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Canucks cause chaos, win Game 3 but face supplemental discipline – Sekeres & Price LIVE

Are you not entertained? The Canucks and Oilers gave us another juicy game filled with tons of storylines, as the Canucks, led by Arturs Silovs, Brock Boeser & Elias Lindholm took a 2-1 series lead by downing the Oilers 4-3 in their Game 3 victory. From the fireworks at the end, to Stuart Skinner getting yanked, the Canucks power play coming matching the Oilers’ output, we cover it all with Jeff Paterson from Rink Wide & CanucksArmy. Then, it’s the most anticipated interview in a long time. The only and only Tony Gallagher joins us to respond to Mark Spector’s comments about Tony being the “Dear Leader of the Tinfoil Hats Brigade” of Canucks fans thinking the NHL is conspiring against them.

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[Music] w secaris some price for Monday May 13th 2024 we’re coming to you from the nation Network studio built by Arbor Lee here at the iconic wall Center downtown Vancouver and if you have any reason to be in downtown Vancouver a game an event what have you make it a station call the wall 604 331 1000 ask for the secaron price rate some blackout dates apply Matt Securus alongside Blake price gry sass it and switches conducting things fixing cameras as a matter of fact the fly along with it along with Sean chesman and you’ll have to forgive Grady that we’re a little bit late on the live stream he’s had plenty going on you know there was a video with Undertaker and Paul Bearer that absolutely had to be made of editing so they’re conducting things and this show is the presentation of Applewood Auto Group this show not that video we should separate Church State here that was from his personal account and we cannot be responsible this show is though apple and Nissan at the Richmond autool has so many fabulous vehicles and a great staff to help you uh pick the right one take one for a test drive like the 2024 Nissan Leaf Pioneer in the electric field 83 bucks weekly with a rebate of 5,000 plus 4 equals a $9,000 rebate uh and that’s all with just $39.99 down check it out Applewood Nissan at the Richmond Auto Mall it’s all good at our poll question today should Conor McDavid be suspended for his two-hander on Carson Susi you can vote Yes Should Conor McDavid does Conor McDavid deserve supplemental discipline for his two in slash on Carson Susi yes fine yes suspension no you can vote at serson price on Twitter and YouTube brought up because the two con involved in that fracus they were hauled before the court one’s already been fine the door off sus suspension will be decided this afternoon um but nothing for Conor McDavid after his slash on Susi no the instigator in all this right he doesn’t do that none of the rest of the stuff happens if you don’t take a two hander to a player post horn and of course as we know they don’t like post horn stuff right and I’m not suggesting thatc Conor mcdavid’s supplemental discipline should be equal to sus no nor am I not at all I think it would be akin to what zidor I’ve got so my position on this if Susi gets suspended then mcdavis should be suspended if Susi gets fine then McDavid should be fined perhaps fewer games perhap perhaps a lesser amount once to the head once to the if zidor off just got a fine I’m fine with a fine fine with a fine but the reason I uh yeah and look uh he instigated it that game goes quietly into the night and and Susi does push him a little bit right at the horn but I mean pushes happen all the time in hockey no but if the two-hander doesn’t come out that game goes quietly into the night and on the YouTube side you’ll see the video here and this is cesia sports Cent and and one thing doesn’t get talked about Heyman is the last guy in and he’s crosschecking zadorov watch you right at the end one two three right there and stick into the face no mention of well the other thing is is I believe Susi is intending to cross check him in the chest and it just so happens he gets pushed at the final Moment by Nikita zadorov head goes forward the stick winds up making contact with Conor mcdavid’s face but I you know I don’t believe the intent was to hit him in the head and some of this amounts to around and find out Conor McDavid you gonna want to go take a two-hander to a guy that’s size okay yeah there are repercussions for being the instigator and I I don’t think Jeff Merck and courtesy of sports Again by the way that video again um I don’t think Jeff Merck was was trying to poke the Canucks here but he made some reference to um remembering a day when the captain of the Oilers getting cross checked like that would have incited like you know something huge but the captain of the Oilers back then 99 would not have two-handed no Scott Stevens no like he wouldn’t have done that so course he had cenco yes who’s still l niist in Edmonton so it was a you know pretty brave move by McDavid who’s getting away with murder in this series literally sliced up the face of the conu captain with not even a penalty cult so it’s tough to feel a ton of empathy uh here not again Susi get suspended and and and I think justifiably so you have to be in control of your temper of your stick all of that but there is an element of consequences uh and with fire here yeah and it doesn’t mean you should get cross checked but you you’ve got can of gases and matches around the the likelihood of of of something happening is probably gonna happen and the whining from Edmonton media hit a cres this morning and I’ve always liked Terry Jones we’ve always gotten along personally I’ve quite enjoyed raing this column over the years he is very much he he is amongst the best that I have ever read in terms of knowing his audience and writing to it but this tweet this morning decided to wait until morning to see if I felt the same way I do IRAs Carson sus is from Irma Alberta should be suspended for the rest of the playoffs for the postgame cross check to the face of Conor McDavid defining decision for Department of player safety involves greatest player in the game Conor McDavid stake is the greatest player in the game right now and there’s no doubt about that may not win the MVP this year but year to year is the best player in the game should have absolutely no be on the length of this suspension uh nor do I think it’s anywhere close to a defining moment for the Department of player safety frankly I think it’s small potatoes compared to what they usually deal with there there’s no precedent for something even close to that sort of uh punishment particularly for a play that doesn’t result in any consequential injury like is Con David sore this morning is jaw s probably next or probably uh he’s going to play in game four I I’ll bet dollars to Donuts on that um you know saw it reference to you know Mason Raymond who was it bochek didn’t get penalized and I’m not litigating Old Wounds here but my point is Mason Raymond’s life changed when Johnny boyek checked him he still flies in from Calgary to Vancouver to get treatment across the street from our studios here regularly that was an unpenalized play Conor M is playing in 30 hours you know like you don’t you don’t get suspended for the duration of a playoff run for an infraction in which there’s no injury yeah doesn’t happen yeah all right moving right along to our top story brought to you by Mr Lube conu cause chaos Come Away with a victory in game three lead this best of seven series two games to one with game four going Tuesday in the Alberta cap capital it was chalk full of many things physicality Power Play Goals incidents goal tending matters I mean this is a full pulse Stanley Cup playoff series and we’re only three games in BL it it has the heat of of a cup some juice this is this is I mean Matt this is not too dissimilar from the storylines in vit of the Stanley Cup Final of 2011 they they are it’s honestly the feeling now that you mention it the feeling is washing over me I’m remembering 2011 and what it was like to cover that series it’s spicy it’s poignant I remember having this Epiphany one day um and you know me and Kessler back then did not get along very well um but but D now you’re like BOS and buddies it’s D Damen Cox was taking a run at at Ryan Kessler right and I I couldn’t believe I was like I know that but you don’t get to say that there were sort of he may be an but he’s our well it was just you know because out of toown media come the stand the Cup Final gets just just the just the peripheral skiff of of what that team’s about and they make these Grand proclamations about the team and like we’ve been watching this team for a hundred games this season and now you’re gonna tell me after watching four of them that you that they’re this that they are X they are Y no no so uh you know those that’s sort of you don’t know this team like we know this team um is coming up a little bit from fans in media um the players are clearly into it uh everything’s happened you don’t know this franchise we know this franchise yeah and thus somehow put together the words institutional surrender that’s right tell them about Mr Loop needed tire change or Tire Service Mr Loop provides no appointment Tire Sales and Service drop by any time for rotation repair balancing uh servicing all makes and models including electric vehicles 16 locations go to Mr do you want to do institutional surrender here or do you want to do the game um let’s do the game first the most consequential right so let’s hear from Elias linol of the Vancouver Canucks and one of the things that an emerging storyline if it’s not yet emerged in this series is that the Vancouver Canucks this season went out and made a couple of significant consequential trade editions Nikita zadorov early in the season and elas linol just past the New Year both of them of course from the Calgary Flames both of them on the losing end of the battle of Alberta a couple of years ago the Edmonton Oilers waited to make their deadline additions closer to the early March trade deadline Adam Henry continues to be injured and is not being uh has not appeared in this series no he played one game did he not he played game two didn’t he believe he did I think he came back out okay put me on use a nose if I’m wrong on that uh and um Sam Carrick and Troy stetcher Richmond’s Roy from Richmond of course um are not being used via coach’s decision Y and how about that first shift from Elias Lindholm and Dakota Joshua they hit everything that moved andash yeah exactly I mean who would have thought El LOL bash brother who would have thought um that it would be those two guys leading the well lindol in particular leading the physicality and setting the tone for game three here’s the conu centerman yeah I thought our first shift was was a good um good first shift obviously had had a shot on that and and you know couple hits and and kind of set the tone so it’s um yeah it was it was fun and yes enri did play uh in the overtime Victory on Friday but clearly not good to go now no yeah no um K fans were asking for this after game two um particular with Leon bdal and his lower back injury didn’t feel that the Canucks were physical enough in the game specifically didn’t feel they were physical enough with Leon dry cidal while they were indiscriminate in terms of who they hit in game three and look uh 50 to 30 they hit that’s it to 50 that is a very big number 50 and If This Were a video game I would say zadorov putting Kane on the floor of his own bench and stuffing him in that should be worth an extra 10 because Vander Kane not a small man no picked up and ragal and I’ll go to my grave thinking that Evander Kane intentionally swung his skate at sidorov’s head while doing so by the way uh well Sor takes a punch from Warren Fogle on the bench yeah yeah so mean supplemental discipline coming there no no nothing to see there check to see uh the other storyline that is emerging or has emerged is that Brock besser has got his mojo back as we know about the Canuck Winger he can get very hot four goals against the Oilers in this season opener this year he can go through stretches where he’s kind of quiet well right now he’s on a heater he seems to be feeling it getting to the right spots reading the play well and then when he gets the puck on his stick not making many mistakes here’s besser on the confidence he’s got right now as a shooter yeah I feel pretty confident um but uh I think it just comes with uh trying to play the right way and really just focusing on the little details and our structure and um you know I’m just trying to do anything I can to help our team win and um it’s always nice when the goals go in and I got to say Blake that if you had told me prior to this season well obviously a lot of things changed for br Meer this season he he he reverted back into the you know top six first line goal scorer that we thought him to be earlier in his Vancouver Canucks career before he went through some struggles but you know despite the fact he’s a pretty heavy player he’s pretty good hockey IQ there on besser I mean his pace is clearly not a strength and if you had told me before the season the Canucks are going to be in a playoff series against the Oilers where their preferred matchup line is JT Miller Bron Messer and suor I would have said yikes that that is probably not good for the uh kxs they’ve done a marvelous job McDavid held without a shot on goal for the first time in his postseason career in game one and Blake he does not have a shot um he he’s held off the score sheet no points yeah no points in game three I mean this after running rough shot over Vancouver in game two with a four-point evening but one game with no shots one game with no points you absolutely absolutely will take that if you’re Rick tett and the coaching staff what I love about bester in particular is uh in the wake of his skating you know and and he’s not actually getting slower but the League’s getting faster so it appears like he’s getting slower to some degree almost every year um to compensate for that you need to be a shoy scores scorer and and not exclusively like you wanted to do the the stuff in front and and tips and all that sort of stuff as well jam it in like he did to to win the game versus the PRS but he in addition to all that his bread and butter needs to be shoots and scores scoring and I began to wonder if he was capable of shoots and score scoring again um via injury I via injury I guess was I mean remember when he arrived we saw that shot we went oh my God the Canucks have got a goal scorer here and years went by and and I thought that that degraded diminished a little bit man two of those goals that well he only got two in the end but the those two that he gets credited with staring down and I know it’s only steuart Skinner we’re gonna get to poor Stewart here but um but he just flat out beats the go Hender both times and that is a nice player to have in your quiver nice attacking element of uh he’s going to stare you down he’s going to beat you one V one yeah he did that so many of his goals this year were in front of the net getting those greasy areas those tips that allowed him to become the 40 goal guy that some people thought he could become when he was drafted right so he really rounded out his goal scoring but but see and I would argue it was all there when he was a rookie when he was a rookie and remember how much we focused on him Blake because of course he was the first one to come there was no P there were no hug there was not a lot it Mordor and there was a beam of light coming absolutely and its name was Brock besser yes you know even had the White Knight Look to Him still does well having Henrik sadine put it right onto your tape on the power play didn’t hurt anything no but he what what we found out about Brock was he had a really good shot and release and accuracy and got to those areas where you scored those mid dist schools but also was really Nifty around the goal mouth as well so yeah I I mean this is the best that we all hoped he would turn into because he had the great promise and of course there’s a heck of a lot of sympathy for Brock and the besser family after what their patriarch Duke fought and of course lost him and you know best her own Mother’s Day I wish he had G the hatti I mean what a story there but nevertheless a two goal a two goal um perform two goals for LOL as well and the Canucks will take it uh the other thing that we should mention who McDavid being held pointless is Rick tett acknowledged in the post game that they went about doing things a little bit differently than when McDavid and dry Sidle ran rough shot over the gcks Friday in game two here’s coach toet on the adjustments that were made defending McDavid I thought the coaches did a great job uh yesterday today putting some great video today you know uh our staff did a hell of a job a couple of tweaks in and there and I think it helped us tonight so I got to give my assistant coaches a shout out they were they were great they did a hell of a job last couple days yeah they I mean good adjustments Mikey o and Adam foot are good coaches I I think that’s one of the things we’ve learned this year alongside that tet has had a great year and could very well be a head coach this is this is part of the the beauty that we talked about K fans missing out on with the lack of playoffs is adjustments game to game in the playoffs and even after a and and tet’s been loathed to to change this lineup but he makes a change hoglander out Carlson in and Carlson getting put on the on P’s line matter um but you’re constantly tweaking even in the wake of a win because you know the other coach is tweaking too and so you have to try to keep up with the Jones just stay ahead of the game what are they going to do how do we counter what they’re planning on doing it’s uh it’s fascinating and the coaching staff’s been hitting all the right buttons and just let me before anyone uh says hey what about it’s not limited to foot yo it’s of course Ian Clark the conu director of go ending and my God he’s his weight in gold when you look at what’s going on with archers she loves and the goal tending situation Sergey gonar and then the video guys Dylan Crawford and Greg hoods so congratulations andap to all the Canucks coaches they had a marvelous year taking a team that was desperately out of the playoffs last year to the Pacific Division title now you’re in round two and you’re leading one of the Stan cup choices right preseason and pre-play offs two games to one with a to go up three games to one on Tuesday night at Rogers Place okay institutional surrender and you know I’ll it was an amusing call I uh I do wonder if there was discussion about the officiating in the Rogers Place Press Box last night well that’s the thing fate just came back and bit not only Mark Spectre but all anybody who read that and said hell yeah just bit all of the them in the ass here because everything that they criticize the Vancouver fans players and media for is happening now to them and that’s why you should just stick to the facts and you know what if there’s bad officiating you can say it’s just bad officiating one way and the other it’s not whining if it’s true and now you’re realizing and the collective you in Edmonton fans and media realize it can be true for you too because it was a consequential Ticky attack penalty on uh who was it nurse yes that IM immediately turns into a power play goal for the Vancouver how’d that feel bad call not too good not too good poor officiating yeah it happened to you I’m still not clear on the rule but if the go tender is also allowed to be assessed to holding the stick penalty then she loves deserved one against derck Ryan in that gold M if if the puck being in the crease negates that penalty then so be it I’m still unclear I don’t see how that yeah there there were calls that went against the emont Oilers in game three much like there were calls that went against the Vancouver Canucks in game two um all we’re asking for is transparency and accountability which is why Boston Bruin general manager da Sweeney going out of his way to now say put them in front of the mics put right put at least the supervisor if not the officials in front of the mics to answer as to why X Y and Z transparency explanation honest discussion these shouldn’t be things you’re afraid of when you’re running a league this commissioner is afraid of those things and I’ve always had a ton of respect for Don Sweeney I think he’s an incredible manager he’s been NHL executive the year and rightfully so and here he is leading the way over in that Boston in that Bruin Panther series which has gotten spicy as well because that that we are years past yeah comparatively speaking with other sports rugby that takes you right into the discussion as it is microphone on the NBA the last two minute report that they’re now publishing to let fans media and yes gamblers know here’s what we got right here’s what we got wrong you know acknowledgement of mistakes is not a sign of weakness sign of strength and it is way past time that the National Hockey League and its officials got to a place where they had to explain themselves and be a little more accountable coaches are accountable 20 of them have been gone since the end of last year fired removed players are accountable they lose their ice time some cases they don’t get another contract hell even people on this side of the microphone are accountable you say something stupid do some guess what you lose audience it’s High freaking time that officials are accountable to the greater public and not just his little codre of Coley Gary bill at the NHL head office before we even knew Kelly Sutherland was doing game two in Vancouver we had caught when that Oilers nation was a little upset and I mean that literally and figuratively Oilers Nation um was upset that Steve kazari would got the game one assignment because Steve Kazar there Kelly suland and we said you know what if that that’s not good and then it happens to the fan base the very next game so like the NHL can’t get out of its own way here this is this is management 101 here oh that looks bad we probably shouldn’t do it there’s only what 50 other referees we could assign to these games and it is uh very unfortunate and probably says something about the way you’ve managed communicating the officials and their decisionmaking and the calls that are made to your customers to your fan base that you have this phenomenon where Kelly Sutherland is a four-letter word in BC where Steve kazer is a four-letter word in Northern Alberta a and here’s the thing so they should never work kns and Oilers games respectively again certainly not in the Stanley Cup Playoffs certainly playoff because the stubbornness of the head office is not a good enough reason to assign them to these games their personal feelings are not a good enough Reon reason to assign them to these you have a lot of stakeholders here I honestly think you have to look yourself in the mirror and say okay he’s lost his Vancouver privileges he’s lost his Edmonton privileges through their own failings they are ultimately responsible for what’s happened here and to me it now has become a reason they get the assignment well because if we don’t give them those assignments people will draw the line and they’ll say that that that we’re admitting to that except Blake there was a shining example and I’ll give them credit for it despite the fact they didn’t want to publicize it much they didn’t publicize it but Stefan OE did not work NHL games after the incident with Alex burough here and the Nashville no he worked NHL games not Kut games no at the end of the year he was done done at the end of the year they got rid of they parted ways yeah why well because if you go tell a player I’m going to enact a grudge on you in this game and get you for a penalty that’s not what we need officials to rise above that talked about it on Friday show exceedingly difficult job y one that is going to by its very nature get you criticized you need the right sort of human being of individual who’s able to take on all of that keep the impartiality and do the job effectively without the carry over to be fair to kazari and southernland too now the baggage is so notable and so public and so big it can’t help but have a subconscious effect on how you referee that game going forward they are but human it can’t help but affect oh well I’m G to get painted as blah blah blah if I don’t call that again like I know that but they’re expecting that so now I’m gonna I’m gonna double change this up and I am gonna call this like it’ll mess with a guy’s head just take out of the equation yeah there’s so many ways around it I will never forget the conversation I had with Coleen Campbell around the time of buros and OE and before I interviewed him he interviewed me because I was working for the Globe and Mail at the time so he didn’t know where I was yeah so he asked me oh where do you write out of and I said Vancouver anyone ah well Vancouver I said sorry and he goes well you’re in Vancouver so I can understand why you’re calling me about all this now and I said well colon yeah I live here in Vancouver and had for several years but but you know my family’s from Montreal I grew up in Calgary and Ottawa and I most recently worked in Toronto then he didn’t know what to make of me like because then he’s like oh well what who are you you know are you a fan where’s your bias yeah where’s your bias who are you a fan of yeah and I tried to explain to him no I just think your official said something to Alex burough at the game the other night and told him he was gonna call a on him because of what happened in a previous game and you know colen said what he had to say about that and again they ultimately got to the right decision but the very first instinct he had was what’s this guy’s Regional bias and if that’s a thing in the National Hockey League with its officials and we’ll talk to Tony Gallagher about this later then you should make sure that they don’t officiate games involving clubs from where they grew up because the line that we’ve gotten from a lot of people here in the low M oh I knew Kelly or we knew Kelly and you know he was extra tough on the Canucks because didn’t want his peers his supervisors certainly not Gary and Bill to believe that he was easy on his hometown team so that’s a problem in and of itself that’s as bad as bias towards the hometown team anyways we’ll see where the officiating goes in this series from here needless to say you’ve got a powder keg two stay in Edmonton with a lot of folks there feeling hard done by and we have yet to hear the Carson Susi suspension that may bring more grievance to the table but with regards to spectre’s column about institutional surrender now I I he makes the point he’s been coming here for 35 years well then do a better job to figure out what it’s about ask somebody I always viewed it as a moment of defiance that the fans picked up on it was Vancouver’s really the the Canuck’s first time on the big stage right that 82 run they had accomplished much in the 12 years previous and it was this Market saying no we will be heard from um I like what Daniel Wagner passed it to buou said the white has never been a symbol of surrender in Vancouver and conu fans know it it’s always been a middle finger to the hockey establishment and a rallying cry the underduck and it’s okay if those outside Vancouver don’t understand that and the reason they don’t then is because the specific can experience particularly if you go back to 1970 involves a draft wheel where for a moment you’re getting a Jil be perau only to find out oh no you didn’t win the draft wheel you’re getting Dale Talon the specific KCK experience is you draft pav buray and teams go rushing to central registry saying no he’s not eligible the Ks are not allowed to have him the specific conu experience as Kelly southerland’s Performance in the 2011 Stanley Cup Final in the 2013 game four against San Jose the specific conu experience is Aaron Rome getting as long a suspension as anybody has ever gotten in a Stanley Cup Final for a hit that was five frames late the specific conects experience is being one of a couple of teams to receive a capture cap recap family and the largest byy a mile on the Roberto Longo contract and the only one that it hasn’t been reneged upon right they actually walked back the Koval Jer one right so you know you’ve had all these things happen to you at a league level that aren’t forgotten that have some belie that the National Hockey League doesn’t deal with this franchise fairly Now Blake you and I I think have seen eye to eye on this over the years I do not for a second believe the National Hockey League sent in Kelly Southerland to make bad HS against the to even the series against Edmonton because they want to I’m s way way way too far there is no evidence of that no just negligence no what I do know is that Kelly Southerland has a history with the Vancouver KS and what I think is that I’m not sure either side is over that a and thus to rise above and make sure that no one can claim any kind of impropriety then it would be best for the National Hockey League to not assign Kelly Sutherland to Vancouver connects games no most of if it was self-aware it would be doing that already most of this is not as Spectre points out in the column tinfoil hat wearing no this is not about that this is about negligence for the most part just doing a bad job right a doing a bad job managing B doing a bad job officiating on a lot of fronts right like how McDavid gets away with slicing Quinn hughes’s cheek open with not a single penalty called who knows right and that’s one where linesmen can go in and say no I saw the high stick to the face and that a penalty and of course if it’s blood that’s a four-minute penalty and you know they end up equalizing the zidor penalty last night with the the Vander Kane hit but in the playoffs really like how many times do we see that play it never results in a penalty like it’s just yeah the uh inconsistencies and gross negligence gets to be too much for for conu fan um that is Discerning hockey right that 50 four years without a cup and no first round pick or first overall pick that’ll and Blake and I are not going to take the craziest conspiracy theories to the four and represent them but we are going to ask questions and represent positions that conu fans come up with that we agree with that we think are defend defendable and when when a GM of a team not named The Vancouver cans in this case the Boston Bruins who were once the apple of the ey when that GM can they just be accountable a little bit like are you asking my coach about it when you could ask them and that’s what we’ve been saying for years exactly make the officials available post game and then you get it from the horse’s mouth yeah and then we get better information in which to evaluate them of course if you would have to believe in the exchange of information ideas and the things that the NHL just can’t bring itself to communication you know instead what the NHL does is it leaks to its preferred reporters the guys they know will protect the industry and leaves everybody else on the sidelines where we have to take that word and and Matt you could you could argue that not calling penalties of course is the more dangerous action too right um like McDavid not getting called for that for that double minor or major however they could have sliced it does that play into well I guess we can do whatever we want out here like does Carson Susi react that way because he’s like this is the guy that sliced my captain last game you know is that is that parked in the back of Carson Seuss’s brain same with with Nikita zador off and we have the zador off clip here up on YouTube courtesy of sportset of course you know so look um God as we said Friday the F the six games of the Nashville Predator Series in game one against Edmonton I had almost zero problem with the officiating we didn’t bring it up on call here call there that could have been different yeah sure enough but I didn’t for a second think that officiating was a storyline against the Predators or in game one it has clearly become a a storyline here in game two and game three and that’s unfortunate and I think we’d all probably like if we can just go back to talking about Good hockey in game four without you know without the uh Chicken Little sky falling business with the officiate there’s an extra there’s an extra impetus an extra care that needs to be taken to officiating in this series of all series because both power plays are working yep so really working if you call a power play you change the game right now in this series well and and the other reason is people in Edmonton and across briish Columbia know the game like with all due respect I’m not I don’t believe there’s a lot of people in South Florida who can give you the definition of a lot of NHL penalties you referee in Canada people understand the game many have played it yeah many have officiated it so you’ve got to reach an even higher standard when you’re calling an all Canadian series because means more here and people are more knowledgeable about the sport in its role book okay let’s move on we talked about one of the recipes for success for the Vancouver connects prior of the series being the Edmonton goal tending and once again steuart Skinner is shook didn’t look great at the end of game two or two periods uh after the second period in game two they wound up winning the game in the third period and an overtime comes out for game three and well he gets outplayed outplayed by the conu third Stringer archers she loves the rookie from laia who makes 42 saves on the evening um actually before we discuss more on Skinner let’s hear from coach toet on she loves you know it’s a big stage and he’s not blanking you know he’s doing a you know he’s coming every day and uh he’s working hard you know he’s he’s working with clarky a lot on off days um low maintenance guy I don’t really see him around too much to be honest with like he’s a just a low maintenance guys um and obviously the the the he’s got some you know whether it’s a small sample size well some pressure games you know we talk about the world championships and all that stuff but he’s he’s played some you know this is good for him like these pressure these are pressure games and and it’s clear now he’s he’s reaching back into the experience of the World Championships when it was vast ly on him to keep laia a flat he’s taking off he’s not the optional skate it’s to Smith and too the two goalies um and it’s a day off well earned for Archer Sheila he uh it’s funny because games one and games three he’s looked a little more scrambly uh not quite tracking the puck as much maybe a few more rebounds and yet those are the games he’s won and he never dies on a play though two he looked calm yeah where he’s without the stick and scrambling to get back into his net yeah the glove on Perry like than the pouncing cath look yeah no something else hey we had uh we had a friend of ours an old hockey guy uh bring up what I think is a very apropo comparison uh older hockey fans might remember a Montreal Canadians skender Steve Penny this is pre Patrick w minor league guy young guy didn’t have a lot of experience and then came in and played lights out hockey for the Habs in the postseason I believe that was the 84 postseason where he became the talk of hockey at Spring like who is this Steve Penny guy and what the hell is he doing to Boston or whomever the opponent was uh Arty shiloff has a lot of that going on right now okay on to SC first of all I was really surprised that KN block hooked him couldn’t believe after two periods couldn’t believe it you’re down to look he had he hadn’t looked great I’ll give him that but you’re G you’re down two goals and your backup Calvin Pickard is like pure backup hasn’t played while actually threatened the goal any in the third period that might have been it might have uh little yeah anxious in the final seconds but the oers can score twice during a sneezing fit like like that’s nothing they’re in the game so to do because I think that further unsettled him especially when he talks about today how the emotions got the best of him and he felt like he let the team down and that’s why he didn’t want to do postgame media so like I thought you had a fragile goal tender to begin with and I think you as a head coach did more to unsettle going forward put him back in there for the Third I don’t even think it’s a confidence boost because I think the decision was so out of left field that it would be a lot more benign than that but now I think you’ve contributed to the rattling of confidence you know and I think the rattling of confidence extends beyond the crease because of course they can’t score on gloves they can’t they can’t get a save so I think this is unsettling now for a core group of scorers that are getting more and more tired playing 30 minutes a game for dry settle and McDavid and you know let’s hear from dry settle last night courtesy of sportset this is him talking about she loves and when he was asked whether or not it was bad luck for the shooter or good goal tending goal post you generate the chances how much of that is bearing down or how much that is just good goal or luck well post is not good goal tending um post is not good goal tending uh oh sounds like Leon being pissy again maybe Jim mat should go in there the Hall of ask him why so pissy why are you so pissy Leon um every goenda an Infamous quote on that yeah gave them was the posts well and and if dry settles from the Patrick W school have never given inch to the opposing guy yeah so be it Patrick Patrick it was always a lucky shot against but it’s to the point that even statistically speaking hitting the post is not called a shot on goal yeah strictly speaking it’s not it’s not a shot on goal can’t SC you can only score on shots on goal Leon and that is not one of them so meanwhile Stuart Skinner has l in how many goals against the cans now is it 13 and most goals allowed versus lowquality shots the Stanley Cup Playoffs so first round two 13 this is a guy who has a career 881 save percentage which is the lowest out of any goendale of the daily face off did a piece on this today of 69 goalie since 2005 with at least 15 playoff appearances Stuart Skinner ranks dead last and save percentage at 881 that’s in 20 games Skinner and as Frank notes he’s getting the wheels beaten off him by she loves um who I I can assure you not a lot of people in Edmonton had heard of before this postseason hell we had barely heard of well and Oiler fans and and leaf fans they must look at stories like this and go we search purposely purposefully for 10 years for a starting goenda forced into a third third Stringer and they get this and Blake it’s another example of it’s not the credential goalie it’s the hot goalie in the Stanley Cup Playoffs that matters and look I do not blame Ken Holland or the Oilers in the least for believing in Skinner he had a very good year when they made the coaching change and settled down the defensive structure of the club Skinner was terrific from that point the goalie fraternity was fully endorsing absolutely I was talking to Kevin Woodley of in media about my um NHL Allstar votes and what three goalies should be on that list knowing huk and Demco would probably be but who was the third guy and we he we brought up a bunch of goal tenders and we talked and Skinner was one of them very good goals above expected in the second half of the Season he found his way where you can fault Ken Holland though about goal tending is signing Jack Campbell to that contract fair enough the he is supposed to be the oneir tending the goal crease right now what I mean is like as season went along nobody was saying oh the Oilers have to go out and get a goaler oh well he had won he had won the trust I would push back on that I don’t think Calvin Pickard was okay so get a backup go right but and there was nobody seeing going out and get one but there was still the caveat of hey Skinner’s played great but he’s unproven in the playoffs what’s he gonna give and they’re getting that answer and it’s not a good one so far yep kind of reminds me Blake when I was back in Ottawa 20 years ago great teams Patrick leim and goal right during the regular season and then come playoff time now all this we I think it it needs to be said Matt K have not won this series and they’re a long way from and they have played in a manner that is concerning at times oh absolutely the lack of shots the lack of shot attempts in two of these three games like they Kitty bar in the door they parked the bus better than the ERS tried to park the bus in game number one so credit to them but that can’t be the game plan it’s not on the Whiteboard score a couple of early goals and you guys Park yourself around your goal tender for 41 minutes penalty kills got to get better certainly when dry CLE plays on mcdavid’s Wing that is still a huge concern for the Canucks and I mean we’re still not they’re still not where they want to be with um secondary scoring right no the I mean I mean it’s two Power Play Goals and two goals from the besser Miller line last night and that means you got a lot of passengers I mean again and they were physical on the first shift so I’ll ask that great third line placed a terrific game one and then Fades into the you know does the wall follower routine to some degree in game two or game three we saw that in the first round it’s happened again not a lot of people are betting that he changes the Personnel but would you Shuffle the deair would you load up a second line I mean Alias and Elias is lind’s not doing a ton five on five with those two guys no I wonder if P Garland frankly I’m like the regular season where I felt it was more lyol as opposed to Garland and Joshua now I think it is lynol doing his part and it’s the other it’s the two Wingers there look what I would be worried about if you if they did load up because Parton me wants them to do it AAS Elias in Garland as a second line is you just the Oilers to some degree like you got half the game where nothing’s happening so coming out of Friday I I felt like the Canucks had to give a serious look at Lotto line and I know conventionally speaking if the Oilers are going to load up a line and they’re not only just loading up a line like J fresh and apologies but this is prior to game three so these are not updated numbers Oilers are aggressively deploying McDavid with buard instead of nurse and CC he spent 80% of his five on five time with Bard compared to just 11 with nurse in the regular season was 67% with buard and 23% with nurse so they’re not only giving you that shown you that line with dry Sidle on the wing with McDavid but they’re also playing it with their best offensive defenseman of course who has the big blast from the point in B and he’s got a goal and incidentally the one thing the Canucks need to do in game four is they’ve got to find an answer to this Matias EOL guy who has scored in all three games from the Oilers blue line but conventionally speaking you would say okay if they’re goingon to load up a line like that or load up a five like that then spread your wealth take advantage of your matchups star power on Star right but I’ve got two problems with that number one the pon line is doing SFA and really the third line isn’t doing much either so you’re not winning the matchups you’re supposed to win and then secondly particularly when you look at the Zone time and some of the uh analytics of the dry Sidle McDavid line in game two you’ve got to force them to play in their Zone a little bit and I think La line would do that to some degree or to better measure than what the Miller line was able to do in game two mark on Twitter why would you want line P will just mess it up I mean we’re getting to that point as well does he drag them down in the but the other part is you’re you’re not GNA get the full matchup there because there is not a planet where Rick toet matches them line forline and plays those guys 30 minutes right he’s not going to play his best forwards for 30 minutes so it’s not going to be all encompassing anyhow so you might as well have a couple of lines that can that can match up against them and and share the duties a little bit because that’s what it effectively is here dry SLE and McDavid have become two lines while being on the same line that’s theion of of time now from noblock um and so you got to figure out how you’re going to spread the human resources to actually cover that those two guys um or we go back to what so you should you know get on a zoom with HR figure it all out or or you do what we talked a little bit or I talked a little bit about on the weekend or on Friday maybe you know El Le and Elias together with mckv and and you reunite Teddy bler with Garland and and uh and that is something that is something that can get my head then You’ got some depth that you can kind of trust because you would use that third line well because the other thing is and again he’s not scoring he will never score but at least MF is a little more active I notice him I notice him well M have you know how we used to say laery you notice one shift a game where you go wow look at the wheels and look at there are like two shifts like that for Billy MF he’s a big body and he’s fast and so he kind of gets in the way and he’s just sort of a stopper right at least you hope he garish on the plate the defensive side of the pocket it’s it’s something yeah he like those string carrots or the radish or yeah you can eat if you want like they’re not toxic but um they’re not a part of the order no yeah um thatr Demco is taking shots now and of course talk to Frank Celli on Friday he said hey one of the big things here is him taking shots and the next week will be crucial so things seem to be tracking well with that Demco Blake okay but Matt we’re back to now and are you taking this more seriously now what are the circumstances that get Demco into this this this is what I’m saying if if Sheila shits the bed in game six then I think you go with thatr dempo if he’s ready to play in game seven right but do you that starts to be the only scenario I canis well and again I’ve been thinking about this as well yeah I I’m not sure you can take a hot she loves out of the cage even if Demco is healthy the only worry about it is fatigue for for uh right for she loves why he was sitting at the optional I believe and you just tell him to stay in bed all day today with those blackout curtains get your rest already well he’s in a hotel now so he should be good oh I wonder if they have black o curtains all hotels have black in edmon the traveling black curtains really oh all hotels have blacko curtains yes really yes people are arriving from all all parts of the world they need to be assured they can sleep yes every hotel is by I should what are blackout curtains just cause Darkness they seal it in it’s not transluc ucent it’s opaque it’s not opaque no a blacko curtain is opaque that light does not travel through it I thought they were a brand name for a second no no so you’re just talking about the double curtains in hotel rooms the white one that translucent and then you got the thicker ones there you go now you got it okay do they always get is there that little crack on the edge on each end it depends on the quality of hotel and blackout curtain but the that is the pursuit is to eliminate the crack there’s your little white CRA sounds like you needed them when you started your writing career in your mom’s basement let the light in no I’m not following that reference blogging in Mom’s basement come on the oneu exist when he was young kidding me heiter grd you you remember this if nothing else you remember this people published me at an early age on on paper weird Flex that was delivered to it’s the hey if spec can Flex I can Flex too okay okay pretty sure was that I sent an email to somebody nebulously who posted in some deep dark corner or your own website publishing on your own website yeah they used it for kindling starting fires that’s right the next day it was lining the bird cage and we always remembered them especially the weekend better be good today because whatever I did day is now at the bottom couple weekend Globes to get you through the entire summer or winter I guess yeah yeah they were FY thick not thick there yeah exactly remember how big the Saturday paper hug it with a thump on the door there’s a lot fewer trees being cut down and now you have a scholarship at Carlton in your name how the mighty have come except that cost me money oh well donation PDG away from the club not sure why uh we’ll see if he comes back for game four you liked Oman yesterday no I like Carlson like Carlson I thought Oman was neither here nor there I’d be willing to see Pods at this point there um still no pods huh still no pods Carlson and Oman over pods what did you guys think of them Carlson was Heavy I thought I that’s Carlson played the kind of game that I would expect pods to play frankly if he got in good along the walls I thought I saw him bust through a couple of stick checks and and just keep the puck deep you know like it’s really going to be your likely uh task is just like keep the puck in the opposition zone four check the hell out of it 25 seconds later I want your ass back on the bench all right get ready for the daily Faceoff playoff parlay challenge each game day answer four questions pick the winning team guess the points will be over under predict the first goal choose the highest scoring period daily winners snag gift cards round Winners Get Straight Cash play now games . and of course shop forer we have an army Nation Gear t-shirt at Nation gear doca we finally have an army here it’s taking a long long time a gear up at Nation I I’ll say this as big a sess pool as Twitter can be yeah sometimes there’s just funny lines there got one in hashtags want to shout out Robbie at Doan the only person not being not able to see the Northern Lights in Vancouver tonight Kelly southernland no Zing did you see the Northern Lights On spectacular I got home I was so disappointed because I was seeing all this great photography and by the time I got home to and I even heard like people um assembling down at kits point that area so I I get home I go out on my balcony and say where are the and like you could tell there was something in the sky but I certainly didn’t get the vibrant colors or anything like that camer brought out the camera brought out the colors more than human what I later heard that’s what I later heard if you looked at them through your camera they were they were even more spectacular but light light pollution didn’t do us any favors well but like here’s the thing appropo nothing there have been a couple of other times that I’ve been sitting out on my deck at night and I’ve seen much more color and dancing and and it been odd way more than Friday it was a huge was just what the doctor ordered because the kids were all down that the kcks had lost that night and then we went outside and everything was a nice glass of red Veno it was beer but yeah really yeah I drove to North and Cleveland Dam to try to see them it was jammed there wasn’t it yeah it was bumping so you drove from bort Moody for this hey when you date a science geek and she you were just along for the way oh I was a little oiled up were you I hope you were editing along the way right taking advantage of that time I hit publish on that post game and I was one foot out the door already were you oh yeah that’s the sort of dedication we’re looking for GR sass posting from the uh below Gross Mountain what’s Sean chesman doing next week is he available he’s quiet back there look at him very quiet dialed in he’s cutting up the the Gman I like it when he’s dialed in editing yeah G man not cutting him up uh time now for today’s menu it is brought to you by Greta and we were at Greta last night and we will be at Greta Tuesday night as we are for away games there’s a hockey game going on you may have heard Blake there is yeah uh so why don’t you come on down to Greta 50 West Cordova we’ve got some prizing on site may do some intermission trivia everybody who stops by the secaron price table is going to get a free gaming card it’s good for three hours of gameplay we celebrate the first Canucks goal with something special and you watch the game with likeminded people so please do join us come join us yeah at our spot our home away from home gret AAR jpat stopping by so is Tony Gallagher yeah I read spectre’s column I saw I invoked Tony’s name I reached out to Tony he said is this about the Spectre column I saidwell yeah Tony to a degree it is and he’s like what time you need me there so we got Tony on the program and we got jpad on the program as well Jeff from Edmonton where he is covering the series I understand the 650 guys have joined in Edmonton now that’s great good good for Roger go Rogers crowdfunded to the bill there send the guys there next segment brought to you by bet 365 proud partner of Saras and price and uh well Blake you know what’s been missing from this Stanley Cup playoff run from the Vancouver Canucks nine games in a goal from Quinn Hughes it’s true yes Captain has not scored yet he’s due the Oilers goal ending is a train wreck and I think Hughes should know that the time is ripe now for one of those solo p pinches off the Blue Line picking a hole on a bad angle H remember how many times we saw that goal from Hughes particularly early in the season and I wonder if they give him more room up there because of besser’s shenanigans closer to goal make sure that he’s covered giving Hughes some more room maybe right uh he scored more goals this year he’s got a better shot so Hughes is an anytime goal scorer paying plus 400 oh uh I’m going to tonight’s menu and the Avalanche looking to even the series with the Stars and I think they do so and I think they explode tonight I think this is one of those nights where they’re motivated their offense shines and I’m taking the minus one and a half goals pays out a plus 175 you know when Grady gives you an oh on your bet of the day got a hot take well you feel better about it because of course he’s looking at every he wants value there is nothing that is going to escape his his gaming eye opening out with bet 365 today and bet on a huge range of markets so whatever the sport whatever the moment it’s never ordinary at bet 365 use code van bonus when opening that account that’s van bonus altogether all one word JP’s next JP’s next jpad is next the Vancouver Canadians are back at the night catch fireworks giveaways and Friday newers all Spring and Summer Long get your tickets at Canadians in a season like this you never want to miss a single second of what’s happening on the ice and you want to be around your fellow fans right well gret a bar YVR at 50 West Cordova the perfect spot to do so hey if you’ve got tickets a great place to pre and post they’ve got drink specials every single day and if you don’t have tickets well stick around and soak up the atmosphere with all your fellow fans play all the great video games and air hockey great air hockey setup as well at gret of our YVR we’ll see you there 50 West Cordova our next guest is brought to you by the Arnold Palmer design Whistler golf club now open for the 2024 season and playing to rave reviews saw some of the photography and Joy from the players who got on their opening weekend tea times for anytime during the 2024 season can be booked online now if you have a group of 12 or more you the group organizer plays for free for more information or to book online visit Whistler joined Now by our conu reporter rink wide Vancouver’s Jeff Patterson who is in Edmonton covering the series after a spicy game three how we doing jpat good I saw some of that video from Whistler as well looks spectacular I’m delighted to be here in Edmonton covering the series because it is getting uh heat isn’t getting good but uh my mind was drifting to the fairways of Whistler incidentally that one bear there goes very well that course that one bear the tackle the other bear did get a game um suspension they looked at it and said that cross the line so um George peros after an extensive interview yeah was that the bear that grabbed the flag stick and and cross checked is that and those things don’t break you know right boy uh the physicality is picked up uh it’s spicy off the ice Press Box everywhere on the ice um this the series is officially launched Jeff this is exactly what you get for a one Anthem Canadian on Canadian and exactly what we all wanted like come on this is is the like think of the past Springs guys where we’ve all been uh sideline observers to everything that’s going on and wishing that we could be in the middle of it and the players and the hockey club and here they are now into round two with a 2-1 lead on the Edmonton Oilers uh yeah I mean crazy with the shots on goal and the territorial Advantage but at the end of the night did they outscore the Oilers yes they did do they have a lead in this series yes they do have they taken back home ICE Advantage indeed they have now there are storylines Galore uh but you know the way the game unfolded with the Oilers opening the scoring on a power play like that just felt like the script that not only the Oilers but their fan base wanted to see early in the hockey game and for the conu to counter three minutes later with a power play goal of the R I thought that was massive part of that game because it settled the Canucks down and obviously they built on that lead in the first period guys it was loud early and he got really quiet like really quiet at the end of the first period in fact I kind of thought that the other might get booed off the ice on home ice after 20 minutes of play uh clearly there are goal tending issues here we know the cans have had their goal tending drama as well so story lines for days the way you want in the second round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs yeah so uh like as we move into game three here Jeff like what what story lines are you following closest which ones are the ones that are resonating with you I think for me it’s the the Oilers lack of depth that their stars have come to play guys three games into the series the Oilers have three goals from forwards and you can guess who the three are uh I did not expect that three games into the series the Oilers would have more goals from defenseman than they have from forwards and so uh the question you know you’re going to continue to get the effort and probably the production from McDavid and dry cidal and and Heyman but like where is the rest of their roster and that’s a question that’s obviously being asked here in Edmonton and I think for me the other thing is look the con more power plays than the Oilers do three through three games which is a victory in of itself and while the Oilers are four for eight on the power play 50% two massive kills in the third period for the Vancouver kxs they give up two and yet their penalty kill uh Rose to the challenge in the third period but the fact that the Oilers have four Power Play Goals and it’s being offset by three Power Play Goals from the Vancouver Canucks again like if you told me three games into this thing that the canox would have had more power plays and that they would have been out scored by one with the man Advantage I I think the kucks would have signed up for that all day every day and so here we are and that’s one of the reasons you know at five on five they’ve outscored the ERS seven to five so far in this series and the you know the unintended consequences of that for noblock of of the bench not helping out at all for him is that you know half an hour a game 30 minutes a game for Leon ridle and Conor McDavid is not sustainable they are the most skilled players in the planet but they’re made out of the same matter as everybody else they cannot do that for multiple games in a row and be and then still be at their best right like you’re GNA get a law of diminishing returns here on those players well if you’re out there 30 minutes you up the odds that you’re going to absorb physical contact whether it’s in the game or after the final buzzer whatever the case you’re putting yourself In Harm’s Way and that’s part of it as well now easier said than done to go and hit McDavid but you know if you can get a body on any of those guys at every opportunity like yeah there’s that compounding effect over the course of a long series and look even if the Oilers do come back and I’m not ruling the Edmonton Oilers out of the series but you’re right for a team that had these designs on winning the Stanley Cup that just does not seem at all to me like any kind of blueprint for a lengthy Journey here in the spring of 2024 and Jeff Blake and I had a bit of a debate about this after game to because I think it’s sustainable for the Oilers to win this series I agree with you wholeheartedly I’m not sure you can win a cup with your best forwards playing 28 29 minutes a night over four rounds but if it’s just KN blocks formula for trying to get through this series it is one I think could work and when the Canucks are GNA have to contend well the Canucks are lucky that there’s no extended breaks remember in Nashville there was two breaks of two days this is every other day like that that that works against the Edmonton ERS here Jeff yeah and and look like we can sit here and say hey getting out shot 22 to3 in the third period That’s not sustainable either but that’s the way the Canucks have gone about their business and you know again they have more wins than the Oilers do in the series they’ve won six of their nine games in the playoffs and they’ve done it on the back of a third string goenda hands are tied because you know where’s Evander Kan where is Warren Fogle where’s Dylan Holloway uh you know Ryan ugan Hopkins has four points three of them have come on the power play he hasn’t done a lot five on five either and it goes on and on um and they’re playing the waiting game here but the clock is ticking and now you know as it was after one game the cans have a real opportunity to turn up the heat here and put the screws to Edmonton if they can get the job done again now it’s a big if and you know give the oers an opportunity to respond the way they in game number two but you know the Canucks aren’t afraid of being out on the road here they’re 4-0 they’re the only team in the playoffs that’s got to four wins on the road so far uh this spring so three in Nashville and they found a way to grind it out uh here on Sunday night in game number four so um yeah like to me again all the pressure has been sh I I think the pressure was on the Oilers at the outset of the series but right now it has been shifted back to the Edington Oilers and we’ll see if it’s more than three or four guys uh that show up and contribute on Tuesday night in game four uh Oilers lack of depth uh Oilers given up KCK giving up Power Play Goals to the Canucks two big problems for them no doubt but I think the biggest one is their goal tending yet again yeah so question Jeff are the Canucks in steuart Skinner’s head did Chris noblock get in Stuart Skinner’s head with that PLL or is just Stuart Skinner in Stuart Skinner’s head as we move to game three here yeah I I I could probably say a little bit of everything there you know this has been a narrative in Edmonton with two of the best players of their generation and they show up every year in the playoffs and they’ve done it again they’re leading the playoffs in scoring and yet they have trouble getting saves and I think everybody here thought that steuart Skinner had taken some strides and had made progress and it looked like a legitimate number one goenda like the team did after the coaching change but you he gave up five in the second game of the Edmonton or the Los Angeles series in round number one and it’s just been been too easy for the connects to put pucks past him and so you know I sat in on the Chris noblock postgame press conference last night and just about every question even though we just talked about uh the fact that there hasn’t been a lot of depth scoring like 80% of the questions to the coach were about goal tending and needing more saves and would he start him and you know has he lost his confidence and you know how is he respond going to respond all those types of things so absolutely talking point number one here on the ground in Edmonton but you know I’m seeing National reporters now writing these same stories about you know is this going to be the same undoing for the Edmonton Oilers and until steuart Skinner Rises to the challenge then yes that’s an ongoing storyline and noblock wouldn’t commit to starting him in game four You Know Jack Campbell is here as their third goal tender and there was some talk we you know we’ve seen the conu third Stringer will we see the conu or the Oilers go that deep on their go tending roster as well so uh again uh one of the story lines a prominent storyline and no answers today but uh you know let’s see what Light of Day brings on Tuesday with a morning skate And if we can glean a little bit more Intel on what the Edmonton Oilers are thinking uh because the question now might not even be who’s starting but who’s gonna finish for them on a given night very good just imagine though got to be Skinner though right I think I think they’re starting Skinner yeah just imagine if they got more shots on Skinner to though uh you know I know Rick TOA wasn’t super pleased at how they finished that game how did you interpret his uh post game postmortem on you know their parking of the bus yeah I I they thought that they did a much better job defending even though the shots were 22 to three and the Oilers had I think eight or nine power play shots in that third period I I really didn’t like the second period to be perfectly honest they had done well to build a 3-1 lead and then it felt like they hadn’t learned anything from Friday night where they sat back and tried to defend and the Oilers just came at them in waves and ultimately won that game in overtime I thought it got a little dicey in the second period and the Canucks got a power play I think it was EOL that took a penalty late in the second period Canuck didn’t do anything with it but it felt like two minutes where they were just able to Exhale a little bit and I thought over the final three or four minutes of the period because then Darnell nurse took that penalty and look we can talk about officiating that was a bad call that was a weak call on Darnell nurse in a tight game and the connects capitalized they took advantage and that was Lind Holm scoring what turned out to be the gamewinner so that was a pivotal point in the hockey game because uh they had had post they had the couple of pucks that were in the blue paint around the goal line they came close on a couple of occasions but close doesn’t count and ultimately the kcks cashed in on their limited opportunities so uh you know it’s funny the shot discrepancy but if you look at the underlying numbers the high dangers in that third period you know weren’t anywhere close to what you think they might have been given how much territory the Oilers had there so I do think that you know proofs in the pudding a little bit Rick toet was quick to give praise to his assistant coaches didn’t name names but obviously Adam foot and and Mike yo uh he thought they did a great job between games just trying to tweak some things defensively said they had a really good video session the morning of game three and he thought that went a long way to helping the cans again keep the others to the outside guys three games into this series Conor McDavid has five points four of them came on Friday night so you do the math there the other two games they’ve did a pretty good job of keeping him to the perimeter they held him pointless one night they held him without a a shot on goal the other night no they through totality of the series they’ve done a very good job on MAV let’s ask you roster decisions here let’s assume ausi suspension what do you think they do back there and let’s uh assume the PDG is available to the Vancouver conects we don’t know that to be true um but if Rick talken has everybody at his disposal needs to fill a defense spot and could tweak the forward spots what do you think he does I don’t think he touches the forwards I think he was pretty happy with what he saw lenus Carlson far more engaged in a pressure cooker playoff appearance than he was in any of the four games that he played earlier in the season I thought he won some board battles uh you know away from the puck he didn’t look lost in the moment here Neil zamon underlying numbers weren’t great but guys he he played one game he played game 82 in Winnipeg basically as a token appearance in the last six weeks and then he gets thrown in and his killing penalties in the third period against that power play come on um like that’s a high leverage moment and again pulling on the rope in the right direction so uh I don’t think you T with those guys you know did I love the idea of parking a 24 goal scorer Neils hoglander not necessarily but I also know that Neils hoglander hasn’t looked any bit like that regular season hoglander in these playoffs so I didn’t have a huge issue with toet I mean buck stops with him he’s got to make those calls and live with the consequences uh but they win the hockey game so I would think you’re probably going to see more of them on and Carlson uh on defense that’s you know if Susi is suspended as we record we don’t know that look Carson SS’s underlying numbers have been brutal but he’s had the McDavid dry cidal matchup and yet through all the brutal underlying numbers the canox of vot scored the Oilers 3-2 at five on five so uh even though territorially he’s been defending and defending a ton uh it really hasn’t cost the canx on the scoreboard and look he’s got the size the reach the length the disruptive nature of the way that he plays they will miss Carson Susi without a doubt and I thought it was kind of cool here R talk it he name checked Tyler Meers last night as one of the guys that he thought really stood out and I would agree like Tyler I think Tyler Myers is playing some of the best hockey that he’s played in a Vancouver conect uniform uh we just haven’t had the chance to see him rise to the occasion of playoff hockey because the team hasn’t been in the postseason nearly enough but uh for all the naysayers over the years and and look I got it early on but Tyler Meyer is right now uh really becoming a valuable piece for the Vancouver Canucks he has absolutely I thought all the big guys have been really good um Nikita zadorov was was once again front and center Jeff he’s 29 years of age hul he’s not a household name in the NHL you know I didn’t watch him closely as a member of the Colorado Avalanche and his a good playoff season there but the guy’s an absolute Beast stuffing Kane into the locker there I mean he’s just everywhere he’s front and center how come it’s 29 years old before Nikita zadorov is making headlines in the NHL yeah look I think he’s a bit of a unique character and I don’t know that he’s everybody’s flavor you know I think in Calgary there were some stories that maybe he had rubbed some teammates the wrong way he’s a flashy guy we see it in the clothes that he wears and you know again to each their own like I’m not here to knock him at all I mean I’m having a ball watching him perform at the the highest levels here but I I do wonder if you know earlier in his career maybe there was some attitude or you know I wasn’t there along the stops but it just it does kind of feel like he has settled in it sounds like he and his family absolutely love Vancouver uh so you know a maturation yeah for sure yeah I mean we all grow up at different times whatever the case uh when the lights are brightest this guy has been invaluable to the Vancouver Canucks and you know that’s another piece of the puzzle here guys that isn’t really getting a ton of run but probably should with the way that Elias Lindholm is playing and Nikita zador off like Jim Rutherford looks like he did it again again getting ahead of the market identifying his targets bringing them in and you know was the regular season performance a little spotty yeah but they were both brought in to bolster this lineup for the playoffs 14 points uh between the two of them and Lind Holm leads this team in Power Play Goals game-winning goals he’s second only to besser and I thought he was terrific last night and zidor has just been consistently good throughout the playoffs and so you know you look at the connects you know could they have used another scoring Winger at the deadline sure but in terms of the players that they targeted identified and targeted uh credit to management and pro scouting because it looks like they got it right with both of these guys and they have both been contributors in this series but also through the playoffs and it shows with Lind Holm like clearly he wasn’t healthy there over those final few weeks but uh that first shift like that’s as determined asow talk about announcing his arrival and his intentions for the night uh the big hit on buard takes the puck to the net had a great scoring chance there doesn’t score but you know contributes twice uh and including the gamewinner up to five goals now in the playoffs do you consider Pon glol do you consider that to to to get Pon going or just keep as his lineup combinations who’s that now pon H guys like there were you know incremental steps and he scored and people thought that was going to relieve the burden I thought last night was a return to the first five games of the Nashville series the final 20 games the regular season like there just wasn’t much they there for leas Pon and and that and again this is part of this thing that the conects have won six of their nine playoff games with a third string goal tender and next to no contributions from an 89o producer so hey you I don’t know where it goes from here I’m sort of back to to square one with your guess is as good as mine is what we’re gonna see from Le Pon in game four a couple of things number one uh you know talk about things that are unsustainable the Oilers forwards playing 30 minutes a night the Canuck’s not getting shots on goal Alias Patterson not scoring the Stanley Cup Playoffs Deliver us some weird things that we got to negotiated can you imagine being an out of Market fan like because you know in the playoffs guys you know you tune into games that you wouldn’t otherwise watch you know an UT Market fan tuning in to watch aias P I’ve heard about this guy supposed be really good and you watch that game you’re like what you you watch nine games and go right what’s going on here I don’t get it as for as the door off and um honestly I thought the Gillis regime did a really good job of sort of educating us on these sorts of things players have things in their lives that sometimes affect their play in Nikita’s case it is clear he’s had sort of a crisis of conscience with regards to Russia the way that state behaves and it’s affected the relationship with his family as well right as he outlines so you know uh there’s a lot going on with these players sometimes more than just the humans for sure the phys the physical and the developmental uh from a hockey perspective Jee I can’t believe we’re nearly 20 minutes into this and just now I’m getting to ask you about the officiating but what do you make of the officiating in this series through three games well I mean from K’s perspective again they’ve had more power plays than the Oilers have and you know did I lik the non call on McDavid the other night I thought Quin Hughes Captain a star uh Cory Perry broke his stick across his back with a cross check of Ander Kane had a slew foot and then the McDavid High stick and and Quinn can’t get a call so you know I don’t like that because if mcdavid’s gonna get to his then I think it has to be some degree of a two-way straight but again like the Darnell nurse penalty in a really pivotal point of that hockey game you got to let these guys play to a degree so uh it feels like they’re looking for calls at times uh uh just the the mere fact though that you know I sometimes wonder if the Oilers power play works against them that referees realize what an absolute nuclear deterrent it is and the fact that three games into this thing they’ve only had the eight power plays and I think one of them lasted 24 seconds because there was some overlap in in game number two so um you know you have to rise above in playoff hockey like you’re not going to love every call I think there’ve been some that have gone both ways here uh you know Su it’s a cross check to the face like you can’t have that even if it’s not McDavid I I you can’t and that’s not Carson SS’s ammo generally but playoff hockey it gets heated the thing that drives me nuts though guys is you know and I pointed this out on Twitter that Michael McCarron absolutely went bowling for Casey to Smith in round one like that’s a big man and a contact there was a two-minute penalty and a $2,000 fine the next day sedor cross check you see that in netfront battles on every Power Play at both ends of the ice and somehow that’s 5,000 bucks and then Sam Bennett’s running around in another series clocking guys with you know absolute knockout punches and nothing in the moment and nothing after the fact like how can it ever make any sense it I my head hurts trying to even contemplate what goes on there at NHL headquarters Gregory Campbell vehemently disagrees with you on that one by the way gre gre Campbell okay not Coy but I do they’re both involved in this equation you know that’s the supplemental side I think within the games here the fact that the power plays have been 8 for the Canucks three a night essentially that works in the kucks favor like there hasn’t been a night yet where the oers have had five or six and look out if they do um but for the most part you know five on five is where the kcks want it and that’s where it has been played uh primarily through three games of the series yeah uh and it’s been a lot of fun so far and we look forward to more fun and we look forward to more jpad analysis not to mention more rink wide Vancouver after game four on Tuesday thank you for this Jeff you have a wonderful day there in the Alberta capital and we’ll catch up with you later in the week a little less Smoky today which is good when I landed on Saturday this big I heard forest fire in northern BC and I guess the wind’s pushing it this way uh I just seems too early in the calendar year for but it was choking here uh they had a little bit of rain on Sunday which I think tamped it down a bit so uh yes you know I want to be able to see the sights of Edmonton I want the view out of my hotel window so the forest fire smoke wasn’t helping in that regard chy it’s so lovely River Valley really is I hear I can’t see it but I I hear Hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube by prom more content coming they call it the kids call it subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now everybody knows about the overdose crisis also known as the toxic drug crisis well what’s less known is that the stigma around addiction makes it harder to ask for help and that’s got to stop addiction is a complex health condition not a choice right and that means people shouldn’t have to face Judgment at work or from their loved ones or fear the law but shame or stigma can cause a person to hide their drug use or use a loan and we don’t want that people shouldn’t be afraid to reach out there are supports available and it helps to know 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means that you can get questions answered also they’ll source and recommend the right tire for you your application and your budget Cal Tires network of 260 Plus stores are here to help so you can focus on the road ahead sign up for free at calprop our next guest chronicled hockey for the province for 45 years he was a Pioneer in sports talk in this community and the 2020 Elmer Ferguson Award winner which comes with induction to the Hockey Hall of Fame it is our great pleasure to welcome back to the program the water and only Mr Tony Gallagher good to see you old boy how you doing it’s great to be here guys especially with you two in this wonderful studio and uh kicking it around again but um I may miss some characters from the past like BAC and so on Don Taylor and uh Mr Dolly all mentioning opponents I suppose but uh um I uh am thrilled to be here and but I don’t follow it as much as I used to and uh but playoff time kind of gets the blood going I bet yeah he was not short of informed opinions when he walked in here we started chitchatting we had great conversation yeah absolutely well I don’t know you guys baby me a little bit I think give me the softballs you know there’s no there’s no cross checks to the face like Connor got that’s for sure well one of the reasons we’ve invited you on Tony is that your name has been invoked here it has indeed I I can’t understand why spec would bring me out of the ash heap of History the way he did and invoke my name but uh it was funny and upon reading his piece the first thing I’d ask him is Mark how do you know that there are no conspiracies who checked all the emails have you checked checked all the texts do you have any whistleblowers have you solicited any Willer whistleblowers and your vast investigation into whether there’s any conspiracy the point is everybody takes everything on faith in Pro Sport and while there’s corruption in business there’s corruption in politics there’s corruption in religion there’s corruption in the ioc and FIFA and every other conceivable sporting organization not in the NHL it’s as pure and as white as the driven snow MH well I mean you need only to look outside of the series to see maybe the hottest spot in all this with Gregory Campbell’s Florida Panthers evading supplemental discipline for a sucker punch on Brad marand don’t even start about that it brings back all those 211 memories I mean and the and the outrageous conflict of interest that Mark wanted to just kiss off that 2011 and the reason that Vancouver fans don’t remember that the number of outrages that transpired in that series are too numerous to mention on this broadcast the suspension to Aaron Rome of course I mean I expect Mr Susi will get four games for his tap on the the League’s best player hardly no one ever gets that kind of a suspension um what do you think it’ll be seriously oh I don’t know who knows I mean can you possibly predict Pi those things from from that league and that probably one game most suspensions are one game aren’t they so um Aaron Rome seemed to be the one that they they that they uh they heard about the most not only from this corner of the world but I think from that point forward they were like a little bit more reticent to Dole out four five game playoff suspensions well you first of all you get the guy play for nothing so why are we suspending a guy when we’re letting him have holiday uh from his duties but that’s another matter altogether it was an outrageous suspension it was the Pinnacle of Aaron R’s career when he hit Nathan Horton there and for being a nanc late on the hit if he was that if he was that I think had they exchanged uniforms it would have been no call of any kind because there was a perfectly clean hit but unfortunately Nathan got h on that and uh that really seemed to sink the Bruins at the time except they rallied around the hit and so on but um you know it was an outrageous suspension and the things that surrounded that supension suspension the fact that there was a compensation meeting uh for the new contract signed by Gary bman shortly after that incident I think the following week and the chairman of that compensation committee happened happened to be one Jeremy Jacobs and so I think Mr bman and all people surrounding him wanted a very cheery Mr Mr Jacobs going into that meeting and so Aaron Rome gets four games and his career was never the same went straight downhill and Tony that your director of officiating had to recuse himself from that series because only after public pressure did he recuse himself he should have recused the moment his son became involved in the league he should have stepped away from that job it was an outrageous conflict of interest I guess they didn’t teach conflict of interest at Cornell or Mr bman or maybe he just missed that day or he must have missed more than one day I should then his then his fill in Mike Murphy going out and saying oh yes well I consulted Brian Burke before I went ahead and administer this knowing full well that Burke and wellknown enemy of all people in the New York so you know if if you’re if you’re wondering why fans in Vancouver don’t have the greatest Faith or not the same level of faith in the National Hockey League it’s Juris jurist Prudence adjudication referee uh as Mark Spectre does it’s because of incidents like that do you not just to remember do you not re remember and love how Coen Campbell made a big show of stepping away from his position during the final after having already assigned the officials for the series of course but so I mean of course he’s avening hockey d as we learned from reading the emails in that one Court filing yeah uh nevertheless Tony uh one of the one of the reasons I was so pleased you received the Elmer Ferguson award in 20120 my friend is because uh I wasn’t sure you were GNA get it oh I was certain I wasn’t and I wasn’t sure you were gonna get it not because you didn’t deserve it but because you were a thorn in the side of the NHL of the national Hockey League you come from a school where you were an outsider looking in at the proceedings and never forget that as opposed to someone who becomes part of the industry well this is and When I Survey the media landscape these days I see a lot of people with the power of the pen and the power of the microphone who um cut their lot by being inside the industry and protective of it as opposed to on the outside doing the job of criticism which is what I always learn is what I always learned a journalist is supposed to do you were raised the same way and that’s why I loved you when when you came out here because you had exactly that that approach as did Jason bodford the late great and uh and why I I was became close to both because uh that’s the way it should be you’re supposed to hold the powerful to account not um kiss their bottoms you know I mean it’s ridiculous you’re supposed to unsettle the comfortable and comfort the unsettled and um when I look and particularly when I look at one company in in this country and it’s member journalists you know it’s clear on a 12-year deal where the you know you have won the rights away from others that that comes with some accommodation oh I would think so you know I would think it would have to it’s no surprise guys Rick weste head’s reporting is for one organization versus the other you know there’s way Sports Nets doing the Rick West head reporting on all of that any number of those reports if he’s on Sports set they’re not allowing those stories I would think not and um but I’ve been surprised many many times but not in that way very often I can assure you so that’s off the ice on the ice um I think we can all agree uh hockey is a fast sport uh officiating it can be uh a a tough thing to do no doubt and yet um some days it’s just going to be human error that we can deal with it it happens um some days it makes you wonder what they’re thinking yeah it lends itself to having you scratch your head because uh everything is on the official to make a determination of what he’s going to call because everything’s a penalty now if you look at interactions between players you can always find something always just CR check every 5 Seconds yeah and so what are you going to call and so that is examined after every game how many power plays did this team get when did those power plays come did they come early or come uh after the game was over when they don’t matter and you’re evening the score uh to make yourself look good uh there’s an art to officiating as well now you know and uh you can disguise any kind of bias you want to put into a match um and that’s why I don’t like to see gambling promoted on on NHL games I can’t stand it because it’s going to lend itself to corruption at some point I I can make that uh prediction without fear and I don’t know when or who it’ll be it could be long after I’m dead and buried but it’s going to happen and I just don’t think it’s a good idea well it also brings in the subjectivity of of data collection we’ve been talking about the shots on goal and how inaccurate or arbitrary they seem to be you can see how inaccurate they are they put it up on the screen they’re at least they I’ll give them credit they’re auding this shot block is unbelievable it gets to certain the criteria of the audit seems very ambiguous and and and a hit what’s a hit what’s a takeaway those are all props now I know if they can’t identify who took the shot he doesn’t get credit and the goalie I mean the goalie doesn’t get credit either for the save it’s it’s ridiculous and that’s why there are companies who go over game tapes and watch things very carefully from several different angles and make a lot of money fixing the stats and saying these are the real stats folks here use these um uh I wanted to get back uh I wanted to get back to the Spectre column um because for me uh first of all what did you make of institutional surrender I’d like to know what it was first of all Institute surrender I would need the definition I didn’t know what to make of it I was scratching my head and was willing to listen to you Matt well one of the thing so when I think back on Roger neelen I think back on a head coach who was supremely Innovative right Captain Video he brought video basically to the National Hockey League and I also and and I’ve met him a few times but I certainly didn’t cover him as extensively as guys like yourself and Spectre but uh I also think of a guy who was known for his sort of light dry wit that this wasn’t you know the most gregarious guy but had a terrific oneliner here and there so you know putting the towel on the stick in 82 against the Blackhawks and having his players follow it to me is almost a perfect encapsulation of Roger because it was Innovative and there was a lot of wit there yeah I mean what was really going on with Roger at the time was there was only about three or four minutes left in the game I I very little time left in the game was long over the Hawks had won game two and he just wanted to get on with it you know there was Milling around and his point was for heaven’s sakes Bob Meyers start the game let’s get it over with and get the hell out of here and get on to the next one it’s over and all this Milling around is going on on and the he finally just hoisted the White Flag it’s over get us out of here I Surrender get us out of here and get back to Vancouver for for the next game and that that was the only point he was making and it took off from there and because the fans yeah they interpret it as a moment of defiance right like the fans basically said no not on our watch we we’re we we can protest too sure uh and this Market will be heard for so I mean the number of things I thought Spectre got wrong in the column number one hey at least somebody out there some team out there built the stature of Roger neelen and you know let it be this one rather than say the way he was treated in Philadelphia by Bobby Clark and then secondly to me it was never institutional surrender it was that look we play out here in the Pacific time zone we’re not the uh franchise that uh everybody in the power structures of Toronto and New York stay up to watch late you know and that we have all these travel difficulties because we have to travel further than anybody else go through customs every time we go to the states and come back the same way all these inconveniences which hamper the franchise and now this that’s the feeling the fan gets and there’s I mean I think that was one thing that botch really understood the culture and the empathy of the fans and and the um I don’t know that just the feelings out here are collective and they’re shared by numerous people well the bottom line is it is a on the podium hockey market across this world and it has not very often been treated as that sort of Market I agree with what Daniel Wagner said pass it to Bullis that the towel power is a middle finger to the hockey establishment or rallying cry for the underdog um that’s what it’s become whatever the the origin and and a version of that was the origin that’s certainly what it’s become and that’s why I think that statue exists is is a show of defiance and and a we will overcome sort of attitude yeah and plus there’s the Chicago Cubs Boston Red Sox things beginning to go along here too because there’s quite a number of years Vancouver’s had a franchise with no success is well over 50 now so and Counting so that plays into it so the other so do all the travails whether it’s the draft wheel snafu with uh perau and Talon right whether it’s teams rushing to central registry to say no they can’t draft this pavl Beret guy and trying to keep him away from here whether it’s Rome in the Stanley Cup Final and the suspension still the longest in the Stanley Cup Final whether it’s Roberto Longo’s cap recapture penalty the only one or one of two administered by the National Hockey League and which brings me to Kelly Sutherlands and the uh performance in game two from not just Kelly but the entirety of that officiating crew that did game two uh Tony first of all um your thoughts on him officiating Vancouver games after all the history of 2011 and 2013 and then maybe a word or two on what you saw on Friday night well if this were the league that Mark Spectre seems to think it is no referee who lives in a NHL town would ever work a game involving that team period never mind Kelly southernland never mind anyone else they simply wouldn’t work those games it would make their life more difficult I understand that Kelly I’m not trying to get you you know away from all those home games because I like all these guys I know I anymore at least yeah I was gonna ask that’s where in 2011 2013 we were told he had moved to Toronto he no longer lives like Brad Lazaro and that used to live here and everything he’d work a lot of games here in Vancouver but a linesman I guess um was not in such a Cru crucial position although they’re certainly in crucial positions but I I just don’t think that you should ever work a home game like that and it’s not that big a a chore for the league to see to that never mind Kelly southernland or anyone else but I mean to particularly put him in that situation after what he has after some of the travails he has been through here was particularly bad judgment well speaking of Defiance the the league always seems to operate of I I know it looks bad but we’re going to do it anyway because we don’t we don’t think it should look bad so so we’re going to we’re we’re going to assign him anyway because we don’t believe that it’s bad but everybody else thinks it looks bad that’s what they consistently Miss is that you know in Gary’s infatuation you know in never acknowledging a single problem with the leak like that’s not a good enough reason Coen Campbell stubbornness that’s not a good enough reason Kelly Sutherland’s feelings that’s not a good enough reason he has simply lost the Trust of your customers in this market and thus he should not be assigned to games involving this team it’s that simple there’s many other teams he can go off and officiate and you know what we heard Steve kazer in Edmonton doesn’t have the trust of Oilers man fair enough do not assign him to Oiler schemes yeah there’s numbers of people you can choose from but I think Mr bman and the people that surround him there see that and they say you will take it because we or ordain it I mean they’re not stupid those people back there they’re very clever they see what’s going on but you will suffer it you must take it we are going to shove this down your throat well and Tony do you think they love the circus like do you think they think the circus is good for them that you know when you have it’s distracting it’s distracting from the real problems of the league like Revenue has been at a standstill right through covid right through the acceler business process through Co coming out of it and revenue is still such that the salary Gap is now just beginning to go up to where to somewhere where to somewhere where it was around 2000 yeah you know like when kachuk and forsberg were making the same money that Connor McDavid and Alias Pon are making now yeah 223 years ago I mean it’s extraordinary how little the revenue has grown and yet Mr bman and his his people have presided over the entire process before we let you go um we’ve seen a lot of passion with the Canucks back in the playoffs with being allowed in the building being allowed to congregate um the city of Vancouver proper has uh been a little bit chilly to public watch parties they’ve now put one in a park away from Urban landscape Le L things get out of control but they’re flooding into the streets at 72nd Road and and Scott Road 72nd and Scott Road um if this goes on if the connects make it to the conference final and be H are you uh are you at all worried about how fans are going to react after a couple of riots well of course I mean you would hope that uh there’s been some lessons learned and really very little to be gain from that I would exort them to remember how much video there is of every everything how good the quality is and how facial recognition is coming on you will be spotted you will either be prosecuted or you will be persecuted when seeking employment by employers will find this stuff on the dark web so beware do not do it they will find you yeah good point um you enjoying the city being back in the season you enjoying the games oh very much so I mean they’re tremendous the games are worth watching at this point um like it’s a good thing this doesn’t go on very much longer in fact it’s already an arduous uh battle for these players because it’s so U physical at this time of year that and in the old days used to be even worse because you’ve had a lot of fights thrown in as well and especially a lot of this after the game was over type of real cheap shots like we saw last night but you don’t see much of that nowadays in the games uh and they their bodies just couldn’t put up with it because the speeds at which they’re traveling now are significantly greater than they used to be with the older skates and the heavier equipment so and they’re in much better shape so uh it just couldn’t go on much longer it’s to win the Stanley Cup is still an awesome achievement by all it seems like they’re they are in you back in the old days they you know by the Stanley Cup Final those two teams were battered and bruised it seems like they’re at that place like in the second round already like because of of the mass and the speed and all that sort of stuff there’s less less cheap stuff as you said but when it happens it happens at such a faster rate it feels like it’s they’re still taking it think of the wives their lives when the guys come home and they’re all normally they come breezing home let’s go for a meal or something like that and they’re perfectly fine they come back with ice packs everywhere and they can’t get out of bed in the morning and uh I’m telling you the the wives have to basically lever them out of bed and push them out to practice or push them out to the next game I I’ve talked to a couple of them and they say during the playoffs it’s just ridiculous nothing happens other than keeping this guy going back up to exactly families make a lot of sacrifices for the pro athlete particularly at this time of year okay last question here Gallagher do you or have you ever worn a tinfoil hat not to my knowledge no U not afraid of the aliens I have not but I I’m welcome to try I’ll try one on actually after what you see Grady will need the video If you ever do try one on so I asked that because in his pector said the 35 years he’s been covering the National Hockey League officiating comes up more in Vancouver press boxes than in other ones I mean that may well be true you traveled extensively around the league um he comes up everywhere comes up a tremendous amount in Philly I know they’re they’re really obsessed with it in Philadelphia there’s some stuff that happens in Philly from for number of reasons yeah um but ever since the Broad Street Bullies it’s been an ongoing discussion in Philadelphia and of course there’s been huge stretches when the Flyers haven’t done very well and that brought on a lot more of it so I think Vancouver and Philly are very very similar um so I think there’d be pretty much a tie there and there’d be other markets that would have their own entry into St but uh I think those two are pretty much even you know what other press boxes that comes up in everyone win it’s inadequate and I’ll bet it was brought up at the Rogers Place Press Box oh yeah last night did ADV in as well I should expect so there were a number of calls that even the guys in Sports Net were critical of and rightfully so I mean they they were literally unbelievable but um that’s life in the NHL and talking before we hit record Tony we all thought the ku’s first seven games of the postseason the six against Nashville the first one against Edmonton were pretty reasonably well officiated there wasn’t a whole lot bring to pick aart there and I even further I’m I’m on record with you guys just having chatted saying I think Vancouver has been a huge benefactor of all that has gone on this year from start to finish I remember you noting the number of power power early on and all the like the faceoff percentage wins in the offensive zone have been remarkable by Miller and mostly you know by T by by Miller I mean he’s been their best Faceoff guy at least seems to me and he’s won all most crucial offensive zone and a lot of defensive Zone phas offs is doing extremely well against dry cidal in this series where is the puck being dropped if it goes an inch or a quarter of an inch either way it favors another guy you it’s amazing what the linesmen can do to affect the game but oh excuse me I have to adjust the tin foil Happ I was just gonna say I am just saying it can be done I’m must saying it is it can be done but I think if it has been done it’s been done in Vancouver’s favor this year and I don’t think it’s been done but because Miller is fabulous in the circle we all know true you joined us around Christmas time and he said I can’t believe all the power play man was getting early in the season when they were really flying and scoring all those goals so uh don’t call him home he sees itas P was alive exactly exactly great to see you my friend thank you for it’s been fun hey everybody if you’re enjoying what you’re seeing here then follow along with Saron price on YouTube I promise more content coming they call it the kids call it subscribe on YouTube well how about liking it do that as well smash it right now


  1. Yes McDavid should be suspended, he slashed Soucy first. Sick of all the b.s. no punishment for Ryan for spearing Hoggie it the nuts! That was disgusting!

  2. Very glad to hear Tony bring up the issues with all the sports gambling and prop bets that can be easily manipulated

  3. Great show guys, you're honestly the best in the city and its not even close. Nice to hear from the G man and man I really miss Botch.

  4. I don't have a problem with the 1 game suspension – I just wish that all of the penalties would have been called on all sides in the playoffs. I'm sick of the game management.

  5. Tony is the best. Could listen to him for hours. I miss picking up the province once my dad was finished with it at the breakfast table and going immediately for his column as a kid loved his kinda disheveled little picture too haha shit I just miss the physical paper period.

  6. Speaking of Quinn Hughes, I'm still wondering about game 2. The McDavid slash to the cheek, the Kane slewfoot, all with complete impunity. Wasn't there something about the league wanting to protect its stars? Life isn't fair.

  7. For heaven's sakes bring Tony back for a real interview about what's happening on the ice. Most of this conversation could be relegated to the offseason but it's playoff time in Vancouver, people. I'd like to know who Tony thinks is the better player, Miller or Kesler? I think for the bulk of his career Kesler was way better if only due to his ability to win hockey games whereas only just now at the age of 30 Miller's defensive game is getting close to on par with Kesler. And lo and behold: playoff success and round 2. But I'm sure Tony would add a lot more wrinkles to that conversation nobody notices. I mean, at least talk about hockey!

  8. If hitting POSTS are not "good goaltending", then its "bad shooting"… it has to be one or the other, take your choice.

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