Golf Babe

How could I MISS this – Huge mast at Belle Vue Airfield.

I have been trying to visit more airfields in the South West of England and now my Flylight PeaBee is back at Glebe Farm, I took the opportunity to meet some fellow pilots at Belle Vue airfield. With a little planning, looking at the pilots guide on their website ( I set course and few from Somerset to Devon. It was great to meet so many friendly pilots and thanks for the brew.

I frequently get asked about the kit I use, all links or names are below.

compass mount

Chin guard/ visor air dam:
Neoprene Air Dam

Compass Silva Un70.

My PeaBee radio and communications set up is:
ICARO SCARAB Helmet with MicroAvionics PM100 Bluetooth (Vlog modified by MicroAvionics)
My Airband radio ( I have the appropriate Licence) is : Yaesu FT450 FTA .

Engine instruments:
Trailtech TTO Tech and CHT

Fuel gauge – Tiggy Aviation
Tiggy fuel flow and quantity device – Soon to be an upgrade coming out.


Electronic Conspicuity device
SkyEcho 2

Camera and Microphones:

Flight Briefing room
Video Camera 4K Camcorder ORDRO WiFi Ultra HD Vlog Camera and a ICE BLUE microphone

Flying cameras
GoPro 3+, GP6 and 7 with audio adaptor.

Camera Mounts/ cases

Flying Clothing:
FlyKandy Jacket and trousers
OZEE flying suit EXEAT and 30seven gloves
Sealskinz mittens

Editing software
Adobe Premier elements

Music – Epidemic Sounds – Subscription.

[Music] come on let’s bring this thing in for getting back would be really easy because all I do is fly to the coastline follow the coastline all the way back hit my head and turn right so everyone and welcome to the channel today’s going to be a little mini adventure for me uh so back in Somerset and I’m hoping to go to North Devon to a little Airfield called Bell View sounds like Su out of fresh prin of B air but it’s not it’s a lovely little grass strip and the last time I was there Jay one for you if you’re watching it was absolutely chucking it down we actually drove there from darash uh Mark and I to go and collect an airplane to bring it back up for maintenance and today I’m actually going to be flying in there it’s a lovely little grass strip 520 M but it is in North uh North Devon and it’s 675 ft above sea level and gets lots of coastal influences those that remember my video to David sto this is a little bit further north all on the screen now showing you the route um it’s only 31 Mi away but for me it’s still a nice little flight to change the uh change the county and go somewhere new so let’s get the checks complete all the stuff’s here and you might be able to see the flying suits in the background yes flying suits in the background Remembered at this time it’s quite a big circuit there as you’ll probably see on the screen now uh I did spend quite a bit of time on Google Maps trying to work out where the roads were in relation to the um to the circuit but other than that hopefully I won’t screw up and uh get there and and say hello to a few Pilots at Bell View so let’s get checks complete let’s get on the road or even more so let’s get in the [Music] air right then let’s get things sorted all looking good ppr’s done so I realized I left my radio home so I phoned up uh Belleview again and confirm they’re happy for a non-radio join yeah just standard overhead join and keep an eye out so uh so thanks Lyn for that and uh yeah let’s hopefully get there I don’t know what the time is but um I don’t know what the route time is but I think it’s going to be about an hour hour and a bit depends on whether I got a head or a tail wind the winds are variable today one minute they’re literally cycling so uh not quite sure what I’m going to get a height uh the 214 wasn’t really helpful either um but yeah all good all good so let’s get on Route see if the engine will start so clear prop controls for and free Ang secure in harness is good good and the temperatures are warming up nicely will be warm by the time I backtrack have a stop with a good lookout for anyone joining lots of birds out today thermaling birds and a blue sky day which uh always makes it novel there’s that three tiny little clouds over [Music] there temps are nearly there right security wind and weather are good instruments are checked and set temps are within nearly a takeoff temp but will be by the time I’ve turned around uh that’s good fuel is sufficient trim is set and I’m happy and in the event of engine fail not full power I’m definitely going to be learning straight ahead right let’s go all looks good can’t even see the wind sock from here right F neutral those wheel straight let’s go to Bell View and see what it’s all [Applause] about full power [Applause] I’m away right so we’re on route [Applause] now and you skipped a bit here’s the route that I’m on at the moment and it always amazes me that although that GLE Farm is 460 ft 450 ft above sea level and you can see the sea over [Applause] there that Hills quite close know if the camera will do it justice I’m already at 1300 ft still climbing and I would be below the m so a few times I’ve sort of flown up the valley and gone round and come back but then when you come overhead to clear it to come back in you’ve got like 2,000 ft to get rid of so I hope you’ve been enjoying the content recently and I know a lot of my flights have been kind of local just chatting about subjects and someone said to me recently that they actually quite like my Little Adventures All the Little Adventures we’ve been on Mark Ben himself the low and slow to B was absolutely epic so I thought actually let’s I’ve always been telling to myself I need to go to places and just break the postcode again um um so let’s get on Route uh 29 M to go I will give you a little bit of the flavor of that but it’s more about the journey for my colleagues in the CIA the crow Island Air Park um yes I do agree with you I do have more land out options than you cuz apparently where they fly in Cow Island near Massachusetts it’s all trees and um yeah I have a lot more options than you do so uh I’ll take that one I will definitely take that one I think today is going to be a very busy day aircraft wise because it’s the weekend and it’s flyable it’s not cold yet uh but yeah definitely flyable so um I think it’s definitely going to be eyes out so at this point I am as I say going to shut the cameras down I’ll leave you with Mr Wing cam um for the rest of the flight if that runs out it’ll be what it’ll be and I will join you when I get near to uh um Bell viw fresh prins of B styly so yeah I’ll uh I’ll join you later on in the flight and uh rejoin you if anything interesting happens [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well welcome back uh just trying to work out the orientation of which way I think I’m going to be landing on 08 because it’s an easterly wind at the moment we about 8 and 1/2 miles to go so I’m just trying to get myself up to the um above above mean sea level will be 2, uh 675 ft so so I’m just trying to get to the Joint height and then because we do non-standard joins at darling Moore I’m just trying to get my brain in gear again for where I need to be so it might sound bizarre but when you do a certain type of circuit join all the time do then go and do a standard overhead join which will probably be the first one I’ve done um which is 2,000 ft in the overhead descend on the dead side down to 1,000 ft circuit height on a circuit I’ve never been to before trying to remember the reference points um hey hello there we go almost at joint height now definitely noticing the uh convergence from whatever’s coming in off the sea cuz we’re hitting midday now and so we got an easy and a possible seab Breeze as well which will make it a bit novel to say the least but we’ll see how that goes yeah 7 m to go still can’t quite see it yet but getting back would be really easy because all i’ do is fly to the coastline follow the coastline all the way back hit M head and turn right the joy of coastal navigation I’ve missed flying near the coast I really have has anyone been doing this Sky demon heat map thing um I’ve pretty much had an epic fail on that and the reason being is I fly in circles a lot so I don’t use Sky demon um and when I have done it I haven’t uploaded My Tracks to the clouds so I didn’t have the 50 to do it which did make me chuckle um because I say I didn’t have enough tracks to do my heat M but I’m sure if I did it would just be a really big intense circle of going round and round in circles it was weird actually D flying here cuz I flew up part of a North Devon Link Road and those that have been to uh to this part of the world will know that North Dev link the a361 and I was like oh so used to driving or being driven up and down that road that um it uh it was weird flying over it still not quite summer I’ve got sore thumbs because they cold right there’s a really really big mast in the circuit it’s 580 ft tall and they actively say don’t hit it no they don’t actually but kind of find it weird that you see where you’re going especially at the PB speed and you get really excited that you’ve spotted where you need to land it’s it’s well it’s five was 5 miles when I saw it 4 and 1/ half miles when I spotted it it’s like oh I want to get there but I’m not quite there yet it’s like I want to be on the ground happy that I’ve got to my destination and safe but it’s taking me a while to get there so uh that’s me anyway I’m suppose those that fly a lot faster ships will kind of see it and they’re practically on top of it so they don’t have that weight but uh it is nice to sort of know where you’re going it’s completely different to Florida I can guarantee you that where t-shirt and no gloves despite flying at 55 M hour it was warm we’re not quite in summer yet in the overhead let’s start getting down so down we check’s fuel I know from departure we’ve got enough uh awareness when across back tracked reminds me of when I did an approach to uh Dairy house for the first time their circuit is like a jumbo jet circuit and it took me 20 minutes from joining to land which when you got a balanced fuel oh I don’t want to go up I want to go down come on let’s bring this thing in looking down the wrun way and we’re down lovely jely and we’ve arrived [Music] [Music] looks like they’re all out today we going leave it there put the wing down into wind right we’re here let’s shut down and get sorted and 1217 1 hour [Music] [Music] so again the joys of vlogging is that you always have one camera that shuts down or one camera doesn’t work uh but I’ve arrived and uh gu in the background he’s very kindly making me a cup of tea uh which is very nice even though I brought my with me um and this this gentleman I did meet last time I was here but it was very wet um other than that it’s great to be here what a fantastic site this is right on the coast here in North Devon um and uh they’re just so friendly beckon me in and I’ve shut down and first thing is do you want to brew um yeah and I can’t wait to see stuff take off here but it’s is nice to warm up my my uh my hands are exceedingly cold here so complete contrast to Florida but it’s nice to be flying back in the UK in the scenery that we’ve got here I’m going to bit more of a walk around here and say hello and see what aircraft they’ve got um and enjoy North Devon for a couple of hours before I fly home brought me lunch but just great to chat to [Music] people hello guy hello how are you welcome to B where am I BW oh that where I landed [Music] so those that know the the the chat that just was in the doorway there that’s G Blackstone and uh we’ve been having a great catch up I’ve only ever met him today but we’ve corresponded a couple of times on messenger about getting in here uh they’re just so friendly here so I’m really pleased that I’ve made the effort to I say it was only 30 OD miles but it was enough to get me away from uh from Glee farm and go somewhere new and add somewhere new in the log book so um yeah cool I will I’m going to get sorted soon get myself back in the aircraft and then start heading back towards GLE Farm it’s going to be bit of a headwind but it’s come more norly now so hopefully it should be a crosswind rather than a straight headwind um winds are variable and there is definitely the sea convergence kicking in so we’ll see how that affects me on the way back uh I say join you for the quick return trip back to GLE Farm oh come [Music] on C up always helps when you turn the ignition on good check’s complete no one on Final let’s go there straight past neutral and temp all checks complete so [Applause] [Applause] and we’re off thank you Belle view don’t know how long the cameras are going to last but we’ll give it a whirl it’s nice that there’s a coastal effect at the moment that uh happened when I flew to David St and it’s one swung 180 now is there’s Lundy uh squirel and so uh yeah I’m getting a bit of a Tailwind component [Applause] now s spoken to guy he said get beyond the reservoir which is down there and I’m going to head north and get out of circuit so I get told off later on guy it’s all your fault let’s see um let’s see what I can get with that cing tailwind and see how quickly I can get back so it’s pretty much an hour to the minute uh arriving so that was good um and they’re so pleasant they’re generally I think that’s one of the things I love about Aviation especially lighter Aviation uh everyone’s just so friendly so thank you everyone at bellw thank you guy great to meet you in person um and a shout out to Ed the flask came with me the uh the Frontier Airline flask had tea in it proper British made tea uh and that came with me so I’m really happy with that um so yeah I think I’m almost out of circuit down to 28 let’s see what I’m going to get when I’m turning on Route bable Dead Ahead about 35 mph 38 mph ground speed which is great for what I’m trying to do there’s 40 too thank you for convergence on the Wind there we go that looks like I’m going to re me my track I’m happy with this Tailwind component which makes my journey back a lot nicer so it would have been about an hour and a half which was had more than enough fuel for I’d planned for it so took a pretty much a full tank on the way out it’s not as rough as I thought I’ll stand by that from what the wind Cam’s going to show um but yeah it’s just nice to get out and experience other places I’m going to wrap this video up here so I hope you’ve enjoyed it uh if you’ve got any points from the previous comments I’m uh sort of previous questions I asked drop them in the comments um it’s always great interacting with you uh as as the viewers so I I really enjoy that side of it so until next time everybody uh keep smiling fire safe and see you in the comments [Music] for [Music]


  1. What a lovely little flight. I miss flying around the south west. Definitely need to get back down that way very soon!

  2. As always, this is a great way to stop work for a bit and indulge. Great video mate!

  3. What a great little adventure. Exactly what microlighting is all about. Gloves, get some motorbike over mits. I've had cold hands on motorbikes the over mits just keep the winged off your Gloves and allows them yo do their job.
    One week to second hop operation, just need to shift a bit more weight then I can start my ppl journey again.

  4. Beautiful plains in its country, Brazil is more mountainous and with many forests like the Atlantic Forest on the sea coast.

  5. Great video Giles. Only this morning I was wondering when your next video would arrive. What lovely weather and beautiful scenery. I’m looking forward to flying my Adam. 👍👍😎

  6. Great to see you back in the PeaBee over your home turf. The feeling I get watching this is one of intense anticipation. Never been nearer to the dream than I am right now. Keep 'em coming, catch you soon. 👍😁

  7. Is that an external aerial I spy for your radio! I have been thinking about getting one of these for my Foxcub. What make is it, how have you fitted it and what sort of difference is there to reception? Keep those vids coming!

  8. Been looking at a Paramotor, but what kind of money are these to get up and running with training etc ?? thanks 🙂

  9. There are the occational days when the 214 is not much help. The Sky Demon heat map was interesting for me. I am like you I spot the airfield I have planty of time to prep slow down apply flaps but I often ask when I PPR if I can cut the circuit down in size especially if I will be near my fuel duration.

  10. Yes, I too am envious of your land-outs. Trees and power-lines are common. When hang-gliding over the same area with the exact same wing, I'm un-worried because you do the bird like stop flare then. put it on you shoulder and walk.
    Great looking scenery, nice flight 😎👍.

  11. Hi Giles, That Mast is Big !!!!! I have seen it very closely when I was doing a rather spirited beat up of the Strip in the Chairmans Skyranger 😉 ( I guess you must have spoken with Mike Gregory to get PPR? ) Mike was a customer of Micro Maintenance when they tidied up G-EGGZ for him

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