How To Rotate Your Body PERFECTLY In The Golf Swing!

In this video Me and My golf will be showing your how to perfectly rotate your body in the golf swing. They will also share 4 of the best rotation drills to help you do this.

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0:00 – Intro.
03:36 – 1st Drill
04:42 – 2nd Drill
07:39 – 3rd Drill
07:39 – 3rd Drill
09:13 – 4th Drill

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how we rotate the body in the back swing is arguably the most important part of the golf swing if you can get it right you can get the club on plane you can get pure ball Turf contact you’ll get more speed you’ll actually control the club face which is the key to consistency it really is and in today’s video we’re going to show you how you can improve your rotation to do all of those things better and we guarantee if we watch this and do the things we tell you to do you will have a more consistent repeatable golf swing now if you enjoy this and you want to get better make sure you also hit that subscribe button because we release videos every week to help your game let’s talk hips first crucial why we why are we started with the hips it really is the most important part for me and so often you’ll you know you be looking at your row over the top and you’re slicing and I need to get rid of that well have you ever thought it could have been the hips it’s often the catalyst so it’s so important to get this right very hard to do a good job of the let’s say the Torso or the shoulders however you want to frame it if the hips are out of line so this is why we starting with that let’s let’s go into the exercise that you guys can do first of all the starting point if you want to improve your um so this is dead simple we get an alignment stick we drop it on the ground you get a six iron specific L angle on the six iron is perfect and we’re going to drop it so the bottom of the club is flush to the alignment stick okay so it’s leaving the club out at an angle like so from there we going get you to put your right foot at 90° to the alignment stick then from there up onto your toe hands on your hips stand tall and just rotate almost like you’re doing your hip turn in your back swing so rotating your back swing do it a few times understand what that feels like and and what are we looking for to achieve to pass this test well with the the the guys that we normally see here at the Grand we don’t normally see as much as what Pierce has got here so you go here you go a little bit more so you can see here we’ve roughly got his hips to match the the club on the ground there that’s taken a long time to work at get better exactly but this is important because we’re measuring how much Pierce has got from an internal hip rotation here a lot of golfers will test we’ll be short of that and that’s fine it just means we it gives us more of a understanding of what we do in the next part of the video and and how we can start to learn about our body so what we’re looking for now is well how’s about if we had the right foot flared out a little bit actually allowed you to get a little bit easier rotation the back swing if you’re really bad at that test Andy we definitely recommend flaring it out even more and you might say well if I flare it out a lot yeah I’ll get a good back swing but what about my through swing don’t worry because the right foot will move and it will come off the ground a bit maybe not Scotty Sheffer but it will definitely release so get that right foot and flare it out and then from there allow the legs to rotate and move now they don’t really rotate it’s obviously coming from the hips but allow the knees to move and we can see left knee moving in toward the ball right leg almost straightening a little bit that these were dirty words when we first started coaching and playing golf so allowing that daylight between the knees there that’s a good thing now in our opinion so Pi’s leg is straightened out somewhat here which just allowed a little bit of that Flex to lose and there’s still pressure going into that leg he’s not sort of locking it out there that’s no good either there’s still an element of flex but he’s not restricting that lower body he’s not restricting the hips and if we look from face on from here just go to a setup Pierce do the bad one for me we’ll just look at this left knee where the hips don’t move that doesn’t move there hard to turn now just do a good one where we free things up look at this left knee this left knee now works back this is a good thing please don’t try and keep this left knee still it is going to make you worse I think what we’d like to do as well now is let’s just go through a couple of drills that we can actually help you out with this this drill here for us is simple as it gets I’m going to give you a second drill which complements this also just let us know in the comments if you got any questions about this topic because we know a lot of people struggle with this yeah it’s huge it’s huge we want to get the right font front pocket and put it in the back pocket so we’re going to swap the pockets we call it swap pocket so get this right front pocket and put it in the space where the back pocket is right now so from there it looks kind of like this now the reason we really like this drill this is just getting you to focus on rotation if you’re someone who’s OB trying to keep stable obviously this is going to blow that out of the water but also think of this if you’re someone who sways often times you’ll stop a sway by saying stop swaying what does that look like well stop swaying looks like stable we don’t want that so even if you’ve got a sway swap Pockets works really well for you so it allows you just to get that right hip back and create that 40° hip turn it’s an easy swing thought on the course as well or even on the Range it’s not too complicated it’s not too technical it’s very general and for the people who of who we’ve given this in our membership some of our online members they love this and they’ve said it’s really helped them what we’re looking for now is a complimentary drill to that and this one is great because look sand wedge get yourself in setup and you’ll see why this is great and then from there you’re just going to tread on the face get the club Behind you now this is great if you’re someone who doesn’t rotate but maybe stands up a bit or puts too much pressure in the toes at the top of the back swing we see this happen a lot you know it’s like get the club back in it hard well guess what as soon as your heel comes up in the air like that you won’t rotate the club will be very steep on the way down and the body can’t turn so if you want more rotation or you want less early extension this is a great drill for you so as Pierce does this as he rotates as the right hip moves back the pressure goes into the heel that’s the difference and the more that we rotate into that right heel the easier it is to keep that up there and we can hit shots doing this which is the great thing the key with this one is here I’m not stamping on the club to start with I’m resting it underneath I can feel there’s a little bit of play in it when I move around but then as soon as we get into the back swing I push it into the ground that’s the best shot I’ve hit that was crushed definitely the best on that the ground two really great drills that are just going to help you get those hips in a much better action okay so now we are talking torso we’ve done we’ve done the hips we’ve tested for the hips now we’re going to do a quick test this is something you can do really easy at home we’re going to test now the spine we’ve got two clubs on the ground here crossed at sort of 90° that’s formed 45° each way like this and all we’re going to do is place the club behind the back and we’re just testing how much your thoracic spine can move here so we’re going to turn to the right as far as you can go Pi is doing that nicely let’s do that one more time so Piers is going past the 45° there which is great means he’s got good mobility in that spine you may see things differently from this that’s okay it’s just giving you a bit more of an awareness not quite as good on the other waer Pierce on this one so you’ll just see and you’ll feel maybe a tendency there but both of those are getting to the 45° Mark just great understanding you may see things differently but it’s just going to help you understand whether you need to do more of the work that we’ve just talked about or you don’t need to do as much work let’s go through some of the key things now that’s going to help you really finish the back swing off with the Torso as well the common things that we see amongst the best players in the world yes something that we see a lot of is that they all turn early Victor hin just we with him in Bahamas just recently just yeah just huge so let’s let’s explain what we mean by this so we’re just going to go halfway back with Pierce so if we go halfway back here notice Pierce has almost got 90° of shoulder turn when his lead arm is parallel to the ground let’s go halfway back here and show you what the what a lot of the amateur golfers who are struggling hardly any turn of the body but the hands and arms have moved considerably there this then just gets you out of syn it gets you out of sink and it makes things so hard on the down swing so getting this early turn as Pierce mentioned Victor holand huge turn halfway back but incredible sort of movement with his body and I’m going to give you a draw that I work at myself to help me with this and I’ve got several clients who are members here and and local to here and I get them doing this all the time it’s like right I want you to swing to here halfway back and stop feel it return and then hit the shot so it Go swing back stop feel it return and do exactly the same feeling when it comes to the shot after that and it’s a it’s a great primer of how to rotate and you’re doing it straight away so it’s giving you instant feedback straight away what I want you to do now I want I want you to go top of the Swing another key component helping you create more rotation in the swing is the head now we often have been told in golf that we need to keep the head still we need to keep the head down it’s not the case we don’t mind the head moving slightly so if you take your setup Pierce and we have a little box around your head we don’t mind the head moving slightly because it’s going to turn so you’ll see the peak of Pi’s cap there it’s rotated somewhat because guess what obviously it’s connected to the spine and if we’re trying to create this rotation of the body well the head needs to go somewhat the more we restrict the head to not moving the harder it is to actually create this turn so freeing that head up and freeing the cap up on the way back it’s a big thing I struggle with this a little bit my head stays a little too still and it limits the ability to turn you got you’ve got to have you’ve got in order to get to the top of the back swing and look like this you’ve got to have 70° of rotation in your neck to be able to do that that’s quite hard so if you’re a little bit stiff in the neck again you’re at the computer all day allowing the head to move can be a game changer before it really can so let’s um let’s do one of our one of our favorite drills if not our favorite drill for body rotation we call it the matchup you’ve seen it a thousand times potentially but the reason we do it so much the number one drilling golf we called it the one it is the reason we do it so much is because it’s so impactful when we get students doing this they do this a few times it gets them to feel what the upper body should be doing and the hips and they go oh wow this is what my body rotation should feel like just go through it dead simple Golf Club 90° the target line put a golf ball on this side with the driver you don’t need the golf ball there so I’ll show you why in a moment so we get the heel on the golf ball like so Club across the shoulders go into your golf posture watch your mic and then from there rotate swap the pockets if you want if you want to get that feeling but get the feeling of making sure not the feeling the reality of matching up the shaft on your shoulders on the one on the ground notice when I’m doing this I’m pointing the club down at the ground I am not doing that that’s not a proper matchup this is a proper matchup and this is just telling me I have everything that I need backs towards the Target now opened up all this area now he’s now got a great rotation and it’s amazing when we get people to do this drill and then go straight into hitting shots instantly it is way better and the body feels so much more mobile when we do this and I think the reason we do this with the the golf ball I that for the iron we want to make sure sure there’s somewhat of a centered pivot with the driver we can take that ball away and we can actually rotate a little bit more and move a little bit more behind the golf ball because obviously we want to hit the golf ball on the way up because on the teg okay more detailed way there for you to get more rotation I guarantee if you put that into practice it will help you and if you enjoyed this make sure you check out M and or simply download the m and my golf app for all our best content thanks again and we’ll see you soon


  1. That right-foot flaring tip, along with just setting up with the back foot slightly back, changed everything for my hip turn and my swing.

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