Golf Players

World Famous Golf Coach Shows Us The MOST IMPORTANT Move In The Golf Swing

In this video Forbes-Featured instructor Eric Cogorno teams up with David Leadbetter…

The legendary coach of 7 former world number ones including:
Sir Nick Faldo
Greg Normam
Ernie Els
Nick Price

Together they show you the MOST IMPORTANT move of the golf swing…

Which also happens to be the ONE move you can steal from the pros.

Get the StraightAway by David Leadbetter. Just Simply… CLIP IT… AND RIP IT!

Join Erika and Learn the #1 swing-fix sequence…That turns your forced, unnatural swing…Into an effortless, automatic, true-swinging motion…

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Fix Your Contact with Martin Chuck and the Simple Strike Sequence:

Simple Strike Sequence

Cure Your Slice Once and For All with Hank Haney and the One Shot Slice Fix:

One Shot Slice Fix

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The Straight Stick

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all right guys Eric here with performance golf big day for the program to my left man needs absolutely no introduction at all but Mr David lead better thank you for being out here with us today thanks Eric glad to join you yeah really appreciate you coming out and doing this in today’s video guys we’re going to be talking about how to start the swing correctly it’s an area in my swing that I’ve struggled with for a long time I know David’s seen the same things but a lot of you guys who start the swing incorrectly and then are constantly trying to make make up for that throughout the rest of the Swing we’re going to try and give them some ways to start the swing correctly you can set yourself up for success to make the swing throughout much easier we also have the straightaway we’re going to pull out today which I haven’t used yet that I’ve seen that I’m excited to try um but David if I take a setup position and let’s say kind of in general terms to start then we can go through specifics but if I came in for a lesson I’m like hey I’m not really sure exactly how to get my swing started and I’d like some guidelines of how do I actually start moving where would you start someone you know in terms of starting the Swang well there’s no question look a good grip and good posture and obviously tie in alignment are are factors okay if you’re setting up badly to if you got a poor grip the tendenci is you’re going to make some sort of takeaway and I actually really don’t like the term takeaway I use it now because everybody understands okay it’s the first movement in the swing and you know I actually prefer the way the word or the term move away because you’re actually moving it with your torso I think where most players go wrong they have you know if you ask people what they understand by the term takeaway there’s a lot of different answers most of them are incorrect but essentially it sets you up as you were you know it’s a sequence effect right it’s like a domino effect if you’re wrong to start with compensations then have to creep in and if you look if you were a good athlete and you practice a lot you’ll probably compensate well but I think certainly for most golfers if they can get off to a good start it’s just it’s a chain reaction it’s getting the sequence right and so if you look at uh it’s interesting today how many players are actually rehearsing that takeaway move right I mean it’s like on the LPGA virtually every player does and there’s a lot of players on the on the PGA tour who actually had that first movement and you know even look at it like Justin Thomas and you know it’s Sam Burns I mean they even go a little further than the initial takeaway but it’s it’s important because I say if you get off say you get that club moving more than anything it helps to synchronize the arms and the body the two most important components in the swing so to me I’ve always talked about hey your your setup that’s one component your torso movement the way you wind up the way you coil the way you your weight transfers the way you release the way you rotate all those factors you because you can actually get somebody to make a pretty good torso movement but all of a sudden you put a club in their hand and it’s like you know me you imagine you know you get somebody do a pivot drill well that looks pretty good put a club in their hand and they’re going like this you say why you why am I reverse pivoting okay I’ve got to stop that but as we know as you know Eric with all your you’re teaching so much of golf is it’s cause and effect right so trying to fix the effect is where a lot of people go wrong and that’s a never ending battle so really to get off to a good start really where you synchronize the arms and the body you know over the years I’ve used certain phrases and one of my phrase has always been you know let the dog wag the tail this being the dog this being the tail and the problem is in many most players cases the tail wags the dog right so they’re trying to put it in a certain position and you know and there’s all sorts of drills and the interesting thing is you know I’ve always talked about initially if you just take take take your dress there I’ve always talked initially about as you make the club As you move the club away you can see the hands appear in and the club head appears out so the typical thing with amers what we see is that the club goes in and the hands go out okay that we do see that’s the most common and we see players who sort of you know take the club out this way you know we see them shut it we see them open it we see them pick it out we’ve actually almost identified eight different bad takeaways that amateur make okay and so and virtually all of them are as a result of the body not being linked with the club so you know it’s like people don’t realize the importance that this is your engine if you ask Ernie El obviously I’ve worked with for many a year you ask Ernie to this day he’ll tell you how do you how do you start your back swing Only He he’ll say I guarantee you with my belly button okay so your belly button really is is your core it’s not strictly true but essentially your obliques are actually working especially you can see this left Bleak sort of goes down somewhat the right Bleak goes up but it’s a movement from here which really establishes that link between your arms and your body so this this feeling let just let’s try this again so when you make this movement and it’s a interesting thing the takeaway is a really short movement I always talk about not letting the butt of the club get past the Hip Pocket okay so whether you’re right or Lefty doesn’t really matter and you can see see that movement there essentially okay if I’m to stand if I’m to stand here now and you move your feet around and face me just bring your feet around and put it down you’re in the same position you were to dress so all you’re doing is Shifting your dress position a short distance cuzz I think that first little bit there is what messes up so many golfers they just don’t understand the the Simplicity of how of how you know the takeaway and what it does for the swing correctly I think such a key Point here that goes unset a lot with the takeaway cuz a lot of the takeway and I’m guilty of this in videos as well we get so focused let’s say on like where the arms and hands are that just core statement you made of starting the swing with the body and I bet of those eight bad takeaways all of them can be rooted in some form of this didn’t star correct yeah correct I like that we’ll use that as a little tagline so let’s say conceptually someone’s watching like okay I get that that makes good sense to me I want to start with my core going back but okay I want to swing the club I want to start moving a little bit how did we incorporate the St can we throw that on here talk about that okay so this is this is a a little swing Aid as I like to call it which we which we’ve developed and I’ll just throw that out there and it’s very simple and I really like I I really like swing age training AG call it what you will that are simple cuz this just Clips on you can put in that little bag stick it in your golf bag and the nice thing about with the colors we we these colors are designed because mentally you actually sort of have a good picture I’ve always felt that say three ways to get your swing R understand the concept where you are where you need to get to have a good visual a good picture in your mind of what you’re doing and then hey develop the feel so this is this is what this really helps to do yeah so let’s so I’ll just take your Club here we just clip it on beneath your grip this works for righties and lefties so it says RH right-hander so we clip it on like so make sure that red arrow the red and the white arrow pointing straight down the Sha okay there we go it’s just like putting a grip on really a lot of grips have you know their little logo on there you got the logo on and so yours does so we’ll just straight down there just pop it on scre it on yeah so just clip it on you our little tagline is clip it and rip it clip it and rip it I like that too what of good tag lines David yeah yeah yeah know when you be be in this business as long as I have Eric you come up with all these sort of taglines here here we go all right so here we go so that’s it now so what I’m going to do I’m going to take this aim stick okay and going to put it okay if you can set up to the ball okay same Target line yeah you can put a you can use a club or an alignment stick so this just happens to be we’ve got this these colors here because you’ll see now this yellow pointer arrow is the important one so I’m going to put it right on your toe line here okay so right so now the whole deal is okay so imagine if you if you I’m going to show you something if you took it out here and okay look where look where the arrow points right y we’re talking about that initial takeaway move typically what do we see I mean this is what we’ll see where a player has a club has that pointing over here oh yeah okay now if you move it correctly and one thing I always like to say try to keep the arms relaxed so the the the core can really control this whole motion more tension in the arms the more tendenci is the hands and arms to get involved early on so it’s a it’s a soft movement and you can see as you move it back here now right you see how this is now parallel to that oh yeah okay so it’s parallel and when you view it it actually looks like it’s slightly inside of it right can you piure a little bit right but actually the funny thing is there’s an optical illusion because once you look at it from down the line it looks right on top it’s right on top oh that’s cool okay yeah so look I want to point out this is not a method per se CU look there’s a lot of different philosophies out there whether it be one plane two planes whether it be flat upright whether it be long short whether it be Bode whether you be neutral but I would say virtually every teacher agrees on the first movement and if we can get and as I say to other teachers look if you can get if I can get somebody to get the first move right for you you it’s going to make the rest of your job that much easier let’s do that again so you set up to and as a little uh afterthought if you will not really an afterthought but just just try to keep your left arm and your chest connected so so there’s no there you go that’s it good now a lot of people when they do this especially people roll inside and say man that club face feels dead shut but actually it’s not it’s actually Square to the ark yeah okay so we you know that been for years the theory was okay we’ll make sure when the clubs parallel the toes straight up in a you don’t see that too often even though Justin Thomas does that in his rehearsal I would say at some point he was probably very very closed so that’s his feel you know I’ve used that before too you know who I think has the best takeaway in golf surprisingly is Tiger It’s amazing if you look at his pictures how the but of the club okay is’s A little bit of theory so imagine a little circle it’s not quite a circle but think of it that way think a little circle that the hands travel on or the but of the club travel on and a bigger Circle the club head travels on so to start with you want to keep the little circle inside the big circle can you see that so if anything the butt of the club is actually getting closer to your right leg okay so see this Gap is narrowed okay where the tendency is a lot of players especially they think of swing it straight back anything that gets further away yeah and as I say my major philosophy really in anybody’s golf swing is to try to synchronize the swing in other words I’ve always felt that within reason when you’ve completed your rotation your arms should maybe one or two extra frames but you see how many players do you see especially if they work on turn they finished their turn now they lift the arms to the top and they wonder why well why am I working how can I get the club coming from the inside well probably you can’t so the thing is what this does you’re following a track it is the shortest most efficient route to the top so if I was going to start hitting with this right and I’m taking my normal okay so I’m feeling a little bit of I’m feeling a little bit of my core yeah yeah yeah so I could definitely see David like if I did my normal and I was just hitting I would want to have the tail leading yeah I would definitely get the club a little more in very little rotation looking like this so I can see what you mean in terms of the club face too just by my body doing that compared to if I do it correctly the club face automatically stays much more squar to the arc right the hand path has moved in a little bit right okay so the the hand the hand path Circle the small circle is arcing in some and then the bigger Circle the club head’s arcing in slightly as well yes exactly all right let me hit one with this here to start with I’m going to feel that which for me because I think I need a lot of that feels pretty good yeah that was solid i’ take that you know the thing is it’s like if you’re synced up better guess what I mean I’ve always been what I would term a body teacher okay thinking I mean I understand how important the hands and the arms are in this swing but the fact of the matter is I mean if you look especially with better players their rotation is what squares the face off it’s not you know a lot of this flip and roll right I mean not many players do that these days I mean that get dates back to Hickory and we had all the club was doing this sort of thing right had you know that sort of move so it’s it’s get your body involved so much more because it realizes that you’re in sync and your body says okay I can go now whereas before before that the tendency is for the body to sort of just slow down and wait for this catch up so that slow down catch up that stall whatever you want to term it is can create problems from a consistency standpoint and I think most people we probably both work with I me you work with many great so players but amateur players that we would see they want efficiency they’re not going to practice and play a ton they want the easiest way to do it right and so the easiest way to do it is that direct line like we talked about I think let me hit one more just with this and then I think in like we’re going to do a part two of us digging into some of the details of how to do the pivot drills and such absolutely so so make sure that sticks right on your toe line because that’s what you want to yeah there you go that’s it so you cheating it a little already there we go so here’s the here’s the yellow pointer Arrow we can see that’s it that’s a really good visual yeah that’s really good and so here here’s a little bonus added bonus here we go which performance golf love these added bonuses okay so go back here so watch now watch what it does as you come down so this is a great visual for players obviously you’re not going to see it because it’s moving too quick but as you move forward here watch how look how as as you start to rotate now look what you see how it returns back here here again we a lot of players who are late stuck underneath oh it’s me big time that’s it so it gives you a really good image of the top of the club going this way while the head is still coming from the inside oh that’s cool so I’m like I’m getting back on that same plane exactly exactly where the club head once again is outside your hands not stuck behind your hands yeah now that’s not NE that’s not necessarily true for a slicer okay because we want to have the club a little more behind the hands you know instead of being out in front but that’s that’s what the versatility of the straightaway really and and you know why it’s called a straightaway okay simply because look see see how this point straight away from you I like it pretty clever you know you know how I developed this you know kiding aside I was messing around at home I was in a mirror you know and I had my finger off the club like this my forefinger cuz we always spoke about the 8:00 position in the swing where the club points at 8:00 right which it does but I say hey look if I make if I make this movement right my finger points straight away towards 9:00 oh that’s cool okay you see there yes okay okay the poor man straightaway is where you just use your finger but it doesn’t doesn’t work well if you haven’t got a flexible finger I I I like it I’m not saying this just cuz you’re standing in front of me I have never used this before I’ve seen the videos of it and I think so Ju Just real quick again we’re not you’re not saying okay hey just move my arms and Club to get to there right like at all okay so I have to I have to get some I have to get some core rotation that’s it exactly that’s for me and I think a lot of people we’ got some great little drills to do that too okay let me hit one more with this I’m going to rehearse one more time yeah get that match that up Right Down the Line let’s hit one more okay I mean those are pretty good is that the best you’ve ever seen a oh yeah absolutely best I’ve seen on the tea today so we’re going to do a part two here I think talking more about the pivot drills how to use this a little bit more uh get the body working better I was going to say give me a lesson but I don’t know if we can do any better than that well I know it’s tough to improve on Perfection you Eric agoro David Leed better if you guys are interested in the straightaway we’ll put the link in the first description down below I have never used this before I think it’s super cool super effective I’m interested in uh the next video you guys will see next week us using it a little bit more appreciate you guys watching any questions always just leave us a comment down below


  1. I've watched a few of leadbetters videos recently promoting his new device, I bought one. This video is the best of them all the real aha moment at 8.30 with the overhead golfers eye view. Made me realise that my take away was too long and led to all sorts of issues. Shortening it and not taking straight back has really helped. Great video.

  2. Erica and David takeaway completely different. Seems like this takeaway is a little forced. And in Erica's no way you're pushing the golf ball 3 yards behind you with this takeaway. So which is it?

  3. So I spoke too soon. First of all the club behind the back drill felt amazing and powerful. I then tried the feel with a normal swing not hitting a ball in my living room lol. But it felt great and then I stopped that feeling during the intital takeaway and the club was outside the hands just like the instruction in the video. So all that really synced up. Looking forward to going to the range to see how it works there. I am shooting low 80s now looking to break 80,that obviously comes with short game of which I need to get my 3 putts down lol. Anyway how did it feel when you hit the ball after that drill? Any difference from your normal strike?

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