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2024 Pre Classic | Women’s 1500m

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we go to The Far Side of the track Cara joins me again for the call of the Prevagen women’s 1500 M we’ll keep an eye on that American record because Ellie St Pierre is all business on this track today if anyone was worried about her returning from the birth of her son in March 2023 she has set the record straight she has just been unbelievable this year winning that world indoor title in the 3,000 meters running an incredible 5,000 last week and the American record is on her mind today in the 1500 but she’s not only an American to talk about Nikki hilts joins the conversation Nikki hilts has also been on a tear they’ve won four national titles since the beginning of 2023 the thing about Nikki they are very confident now they are racing with purpose they’ve won a silver medal at the world indoor championships there’s something about the confidence hilts has it’s going to take them far final moment over flection for this group at500 M wave lights in this race designed to help the Americans going after the American record mentioning Nikki hiltz got their start collegiately at the University of Oregon injured in their freshman year so working as a volunteer at pre I mean this was 10 years ago so look at how far Hilt has come and that 10 years holding the banner and now hoping to be the one that breaks the tape today American record holder in the mile set that a year ago interesting time for us athletes thinking ahead to the trials making the team is so important but this is the race you want to have in your portfolio if you make the team oh 100% you want to have those sub four minute times you want to show you can show up on the big stage I mean this is an incredible field we’ve only talked about two Americans but this field is stacked and loaded having a good race here really sets you up as the season continues and another look at St Pierre World indoor Champion incredible race in Glasgow in the winter beating Goff sagay in Epic fashion Not only was that race fast but she still technically and tactically responded she went wide on that final turn and a lot of Jaws dropped when this happened I mean goff’s the guy is one of the best to ever do it but Ellie St Pier came through not only winning that world title but running incredibly fast and Ivan was there to enjoy it with Mom and you’ve said and you’ve gone through this as an elite athlete as well you’re impressed how quickly she’s come back to a world class level I really am impressed I think shout out to the people in her Camp who let her come back as she wanted but last summer she was training and building up up slowly and she has just been on fire since she returned to racing it has been incredible to watch next to her is Laura mure and you mentioned you know we haven’t really gone deep in this field but there are some pretty amazing folks the uh standout from Great Britain has been a fixture of pre here her sponsor of course connected to the meet so a lot of those athletes are are asked to come and perform here and she’s going to give it a go here today and Laura is the Olympic silver medalist you know and she’s won a World Championship bronze here in Eugene the 2022 World Championship so Laura Mir is an excellent 1500 R Runner always finds herself in the final of the World Championships or Olympic Games always is fighting for a medal position little bit of a delay here at the start line so we’re going to take a moment just to go a little bit further down that backstretch and check in on the women’s po ball Trey here we find Emily Grove out of South Dakota being coached by Derek miles South Dakota turning into a pole Factory out there in Emily Grove right now she cleared the last bar in her final attempt for a nice season’s best looking to take the lead here but something was just a little bit off looked a little bit too close pval just one of those things even when it all goes right it can still go wrong so she’ll look to the sidelines try to fix everything with her coach it’s looking like she and Katie moon are sharing a coach today Brad Walker stepping in for the great Derek miles and they’re going head to-head against one another at these final bars one of the Great Moments in Budapest when ktie Moon won a second consecutive Global Championship but shared the gold with Nina Kennedy of Australia and looks like we are now set with the women’s 1500 M here Cara that little delay that help her hurt depends on where you are mentally Paul if you are confident having to wait on the starting line for a couple extra minutes is going to do nothing to you if you’re nervous and feeling overwhelmed it can definitely become bigger than it needs to be in your mind we’re about to find out what effect it’s had on folks as Jaz Shukla of Canada who just became yet another Canadian to dip under 2 minutes in the 800 m is going to be asked to take that 800 meter speed forward and get this thing rolling pretty quickly women’s 1500 100 m and we’ll keep an eye on Ellie St Pierre there she is in third position as they work their way down the main straightway is Jory behind her then mure and then Jessica Hall the Australian who competed here at the University of Oregon as they all find room to run it’ll be three laps to go when they reach the line you know that was a little messy off the line for a lot of the women and it seems super strung out but now we’re starting to see everyone kind of close back up and get their positions on the rail St Pierre was definitely a little pushed out she didn’t want want to fall and she got tripped at the Olympic trials 3 years ago and ended up just going and taking that race so now she just needs to settle in here the pace is very very hot 6175 for that first lap so now everybody just needs to calm down the pacemaker is doing their job relax ride this train as long as possible and right along that back stretch as the women continue to run quickly over to ktie Moon Trey one of the best Americans to ever pick up a p Vault pole and again something just a little bit off down there on the runway looks like the winds are giving them just a little bit of trouble so if the run is not exactly where it needs to be it’s an abort jump so behind shla that is dbe W of Ethiopia the 22-year-old who was the world championship so medalist last year then St Pierre Hall mure and eor with two laps to go and we’ve seen T just go for it in every Diamond league so far this year she’s really just gone with the pacemaker and seen what she has at the end I I’m surprised to see that little bit of daylight between her and St Pierre the time 20492 at the half now Pierre really St Pierre really needs to close this Gap Paul if she’s trying to run fast if she’s trying to have a shot at that American record she needs to move up and get a little break from W before they wind it up to kick 600 M to go and St Pierre slowly in steadily trying to get within contract and also trying to get within contact of those green LED rights cuz the front of those lights are tracking towards the American record of 3499 her coach said earlier in the day he thinks she’s ready to run even faster well look at Jessica Hall right now Hall excuse me pulling up alongside St Pierre now we know St Pier can kick but can she get it from this far out we also see Lor m in fourth place but saier just needs to be Cal right now keep her form going she’s not that far off she’s definitely on personal best pace and she just needs to stay calm and laser focus in on W’s B Nikki hilts the American back in about eight position well off the lead here as they head down the backstretch and well tesi begins to open stride and it’s Jessica Hall who’s now going alongside and challenging St Pierre and Jessica Hall is really making a run right now we saw her in a diamond leag diamond League race ear this year run people down in that final 100 if is she getting any closer to W or is W going to run away with this so the world silver medalist from a year ago Will T of Ethiopia into the lead and how about that battle behind also keep an eye on those green lights as that’s tracking towards the American record well Tedy is going to win it in a super fast low 353 time in the the lean for Hall and for Pierre will await the time here to confirm as welli takes the victory in 35375 and still waiting on the time for Hall and for [Applause] Pierre they came off this turn and while T ran so smart she went with that pacemaker she let herself get pulled out and she went to the arms there and was dominant down this home stretch and we saw St Pierre try to make a move here at the end Jessica Hull was just flying in front of her and up was coming Laura Mir and St here you can see she is trying she’s digging as deep as she can to hold mirr off and maybe even catch Hull but Hall will finish in second place with a new Australian National Record I mean records falling left and right at preon but well T really showed that she is stepping up this year she puts the silver medalist from last year and she wants to be a contender in that Olympic final and for Ellie St Pierre now the number two alltime American at500 Meers that reckord will wait for another day but she’s all smiles getting ready for the trials [Music]


  1. I don't think 2nd-4th places could complain with those times and why to push it to the end.

  2. It doesn’t help anyone to play into their delusions. It used to be referred to as a psychosis. Now it’s celebrated. They need help. There’s nothing virtuous about referring to an athlete as “they” or “them.” It’s absurd. If someone refers to themselves as “they” or “them” that’s fine. They obviously have that right. But to force others to do it is nothing but a Marxist ply to tear our society apart. Please focus on the sport.

  3. NBC coverage is once again maddening and frustrating. Aftrer 2:30 minutes of nothing but AMERICAN Ellie St Pierre and 30 secs of Nikki Hilts, Paul finally mentions that "We have a stacked field and didn't mention them," and then laughs. Finally a shoutout to Laura Muir. Almost like NBC commentators just don't do their homework before announcing. And once again NBC Olympic coverage will be unwatchable.

  4. Can you imagine if we got terrible coverage like this is a men's race? Just ignoring Ingibristsen or Kerr in the actual race coverage? This is atrocious calling of a race.

  5. I am watching this with a friend & I inadvertently called Nikki Hiltz a she.
    I just thought that I should publicly apologise for misgendering as I didn't mean any disrespect.

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