Our Very Own Jacob Banks Takes A Look At What’s In His Disc Golf Bag | Lots Of PFN Discs!!

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all right what’s going on guys it’s Jacob with those Ark Mountain discs and you have made it to my in the bag for the 2024 [Music] year so like I said this is going to be my in the bag for the 2020 for rest of this year it doesn’t change a whole lot but I will say that since opening the store and kind of having Ozark Mountain disc be what it is uh I have had an opportunity to kind of see some discs fluctuate in my bag so I have a little bit of a prize section at the end so we’re going to go Putters mids Fairways and distance drivers and then I’ve got a couple discs at the end that are going to be my soon to go in the bag um ones that I kind of want to start cycling in some different molds some different things that um are new to me and uh some that are not so new but new discs not necessarily new molds some things that I want to be trying out for the future so let’s dive right into the putters so starting with my putting Putters I actually putt with Wizards um starting with my first wizard I have this 2019 tour stamp glow wizard um since it’s a glow wizard it’s quite a bit more tacky than what I normally like to putt with uh or more grippy firm than what I like to putt with and so this is actually more of like a jabby throwing putter um usually anywhere from 80 to 110 120 ft I’ll kind of you know flick this backhand long jump putts little short upshots um I like the glow wizard for that it’s very straight with a good little finish at the end when not thrown hard um um so I like the glow wizard for those backhand up shots my second wizard which is pretty much my primary putting putter is this Triple S wizard super stupid soft wizard um the wizard is an iconic putter Gateway has a lot of really really great molds that are slept on um but the wizard is not one of those it is a great mold but it’s not slept on it is very popular probably their most popular mold to date um and it has just been super reliable for me I’ve gone back and forth with like avrs uh specifically like the galactic avrs or mcpro avrs that don’t really have much of a bead or if they do it’s like a micro micro bead um the wizard is not that way big bead but the way I like to putt I kind of have my index finger really angled up and gripped on the top of the Putter and the the bead just helps me keep a a good feel there and so the super stupid soft Wizards uh buddy of mine Mark faloma kind of turned me on to them back in the day and I haven’t really looked back I bounced between them and avrs in the summertime the super stupid soft can get really grippy um but it’s actually been sticking with me well um this summer so I’ve been putting well with them and so I think I’m going to keep them going into the summertime here as well um next up are my throwing Putters and so got a staple in the bag Staple in a lot of people’s bags it is the Zone this specific one was a ledstone run from 2021 it’s a TI Zone and so I think at the beginning of its life is probably a bit more stable I actually got it from a use section so I got it towards the end of its life uh or at least definitely in the mid stages and so for me it kind of flyed what a new ESP Zone flies like um it’s still got the stability of a Zone uh but when thrown hard especially on forehand it’ll stay really straight before it gets the Finish um so still a pretty overstable backhand if I flick it on Heiser still going to be stable it doesn’t flip up or anything but if I flick this flat or give it a little bit of touch um if you watched Our Lake Springfield Brother battle you saw me in the woods at Lake Springfield a lot unfortunately but I was able to do a lot of high Annie kind of get out of jail shots from the woods and this thing just holds that angle and pans super slowly and can get a really big left to right movement on a forehand so I’ve been really loving this I’ve had it in the bag for probably about four or five months now um and I already got it pretty beat in so it is getting pretty pretty beat for me uh but it’s been a staple for me and I have really appreciated it next up is a throwing putter specifically it is the Ezra Robinson stamped 500 pa3 um I never had thrown a prodigy disc in my disc golf career um but whenever Ezra was with us uh we ran these discs for him and I just fell in love with the 500 plastic um it was just something that or this is 400 plastic I just fell in love with it and it just the way that it feels in my hand it feels stable which it is it’s pretty straight with a little bit of a stable finish mostly straight now uh I’ve had it in the bag for almost a year and it is just a disc that I never thought I would like but whenever I felt it um I just fell in love with it the grip is really great in my hand the the depth of the pa3 feels really good in my hand and then it was awesome to get to represent Ezra out on the course as well and so we’ve really appreciated Ezra and the great season that he’s had this year and so it’s awesome to get to still support him while I’m out there playing uh and yeah if you haven’t tried Prodigy plastic if you haven’t tried 400 p3s I suggest you go find one um because they are super fun very straight stable Putters that you can throw hard and they’ll stay straight but have a reliable finish so those are my Putters next we’re going to be moving into the mid ranges first mid-range for me I’m a big Innova guy and so I got to have a rock in the bag this is from the freom open in 2016 uh this one’s got some beat to it this is a KC Pro Rock uh it’s nice and gummy though as it’s beat in it’s gotten really soft um but it’s still pretty stable so if I throw this thing out on Heiser it stays on Heiser doesn’t really flip much if I if I throw it hard straight uh it’ll stay straight with a little bit of fade at the end and so this rock is just nice and soft in my hands feels good in my grip uh and is a nice staple for anybody that loves Inova so that’s the rock next one is my overstable utility disc I used to throw justices for quite a while and then I just wanted to try something a little bit different and a buddy of mine clay seagrist had a recluse in his bag and so I gave the recluse a try and I fell in love it is board flat you can see the profile there and it is just great for forehand upshots for me when I’m nervous or I feel like I need something to be stable I can throw this at that you know 200 uh 180 ft distance for overstable forehands overstable backhands uh and I know it’s reliable so the recluse is my overstable utility disc next up you’ve seen it once you’ve seen it a thousand times the ASAP badrock the four Time mcpro Rock 3 this is just I think it’s going to probably be a staple in my bag Forever Until I lose it I’m not a hang a disc on a wall kind of guy uh so with the ASAP badrock I knew immediately that that wasn’t going to go on a wall it was going to stay in my bag forever and so the the McBeth Rock 3 probably one of my favorite discs of all time if you saw the lak Springfield monthly you heard me say a lot about this disc specifically it’s just one of those discs that like when it’s in my hand I feel confident and that was even before they as said badrock it’s just one of those that when I have it I’m happy that I get to throw that disc um because I love it I feel confident with it and it’s been a bread and butter for me stays really straight now it’s pretty beat in and can just hang straight gets a little bit of turn for me before flattening back out next up more my understable mids slot I’ve had this disc since it came out but it is the Simon lazat mine Bender from back in the dis Mania days it’s a metal flake md1 at this point this one’s pretty much a a Hiser flip to flat or a flat to turn disc really great utility for me I can do some standstill you know fan grip flicks and it’ll just stay uh straight on backhand uh for a good ways it just kind of Glides it goes far for me it’s probably my farthest flying mid-range if I I can Pump It Well can get up to 300 325 ft for me on a backhand uh I’ve also been trying to get some use out of it on just a little subtle flip up forehands as well if I just need a short straight shot uh and it’s been really fun to get to try to use it for that purpose as well so metalflake md1 and then my last mid-range is a bar stamped Z Buzz pretty iconic it’s been in the bag right now kind of sparingly I had a buzz that was the first disc that I ever bought uh thinking about uh getting into disc Golf and actually investing in something Beyond a DX starter pack I was like you know what the buzz is something I hear a lot about let me pick up one of those and it was the first disc that I ever bought and that disc is long gone uh but the buzz has still remained in my bag periodically honestly this Buzz right here serves a very similar purpose as the Casey Pro rock that I showed you so this one doesn’t get as much action as it probably should uh I’ve been trying to cycle it through with the rock but right now the rock is just a bit more comfortable in my hand it’s something that I know and so I’ve been relying on that a bit more but I would like to get to throw this a little bit more why it stays in the bag every time I see it I think oh I should throw that more often and so want to get a some use out of this and so that’s why it stays in the bag all right so now we’re on to the Fairway drivers I used to exclusively bag in of a fairway drivers um I still have a lot of Inova Fairway drivers but I have tried to Branch out a little bit and so with that being said we’ll Dive Right In First to the seven speeds and I have first an Emerson Keith Explorer um this one’s pretty special um Jay keimer gave this this uh to me from his bag which is awesome he he beat it in really well and before him it was Emerson Keith’s own Explorer and so this run is just really really awesome uh this specific Explorer has kind of beat in to a point where now it’s just a point and shoot straight guy uh if I throw it on Hiser it’ll flip up if I keep it on flat it’ll turn and so pretty much my my straightest flying Fairway in the bag it’s stiff plastic I’ve really enjoyed the Explorer I never bagged an Explorer before Jake gave me this one and so I was super stoked to be able to give it a try and that was probably sevenish months ago and it hasn’t left the bag it’s been in there since then and I’ve been really enjoying it so shout out to Jay keimer uh for hooking me up with this next is my flippi and only teabird in the bag I used to have like three or four t- birds in the bag but got a pre-flight number star t- bird this t- bird is probably one of my most understable tab Birds I’ve ever thrown uh it’s a really gummy star plastic I got it at a similar to that zone kind of Midway through through its life it was already fairly beat in for me and so now whenever I pump this one flat it will turn for me pretty well uh if I throw it on a Hiser I can give it a big Hiser angle and it’ll flip up nice I just feel confident when this disc is in my hand uh I just feel good whenever I get an opportunity to throw it and so I try to use it as much as I can uh it’s a really fun Woods disc I’ve been using it a lot similar to the Mind Bender for a little flip up 4 Hands been trying to work on that part of my game and so it’s been serving that purpose really well for me next up similar slot kind of an in between of the t- bird and the Explorer is this sline European open stamp fd2 uh from back in the day and so this disman Mania mold was actually made by Innova back in the day and so it kind of fills in a a similar slot to a t- bird or an Explorer um but this is my point and choot it goes on whatever angle I put it on it holds it and it’s it’s a buzz for Fairway drivers if I want it to go straight pump it flat it’ll go straight if I throw it on ER it’ll stay oner and just kind of push that way if I give it some anheiser it’ll just hang on to it the whole way and so this is a great utility disc where I just need to point and shoot and put it on an angle and pump it and this disc does it for me all right one of my newer discs to the bag is the Lone Star Mocking Bird this disc is disc has been getting a lot of action for me recently um because it is probably one of the easiest throwing discs in my bag where I can just focus on throwing something smooth and soft on Heiser and this disc flips up it goes straight gets a little bit of turn it’s one of those woods discs that you just dream about um it is a a super great Woods disc for me um because I can throw it on Heiser comfortably I know it’s going to flip up I can trust it to do that um it gets a little bit touchy in the woods um but it’s something that I’ve really appreciated and I I really do like the the plastic from lonar this is in the Bravo plastic but I’ve been really appreciating the mocking bur is a good flip up Woods disc for me out there in Southwest Missouri next up is my overstable utility 9speed and I’ve got the zlex captains Raptors from this year this thing is an absolute meat hook you see Cameron throw this a lot cuz he actually throws four hands well I literally have to throw this on a tomahawk chop if I want it to go anywhere um but the utility of it is so nice and headwinds I can throw this on forehand I can trust it and so I’ve been really appreciating it for that but it’s a major disc for me I don’t pull it out often for power shots um but it is super helpful in the woods great utility disc next up we’ve got the metal flake t- Bird 3 I’ve been going in between T-bird 3s and Thunderbirds for a while um the T-bird 3 specifically this metal flake one has been in my bag for a little over a year um so it’s been a while since I’ve had Thunderbirds um but this t- bird 3 specifically has just been a bit straighter than the Thunderbirds that I’ve thrown and so I get quite a bit more distance out of it um and so that’s why I’ve kind of been sticking with the t- bird but I’m definitely open to the idea of using Thunderbirds in the future but right now that slot has been filled up by the t- bird 3s next is just a cool disc if anything else but also been a fun disc for me to start getting to use I’ve only had this one for a short time but this is a original two-time Barry Schultz Beast pre-flight numbers from ineva uh doesn’t fly like you would think a beast would fly anymore it’s very old very under stable I can throw this thing on Heiser and it is going to flip up it is going to turn but it normally will have some good flat at the end and kind of land flat won’t really ever cut roll on me and so I really like this disc for those types of things but I’m also just in in OFA buff I love the history of the old Innova plastic and so having this Beast has kind of been a fun collectible thing to show more than anything else but I have been enjoying it I throw it every once in a while but I’m also terrified to lose it and so I have it in the bag it serves an understable purpose but my NE next a disc is more of the understable slot uh which I will show you now it is from Discraft and it is a super old ESP Avenger SS like probably the most staple understable disc for most beginners and I thought the same thing The Avengers SS was like one of the first drivers I ever bought cuz I heard that it was really good for people with low arm speeds that hadn’t played for a long time and now for me this thing is a great roller I can throw it out with a little bit of Annie and it’ll work its way over on the roller angle I can throw it on big hisers it’ll flip up and turn it does a lot of really really great things for me and so great utility disc great understable it is a perfect compliment to the captain’s Raptor over stability this thing is incredibly understable uh but it’s been a great Workhorse for me in that slot next section is the distance drivers I definitely have the most Fairway drivers so in this distance drivers set I have the fewest molds um but still several to go through and so we’re going to start with the most of a mold which is the rates from ineva so this first one is probably my favorite wraith I’ve ever thrown it’s a pre-flight number champion wraith green Champion wraith Cameron actually picked this up for me um from some folks down in Kentucky I believe when he was at Idle Wild um and I have loved this thing ever since I got my hands on it it was stable when I got it um it’s more straight now but still has a little bit of of beef to it um I can throw it on anheiser uh in anything but a headwind and it’ll kind of hold it and pan slowly and land flat headwinds it gets a little touchy uh but it can bomb in the Tailwinds and so I love this thing um it is a good slightly overstable um wraith slot for me next up is a 2006 luster champion Green wraith very similar uh color to the previous one this one is exceptionally understable um it is a Tailwind specifically or a soft uh thrower um in most Tailwinds I can throw it on Hiser and it’s still going to flip up and turn before it kind of gets flat starts to fade out and so this one is definitely my understable wraith um but also my furthest flying in most Tailwind situations next up I have a glow Champion wraith uh got this one from the factory store not that long ago pretty stable for me I can throw this one almost forehand it’ll stay maybe get a baby flip up push on Heiser and then come back to the right so stable wraith for me it’s been a good Staple in the bag definitely my newest wraith um but I’ve been enjoying having it and then one of those that you just got to have got to have a straight wraith this is a 12 times star wraith um from ineva I got this one out of use section and I just loved the grip of it I kind of liked the color of the white and the green you can see I kind of got a green theme going especially with wraiths but the star wraith is just straight uh I can throw it flat it stays flat gets a little bit of turn and then we’ll start to fade on Hiser it’ll flip up and then fade back um so it just kind of serves that nice straight disc if I have a some weird wind conditions but still need to get some bigger distance I’ll reach for this wraith another disc very similar to the Beast I have this original Champion boss pre-flight number truth be told the boss is too big uh from my hands the 13 width uh speed Rim is just a little bit too big for me to be comfortable um when I have thrown this it has some good stability uh but this is more of like a good luck charm token I love the history of it it’s a cool old frisbee um shout out to Bob whoever Bob was that lost this disc I guess it ended up in somebody’s Ed section it’s one that I like to have to show people that also like Innova and in of a plastic and so I keep it in there more as a a good luck charm than anything else all right next up is probably my most thrown overstable distance driver and it is a royal R silver lot RVE to be specific this run of Rive is one that again was given to me straight from Jake keben heimer’s bag um so after he finished last season he came through the shop uh and delt me out a couple of Frisbees this thing for him originally was one of his more overstable rides I’ve been throwing it a lot uh and so now it has become more of a flat to overstable uh disc for me um it’s one of my furthest flyers in headwinds I can still trust it in a headwind to be able to fade um and it’s been really reliable for me so whenever I need long forehands whenever I need long drives in the wind specifically in headwinds I’ll reach for this Royal R shout out to Jake again a disc that I’ve been trying more recently um heard a lot about and just haven’t gotten an opportunity to throw them until recently is the Westside sword this is specifically the Erica Stitch te series sword and I’ve been loving this because this basically flies like a beat in wraith right out of the bag it’s got a little bit wider Rim Than The Wraith um but it flies straight to understable uh straight to overstable out of the bag but it beats in really quick to get understable and so this sword has still got a little bit of the stability to it I can throw it flat it goes flat for a long long long time and then will finish back for me so been loving The Sword and the utility that’s been for me it’s been fun to get to try that out and then my last driver that I have in the bag currently is uh inspired by another one of my buddies Tyler Zusak he’s on team Ozark Mountain discs he’s a big coplas guy and so he turned me on to the Gould from Casta plast uh it’s one of their more overstable drivers not necessarily like a CR but very similar and so the G is kind of for me fly is very similar to like a beat in Destroyer right out of the bag um destroyers for the most part for me have been too overstable to be uh like longdistance use um but the Gould basically flies like a Destroyer right out of the bag that’s been beat in and so uh flight numbers are a little bit deceiving on it it calls it a three-speed and stability and 0.5 in turn um for whatever you take into account with flight numbers um this one flies a little bit more understable than what I would say those numbers indicate and most GS have that I’ve seen um but the gold also the K1 plastic just feels awesome it’s a little bit gummy in your hand a little bit tacky you can get a really good grip on it and I just feel like I have the power to give this uh a rip just by the grip that I get with it so uh I’ve been loving the K1 Gould as well all right guys so that is the official end of the disc that I currently have in my bag I walk around with a ax5 grit bag um it’s been absolutely amazing I love the grit bag so much I’ve had a couple different types of bags uh but after having a grit bag I don’t think I’m going to be going back to anything else it’s been amazing uh but I do want to leave you with a couple of discs that you might be seeing in some upcoming videos some things that I’m wanting to be uh trying a little bit some things I want to be testing out and so I mentioned the Erica Stitch sword in our use section we actually got in a hux stamped uh VIP sword and so it’s a got quite a good dome I don’t know if you can see that profile on there but it’s got a really good dome on it obviously the hug stamp is sick uh but it’s got a good dome on it more so than the Erica Stitch sword and it’s a little bit different plastic so I want to be implementing this into my bag a little bit more uh I’ve loved the ER Stitch sword and so I’m going to be trying this one out as well just to see uh how flies what the differences are and if it can find a spot in the bag second one that I might be implementing I mentioned the t- bird 3 uh but I got this mcpr four time Thunderbird Champion Thunderbird in the use section as well and if there’s an Innova Disc that has palc BET’s name on it I usually grab it uh try to gravitate towards those and pick them up and so with this Thunderbird I I have not thrown any of these uh discs yet uh but I’m hopeful to see how this flies if it’s a meat hook it might not find a spot in the bag I might see if I can find a spot for it but if this is like a straighter Thunderbird um I think this could potentially replace the t- bird 3 just feels really good uh I love the history of it and so I’m going to be trying out this MC Beth four-time Thunderbird as well and then uh two more here the first one is a mystery disc lucky shot 2008 tournament stamped Inova disc uh picked it up feels like a shallower rim so I’m kind of imagining a fairway driver uh looks flatter could possibly be you know an eight or nine speed and so I picked this one up just for the age of the disc you know June 1st 2008 you know that’s a that’s a long time ago that this disc has been around uh so I’m excited to go out to a field and give this thing a toss I have no idea what it is there’s no etching or engraving on it uh the label on it has long since rubbed off and so I’m excited to get to go throw this try to figure out um how it flies what it flies like uh maybe try to nail down what disc it actually is but I’m excited to get to go throw this and then the last one kind of mentioned that that TI Zone has gotten a little bit beat in uh the Inner Circle dropped from ledgestone sent me a z Zone with a really sick tunnel stamp that I’ve been really liking just the look of it I haven’t thrown this Zone one time uh but I know what zones fly like it’s going to be pretty stable uh and so I’ve been thinking that this Zone will eventually replace that TI Zone whenever it kind of reaches the end of its life so be looking out for these couple of discs coming up in some videos here shortly um but I’m super appreciative you guys have made it this far I’ve been able to see exactly what I’m throwing in my bag what I’ve been throwing in these videos what I might be throwing in some tournaments out here in the future so uh be on the lookout for these frisbees hopefully I won’t be losing any in our monthly matches coming up next year but these things that are here are are subject to change but these are the discs that are getting me through the courses right now appreciate you guys coming out and watching Remember to like comment and subscribe if you want to see more we’ve got some videos coming in the next couple of weeks we’re on the push to a th000 subscribers so if you haven’t please click that subscribe button we’re almost at 800 subscribers it means the world to us to have you guys follow along with this journey we make these for you uh if you like seeing in the bags let us know we might put uh we might put Luke on an in the bag so if you like these types of videos let us know let us know what you want to see from us and we’ll make it happen for you guys Ozark Mountain disc to the Moon we’ll see you in the next one [Music]


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