pick of the third round since it was before Seattle was in the league).

  15. Celebrini definitely has ties to the Bay Area, but it's a stretch to say that he was raised here. He spent 1-2 years here, then went off to continue his training.

  16. These CAPSLOCK words could ATTRACT a ton of CLICKS (or we were just going to click anyway and it just looks desperate).

  17. I wonder sometimes if Ted Nolan would get a shot here. They used to say he was good with younger players, but then part of me thinks he's blackballed from getting a job again. Also wondering if those guys they have on IR (Couture, Vanecek, Benning) will be healed and ready to go in time for training camp.

  18. Saw that NJ is open to trading the #10 pick. SJ should be all over this. They have the assets to make this happen. Silayev would be my dream. Huge size, smooth skater and a booming shot. He’s not going to score a ton of goals- but he’ll be a difference maker. SJ needs more studs at the blue line. He’d be ideal and he’s been falling in a lot of mock drafts to 10 – 11.

    Parekh didn’t have a great OHL playoffs so he might also be available.

    Badinka or Emery should be available in round 2. Get Celebrini then stock up on the blue line.

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