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6-Way Scramble Match (Loud East Wrestling)

From Loud East Wrestling: Wild East on 6/8/2024
in a 6-Way Scramble Match (Preshow Match)
“Irish Virus” Bruce Egar vs. Caveman vs. Justin Bonjovi vs. Rick Rose vs. Killer Kyle vs. Five Star Guy

On Commentary: Kevin Gill and Julius Smokes.

your following contest is a pre-show scramble match and it is scheduled for onef [Music] [Applause] [Music] one introducing first from the Big Apple the real mcoy [Music] in reality number one out the ball and fight is right just n take over and for your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] life we cream with the crop cuz he’s getting that pop we’ll see tonight loud ease wrestling becoming straight for your Thro [Music] from the Hollywood Walk of day this is five star time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh look out [ __ ] Ireland the Irish Irish but like they’re not going to use it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from New York City kill oh man short [Music] entrance the Music’s [Applause] Over 10, [Applause] wow coming out of here like a bad ey of hell look at that energy it’s that prehistoric it’s like a neand style rarely seen in Ridgefield Park it’s historic freaking sign up by caveman I thought it was strictly human based competition tonight good shut up wow has the right gimmick what you’re dead man walking bro you’re dead man walking sending you back to wherever the hell you came from bro what har are also brought to you did you see newor [Music] [Applause] take it break take it bre [Music] [Applause] man said his his brains is already fried it’s already scrambled this is his habitat uhoh total Mayhem that’s different wow opportunity is a bliss look at is SCE of agility huh [Music] okay big drop kick [Applause] King K fam K man got that La bomber in them Puerto Rico I say oh he’s biting Shan is biting o nicely done I don’t know to cold in Li of a prehistoric area code that was just instead of the 619 it’s just knocking two rocks together oh hey now yo yes caveman throws some live rounds hardhead like a coconut right to the solar plexus you know what they take it to him nice lead left left shanes of Mr Wrestling too yes just got H like Steve Kar from The Fabulous ones gave her that YY Dy daddy uh-uh not even the one count [Music] nice monkey flip up and over I don’t mean anything in this match is it by pinfall or submission it’s broken down here [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] wait a minute what is happening Justice baby somebody’s got to do it okay my turn wow I I Believe I Can Fly oh Kelly’s locked up somebody else got do it or Kelly wishes he could fly over those walls impossible take that seat [ __ ] whoa what happened back the shoulders up referee’s discretion man got the sub down no hair don’t care get him ooh using his body as a sacrificial lamb who said K in and use two picks they use him as one nice go behind better the back dro the right on his Noggin ooh oh that was a low blow referee didn’t call it referee’s discretion I’m surprised kman don’t have a gaping hole in his head right now I thr no headbuts the Irish homeboy firing back with a bite of his own eat that wow the Luck of the Irish who winner the Irish virus the Irish what dude I know the fans you though that’s the bottom line right there yo [Music] he came in an a [Music] mission can be the next acquisition we’ll see

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