Golf Players

MGM Podcast 46 – FNCRU

[Music] [Music] welcome to the far North Coast Rugby Union podcast brought to you by Mark golf Media Sports and Coopers I’m Graham cook I’m here with Wayne main how are you Wayne not too bad been a very hectic week the heck we usually is this one leading up to all our representative matches and juniors and seniors uh fortunate tonight we also have a special guest appearance by one of our leading referees in the zone a young referee by the name of Lan Dy how are you Lan good thanks cookie how are you pretty good pretty good this is usually a bit of fun we’ll talk a little bit about the games about uh your experience what you’re doing this weekend presumably you’re going away to a rip Carnival yeah that’s correct yep and we hopefully you’ll give us a little bit of a information on what you’d expect from that what sort of feedback you’ll get uh and yeah we’ll go through a few of the games beforehand and then switch over to you I think yeah well I think we’ll do that okay so last round you uh did another first grade appointment Lin I think uh yes we had Bal and Lennox head Baler Lennox head down at balona yes okay so was it very wet down there uh not not particularly I thought for at least the first half once we got into the second half it started to sprinkle a little bit but the ground at boner given the rugby that’s been played on it during the wet I thought it was actually okay that’s good I was up at cerina and it was a dry sand track so we when we had no rain at all until about 6:30 at night yeah I understand there was a little bit of rain around locally here so oh it’s good that you got through most of your game without too much weather causing interruptions so was it a fairly even game in the first half um no oh not particularly I thought Bal were very good scoring a couple of early tries through broken play and I think I don’t think lenx had managed to get on the board in the first half it was just Bal held the ball and they were able to make some positive plays with it Len said they were good but they couldn’t get into that attacking attacking like spot and St there having trouble getting into the Red Zone to then put pressure on the score points yeah okay so bner were were scoring the tries from set plays or broken play uh predominantly broken play I thinkg and centers were very good I think scored two tries just okay we blame that one on the referee going on under ball through he might get upset with you calling him a fijan I think I think there’s some more inheritage are they not and then the the second half B went on with it uh yeah Len head were better in the second half they were able to hold the ball for a bit longer and they ended up scoring two tries okay so good that’s Len head managed to come back a little bit in the second half but balner were also able to score some more points and carry on for a a good win yes I got to say credit to L head though they came out in the second half and had a amazing scrum they ripped B right practically in half yeah okay that’s very impressive though l d do rate their scrum they’re hoping to have a dominant scrum in most matches Joe made a difference coming back this is his second stin here in Australia oh good stuff so you enjoyed the game yes so I took you while was it three three Debo attempts and now you’ve done a few first grades since yeah good and that’s that’s all in preparation of leading into your representative commitments this coming up weekend that’s correct yeah it’s good stuff okay we’ll just cover a couple of the other games so oh we’re going to do it around the grounds one moment here we go this is exciting controversy Corner that’s that’s Lo and early referring first grade I know grie cook still referring first grade something like that yeah doing three grades in one day you silly bugger are you’re running around at our Premier Carnival this weekend sh no I think the appointments come out tonight yes who would have thought all these years later shows yeah we we’ve got some issues there I it’s possibly indicative of of yeah bigger issues involved in refereeing in country okay we might just carry on with the last round then Mark I think y so other games last weekend we had casino and range so local Derby over Casino quite a good match well one of the time I put it on TV that range were already up 7-0 I think and then bang and that was 7 and3 at half time two range yeah two range yeah they started on fire sh the competitive in first grade which is Caso looked just you know just not there not just not on the job but in the second half they bought on a couple of different players and who was certainly different range never scored another point and they went on to score you know enough tries to win it so they they ended up 28 to 17 so Caso beat beat range 287 in the end but certainly battled for half a game yes it was certainly pretty boisterous over there for all boys day on the TV you can hear bullies bullied all the day and yes I chipped uh I chipped the coach um during the week what are you doing standing behind the goal post talking to your playge what’s the matter with that said in the technical area please Doug so 287 into Casino over range out at casino uh Dan bellner as previously mentioned bellner ran out 4110 over lenx head uh we had a game Wednesday night last night last night y was definitely last night yes we had uh and will Palmer refereed that one Evans had 70 Southern Cross University Gold rats seven 35 n at half time split 35 each half y are having having a few problems at the moment Evans are showing they can score points like they did on the Thursday night beef week game at casino when they get it going they’ve got a few few weapons that a score points that’s had their chances to score some points dropped the ball right near the line I forget who it was might have been Zack burn went right through him and Drew him past and the BL dropped the C no one in front of him um it could have been Tim bre but he probably wouldn’t have been there n Timmy was there because he text me had an issue with the app he couldn’t couldn’t put their tric and conversion in so I had to do it for him from home but um no they had their opportunities okay well that’s good that’s good at least no they weren’t totally the speed got them yes that Zane Gator scored another three tries he he’s got to be close to the top TR scorer in the zone at the moment okay it’s very impressive so um yeah and earlier the weekend Evans also had match liso they both at home they were that was at Evans head as well so Evans River ran out 2419 over Lismore yeah Evans LED early right and then LZ Moore came back it was uh maybe a story of two halves and they left their run a bit too late Lismore it might be one of those games lismar would look back on and go could have would have should have yeah Gavin TL came on and scored a try in the here as well scored one another 50 Mee was yeah yeah keeps on keeping on that man very impressive yeah unfortunately the Southern Cross uni Walling bar match was forfeited very late by Southern Cross uni yes which very disappointing for everybody involved I’m sure too late to even let notify the cameraman who was riding his motorbike down so he came all the way down from up the goal Coast Brisbane he drove from rode on his motorbike from Brisbane down so we’ve still being build for that so uh University will be getting a bill for the uh hopefully those those issues that forc Southern Cross un to Forfeit that match against Walling bar could be rectified and it won’t happen again in the future I’m sure all the boys would have enjoyed a run Walling bar you know have been a pennial winners over the last 10 years but I was sure Southern gross uni players would still love to match themselves against it so perhaps next time they play they’ll be able to play and we’ll see how it goes yeah it was disappointing for M and bimby as well because it was being played up there and they’d set up hosting and then cerina and baron up at cerina had four games on the day and you had three of them we were a little bit short of referees fortunately one of their ex players and a qualified referee was able to do the 18s then yeah unfortunately our second grade referee injured as hamstring so yeah ended up doing three games which was a fairly big day first grade was uh a really hard contest cerina went out to a 10-n lead and then baring came back we ended up 10 all at full time yeah they scored very late didn’t they they did and then the final play was 5 meters out from Barn’s line with the uh of all players the Cina kep on big penalized instead of scoring a try so a very very hard intense contest both teams really giving it everything uh casarena would probably be the the club that came away from that going we really deserve to win that and should have won that uh baren I was speaking with their coach afterwards they they did good things but also missed a few opportunities to score points not suggesting Cen didn’t do that as well um and their discipline at times was was quite poor which put them under pressure and gave casarina opportunities or let casarina off the hook so yeah 10 all draw up at casarina an incredibly intense hard game was great to referee even after a long day uh and very much enjoyed the experience and thank thank both clubs so that’s as long as I thank you gr I did yeah was effort really good it was a very very enjoyable weekend very time but very enjoyable and thank you to cerina and and bar and sha rieles for you enjoying the day for me it was really good now uh this weekend as mentioned we have our rep carnivals on in juniors and seniors so that’s in 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s boys and girls 18s and then opens and womens so very big weekend for our rep players uh there’s no Club games on this weekend it’s compulsory Buy around New South Wales Country Juniors no seniors nothing okay so no Juniors Friday night no seniors in the Zone on Saturday however the junior rep carnivals and the senior carnivals are being played live streamed on Rugby TV I believe so but you got to take out a premium I think for that right okay so premium on Rugby TV and you’ll be able to watch the rep players in either Juniors or seniors or all of them if you wish y yep so that that would be a great opportunity to watch our upcoming players and our our up and cominging referees and as mentioned earlier we have young loand duly on with us here from by Skype uh he’s going to one of the carnivals I believe under 16s in KS Harbor yep okay now that that will be you did under 14th last year yes okay and that was out at Duo yeah so a higher level Carnival and a little bit closer yes well a lot a lot from D we did enjoy Duo but it is quite a distance from here yeah the two Mitchells Dane and David they’re heading out there their father and son coaching and managers they’re heading out to Du wish them luck it’s a I spoke to Dave having he was having lunch in Glenn inis at the time that I had to speak with him so from memory Lin you’re being joined in KS haror by Will barns also refereeing yep and then Steve Miller Mick Molino and Evelyn George going as referee coaches or modes they call them now yes okay so you’ve got a few of the local people there that will perhaps help both you and will have some some feedback and people to go and ask questions when you feel you need to yeah definitely quite a big contingent of final Co people going to that Carnival which definitely helps yep is going there as well is he that’s right yep St Stephen Mick two of our our senior coaches um and Evelyn George who’s refereeing but also doing some coaching now for the referees uh that’s that’s a fairly big tournament though there’s like 14 or 16 referees and eight or 10 referee coaches going uh yeah similar to that well we got I think we got four fields in action across all three days okay so three-day Carnival again like all the juniors are and and four Fields running so do you know where it’s being held uh it’s being held at X yeah okay at at the sports in CS yeah so it’s a beautiful Fields there you have you been there before uh yes I have actually yeah now beautiful Fields we’ be great condition good facilities for players and the match officials uh that should be a really good Carnival what what sort of things are you looking to get out of the carnival um probably just more Improvement at work refering those high level games there there be some really good teams there from all across the state so just trying to improve on little things to get better and hopefully have a good weekend okay you you this of course isn’t your first rep Carnival you’ve been going to rep Carnival for a few years yes uh you went to so earlier this year you went to the carnival in Armadale I think uh yeah yeah so Taz Carnival yeah and how did that go for you uh no that went well I was doing the girls sevens which ended up doing the 16 girls final actually really well done congratulations so your your form you showed there early on in the season has led into your season here refereeing and you’ve been able to do some first grade games yep so hopefully hoping to carry that form over to this weekend and hopefully perform well how are you finding or you finding any differences in the first grade games versus I think you did under 18’s Colts last year are you finding much or any differences uh I think Colt last year was a little bit quicker than first grade but first grade’s more I guess more skill invol more skill involved and more structure so sort of so that that that skill level where you potentially getting a bit more continuity or option ability to to allow the teams to play a bit more rugby yeah and then then the the is the physicality a little bit higher oh yeah definitely right okay how are you finding because of course of your your one of our younger referees how are you finding the the players and coaches are adapting to having one of our younger referees in first grade have they been really supportive yeah they’ve been good all the teams of referee have been good okay good well that I me that’s a good indication I think the the players and coaches in the whole Zone realize we we need referees coming through and somebody of your your clear ability it’s great that you’ve been doing some first grade at the moment uh and hopefully that will continue on after this Carnival so with with the first grade game you had last weekend were there any particular things out of that match you think you’ll need to have a look at this weekend or it’s just an overall thing um probably just an overall thing just trying to get get what matters really to make sure that the the players are having a good time but I’m also you know doing my job essentially yeah do do your job the best team wins on the day yeah yeah you try to have the focus is about the teams and the players and if possible we sit in the background as referees yep yeah it’s good in theory sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t but we can only deal with what’s put put in front of us can’t we yeah we can only wish him the best of luck for the carnival yeah awesome experience and hopefully you’ll go very well or you you’ll learn a lot from it bring that back and that’ll be to the benefit just like the players going away be a huge advantage to our Zone with yeah with Will Barnes as well so yeah I mean will down there he he’s been refering very well done some first grades yeah unfortunately he had the first grade forfeit at the weekend yes he did so not an ideal lead up for him hey okay so look looking further on so you youve know obviously you you’ve reached the Pinnacle in the final Coast you’re doing first grade uh you continue do you intend continuing to referee for a few years to come yep y so one would imagine you’ll probably end up moving away in a few years for University or work oh potentially yeah okay so will you look to try and continue this representative career once you’re moving away or you not really sure at this stage what are your plans if any yeah probably I think we’ll just keep on pushing refereeing as far as we can go and then we’ll turn around and come home pretty much okay good so there you go you think uh mom and dad will be happy to come to the World Cup final hopefully yes that’s it hopefully well done well that’s good so it sounds like you’re enjoying your rugby you’re certainly planning to do it for a while you’re you’re learning and improving in every game you’re doing uh this weekend it’ll be another huge learning experience it’ll be probably some of the the better representative rugby you’ve you’ve had the chance to do yeah yeah definitely so you’ve got a good group of coaches or referee coaches there or mods as we call them yeah I think so there’s a few that I’ve seen before and a couple that I’ve never met before so it be good to that’s good you might get a new new point of view from a couple of people you haven’t met uh reinforcing some of the things perhaps that that you’re continuing to work on maybe Identify some areas that you hadn’t thought of yet yeah oh great well we wish you all the best of luck this weekend hopefully it’ll go very well and you’ll enjoy it and then if you enjoy the games and the players play well you referee well you never know the end of the tournament yes thanks guys appreciate you coming on thank you very much cheers mate see you buddy catch you next time okay so that’s that’s one of our up and cominging young referees Lo and dly it’s it’s great to have him come on Skype there and just give us a bit of feedback on how his career is going as far as the teams go we’ve we’ve got as I mentioned 12s 13s 14s 15s 16s boys boys and girls in 18s opens men’s and women’s so the under 12s are at they’re at Camden and down in Sydney and they’ve just had a lot of water down drive down the highway yeah yeah so Timmy Cohen X bangalow ex Sydney unip and Michelle McCormack out of Casino coaching manager coaching manager fantastic thank you for your efforts and the under thir get the coldest Venture I think they go to Orange till Peter Vin to great Peter vinster from Central West uh area where I used to ring up and stir him in Winter I’d ring him up and S was minus 6 and uh as you’re sitting in shorts of t-shir and I was up here saying hey PV you know it’s about 7 up there and he he’s G me a couple of exlusives and hang up on me I got uh God Rest his soul he a he was a great fellow Peter Viner so yeah we’ got them out there at Orange and Sam Stewart stward of uh L said rugby and and Central you know inverell from where he came centr North Country rugby and and the Irishman Ron down there he’s still got pretty broad accent Ro he’s a great fell so good luck to them down in Orange hope they can uh you know get over that cold down there yes gois when it’s snowing up there you know about it the culture shock might be the the biggest thing there so under 14s at Duo as mentioned earlier yeah who we got out there Dane Mitchell with his successful team that he’s taken through with the 12s and 13s now he’s in the 14s with his father out at Duo it’s a long drive we’ve been there a couple of times Jesus long long way to go out that way and then in the 15s we got Christian Sergio Como with Phil broadhurst and they’re off to Mand M okay so that’s almost like a home game that’s pretty close yeah that’s not too bad but then you know the home ones are CS Harbor six boys I got Steven and Dave grah a manager so Dave’s got a young fell in that team and Steve’s taken it on and I believe I believe that big sigid malot TOA ex Baler fell he’s he’s there assisting them as well okay and they’ve called him in there for a bit of whatever yeah yeah no he’s not doing the backs oh well we did see him out there a bit and then the under 16’s girls um Emily jamson lady from down at evans’s head she’s the coach and Rebecca Weston from here in Lismore um she’s been with them she’s been doing that for quite a while Rebecca and and Peter her husband is driving the mini buus there so it’s an old family affair there and then uh myself has been raped in by my mate Jeff wat thank you Jeffrey and we’re going off to Concord I’m on the bus in the morning with 25 under 18 year old it’s under 18 at Concord and sha Mao is our physio heading down there with us so we’re at Concord have some meca stops on the way I don’t know what we’re having but we’re stopping on know that and yeah and we have um I’m catching up with a lot of people from rugby stril Yes actually that good opportunity for you to do that South Wales in rugby Australia yeah I had a phone call from j under Carnival is has seen both by New South W rug Australia with very important development and talent identification Carnival see how people are developing yeah so there’ll be some big wegs there so be a very big weekend and then opens men’s and women’s both out to Tam out to Tam not that bad it’s not that far yeah and we’ve got uh a few familiar names in the coaching staff here probably taking the boots as well well maybe not maybe not okay I got Mick mu as a head coach there well done from Bal and L head over the years he’s he’s been both clubs Ed Ry Lismore boy yep and Paul croser from attic set as well he moved up from Newcastle way I think he did it originally and Brad hilard the B manager from last year he’s the manager of that team and they’ve got Ben Kohl’s of physio going down with them so all the best to them um and the women’s 10 women’s 15s it is we’ve got Brett McLaren the coach Sonia makings is the manager and Angela Angela Jeffrey is going down as a physio to help them out her daughter’s playing in that so Paul will be down there as well I think he’s he’s going to be running water oh wonderful there must be no rugby league on this weekend is it no rugby league so that’s open turkeys this year I believe yes he is opens men’s and women’s at Tamworth y so all all teams there the age group junior age groups and the seniors wish you all the best thank you very much to the coaching and support staff and Physio and everybody else involved it’s a huge commitment for the players and everybody else so thank you very much for doing that we wish you all the best hopefully it’ll be a huge weekend of of rugby that’s enjoyed by everybody and I hope there’s no rain like last week in Sydney the games were played water this deep on some were canell chatw over look like a lake watch I went on to watch Linda Hutton son Joe playing in the on Rugby TV in the he plays for Gordon as a halfback and I’m watching that that’s not Joe I spoke to Linda a little bit today but I haven’t had a chance he might have got injured but you know she’s going to be there Andrew is the president of Sydney Juniors okay so uh I’ll catch up with all them when I’m down there and quite a few other people Michael parara the service man you know of all things in in that he lives at Concord so he said he come down and catch up so he rang me the other day about another matter that’s and then of course we also have match officials as mentioned earlier that are going away to various carnivals we’ve got Sullivan mole Harvey MC will bars Lan duy Steve Miller MC Molino Evelyn George and Matthew Clayton and I going out to Tamworth so yeah huge huge weekend for the metch officials as well Mitchell going anyway Tristan Mitchell unfortunately has study commitments this year yeah he’s certainly been asked as late as last Friday when I was doing some coaching with him but no he understandably has commitments at his age group so he’s had to give this year a Miss otherwise he would definitely be going to one of the carnivals so wish all our much officials best of luck as well hope they enjoy the weekend so players met officials coaches support staff huge weekend thank you very much for your commitment and hopefully you’ll really enjoy it learn something from it and the Zone will be better for it anything else we need to talk about this week you think I just enjoy Coopers oh yes if we finish this up I might be able to have a Coopers good idea let’s do that although it’s midweek we’re not allowed to we’re Elite athletes no now uh uh it’s it’s great because the referees are struggling all around the state especially on this weekend they’re finding it hard to fill appointments right across the board what are you trying to say no no no I’m not saying anything I’m just saying that uh it’s a draw so you know it’s a I think the um seniors on will change the from this weekend next year this is the last round of their confirm you know booking that a threeyear deal or something y so I think they might change the date because this the men’s and women only need two days yeah it’s only a Saturday and a Sunday so potentially could be played on a different weekend I believe that might go back to may like it used to be or something like that certainly the the match officials it really stretches the resources most zones not have enough referees or referee coaches and you’re asking them to to then come out and do the sort of tournaments as well rather than having a weekend off just like players it’s yeah really stretched at US country to the Limit and Beyond yeah some people coming out of Representative retirement to do some games um it’s just the way it’s got to be this weekend unfortunately so look again just thank you very much to all the players coaches support staff MIT officials going away this weekend representing the farno coast Zone wish you the best of luck enjoy it just do the own pray you’re all doing it pray by just heading off you’re not making money out of it you’re doing it because you love the game and enjoy it so thank you very much on behalf of Wayne malan and myself and young laand duly uh Markoff Media Sports and Coopers thank you for joining us again we’ll see you again next week goodbye cheers he [Music]

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