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‘JOSHUA IN BEST FORM OF CAREER! Wrong time for DUBOIS’ – Jamie Moore, also on CATTERALL

Jamie Moore talks with Josh Hart about Oleksandr Usyk vs Tyson Fury 2, Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois, the Deontay Wilder legacy if he is to retire from boxing and the preferred fight for Jack Catterall in late August.

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this is Joshua H here 4 seconds out delighted today to be join my good friend and top trainer Jamie Moore Jamie about a week and a half on from leads now I’m sure you’re all still right in the high of Jack C’s big victory against Josh Taylor but how is everything how are we yeah yeah good mate good he uh yeah he’s been bit of a crest of away for the last 10 days um he was jacked wedding as well yesterday so we was we’ve been there for a couple of days just um at a place in nsford really really nice place and it was a beautiful beautiful wedding so uh yeah just got back and done a couple of hours with Lads in the gym now and then straight home well was good to say congratulations for myself and everyone here at seconds out on Jack and getting married we know that there was obviously a few implications when the fight got delayed about it and we saw it with the mat room um behind the scenes footage that some said we might not be able to do the fight CU he was getting married but everything’s all G swimming any well as it seems Jack got the win he’s got married um obviously we’ve already seen the reports and Sam said it himself that he was going to be looking for the next fight quick and we seem to be getting somewhere offers are made uh just talk to us from what you know as the trainer about Jack caroll’s next move yeah well apparently there’s during talks with Barosa about maybe a final Eliminator for the WBO which would obviously be TFO Lopez so so obviously that’s a fight what we’d be interested in uh it would make sense for Jack um I think PR gr’s been mentioned and they’re talking about a quick turn around they’re talking something like the end of August so like 12 weeks time um which which you know I spoke to Jack about and Jack’s Jack’s up for it as long as he feels okay when he gets back in the gym so so when he gets back in he said he’s going to get back in um at the beginning of next week so he isn’t they haven’t planned going away on a honeymoon or anything because they knew if there was a fight you know they what would be offered then they they’d probably look at taking it because he knows you know he’s at that point in his career now where he can’t afford to to to be having take his foot off the G or off the gas and be having breaks because he’s wanted momentum for a long time now so while they got it um they need to sort of keep keep riding the wave and uh yeah I think end of August as long as as long as he comes back in the gym and he feels okay then let’s do it and two names that you’ve mentioned there R rguez PR Arnold Barbosa Jr which one do you like the lock of more I like both fights for Jack to be honest I’ve always said that PR is a phenomenal fighter but I believe Jack style is is he’s good for for someone like that um I think Barosa again is is a good style for us um you know I I think he was very fortunate in his last fight um um to to win but you know it puts puts Jack in a position where if he beats him he’s in front of the CF Lopez and I’ve said it for for two years now I believe Jack’s the best 140 pound fighter on the planet and he just needs the opportunity to prove it and um I think the tayor fight he would have got lessons from he would he he would learn from that and improve from it because um Josh Taylor for me was the best he performed since he the regi program fight especially in that second half of the fight you know because Jack hurt him and went through the gears in the fourth and fifth round and probably gassed himself a little bit about a six and needed to sort of take his foot off and recover and that allowed Josh to come back into the fight and Josh really put it on Jack and and um and shown the quali what he shown Us in the past so I think the lessons what Jack will take on board from that and will make him a better fighter in the long run and he’s probably come out a good time because if he’s going to be going in with the likes of Lopez hopefully um in the not too distant future then he’s going to have needed that type of experience to to to be a come out on top and within the state one know you’ve had a new fighter come in a fighter that you know has been hotly spoke about Adam hammed uh just talked about having him in the gym and what’s he like you know we’ve seen him make his debut last year on the US card but it seems there going to be it seems there’s a plan in place now there’s a structure he’s got he’s got a solid training team Sam Jones and his dad both managing Frank Warren promoting what what’s the plan with Adam yeah I’m excited about him he’s he’s a lovely kid you know they’re a nice family him and his brother Samy are training with us and um you know just experience he needs to get experience you know they they’ve never boxed from an amateur background but you can see they’ve been around boxing um all the life it look similar to my own son to be honest so um so they’re better than somebody you you would expect who’s not boxed amateur um you know we’ve seen many people turn pro who’ve not boxed as amateurs and had successful careers so um so it’s not the be all and end all although it does help so I so think the way we manage it is we just manage it fight by fight he’s getting experience in the gym you know there’s a lot of fighters in and around that weight division in my gy you know very good Fighters so they’re getting CL sparring really good experience in sparring and then we take it five back fight and just see see how it goes but um it’ll be an exciting Journey because they you know he can punch he can he can really punch and you know genetics um the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree so we say and uh you know he’s he’s got a lot of Charisma but like I say he’s I love the kid and um I’m enjoying working with him one thing that I think a lot of British boxing fans have spoke about and when you see the likes of Conor Ben Campbell Hatton when they’ve turned over and gone pro there’s always that added bit pressure because of the the name and the status that their father holds within the sport um obviously we know Adam’s going to have the same thing but how do you help him as a trainer because you’re not just training him boxing but you’re almost teaching him how to deal with boxing mentally as well um how do you help him to be able to handle the pressure that’s going to go along with him on his professional Journey yeah it’s difficult you know there’s no way around it you you just got s dealing with with it head on and um you know it is unfair you get prepared to your dad because it’s two different human beings um but in many ways I think they do have some Advantage because they grow up around boxing so so the the sort of pressure and um the atmosphere and the sort of everything what comes with it they sort of live through it as kids so so they’re more used to it than somebody else would be so the the sort of swings in roundabouts there is more pressure but they sort of generally seem seem to be used to being around that type of stuff I’ve got to say I admire Fighters like Campbell Hatton um you know they they don’t have to do what they’re doing they come from families and from backgrounds where you know they’ve done really well for the self and they could easily do something easier than boxing so you know I did it when I started boxing I did it out of desperation because I needed to make a better life for myself they don’t have that need so for them to do it is actually more admirable than it it would be for someone like myself because because they’re comfortable so they must have a fire inside them to want to prove something maybe maybe is that maybe they want to step out of the dad’s Shadow and be their own sort of man which is which is admirable in in in a way that they want to do it in the toughest sport in the world so so Adam’s coming along really well and and and I said it to him you know he is going to get compared to his dad it’s not going to be easy he’s going to get remarks you know because his dad was an absolute Legend but um but hopefully he’ll Forge his own path and and make his his own name for himself and while I’ve got you here see we’ve had a a very we’ve had a very big couple I say about a month or so in boxing especially in the heavyweight division obviously just this past weekend we saw the 5v5 I know I’ve already had your thoughts on fur USC um but when we look at this 5v5 we saw two monster heavyweight fights with Daniel D and Philip perovic then Deontay W versus J Jang we’ll start off with the younger Brit Daniel d uh a fight where not a lot of people were giving him a chance he was a slight Underdog but you know just because he’s the underdog it didn’t stop him he went in there and secured a brilliant stoppage in the eth round just give me your thoughts on that fight from Daniel dear I thought it was a great performance and it’s just proof in the pudding that you know Fighters are learning on the job and um even you know highly experienced amateurs doesn’t convert into experiencing the pros and learning how to navigate the longer distances the T and TW and coming through tough rounds um you know I’d watched dead and looked at him and thought to himself does he feel a bit sorry for himself you know is he a bit of an ontop Fighter um but I think it looks like he’s learned from that and he’s really sort of Gone Away focused on the areas where he he probably let himself down and um and he’s come back and it was a fantastic performance against erovic I think you know people are talking about him versus AJ next which is a unbelievable fight I believe you know stylistically it’s a really good blend um I just believe maybe he’s getting AJ at the wrong time because if it’ have gotten 12 months ago it I’d be like toss a you know flip a CO and see see who wins that when it’s a real tossup um but I just believe that AJ’s probably coming into the the best form of his career at the minute and um and it’s he’s probably not at the right time for Daniel but but everyone’s eyes will be on that fight if he gets made something about Daniel you’ve already kind of mentioned um but in the defeats that he suffered to Joyce and usk his heart and his desire has always being questioned in those defeats um but I think since something that fans have noticed since his team that we Don Charles Don Charles not only improved his his actual boxing but he’s improved the mental strength because dubar seems a much hungerer fighter now than what he has ever before and you can see it when he’s talking at press conferences especially when he’s normally quite a silent character um just talk to me about I guess Daniel Daniel’s desire and how while that desire is always there CU he’s growing up in box and it’s starting to show through now and you’re starting to weather the storms and battle through those tough moments yeah just I think it’s a an individual thing you know I don’t think there’s anyone what can teach you that you have to just do it for yourself in manyways it was similar to what happened to me I I lost to Scott Dixon in in my 13th fight and it was very much it was a tough fight I started to gas and I felt sorry for myself and and and and in in all honesty it made me it made me evaluate myself and look at myself I had to be honest with myself and go listen you could have dug deeper there and it made me win fights in the future and I was involved in fight of the year three times because I went through that experience and I think he’s very similar to Daniel he’s looked at himself he sort of thought to himself you know what I probably could have dug a little bit deeper there and and it’s made him a better Fighter for in the future so yeah um the every you can take so many lessons from different experiences and you know I I just don’t see how your coach can make you mentally tougher you know un unless you’ve done a degree in Psychology um then that sort that type of stuff that grit and determination a lot of vast majority of it is down to you you have to find it from somewhere and um and it looks like he’s he’s found his way of doing it and and it’s paying off and I’m happy for him I think one of the things that’s also been a big a big key is the fact that he’s got his dad in his Corner as well and a lot of people are speculating kind of saying it kind of adds a sense of security for him because he knows no matter what happens he’s got his dad nearby and at the end of the day in a lot of people’s lives one of the most important people that you’d look up to is your father um but obviously if we look at Daniel’s W for experience wise he’s only a 26 year old which is a very young for a heavyweight at his level yeah and he’s already been in there with Joyce uh usk and then you know Jerell Miller Philip berich and all these other big names it’s if let’s say if we look at where you know we’re getting into that era of the heavyweight division now where usk aj Fury they’re all getting on a bit we’re going to talk about Deontay wild in a few minutes and what’s next for him um but Dub’s got so much time on his side still hasn’t he yeah and maybe the AJ fight is not the right fight for him at this moment in time you know because AJ is a phenomenal fighter and a huge puncher um so so Daniel at 26 I know I know financially an AJ fight is is the sort of Holy Grail for heavyweights still and and if it’s offered to him he’ll probably take it but if he was looking it purely from a career perspective then he’s probably got another couple years of growing and learning and getting improving and getting better and and potentially you know in two or three years time when the your U6 fues and ajs are probably gone then he’d be up up and around the top end of the the heavyweight division i’ expect because of the way he’s he sort of took those lessons on board and improved and then moving on to talk about Deontay Wilder obviously when we look at last week and the buildup a lot of fans were sat there watching the buildup content thinking yeah Wilder’s got that spark back he’s got that he’s got that killer back inside of him it just didn’t seem to kick into place on fight and I Jang was simply too big too strong um put a brutal end to the fight in the fifth round where before we talk about the fight itself where does Deontay Wilder go from here I just think every fighter gets to that stage in the career where they just can’t do what they could do before and you know while is a phenomenal phenomenal puncher I was I was ringside in uh Las Vegas when he knocked out um who was it Southpaw Cuban um can’t think of his name forgot his name but but the right hand Ortiz Ortiz that’s right yeah yeah um he detonated a right hand on him I’ve never heard a punch as hard in my life life I swear it was brutal so you know a lot of that stuff is timing and and your timing tends to go a little bit as you get as you get older and he just miles on the clock and I think the two Fury fights the second and third fight really took it out of him um you know I think it a lot of the time you never saw of the same when you have to drag yourself through fights like that at that stage your career so you know if he’s got the right people around him if if if he was in my gym I’d be saying to him listen you’ve had a unbelievable career even earn more money than you’ll ever need go and enjoy your life go go and relax now because you’ve done your per you’ve done your part you’ve left the mark on the sport you’ve been a world champion you’ve earned your money get out while while you healthy and one thing that I’d like to ask as well what if this is it for Deontay Wilder what Legacy does he leave behind because everyone can you know you just need to go on YouTube and search up Deontay Wilder and you’ve got a huge l of different Knockouts but when you look at his especially the reason as to why he got into the sport what Legacy does he leave behind in your eyes without a doubt he’ll always be known as one of the hardest punches to ever lace a pair of gloves up um for the next 20 30 years he his Knockouts he’ll have highlight highlight reels on YouTube being watched over and over again for years to come so um so he’s he’s left his Mark he won’t be known as one of the most technical technically gifted heavyweights because he wasn’t but he made up for that in the power what he possessed and um and he had he had a chance of beating anybody when he was when he was at his best which was probably around about the first F fight or just before and then the the the hard rounds with Fi 30 you know how many row is it 32 rounds or some of hard round with Fury um it’s going to take its tall so I think he would remembered as a dynamite puncher um and a very very exciting every way and when we look at the fight itself um what did you make of the performance from both men um obviously it wasn’t the fight we were all expecting um when you were sat down watching I sat like what was going through your mind as that fight played out yeah I just thought the same thing as I thought last time when when wild was fought I mean even though I’m probably not giving um Zang any type of credit here for it and because because I think you know obviously he’s a big heavyweight and he’s a southp and he’s got a a lot of good attributes for someone that size um so and it takes someone with that sort of ability to do a job on Wilder like that but I just looked at Wilder thinking you’re just not the same fighter he was you know he didn’t seem to have that air aura about him where you felt that any moment he could detonate a shot and it’d be over he seems to have lost that aura and um and yeah I mean I know there’s loads of videos going about of him sort of spinning around and he did it in like a training video where where he done it before um but jang’s a handful for anyone in the world at heavyweight you know he’s a big big guy he’s very intelligent and he’s a southpaw and and not not many people like southpaws what do you make of the training and I think one of the big things that’s been spoke about since the fight obviously like you said the the clip going around of him doing what was doing then that little spin at the end and then OB doing it in the ring but a lot of people are saying that ever since he has partnered up with Malik Scott a man that he knocked out in 2013 is just not look the same fight obviously you’ve got the accumulation of the fights with Fury where he’s going to took a lot out of him um but a lot of people are also putting a lot of it down to the training team and it it just doesn’t seem the same as what he did yeah I mean I I I’ve not been in the gym I’ve not seen the type of training they do so I don’t know if he’s vastly different to what he did before but it seems to have coincided with the timing of the fury fights which makes more sense to me because hard fights like that take a lot out of you so so you know not knowing the ins and outs of the situation um or the sort of the details of the training stuff my instinct would be it’s more to do with five a time and and miles on the clock than it is the training and lastly uh about late last week I want to say we got the news that the fury usk rematch will be taking place in December um what needs to change on both ends OB we’ve already spoke about the first fight um but with a rematch coming up now it’s it’s in the pipeline what needs to change on both ends for either usyk to defend the Undisputed titles or Fury to take them off him it’s it’s it’s not farone conclusion definitely not I think there’s two ways to look at it I think maybe usk had sort of worked F style out maybe by about five or six rounds and he started to get his timing much better um and FY if he’s going to win that fight next time he has to do something different he can’t he can’t go in there you know I spoke about it before when did the TNT sort of building show buildup show I spoke about not trying I I I didn’t expect Fury to go in with someone with the IQ of usk and try and outbox him even though he’s got better attributes in terms of height and reach I just thought it was a crazy gamble to try and outbox and out think someone who’s so intelligent um you know the way I thought FY should go about it was to be a bit more sort of cavem manike and drag him drag him into a more of a a dog fight and and use his attributes better and I think when they look back at it now they maybe will be watching it back and going we should have gone about it a little bit different so I because if if fi goes in there and tries to do the same thing again I think usyk does the same job but more clearer this time because it was a close fight but I do think usk W by a couple of rounds um but if Fury fights with the attributes what I I I’d said if he goes into it like he did in the second Wilder fight and takes it to him and drags him into a dog fight it’s a good body punch of f um and we know usk can has shown a few little weaknesses down there so I think if he um if he took it to him it you know it could be a much different fight if he goes in there and tries to out boox him again I think he’d be the same result a bit only wider one thing that’s been it’s only come out in the about the last day or two um so one of the big talking points after the the first thec fight is that both men could walk away from the sport after this but usk has come out in a recent interview and said that after the fury rematch he wants to he’s considering going back down to Cruiserweight to become a two-time Undisputed Champion what do you make of that if he if he can still make the weight hell for there then um then what an achievement that would be but you know again at some point his his attributes and his skills and his timing and stuff like that are going to start to win and not enough people get out of this sport the right time you know lenx Lewis was one of the one of the ones who got out on top when he started to recognize that he just losing it a little bit and he didn’t wait for it to become too obvious he got out when when he did with all his faculties and on top of the sport got out on top on top of the game and and you know I admire that and he’ll be he’s known for that you know people it’s not it’s not an easy sport to walk away from you know you see so many people back to it afterwards um so I’m not saying it’s an easy decision but usk for me if he if he walk if he walked away now he’d be known as one of the best ever um I don’t want him to do what Roy Jones did where they damaged the Legacy a little bit because they go on for too long and part of that for me was him going back down in weight after a certain amount of time when you the older you are the harder is to make weight so for usyk to go back down weight now could be a real struggle for his body um so I don’t want him to make the same mistake as as someone like Roy Jones did because for me Roy is one of the best to ever do it and his legacy’s tarnished a little bit now because of the way his career finished whereas if it a walked away after the Ruiz fight when he was heavyweight champion of the world he’d probably go down as the greatest fighter ever and now he’s just known as one of the best so um so I think us should get out while hean at the top Jam very valid points I’m going to leave it there thank you very much for your time as always it’s always a pleasure catching up with you and best luck with the upcoming fights I know the stable everyone’s got a fight day booked in pretty much so best luck with all the fights I’m sure we’ll catch up again very very soon up man cheers Josh [Music]


  1. You’re completely wrong to say that Don Charles has ‘brought the hunger out’ in Dubois. No he hasn’t, Dubois has always had desire and been hungry, Charles has helped Dubois develop mental resilience. There’s a big difference. Do better!

  2. This is how you can tell Joshua has always been a hype job. People really think he beats everybody now because he beat 4 handpicked soft touches.
    Otto Wallin was his only real ranked opponent and that should say it all right there

  3. Who's this new aggressive AJ beat wallin sparring partner with no power and beat novice who didn't know how to survive in boxing ring and made errors over confident. Dubois beats aj as reborn self belief and has a good engine throws alot of shots. AJ don't like constant pressure put on him

  4. Boxing fans are some of the least reasonable and most likely to talk shit in comments. It’s insane.

  5. Beating Wallin and a MMA fighter isn’t the best form of his career. Jamie Moore talking shite as per.

  6. Adam Hamed has had no amateur fights and he has been allowed to turn pro which shouldn't be allowed, he looks like a load of crap and will get bashed up easily

  7. Bro everybody wants to use their weight advantage and try to drag Usyk into a dog fight but it's not that easy. He doesn't allow anybody to do it… He's just too good, he keeps accurately tagging you in the head over and over and forces you onto the back foot because you're getting your head boxed completely off. It happened to AJ and it happened to Fury as well. Fury's gameplan weren't to run away on the back foot was it? No way… He wanted to be the aggressor but unfortunately he couldn't handle Usyk ripping him apart from round 1 so he was forced to run away the entire fight. He had a few good moments in the middle rounds but Usyk put it all over him again and he started running for his life.

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