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Anthony Gordon answers 14 questions you’ve ALWAYS wanted to ask a Premier League player! | Unpacked


Newcastle’s Anthony Gordon answers YOUR questions one what it is really like to be a Premier League footballer. Can you hear your teammates over a big match atmosphere? Are small intimidate grounds intimidating to play at? And are you allowed to eat during a game?

00:00 Do you get to see new kits before they’re released to the public?
00:31 – What is the hardest part about training?
01:05 -Which is more intimidating; huge sold out stadium or tiny ground with fans pitchside?
01:28 – How do you approach playing in a match AGAINST the team you supported as a kid?
01:45 – How much do you talk to opponents during a game?
02:18 – What is your schedule for the 24 hours before a match?
02:55 – How much do you analyse a match? Do you have to watch the full 90 minutes through?
03:18 – What do you do on the team bus to and from an away game?
03:41 – What happens when you get called up for England?
04:25 – Are there any foods that are completely off limits as a professional footballer during the season?
04:59 – Do you watch Sky Sports analysis of your games?
05:23 – Is it hard for teammates to hear one another over the crowd in a packed out stadium?
05:40 – Are you allowed to eat during a game? What do you eat if so?
06:01 – Do players ever practice celebrations in training?

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hi I’m Anthony Gordon I’m professional football are playing in the Premier League for Newcastle United and this is Premier League unpacked do players get excited about seeing the new Season’s kit and do you get to see it before it’s released to the public yeah I’m really excited um obviously the new collaboration with Adidas is going to be is going to be electric for the fans and and just to see it in the stadium and back at Newcastle it’s going to be an amazing feeling like I said I’ve I’ve seen the kits so I’m really happy with all they’ve turned out I can’t wait to wear them next season what is the hardest part about training the hardest part for me about training is the day after a day off cuz normally I’ve been lying around and relaxing and then all of a sudden you’re back into it and your body’s probably not ready and yeah feels a bit tired the next day average day of training would be get in for 9:30 we usually have a meeting around 10:00 a.m. and then we will go into the gym for 10:30 do like a warm-up and then 11: 11:00 a.m. we go out to train usually finish around 12:30 they’re training for an hour and a half at real intensity which is more intimidating as a top level player huge showout Stadium or tiny ground with fans pitch side for me it would be tiny ground with fans pitch side the old traditional type of stadiums intimidating is probably the wrong way it’s probably it’s a good game cu the atmosphere is a lot better usually but you got the new stadiums like like spar’s new stadium which is you know it’s incredible but yeah them old classic stadiums have got a good feel for me how do you approach playing in a match against the team you supported as a kid same as any other match it doesn’t matter to me who I’m playing my preparation is always the same it’s always a the best level it can possibly be but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a bit more motivation just to show yourself and do well how much do you talk to opponents during a game is there always trash talk I don’t trash talk often probably depends on the player or how the game’s going to be honest but I’m usually quite nice complimentary during the game I don’t ever try and getting people’s heads just like d I’m purely f focus on what I’ve got to do that’s that’s my way of going about it someone’s doing that to you though do you just ignore it yeah I will ignore it a lot of the time because if normally if they’re trying to talk to me it just means that they’re probably having a bad game and they’re clutching the straws to do anything to get back into the game so me ignoring them as giving them giving them nothing what is your schedule for the 24 hours before a match it’d be a very detailed analysis of the day it depends what time the game is to be honest but normally be training in the morning I’d go home and relax spend some time with family the key part about my schedule 24 hours before a match is the foods and hydration that’s my main focus just getting enough carbs in to enable me to perform at an elite level and then of course the visualization and meditation and visualizing what what I want the next the next day in the next game to to look like and I do that after me food in the evening how much do you analyze a match do you have to watch the full 90 minutes through yeah I would say so I analyze very in depth I spend a lot of time watching my games back probably not the full 90 minutes because I’ll skip through sort of the the times where the balls out to play and yeah I’ll skip through so it won’t be 90 minutes but it’ll be near enough there I’ll definitely watch watch the full game back what do you do on the team bus to and from an away game not much really if I’m being honest just I probably usually read the book and if the The Lads are being too loud then I’ll probably just get involved in the conversation sort of depend on my environment and what around me but some Lads like to to watch series and stuff I just prefer to to read but like I said yeah a lot of the time I’m just probably joking and and trying to keep keep High Spirits what happens when you get called off for England does the manager call you I think it’s different I think everyone has a different experience I’ve listened to a few players talk about their experience for me I got a text from the player leaz on and just said to me you’ve been picked and yes amazing moment and amazing feelings so I’ll never forget doesn’t really matter how you get caught up if I’m honest it’s just when you find out it’s a feeling you’ll never be able to describe or probably get again after you’ve received that call who was the first person you told Trips Trips was in a changing room next to me we were talking about it right as I got the text so it just LED on to the conversation and few the other Lads around and yeah it was good moments they were all really happy for me so yeah it’s a really good really good moment for me are there any foods that are completely off limits as a professional footballer during the season I won’t say that off limit but I think you want to keep your diet pretty low fat and stay away from takeway as much as possible if you want to perform on Elite level consistently but I think people think of footballers as like a machine where we never have cheap meals or we never do anything bad that’s a false reality we have plenty of meals just like other people it’s just we probably have them a lot less because of the training my go-to cheap meal would be a Chinese I wouldn’t mind any cheap meal if I’m honestly it wouldn’t really matter but if I had to pick one it’d be Chinese do you watch Sky Sports analysis of your games no I don’t I don’t really watch the lead up to games I I probably just turn on the game as it’s kicking off I have done of course in the past but yeah I tend to not watch the lead up too much and just watch the game I’ve seen a few things you I mainly see Clips rather than the actual analysis I probably see Clips through my social media if I’m if I’m mention but yeah I don’t really see the analysis is it hard for teammates to hear one another over the crowd in a packed out Stadium it can be I think for the most part we can hear each other or we can sort of know what we’re trying to say sometimes if the atmosphere is really really rocking and the fans allowed then it can be quite difficult but yeah for the most part I’d say we understand each other are you allowed to eat dra in a game and what do you eat if so you are allowed to eat I think you’re probably eating like carbohydrate bars and uh banana a lot of gels and stuff to get the energy back into your body it’s more fuel just to keep your your sugar levels high and your energy energy levels high so you can carry on running and performing at high level do players ever practice celebrations in training I wouldn’t say practice but I think some people will do it if they score just naturally because there obviously a good feeling to score at any moment but my celebration I haven’t really got a signature celebration so I don’t practice


  1. Well deserved call up to England for big Anthony 🔥 Had a stunning season for the mighty mags and this is fully deserved 👏

  2. I heard southgate makes new recruits practise bending the knee as that is now seems a solution to all life's problems 😅

  3. Gotdon proved a lot of doubters wrong including meself when he signed for newcastle hes a team player works the team

  4. Gordon is such a breath of fresh air from some of the appalling wingers and mentalities United fans have to endure on a weekly basis, he’s been class this season and certainly deserved his England spot.

  5. Whoa settle down Anthony. Getting a little too rambunctious. Dude is so chill, I’m guessing football looks a lot slower to him than I see it

  6. Imagine a England manager that can't be arsed to ring someone to tell them they have been picked to play for your country. 😂

  7. Best move he ever made was moving to Newcastle were he’s flourished as a player and a person 👏🏼👏🏼

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