Golf Babe

Barbara Nicklaus – the First Lady of Golf

It may be Jack Nicklaus’ course, but none of it would be possible without his wife Barbara.

[Music] it is day two of practice rounds right now the world’s top golfers are getting ready right here in central Ohio yeah the Memorial tournament just two days away now ttv’s Adam King joins us live now from mirfield village with the action for day two and Adam everyone’s left you there yeah everybody’s gone home they’ve had enough of me they saw I took to the range they said that’s a no we don’t want to see that golf swing you know it is funny you don’t see any stars right now but typically when you walk around mirfield you see every Star in the golf world including the best in the world in Scotty Sheffer and then you see the greatest of all time in Jack Nicholas but you won’t find Jack around mirfield without his wife Barbara it may be Jack’s signature course you want to share your career and enjoy the fruits of your work but none of it would be possible without Barbara it’s just kind of we feel like we’re a good team Jack has a statue in the 18 Majors but he’ll be the first to tell you my most personal famous moment is when I met her the young lady sitting right there and I had somebody who Who Loved Me cared for me supported me and uh you know that was really important she carries the founder title as well at mirfield helping raise hundreds of millions of dollars for Charities and while Barbara may be her name around here she’s known as the first lady of GF you can find such a nice compliment but I said I think to myself really are they really kidding me so I it just uh it’s it’s just a wonderful honor from that first week of college at Ohio State through 60 years they’ve grown the Nicholas name and the Memorial tournament into all of this we were 20 when we got married and he was trying to go to school sell insurance and play golf and not really doing any of them right so this wasn’t a life that we had predicted or you know tried to think we didn’t know what was going to happen and it kind of just happened and what happened is one of the greatest tournaments in golf I’ve got to say I think back to when I was just about this tall and I got the first chance to meet Barbara and Jack and the first time I was here covering the Memorial tournament for 10v she’s so kind she’s so generous she walks around this course just as big of a star as everyone else Barbara Nicholas this is a family affair here at the Memorial tournament guys

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