Golf Babe

Johanna Gustavsson cards a 67 (-5) to be in the chasing pack | Volvo Car Scandinavian Mixed

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Johanna congratulations five on dep par for the day great score how do you think it went out there uh yeah I’m very happy with the score um I made a couple of Bogies at the back uh front line uh towards the end there and I’m happy I got them back quite quickly um and the eagle obviously helped as well but yeah I feel like I puted well and hit overall good shots and that eagle coming at the par 56 how do you feel the courses set up for the women today how how’s it changed from yesterday um I feel like it’s pretty much the same tease and stuff um we had a less wind today I’d say uh so just the rain came in that wasn’t that nice but it was pretty good today yeah so the course isn’t really playing any differently but the wind is the big factor yeah I thought so and what what is a game plan for you going into the weekend now how do you go how do you go about preparing to to mount a challenge um I think I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing and Hope I can keep rolling in some parts and climb the board yeah sounds like a good plan to me best of luck thank you

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