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AHL Highlights: 2024 Eastern Conference Finals Game 5

Highlights from Game 5 of the 2024 Calder Cup Eastern Conference Finals between the Hershey Bears and the Cleveland Monsters.

as the monsters look to do what they did just two nights ago and that is make Hershey play another game the puck is down at Center we’re underway in the opening frame of this one Phillips in the corner contending withzy the Bears the line today as shot goes wi to the goal com octel picks it up on the boards on the left wing the defenseman has it looks out front hits day right Circle SS a shot score Logan day off the post and in D’s first of the play off it’s one nothing Hershey just a great shot there great great pressure there by Hardy ham octel he’s able to keep that Puck and he makes a heck of a pass uh you know through everybody to uh Logan day up at the top and and Logan goes poting in for his first of the playoffs and Cleveland must win this game somehow someway to keep the season chugging along here’s here check up ice right Circle he’s going to fire right P save chipper rebound swipe this go one must always fear the whale Alex wh does it again and this game is square 111 as the monsters start the second with a flourish time for the goal 248 the second period year Che had the shot off the right toe of Sheard bounced around and whan will finish monsters have the game tied at one with WH equalizing in the second period and now Hershey trying to pry to the low slot off the end wall couldn’t quite get it to set her in a position to shoot D does t green stops the rebound pucks between his legs slams them together he’s got the whistle falling back on his hunches Greaves found a way to sort of collect that puck between his legs right point it’s gone fires that one high done applying a screen off the glass here a check down for the left point this one back to the left point now T onette then it bounces in front they score it’s a power play goal Josh got on the doorstep and the roof has ascended we can’t find it it’s gone rocket morgage Fieldhouse is open air after the power play goal for done makes it two to one the net aoria this one underneath a hit able to be played to matau Center Blue m right Point York on net and it’s loose as it rolls behind the goal line Kyle pucha with it there tries to Center they score the man who wears the sea Brendon Gods the captain has Cleveland up to Midway through the second it’s 31 [Music] monsters h of finds G at 11:49 the second period and Brendon in the playoffs as his first first and second point and then rolls back to a vacant left point where G tries but can’t quite get there to hold the line as he was covering for a forward engagement of Mata and now ahead this is g with room left Circle he’s G Brendon God does it a second time the monsters have scored four in the middle frame and contest is second of the contest and game five has Cleveland of four four to [Applause] one thank goodness the monsters complaining that Stevenson threw a stick at that puck you’re not allowed to do that he’s with out a stick right now it’s in the corner nice they pulled the goalie right off the faceof win he was headed to the bench monsters Center and score anyways the Josh dun is 5-1 with 402 left it’s been all Cleveland here in game number five and they are 402 away from sending this series back to Hershey dun has been a monster and the monsters have that four goal lead Brick by Brick building a fortress in N iste we continue to countown 5 Seconds To Go a sixth game needed the bus the monsters are headed for chocolate town a 51 game five win and it’s a long way from done in the Eastern Conference Finals the monsters take G five by a final score of 5 to one Monday night in Hershey PA be there


  1. I was at that game and there were many missed calls, it was ok though because we got away with a delay of game. Monsters in 7

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