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Juan Soto on his early exit, forearm tightness

Yankees outfielder Juan Soto speaks on his early exit from Thursday’s game against the Twins due to forearm discomfort. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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ju Aaron said that your arm had been bothering you for a little while when can you remember it first starting to to be a little bit sore uh I don’t I don’t have the right specific day but it’s been like a week and a half or two it just uh I’ve just been grinding through it where specifically does it hurt you my forearm when does it when does it hurt like what activities that hurt everything you do or there certain things where it hurts more it’s not any specific specific activities it’s kind of it’s kind of funny that um it doesn’t hurt me whenever I throw or hitting it’s more like sorness that I feel with any any kind of move that I make more arm but definitely don’t stop me for anything anything baseballwise and like in the field what made you want to stop tonight ju was it because the doctor looked at it is that why you guys decided not to continue playing we we all decided uh to know start um getting warm again you know after an hour sitting down here start getting hot again War minut it up we don’t we don’t want to risk anything like that so we just decided to stop it Boon said you’re going to get some Imaging tomorrow are you concerned yeah yeah um we we came up with that too you are getting Imaging or you’re concerned about what it might potentially show um I don’t know what it’s going to show but definitely I know I’m we getting the Imaging and see what’s going to happen you said it’s been bothering you for a week and a half or so have you gotten imag already no I haven’t was there a moment that caused the initial discomfort no not at all not at all I’m actually just wake up one day feel the ESS and the discomfort of my forearm and we’ve been working on it and we’ve been trying to get away with it and he hasn’t go out have you ever felt this before earlier in your career or anything no no that I remember


  1. IMO, Soto sounded, and looked like he was told to make those statements, that made little sense. It doesn't feel sore when he throws or hits, only when he wakes up? I think they want to test the Martian, Get Judge out of centerfield and to RF before he gets worn down before playoff time. IMO it may be they have no intention of signing Soto next season and will play Jones, The Martian and Peraza, and trade Torres at the trade deadline. It all makes sense a bit, because Hal gave all fans the hint about next seasons payroll fix they will be in and he has this as a plan. Soto will be back on the field in a few days after they see what The Martian does, Soto takes us to the WS and then he is gone. I hope to God I am wrong but that's the vibe I get from all this.
    Spenser on first base, Peraza at 2nd and The Martian in center with Torres, Rizzo gone, and Judge in RF because he will be 32 Next season. We will see. I'm ok with all that actually. Not fully on board with it but OK with it. Torres is erratic as hell still, Rizzo has aged 5 years in the off season and still has after effects from the concussion I think and we add three future stars on the cheap and have much money to sign a few top starters and 2 pen guys. All this is what they are up to IMO and the Yankees have messed with success with many many teams in the past and were wrong which landed them in a mess since 2010 until 2023. This is their way to have a solid team for the future all around not just for one position. We will get to the series unless Soto gets ticked off at this Yankee "shuffle." I will add they better leave Verdugo alone and keep him here!! Best defensive Left fielder in the business and great high energy team mate! Stay tuned.

  2. The important question to be asked was "which arm: left or right" and do you expect to play this weekend.

  3. Rest and 10 hours of sleep for a few days are always the best for any athlete. Grisham is ready for more playtime.

  4. gotta protect him smart move playing it safe but same time suprised image wasnt taken a week ago

  5. So let’s get this straight….Soto has been feeling this for nearly 2 weeks and hasn’t yet had imaging done to see whats up..? This is absolute negligence on the part of the Yankees medical staff.

  6. I'm a great bb fan.It seems that players r very prone to have health issues now.Back when nobody was ID'd.Mick played through all sorts of lesions.And a whole lot of other players too.

  7. Didn't he go after a foul ball a few weeks ago and went full speed into the netting? They showed him after and was shaking his hand like in pain.

  8. Yea it's definitely not season ending…not from forearm tightness 😂…it's just a lil sore been using it a lot…he just needs a lil rest…and I'm definitely fine wit that…he's done more than enough to prove he's apart of this team!

  9. Please god, don't be hurt.
    Heal, heal!
    We NEED him. He's been the difference maker this season for sure.

  10. Everyone is saying rest up and you'll be fine…But listen, since this dude has been in the majors he's played basically every day, now hurting, I'm hoping for the best, but.

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