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all right folks welcome back to the channel we’re starting today off in the valley with uh a helicopter very low so low and almost feels like he can jump up and reach them Uh something’s going down right here we’re on Lankershim and Irwin Street uh and it’s another hot day in the valley apparently weather’s heating up so things are starting to pick up all over the place oh this looks like it could be end of a pursuit or something we kind of just stumbled into this situation right here looks like these folks are waiting for the bus uh there’s a Prius here with its emergencies on they’re making demands at somebody what happened oh you try to Rob him yeah oh no [Applause] well there’s that not that much of a response just one unit and uh the bird we’re going to get a little bit of distance probably get across the street look at that beautiful Subaru STI classic one of my buddies Alex arbac used to have that same car super fast so those two guys think you said he got attacked by a guy with a bat Maybe we’re going to get across the street see if we can get a better shot what’s going on so the helicopter just left car looks like he’s back there he probably ran and hop behind that fence something like that looks like he’s telling him to stay back oh they got him I got someone in custody looks like they moved that Prius too I don’t know another day in the valley okay well that’s just the start to today we’re about to take it down to uh the city we’re going to try and get across the street looks like there’s something else going on on right here uh like I say I don’t really venture to the valley that much but I saw this was going down so oh this is like a sanitation job looks like they’re cleaning out this camp crazy yeah I always see this passing by looks like that’s the case today take a look wow you either need to go in there or you have to leave this space okay all go right here sanitation department oh my God look at the kitties okay that’s really sad wow jeez okay well there’s a little bit of stuff going on in the valley today usually it’s uh a lot more empty than this or less going on that is oh there’s so this entire area the whole sidewalk right here is uh caution taped off unlucky looks like another sweep now fun fact they really don’t like it when people record the sweeps cuz there’s in La there’s a huge amount of people that are uh really against homeless Camp sweeps you know it’s surprisingly a very divisive topic like some people will stand there and protest it and physically block people like a sanitation department from cleaning it out with their bodies so uh I think that’s why they a little tense once I pulled up little today know I’m just trying to ride my ebike around and we happen to see uh stuff as we do that well uh so there’s a valley up ahead is where we ran into that police standoff uh about a week ago uh we’re going to head down to the city right now we are back in the streets and I’m on my old bike today I want to give this thing a spin uh and compare it to my new one see how it feels see if it’s really that much better in my head this bike’s still really good now that I have a few days worth of riding that bike non-stop every day and we’re going to give this one a solid spin see if it Compares it should do just fine so I’m not too worried there’s still so many things that I like about this bike that I feel like I’m going to come away from today wanting to ride my old bike more than the new one by the way I’m giving away one of these not this one but like a fresh one uh it’s still coming in the mail but it will be going to one of you guys on hick every dollar spent enters you to win one of these bikes a 2024 model and $11,000 all the official rules are on the website top Link in the description top comment anyways with that said I’m going to be back on this bike for today all day and uh we’ll be seeing how it does let’s go all right folks off we go on the suron the bike that started it all the OG my favorite bike still going to get started right here in an alley in Westlake so you may be asking why you riding the suron today why not your new bike I know the new bike is better on paper in every single way so why wouldn’t you just get that and stick to it right not necessarily honestly I think this bike is still has so many redeeming qualities the first thing it’s in the name it’s light this bike is only it’s not even 20 lbs lighter than the Eide but that 20 lbs makes a solid difference I mean to me at least I am uh go I am all about having to saving weight as much as possible even though most people don’t consider weight savings when they’re thinking about these bikes that like it’s not really a thing for them for me it just is because it makes a bike that much more fun and free ridable and jumpable and just Nimble no matter what you have a heavier bikee it’s going to be slightly less Nim of course you can make up for that by being a good Rider Oho going up in the booby pocket uh so you know weight is not the end all Beall but it is uh thank you it is something to consider I think uh at least on my end look what’s going on here they got all the Stolen Bikes anyone missing a bike in West Lake might be right there um so that’s number one is that the bike is light I love that it feels a little bit lighter you can feel the lightness too when I was putting it in my car when I’m out here riding it it feels lighter the bike feels significantly lighter which is good uh the second thing you notice is that it feels much less powerful I would say much less but it’s less powerful once you feel that 72 volt like the feeling of pulling that thing there’s really uh there’s it’s hard to it’s just not the same so that part is fun but there’s you know there’s definitely ways you can make up for that on the suron the main thing is I would have to put like a a larger sprocket that’d be the easiest thing we could do I don’t know if I want to ride through this grass actually it’s uh it’s kind of sewy I don’t want to get a sewage water splash up in my face anyways we’re already at MacArthur Park I mean here’s the thing at the end of the day this bike is fast the other bike is faster with its own set of trade-offs I think for the price it pays for those tradeoffs the main one being the weight the other benefits is that that bike is bigger which is nice I feel like this bike is a little smaller now I don’t know if it actually is though because I think um I think the measurements are not really that much smaller like I feel like they’re almost equal Dimensions where my guard the park it’s open so uh I don’t know I mean I’ll tell you guys what it was that happened up here since um looks like it’s no longer an issue but right here they had the entire Lake sealed off because they said they found two bodies in here so yeah that’s uh what happened I don’t know if that’s actually true or not but they definitely had the park sealed off for that uh for that reason so uh it doesn’t really seem like anyone’s too concerned uh people fish in here which is actually insane and uh let’s see if we can see if anyone’s fishing today and uh ask them if they know that um supposedly there were bodies found we got the gang of birds we’re not going to try and mess with any of them let’s go ahead and scoot around them they are big chilling yeah so here is somebody fishing let’s go ahead and ask them if they know about what happened earlier today excuse me do you know why they closed this Lake earlier today hello I said do you know why they closed the lake earlier today de body right is that true uh I saw a TV station report here really wow oh on that yeah I saw over there by the fences right yeah are you fishing you think it’s safe to fish why not or you just fish for fun huh Catch and Release yeah yeah yeah wild this place has such a history of uh this week I was feing here and there was a body here by that table right there yeah what time daytime really really just in broad daylight just laying there huh wow yeah never adult moment at MacArthur Park huh kids are playing in the background the new playground at the that thing and there’s a dead body there jeez man only in La huh that’s wild well hey you have a great day well that confirms that I guess that’s a that’s a pretty Hands-On Source he said oh we got to e Scot you know what that means let’s going to race hey how fast did your scooter go like 23 24 oh okay that’s pretty good how F uh not much faster honestly probably like 40 40 40 top yeah yeah hey be safe okay oh I got a hair under my goggles it’s right in the spot where it’s itching my nostril okay so as you guys catch that he said there was a body just laying there I mean that’s no laughing matter but that is wild man in the middle of the day yeah this is such a nice part of town uh it’s a cool funky part of downtown I guess it’s not technically downtown we’re pretty much almost in K Town there’s plenty of uh of tagging out here which is kind of crazy the whole everything is just hot in La now what is this what is this dude look at this I do not remember this being accessible we got to take a look bro what is going on here whoa gave the uh the wave and uh let’s just take a look damn dude a little bit of just uh everything right here jeez wow I do not remember this being like this but uh it is now I mean this is uh yeah they’re just’re banging [ __ ] around over there that’s crazy damn uh okay I uh yeah I’m kind of speechless off of that that’s smack dab in the middle of the city and uh looks like they just said f it and they’re just taking that little space over I I’ve never seen anything like that not in this part of the city that’s something you definitely catch more of like over in skid but as far as here like that’s a little um that’s a I mean cuz look this is a really nice part of town we’re by Westlake and uh MacArthur Park which the park itself is not that great I mean as we heard there’s a little bit of drama going on there today but other than that it’s um it’s a pretty cool part of town There’s nice Apartments here you know and uh that was a that was a little bit of a yeah surprise surprised to see that going on right there anyways uh looks like you’re doing a movie Shoot right here we got up in here before up on top of here uh to see a um a uh some type of event going on but this looks like a fullon film shoot big time one too they got the big production on this is I think where my Public Storage was too you guys remember my Public Storage Saga you’ve been watching my channel for a long time if you remember that uh yep it’s right here the uh the uh trials and tribulations I had with Public Storage absolute scam might I add biggest scam ever I will never get a storage unit ever again like I’d rather put all my stuff up for sale yard sale that day than spend one day moving stuff in and out of storage like absolutely not never again uh such a pain such a waste of time and money uh looks like someone’s getting towed right here they got the road closed it looks like they probably are getting towed because uh they were parked here and they probably had signs where it said you know you can’t park here what’s up man yo I don’t know what he was pointing at that could be uh it could be literally anything when someone does uh hand signals out here so I kind of just say hey and keep going those uh production designs sets cool big production going on this is clearly for either a big movie or like a big uh film series or something like that what’s the movie T show oh really like a Netflix show or something oh do you know the name of it no I know okay have it good one definitely Big Time TV show not a movie interesting well we’re here at the park you guys know what we got to do a we got a person walking hey man I’m trying to be on my safe era you know a little bit safer a little bit slightly less Reckless nowadays so we’re going to give him the uh benefit of walking by so anyways let me go ahead and continue with my thoughts since we just caught up on all the drama in the city as of right now uh another thing I want to add I have a scanner in my backpack which I will be busting out so uh we’ll be doing some I felt extra not good this bik can see some abuse man we’re I think as a matter of fact on this ride we hit 1,000 Mi let’s take a look yep we hit 1,3 MI today it says kilomet but that’s miles uh so very nice cool bike is totally seeing some use that’s for sure um yeah I have a scanner so we’ll we’ll go live with the scanner a little bit and listen to see if we can find some like live calls going on around here but I got to say I just like this bike more I mean it’s probably because I come from the BMX bike so it’s really nice having something that you can jump and it just like it feels very I don’t know it feels capable for maneuvering around quickly the one thing I there’s a lot of things about the e- rod that I do like but one thing that I don’t is that it does it feels very planted which is a plus and a minus it’s a plus because it you’re always in control of the bike but sometimes you want something that feels a little bit more like slippery like a little bit more you know just add agile and and playful uh that’s kind of why people get lightweight bicycles you know when it comes to the RO stuff it’s obviously there there’s like a speed Factor but like even in mountain bikes uh you tend to see people that don’t want like super heavy bikes like an Enduro you want something around like 30 lb and even less than that is good typically most actual like um you know bike riders that have been riding for a long time will agree a lighter bike the heck is that doing uh is is usually better this park is also just like straight up Zombie Land I don’t know if you taking a look around but it is just it is just bizarre and wild and weird you know that’s just uh what it is look at that dog he’s ready he’s ready for war don’t mind me yep okay well anyways let’s go ahead and get out of the park we’ve done our rounds you know I listen to my I got so I got this scanner right um a big reason to why I got it is because I’m always watching lav shout out to him by the way check him out on YouTube go into your search bar and type in lav he live streams in uh in these streets out here in La after dark I don’t like riding after dark he’s crazy for doing it after dark and uh and and he’s got a SC oh we’re going to not get too close to this cat actually we’re going to go back over here he looks like he might uh while out so to speak um so anyways yeah he has a scanner that he’s he rides around he listens to stuff live and it’s awesome so I got a scanner so I can listen to stuff live cuz one thing about there’s tons of ways to listen to one for free but it you need to like use another source like you need to use your phone or well you know if you’re out you have to use your phone that’s pretty much it so I like having my phone for other things you know to be able to listen to audio or just do whatever and not have scanner plane out of it so I got a standalone one and uh so basically it’s cool cuz you can take it anywhere and listen to whatever’s going on like on the way down here there’s some crazy standoff going on in downtown La what’s going on here he running across the street I don’t know um and I was like h i could just push over there if I wanted to and check that out but I was like yeah you know I don’t really want to so here we are but uh it should be cool to pop on and uh listen to stuff as we cruise around so we’ll see how that ends up working out since we’re out here we’re going to take another left right here but yeah there’s always drama around here like you know it like I know it this from being over here I always know there’s stuff going on and it’s like uh it’s pretty crazy and hectic but it’s one it’s another thing to like hear it live you know as it’s happening and how much of it is going on especially around this tiny little part right here let’s check out our favorite alley that used to talk to us and no longer does but uh this alley is just straight filth in case you haven’t seen it it is LA’s finest filthiest alley homies is just in there getting it hey man get it how you live oh we didn’t even make the left maybe we will will actually don’t know oh excuse me huh uh you know it depends look this up Google you can find it for sale everywhere I’m done telling people any type of price even anything remotely closed I’m just going to say hey look it up look it up check it out you can find it yeah just Google it whatever price you get that’s the price that it is uh a lot of you guys were um confused when I said you can get Sur for 3K now you know that’s actually been very common knowledge for a lot of people a lot of you guys didn’t believe it which I was like huh I didn’t think you guys would actually like straight up say that I was not telling the truth about that you can get it for that price but you have to really be in the know that’s all I’ll say about that I don’t lead people to where to buy them anymore because I don’t want to be responsible someone you know just doesn’t you know I don’t know anything I don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s purchases at this time that may change in the future but if you do your research you’ll be able to figure it out yourself any rats don’t breathe don’t breathe folks don’t breathe everyone hold your breath still up in there oh another benefit of the that’s another benefit of this this thing rides a little bit more like somewhere in between a mountain bike and a trial bike you can’t wheel this thing it’s just not nearly as good as it’s not nearly as good as doing it bone stock as the uh EOD is yeah like I said YouTube is not a fan of of me doing wheelies for whatever reason so we’re not going to be doing those at all anymore so it is what it is uh anyways what else is going on out here in the city I guess we could end up um we could Wander over towards downtown from here I don’t know we kind of have multiple options we can go towards downtown we can go towards excuse me got the leopard fit oh let’s check this alley out this one’s crazy too all the alleys are back to being active out here man I haven’t been out here in a minute I haven’t been out here in maybe an entire month it’s been a month or maybe longer damn what’s going on up here do we even dare yeah it I mean people live here some people have to walk through here to get home which is uh that’s L for you don’t mind me it’s bike it still has the pep to get you away from something if you need it to skirt out hey but uh you know it’s uh it’s just it’s it’s I think it’s kind of better for City riding because the e- ride there’s definitely a lot of times where I like scared the sh out of people by by pulling off on them in sport mode that bike is so fast that it’s like it’s threatening whereas this is kind of like a gradual like room you know so it’s it’s less like uh you’re going to freak somebody out by speeding away they’re kind of going to predict you dude this alley stinks it’s kind of cleaned up from the last time we’ve been down here though so many of these alleys just have like straight up sewage Spilled Out in them and uh yeah it’s just as repulsive as that sounds it’s it’s really gross I tried my best to see it on camera and avoid it but there only so much you could do okay so from here let’s get across the street we have this alley I’m not too fond of this one it’s very narrow and uh oh it’s actually widened up a little bit who is yelling at who I’m going be on with somebody I don’t think it’s it’s me that’s being yelled at but I can’t tell I don’t know one thing we’re not going to do is stick around to find out anything about anything today we keep it moving no matter what device we’re on you know one thing I just I would love to go and make one more BMX video just one you know just for Old Time sake but I just don’t even like I can’t once you get used to speeding around on this thing while filming there’s no going back you know I may pop one up on my second Channel but other than that I’m so locked in on these things man it’s just it’s just it is just more fun it’s just more fun and it’s hard hard to really describe it until you do it until you go on your first all day adventure on one of these um whether it’s a suron or whatever you end up getting you just can’t really understand it until you’re out skirting around all day going in little back Cuts hitting the dirt you know going on uh just everywhere you know just everywhere just it get it is unlimiting like right now I just pop in here boom what’s going on back here let’s check it out you know let’s check it out we just slide through I mean you can do this on anything but you can’t do it in a car you can’t do it on a bike just much slower so it’s really the only thing that exists where you can do this and uh yeah it’s pretty great for that pretty great for that this is the Outdoor Mart they have like a after after hours mall like outdoor mall that goes on down here it’s pretty sick uh so anyways there’s that uh did I wrap up my thoughts on this bike versus the Eide so I mean going forward I’ll probably just be riding both I’ll be both maybe kind of equally I don’t know eventually I end up picking one as a favorite this bike is so clapped out and I’m still really enjoying riding it because it is just it’s it is plenty power for getting around the streets and that little extra lightweightness of it it just makes it feel so much more fun to just like uh you know pop curves and and move with agility I feel like I’m repeating myself so I’m trying to think of another way to word it but that’s really it that’s really it there’s not much more to it than that it’s just fun to uh to scoot around on oh excuse me cool all right so uh we got a couple options we can throw the scanner on listen to some live scanner stuff I think that might be the move so we can hear Sur around yeah that kid knows that’s what’s up uh I think we’re going to pop the scanner in and listen to whatever’s going on around us now keep in mind this scanner does cover quite a bit of ground it covers like all of LA County so that’s like a huge area so a lot of things will hear we may not even be able to like do anything but uh let’s try it out all right so we are on Route to a fire it looks like it could be a structure fire uh we just got the notification from citizen that up here on Union something’s on fire so there’s a couple ways to stay in the know with what’s going on in La one of the best ways is by this app Lait 911 another good way is this app citizens citizens used to suck but now it’s decent because it includes not only reports of people that see stuff which is why I used to suck it was just like kind of like hearsay sort of uh and now it also includes actual police reports as they come out it seems like so a little bit improved we’re going to take a couple of alley shortcuts to get down there as quick as we can what’s the kitty yeah this bike is really the right speed for doing this stuff honestly I don’t think it need like more speed is not necessary for cutting through alleys and stuff like this we’re on the move I do smell smoke it’s up over this hill past this tree so we can’t see anything yet but we are smelling when there’s smoke there’s a fire let’s see if we can kind of maneuver our way through here safely as possible I don’t hear any Sirens either so that means two things one it could just be straight up burning or two uh it’s already out so it could easily be either or still not seeing any smoke from here uh not sure we’re going to keep going in the direction towards it for now and if nothing’s going on well nothing’s going on but always worth it to check out that a dog the dog is just chilling in the street what is going on all right we’re coming up towards I want say Union is this way honestly I think we’re no we’re not past Union there’s smoke but I don’t see smoke from a from a fire but here’s Union we may still be not anywhere near it yet it may still be even further Northbound once we make this left right here on Union I’m not seeing anything so we find out once we get a little further up but as for now probably nothing I could be wrong though I could be wrong the thing is this whole part of town is all Hills so it’s like it’s hard to tell exactly where something is because there’s so many Hills blocking your view h no idea I got nothing I got nothing H saying it’s a little further south still got some efficient firefighters in laake County that’s for sure so it looks like when we cut up Union we took the wrong Union I tell you guys sometimes there’s two unions and I went up the incorrect correct one so we’re going to double back looks like we went past it too was not quite as Northbound as I thought so I mean it’s definitely over with now I don’t see any smoke so we may be able to see some remains some charred remains of anything there’s always drama going on in this part of uh of La though this area around West Lake anywhere from here to downtown it’s just there’s always something going on and then if you get bored you go past downtown go southbound by the 10 freeway even more drama you know there’s always something crazy happening out here something burning cops out there for something helicopter above or something you know another day okay so we should be able to hang this rights and a quick left Union drive this is the one let’s see if we can even see what if anything was on fire there’s all types of cars parked out here but I don’t see anything that looks like it may have just been burning LAPD up ahead said a van was on fire I don’t know you guys see any vans that look burned I don’t uh I got nothing but cars are just Bumper to Bumper out here there’s no parking I definitely smell it there’s definitely the the smell of burnt ashes in the air something charred that real like that fire fire smell not just like something is being barbecued but something was burning but I don’t see anything I don’t know well at least we looked gave us a couple more minutes of riding around at least now we’re going to merge hit this right and go this way you know what it could have been a little further south even than this maybe Let’s cross this street right here and take a look I’m always a little tense riding around right here there’s a lot of people just speeding not looking at the road very tight streets too we got one of those payon you know what to do if you know you know a never ending light what’s going on there’s alarms and and things blowing up war zone all right let’s see if it was right here it ain’t right here then I got nothing was there even a fire I mean was it was there even anything really burning it said firefighters were on scene so maybe it just was so small that they literally put it out instantaneously and and that was that Home Depot Home Depot theme starts playing we could go down those stairs one day that’d be fun take this elevator up and you can ride back down all right we are in a Home Depot parking lot literally Let’s uh let’s let’s get a little bit of agenda going here oh let’s get let’s start by getting out of the Home Depot parking lot so step one I did not know there was an underground parking lot here what’s the point though there’s tons of parking up here weird all righty as well I mean the main goal today was to ride this bike and decide how I like it compared to the Eide Pro which is on paper a better bike in every single way uh and no one should ever look back and ride a suron after trying one right well I got to say me personally I disagree I think I’ll be giving both bikes equal air time uh in the future going forward from here I think I’ll be riding both bikes equally I think I will probably be riding my Eide a little bit more if I had to guess I’d be putting in a little bit more air time on the Eide and uh man they are bumping and I’ll be riding this just kind of like when I feel like it here and there don’t want to get close to any dog ever that’s no uh no exception this one this bike I will say it just is so much more Nimble man it really is I thought that would be in my head at first but it just is this street is cracking right now it’s about to be summertime dude it was hot when I got it it was like 80° so happy for warm temperatures to be back um so they just really have different purposes I think for the fact that you can now get these bikes super cheap if you know where to look it just makes it such a great proposition unless you want to upgrade you know the second you want to upgrade something the main thing people do is is battery and controller some people do the motor those are like the main three things that you would upgrade uh for more power out of the bike and then you go suspension and all that so I guess in that sense Eide does most of that for you if you want to go fast I love this colorway I love those Wheels sit car so yeah if you need to go fast all the time then e rides for you and I can understand why if he live bro just damn straight up taking out oh that is sad I can understand too if you live somewhere that um that uh is really wide open like if you’re not in the city streets like this you don’t really want to be going like you’re probably pinned all the time you might just be riding this thing fully pinned out everywhere you go because if you live somewhere where it’s like just flat and grass and dirt and nothing else then the extra bit of speed won’t hurt you but I think for me for the city riding like this thing is a perfect amount of Pep and go and being able to pick it up like literally pick the bike up too not just like you know in a sense of like that like Wheeling it but actually lifting the bike up physically if you need to put it somewhere like put it in a car take it anywhere uh it’s easier to live with so there is no conclusive answer look at that o i was I seen in in 3D they’re about to crash there is no right answer I don’t think for like um for which bike for who but I will say this this one bone stock is cheaper than the other one by a margin of thousands of dollars after you’re all in uh now well I don’t think I need to save for the 13th time the differences between the two bikes I think you guys all get it by now but this thing bone stock is so capable like it just is it it is it is it is very capable oh that was my Fender scraping my wheel hey man I’m a big boy so that’s uh that’s one of the other few downfalls this bike does start to feel a little bit smaller once you get used to that slightly taller presence that Eide Pro gives you but all things considered you know I’ll probably go back and forth that’s me personally what do you guys think leave in the comments below which is the better bike I think this is an argument that’s going to go to the End of Time honestly there’s going to be Fanboys on both sides there’s going to be people who’s already spent money on one or the other therefore their bike is better you know how that works works I have both so I try to give you guys as um as honest of a critique as possible and of course I have nothing to do with either of these companies I just buy the bikes I spend my own hard-earned money full price and buy them and ride them and uh I tell you guys what I think about them so that guy just got a Tesla toad that sucks and she was staring at me hard don’t mind me I’m going to just go ahead and keep scooting around uh yeah anyways that’s going to do it for today’s quick uh out and about we had some fun checked out some cool places and saw that one uh thing that was weird that pan that was like converted that was wild anyways if you want a chance of winning uh this bike that I’m riding and 1,000 Bucks official rules are on the website of course top Link in the description you guys know what to do either way as always thanks for watching I will catch you in the next video very soon peace out


  1. The people who are against the removal of homeless encampments are equally as parasitic as the homeless people they protect.

  2. the reason why we all love surrons over motorcycles is because its so nimble you can just explore everywhere. Motorcycle, too loud, too heavy, too much noise, ect

  3. I'm not affiliated – just saw Pinion came out with a mid drive + gearbox in one unit; there are several bikes it's going into running from 7k USD on up.
    It's the Pinion MGU E1.12 and if you find bikes using it, the only indicator that there is power is the fat downtube – the rest is a near zero maintenance unit that comes with the belt drive upgrade already on it. Quiet, discreet, 100% waterproof (it's oil filled, water can't get in), just hose it off after use and change the oil in the gearbox every 7500 miles; belt drives can last over 50k miles of use unless you break the belt somehow and performance is fairly unaffected by sand, dirt, mud, or silt.

    The current ultimate Urban Assault E-Bikes are equipped with this technology. Don't sleep on it; get equipped.

  4. Great stuff John.

    So crazy, you were literally right near my house only a few blocks over from McAuther Park off Hoover.

    If you ever see the dude rolling out on the flashy black and orange Eahora that looks like a motorcycle, that's me. It's definitely the eye of the community and the talk of the town when people see it and the cool thing about it is, I got plenty of cargo space and a nice speaker so I can play jams all day with a power bank so the music can go on all day and night.

    We gotta go riding sometime or you need to meet up with us at Venice Beach at sunset one of these Sundays and ride with us. We have about 50-80 people riding with us every week. Meetup at Windward right past the Venice sign in the circle right before the sun goes down and when you see all the bikes with the neon lights and the booming sounds, yes you will know its us.

    At any rate, always glad to see you riding John and yes, once you start riding all day, you are absolutely hooked, and yes, this is so true. 🤣😂

  5. ** relating to ebikes and speed; I suspect that Surron in sports mode would probably be uncap'd but for bafang mid drives, to go over 32km/s you have to use pedal assist(also has to be uncapped in settings); when you use pedal assist you get a bump of extra speed(caps at 20miles~ without and 31~ with pedals; literally ghost pedaling but still pedaling) ** the cap prior to pedal assist I believe is relating to conforming to the most common speed laws for ebikes between various countries….. here it's max 32km/h(20miles/hr; Manitoba Canada), UK seems to be 15miles, Cali seems to be 20 too

  6. The way LA looks like someone decided to just squash a first world city and a third world slum together is just weird.

  7. Bro…. The only people who wins these types of contests are people that spends $100s to increase their odds to win and for sure when you encourage people to buy more to win. Anyone that can afford to spend that kind of money can just buy them this bike without issue. I mean w/e makes you money i guess.

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