The #1 Mistake Ruining Your Hybrid Shots (And How to Fix It)

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Are you struggling with hitting your hybrids solidly? In this video, we reveal the #1 mistake that’s ruining your hybrid shots and provide you with actionable tips to fix it immediately. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned golfer, mastering hybrids can transform your game. But there’s one critical error many golfers make that sabotages their shots, and you’ll learn what it is and how to work away from it!

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hey everybody George connley with scratch golf tips here today I want to talk a little bit about a very common mistake that Amer golfers make with a hybrid now a lot of golfers have hybrids in the bag but many of them don’t like to turn to them or they feel like they play pretty inconsistently with them so let’s talk about a very common mistake you’ll see right here that I’m kind of demonstrating a bit of an upward motion through impact where you’re trying to scoop the ball it would be a very similar way that you would hit a driver and you’re really you know getting that for a right-handed golfer that right shoulder down what we really want you know a hybrid is a hybrid between a wood and iron we want downward impact so you see these rehearsals here catching some grass you don’t want to be taking a big divot like you would with a wedge but you do want to catch a little bit of grass a great visual or a great swing feel that a lot of people have is bruising the grass and here I’m just doing a quick drill which I’m I’m putting a golf tea in with maybe about an inch or a half inch above the ground I’m starting my hybrid right before I’m putting that hybrid down in the setup right before the tea and I’m just doing some abbreviated half swings and focusing on making contact with that tea so the head of the the head of the hybrid’s about 2 3 in behind the ball half swing abbreviated swing and again whenever we’re working towards something in the golf swing exaggerate it the other way so if you find yourself really picking up at the ball and trying to scoop it up like you would a driver then maybe try and work a little bit more on getting a bit Steep and taking a bigger divot and then working on an even plane here I’m just working on getting those hands a little bit ahead my ball positions pretty forward and then from there after you do some rehearsal swings you work on some feels I like to feel my left shoulder again I’m a righty feel my left shoulder kind of good down to the ground through the transitionary move and then from there it’s all about getting your rehearsal swings in doing some drills with that te finding the distance at which you want to stand this is way too close I just showed something that’s too far so play around and just feel comfortable over the ball with something like distance from the ball there’s really no correct answer I wish I could tell you exactly how far to stand away but it’s whatever is comfortable uh in a way that you can athletically address the ball with good posture now when it comes to having confidence in your hybrids it’s the same as having confidence on the putting green or with the driver you need to get good valuable reps in on the driving range don’t just step up to the range and hit 10 hybrids and then you think you’re all set for me when I’m working on a club that I feel uncomfortable with I take my time I go through feels I go through pre-shot routines and in this range session especially with the hybrid which I admittedly have been struggling with I’m I’m trying to pull off very specific shots in my mind I’m trying to hit a mid trajectory draw you can’t see it but I actually do have my uh my flight scope flight monitor so I’m trying to hit about 225 230 and that’s my focus it’s very quantitatively driven but on the other end of that Spectrum I’m also in getting those reps in in seeing the ball fly a certain way I’m becoming more familiar and in turn much more confident with the hybrid when push comes to shove you can throw out all mechanic course management everything in the golf swing it’s about your confidence are you stepping up to golf shots conf confident that you’re going to pull it off if you are then I think most golfers will play much better with confidence than they will without so inmation we don’t want to be scooping at the ball with a hybrid in hand on the contrary side we don’t want to be taking a huge divot somewhere in between in terms of how far you should be standing away from the ball the easiest answer I could say would be a hybrid between no pun intended where you would stand to a five iron and where you would stand to a three-wood in terms of ball position it’s again it depends on what type of shot you’re hitting I like to have this right around in my stance where I would hold a five iron so just play around with it and see what works best for you if you have any questions or comments on hybrid specific questions about your mechanics drills what have you please leave those in the comment section down below as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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