Golf Babe

High School VS Division 1 Golfer

In Gabby’s latest series, Gabby (a high school golfer) takes on elite Division 1 golfers from across the. nation. 18 holes 1 V 1 Matchplay! Her next match is against Viktoria Hund, representing the College of Charleston. This match got intense! A lot of back and forth on who was up in points and down in points!

Division 1 Golfer and High school golfer go head to head in a straight-up match who will win… this match was super close.

Watch to the end to find out who won!!

00:00 INTRO
01:09 Hole 1
16:04 Hole 5
30:13 Hole 9
39:15 Hole 13
48:56 Hole 17

16-year-old golfer versus division one golfer 18 hole match play 1 V [Music] one oh good pot I know I’m coming for you now oh my I’m here with Victoria hun from the College of chareston hey guys I’m 21 years old I am originally from Germany and I came here to pay Cod this is awesome all right so she has literally won four tournaments she was conference player of the year and she played on the German national team Great accomplishments we’re going to play my first 18 hole match ever you guys have seen me play 18 holes in golf tournaments but today we’re going to be doing an actual match 18 holes 1 V one straight up match play okay so biggest difference between Germany and Charleston go right now the food for sure don’t even get me started better Germany of course really not even got go there then all right right first te here we go we’re playing for the same te’s you have honors go ahead all right come back come back oh I think you’re good all right we’re hanging on for dear life fine you’re totally going to be fine all right here we go fixing my headband sorry got to get it all right yeah it’s got to be perfect okay here we go and we’re here at the Ritz Carlton Orlando they always host us great course I love this place do a lot of our matches here so shout out to them all right here we go first shop joining me right yeah I’m joining you over there oh my goodness two not great shots we got it all out yeah at least we got it out on the first shot firsty Jitters I know seriously wow 132 out of the pine straw it is middle so I do know that it’s not going to go as far out of here kind of got a it’s actually a nice teed up live my feet are off the grass going hit 7 I’m going to play 142 fish we’ll let these guys go yeah we’re going to let these guys go through ball is below my feet so this is definitely going to go right right off the Jump just got really muddy in there holy cow all right on to the next all right so what do you got 87 M oh that’s right so 96 yards yep all right um let’s just do a little little pitch to start the day okay sit down I think that’s should be fine there I think that’s good yeah you should be fine it’s kind of hard to tell yeah it is all right a shop really close here [Music] spin all right I don’t really know what this is going to do foot left roughly I guess we’ll find out go oh good P really good P took a peek at it had to give it a chance all right we got to make this to tie no pressure yeah no no pressure turn break that did not break same thing didn’t it look like much more yeah all right Victoria goes one up on the first hole really early there’s already a point on the scoreboard not both did not have good t- shots but I just did not hit a good second so lot of literally 17 more holes left so we got a lot of golf to play that was a good drive there we go found the middle there we go hopefully I can do the same thing off of this follow me again yeah those yeah exactly I’m just going to follow you there we go yeah we got to follow each other we’re playing Great Golf going to pray that you hit a good drop so then I can hit the same shot wow all right 133 same thing as the last hole except now I’m going to ad iron cuz the pin’s in the back smooth swing smooth swing here smooth smooth shot get right get right get right holy yeah this green does that it’s actually a really good swing I actually didn’t pull that at all I just that’s just a tough green that is good to know that is just a tough green 101 M which is what in yards roughly like 110 yeah that makes sense I think I’m going pitch a pitching wedge hopefully get some spin on it how many International girls are on your team is it mostly for the longest time it was just me and one other Norwegian but now now there’s actually two other German girls on the team oh wow that must be nice there’s a lot of German which some girls don’t like that was pure sit oh good chop thank you is that rolling sit down no you’re good it’s a great chop in there do the um do the like do when you’re playing with your teammates with the yards and meters does that get confusing or do like yeah I mean we honestly just go off yards and then it’s up to us to do the rest okay okay okay got it but like if you play with us a lot like you kind of know it’s usually just like 10% more okay just add another 10 usually got it and you’re not too far off all okay so this part’s going all uphill goes uphill uphill kind of flattens out here maybe a little bit more uphill and then right after the hole goes downhill all about speed tick that went right to left like crazy that was just the wrong read totally wrong read I don’t have a marker so oh you’re good if I hit your ball that’s my fault this is right to left as well I think let’s see nope left to right indeed good Pace good read Victoria good good good good good good all right pars on that hole now Victoria’s one up after two holes but got 16 more so like this is the good thing about I’ve never done an a home match before so this is exciting because usually we just do nine but I think 18 it just gives it you know more of a time for like the person to come back there’s more room for error a little bit you get to see the real game the full game rather than just like nine holes and you know whoever’s best on that nine it’s not like a full round you know no if you get off to like a hot start and you’re only playing nine holes it’s kind of hard to yeah yeah yep good shot get left I’m actually short of them that was not a good drive all right we’re fine it’s a par five we’re in play we’re totally fine yeah actually turned out to be fine here we got 256 I’m going to hit my seven wood and I’m going to hit it probably I’ll probably hit it 180 190 get it up to like a wedge number my feet a ton nice thanks that was good that was pure so Victoria is going to go for this she says she doesn’t even think twice she goes for greens and two but for me it’s just not my thing I mean if there’s no water I’m absolutely going for it I mean realistically speaking I’ll probably be in the bunker but I don’t mind that maybe I can sneak it up there between the bunkers yeah we’ll see oh she might do it that was actually shot really good shot turn left get left get left left not a bad place to not a bad place to I an up and down for birdie if you can do that 95 playing 110 105 I’m going to hit pigeon wedge this has got an uphill face pins in the front a lot of room to the left want to put this close cuz I have to assume she’s going to make birdie from there we’ve got high expectations I know but it’s match fck and I’m sure you can do that I’ll definitely try to go go that looks good go you can definitely make that I can definitely make that what like 9 ft yeah 10 12 maybe yeah probably 13 or something like that it was a good swing honestly I just pushed it out there again saying the same thing like when we have the pulls which is our Miss like that’s when the game is just like unbearable it’s so bad like pulling is the worst thing you can do in golf it just is y like you’re you’re going to run it’s going to run out like a lot of people say slicing and like amateurs will say you know slicing out which can be really frustrating but I think when you get to a level where the slice is not going to be that bad well also if you pull it it like bounces hard yeah and and it could be a low hook which is miserable all right maybe I should have practiced a couple bunker shots that’s good that almost went in the hole all right that was a little too aggressive you’re going to be fine there though we’ll take it we’re on the green to the ball the ball landed right here I know I thought it was tracking for a sec I guess it’s good I got to watch that a little wow down sit down this is crazy this is a crazy pin position wow I did not see that this is just a really tough pin position as well like where the pin is is a big Mound right here and every like I’m going to aim right here I think come on go oh your’s good thanks all right I know you can make this is it a gim me no I’m just saying it’s all right I’m just I’m just saying I’m I’m just believing in you that’s all I’m saying wow that bounced all right you good all right so so we’re even now back to all square all right whever this goes totally F get left get left go go wow I’m just Hitt sitting up there just hitting the right shots that’s all that is I’m just coming out of my nine iron hope this gets there like a good swing go no it’s perfect good shot thank you enough Club after all can tell how hard that wind was blowing up there yeah we are burning through our little tea stash I know it’s almost when when the club gives you teas in the cart you’re more likely to just waste them oh yeah can you just grab another one there’s been tournaments where I’m like one tea left and oh I know that’s iose I leave my tees everywhere cuz I also use them as markers so like people get upset at me for that but it’s just what I do like honestly ask my teammates how often they have had to supply me with teas mid tournament like day two guys I’m out of teas yeah be good be good yeah good speed honestly my butts are not breaking at all the last one oh good pot you’re good goodt right great don’t leave it short all right trying and get a drive pretty good on this wide open Fairway like one good drive nice better thank you I’m going to try copying that I didn’t see it is it good it’s like mid left all good honestly I think you’d like charlon we only went there we go do we go twice I’m I’m confusing with Charlotte I know I’m sorry not even close oh 200 is going to give me 120 wow what am I doing that’s so short I’m also hitting a higher so I’m not getting any roll out this is where I usually land my ball Drive I got to hit fivewood to that narrow spot where that right side of that bunker is a good shot here go go go go hopefully that gets a little bit of no it didn’t get roll all right it’s a good shot though I’m I don’t think we’re getting much roller today it’s just rain so it’s like not getting any roll out at all let’s see honestly she hit that like 40 yards past me going the safe way nice little draw good shot thank you um pretty pure six areon there yeah I’ll take it this Breeze is really it’s Breezy when you’re part not any when the stop so wow this is so long um 125 and I got to get 110 to carry that like uphill slope on the green 125 pins in the middle back I want to go adarn prob 130 135 I think that’s what I got to do well I’ve been hitting it right so I should be fine eight iron 10 yards up oh get right get right oh I was a bad shot I just stabbed stay up though yeah I was fine but I just that was just weird weird weird takeaway I kind of took that off of the ball on the outside and came in so that was not not a good shot 90 meters okay so so like just under 100 yards all right I like shouldn’t go at this pin but I kind of want to all right that is not just right that is middle of the green you’re fine Jesus good coming in just trying to dock this on there oh good putt nice Pace settle you’re good there good putt so thank you honestly I’m actually totally happy with where my ball turned out I thought it was going to be on the grassy area but it’s all just uphill only like seven yards so I’m just going to hit this like try and make this don’t know how it’s going to come off The Fringe but come on oh it just didn’t break again that’s a good P had the right speed all right let’s hit another straight drive this time try and get some length finally got some distance straight down the middle thanks that was actually a good drive that one’s going to get some see it is good drive thank you good shot that’s a nice little draw on that that that’s like the perfect yeah that’s like my standard shot yeah that’s the perfect usually a little higher but she’s absolutely crushing out driving me like it’s not even funny probably the furthest girl I’ve ever played with that hits the ball but also it’s a combination of this is where I’m hitting my this is where I’m landing the ball which never happens for me I land the ball so short on my drives but then I they roll out for 30 40 yards which is insane and I’m just not getting any roll out today so I think that’s partially another thing that’s making it look like you like you’re hitting a mile ahead of me there’s mud on this bowl too okay straight shot here go go go all right it’s not that bad all right little wait how many meters 68 oh okay yeah no that sounds about right I thought said 78 I was like this car’s wrong all right let’s see what we can do honestly you had a really good shot there thank you looks like it’s right on the pin good shot thank you really good shot never a nice feeling if you’ve got the pressure on you I know I know come on didn’t break at all that did not break at that literally just it was exactly where I put the ball all right all right try these GRE are tough these greens are killing me I forgot that you you hited way further than I did it’s a good drive I guarantee you it’s going to be short for some reason I’m just hitting everything short today wow getting no roll out fade good shot thank you good shot perfect Nicki Minaj detained and arrested in Amsterdam that’s crazy um she drugs soft drugs wait what no not an amster Dam I’m reading it right now that’s what it says 105 yards um I’m about to run through the water sprinkler I just to cool down I got to get over this tree with the sand so I got to hit a high one go go I knew that was going to happen because of the sand I was in probably should just take a nard actually should oh there we go finally there we go I was in that Sandy part and whenever you hit out of that like it just doesn’t go with yeah cuz you impact it lower on a fo face right nice little little wet cleaned Bowl I I know look at that there’s still mud on it though 75 that’s right me I keep asking so 80 something y82 82 83 yeah nice little pitchy sandwich let’s see that good sit you’re good good shot righty little little further left than I planned but okay this tough hole this is actually not that uh easy of a hole no is left to right this is probably going to be pretty straight once again oh good put oh good putt nice try that’s a good all right give it a little more oomph I know that was that was a good but though little right to left all about p nice thanks do we have the same putter yeah I think we do spider yeah yeah I love this putter yeah it’s pretty good not going to lie dead straight just d right there got to go good shot thank you it’s actually be shorter than you think that green is huge give yourself some credit I know but I’m just saying that green is like insanely big seven iron for me let’s see if we can get it there go go go not good enough Jesus Christ oh you’re good good shot actually it might have worked out there oh well midle of the green like let’s not make ourselves look too bad I like the direction and the quality of the Swing was amazing there’s total wrong Club eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 60 footer wow come on be good be good get in the hole no no I thought that was in the hole the whole time come on that should have gone in that makes me sad like SLE whoa I can’t believe mine hit the pin I I didn’t even hit mine hard it still went out of the hole all right good try all right right after putter is not working with me today all good after eight I’m one up but again we still have so many holes this is like we’re not even halfway done I just saw that guy coming out of the coming out of the woods I was so scared while you’re fny he was like he was in the bush and he just comes out and I was like what the and so’s on Mission I don’t know come back come back oh out to the right is my wow that’s even short of the bunker that’s insane good drive thank you thank you why am I hitting it so short probably little pitch nine iron 130ish suck you’re good though Lord I need to try a little harder here this is embarrassing no you’re good there go go go s here enough it’s a good shot though thanks right let’s see good pot right it’ll do is that good or you want me to that you’re good there would have attit nice great butt thank you all right there we go so little up and down there one up through Nine and Nine hes to play oh get right get right all right we’re good thank you 116 I’m going to hit my n sit down sit down nice wow thanks really good thank sit whoa what sit down Sit down you’re good thought that was good all right oh good putt get in the hole no great though that’s a good try keeps peing at the hole and then nope right here but I also moved it so nice thanks fre foot thank you all right two up after 10 and we have seven holes left match play though so maybe we end it early maybe not all right easy now I’m joking but I’m just hitting it really well but I’m hitting it just too high cuz I’m trying to release my hands that’s a good shot it’s that’s good though you got some roll on that one that one I got a little bit more roll but great drive you hear the noise when she hits that like it Ricochet off like 10,000 trees all right 138 iron want to get it up there near the hole go go go you’re throwing darts I know I hit that low and a little bit thin that’s why I got up there but not my best shot I’m not going to lie but it’s fine all right 72 let’s see hope this gets there if I get a little roll out like last one we’re good oh good shot thank you oh my gosh there’s so many bugs there yeah they’re kind of attacking us here all right let’s make this pop I thought you had that I’m not going to lie that was is actually really close Jes I LIF up that’s just the burnt edge of the cup cuz it’s summer that’s crazy Ah that’s so annoying time to finally make a putt here be careful of that edge the hole cuz that thing was crazy this is crazy that’s like so two up after 10 or 11 sorry that was a bad 124 M I think you said 135 yeah 135 yeah little nine iron that’s a good shot get right good shot thank you so now I know if she’s hitting nine iron I got to be hitting seven iron good shot as well get left get left nice thank you yeah sometimes when you do that you kind of lose height yeah when I when I uh my 7even iron goes 145 so my eight iron goes like 135 I should have just played it the number come on just break for me once yeah I a putt this is like the most breaking green too like all right no pressure but it’s time for me to make a putt yeah you’re good oh now it’s starting to rain oh good pot finally we go all right so now I’m one up Victoria just won that hole and with a birdie so that was a good part that was a good part got to give it that was a good P the curse I know I’m coming for you now you have wers you made the birdie on the last I don’t really know it’s 250 it’s super I’ve actually gone up to the green ones before but I just not anymore not today great drive that is perfect bounce left that’s perfect Loki I think that landed really soft yeah but I think you’re going to be fine yeah good ball thanks should be good there get right get right get right get right get right no absolutely not no that’s not a good shot a good shot but it’s just not that good like I don’t I think that’s closer than you think I just pulled it off that Li right don’t need my putter just yet go oops half a foot longer would have been just right let’s see this is any good little soft all right try to make this great butt though you’re rolling it good today oh I’m so angry I missed that putt that’s like a I had it I had it the whole way just for me today just like I feel like my mini driver is actually going further than my driver today so I’m just going to hit this good B who called me in the middle of the my swing someone called me on my watch I had that all planned scheduled call you you butt dialed me on purpose I’m just kidding all right let’s hit this before it starts dump pouring yeah good shot finally we drove at the same distance except you have a hybrid and oh a little butter slice kind of cut but that’s just cuz I I’m fine there yep doesn’t matter it’s like 300 isn’t it yards it’s so it’s 275 they it in the same spot as me you’re good there all righty hope I have far enough into the pin I have 103 but I’m going to hit pitching wedge choke down should be good pretty good go oh that’s even short I must have just hit that think yeah I hit a little bit spinny that’s all should oh that’s good really good shot thank you um thin to win right to left left okay cup out on the right this is all about Pace though I think because you got to give it a chance to make it too come on be good be good nope thought I had it why does it keep happening to me that is so frustrating for me I’m like so frustrated so sad good try Jesus Christ Victoria I’m so like I hate these greens right now wow maybe I should have puted a little longer I got 165 I need to get height that’s all go I knew that was going to happen I’m doing that on all my shots now dang it holy cow oh man I wish I had that yard little pitching wedge little pitch pitching wedge I told you pitching wedge what did I say I said 440 playing you did call that I was and I was exaggerating holy cow down down down down down down good shot hit the pin great shot hit 60° all right let’s h a good shot here just not enough Pub all right he’s going to pull like crazy I’m done all righty you got you won that one all right we’re back to all square that’s just a that’s just not even like you can’t even complain about the bunker shop because I’m 40 yards back here like 30 yards back here so it’s just all that is is bad all right so all square going into the 16th hole I had to give up that hole cuz that just wasn’t a good hole for me um but you know I was I’m not playing bad at all I’m actually playing pretty well just had a terrible hole so uh oh sit sit I think you’re fine sit all right yeah you’re good all righty well if I know that she can’t she can’t reach I definitely can’t reach though great Drive thanks not nearly as far as yours at all really not hitting my drives far today I don’t know why 100 think I’m going to hit like a gap wedge hope it kind of bounces off that bunker good job thank you that stopped a lot faster thanks guys all right here we go wherever this goes it’ll be totally fine wow I don’t even know how that happen oh there’s no break on that no break it didn’t even break at all yeah you won that one than girl I need to practice these though all right so right now Victoria’s one up it was a change of I was two up and now she’s one up so basically I got two holes left I need to win two that’s what I need to do to win but if I win one and we tie the other one then we’ll just go into a couple extra holes so my real goal is just to basically win this hole 146 M so probably like 160 little like half seven iron sit good job looks pretty good to me despite the little noise Interruption there I think the the play on this is a little bit more left than I think go I didn’t see it at all it look look at us oh wow give a second so I get nauseous so easily got on the plane on the way back and I I need to sit by the window right like I I I need to tell my sister is I need to sit by the window I want to see what’s going on I don’t want to like I need like it’s going to have some control over it but I need to see him she’s in good watch out there’s a tower a building in case he needs help I need to see you’re a this is a little close for my liking so I’m sitting by the window usually and I sat on the Window Seat but where you know where the emergency exit is there’s no window next to the designated spot right there right so there’s no yeah so the emergency exit and then the row in front has no window because there’s an emergency exit we’re in the row in front so I’m sitting there and there’s a little window not in my chair behind my chair back there through the emergency exit it’s probably that big so the entire takeoff I’m literally looking with my neck I must sure the plane’s still flying make sure sure that we’re going in the right direction cuz I needed to like correlate it with the map on my screen greens and like I’m looking back that is the F so much so that at about 10,000 ft I turned back I was so nauseous I was going to throw yeah I’m backfired on you a little I I’ve never had a panic attack I had a panic attack in the plane getting scared that I was going to throw up over over everyone no you know where I felt really bad we flew private to one of our tournaments this semester really and I did not like it just the plane going 60 degrees and up yeah I mean like it’s so nice because you literally like we got to like South Florida in like an hour but but you’re 880,000 F on I was gripping like are we sure we’re not are we sure we’re not going to space we sure I was holding on to my teammate left me and then like the window right of me checking that we’re still in the air yeah I was I so I’m here like this behind the seat trying to get through the seat to see the little window so much so that I almost made myself also I hate to break it to you but I’m not putting first this is like I must make no no break reading off me today wait but I can’t putt because yeah you can oh stop it here I’ll show you I’ll show you that you can there I don’t want to hear it here look look I’ll make a little Mark so that my ball is definitely not in your way okay this is a huge putt if I don’t make this it’s going to be disappointed because I’ve got one more hole left to win so I need to make this putt huge putt this is my hole right here there’s absolutely no break so right yeah I didn’t get much of a read from that so this is for the match she makes this she wins the 18 hole match by two if she misses we go to the next hole and I try and make win the next hole this is the time to finally sink a great putt that’ll make up for everything that’s happened up to now oh it’s a good putt oh my goodness are you kidding me right now clutch putter oh my goodness that was so good though of course and that was a great great ending honestly if you’re going to win you’re going to win that way that was really well I mean I’m I’m disappointed myself cuz I was too up I know and then I just lost it but you know what it was a good match and it was a good showing of like this is how it works like you were one up on the first hole I went to up then you won the match like that’s just how golf is it’s just it Swit so quick and we’re so the whole time and it just depends on who makes the put I almost had it but I just got unlucky so that was a really good match though I really appreciate you coming on it was so fun that was it thanks for watching see you next time


  1. Great vid ladies, Gabby I’ve noticed you choke down a lot on the driver, I’m sure you already know you’ll get more distance if you use the full length of the club..👍😀

  2. Gabby I hope you always run with glee to celebrate a great shot. I have seen that joy when you were just a toddler. It's the purest passion you can have playing golf. Vicktoria has a little Steve Stricker no-wrist-cock in her swing. I prefer Gabby's consistent wrist cock. Thanks for another fun ride.

  3. Great match! Love this type of competition. Your guests are so good and competing with them will help you improve.

  4. the close up video of the putts (and the rest of the shots) made the actual golf more entertaining. im guessing the guest didnt mind the camera being close. its all good on this channel.

  5. I met Chuck Schaub at the San Francisco Gold Club. Best city course ever. Anyway the greens haven't been cut recently so why is Gabby expecting them to break?

  6. That was a good match, Victoria is fun!! Thanks and I’ll see you next time.🙏❤️

  7. Honest question, I'm just getting back into golf.. taking a divot on a practice shot used to be frowned upon back in my time. Seems like they don't care about doing so. Has this philosophy changed?

  8. Dudes with bicycles' aren't always rapey, sometimes guys ride bikes in the Orlando woods… golf courses……but prob just likes grass

  9. By the way, every time u putt and the flag is in and u hit it , thats 2 extra strokes penalty . When u all start to play by rules ???

  10. I’ve gotta be honest Gabby, watching you play matches is more entertaining and informational than watching the PGA because I get to learn so much more by analyzing your swing and the people you play with. I can see small differences in your swing when you hit a great shot and when you’re slightly off on a shot. This is very helpful to me. For example I for the first time noticed that your left arm at set up is straight and your right arm is slightly more relaxed. I just don’t notice these small nuances when watching the pro tournaments because the cameras switch angles so often that I can’t analyze the small details like I am able to while watching you and the great players your filming. ( which your camera person is incredible btw) thank you so much for filming your game. I’m 76 and enjoy trying to improve my game and I so appreciate you and what you do!🙏

  11. Hey Gabby , this was a good match-up you both have similar games and similar body frames. I liked the Mom shot in the background , you have AMAZING parents !!!!! Namaste !

  12. Gabby, you seemed to be over swinging and maybe out of your rhythm.. were you trying to hit it too hard to keep up with your opponent.

  13. Gabby that was a great match to watch. Victoria such a good golfer and just a lovely person to have on. Her distance and accuracy off the tee's was pretty spot on. I always eventually loose the feel of my swing when I play with someone that plays longer because without realizing it, im trying to play longer. The funny thing is I didn't realize why it was going wrong until later when I think about my shots. You played some excellent shots, got 2 up and I thought you had it in the bag. But it only takes 1 or 2 holes to go wrong and bam, your trying to catch up again. Great match, unfortunate result, but I hope you found a new friend because she was so lovely and gracious throughout the match. This was a good vibe between the both of you. Keep it going Gabby. Oohraa!!!

  14. Great video again Gabby! I just noticed you stopped using the three step pre shot thing you always did. Was that a concious choice? And tapping the woods on the ground while talking is so funny 🙂

  15. You and Victoria got on great Gabby – like old friends! Bring her on again if you get the chance.

  16. Viktoria out smoked you Gabby on 16 out of 17 drives but Viktoria was not able to use that as an advantage because Gabby your short game is so solid. Your difficulty getting out of the bunker lost the match for you. Being able to go toe to toe with Viktoria, a D1 golfer was awesome!

  17. very impressive for Viktoria to beat gabby on her home course that she knows for it being victorias first time playing the golf course without any guidance from gabby. you can tell gabby really wanted to beat the division 1 golfer. victoria did not even practice before she started playing

  18. congratulations to victoria beating gabby on her home course. victoria clearly was sandbagging just to not hurt gabbys feelings

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