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USMNT humiliated by Colombia in DC l Copa America looms

Gregg Berhalter’s USMNT were absolutely humiliated by Colombia in DC losing 5-1 in a pre-Copa America friendly. Tim Weah scored the only goal for the US in a game where the entire team looked toothless, clueless and scared. Tac and I break it down.

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all right guys Columbia 5 the United States Men’s National Team W in one of the more embarrassing results in recent history in the US Men’s National Team program we looked toothless scared lacking in ideas not aggressive not eager not focused what a absolutely shambolic pathetic performance from the US men’s national team every single player across the board needs to take responsibility for this Greg burh halter of course is the architect of This Disaster but there’s very very little to take away from that performance that is positive it wasn’t like we had good moments but the game you know we just got unlucky and you know we had some good phases in the G we we really didn’t we fell apart we didn’t look ready for this we looked just a disaster I mean there so I’ve you guys tell me in the chat what do you think is there any performance in recent memory even in the bur halter era that was that bad was there I mean you could argue okay Panama way certainly You could argue trinbago away a lot of away games in conaf we look like pretty [ __ ] but anything that bad have you guys seen because I’m trying to remember I don’t think even the Netherlands was that bad right let me just get the uh let me just get the link out to Tac but smash the like button guys that was really disheartening we have Brazil in about four days uh on the 12th and I have no idea what that’s going to look like but the only hope that I have is that maybe it’s better for us to get this humiliation now pre Copa and and learn from it hopefully so that we can come out in Copa itself a lot more aggressive firing on all cylinders actually trying to play instead of looking lazy lost and talking endlessly about 2026 which is kind of what we’ve been doing right this whole week the leadup has been very bizarre Tyler Adams [ __ ] right A lot of these guys Greg berhalter himself just talking about 2026 like that’s really the end goal this doesn’t really matter this was nothing Well when you’re not focused on the moment when you’re focused on tournament two years down the line which of course that’s an important tournament but we’re not there we’re here we’re here right and this is this is not good maybe we needed this you know what I mean like maybe it’s better to get spanked hard now take our like lessons and go back into the locker room and refigure out the plan because we can’t go into Copa Meda like this and sure you know Bolivia and Panama are not going to be um you know they’re not going to be Columbia I but this team it looks toothless I mean you would think after five and a half years under the same coach they would have a clear style of play we don’t we still look like what is going on like what what is happening out there and I think more than anything the lack of intensity and the lack of Desire from the first minute has really been an issue right and it isn’t just today we’ve seen this throughout bur Halter’s tenure and especially so since he came back it’s like US soccer made a statement when he came back back saying you know we love mediocrity and that’s what we want and so the players kind of responded and by the way players wanted this right the players asked for him back so it’s you know I don’t know guys it’s it’s disappointing let’s read a couple of these uh Co these super chats here Stephen spot says we looked weak we had no desire to win what was Turner doing yeah Turner was pretty shambolic today um a lot of guys were right a lot of guys looked poor but I think you hit it on you know you hit the nail on the head there Stephen by saying we looked had no desire like look we we know the US Men’s National Team is not going to ever be the most talented team in the world but the minimum the bare minimum that we expect is to go out there right to go out there and show 100% hunger and desire and intensity and if you’re going to beat us if you’re going to outclass us at least we’re going to give you hell doing it we’re going to make it the toughest game you ever faced we never see that with this team we we never see H them coming out with that level of intensity we just don’t and it’s really disheartening really disheartening here but thank you Stephen Matthew Dominguez no chance he gets fired for this right no look the only chance that he gets fired is if we go to um Copa Medica and then we flop in the first you know if we get grouped that is the only chance we have of Greg getting fired so Matthew’s asking here no chance he gets fired no no there’s no way he’s getting fired before Copa Medica right we could lose 10-0 to Brazil they’re still not firing him before Copa Medica although at this point you’re probably better off firing him now it would never happen but fire him now and just give BJ the Copa Meda and say okay we’ll look for a coach after kopa Medica right but just fire him now like that’s what I would do but it’s never going to happen um Jeff kryy Pete put this loss 5-1 in context of other bad losses in the past Jeff yeah it’s probably the worst one Tac I was talking about this in the burh halter era can you remember a more toothless performance certainly Panama away right Costa Rica away Trinidad and Tobago away right Canada away Canada away that’s four there’s a lot of the Dutch game we were very toothless too I’ll would say that yeah but this was worse we just gave up against the Dutch yeah I this was guys we just lost 5-1 to Columbia at home and and I I I respect this Colombian team a lot they’re very good but this is not a World Cup contend we didn’t lose 5-1 to Argentina with Messi getting a hattrick we lost by the way even that would be unacceptable yeah yeah sure but but but then again you could argue you you can make an ex almost make an excuse losing 5-1 to Colombia listen up Bolivia doesn’t doesn’t allow that at home sure laaz and everything but that’s like unacceptable for Venezuela it it like I can’t think of many coaches that after being so mediocre for so long get results like this and they keep their job um what are we waiting for it’s been five years the team should be delivering results and we’re going to talk about this because it’s not all on bur halter there’s a lot to blame the players but the reason we focus on burh Halter so much is I talked about this on my stream me and Pete watch these players every freaking week and we cover it on the channel so anyone that’s here on the channel knows we legitimately waste not waste I I enjoy it but we legitimately spent our entire weekend watching these players covering them and Reporting it for y’all and some of you do too and they look so much worse with the national team every time every freaking time why is that we can only the look we could change the coach tomorrow and we could still look like crap that could happen Okay but my point is it’s obviously not working with burh halter it’s time to change and it’s been like that for a long time and he should have never been rehired that’s the point you want to say the players are overhyped sure so why don’t we test that theory out why don’t we change the coach and find out maybe the players are overhyped maybe they are I don’t believe that but maybe they are well also we have data when they were not being coached by burh halter and they looked very different they looked very different when BJ was in charge right so let’s let’s keep that in mind um the guy podcast just told Tac that this wasn’t all on Greg out team is just trash and overhyped so to me that is a take that lacks Nuance right of course you’re right it’s not all on Greg there’s players on the field that have to take responsibility trash I don’t think so because if they were trash they wouldn’t be playing at the levels that they’re playing at okay overhyped is a subjective thing depending on how much you hype them or don’t hype them but I don’t think anybody says that this player pool should be losing 5-1 to Colombia right if you think that this player pool it’s okay to lose 5-1 to Colombia then you’re a little delusional right I’m not saying you are I don’t think you think that but this is absolutely not that the players are not good enough and we just got completely swept over by Colombia it’s not they’re good enough to be a lot better than that right the players flat out quit at the end of the match I mean yeah I I agree once that third goal went in it felt like everybody just stopped trying right and I think that’s a big worry right no matter the score line you never just quit and that’s very very worrying because it speaks to mentality and it speaks to the fight in this team that I don’t think they have right so I think that is I think quite worrying Frank Lamar says we need a player to get fired up Brooks was it yeah I mean there’s a lot of guys that you could get fired up this team seems to lack fire across the board um Brooks you know you can’t question Greg berhalter you can be fired up but only in the way that bur halter says to and that is to bark like an African dog um he’ll bark like he has to stop barking like an African bark like speed does he just barks at everyone start barking like speed Cuban maker says I need a hug or a cuddle after that yeah man that was shambolic and so many stupid errors stupid errors that these guys make with their clubs I think that’s the that’s the worrying part what excuses will triple G and his meat Riders come up with now well mostly they’re Triple G will not but mostly the people who love him are going to blame the players right that’s their go-to excuse and I’m actually with them to a degree the players deserve some blame not only because they came out with very poor mentalities lacking intensity lacking ideas lacking any will but also they wanted Greg back at least the leaders of this team wanted Greg back and they endorsed him and they were very very public and very vocal so if this is what you wanted then you need to also take responsibility for the outcome of what you wanted right we had people you know Christian ptic and I love ptic he’s probably my top two player for me in terms of like on this team that I love but he was the one who was saying the haters should not be hating on Greg berhalter coming back well what has Greg berhalter shown us since he’s come back right like if you think Balter is the guy to take this team forward the data doesn’t back you up Christian the data shows us that we’re actually going backwards I think it’s getting worse um s27 says just want to say that I appreciate you guys for doing these streams thank you s27 these performances are depressing as hell but you guys still go strong well we do our best we do our best thank you s27 Adam folds what will it take for the Federation to fire Triple G A flameout in the Copa I think that’s the only hope but let me ask you Tac what do you think if we Lo if we get grouped let’s say we finish third what do you say are the chances that Greg is fired I’d say they’re high but not a 100% no probably like a 75% chance probably yeah to me it should be 100 it shouldn’t be even a it should be F like didn’t get out of the group as soon as the game is over it’s like Greg you’re You’re gone go pack your stuff we’re looking for a new Co it should be like that but I would say with this Federation probably 75% chance and I might be giving them too much credit right there it might be less yeah yeah yeah it’s really sad Elvis Garcia I blame the loss on the pride jerseys yeah yeah the pride jerseys scored the own goal for sure um face it when we scored when we scored Columbia switched gears yeah I actually kind of agree it felt like this game felt like Colombia was in cruise control the same way that the Netherlands was in cruise control right they never felt like they were really that worried about us they weren’t threatened they kind of kept ball had some CH they were wasteful with a few CH this could have been worse this could have been eight or nine1 they wasted quite a few chances right so this could have been a whole lot worse than 51 um Jeff carry one thing just one thing Pete that I want to add because people will keep saying like you guys have to blame the players and not blame berhalter players are not blameless and you guys will see it throughout the stream My overall point is these are our best players for the most part and we talked about how Greg picked the best lineup so the only way to see change is you put a new coach with new ideas new Vibes new Energy new leadership and things change and we’ve seen this multiple times with national teams clubs where with the same players a new coach comes in and everything changes that’s all we’re saying the players are not blameless because some of them wanted him back and they also play like complete garbage but again it needs to change it hasn’t been like that with bur halter that’s why we keep like it’s like a broken record at this point we keep repeating ourselves we keep repeating yeah but the reason we keep repeating ourselves is because US soccer keeps doing the same thing you know Triple G is so low energy brain included yeah I mean he’s just my god did you see him pushing Joe scall on on the field like trying to show him where to stand like I just I can’t with that guy well he just stands like a like a beta boy he just stands like with his arms C like this and’s like it’s like dude just like have some leadership some Authority he’s always I don’t know man it’s just I just look at him and I can’t think of a player that would run through a brick wall for that guy just like that corny uncle that no one no one wants to be uncle that’s like you know unintentionally funny because he’s so dorky except he’s in charge of [ __ ] and he’s got a really big ego so you can’t question him otherwise he’ll throw you out or out you in public Mark L says I don’t fault Triple G at this phase of the usmnt’s progression the real problem lies with the head office that hired him yeah 100% until that gets addressed this is what we get and it feels hopeless yeah no I agreee with you I mean Triple G is a terrible terrible coach he’s an MLs level coach at best he’s not even a good MLS coach there are MLS coaches that have actually won [ __ ] and and yet we keep putting him in charge when he’s clearly not the man so I actually agree with you Mark I mean Matt Crocker Matt Lo of Crocker and Cindy parlo Kone and that nerd at the top what’s his name JT Batson those three people signed off on this deal the president the the Federation uh the general manager and and the CEO they’re the ones that are at fault and by the way the Unholy relationship with Don Garber and J berhalter okay who is the vice uh not the vice president the vice commissioner the Deputy Commissioner of MLS and his brother’s coaching the national team when he doesn’t deserve to be sportsology is is there was there involved with MLS it’s all very incestuous and corrupt for sure and and NEP nepotistic again great coverage worst loss I can remember not just Greg but ever o I still think Trinidad and Tobago away to not go to the World Cup is probably the worst one in terms of impact but I understand the sentiments yes for sure I’m sad Marcos Marcus says he’s sad um that’s way to understate it please tell me we can fix this before Copa starts our defense is terrible well that’s a silver lining there is a possibility for a silver lining and I’ll talk about it once I finish these super chats because it’s not it’s not a it’s not un fixable right um super sticker thank you Ricky thank you Ricky ghost card 21 says Brazil about to turn into P Diddy and USA gonna turn into Meek Mill I don’t know who Meek Mill is they’re going to violate us oh my God please this is just a phase and we perform in Copa yeah I guess we’ll have to see Colombia’s press gave our players fits it shouldn’t they looked lost yeah but we’re so easy we’re so predictable we’re so easy to set up against you know exactly what we’re going to do with the ball I’ll bet you you guys can see it when the ball goes to the right back what what is going to happen we know there’s either they’re going to cut it in field to Johnny cardoso so you can press him or they’re going to try to go over the top to a running waya or we’re just going to pass it back to the center back right those are pretty much the three things you can kind of predict this team and you don’t have to be even a great International coach to predict this team but can we just address that Marsh could punch above his weight I’m sorry Marsh is also ass yeah I’m sorry like yeah yeah you’re right he beat Chelsea when Chelsea was Inc even beat Liverpool uh but he is terrible and he’s failed in the Bundesliga he’s failed in the Premier League and now he just he’s gonna start 0 for three with Canada and he’s I mean I don’t know if he’s gonna start 0 for three in the Copa but okay but but but it’s like the Dutch he lost four- zero he plays France he’s gonna lose he starts with Argentina 0 for three and then he plays pin who know like look is Marsh better than Balter I don’t know it it it’s again arguing which pile of [ __ ] smells less worse which one is less worse I don’t I’m not I’m not gonna get into that yeah I don’t agree with you there Daniel but thank you for the Super Chat we should combine the teams USA Mexico Canada sucks Joel Marquez Jurgen klopp is available they’ll have to pay him too much and they won’t be able to say equal pay because they’re paying Emma ha is 1.7 million they’ll have to pay Juran klopp too much and then they won’t be able to say equal pay um what changes would you guys have done at halftime so I think Tac addressed this a little bit in in his stream the biggest change that needed to happen at halime was a me mentality change right you heard Greg berhalter say you know this is kind of interesting you heard Greg berhalter say right at halftime we need to be patient and cross the ball more how many times did we cross the ball in the second half I don’t remember once honestly maybe it happened there were a few A- Rob got a few it was always it’s not very effective with us too we’re not against Crossing it’s just that no but when that’s Greg’s like go-to style of play for years our goal is through the middle our goal is through the middle yeah our goal did not it was Johnny Gio Gio WEA WEA to balagan WEA makes the Run balagan puts the through ball goes through the middle yes yes that was our only goal and it felt like I said to you on your stream it felt very Off Script right it felt super Off Script it didn’t at all feel like something that was part of the overall plan tactics but more than anything the mentality right Juan of the way that we approach these games the way we we try to play the lack of hunger the lack of the desire I would have done a few things I would have switched Gio had him get higher up the field Because by the way in the second half when we started to get Gio higher up the field that’s when we started to get some momentum the goal came because of Gio did not create the goal but it started with Gio being in the right area of the field that threw ball to [ __ ] that was another thing why is Gio not taking all of our set pieces we saw what he can do the second set piece he took okay I think he was trying to catch them napping in the corner and that didn’t work out but we know his deliveries are good we saw it once again to [ __ ] Wright we almost got a goal why is ptic still taking set pieces why is Gio helping in the buildout when that should be McKenna helping in the buildout and Gio getting higher up the field there are tactical tweaks here and there that we can change but overall it just feels like a very methodical and slow and labored performance that the players are overthinking and that that kills not only creativity it kills motivation because every time you receive the ball you’re like wait what was I supposed to do in this situation again it feels like we’re overthinking everything and overthinking everything like it can give you analysis paralysis which then looks like a lack of hunger I’m not trying to absolve the players here they absolutely looked terrible but it’s but part of the reason is the tactics that are being forced on them do not help them in any way shape or form and Pete let me add one thing to that too it’s also about bur halter not changing the way he wants thisam a lot of the things the way the teams plays is bur Halter’s instructions for example playing out of the back we talked about this extensively Richards and REE are fine on the ball as center backs A- robob is not good on the buildout Anthony Robinson Joe scall is also not good on the buildout Matt Turner is horrendous with his feet as a goalkeeper which just tells me out of those and of course when you’re playing out of the back it’s not just the back line of the goalkeeper the Midfield also plays the role and our midfielders can do the job but for the most part most teams have midfielders that can’t play out of the back for the most part but our backline two of the four players can’t they can’t and our goalkeeper can’t so guess what you have to change it play Route One football go long go direct I don’t know put maybe a big man up top that can just settle the ball to Gio um find a different way bypass the Midfield there’s different approaches you don’t have to just play that way if you don’t have the players to play the way you want you adapt to them and and look bur halter if you give him the right team it might just work it might just work this team does not play the way the okay not the they try to play the way he wants to they can’t play the way he wants it’s not the most effective way then you’re going to go but it works against Mexico yeah Mexico sucks so it doesn’t matter conaf sucks it’s the worst region in the world outside of O outside of bana which doesn’t even count it’s the worst region of the world so he gets it done in cona just because the players are so much better than everyone else at home at home yeah that’s true when we play away we lost the train of that away we lost the Panama way so again he keeps persisting on this way we can’t play this way we’ve had worst worst US Men’s National Team teams in the past 20 years that pulled better results against really tough teams really tough teams uh in 2002 in the 90s the 2009 and even teams in the world World Cup where I don’t know about you but when you go to like even 2014 Jurgen kinsman’s team and 2010 Bob Bradley I don’t know it just felt like the team had the grit and we’re like we are worse than you but we’re going to make you [ __ ] work for it and you’re not going to beat us easy well this team even the press conferences before the games they just look defeated like we’re just here to learn and get better and get that Ninth Place medal so we can go back to Mom’s house and have a party and celebrate that we finished top 10 yeah no you’re 100% right this team was spent most of the week talking about 2026 not about this game not about intention or desire or hunger for for Copa Ameda they were talking about 2026 and they were rightfully criticized not by the media because the media doesn’t criticize for [ __ ] but by fans mostly on Twitter that I’ve seen and they played exactly how you would expect a team who’s been talking about an event two years from now to play uh let me get to a couple more of these and then we will talk about some positives guys because it’s not all bad there are some positives that we can glean and we’ll talk about them but let me read a few more Super chats we’ll have a word from our sponsor and then we’ll take it from there does feel like there’s about 20 teams in the world that can take their game to a level that the US can’t match there’s still a big gap to the top 10 yes but I don’t think that Gap is necessarily from the players I think the players are in that 10 to 15 range okay maybe closer to 15 I think the Gap comes in mentality and in coaching that’s where I think Gap is still very very big because the players have certainly closed the Gap um Carl Tanner USA 52% possession we were dominant wow I wonder what Greg says I mean I know Tim WEA and Matt Turner were both interviewed if anybody knows what they said or they have any thoughts on what they said because I have it on mute let me know in the comments H they might as well stream the Brazil game on the Hub also we should all just get very drunk tonight forget this game ever happened I might take that offer man I might take that offer I’m I’m taking you up on that this team quit on Greg sure maybe some wanted him back but I believe the majority just showed they didn’t want him as their coach I don’t know if they quit on Greg I think it’s hard it’s tough to assume that I think they have no idea what they want but Greg is I mean no idea what to do on the field but Greg is nice to them and so the leaders especially are pro Greg and nobody wants to fight back because you know what also anybody who doesn’t want Greg on this team they saw what happened to John Brooks they saw what happened to Giovanni Raina right they’re not stupid they’ve seen what happens when you disagree with Greg or when you don’t do everything Greg wants and then you have the leaders like psic and Adams backing it up you’re gonna if you’re smart for your career you’re GNA not say anything so I don’t think they necessarily quit on Greg but it’s certainly very palpable how little Greg is able ble to get out of this team you know feels like we play better when we ignore Triple G ball yeah that goal was an example right that goal was nothing to do with burh halter ball it was the most unb halter thing I’ve ever seen so yes 100% Matthew oh Jeff I like every part of a woman it’s just little off topic here Jeff G what is your every part of a woman I I like women in general in general you know they’re not perfect they can be flawed at times but we love the ones we love Maxwell what up Pete hey Maxwell no dangerous passes encounter if Crossing is the strategy no target we didn’t even really crossed that was the funniest thing ballagan short for a nine poor tactics no talent to bridge Gap yeah any reporters in press conference ever pressure Triple G tough questions with follow-ups to his BS or anyone that has access to him seems like he’s never worried no no i’ I’ve sat through all of these press conferences we’re never allowed to ask question questions but the guys who do are all the same like five media shs that also publish the articles that they’re told to publish you know the Paul Toros the Doug mcintyres the Jeff cares it’s all about the same [ __ ] hey thanks for answering my question Greg Michael camerman calls on the same people it’s all the same they never even no indep Independent Media gets to ask a question um shaking my head I would rather watch Tac versus Yanks in a boxing game that’s the that’s a level of influencer that we are not ready for okay when you’re Jake Paul’s level you can people will watch you box if they pay us both a million dollars we’ll box each other sure sure we’ll have we’ll probably decide in advance what what’s going to happen so neither of us gets too hurt or gets a concussion or some [ __ ] dep no if if it’s like $10 million God you can punch me in the face yeah exactly knock me out I don’t care we got the hospital bills covered right there oh man um Dino paja zovic says can want explain Adams being called up was it a little weird that Adams didn’t play at all I heard he’s not 100% fit even in practice but he’s been playing and moving around right but Greg seemed to think that he said he there was no problem with Tyler Adams that he was fit and ready to go and yet he didn’t play a single minute so I don’t really okay with that because I was afraid of um aosta coming up so I’m good with that yeah I’m good with that but Leonard Maloney is is free and able to play so that’s something to consider um yeah anyways let me have a quick word from our sponsor guys and then we’ll talk about some positives and and some negatives and then we will do player ratings and guys while the uh while we’re playing the sponsor video please smash that like button I don’t know how many we have now but let’s get this up to a thousand likes at least we have 2,300 people in the chat so let’s have a quick word from our sponsor Sports is back with a new and improved pickham game across all sports that makes it easy to play f fantasy sports with just a few clicks each sport allows you to build a parlay that includes between two and five predictions about the outcomes of player projections as you would expect the more picks you include the greater the potential payout don’t go crazy with it and play responsibly but adding a few bucks here and there to a game gives it a little more excitement and Stakes use my promo code 11 Yanks or click the link in the description to start playing an underdog will match whatever you put in your account up to $100 enjoy it’s actually $250 now but thank you oop sorry you kicked me instead of the I kicked out tack yeah it’s $250 now so thank you to Underdog Sports um for sponsoring and of course don’t forget where the game where does the game starts ladies and gentlemen I still use them uh so thank you also uh bet online Tac let’s talk about some positives here I know there’s very few but it wasn’t devoid of positives I want to start with one and it’s an if positive if this team gets together after this result and decides this is not good enough and approaches that game against Brazil with a lot more hunger and desire intensity then and we go into Copa Ameda far less complacent and far less focused on 2026 and focused on here and now and wearing that jersey with pride then it could be better I’m not saying it’s going to be perfect because they still have Greg and they still have tactics and they still have other things but I hope that this is a wakeup call for this team if it is a wakeup call for this team then this is a good exercise or a good Learning lesson but we’re really squeezing for those positives aren’t we reaching man I’m reaching you’re pretty much it’s not even a positive it’s more of like it would be a positive could be it’s like really just like trying to like squeeze that out right just like trying to figure something um there’s not many positives one of them would be Joe scall defensively he looked fine um against Luis Diaz which is was the best he is the best player Colombia has um it is not that much data he could go and get torched by venicius on Wednesday and then we’re like oh crap that that was a positive outside of that it all falls under the Wake Up Call which could be we wake up and have a good cup America or the Federation wakes up and it’s like okay so if we don’t do well in the cop America even if we get out of our group because getting out of the group is not enough it’s a horrible group Bolivia is the worst team in K ball Panama has way worse players than us and we we’re playing at home getting out of the group and getting let’s say let’s put it this way if we get out of our group and we get Trashed by Colombia or Brazil like it was today bur halter should go if we get trashed if we barely lose get unlucky there’s to me he should go anyway but there there’s a case to be made but but there’s not many positives man I guess like pulic got Exposed on the free kicks again and then gioa had a good delivery so once again but that’s not really we already knew that it it’s only a positive if we learn from it I promise you ptic is going to be taking most of the set pieces once again in the in Copa Meda even though we know Gio’s better also is pulk injured because he left early they said according to Balter it was a pre-plan substitution to manage his minutes but why I guess the logic is that he had a long season at Milan and so they don’t want to push him too much in the friendlies they want to save his legs for the games which feel like I don’t agree with it but it’s kind of the least of the problems right now to be honest pul didn’t look that good I don’t think it was his best game for us either he had a few bright moments but looked quite poor much of the time I thought you’re you’re so that’s your your positive it’s just scall defensively I don’t have anything else I’m just being honest I’m going to go with Johnny you know I think it wasn’t the perfect game from Johnny and I don’t think he was helped by any of the team at all but I thought as the guy who had to show up big time in this game and really show out I I thought he did yes on the fourth goal he was culpable for giving the ball away but on the balance I thought his overall performance was very very strong he showed his distribution ability he showed a real Comfort on the ball even Under Pressure which which is something we don’t always see from guy like Tyler Adams and defensively I thought he was very solid too there was one moment where they could have scored in the second half a third goal and he gets back and he gets a foot to it do you remember that one barely a foot to it to deflect it and it could it was one V one with the keeper or otherwise yeah he had yeah go ahead sir it wasn’t a magnificent Johnny performance but to me he did enough to get another shot yeah he would had many good moments in the game I thought at times his range of passing wasn’t good and then yes the fourth goal he loses the ball and then a little bit of ball watching it did feel like that it was also a moment where our entire team kind of gave up on the game which was freaking moronic so we’re not gonna forget about what he did there but yeah he’s done enough that give him a shot start against Brazil again um thought he did fine uh it was probably a top four player for us today something like that yeah I’d say top three but that isn’t saying much based on how [ __ ] we were no no yeah yeah his rating is not going to be high by any means no no I I guess Gio would have been the other bright spot for me um but again Gio was misused in most of this game I thought we misused Gio a lot like we did against Mexico right and you can get away with it against Mexico because they’re so ass right now you can’t get away with misusing your players against Columbia and I thought Gio was misused I thought if we had Gio higher up the field getting on the ball he could have dictated Tempo a bit more instead he was was back there helping out in the buildout which is not the best use of Gio can he do it sure it’s not the best use of him but when he did get into the right areas I thought he was useful right um other than that there’s not much to look at and even Gio to be honest it was a good G it was okay I wouldn’t even say it was good it was you can see the bright moments that are there but it wasn’t like he had a great game either right and so is that it I I think is pressure being on bur halter a good thing like that’s a is that a positive that now it’s like very hard to justify anything thing with bur halter yeah it’s one of those where it’s just kind of like why is it taking this long [Music] um we’ve been talking about this for four years now four years and then we kind of tolerated it till 2022 because the excuse was he got us there and we’re here and then you had the perfect opportunity to move on from him uh after the gioa claudo Rea Daniel Rea B halter drama and then you bring the guy back um I I I I can tell you a few things that I was told the past week or so by some people with the coaching search that they said they said that apparently bur Halter’s return was not actually the original plan um they they were trying and they were getting frustrated with a few things that were like MoneyWise I don’t know why um they were getting frustrated I don’t know what their budget was maybe burter was the budget and also not being able to convince a few guys um to come that was what they’re said and then they went back to bur halter and I guess it came down mainly to bur halter and Jesse so and then I think and then the players and the players they don’t want Jesse right but if the guys that you want to interview for the job you ask them to do it 36- hour interview and play Tic-Tac-Toe with Matt Crocker are we really surprised that they don’t want to come like no no I I think it’s pure incompetence you convince a guy you show a good project and you convince them like you’re recruiting you don’t just go and offer money because you want to also make sure the guy’s on board with the project what’s the project what’s the plan what’s the direction we’re going what what do I have to work with and probably what happened with a lot of these competent coach is they saw the [ __ ] show that it was it was less about the money but more about the [ __ ] show it’s like why why would I this it’s just I’m going to come here it’s not going to work or you guys are not going to let me work uh I don’t know the details and no one will ever tell me the details probably but that’s what I was told so yeah I mean yeah I’ve heard lots of things too from insiders can’t obviously talk about all of it but mostly it points to um US soccer in incompetence and Corruption Mac 209 at the international level the manager needs to adapt to the talent in his player pool I feel like our Squad would be a dangerous counterattacking team should we press higher up the pitch so it’s a great Question Mac I think that against most conquer CAF teams all conquer CA teams and against most teams in the world outside of the top 15 I think being a possession-based attacking team is The Right Move okay but that doesn’t mean possession to cross it means different you know having the ball and using different tactics to break down opponents but then yeah against teams that are better than you of course you have to be able to Bunker you have to be able to adapt to the opponent I mean adapting to the talent in your player pool is definitely part of it you’re right but also adapting to the talent I mean that’s in front of you on the field like you can’t play Brazil the same way you play Panama you can’t play Bolivia the same way that you’re going to play Colombia and understanding that and also like you said and Tac talked about having guys build out of the back who aren’t good at it against a very good press that Colombia has is always going to be a bit of a disaster you know having pulc take that pieces I mean there’s so many things but it’s a failure to adapt to the player and it’s a failure to adapt to the opponent and good coaches know how to do both Greg does not because he ain’t good that’s that’s really the long and short of it but thank you for the question Mac Lewis Orosco says the way this Gap is reduced is by following a formul formula similar to Japan speed discipline efficiency and grit for the country I mean yeah like I think talent wise we can always do better right we can always try to develop more players but you need to get a coach who instill a lot of those things discipline efficiency grit hunger and who’s also tactically flexible right um Sebastian Cruz this game could have easily been 91 the amount of interceptions Columbia had in dangerous areas was insane yeah exactly and you know why because they watch Greg berhalter’s teams play the same way for five years you almost know where where to intercept the ball you can almost tell players when the ball goes out to that right back or let’s say the ball goes to you know the center back you’re going to have the six checking two and you’re going to have the fullback getting high up field so if you just put pressure on the six and you cut off the passing Lane to the left wing they’re not g be able to do anything and they’re going to turn over the ball that’s what I would tell my players if I was facing a bur halter team okay if Tim ream has the ball you’re gonna have Johnny cardoso check to him all right and then Anthony Robinson’s gonna get high up the field very simple we’re gonna try and force Johnny cardoso to keep his back to us and face the ball we’re going to close him down then I’m going to have my right back or my right wing step back and cut off that passing Lane to the left back boom now we win the ball in Midfield and then we go from there right predictable Jared Kaiser rainbow jersey play like fairies man I don’t think that’s the the problem is not really the Jersey if if if your takeaway from this game was the rainbow jerseys I think you’re focused on the wrong thing because I don’t think we would have played any better if there wasn’t a rainbow jersey Mr Bigglesworth problem with Greg is his arrogance he won’t change strategies to fit opponents wants to go toe-to-toe no matter who and so he lose to better teams yeah but you want to go toe-to-toe and you have no idea how to go toe-to-toe right it’s like not only do you not have the players to I mean yes we have the players to do it against Colombia a good coach would be able to go go toe-to-toe with Colombia maybe not win every single time but go toe-to-toe for sure he doesn’t know how to do it and he doesn’t know how to inspire this team Joey Holt I feel guys again the focus on the wrong things we have sucked under bur halter for years rainbow jerseys are not Wicked Brew usmnt hadn’t given up five goals in previous 240 games since the 09 Gold Cup Final holy [ __ ] I did not know that before not since the 1990 World Cup versus Czechoslovakia so we’ have not given up five goals since the 2009 Gold Cup Final that’s a long time but I keep hearing all he’s the winning this coach aon’s Long’s big stick next time we need some MLS players I hope you learned excellent trolling Aaron long Jeff we need a Dempsey attitude we need a lot more of a Dempsey attitude I agree with you there Gio was subbed out then could not build of out oh you’re saying we couldn’t build out well Johnny had no help right Johnny had very little help once Gio was subbed out but Weston McKenna was also subbed out too so he wasn’t helping in the build out either all right so Tac negatives I mean we’ve talked a lot about the negatives but let’s just pick the top three each what are the top three negatives I mean obviously the results so we’re not even goingon to discuss that Matt Turner Matt Turner mat Turner okay yeah we we because the reason that’s a big negative is the back I don’t I don’t trust the backups either it’s Ethan Horvath and Sean Johnson and Turner for the first goal I don’t blame him too much for that goal second that was horrible then after that made one good save in the game but good enough can’t play out of the back can’t use his feet there was a ball that was going that was out of the box and he put his hand on it doesn’t even know where he is on the field I remember that yeah he handled outside got a yellow card because a good goalkeeper would be able to actually get a touch with his feet bring it in and hold it and he just like completely clueless looks like sometimes even looks like a guy that learned how to be a goalkeeper late in his life which he did so uh me on other stream would you start Ethan Horvath against Brazil I think I’ll give him a shot Turner look I don’t think he can hurt at this point no at worse he’ll be the same as Turner right and he had been playing regularly for Cardiff right and toward the end and Turner had not been porath we haven’t seen a lot of him in a usmnt jersey so he’s very hard to judge but I don’t think it hurts I think Greg’s gonna stick with Turner though I think he’s going to keep Turner there and no matter what he does I think Turner is going to play the whole tournament yeah and look I’m not saying forbath is necessarily better but I think he deserves a shot now right yeah Turner I’m just going to go with the the way we started the game it’s the same way we started the game against Jamaica right our focus is not there and not only our Focus but there’s no intensity from when that whistle blows right I used to tell my players this when that whistle blows you have a chance to make a statement especially in the opening few minutes of the game and in those opening minutes you need to tell the other team whatever the out come of this game this is going to be hell for you we are going to make this hell but from the time the whistle blows we we looked like almost like we were going for a stroll in the park just casual not focused no intensity not really very well organized looked pretty clueless it it just looked like we didn’t show up to play they need to feel us they need to feel our presence from the time that whistle blows all right they need to know that we are here to play and against Jamaica where we conceded early and against day when we conceded early that did not happen and that is a big big worry and then our response to going down one nil was to go down two nil right and then when we finally get a goal because we ignore balter’s instructions we fall apart again mentally and emotionally and it’s it’s just so unamerican to be able to put in a shift like that so unamerican um I have one thing the last Super Chat you had was Immaculate intentions I know you’re going to read it at some point but I’m just going to read it now he said if the US Men’s National Team gets trashed 5-1 to Brazil do the players turn on Greg I have a different question for you I don’t care what the players do and we don’t know what’s going on there if we get trash by Brazil let’s say 40 5-1 whatever get Trashed by Brazil does the Federation do anything about that before Copa not a chance I doubt it I don’t want to say no chance the only way it happens is if the players turn on grick if psik picks up the phone and says to JT Batson or Cindy parone or Matt Crocker he’s lost the dressing room nobody believes in this guy we don’t want to go in Copa Medico this guy is our coach and he gets the other leaders to back him up on that which ptic by the way will never do but let’s say that happened then write book about it he’ll write a book about it or something maybe he’ll write a book about it later but he won’t do anything in the moment at least that’s not been his style so I don’t think that’s ever going to happen but I think the only way Greg gets let go before Copa Meda is if he completely loses the dressing room and and then what they would probably do is let Greg go and just have BJ take Copa Amica which I would be fine with actually at this point because I it can’t be any worse it certainly can’t be any worse no and it would be during the cop America it would be where you would be seeking or searching for a legitimate coach to take over the team and as for that then yes the Copa under BJ just becomes an experience for the players to understand how you play against tough competition but honestly it wouldn’t they wouldn’t do worse under BJ than bur halter it wouldn’t be worse at worst it would be the same at worst at worst I think that’s unlikely based on BJ’s record yeah um we’ll see but I was gonna say we’re doing player ratings or let’s do one more negative each and then we’ll go to player ratings I know negatives are L dime a dozen they’re endless right but I just want to say a quick Tim re um I was hopeful that he had one more tournament in him and then it was time to move on but his performance today was extremely for the veteran being the veteran on the team right the guy who’s played for years at good levels his performance was so concerning because that’s not the Tim that we saw in Qatar and it looks a little more like the Tim r that we’ve seen recently and so while I am still hopeful let’s see how he does against Brazil I think it’s really dis like it’s worrying that Tim ream looks looked that bad you know and last but not least for me it’s um broken disc but I’m going to talk about um gonna talk about what’s his name um burh Halter’s tactics again of we can’t play out of the back and he continues to play the same way that the big negative to me out of all of it is that this was a friendly so let’s say bur halter tried something different and it backfired it didn’t work let’s say that it would have been a lot better than than this where he tried the same thing it didn’t work again uh so I guess just like the stubbornness of bur halter with always trying the same way um you’re missing a player he still plays the same way it’s always six for half a dozen and his Subs too are always six for half a dozen and the fact that we’re down like 4-1 and the team just quits I know it’s a friendly but mother liquor you’re freaking representing the United States of America have some pride yeah on it just kind of like you’re down 4-1 it’s like guys we’re down for one let’s cut this to 42 we’re representing our country this result will stay there forever is it a is it’s a friendly yeah it’s a friendly but you’re still representing 300 plus million people and you just quit you’re just like ah whatever make at five we don’t care just do you do they care do they care that’s another question to ask do they care it’s it’s a very it’s something that sucks to ask because they’re representing the country but I also didn’t see any player pissed off no I would like to see that if you’re down 41 51 I would like to see someone fired up and pissed off what is that is everyone do they not care are they afraid of burh halter punishing them for showing a little bit of emotion it’s like I everybody who’s shown any serious emotion CA I don’t know man if played I played like any even pickup games if you’re playing you’re frustrated you’re pissed off they didn’t seem to care on 31 4-1 it’s like whatever man it’s so frustrating to watch that because it almost feels like we care more than the players on the field where it should be equal they should care as much as the fans do and it seems like we get pissed off we care and for them it’s just whatever we’re playing for the US it’s cool it’s fun let’s hold hands sing Kumbaya and have fun here and we’ll have a drink later and I don’t know man I kind of want to see our country do better um do you think that’s why they love Greg so much because he creates an environment where accountability is not really necessary and Brotherhood is more important like well it is necessary if you show personality it is necessary if you show personality then there’s accountability right but accountability for results and performances is not as important as Brotherhood and all getting along on the field and doing the Powerpoints and answering the questions properly when I ask you what what does winning mean you know like I think the coach creates that environment where it’s like and that’s what they always try to tell us the culture is so good the culture is so good hey you know what a good culture is a team that fights and dies for every inch of grass for every single minute on that game that’s a good culture not whether or not Weston McKenna likes goofing around while he plays golf with Tyler Adams that’s not an Evidence to me of good culture the evidence of good culture is on the field it’s on the field and I don’t see it I don’t see this culture that they keep telling us is so wonderful and and the crazy thing about this too is we talked about how there were more Colombia fans than American or US Men’s National Team fans I can assure you most of the Colombian fans that were there are probably American not all of them there’s definitely like Colombian born and raised fans that were there uh but most were probably American and if if you ever want to convert these fans we’ve converted a lot of mexican-americans apparently lately because we’ve been beating them but what they saw right there the 15-year-old that has Colombian parents was born in the US watching that game he’s never turning in his life never turning after what he saw that team looked disjointed heartless no grit no passion they didn’t even feel like they cared about the country so if they didn’t care about the country why should that kid care about the country it it just and and that’s where you have to have a coach where there’s accountability it’s like what is going on here doesn’t matter who you are you’re getting benched where’s where is it and and we don’t see that with bur halter and you have this lunatic talking about more crosses at halftime it it just it’s baffling to me and and like I said I said it I think in my stream I don’t even know I might be repeating myself we don’t know if we get another coach if the results will improve if anything will improve we don’t know it’s uncertain we don’t know for sure we don’t know for sure the evidence is is heavily weighted in that direction yeah but you have to try and and the the thing is is like yeah sure if you go and you get like Jim curtain it might be the same [ __ ] but you have to try it’s not working with B halter so you try something else you try something else while there’s still time the earlier you get someone the more time he has to work at this group and get things going you don’t do that like in an emergency you do it but we don’t want to do this after like 20 like 2025 you do it as soon as possible it’s not working with berhalter there’s no more need for evidence unless the Federation thinks our players are [ __ ] that’s the only thing I can think of well maybe bur halter has convinced them that he needs 12 years in order to really turn this he needs Memphis to pie that’s what he said need Memphis to pie in 12 years tell uh guys I agree with you Michael we got embarrassed and some idiots are still crying about rainbows look guys the rainbows were not the problem today if you’re crying about rainbows you’re focused on the wrong thing tell us more about pelino matarazo uh so real quick Jeff look he had um you know he got stutgart promoted uh with when he was their coach and then got them ninth in the first season which was very good sort of similar to what Heidenheim did this year with with Leonard Maloney and then they didn’t have a great year after that they weren’t relegated but they fired him then he took over hoffenheim who were in The relegation Zone and then got them to mid-table to make them safe and then recently got them to eighth and they’ve got you know conference leag so an improvement there look he seems to be a very well spoken competent manager he was an assistant to Julian nman for a while he he got a lot of his coaching ideas from Italy and Germany where he studied coaching he’s not really a product of the US soccer system although he is from New Jersey he is very much a product of the European soccer system and I think he would bring a lot of value to our program and to our Federation and some new ideas and professionalism a a respect for you know accountability a respect for soccer culture real soccer culture not this closed League Mickey Mouse Disney celebration of soccer [ __ ] that we do here I think he would be an excellent addition to the Men’s National Team and like TX says we don’t know for sure but but I’ll say the evidence that we have that there are better coaches out there is significant and when the data is pointing you in a certain direction you go with the data nothing is 100% sure of course but the data seems to significantly indicate that a different coach a better coach would get better results and performances out of this team Alvaro says see Columbia was playing with us weren’t even going 50% I I kind of agree I don’t think colia was that bothered by us at all they were not that they weren’t scared they weren’t nervous they had pretty much the game under control the entire time you say the color of the flag has nothing to do with our play but it is a symbol that we are a weak Nation without grit so John Clark that’s a diff completely different discussion but do you think that these guys would have played any different if they didn’t have rainbow flags on their on their numbers I think that’s an exaggeration I’m not going to keep discussing the rainbow flag issue guys I’m here to talk about soccer and I’m here to talk about the game so if you put a super chat with the rainbow flag issue I’m not going to talk I’ve said what I think about it that was not the issue today okay uh would you consider Bruce with this group no I wouldn’t bring Bruce back the guy’s crazy these guys’s nuts uh Ken o says Tac your last take was pure facts it does feel like we care more than ussf oh yeah that’s for sure I think you’re gonna have to read this one is that Portuguese yeah he’s saying do I read it in Portuguese or just translate it either way whatever colia so he’s a sport fan from Brazil he’s asking what’s worse lose four- Zer to the Dutch 4 Z to Uruguay or 51 to Colombia I think it’s all the same it’s just all bad I think ours is a bit worse because we are a better team than Mexico and Canada so that’s why the the result itself they’re very similar and I think these three teams are very similar levels all three of them I would say Columbia is a bit below the Dutch or Uruguay though even though Colombia and Uruguay tied in World Cup qualifying the game was in Colombia if I’m not mistaken uh I think the US one is a bit worse I think we also played at home so I think ours is a bit worse to answer his question yeah uh let’s see does anybody know triple G’s record outside of conquer well I know he’s only only won one game away in his entire time and that was against Honduras way back in September of 2021 away in conaf I’m not talking about Qatar because that’s not away away that’s a neutral ground if you’re talking about away in five and a half years he has won one one away game one every other game away in conaf was a loss or a draw winning his coach winning his coach after two days of listening to Canada slander at least we didn’t concede until the second half I mean good for you Lucas good for you let’s see how you do in the in the Copa amedica and by the way I think you guys will do better will do okay in Copa amedica Wilfred Noni I mean I would take Wilfred nzi over Greg berhalter I don’t know if he’s the ideal choice but he certainly showed he can get players playing greater than some of their parts which Greg has never showed right Johnny says USA needs a foreign coach all USA coaches suck I mean I think you know matarazo is probably the exception to that rule but generally I agree with you I think a foreign coach would be better let’s do uh rating tack because we’re coming up on an hour here um I’m giving Matt Turner a three I’m giving him one really poor you’re ging him one yeah why would I not give him a one what did he do good one save yeah that’s it and then he he got the ball with his hand out of the box he was mad several goals C in the second goal for sure and then the other goal is just kind of like there I’m giving him a one yeah okay that’s fair you his feet also no it’s terrible with his feet you give him a go on scall for I’ll give SC a five I thought defensively he was very good offensively offered nothing so average overall I’m going to give him a six just because of the job that he had he had to Mark Le he had to get keep Lu Diaz out of the game and specifically in transition that’s very hard to do because that guy is quick but I thought overall he did a really good job particularly in several moments in transition where he was One V one I want to give him props I don’t think he was amazing on the ball I agree with you but I’m going to give him a six because I think what he did to keep LS Diaz quiet was noteworthy and I think we give him another chance against Brazil and if you can keep Vin Jr quiet he’s a starter in copao whatever happens so I’m gonna give him a six um I’ll go first on Richards I’m giving Richards a four I don’t think he was as bad as some of the other guys but he had a few mistakes dribbled out of pressure once and lost the ball on the second goal he also could have done better in the air he had a a weird moment where he sort of flicked the ball backwards in trying to clear it and gave it away like it was shaky from Richards it wasn’t as bad as ream but I expect a lot better from Richards the caliber of Defender that he is for Christal Palace I expect better I’m giving him a four he’s our best defender in the game uh but that doesn’t say much so I’m giving him also four it was a below average performance but four out of compared to the other guys that we’re going to talk about too because even Carter Vickers came off the bench and was horrible terrible yeah so I’m giving Richards a four as well uh ream I’m giving one man that was really bad from ream that’s across the board nervous as hell gave the ball away multiple times unnecessarily was cable on at least two of the goals I just I can’t with re man like that was really poor and he looks so nervous and so scared I’m giving him a one I’m giving him a two because I thought he was better than Turner and I thought he was better than aob which I’m going to give the rating soon so I’m giving Rema two but was shambolic it was horrible and a little bit worrisome because he did decline quite a bit with um F this season so and we saw it a bit today um hopefully it’s just him catching form again getting into game speed but it was it was bad what about uh a rob you go first 1.5 below ream and um above Matt Turner the first goal was all on A- robob you don’t do that you don’t clear the ball in that like Prett much like a pass into the box to Boh to score and then outside of that a robob was terrible in tight spaces was offering nothing going forward the only thing that changed for him that I can remember is after that mistake at least defensively he looked fine for the most part um even with John adz there that’s tough to deal with I thought he was fine but didn’t offer anything going forward terrible in Sp tight spaces and gave them their first goal which kind of changes the momentum of the but that that’s us right we love conceding goals early Jamaica um Mexico Nations League a few years back we love doing that um and there you have it in aob 1.5 yeah I’m giving aob a two but you actually made a really good point in your stream about aob that he’s not good in the buildout right and if you watch him play for Fulham he’s almost never involved in the buildout they have him stay at home during the buildout and the only time they have him in really that involved in the attacking side of the game is when they have the ball centrally and they force the opponent to become very narrow to create space out wide so when they can get the opponent to become very narrow because they’re attacking centrally then they have him outright and they give him the ball and he can put crosses in from time to time he’s not a great Crosser at the ball but that’s really all the involvement he is in Fulham season the rest of it is defensive so why are we trying to make him an integral part of the buildout not saying he you know has any I’m not trying to absolve him a fault but that’s a big problem too is the way that we use him unlike the way that Fulham uses him right um I’m going to go first on Johnny I’m going to give Johnny a 6.5 because even though he wasn’t perfect considering the task that he had and that was his first real meaningful start in a tough game I thought he showed well and yes he definitely had that giveaway for the fourth goal and should have done better there but I’m G I think 6.5 is fair I’m giving him a five really I thought he played well for the most part but um the fourth goal was more like less the same mentality as most of the team of just kind of giving up in the Midfield just kind of gives up lose the ball then kind of tracks back ball watches like everyone else was doing it’s gonna be very hard for me to give anyone above a five today um in general because I just I I just can’t get over the fact that players gave up and he was one of them all all of them actually all of them there was no player that I saw I think Pepe when he came on showed some fight tried to fight didn’t do much but everyone else just kind of didn’t seem like they cared I’m gonna give Johnny a five average um he did show good moments but um I I I didn’t like it I would would you still start him against Brazil because I would yes yes yeah I would give he deserve that chance also if Tyler Adams is not fit then there’s no there’s no question he starts yeah yeah well I’ll put it this way out of our midfi he was better than mckenny today he was better than Musa that came on yeah um I think that Gio was a bit brighter than him and Gio’s Gio might be my highest rating there overall we’ll talk about him in a second yeah go first on on uh M on McKenna I’m gonna give McKenna might be generous it’s just that I don’t remember McKenna being horrible in any moment but I’ll give him like a three because he didn’t do anything it wasn’t good he didn’t do no I agree if you’re the Midfield and you’re the most advanced midfielder by the way in most of the game I expected a lot better from mckenny and one our best players he’s supposed to be one of our best players and he’s one of the Vets right he’s one of the Leadership Council guys him and Pok are the two oldest so they’re supposed to be the vetss that are driving this team forward I’m sorry for me if you’re 20 the 25-year-old vet of this team with you know 50 plus caps I’m gonna hold you more accountable than I am the 19y old I just am because it’s different for you so I’m giving him a three also I thought mckenny was Anonymous today and I don’t think his role was very well articulated either but he still could have done a lot better than he did so I’m giving him a three as well I’ll go first on Gio I’m giving Gio a six not quite as high as John part of Gio’s problem is that I think he was misused but even so I’ve seen Gio be better and I think he can be better than that um he had good moments but those moments were not as often as I would like and I think Gio can do better and I think a little more aggression like in terms of like driving the team forward and demanding the ball so I think six is fair for Gio yeah I’m going with six too it wasn’t a perfect game but I saw some good moments from him even with [ __ ] combining uh we saw good delivery to find [ __ ] also that could have been assist and surprisingly I I know you talked about aggression but he stopped a few counters for some reason he was playing defense so Props to that I don’t think Gio was that bad it’s somewhere between like five to six and um so I’m gonna give him a six yeah um you go first on pisc I gave M Ken three I thought pulk was worse so I didn’t think PK was good yeah yeah I’m going P like a 2.5 it just wasn’t good enough man and he’s our best player we need our captain right our captain uh one of the most experienced players we have and he is our best player um regardless of the performance so 2.5 this is following up on several poor performances from pisik like he was not good in the Nations League I don’t know if you remember Mexico and Jamaica he was quiet um is this a pattern that we’re seeing with pulik or do we think he’ll Shake It Off come Co Copa medo he’s streaky right if he scores against Brazil all of a sudden he’ll beat up Panama Bolivia with Milan he did beat up mostly like the smaller Nations so maybe we’ll see him destroy Bolivia Panama and then struggle after that who knows we’ll get some good data on ptic this summer because he even they there was even a meme in Italy about him being like a small team killer because he wasn’t good against Inter Milan wasn’t good in the Champions League wasn’t good against Juventus and and then he would score and get assists against the smaller teams maybe we’ll see him beat up Bolivia and um Panama and then suck against everyone else we’ll get that data on him but we’ll see there’s Wednesday he’ll be rested for Wednesday he only played 45 minutes and he plays Brazil so we’ll see yeah yeah um after that we have Tim WEA Tim we scored the goal outside of that goal I don’t think WEA did that much to be honest I thought he was quite quiet actually quite worked hard he worked hard it classic Tim weer performance I I want to give him credit for the goal but I I’m only giving Tim WEA a five I actually would give WEA a three but because of the goal it’s a five like and that to me is is I’m not goingon to let a goal although it was a very nice goal overshadow and overall quite poor performance from way I’m gonna boost it because of a goal I’ll give him a six the same as Gio but the performance was worse than Gio um but the goal is mostly him too he did the whole play set up with balagan and yeah he was also helping scall I don’t know if you noticed at times dropping deeper Diaz he was also helping him defensively uh and I also expect less from WEA compared to players like Christian psik that’s more or less what WEA is um I’m giving him a six might be generous but I think it’s fair for him okay balagan bagan’s an interesting one I I think four because I thought bagan’s big issue was that he’s miscast and he got no service right he had that one shot early on that would have was actually a good play he he shot on goal passed the keeper and then colia had to save it and he was involved it was a good decision on we’s goal he didn’t get a lot of the ball though and I think part of that’s on Triple G he wants him to play like a Target man which he’s not he needs to be drifting into the pockets to combine that’s the best way to use battleon in my opinion but he was still poor I’m gonna give him a four I’ll go with like 4.5 is something like that bonus for the assist it was a nice ass assist um but outside of that balagan wasn’t good he almost scored it’s funny because for Center forwards it it kind of some sometimes like one moment there was that moment he beat the goalkeeper and then they saved it off the line and if he scored there all of a sudden it’s a game with a goal and assist and then we have to prop it up but overall [Music] um it’s a trick one It’s tricky because you kind of said it yourself when you’re Center forward you do rely a lot on service and then if you’re wasteful and you’re not kabai any well then it’s on you did he get service not really um I’m gonna be generous with I’ll give him a five the assist helps a little bit and the point that you made about this not having service also plays I’m giving him a five but the overall performance was worse than that yeah yeah um let’s get to the subs we won’t do all of them not the late ones but let’s do the top the first three the first one was [ __ ] I thought [ __ ] started brightly he had some good moments um I think but but then he faded quite badly and I think the whole team faded it was hard for [ __ ] to do he faded when Gio left the field once Gio left the field it’s true it’s interesting the chemistry that Gio and [ __ ] seem to have because we saw this against Jamaica and then almost again today the perfect little onew that Gio plays stays on his feet and then as he’s being fouled he finds a through ball for [ __ ] and it felt like that they could have built something there together but it didn’t work like they pulled Gio off and then tomman was a Shadow like was Anonymous there’s nothing there from D so yeah it could have been I think five is fair I think [ __ ] tried to bring a spark and got no service also yeah I’ll give him a 5.5 a little bit above average all good header show showed did a lot more than the the star players we have Haj I’ll give him a 5.5 okay um Malik I’m giving him a one nothing nothing he came on for Gio I was like okay he got half an hour right supposed to do something maybe he can show that if Gio’s injured or we need to give Gio a break sometimes at least we have a good backup but once again completely Anonymous from Malik completely Anonymous I’m gonna give him a one also because I don’t feel like thinking about it that to watch he was so bad yeah that that’s that’s my point it’s like you you already said it’s like one 1.52 was horrible like he offered absolutely nothing nothing Cameron Carter Vickers was the other one that played I guess meaningful is 1.5 I guess yeah two he was terrible terrible how do you come on and look that bad this is what I don’t understand right you’re not facing world you’re not facing Holland you’re not facing Phil foden right you’re not facing V Jr Neymar like you’re facing good Colombian players that are playing in the Brazilian League or you know outside of Diaz how can you Ma how can you manage to look this bad to me it just speaks to mentality they walked onto that field Terri terrified terrified and clueless no it’s because we’re worried about 2026 that’s what all the players are saying they don’t care we’re worried about 2026 well guys and then I’m not gonna rate Pepe and uh who was the last one DLT they had such minimal time and also you come on like that it’s 4-1 when you come on what are you gonna do you know um well when the whole team had quit Pepe was trying pressing running after the whole team had quit um gets a zero [ __ ] I mean you could say he got the lineup right but at this point I’m not giving him props for that because there’s how many people in this chat 1,800 of them I’ll bet you 17 out of 1,00 of them could get it right if you’re making 1.7 million a year and the only thing you get right is the lineup then you’re useless useless game management was terrible let’s just highlight it mentality was awful right when that team steps on the field with that mentality at least some of that is on the coach uh our approach tactically was terrible Our Miss of roles asking players to do things they’re not well suited for terrible his use of Geo terrible um his Subs were always like for like did you notice there was no tactical switch with his that’s what I told you it’s the six for half a dozen that’s what he always does [ __ ] on the left wing for pulisic Malik at the 10 for Gio there’s never like okay this is not working how do I change it up never never it’s just the same oh let me try the exact same position for the exact same position and see if that does something different it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] CG gets a zero and then feels like he quit on the team in the half at in the second half too dude he said at halftime we needed a cross more and the team didn’t even do that so like you said either they didn’t know how to do it or incapable of doing it or didn’t want to do it I I’m I’m giving him a one because I don’t give zeros I I I just give like ones um so ones is my lowest one so I’m giving him a one uh yeah I I I don’t I don’t want to talk more about Greg because it’s literally it’s the same thing as always and and it’s very repetitive and we’ve talked about him long enough and one all right guys it’s been an hour and 15 minutes Tac will do a seven things we learned um right you’re doing that tomorrow that’ll drop tomorrow morning yeah I’ll get that done at some point it’s gonna be depressing but watch it um I I will break down this game the tactics specifically of this game tomorrow on patreon you can subscribe it’s $3 a month it helps to support the channels it’s more about that if you really can it would be very much appreciated um subscribe to Tactical manager if you haven’t I’m sure all of you already are but in case there’s a few people who have not subscribed make sure you do that guys smash the like button before we go it was a depressing day but it’s not over let’s see what we look like against Brazil we have an opportunity against Brazil to show that that was a blip and not us not our oh we’re screwed we’re screwed we’re screwed man the I’m trying to put a positive spin at the end we’re we don’t need anybody getting too depressed okay we we had trouble with these players now they’re going to bring venicius and Rodrigo at the same time those are two players better than Luis Diaz then maybe we have to Bunker we have to Bunker for our lives and hope Le let’s see what bur halter will do will he finally because he didn’t bunker again he never bunkers will he finally bunker yeah uh news out that is just out that ussf is protecting Jay berhalter’s brother by not having a real post game did they count the post game maybe bur halter has diarrhea ridiculous thoughts on goo today in my opinion best usmnt player yeah we talked about that again I thought he was bet good better than most but misused and not not his best game I’ll put it that way thank you Jay Zam uh Bruce arena is available Todd I can’t agree with you there on Bruce and if it wasn’t for the rainbow no we’re not doing that already addressed it but I I don’t agree with you on on Bruce Todd I’d give Vieira a chance he’d toughen us up where is Vieira now I don’t know man I don’t know people distracting from criticism of bur halter and his cronies by complaining about rainbows need to shut up this will give the people in charge an easy excuse to dismiss all criticism I agree the focus needs to be on bur halter and the Federation and the players ELO did you see San Marino’s Twitter reply to the usmnt Twitter post no it’s not their actual Twitter oh okay I I think it’s like a a parody one oh gotcha uh we have here Julio Nunes how would you guys feel about Tab Ramos as coach did great with our u20 cut his time short the problem with tab is his two jobs after that at Hartford and Houston went really poorly so he doesn’t have a lot of cache ever since then and I think we deserve I think we can do better I think we need a guy with actual pedigree at a high level right um we missed D I agree with you Jeff we missed him but I don’t know if that would have changed too much Greg is 877 outside conaf abysmal okay but when you say outside conaf you’re including neutral venuse right so yeah neutral outside conaf you’re right um oh he doesn’t mean away he means outside conaf period right and remember a lot of those teams are usbekistan and Oman right and Morocco that was about to fire their coach uh news just out I read that all right guys thank you for being here thank you for hanging out um as depressing as that game was at least we have each other and we have a community to commiserate with we’ll see what happens uh next year and next year I’m sorry the next game four days from now on the 12th do you have any thoughts Tac last thoughts no but maybe next year we don’t have Balter but maybe next year we don’t have bur halter one can maybe next week maybe next week who knows if we get thrashed by Brazil and the players turn on him I’d say there’s a low chance of that happening but it’s possible they won’t turn on him no they love him they love this man all right guys have a great weekend um not the best but we’ll see you in midweek on the 12th


  1. The new jersey generals? Yes. If your young, and stupid, that means nothing right? If you immediately get it, your conscious, alive, and likely not reading this. Scripted outcomes, A team of players hired to fulfill an outcome predetermined. To entertain only. Somebody, had to pretend they were playing! So the Harlem globetrotters, could sell tickets.

  2. Worse at home since losing to Costa Rica @ Red Bull stadium. Stopped with the crowd. We play va Mexico all the time and the crowd is against us.

  3. Go out, read player ratings of this match! Read all of them. I find you guys in a circle jerk over johnny, cardoza, !!?? Lol lol his rating from 8 lol to 2 lol from soccer experts, fans, etc. Which end of this donkey are you 2 clinging to? Oh the 8? Lol lol in A 10-1 game?! Lol lol or whatever…..seriously? No player for the US was over 5.0 the coach zero! It is indicative, your friendly is exhibition, $500 for my favorite seat field level, cowboys stadium, why would i? The only US fan lol lol surrounded by foreigners, dont speak english, to watch this? Lol I wouldn't even consider it…..

  4. I'd fire the entire federation. Start over. The system, philosophy, bureacracy, totalitarianism, marketing disease, ineptitude, in every dept. The uswnt, is the antithesis, of the men. Inspired, blended in youth, depth, creative, unpredictable, now with another top shelf European coach! I fully expect to win with this group. Oh, they won't always win, the world has improved, yet, I'm confident nobody can humiliate the women, the way they do the men.

  5. Pay to play system in US is a failure. These US players are very average. There is no good to great player now. There is no great player coming up thru the system. A lot of these US players that are playing in Europe are there for marketing purposes. Not all of them but most of them.

  6. But I thought these clowns said that if all of our players played in Europe we’d be good? What happened there?

  7. You should wear a full colored rainbow T-shirt, maybe that was that the problem🤣🤣🤣, ok, seriously, Colombia didn't lose a game since 2022, beaten everybody, is funny you just said we underestimate Colombia, is like you never saw news since that year🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, and by the way i think you now can't even beat Venezuela, maybe a tie with Bolivia or Perú.

  8. The most embarrassing game was the nil nil draw to el salvador few months ago… against a team that havent won a game in 23 matches over 2 years… the mighty usa couldnt beat the gang members and drug dealers of el salvador 😂 this 5 1 defeat to colombia is nothing compared to that

  9. Gregg is trash and we all know that. His subs were trash like always. That’s all we can blame him for.
    Turner st*u about that. U really want to blame the goalie when the mid and CBs were giving the best through balls to Colombia attack 😂. If a ball passed his hands like a high schooler then ok. But he did what he could. The shots were placed right.
    Ream is too old and needs to be dropped.
    Haji should have came in as a ST.
    Cardoso tore himself apart with Colombia high pressure. Adams needed to clutch for him.
    Idk wt* Reyna and pulisic are doing but they need to get fit to play full games. They are too good to be subbed off bc of their stamina.
    Remember Colombia has something to prove. They didn’t make the wc and need to show what they got and plus they’re 23 games unbeaten. I saw a lot of fans underestimating Colombia. Good wake up call for everyone. Team, staff, federation, and us as fans got a reality check.

  10. We need Pulisic and the other senior players to demand GGG's firing. Without their support, he's gone. With their support, count the next World Cup over!

  11. 6:56 You focus on Berhalter so much, for the same reason Mexico focuses on their paradebof coaches so much. It's easier to blame the coach tha ñn just accepting that the players and team are not on a competitive level.

  12. Americans love a winner. Americans hate losers. But more than that… Americans will not tolerate being humiliated, or even just embarrassed. The USWNT is never subjected to our fans being outnumberd by the fans of other countries *in our own home*.

    How many #11 Milan shirts does Christian Pulisic sell? And how many #10 USMNT shirts does he sell? Same for all the rest of our European players. My point is that we absolutely love our players and follow them fanatically at their clubs. Because they're winners. *And that is worth a boatload of money*. Why are so many US businessmen and coalitions buying European footie teams? Why are so many media companies paying huge money forcthe US tv rights? Why have European teams made a habit now of doing US tours in the summer? And why are both the Premier league and the Champions league proposing competitive matches in the US???

    Because it's worth a boatload of money. The sport is growing in America faster than any other sport or in any part of the world. So why did Wrexham, a lower tier Welsh team outdraw any USMNT match in this country in the last several years? Because Americans Do Not Trust the USMNT to Not Embarrass us.

    The US soccer Federation is throwing hundreds of millions of dollars away because of their toxic insistence on keeping Greggg Berhalter as manager. Maybe… just maybe… if they get that shoved in their faces often enough… they might hire a manager that our players and our fans deserve.

  13. I just want to say this guys, concacaf IS NOT CONMEBOL, the difference is ABYSMAL, the level is not enough to compete to CONMEBOL. In South America you have to compete to 3 world champs in Brasil Argentina and Uruguay. Imagine that. If the best of your federation losses 5, imagine the rest. This is not Gold Cup, this is the most prestige tournament in the continent and clearly concacaf does not have what it takes to compete in Copa America. Good luck cos you all going to need it.

  14. Gregg needs to be fired ASAP so we can find a real coach to maximize this Generations talents! Make no mistake this is the USMNT most talented squad hands down. Unfortunately or Manager is really limited in all aspects of his job. Please make the move!! We have time before WC 2026

  15. Netherlands in the World Cup was really pathetic. But this is definitely in the top three worst performances I have seen from the team.

  16. USMNT will NOT win anything with GGG and his brother running US Soccer.
    Disgraceful and corrupt is only the beginning of the adjectives you can use for that whole system! A wholesale cleaning of all that mess is needed, everyone needs to go.
    But no, Gregg will not be fired because of everyone that is running that show are married to him until at least WC26.

  17. soccer are: talent, tactic, intellignet, strong. Is art. The americans need love the soccer and knows about history soocer.

  18. I have seen a lot of comments underrating our Colombian players that's why you lost that way. We not only have Luis Diaz. We have players who are key to their clubs including the best South American player in the last Copa Libertadores (John Arias. The one who scored the first goal).

  19. We need a South American coach, ideally from Southern cone countries. If you look at Colombia's clubs and national team coaching histories you will find they hired mostly Argentine and Uruguayan coaches since the sixties. Peru also comes to mind.

  20. Estos analistas gringos, es como escuchar el mismo analisis de los mexicanoa, pero en ingles, no aceptan que son malos, les resumo el 4o y 5o gol, son goles que son total responsabilidad de los jugadores, el 4o gol se le enseña a los niños NO salir jugando de atras, pero ahi va, queriendo driblar jugadores top, que hasta tomaron eso como un insulto, lo peor.. pierde el balón y se queda quieto.. mal todo y el en 5o, el central pretende filtrar un pase desde el area del arquero, por toda la mitad, casi hasta el medio del campo, el volante quieto esperando que la bola llegue a el, errores 1. Se sale por las bandas, 2 nunca se queda quieto esperando el balón, no escanea, no reacciona, roba el balón Colombia, balón al 10, el al extremo y gol.. chao.. aprendan a jugar y si contra un equipo top del mundo hasta el 5o de Sur America està entre el top 20 del mundo, no siempre van a jugar contra Bahamas y Cuba. Apestan.

  21. To start with this is the same Colombian team that beat Brazil this is the same Colombian team that Argentina thinks is the biggest challenge to their winning the cup again as far as the US losing by 5 to 1 you make it sound like you think the US has a soccer team that could compete against a team like Colombia know it can't. Add a reminder this is the Colombian team to beat Spain Germany Japan and Romania and there's also Colombian team that's now considered the top 10 in the world and you're thinking this is not world cup type team typical American thinking he knows soccer

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