I replaced the original Good Good Putter grip with a Golf Pride Reverse Taper Grip!

We finally got the original grip replaced on our Good Good Putter, and I am a huge fan of the Golf Pride Reverse taper grip so far! Make sure to check out the full video to see not only the new grip, but a putting test before after the grip was replaced and my thoughts on the grip during the video,

0:00 Introduction
2:30 Test putts before modification
6:34 Putter Grip being modified
7:17 Back from PGA Tour SuperStore and test putts
13:18 Final Thoughts

all right what’s up y’all so the day is finally here um I’m finally going to take my good good putter up to the PGA TOUR Superstore and we’re going to go get this grip replaced um again if you guys have watched like our past videos this was pretty much the only thing that we didn’t like about the good good putter uh was the grip a little bit too skinny and I think it was like offset a little bit uh to the club face to it was hitting things open to the right uh by 1 to two de so we’re actually going to go up uh Golf Pride has this new reverse taper grip uh very interested in it um traditionally I’ve always done super stroke grips so I’m actually going to go up to PGA TOUR Superstore today in a little bit um after we do this putting test and then we’re going to go compare the Golf Pride reverse taper grip against the super stroke grip and then kind of see which one I like better so far I really think that the reverse taper has an interesting idea to it where it helps to steady the hands a little bit more than the traditional super stroke so very excited about going up there and trying that out so what we’re going to do before you guys remember we already did a bunch of tests where I did like 75 putts and stuff so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to do a quick 21 putts from a couple of distances right here just so we can kind of get a Baseline and then I’m going to come back later to where I actually do the putting test again from the same exact distances so that way we’ll know hey did this actually help me improve my putting I think this is the traditional 35 in length uh which was what they had when they first started selling ing them at the good good putter launch 2 years ago all right so you guys can probably see when I go to putt with it it’s getting really close to my stomach and so I know sometimes like when I’m wearing a jacket if it’s like Colder Weather golf the jacket like hangs down a little bit and it’ll definitely rub um plus if you can kind of see head on what’s comfortable for me my finger is actually literally touching the shaft so my thought is if I get this cut down to where my hands are actually in the center of the putting grip it should be down probably 1 and 1/2 to 2 in so that’s probably what we’ll go get cut off um so what we’ll do is we’ll go ahead and do some quick putting test like I said I’m going to do 21 putts do it from a couple different distances maybe seven putts from three different distances and then we’ll do those same putts when we get back later on so we’re going to do three different distances so this one’s roughly 6 feet go back to here to about roughly 9 ft then we’re going to come back here to about roughly 12T and actually what I may do is I may end up uh actually adjusting it a little bit to where I do nine putts so a total of 27 putts so I’ll do nine putts from each distance and then the first one is not even going to count cuz the first one’s actually going to be hey what is my line okay so this is a pretty straight putt so I left that one actually open all right cool so we’ve made two out of three ooh burn the edge on that one and the putter actually feels pretty good at least from this distance this is a fairly straight putt too so we made six out of nine putts from that distance all right we’re going to drop back to this distance I’m going to do a quick test butt just to validate I think it’s still pretty straight putt yep so still pretty straight putt oo that one lipped I I saw that one going right the whole time though there we go two out of three and just so you know I’m using three different types of balls I’m using a Kirkland ball a Callaway Chrome soft and a tailor made [Music] [Applause] ball and pulled that one a little bit left left so two out of [Music] five two out of six man that one is right on the edge not sure how that one didn’t drop but hey maybe a little bit too much [Music] Pace there we go all right I think that’s four out of nine all right now this one’s a little bit more interesting one I got the sun on my face uh two there’s a tiny bit of a hill right here um so I’m going to just double check it again as you guys can see I’m messing all over the place all right so we’ll go ahead and give it a try all right burn the edge on that one burned the other Edge man those were both [Music] close nope and I am all over the place you guys can see I’m missing left I’m missing right I feel like I’m doing the same stroke each time but clearly I’m not so we’ll see if that reverse taper actually helps out come [Music] on all right so I went zero for nine from this distance so we’ll see uh how we do when we get back with the other grip and then uh it’ll probably be back in about 2 to 3 hours for me but it’ll be probably in just a few moments for you [Music] guys easy oh he’s doing that for the right there just need to put the and we are back uh we just got back from the PJ TOUR Superstore and got the new Golf Pride reverse taper grip put on and I went with the flat grip in the large size we also had the putter cut down 2 in so now it’s at a 33 in length which definitely feels a lot better for me so literally just got this out of the car uh haven’t even messed with it yet so I might just do a couple of quick putts just to kind of get the feel for it real quick and then uh we’ll try and go back and do our putting test just to see how it Compares against the good good putter that I’ve been using for the last 2 years yeah this I definitely like the reverse taper grip my hands feel quieter and I like that it’s gets thicker towards the bottom instead of thinner like a lot of uh other grips your standard tapered grips or even like the uh super stroke which are kind of just flat all the way down all right so we’re going to go ahead and do the test real quick um um I might do a second round of the test after I’ve put it with this a little bit more just to give it kind of a fair shot considering I did use the other one for 2 years and this one’s literally been on there and had six butts done now that was just an alignment issue on my f my part now we go one out of two that’s another alignment issue before when I was doing it I kept leaving the club face open or I would close it too much left it open ooh just burn the edge pulled it so five out of nine compared to six out of nine on the last round uh with the other grip but I’m not so concerned about that because this time it was a setup issue on most of them and I only pulled one whereas last time um wasn’t 100% sure what was going on woo there we go so two out of three so far I’m actually quite happy with that because these these putts definitely have felt more consistent the stroke has felt better that’s right ooh still got it it actually banked a little [Music] bit that thing rode right on the [Music] edge hold that one the one thing I’m definitely noticing I I don’t feel like my hands so if you guys can see a lot of times when I would go back I would kind of be too handsy with the club and so now that I’m coming back I feel like it’s in a lot more consistent path and my hands don’t get don’t get as active oh man how do I do from the 12T because I made zero earlier with the one that I’ve been using for almost 2 years all right so one thing I will say because they took two Ines off and it’s a bigger grip the swing weights a little bit different so for these longer putts I’m having to get the feel for it but hey we’re already starting off better than we had with the uh the original grip cuz I didn’t make any earlier before we went and have the grip removed get there oh my goodness that was dead online now one thing I will say that I notice right now is when when I was using the standard grip that the good good putter came with um I was missing a lot further left and right so those handsy motions that I was doing were getting Amplified by the distance so where the difference is because this is a bigger grip now my hands aren’t twisting as much come on that one wanted to go in too hard I think I got excited cuz I just made the other one all right so the Golf Pride reverse taper grip I I think is awesome I kind of got to go through play with it a little bit more like I said I just got it back from the PJ TOUR Superstore uh let the grip kind of dry out for a bit they told me not to use it for a couple hours um so I did that brought it out here literally turned the camera on and actually did those six practice butts and did pretty much just as good as I did with the standard grip earlier um and even made from the 12T distance even made two of the nine putts whereas earlier I made zero of them and also earlier on those nine misses a lot of the misses were further off off whereas each of these were except for one or two kind of burned the edge definitely love the reverse taper grip that golf pry put out um definitely am happy that I had the good good putter cut down cuz now it feels like it’s at the right length for me you can see my hands are in the right place in the center of the grip before and I was kind of doing this at the PJ TOUR Superstore showing the guy my finger was down here there was literally like four to 5 in of the handle back here so it kind of that’s where it was like hitting me a stomach or hitting my jackets and also could have could have been messing with the swing weight a little bit whereas now it definitely feels a lot more consistent do a couple other putts from randomly on the Green we’ll do one from here one from over here one from over here just kind of see how they feel all right doesn’t break as much as I thought oh man yeah I mean this definitely feels better than the standard grip so what I would say is if you guys are looking to get a good good putter um I would definitely either buy it with the super stroke grip already on it or try out this Golf Pride reverse taper grip it’s I mean the few minutes that I’ve been using it here and even the few minutes that I got to use the one at the PGA TOUR Superstore left-handed no less because they didn’t have any right-handed demos um felt great and I’m really enjoying it all right guys so now that we have the Golf Pride reverse taper grip put on it and we have the putter cut down a little bit I’m going to go through maybe tomorrow night or the next few days I’m going to go through and do the full task like we did last year so I’ll do the 15 putts from each distance at 3T 5T 7t 9t and 11t and we’re going to go through and we’re going to compare that to see how it does against the original grip on the good good for this Putter and I’ll even do another test with the blade that still has the original grip on it just to see if anything has changed in that year from those two tests just to see hey how consistent am I with the same Putter and the same grip so we’ll see you guys in the next video and y’all take care


  1. I had the round reverse taper grip put on yesterday and played my first round with it. Huge improvement. I added it to my Ping Fetch putter. Normally I am a good putter but this took it to another level. I practiced with it on the putting green too. There is no stress on your hands with this. Makes for extremely relaxed putting. I was putting so good on the course the guy I was playing with asked me if I would putt for him lol. Golf Pride is going to make a mint with these . Nice review. I think it might take you a while to adjust to your putter . You took off two inches so that changes a lot of things but you will get there. I thought about the pistol grip version but I didn't want to change a lot and I read the flat version is more for those who use the prayer grip so I chose the round and I think I hit the bullseye on that choice. I wish you continued success in the science of putting. :). Joe

  2. I used the Super Stroke grips for a long time and really liked them. They did certainly help with my putting. About four weeks ago I changed to the Reverse Taper Flat Large grip. What a difference it is making for me and my putting. My hands are so much more relaxed, especially my right hand. I’ve been having trouble with putting for a long time, averaging 40-42 putts a round. My putting has improved so much in such a short time. Eight rounds after the grip change and my average is down to 34-36 putts per round. My stress level has been greatly reduced since the change. It just feels so much better and easier to putt.
    My lag putting, both speed and distance have improved significantly. Direction and hitting my line is also so much better. I’m really sold on this new grip. It just works…for me. Three putts down from 4 per round to 1 is huge for my score.
    Your mileage may vary but what do you really have to lose? Best $30 I’ve spent on golf in years.

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