Golf Players

It’s IMPOSSIBLE to Strike the Ball Well if You Hold Angles ❌

Join us today as we show you why trying to hold lag angles in the golf swing is a huge mistake. This is one of the biggest problems we see in golf swings, so make sure to pay attention to this video because you may be guilty of this move.

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we really want to drive this point home to you you’re looking at our Pro here at the top and by any standards this would be a very normal looking top of the back swing especially as it relates to this lag angle he’s created he doesn’t have the downswing thought of trying to hold this angle but if he did this is what the top of his swing would have to look like if he wanted to hold his impact lag from the top kind of looks crazy right now what about the other way what if he tried to hold his lag from the top down to impact this is what that would look like you’d miss the ball by about 3et like you just can’t get the Club to the ground if you successfully hold that angle as crazy as both of these look we see golfers every week who tell us they’ve been trying to do one or the other versions of these hold moves that idea alone makes the downswing brutally difficult


  1. I love your content! So I have seen people say hold the lag and others say let it go. I’ve also heard even when you try to hold the lag, it’s impossible due to simple physics. So do you throw the angles or try to hold them from the top? Thanks!

  2. Ok then define compression at impact and lets just forget about lag. Because you must compress the ball right to get some use of power.

  3. For me, it seems if I don't FEEL like I try to hold that lag, then tend to push the club out in a cast. I find I cannot actually hold that lag, the club always comes down to the ball, but it seems that the effort to hold helps improve shaft lean, but does not ever miss the ball… for me.

  4. What about improving wrist conditions so say the left wrist is a little more radial at p5 and p6? Not a total cast or holding the lag but could use improvement..

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