Golf Babe

Linn Grant becomes a two-time DP World Tour winner | Volvo Car Scandinavian Mixed

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Lynn you’re the champion for a second time at the Scandinavian mixed in the most extraordinary of circumstances what do you make of that just very mixed emotions I mean um like I said before um I feel honestly terrible for Sebastian at the moment um I don’t even have words for it um I can’t imagine how he feels at the same time I’m just surprised like so surprised standing here now as a winner again uh in my hometown um amazing it will be special I’m sure I mean obviously we’re all completely shocked by by what we’ve just seen on the 18th screen but the way you played your golf today the way you went out there and laid that challenge down you were 11 shots back at the start of the day yeah I mean honestly I just tried to go out today and and give myself the opportunity I didn’t even think about that I had the chance of winning you know 11 shots it’s a it’s a huge gap so um um I just wanted to go out and have fun and make as many birdies as possible and enjoy it with my brother on the bag and being at home and yeah that incredible chip in on the 18th turned out to be the winning moment and what a moment that was unbelievable um I think I celebrated good enough when I was there so um I’m not looking back at that wishing it was me on the last hole but um turned out to be an incredible day I guess and you’re making more history you were the first woman to wiar win on the DP World Tour now you the first woman to win twice on the DP World Tour yeah amazing I mean I’m so speechless at the moment I can’t really um believe it um yeah no heart goes out to Sebastian of course but huge congratulations to you thank you well done

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