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Andretti & Perez’s Future EXPOSED in Massive LEAK!

Andretti & Perez’s Future EXPOSED in Massive LEAK!

Andretti is making waves again, and this time, it’s huge! They’ve snagged some big names, including a top former Formula One officer. Plus, the US Congress is calling for an investigation into why Andretti was snubbed by F1.

The timing seems strategic, especially after their recent support from Congress during the Miami Grand Prix controversy. The pressure is on, but Andretti isn’t backing down. Wondering why Pat Symmonds joining Andretti is such a game-changer? And keep an eye on Sergio Perez; his future might be more connected to this story than we think.

After seven years as F1’s Chief Technical Officer, Pat Symonds has made a surprising move to join Andretti Motorsport. Many thought Symonds might retire after finalizing the 2026 regulations, as he played a big role in shaping the current rules from 2022 to 2026. At 70 years old, with a long career filled with success and some controversies, it wouldn’t be surprising if he chose to retire. But Symonds isn’t ready to leave the sport just yet.

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andreti is Making Waves again and this time it’s huge they’ve snagged some big names including a top former Formula 1 officer plus the US Congress is calling for an investigation into why andreti was snubbed by F1 the timing seems strategic especially after their recent support from Congress during the Miami Grand Prix controversy the pressure is on but andreti isn’t backing down wondering why Pat Simmons joining andreti is such a GameChanger and keep an eye on Sergio Perez his future might be more connected to this story than we think let’s dive into all the details today after 7even years as f1’s Chief technical officer pat Simmons has made a surprising move to join andreti Motorsport many thought Simmons might retire after finalizing the 2026 regulations as he played a big role in shaping the current rules from 2022 to 2026 at 70 years old with a long career filled with success and some controversies it wouldn’t be surprising if he chose to retire but Simmons isn’t ready to leave the sport just yet Simmons will join andreti Motorsport as an executive engineering consultant after a required gardening leave he will work at their new Silverstone base advising on everything from aerodynamics to engines this is a major move as Simons oversees the current and future F1 rules thrilled about the acquisition Michael andreti announced Simmons new role saying we couldn’t be more excited to welcome Pat to the andreti family Pat’s keen understanding of aerodynamics vehicle Dynamics and Formula 1 power units will be instrumental as we continue to build a competitive team I believe his expertise has been pivotal in shaping The Narrative of Formula 1 and his vote of confidence in joining our efforts speaks volumes I’m really happy with this next step as our work continues at PACE and that’s the key this isn’t just a technical victory for andreti Simons will join his former Benetton and renalt colleague Nick Chester now the technical director at andreti it’s also a huge PR win what better way to show your competitive intentions than by bringing on a guy who has won multiple championships and was trusted by the sport trying to keep andreti away when andreti received their rejection from F1 they were told they could reapply for entry when GM was ready they aimed for a 2028 entry 2 years later than the originally intended 2026 since then the American team has opened a facility much closer to f1’s home where they can make a significant impact and what better way to do that than by starting a recruitment Drive in the heart of Formula 1 at Silverstone Pat Simmons is just the team’s first major acquisition his addition not only enhances his technical prowess but also signals Andre’s serious commitment M to becoming a formidable presence in F1 Andre’s strategic Vision the objective for andreti is clear at the moment and he is doing everything possible to succeed the goal is to push F1 to the point where it can’t say no making andreti Motorsport an undeniable F1 entrance so far he’s doing a pretty solid job of that andreti disclosed in an interview with sky that the team still has an ongoing dialogue with the fom and emphasized the import of guaranteeing their entry particularly regarding General Motors involvement in the sport we are still working along with f and we show that we are bringing a lot to the party General Motors is huge coming to the party they are not just coming to be here they are coming here to be a big part of our team and I think it’s not been understood yet how big that is I think once everybody understands what we are really putting together it’ll be a point where they can’t say no andreti knows that expecting to be competitive right from the start in 2028 is unrealistic this is why he’s pushing for the team to be allowed access as soon as possible by doing so they aim to compete with General Motors when they join the American team in their Formula 1 Venture they are currently building an engine they are already registered to do it he stated so we will have an engine in 28 but obviously we need to build to get there all of a sudden to just show up up in 28 with a new engine and no team we need two years to build it to get there so that when we do get our own engine the team is ready to go and be competitive we are not naive in any way Andre’s push for entry into F1 isn’t just on the track it’s a multi-front assault one key front is the support from us members of Congress following their open letter to Liberty Media and fom before the Miami Grand Prix the bipartisan group of Congress members decided to to escalate the matter further they took it to the president of the United States and his administration the Congress members sent an open letter to the Justice Department’s antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission they called on these bodies to examine Andre’s rejection from the sport to ensure that it wasn’t an unfair attempt to block competition Congressional support for Andre’s F1 bid congress’s argument is that adding another team especially one with andreti Motorsports proven track record record and future backing from General Motors will enhance competition in the sport not diminish it the letter highlights that F1 isn’t in a position to dictate competitiveness standards given that one team won all but one race last year and four teams have failed to win in the past Four Seasons this includes Jean H’s team which has yet to win a race and shows no signs of changing that the most compelling argument in the letter is the accusation of form formula 1’s hypocrisy while F1 aims to expand its American presence it simultaneously blocks an actual American entrant the letter States most striking however was fom’s Formula 1 Management’s determination that bringing team andreti Cadillac into F1 would not add value to the championship while F1 currently does not have an American based team F1 has been determined to increase its presence in the US market over the past few years more than 1 million Americans have tuned into each F1 race more than doubling the viewership in recent Seasons last year F1 hosted three races in the US in Miami Las Vegas and Austin while no other country hosted more than one race even individual teams such as Red Bull are cting us fans by hosting events in American cities to bring the Marvel of Formula 1 engineering closer to them it’s worth noting that Italy has hosted multiple es in recent years however last year’s IMA Grand Prix was cancelled due to a natural disaster nevertheless the argument remains strong that no other region has seen such aggressive expansion as North America the letter concluded with a powerful accusation suggesting that there is a financial incentive to add an American team to f1’s roster the member of Congress asserted clearly there is a financial incentive to adding an American team to F1 one’s roster and there is no reason team Andrey Cadillac should be blocked unless Farm is trying to insulate its current Partners from competition to borrow from a Spice Girls lyric if F1 wants to host races in America they need to welcome American teams andreti will keep intensifying the pressure through recruitment drives strategic media coverage and the vocal support of outraged Congress members it remains to be seen how far the antitrust accusations need to escalate before F1 is compelled to act or how significant of a technical backing andreti requires to prompt F1 to reconsider their stance in other news Sergio Perez has been rebuffed by Red Bull upon requesting longer contract terms than the team has in mind Perez supposedly responded to Red Bull’s initial contract offer of a single year with an offer of his own still according to Fox Sports Mexico Red Bull wasn’t exactly eager to take that on board the team already has the contract it is for one year they offered it to czecho and he said we have to review it C’s lawyers are in that process but czecho submitted a 2-year counter proposal to which immediately Red Bull said no this takes us into a hypothetical scenario imagine andreti successfully launching their Formula 1 team by 2026 the big question then becomes who will be behind the wheel in the ideal world Andrey would love to have an All-American lineup but realistically they might need to look Beyond us borders at least initially one intriguing possibility is Sergio Perez currently Racing for Red Bull while he’s not American Perez could serve as a valuable Bridge until American talent is ready to step up his popularity Among Us fans evident at races held in the country could make him suitable for leading the team Perez might see andreti as an attractive option especially if Red Bull continues to keep him on a short leash the Allure of being the focal point in a team with a growing presence in F1 might be appealing to him of course this is all speculation for now but if Red Bull stance on Perez remains rigid and Andre’s F1 Ambitions continue to escalate this Theory could start to look less far-fetched and more like a plausible reality so what do you think of the future of andreti and Perez comment below and subscribe for more


  1. Now we have our American friends crying because they were not given the red carpet treatment from the FIA and crew.
    This sport is more about money and internal corruption that only those within the institutions understand.
    Andretti will get his chance but on the terms of those running it ,not the owners.

  2. Whoever is asking AI to come up with these videos couldn't find a leak if they tried carrying water in a sieve.

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