Golf Babe

The Most Unhinged OP Family Scramble Golf Team IS BACK

Today we will be playing in a family scramble golf tournament at Maplewood as a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of the North Country. We play some incredible golf and have some hilarious moments, as always, so you guys are going to love this two part tournament series!

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🎉I built a Foam Ball Golf Course in my Backyard! This is what Muskrat Links is ALL ABOUT! 🎉

🔨Equipment Testing and Myth-busting:🔨

🥇Challenges and games on our Simulator!🥇

The 🐐 of Golf Series – The Muskrat Links Sim Tour 😍

Equipment I use to record and edit my videos for @muskratlinksgolf :
Main Camera: Canon XA10
Camera Mic: RODE VideoMic (Used for groups)
Audio Recorder: TASCAM DR-05
Lav Mics: Rode Wireless ME
Slow Motion: Google Pixel 6a
Launch Monitor: SkyTrak
Sim Software: TGC 2019
Editing Software: Davinci Resolve
How I built my Golf Simulator:
How I built my Backyard Foam Ball Golf Course:

Custom Muskrat Links wooden sign and tee holders:

Disclaimer: No content featured on the Muskrat Links Golf channel is professional or legal advice, any opinions stated are my own, and any tips I share are from personal experience. Always contact a professional before modifying your home in any way. Muskrat Links Golf is filmed on location on private property.

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can’t tell if we’re playing golf for this is the wild west partner what you got this in the oh my God we have some oh my God delete the V right in De never doubt spread this directly into the mic violation off I like it no it’s going to die yes oh barely he is oh my God he’s unconscious he’s unconscious get my stuff I’ll be in the cart clean it up here folks thank you clean it all up here Welcome Friends to muskrat links let me tell you this video is going to be an absolute Banger I am about to head out to join my family up in our hotel for tonight as we get ready for our family scramble tournament up at Maplewood again this year it is going to be so much fun I can’t wait to hang out with them and play some amazing Golf and we are going to have some awesome footage for you guys [Music] you sharing a bed no problem huh [Music] huh did you iron these wrinkles into these shorts draw line where you want that part winning team 18 under 18 under I’ll be happy with 14 or 15 that’s someone who’s ready to shoot 15 under more like 6 fet [Music] under so we got to hit bombs right off the first te this is a hole we expect to actually get on in two but you need a really good drive and a really good second shot no problem I got my second shot ready not issue not an issue and plot twist we actually have to start here with hold up hold up chipping into the boat D boat the boat the up ball under protest already this whole thing is under protest hold up mom found one what’s this that is not a golf ball you got nothing all right there’s one for you again that’s me I’m good I got my three all right pops make it happen how can you go [Music] WR get going oh go go go sit down oh hold on So Close oh little deep little [Music] deep hey yeah Nice Nice Shot mom my pitching wedge what the heck are you doing was my first swing in the season it was Chip it in almost he almost missed the pawn get got I think I’m just going to cut out your third shot it’s going to be so bad yeah nice one get him off the te box little short little short just in front just in front hold on oh over the backd and that’s the first year I haven’t put one in the boat better luck next time Mom got one though all right Mom you got the first shot of the round here uh how are we going to do today oh we’re going to do awesome today once we get off this first hole Yeah well this is a tricky one we got water up the right you aiming left into the trees I assume to get us one dry up by their cart you see the white the white steak on the left way up there yeah I’m aiming to the left of that White St yeah aim at like their C that yeah aim at their cart if it fades back it stays safe, 1500 today it starts with you got it let’s go par five we better Eagle this thing come on not a good shot all right Trey up next two drives none of them have left the ground yet two drives neither one of them even reach the pond I just wanted to put one at a different angle than Mom yeah KY let a rip do you think okay okay let it rip do your thing got the Muskrat linkx Vice Pro ready to rock and roll get ball Airborne yeah that’ll be a benefit that’s what I’ll try there we go beautiful yeah it’s a it’s curving right up exactly where we want a little off the heel but it’s a 260 down there anyway not bad try that baby fade see if that’s working today that’s a baby fade if anything a little 5 yard fade yep down through wow 205 this is beautiful hey green is clear we can definitely reach this thing uh mom’s got driver off the deck let’s make it happen I don’t know if I can uh hit five got hit hybrid I think nice that’s better than your drive it actually is you got it off we’re moving up we’re moving up Trey what do you got five wood five wood all right sounds good sounds good oh oh oh my God you can use Trey’s divot it’s true I tried to give Kai a launch pad like we said you just got to get it down there you know yep anything down there is good heading left that’s I didn’t see it down there down by the T didn’t see it down all right 205 left I’ve got nine wood which is probably a little bit too much Club but we’re trying to stay smooth early make some good contact here fade keep keep working keep working kick right should just be down in front there yeah it’s in the front on the apron caught that off the heel pretty bad but that’ll work all right got an eagle chip chip it in can’t tell if we’re playing golfer this is the wild west partner well here’s where we ended up just show it to the green big left to right breaker here let’s see if we can uh maybe give this little run brother you get that jeez I really like it that’s right where that’s pretty supposed to Goot Beauty that’s a bit of a beam hit the stick hit the tree hit something Trey I don’t even think you’ve appeared in this video yet honestly honestly oh go stop stop stop oh beautiful what a shot pops what else you need from me that’s what we’re talking about now you can go for it bud I’m going for it all right pop stuck Us in there guaranteed birdie basically have to hold this out now here we go go up a little go up a little a hey good run from both of us yeah not too bad let’s go tap that thing in for bird let’s go hey let me put this one I need this need this one for the confidence store to count yeah y beautiful stroke that’s a great stroke need one for the confidence here I think I’ll stick to VR golf finally some confident teammates one under through one let’s keep it going we now have the par six up here this one we have to Ego there’s a small chance we could get home into very small if we rip a driver then driver off the deck but Mom’s up here first let’s see what she can do nice ball that’ll work you scoop my ball up with your with my oh it’s probably in my pocket I got three of balls huh whoa here we go hey all right Trey you got 235 to the pond and like 270 to carry it so just aiming up the left I guess or hit it right at it can’t got to go either left of it toward the weeds or right hug the trees cuz that’s the only place you can hit at like 275 we see and not be in that’s the ponding question just over those ropes right of the pond definitely right clean through I saw it clean through you got found this in the car pack walking back here called slick stick for hook and slice reduction in front of us are you kidding me what is this Contraband oh my God somebody help him oh delete the VOD oh little power draw love that I think that’s fine yep good shot what did the direction say rub on your stick rub on your lips what the keep rubbing till something happens are you guys done I’m trying to clear the pond here play golf here people my God go get over cut cut cut cut right I think I saw a bounce yeah I saw that boun saw you’re right enough you can bounce through I think he’s good I think I cleared it cuz I’m huge you guys in your cheating substances you just need pure golf skill substances I didn’t the other team that was cheating to be fair the other team we didn’t apply anything to our clubs no we that’s natural that’s do that’s just the morning de well I do not think we see my ball up here unfortunately I think he’s gone unlucky it’s as good as we’re going to get we’re going to go with dad’s drive here because mine is probably in the swamp we couldn’t find it so just going to try to get one down there it’s not like we’re going to reach the green but let’s see if I can smoke one a I caught it off the toe I think it’s in the woods on the left I saw it bounce but okay I’ll leave that tough there y there’s some grass there for you guys now let Mom go see if you can get one up on the tough decent contact yeah for driver he’s got the the vice ball and what club three-wood three-wood all right definitely some room out there that’ll work cuz she’s running yeah it’s out there it’s going to get to the 150 that’ll be fine shotgun start he’s caught it very well you know yeah that’s down there yep good shot a look should have a look nice one thank you wooo 88 yards left in here from Dad see if we can stick one on the green get an eagle look draw to the right ground draw that might work keep coming keep coming keep drawing keep drawing it’s putting yeah it Trey what do you got for a club 56 let it happen I like it if it’s the right number get down Sit it’s over the back yeah gono kind of a little thin all right pops what do you got for a club I got the 60 88 yards is like bang on the 60° so I’m just going to just heave this up here and drop it like a sack of potatoes in the center of the green make it happen get going cby middle of the green that’s not going to be a hard putt I got little knockdown 58 here I think let’s see if we can throw it on the Dance Floor oh my God it’s looking decent good get up a little or sit down a little yeah yeah it went long yep all right well let’s make a putt G bad Dad Dad Dad just in case any like filming or anything Dad Dad Dad huh yeah just in case well why don’t you go dad dad dad dad make an eagle oh I will just to shut you up I think yeah right to left you don’t have to put it all the way there you put it like 3/4 way there and it’ll run out it’s a little downhill so about a foot out to the right about 3/4 away there and it’ll just feed right in you go look it’s heavy yep Trey puts down the golden Vice he asked for if any putts going to go it’s this one maybe it’s only a cup out Trey yeah we need some luck we do that’s a special golf ball right there the legends of Grandpa Pete golf team needs am I using that gold ball as a guide how’s this going to work yeah don’t worry Don’t You Can’t legally say that pop just leave it there I don’t think it’s a matter of legality yeah since we saw the straight hitting cream from the last team the heck was that who’s legality pops or Eagle how many sasquat are in these Woods let him in cash money dead center dead center that’s an eagle three under through two let’s [Music] roll drivable power 4 up here next for us here it’s about 220 from Mom se’s see if she can stripe one oh it’s nice smoked it get down there beautiful great drive that’s a great place to chip literally perfect oh my God I can’t for that just go for the sand trap and hopefully it fades toward the Rope you know yeah then have a nice little straight chip up at it should be good oh it’s a snapper he gone is that findable with enough time with a grant from King Henry VI e later that same evening this is the tour response I lost earlier in the scramble all right 244 or so I’ve got four wood makes sense trying to carry it right up over that sand trap see if I can give ourselves a putt that would be ideal why not today all fade it’s fade C it’s off the heel it’s going to be [Applause] short no rolled up to the front yeah front edge very good contactable not the best shot but it we’ll take it can’t quite find the face yet that’s the shot we needed because you know you you improved on moms by 20 yards Ching a possibility let’s do it I’ll F straight ship make that all day we make those kiding me we got my drive up here a little short of the green but beautiful little chip uphill here got the camera down there for you guys we are absolutely going for this let’s get this thing in for eal it’s going to go about 3 ft left to right yep so you want to be left of that stone marker out there and it’ll come back [Applause] mhm stay up stay up stay up still didn’t get there you know it was pretty straight it didn’t go than I thought yeah I’m aiming like the left foot of my tripod Dad up there [Music] Juiced hit tray all right I’ve got a 54 degree here want to land this most of the way up the hill just run out and hopefully trickle right in [Music] there hit it hit it oh just burned the lip just passed all right let’s kick one of those in for bird woo Bingo very confident no confidence there [Music] whatsoever nice thank you no C let’s go on to the next [Applause] 33 137 yd par three up here now it’s our first big test of the day can we give ourselves a good birdie look we’ve got mom up on the tea first let’s see what she can do Che right stayed up there stay bounce left on the hill somehow 117 to the top of the s n yep till like 133 and just let it hop forward yep it’s a good plan going back to Grandpa Pete because on a hole in one shot doesn’t matter what ball you have yep anything will do luck clear the sand it looks good fade a little he cleared the sand that’s for sure middle of the green is feel seems like a good shot what do you got for a club Trey pitch I’m in between pitch and no no I’m pitch oh my pretty light pitch pling about 130 we think so just going to try to smooth one up there it’s thin hold on wind needs to get down and spin oh it’s over for the back right not good contact all right let’s go see what we got to work with here well here’s what we got here nice little putt 25 footer down the hill breaking right to left a little bit this will go let’s keep the birdie train going say this is downhill a little bit yeah pretty pretty flat but maybe a little just right edge of the hole yep I think so left Edge hard left little bit left pretty straight though I like right Edge that VR is going to pay off buddy yeah maybe one day no you’re going to get this feel confident 100% the VR mini golf champion steps up roll out turn turn turn turn didn’t really turn that much no not till the end hey great look great luck than you all right pops yeah I thought that was going to turn a bit more a birdie for Granda solo let’s see it looks good looks good right in dead center Grand let’s go what a like I don’t think I’ve had the putt yet today leave let’s [Music] go somebody else yeah get him out now Trey get him out now lip out a couple more will you I tried my best hey good hole guys good hole good hole pops apparently yeah let’s go [Music] cutting Contest time let’s see what we can [Music] do is he just putting like a god today I mean pretty much holy cow turn baby not going to turn that much with the speed yeah y y stay on target I’m I mean I like it if it gets down there r on the speed there my first yeah exactly maybe go go don’t turn don’t turn stay up no maybe left a little less speed hey good looks TR It Wide that’s the wide body putt got a little less than that buddy turn turn that one went right it went right in the [Music] middle short yep no no no no oh my [Music] go that looks good oh ah not good enough all right right we’ll get them next year I suppose yeah unlucky team some good putts there didn’t want to burn any of our putts for the round right exactly exactly save the good one I just use that as practice I got my putting feel B smart all right short par five up here tre’s looking to get some mojo back you got the driver Trey got the driver teting up an extra half an inch so I don’t top this one if I top this one that’ll be impressive hey you got this more likely to leave an idiot Mark no problem at all why is my club face all sticky that’s weird swing away buddy all right we go not fading better contact into the heavy stuff all right dad’s going to try the simulator special here the little pull hook see if we can get one down the Fairway oh it’s just a baby fade that’s such a nice ball it’s good shot though ah we can play it from there no problem I think it’s clear enough from the tree y definitely just rolled behind the tree get a Club Lane get a Club Lane all right I a driver obviously see if we can get one down the center for us give us a good look in here come back a little come back run out just keep bouncing bounce bounce little right yeah did beautiful perfect that’ll work nice there you go long drive women let’s go right let me grab your piure well here’s my drive way back there is men’s long drive so far uh like 45 yards back unfortunately we’re not in the Fairway unlucky but hey we got a great look in to this par five got about maybe 70 yards or so we got to get one on the Dance Floor let’s get an eagle look come on now about 159 159 I like that even better 159 come on negotiate these branches that’s all it’s a lottery 50/50 good shot just a little right I slowed my swing down going through it what club you got there Trey I got an eight eight iron I like it I it’s right play couple tree branches to negotiate up there but they’re not in play see what we can do oh no trees needs a kick kick right needs a heck of a kick yes yes right into the bunker I’m going to hit a serious knockdown six Yep this is going to be a stinger six I like it it’s never going to get above the branch the question is can I just control the distance at the 155 is the question good luck pops you got that shot it’s a very U shot hey could you make a little more noise please [Laughter] Tre o well the hill kind of helped it come back is it rolling off the back a little bit yeah it might be all right not bad still putable but it’s going to be a long way I mean it wasn’t bad distance control from there yeah pretty good I’m goingon to do a similar thing it’s just going to be a knockdown nine iron just GNA try to hit a little little low one little punch still going to be a little bit of a fade too so punch fade nine iron off the left side it’s a good shot stay left of the bunker oh it gets a good kick stay on the green are you going to be back with me yeah I think I’m back with you just trickling over the back not too bad though all right we’ll see what we got up there don’t forget your breast can oh hey well pops night ended up right here just a little bit over the back it’s a chip for eagle and it could go so let’s see if we can get some good runs here the Smoking Man look at that absolute specimen there’s a 50/50 chance I tripped coming over here yeah there there’s no break you just get this on the right line get up little bit H yeah decent shot decent shot too much Juiced it Juiced it and right go for it though I like to play yep good luck Good Luck Good Luck beautiful yeah I’ll give a little the CL little Boll pan name all those mountains one two three thereon to the far right yeah going to be Mount Adams and mount Jefferson just in case you really want to know all right let’s bury this thing come on now a little bit of magic yeah pushed it off to the right all right now we got to make a putt going with my chip here was a smidge close than dad’s and probably a little bit straighter let’s drain this thing for our bird oh it was left Edge but we crushed it through the brake that’s really gentle still got there get in get in cash money no problem that puts us to I believe six under through five the grandpa pee ball delivers again on to the next one let’s [Music] go we’ve got the hardest hole on the course up here next the te’s are up a little bit because they’ve been working on the tea boxes and building some new ones which is awesome to see mom’s going to Le us off here see if we can put one down the pipe and then we will see if we can rip at it from the back te’s absolutely piped where’ that go huge oh perfect yeah way down there crushed what a shot best Drive of the day so far nice one mom yeah I got room here yeah work that little draw no problem oh that’s a beautiful drive just up the right side no problem I don’t know if that’s past Mom though it’s hard to tell oh yeah it is you think so oh yeah well for sure that’s an improvement then there’s way room be on that I’ll try lots of room beyond that I haven’t caught any of my drive too crisp yet maybe now is the time to change that here we go staming up the left oh such a nice drive little sting piece run get going we got a runner that’s a good one we’ll take it I teed it up low specifically for that cuz I was hitting off this launch pad here it’s like I’m teeing this one low and keeping it low I think that right side’s going to be better if for chipping up here too it will chipping back upill yeah yes let’s go 54 yd uphill guys’s got us in good shape for a second shot just stuff it in tight for easy birdie putt a little short a little short I under sliced it y it’s fairly flat up there but it’s not going to bounce left that’s for sure okay hey whatever you need to do buddy he’s gone to the otherin power the neighborhood I think I hit off good shot buddy way to intimidate the hole thanks I went for it all right so we got nothing right now right yeah we’re currently dead I thought I could get under that a lot more but this ground is hard as a rock I should have poured water all over the ground first you should have done something else no uhoh get up there chili dipped it yeah just hit behind it I really don’t want to take a mulligan on this hole I know this yardage this is the backyard shot pretty much be able to put this fairly close settle it’s a little long all right we got our little 12f footer here for birdie this is a big one to stay on Pace if we can get this to knock down we’ll be looking real good maybe oh that broke more than I expected yeah good touch you can still go left to the marker if you want try no I like the look right actually the golden Vice steps up to the tea got to go oh my god get it there send that back wow on the left all right I’ll give it a shot all right for the uh for the natural birdie let me just convert this real quick oh it’s a little firm should we take some Mulligans here we have I’m going to go okay you got it you got it nope my I got I got it I got it was horrible don’t you guys worry yeah hit the sck yes the Golden Ball delivers let’s go that’s a huge pump for us yes let’s go he’s here he’s here no cash thank [Music] you driveable par 4 up here big dog leg left we got Mom going up off the front teas here let’s see what she can do beautiful dead dead center down the hill yep that should roll right nicely down there I okay if you hit this dead straight into the wood St hit it smooth get some confidence just head toward that mountain and let nature take its course nice good ball all right it’s down there you can use that today we’re using that it’s down there try to hit toward the mountain and just see if I can get some draw on it yep absolutely play that same swing you’ve been doing little pull draw oh got some draw ohing some Landscaping probably snuck through but nowhere near as good as mom’s yeah all right I got driver going for the high draw as well aiming right at that cart sign down there pause at the top just a little bit fall into the slot Inside Out swing oh there’s no draw no draw on that one dang it has killed it good drive though yeah Crush great drive you just have to clear that first Ridge and it’ll roll all the way out and it will roll left to right as it goes out trust me on that you just got to clear that go toward the shadow of the flag and just clear that first Ridge well that’s the exact opposite direction but I was not aim all right well didn’t go to the right like I said did not push right right now though but I did land a short of the green yep yeah you saw how much that rolled out TR yeah I don’t think so it’s not going to roll out no no he missed the green oh my God settle settle settle settle settle we could make the Putt and not use any Mulligans and then use Mulligans on the putt all right let’s let’s do the i’ rather to do it I see a little right to left yeah maybe I think a hair right to left oh a little fmer yeah I think it’s just right Edge yeah horrible the freaking horse size been buzzing me through the entire hole pulled all right come on now time to show [Music] [Applause] [Music] up let’s go that’s what we’re talking about yes keep the street going thank you good reads Everybody good reads well done well done no Mulligans burned as was the plan let’s go nice job team nice job [Music] [Applause] [Music] team after that birdie we are still on a blistering Pace here mom up at her tea boxes we’ve got a long par for everything moves right to left as you guys can see down there big sloper this is a very difficult one we can make a birdie here that would be huge and gaining on the field oh it’s another pipe job from Mom absolutely gorgeous up the right hand side bouncing left beautiful ni shot mom pleas the mayonnaise is loaded are you done what is going on over here turn the card off I got I got some quality roll over here all right 80° out we’re going to go with the the mayonnaise full sandwich that’s what the team needed right oh it’s just pure sour no it’s a great sandwich I’m not picking on the golf course beautiful I’m eating it before the sun gets to it perfect here we go let’s go Dad you didn’t eat yours with the shell on all right I got the dck already in the Fairway Mom down there so I’m just going to yeah have a rip here we go fade a little it’s working back perfect that left side is perfect yeah it’s a good place to come in from I’m not even going to waste a drive yep we’ll take that get in the cart boys let’s go at Le hit the center of the club face finally that feels good I haven’t even hit the face yet didn’t even hit the club yet on Center for it great drive there by me just in the left rough this guy with this cart oh my God are you done you done we got about dad’ll dial it up here what do you think 77 80 on the button I was off by three my range was good I need to hit the same shot I hit on that one green where I flew it by 40 yards that uh yeah actually somehow you’re right all right mom take us away I’ll take you away all right what does that mean we got eight seven oh she’s ped it that’s gone yeah wood you got all that one I hit that well crushed a family friendly Channel that’s why we don’t mic up Mom all right Trey you know what to do heading left a little left hang on the left side probably won’t no she gone a distance I bad kicks over there yeah yeah still feeling like It’s banging on the 60 the other one was 88 hit it just right this is 80 but uphill so play like 88 so I think it’s the right Club go I still feel good about this 58° 3/4 swing AB should have this in the bag settle down she’s gone in the wood I think we just take our medicine this hole right it’s going to be so hard to get a putt that’s makeable on this hole yeah take the par is what you’re saying yeah we can burn six Mulligans here and right we’re never going to get inside of 10 ft there’s no chance right the best we’re going to walk away with is like a 25-footer mine’s actually not a bad chip I think your Chip’s great yeah we’re going to take Dad’s here little bit right to left Trey was just over there but uh it was a little bit of a tougher chip this one moves a little bit but just got a Nestle one in there there and tap her in for our par maybe give this a run aing like at the red steak in the background red steak’s a good line oh I see it now Ste on a shaft sorry think that’s the line yeah it’s a pretty good line minut I wanted to on the green little BL that is pretty good pretty good shop pops we are in from Pops so absolutely going to give this run a run now take a little bit more of a direct line see what we can do release No release little short all right let’s go tap in pops get our par you hit it seven miles why you have to do is make contact with the ball that’s all put the other side tray be less break seriously he’s got it he’s got it no problem there we go back down to earth it’s our first part of the round but we are in absolutely beautiful shape let’s head to the next hole P thank you questionable P Mom I’m hting that like it was uphill 8 feet downhill 2 [Music] feet absolutely beautiful last hole of our front nine here so we are absolutely on fire8 under through eight I believe similar to the last hole everything bounces left here see if we can juice a couple drives down there got the beautiful mountains in the distance the smoke up on the mountain you guys can see there maybe from the Cog railroad I’m pretty sure so pretty cool see if we can hit some in the Fairway yep yep absolutely crushed again drive that is going to be such a weapon for us today trade with Drive we’re going to take a swing here see if he can stay loose oh man tries to kill Ming every single Drive yeah that one didn’t even hurt my wrist that’s good just hurt your soul yeah it just hurt my soul that’s right going to spread this directly into the mic de de oh there’s the pull draw good shot though down by Rocky the next Fairway yeah but I’m going to try to start mine right at the uh the carts up there see if I can uh just fade one down there drives been really good today so far let’s keep it going it’s right at those carts it’s a good drive Beauty left going be way down there yeah again a much better angle be on the left side for sure little off the toe still not my best work wonder if Mom grab that ball well I’ve absolutely smoked another drive here but last time we didn’t even get something on the green so this time we need to hit this green and get back on the birdie train let’s end this one with a bang let’s give ourselves a good birdie look all right Mom lead us off off so you can get something on the Dance Floor oh a saddle that’s just caught pure again you’re puring your clubs holy cow I never feel my I think I figured out the game great I think I lost it yeah give it back to trade you that way too short wow little chunky 62 is that my 62 I was looking for it earlier I was wondering where it went it was in your bag or would do you think we lost it left it in a fair Thief I was like I don’t remember using it where did it go right here that’s where it went all right well do something with it I like it is it the right distance I think it’s a little long you’re in there though could be good oh it’s right right behind the camera you kidding me going through the camera’s leg I’ve got 58° just trying to do what Dad did just a little bit shorter here we go that’s deep spin hit the camera hit dad’s ball yeah dang it not quite getting dialed in big left to right swinging here very difficult to get this anywhere close to the hole hopefully the hole gets in the way get it oh good real good look real good look stay up stay up Stay Stay Stay Stay just can’t get it high enough yeah I’ll try to miss it high Dad yeah behind yeah I heard my God stay up go go go bad putt I don’t know if we can take a Moran here either you can if you want to but I’ll try one I’ll burn my last one hit my uh the green guy back dad does like these putts this could definitely go in it’s not going in you want me to stay up all right I think it’s power for us here yep everybody unfortunately power for us unfortunately finish off very very difficult hole I think that puts us eight under through the first nine holes AB absolutely blistering start let’s see if we can keep it going heading into the next video and uh we’ll start that one off with the bang I promise 8 under through 9 puts us on Pace for our best score ever at this tournament so be sure to tune in next week for the finale tap that subscribe button before you head out and give us a follow on Tik Tok as well for access to exclusive videos and remember have fun out there everyone oh [Music]


  1. yooo muskrat links you put so much work into your videos!
    i just found 3 vintage golf balls in my local golf curse. ill just ask if you have them in your collection, or you can find some info about them cus i cant lol. i found a: SPALDING PLUS 1, GOBLIN 3 and BLUE FLASH 4.
    love your vids

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