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GameTime Decisions with Joe Raineri 6/5/24

GameTime Decisions with Joe Raineri 6/5/24

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[Music] Bostonian versus the book that was Aaron Rogers thing to a quarterback in the first round yeah it’s a luxury pick we don’t have the luxury we’re trying to win right now I I I I’m in a window right now and you’re going to say no we’re going to plan this for the future with a guy who had four years Four Seasons ended by injury four like Michael penx is a walking injury like what are you doing taking him in the top 10 the Bostonian versus the book and now you have to qualify and these Majors you just you got to go do it man like and it just comes off really Petty to sit up there and be like I’m not you know what you signed up for so I don’t like the pettiness and um I I I 100% think Tavor G should be in the major championships so in the same note of saying this but also it’s like hey this is the world in which we live in right now and and you don’t deserve anything only on Sports Grid it’s smarter to be on Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network the early line magical and historic season in Lincoln Nebraska continues he is the best player in the NBA but also in the biggest moments where the national media is watching newswire something that we have never seen happen before with one of the iconic coaches in the game forel Coast to Coast the team covers it’s automatic it’s every time not not sometimes it’s every time game time decision is actually far more dangerous from three on the road this year than at home this game here tonight you may want to consider taking as many points as humanly possible ingame live prime time we got not one but two coaches fired systems in place Sports rage late night has let down written all over it it’s going to be hard to match the emotion that they played with the other night it’s smarter to be on [Music] sport all right welcome in and uh it is that time of day again that’s right game time decisions here on the sports grid Network I’m Joe rer on this Wednesday now June the 5th as we get ready oh we inch a little bit closer here to the start of the NBA Finals just 24 hours away from that in Boston as the Celtics uh will finally try to get that elusive NBA championship Banner back in their building but they’re going to have to go through Luca donic Kyrie Irving uh and PJ Washington and the rest of the Dallas Mavericks who have done a great job of playing spoiler thus far in the playoffs uh I think it’s going to be a fantastic NBA finals and I’m looking very forward uh to that tipping off uh tomorrow night we will have to wait until the weekend of course until the NHL Stanley Cup begins here right not too far from where I’m sitting in the studio here in South Florida as the Panthers will take on the Edmonton Oilers for that Cup Championship and boy oh boy a lot of excitement in these parts here about Florida being back for the second time in a row in fact I believe if history tells us the last three backtack Stanley Cup finals appearances by teams that lost uh their first go round came back the following year they have all won uh and that includes teams like the Boston Bruins the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Tampa Bay Lightning over the last decade so uh history certainly will look favorable upon the Panthers and so does the market right now here not only in game one but you saw the uh the price there in the series right around minus 125 126 somewhere in that ballpark uh it’s still a good price it should be an absolute fantastic Stanley Cup and really you know we’re looking at the NHL and the NBA sometimes there is just a clear favorite and then we’re hoping that we just get enough games uh to make it interesting like last year for instance when Vegas uh did beat the Florida Panthers in five games beat him four games to one there as the Panthers were just riddled with injuries guys playing with deved septums I I mean they were an absolute mess not so much this year and of course the Miami Heat uh who were also very hobbled and uh were going toe-to-toe with the Denver Nuggets they only lasted five games I do think uh both of these championships coming up uh are certainly going to give us at least six if not seven very close games and it should be a whole lot of and very profitable to watch them unfold we do have much more on both of those games coming up here over the next hour and 55 minutes or so also we’ve got the memorial uh coming up here in the PGA Tour Jacks place in Ohio this is always uh one of the favorite stops among the PGA Tour professionals not an easy course uh also it is the week before the US Open which is also going to make it very interesting a lot at stake here in the memorial heading into the US Open our good friend Brady Canon will be by next hour we’re going to dive into that tournament and a look ahead to any possible future bets we can make with the US Open and I wouldn’t just run to the window and back Scotty Sheffer just yet orth though that seems to be the easiest and probably most prudent thing to do there might be a opportunity for some down that list there to not only win the memorial uh but in fact Make Some Noise next week at the US Open we also have the final leg of the Triple Crown coming up this weekend the Belmont Stakes only it’s not at Belmont it’s at Saratoga but it’s still called the Belmont Stakes uh don’t don’t confuse that this is not a mile and a half marathon this is a mile and a quarter because Saratoga doesn’t have the uh the property to be able to run a track around a mile and a half but that’s okay it’s not the first time this has happened Renovations at Belmont have caused this and I believe next year’s uh running of the Belmont Stakes to be at Saratoga one of the most gorgeous uh and historic racetracks in the country and I would highly suggest if you are a fan of history and want to step in into a Time long ago head over to Churchill head over to Saratoga absolutely gorgeous racetracks and that will be the focus on Saturday for the Belmont Stakes and we’re going to talk to our good friends over at the Daily Racing for coming up get their thoughts on what should also be an action-packed race with a lot of horses people feel can actually win this here at a pretty good price so uh much to dive into there and Major League Baseball here tonight with about half the games going off earlier or right about now in fact couple of games still underway including the Giants and Diamondbacks uh Giants 63 trying to finally win a game in this series over the Diamondbacks uh in the bottom of the six the uh Reds have just taken over the Rockies in the top of the ninth they were losing for most of this contest but they are not losing anymore uh they just uh scored the go-ahead run here in a top of a nine so 87 Reds on top of the Rockies here looking for the sweep the Cincinnati Reds are and the Phillies uh doing the same here over the Brewers up two nothing right now in the bottom of the eighth and the Mets oh the Mets you know the rule here we don’t bet on the Mets until after the seventh inning when whoever they’re playing is losing and the Mets Bullpen has to come in although Patrick Corbin on the mound for the Nets and outside of a solo home run that’s the only hit he’s given up it’s one- nothing here in the top of the fourth cards beat the Astros earlier today and the Braves got one hit talk about embarrassing Nick Peta and the bullpen for the Red Sox handled their business here today nine nothing Red Sox got it done just one lousy hit for the Atlanta Braves here today not a great showing by Atlanta but maybe the game of the night is coming up in just about 30 minutes or so as the Dodgers getting ready to take on Paul SK and the Pittsburgh Pirates and boy oh boy Paul SK getting a whole lot of love in the marketplace as people can’t even name uh two other Pirates but they know Paul SK is pitching and they are going to bet a strikeout prop over and they are going to bet the Pittsburgh Pirates the problem is he’s not going to win every game and boy oh boy did the Dodgers look pathetic last night getting shut out losing one nothing to the Pirates or what n Paxton is going for the Dodgers oh yeah by the way he hasn’t lost a game he is Five-0 on the season but this is a game in which many many many many people feel the wheels are going to fall off of Mr James Paxton and maybe tonight on the road against the rookie Phenom Paul sches maybe this is the night it happens but I would tread very carefully here PNC Park is going to be rocking here tonight as the pirates and their Phenom rookie look to take down the Dodgers again tonight also in a battle of Florida which nobody wants to win uh you’ve got the Rays and the Marlins kick off uh a little bit later this hour as well we’ll have much more on the late games here tonight including the yanies and the twins Mariners Athletics how about the Padres Angels uh and it looks like the Royals and Guardians were already postponed here today so we still got much to get to we’re just kicking it off here as game time decisions I can’t believe it it is a Wednesday we are in the month of June my goodness less than 90 days before football is back and ready to go in the season kickoff looking forward to it time flies come back and join us game time decisions here on the grid [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bids there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always you see on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time one to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose in game live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh place in that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports grid he’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on one so you got to finish this off they do they do I you got to finish that off sport rage late night only on Sports [Music] [Music] grid all right Welcome Back ingame Time decisions here on the sports grid Network I’m Joe rer joined by the legendary George CS ready to roll here hoping the Islanders hold tryy outs here at some point because he will in fact dust off the skates and get out there in goal Lord knows they need to help there uh CTS but uh looking forward to the uh NHL getting uh going here and we’re going to have to wait a few more days but before we dive into Major League Baseball on a slate here today your initial feelings six seven games in this one or do you think uh we got an opportunity with maybe a five game series being rather quickly with a gentleman sleep I mean there’s always a chance of that right one team’s just hotter than the other things aren’t working out for one team but I think this is going to be a longer series here and I don’t have a great feel for it I truly don’t here I am on Florida they were my team to make it to the Stanley Cup I had him vers the Dallas Stars here so I Dallas didn’t get there Florida is a hockey team right we know they to bang you they can play any pretty much any which way you want do they have the skill of the Oilers no all right they don’t have MC David a dry cidal uh players like that so they need to play more of a hockey game I truly don’t trust either gender I know Skinner was great he stole game six for the boski has been really really good really all season long maybe just the past uh how he’s played the past still affects me now so I’m gonna have play the over in game one as well here I’m want to go Florida in seven here you know I but six I think is a smarter money play here and by the way you know you take either team to win in six whoever you think is going to win you know take them in six or seven you win money either way or six and seven yeah you win money either way that’s probably how I going to go about this I’m gonna take Florida to winning game either in six games or seven games as long as they win I don’t think they’ll win in four or five I should be gold yeah I uh gonna be I think if it’s a shorter series it definitely favors Florida uh I think uh once you start getting into that six or seven you know the problem is you get to a seventh game good luck it’s anybody’s uh it’s anybody’s game at that point so I think uh the favorite and it was funny George I read earlier today that uh those teams that make it back a second year in a row to the finals that didn’t win the year prior they much better luck to Second go around Tampa has won a championship like that Pittsburgh did uh I believe Boston also over the last decade so and it makes sense right I guess that experience of losing having a good enough team to get back the following year you don’t kind of make those same mistakes you made the year prior agreed right experience does that play a factor here the week off also plays a factor I don’t know who’s going to show up on Saturday I don’t like what the NHL’s listen the NBA did it but that’s the NBA the NHL you’re not the NBA you’re certainly not the NFL waiting a week and I understand that odds are it was the TV networks I don’t I don’t know it’s ABC or BR the first D but OD was them that said no you’re waiting till Saturday so I get that but still taking a week off when we had exciting uh matchups right in the in the Conference Finals it was fun to watch here and now that sort of dies as you wait a week here it’s we’re only halfway through right and everyone’s GNA talking about the NBA final starting tomorrow so I don’t like the fact that they’re waiting so long here so I think that could affect one team early going I don’t know which one maybe it affects both and it evens out anyway here but I do think Florida is the better team here also I might ask this I mean Eon is only a fantastic ftic job of really changing the type of team they are right they’ve gone from an offensive first let’s better all the over to a defensive first team we’re playing defense where’re blocking shots skinners playing well can they keep that up another round because it goes against their identity it just goes against that ID here so can they do it again here all the factors point to Florida that being said Edmonton is not some uh you know little baby team that’s going to go away I think this will be a longer Series yeah I I think they it’s out of necessity right what choice did they have they got Skinner and gold who by the way was already benched earlier in that series there uh against Vancouver so what choice did they have right so they uh it’s funny what happens out of necessity in the playoffs with some teams they realize that wow we can actually do this uh pretty well and save him having said that let’s not get crazy Dallas still outshot them nearly three to one right I mean when you’re only facing when you’re only getting 10 shots on goal Edmonton how you congratulations but if you only get 10 shots on goal and you’re still playing great defense but Skinner still got to make 28 32 33 saves you’re not winning in a seven game series like that you’re just not George not against Florida they need to play much better they sat on that Skinner stole that game I mean he should be arrested right for Grant L stole that game I think you put up something interesting when Skinner was replaced right and they brought on peard for a game or two that’s sort of when we saw saw Ence start to change their game and play defense yeah you know and I sort of equated you know I played hockey played hockey for a long time I was a backup golender but I was also a defenseman I was starting D I was a good defenseman so whenever I played goalie I was like oh this is terrible I’m not playing defense now so a weeker there I’m not just toting my own horn but you know you get that and then I’m playing goalie I’m not as good as the stter like we’re gonna get shelled here but the team played differently they played stronger D now because they knew I was a net and I wasn’t as good as the starting go Ender so the forwards came back I think that’s what we’re seeing with Edmonton here they know they can’t play that wide open style as you’re saying they will will not win you will not win against these teams you play that wide open style they going to win six five games against Florida it’s not going to happen or against Vancouver or against Dallas they changed their game and I think that’s what we’re seeing here I I just can they keep it up or do they go back to Old Habits especially if Florida gets up two goals or Florida gets up two games to one something like that do they go back to Old Habits it’s just I need to see it I need to keep seeing it that’s why I have a hard time grasping edmans because great job by them great job we saw the capitals do this with W with Alexander veski when they started to back check and play defense as well that’s why they won the cup it’s why the Toronto Ms never win the cup because they don’t do it they haven’t adjusted their game kudos to Edington I need to see it again yeah was Paul wasn’t Paul Maurice he was uh he knows Edmonton pretty well from his previous coaching stints right so he uh he’s got a pretty good idea on what this team is all about uh I does coach even matter in the finals here but he seems to pull the right push the right buttons here with this Florida team he has over the last couple of years yeah I believe he’s coach with the Winnipeg Jets uh so certainly knows Oilers very well here and more PO is fantastic in the uh the conference uh interviews man he’s just great he’s a lot of fun uh and I enjoy that we get a coach is Will to say some stuff out there I think that’s fun I don’t want to hear it well you know we tried our hard didn’t work out for us they was I don’t want to hear that you want to hear some personality he’s got some personality I think coaching does matter but give it to noblock you know he’s been great too for a guy who hasn’t even had he hasn’t even a training camp with his team yet fantastic job by him coming that’s correct yep maybe the right fire of the Year there we’ll talk some major league baseball when we get back game time decisions [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing youve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing thing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into it you guys will catch him when next time they do a p shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three-on-one so you got to finish this off they do they do I said you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] [Music] grid all right welcome back in Game Time decisions here on the sports grid Network janary alongside George curs as uh we’re getting ready uh for some major league baseball about a half the games today George already finished or about or underway uh we did just watch Colorado melt down once again uh Cincinnati looks like they’re going to win that one again also Philadelphia with a two nothing shut out gets it done Aaron Nola against the Brewers but everyone’s eyes are going to be on this Pittsburgh Dodgers game here with Paul skines and Paxton I mean who’ have th it a couple of uh couple of undefeated pitchers going at PNC park my goodness I don’t think there’s been this kind of excitement there uh in a long long time but are we uh are we trusting Paul SK a rookie right now against the Dodgers after being shut out last night I would probably trust him anyway but the Dodgers aren’t hitting right they’ve been in a a team white slump now for about what two weeks they’re just not hitting whatever list it’s a baseball season we know it’s 162 games six months every team goes through this all right so I think that’s what we’re at now with the Dodgers maybe the do looking forward to facing the Yankees and the Bronx over the weekend yeah that could be it too I suppose here but uh yeah I’m on uh I haven’t pulled the trigger on Pittsburgh winning but I’m on the under you know I what what’s the worst he’s gonna give up a run two you know maybe they’re gonna try and beat up on the uh on the bullpen here so give me uh give me the under in this game it’s my favorite play I probably will pull the trigger as soon as the next commercial on Pittsburgh winning the game as well I think they’ll do enough damage against Paxton they’re not going up against Yamamoto you know or Tyler glas now although they beat glas last night but they could have run off them so give me uh definitely give me Pittsburgh the under and I think I’ll take Pittsburgh in the game as well I mean the Dodgers are plus money uh my goodness what a uh what a turnaround there Dodgers has that $900 trillion you spent is that good to be a road dog against Pittsburgh that is just disgusting on so many uh levels here Yankees getting ready to take on the twins Panic against rodon it’s just Yankees right we just rinse and repeat like the twins are not beating the Yankees you know uh our man behind the glass Patrick fer there I uh you know I texted him my playr tonight I’m like you know the Minnesota Twins are the Washington generals to the Yankees Harlem go triers I mean that’s just what they are it’s a great call yep I mean that game last night the Yankees didn’t even play all that well last night but it’s a 5-1 final all right uh Ro Don’s been great all right if pck the Yankees should be able to beat him up I think the only thing you’re questioning this do you want to play on the money line do you want to play on the Run line do you want to go both uh your anytime home runs I think either Soto or judge maybe B is gonna hit home runs tonight Stanton hit one last night so I won’t take him again uh he really want to go crazy maybe Rizzo figures things out and finds a short porch there uh but that’s the way I’m going yeah so Yankees I think is a pretty easy shot tonight yeah what are we trusting uh the Blue Jays to win a game here coming up uh top of the hour we no it I like Baltimore seems to have figured them out as well so how bad is this blue jays team I mean it’s embarrassing at this point well I guess two things here the Orioles beat up the American League East I mean good for them they do not lose to American League east teams they’re a good team anyway but they’re doing very well against the American Lees especially Toronto here baros is going tonight the pitching match up says Toronto is uh you know maybe slight favorite but I’m not taking Toronto you know cam brought up the other day and this is one that we’ve all talked about Schneider’s a dead man walking right the manager there yeah right it’s just a matter of when now you know is it you know now midseason end of the season he’s toast and if they lose again tonight what’ you lose game one 72 or something like that last night you lost 101 102 they get blown out tonight again I wonder if he survives tomorrow you know they’re just going to have to make a move no choice here they say the knock they don’t want to trade bichette they don’t want to trade Guerrero great W said they’re never going to trade Juan sto too and he’s still moved here but something needs to be done there I’m not saying Schneider’s the problem but what’s the old saying you can’t fire 26 players so I think that’s going to be their move yeah were they’re gonna get rid of them they they’ve already tried that that whole fire the manager and like this the problems go deeper here uh effin against Garrett here is it an under with tamper in Miami what are we looking at I’m on Tampa but I’m cautious here I don’t think E’s going to go long you know maybe 60 75 pitches here in this come back from the I so you’re talking depending on how economical he is four Innings five and then we get to the bullpen uh Tampa Bullpen has not been as good as it has been in years past I’m on Tampa they should win the game here I’m gonna stay away from the under though Miami actually they got to a hot start in that game last night then just called it quits after that but uh give me the raise I think they do win the the first two games of the series yeah reality set in and they realized they were the Marlins uh and and they were like yeah but this has got to stop here and yeah I’m just saying it is what uh it is the Battle of Florida here tonight with the Rays and Miami all right George we appreciate it as always cash those tickets my friend game time decisions we’ll be back after this [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the B there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade B the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he he’s sort of into you guys will catch them next time they do a p shot see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on one so you got to finish this off they do they do I see you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] [Music] grid all right welcome back in Game Time decisions here on this Wednesday it’s the sports grid Network I’m Joe reneer and we go from the diamond to the hardwood here as it’s feels like it’s been forever but yes we do have an NBA Finals getting ready to tip off tomorrow in Boston as the Dallas Mavericks will take on to Celtics can the Celtics get that elusive Championship get that Banner in the building here that they have quite honestly uh should maybe have one or two more than they already do over just the last five years but joining us the one and only Mr Mark Zeno in the house he’s got a pretty good idea on what we’re going to get in this series here I mean quite it certainly not for a lack of talent over the last couple of years we can make the argument Boston and probably should have another one uh should have another championship somewhere along the line but you know what they say the first one’s always the hardest here with this group uh are we trusting them long term to be able to pull us off and four out of seven I mean if they don’t it’s because you saw something epic uh from Luca dantri I mean look I’m not I’m not taking anything away from Luca he’s one of the most dynamic players we’ve ever seen but I still think when what I’ve said repeatedly is if you go back to LeBron James and the Cavaliers coming back from that 3-1 deficit what LeBron did in games five six and seven to put his team in that position and put them on his back that’s what you’re going to need from Luca in four games to win this thing um you’re going to need that kind of effort because without it I I just it’s not that he alone isn’t enough I just don’t know how much you want to trust The Supporting Cast yes I think Kyrie is great yes I think Kyrie can have an incredible impact on this series uh and certainly is a guy that you know uh C can take over a game for certain stretches but still this is a Boston team that’s top five in offensive efficiency and defensive efficiency and they’re really really good and for all the media narratives that have surrounded the Celtics guess what when push comes to shove they’re in the NBA finals because they’re better than everybody else and Dallas is not better than Boston not on paper and not on the court they don’t have more depth they don’t have better shooting um they don’t have better better size I mean you know everything favors the Boston Celtics here so does that put pressure on Boston of course it does yes absolutely but still as you said Joe not for a lack lack of talent but it’s going to take something bigger than normal little possibly extraordinary but from Dallas to to win this thing yeah it it’s I think it’s going to be fascinating I mean we we’re coming off a year in which you know a depleted Miami team lost in five to the better team in Denver here I I don’t think that’s what we’re going to get here I do think there um there is going to be an opportunity in six or seven games I think if you read the series right Zen game one I mean seven that seven point I mean the market continues to back this Boston there is be a ton of value I think one way or the other as this series uh progresses here because I do think the market has Drew the Line in the Sand Boston they feel is the better team no doubt and they’re willing to make it to the point where it’s kind of unbelievable how much they’re laying right now in this first one I mean look um I’m not surprised look I’m not surprised it’s at seven I I when they opened up at six six and a half I honestly thought the number was a little short like I it didn’t surprise me from the standpoint just do some comparative analysis here and I said this Dallas’s offense and Indiana’s offense are comparable but there’s a clear Edge to Indiana at least in the metrics and what they say now Dallas’s defense is a lot better than Indiana’s defense there’s no doubt about that but are we talking two two and a half points better not against Boston’s offense I I don’t know I mean you tell me how Dallas really defends Boston and defends them well I don’t see it so I thought this number was a little short I thought it’d be at seven and a half when we opened up possibly even eight uh that’s where I would have opened it so but I get why there’s been some buyback on on on the Celtics initially or some Buy in on the Celtics initially and and this number is moving but I will say this much like any given Series where you have such a heavy favorite like this stealing game one may be the best opportunity for the Mavericks to really make a series of this thing right I mean that’s that the best thing you could do is catch Boston sleeping and you know rest versus Russ theory that they’ve spent too much time at home they haven’t had to work that much and here we are uh in game one and they sort of fall asleep at the wheel and they have a chance to do it I don’t know if I would want to lay six and a half as much as I think the number is short doesn’t mean I want to lay it just because I think it’s short um that said I I just you know I think if Boston is gonna get caught asleep with the Wheel game one is probably the ideal condition to do it and I’m confused because as the number Rises here towards Boston the total’s not moving and I mean call me crazy if Boston is good enough and is going to cover this number we’re not staying under 214 like it’s just not happening here so I’m I’m confused with the correlation of the line moving but the total staying right where it is I think the under definitively favors Dallas because that means Boston isn’t scoring period like I’m not saying B can’t win an under game they won Under games against Indiana right like I’m not saying they can’t win an under game but it being under certainly favors Dallas because guess what when push comes to shove if Boston is pushing 115 120 like they’ve been able to do a lot of times this year I understand the playoffs are a different animal but if they’re pushing into 110 115 range who has better Shooters down the stretch you trust more I trust Boston they have much more depth they have much better Shooters I mean Al Horford made Seven threes in a playoff game for crying out loud Derek white is still chucking up three over the place and making him what happens after you get past Luca and Kyrie I mean is it Derrick Lively I mean is is is is PJ uh Washington PJ Washington make making threes and Daniel G no those guys aren’t making threes so you know I I I look at the situation here and I go if it is staying lowc scoring and under Dallas has a shot to win the game better than if it go I don’t think you want to get in a shootout with Boston well it’s and that’s the other thing too looking ahead to some of these uh these markets here leading scorer in the series I I know we all want to associate Tatum with Boston winning possible MVP but how how is Luca not the biggest scorer in the leading score in this thing when it’s all said and done I mean if he’s not this might be a four or five game series right right like if not leading every game if he’s not putting up 30 a game guess what I told you there’s there’s chance that that Dallas doesn’t win you’re going to need something extraordinary from a very extraordinary player in Luca for for Dallas to to to win this series and even at that Joe we don’t think this is a five-game series in favor of Dallas right it’s it’s gonna go six or seven and so if Dallas is going to win this thing we know it’s a long series and there are going to be games where Luca is just gonna have off nights and that’s certainly understandable but he’s gonna make up for it with some 38 you know 39 40o nights where he puts everybody on his back and carries the team to a victory so yeah if if you’re betting on the leading score for the series you may as well bet on Luca double down with it on the MVP and push all to the table for Dallas to win the series yeah I’m uh I’m kind of with you there I think he’s got um he’s got his work cut out for him but uh he’s already shown he’s certainly capable of carrying uh a team here at this particular Point uh and I is it as simple as Boston wins it’s Tatum uh and if Dallas wins it’s Luca or is there a dark horse here on both these teams we’re missing for MVP look it’s one in one a for both teams right Luca and Kyrie and Jason and J I can’t really justify taking a fly on anybody else like what’s the world where Chris Taps porzingis is scoring 27 a game in this series and being better than both the other guys and Boston is winning games right like right there’s not a stretch this year where where Chris Taps porzingis was the leading scorer for four times in seven games and Boston won four times in seven like that’s just not a formula that they’re going to have it’s not going to be Derek white it’s not I mean is there a world where Drew holiday Y where his defensive accolades and his offensive prowess can you could put all that together possibly possibly if you look at but that would be like one of those things where it’s a sweep and Lucas completely shut down through holidays on him like white on rice and that’s how the whole thing unfolds but I don’t see that happening so uh what is the over under on how many games poor zingis plays before he gets hurt you’re right I should have made it quarters I should never in a million years have said games I should have said howy over under on the quarters before pingis gets crushed [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between I want trade that line the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding in game live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well a little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch them when next time they do a pet shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on one here potentially three on one so you got to finish this off they do they do I see got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] grid all right welcome back in Game Time decisions here on the sports grid Network Mark Zeno back in the hot seat with us as we get ready for couple of games uh just getting underway now Mark in Major League Baseball uh Paul SK uh taking on the Dodgers I see uh I see otani’s up the plate right now he’s already got him in a six pitched bat um but what I Dodgers as a dog on the road I don’t care who’s throwing like really is that after being shut out is that really where we’re in June no I mean it’s just a ridiculous number the Dodgers should not be an underdog at all like I mean I get the Paul sk’s love but like the guy’s made four starts and there’s not an objective reason other than the public will run to bet this guy and oddsmakers are adjust adjusting accordingly um and and look I don’t think it’s beyond oddsmakers to test the waters a little bit with a player like this that has got so much sort of you know name recognition and and sort of advertisement around him R makers to test the waters and go okay against the Dodgers team let’s see how the public reacts when we see him as a favorite let’s see who’s smart let’s see who’s not you know again I don’t think oddsmakers ever bait anybody but they are willing to dip their toe in the water and see if they got a line right versus getting a line wrong and it happens oddsmakers get lines wrong all the time they’re not they’re not infallible this is a bad line it’s a wrong line it shouldn’t be the case the Dodgers are the better team on several fronts unless Paul skes is going to pitch a complete game which doesn’t really happen that much anymore and for rookies even more guess you know what they don’t get to do Joe pitch all on Innings because nobody gets to pitch all on Innings anymore so you know I mean unless that’s happening then the Dodgers are gonna have a chance to win this thing because even as bad as James Paxton is this is not a Pirates lineup that scares me yes I I know James Paxon is five and0 everybody but his numbers stink he’s got he’s averaging a walk every other inning so when you’re putting a free pass on routinely guess what those guys are gonna come around a score yep I agree I I think um well he just 101 M hour of fast ball he threw by Otani for the strikeout so uh Freeman is up next here uh but what do we do with uh with this late night game here Dylan C taking on the angels and Sano who is certainly uh capable of lighting a match on the mound and just throwing gasoline all over it Dylan C’s been banged around a little bit but isn’t this a complete step down in competition uh with what he has had to face lately it feels like this is a good spot for Dylan C to kind of get back on track here a little bit against this lineup but do we trust them I you know the short answer is yes we trust him because the numbers tell you that we should again despite everything else this is a guy that’s still got a sub one whip on the year right and on the road this is even better on the road he’s 4-0 with a 2.79 ra and opposing heers are batting just 171 against he’s got 52 strikeouts of 42 Innings whatever reason pitching at Petco in the pitchers Park kind of sucks for him but you know pitching out on the road everywhere else seems to work out so you know if you’re gonna look for a get right spot this is probably it for CE if he struggles tonight you have to start to wonder was that first month completely an aberration you know were we just being fooled by what we saw but I still think CE is a pretty good pitcher uh and and you know he should be able to to to to to write the ship tonight yeah it feels like this is a uh this is a good spot to uh to jump on board with him uh not a good spot don’t trust Ura at all for the Rangers but I this Rangers team is baffling uh to me on so many levels here taking on uh Detroit and Kent MAA who is very capable of giving up 10 runs in the first three Innings he throws uh but is Texas the right side here and by a lot or is this just an over game I mean again the Texas Rangers and similarly the Atlanta Braves like they’re not really back at this point because their offenses aren’t scoring on the regular you many R you know how many runs Rangers have scored in the first two games of this series two yeah that’s it their pitching has done a great job they’ve only G five runs in two games their offense stinks and so you know when you have your REO on the mound tonight it was 3.74 ER that’s not bad 1.3 whip you know what the problem is that Jose Ura is is not getting any run support he’s barely getting four runs a game this year so do you trust Texas to turn around and hit the ball tonight I don’t it’s not a lineup I want to back I don’t want to back either one of these lineups they stink I mean you know first five unders this year have been murder for me but that’s the way I would lean because I don’t trust I don’t think either one of these lineups are any good yeah boy yeah what have one hit by the way Atlanta today like what one one hit that they could what one uh what is their week what who who are they coming up next against what else what’s next for them are we fading them or what are we doing here with Atlanta they’re playing the Nationals next so you know again this as of right now as we stand here you wouldn’t believe me but who has a better offense the Nationals are the Braves it’s the Nationals it’s crazy yeah like that’s the situation we’re in so uh yeah I don’t think you can back the Braves on much I heard uh through the grave far you’re a big uh fetty fan here so we backing him in the first five with the white socks at uh at Wrigley where uh are is fetty your boy here tonight early Joe if I wanted to set my money on fire I I would just you know do it it’s probably a lot easier Eric Freddy is a speaking of fires ER Eric fetty is hot garbage on the road all right at home he’s got a zero five ER this year on the road it’s 5.74 hitters are batting nearly 100 points higher on the road against fedy and then they are at home I mean you know it’s just it’s it’s not a a guy that you want to back period um you know I mean he does have 30 strikeouts and 31 Innings if he gets the five innings you know maybe maybe you’re looking that direction but he’s again he’s given up 21 runs in 31 Innings on the road that’s bad that doesn’t allow you to stay in a lot of games very long when you give up runs at that rate but do we trust the Cubs to to score it’s nine and a half this total nine and a half yeah I mean it’s tough to play overs with the white sock just because their offense is so putrid right you’re G you’re asking the Cubs to you’re ask it’s not even the Cubs gotta get to five you know they gotta get the six maybe seven here to really feel confident about this yep that’s kind of why I’m not seeing anything crazy wind wise that that’s out of the ordin it just feels like nine and a half is a big ask uh for these two teams here so uh that game coming up next hour and Zen the Yanks coming up here shortly I know you’re going to throw your Ron Jersey on and kick back and watch it we’ll be back as game time decisions continues here on the grid [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy reputation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on one so you got to finish this off they do they do I see you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] [Music] grid all right welcome back in game time to decisions here on the sports grid Network offend running Major League Baseball here tonight plenty of good games still on tap here and we’ve got ourselves a little same game parlay coming up in one of them and our good friend Davis madic has put it together for us so Davis what’s the play here tonight for an SGP all right guys we are back with another same game parlay over on the FanDuel sports book the Seattle Mariners at the Oakland Athletics one of the most pitcher friendly stadiums in baseball but we are actually going to take the over on seven and a half total runs here the Mariners offense ready to explode and Gilbert who we are going to back tonight has actually been a little bit worse at run prevention while improving with strikeouts this season so we are also going to take Logan Gilbert over six and a half strikeouts one of the things he offers is going quite deep in games getting over 100 pitches with a frequency and we are also going to add Seattle Mariners Superstar Julio Rodriguez to record an RBI in this game this three-leg same game parl gives us plus 662 odds over seven and a half total runs Logan Gilbert over six and a half total strikeouts and Julio Rodriguez to record an RBI good luck tonight everyone all right Davis appreciate that you know speaking of the American League West here Seattle has got to figure something out uh because my goodness the Houston Astros are running out of pitchers folks they learned today they lost two more of their starting pitchers to significant elbow injuries Christian Javier and now Jose yidi are both going to undergo season ending elbow surgery uh my goodness I mean we are talk both of these guys are now on the Shelf 14 to 18 month rehab is what they are saying both are going to be out till at least the mid 2025 season uh and don’t forget the Astros are already without Lewis Garcia uh to Tommy John surgery he had uh Lance McCullers uh has had surgery a year ago he’s nowhere to go so uh Verlander just got off the IL so did ramber Valdez but now you go down it’s it’s Hunter Brown ryell blun and Spencer arag that’s it uh they are mixing and matching here JP France also landed on the ilil uh with shoulder issues so things are not looking well for the Houston Astros from a starting pitching perspective ain’t looking great from a lineup perspective either as they can’t uh they they can’t seem to get enough hits when they need it but my goodness I mean we are talking Astros starting pitchers this year are coming into play with nearly a five ER it’s the fifth worst earn run average among starting pitchers in Major League Baseball in fact each one of the starters on the Astros ranked dead last in War uh in Major League Baseball it could not get any worse Christian Javier was supposed to be uh a huge part of this rotation moving forward uh certainly after the 2022 World Series title run uh I mean this is a guy that there were high hopes or you were looking at this this starting rotation this year and going wow uh these guys are going to be around for a while but once your quiddy went down now Christian Javier we still can’t get Lance mccullers’s back Verlander looks like he’s still trying to figure some things out framber Valdez was already hurt oh boy boy uh what a difference a year makes maybe Dusty Baker had a pretty good idea on what the future held uh for him and for the Houston Astros because things keep going from bad to worse for them right now we do have plenty of games getting ready to come up here just after the top of the hour here including the New York Yankees taking on the Minnesota Twins caros rodon taking on uh Paddock for the twins twins haven’t beat the Yankees since 1986 apparently but uh it’s a new day it’s a new game at Yankees stadium also the Orioles uh taking on Jose baros and the Blue Jays can they will they the Blue Jays be able to score enough runs to finally beat the Orioles oh I’ve got my doubts on that as well Paul SK handling business against uh the uh the Dodgers except for the fact they just took one off the wall on them so we’ll have an update across the board on the games currently underway in Major League Baseball plus we’ll talk some Belmont Stakes coming up this hour along with the memorial on the PGA tour much to get to game time decisions come back and join us here on the grid [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out now and the trade that line the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen and watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on- one so you got to finish this off they do they do I see you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] grid all right welcome back in off and running another hour here game time decision on the sports grid Network I’m Joe rer it’s the first Wednesday of June here now and we are off and running with some major league baseball tonight we’ve already had a couple of games finish up I am debating whether or not uh a nine-run lead is enough for the Mets Bullpen they are up nine nothing right now srino throwing a four hitter into the bottom of the seventh that is how bad this Bullpen is they will not allow srino uh to come out out of this game here with a nine run cushion plus that Bullpen can use a breather but N9 nothing Mets over the Nats right now we’re getting ready first pitch for the Yankees twins as well as the Orioles and blue jays and let’s not forget too uh one hit for the Dodgers so far against rookie Phenom Paul skines for the Pirates the Dodgers closed as an underdog I’ll repeat the Dodgers closed as an underdog in game James Paxton on the hill for the Dodgers he too has not lost a game yet this season uh the Rays have scored three in the top of the first the Marlins have answered with two in the bottom of the first and just like that we are off and running with the Marlins and the Tampa Bay Rays here much more to get to when it comes to Major Baseball we’ll touch base on all of these games through out the hour interesting late night schedule of games as well looking for the Padres and Dylan SE to maybe I don’t know crazy idea win a game against one of the worst teams in Major League Baseball in the Angels we’ll see if they can do that later but in other news here today we did learn a little something about the college football playoffs this year now for those of you that don’t know the college football playoffs going to look and feel a little bit different this year than what it has been why well we got uh we got a whole lot of games coming up for what is now an expanded 12 team playoff field and this will be the first time uh that we are diving into more teams more playoffs uh more eligibility here nine of the 11 games that will be uh played here in this 12 team playoff field will be broadcast on ESPN which obviously uh poned up the money for that so between ESPN and ABC uh these games will absolutely uh be watchable here to the general public you also have it’s not Netflix or anything like that uh your TNT Sports will have it Turner uh these games will certainly be watchable there will be uh a couple of afternoon first round games is what it sounds like but for the most part these will be Prime Time games and don’t forget this is for the first time postseason games will take place on campus sites in the first round so if you are seated 5 through 12 you will participate in the first round of the college football playoff and the games will take place at the campus of the higher ranked seeds so seeds one through four they’re going to receive a first round buy and then they’ll play the first games in the quarterfinals so this is buckle up this is going to be a whole lot of college football in the month of January the 2025 college football national championship we won’t Crown a national champion until January 20th and it’s going to be in Atlanta at the mercedesbenz Dome there that is the place or the location of what the national championship game will be but when you think about it and by the way the 2026 college football championship that’ll be in South Florida in Miami there at the Hard Rock stadium but we’re talking about games quarterfinals beginning in the fiesta ball beginning on December 31st so New Year’s Eve we are going to have a game in Glendale Arizona January 1st you’ll have three playoff games the peach bow the rolls Bowl the Sugar Bowl the semifinals are going to take place at the Orange Bowl at the Hard Rock stadium January 9th and then of course January 10th will be the cotton ball for the other side the winner of those games they’ll play for a national championship over a week later in January 20th so January 10th we have have the final half of the national championship and 10 days later we will have the national championship that is a whole lot of college football in the month of January now first time 12 teams opportunity for just about anybody now to win a National Championship or is it really though uh I am going to be very interested to see we all know this is about the money let’s not kid ourselves this isn’t because we truly think Boise State uh is just gotten shafted over the last decade that they could win a national champ no they can’t uh but it certainly is going to bring in a lot more Revenue isn’t it though uh when you’ve got this kind of college football schedule that is going to rival the NFL for the entire month of January so we’re going to get a whole lot of college football uh and then NFL football January bringing in 20 25 should be absolutely crazy with football each and every weekend we’ll have Saturdays we’ll have Sundays and I’m really not quite sure what the argument is going to be between uh and you know it’s going to happen right we’re all going to go what the the te the poor 13th seed is going to be screaming and yelling that they got screwed that they should be the 12s it’s just it’s never going to end some people thought 16 teams uh would have been a great idea but I am looking very forward to seeing how this all works out in the first year I am going to throw a guess that one of the top four seeds is going to win this year I know I’m going out on a limb but something tells me five through 12 will not be playing for a national championship just got that feeling that the top four teams in the country will be vying for a national championship that sounds awfully familiar like we might have already had that yes we did but we went ahead and added eight more teams anyway so get ready for college football right through the end of January there in 2025 can’t believe it less than uh what 85 days now somewhere in that ballpark in which college football will be here the NFL will be here it’s going to be uh it’ll be here before we know but I’m still trying to figure out how in the world that this is already June 5th once we get past the next couple of weeks the NBA Finals begin tomorrow the NHL Stanley Cup finals begin on Saturday given another two weeks uh and then by the middle of the month it’ll be a whole lot of baseball and then a whole lot of getting ready to get updated on all the college football teams the new coaches the recruits uh that got in there the transfer portal uh there is a lot of work to be done when it comes to college football this year we just went over that schedule top 12 teams in the playoff mean there’s going to be opportunities betting uh and cashing a few tickets looking very very forward uh to it but there’s a lot of work to do between now and then including tomorrow night get ready game one of the NBA final Boston taking on Dallas can they will they the next 10 days are going to be epic between the NBA and the NHL as the finals who’s going to be that Stanley Cup winner does Florida get it done at second go after losing last year does Edmonton finally bring a Stanley Cup back to uh Canada which is what they have uh been screaming for for decades now it feels like they want a champion they want a Canadian champion in the Stanley Cup will they get it won’t they get it we’ll have much more on that to talk about coming up Joe Madden will stop by we’re going to talk some PGA as well the Memorial tournament this week Bo have Jack’s Place that’s going to be an awful lot of fun come back and join us game time decisions continues on the [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in a step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on- one so you got to finish this off they do they do I you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] grid all right Welcome Back ingame Time decisions here on the sports grid Network as the Pirates are now up 5 nothing let me repeat 5 nothing so turns out they were an actual Underdog at PNC park for a reason here the wheels have fallen off bottom of the second inning pirates still batting by the way up five zip here ingame number five and a half a nice 11 and a half if you think uh the Dodgers are actually capable of swinging the bat and scoring runs I have have my doubts as Joe Madden steps in here and we’re watching uh this debacle unfold there uh with this Dodgers team who correct me if I’m wrong Joe didn’t score a run last night and so far they haven’t scored a run in this game and yet here that have they LED in any game over the last month it feels like my goodness uh hard to believe a $ 900 trillion roster uh is capable of not scoring runs here in the first week of June I’m a little baffled by how bad they have been here thus far yeah I completely agree with you looking at them today I did think Paxon would at least be able to limit the bats of the Pirates coming out here I can’t believe he’s been able to give up so many runs the pirates with five runs they have a runner on first and second as well this is not good for the Dodgers but you look at them plus 1, 20 on that money line once the bullin comes into play here for the Pirates can we see the Dodgers get back in this Joe I think that over 11 and a half at minus 130 would be the way I’d go if you’re looking to live bet it I got I’m going to have to look at the Dodgers total runs now and I think it’s time to fade them uh they are brutal at this point but uh can make the same argument for the Texas Rangers bats who are also brutal uh but they are getting ready to take on Detroit top of the hour there Ken MAA on the mount for Detroit uren who got lit up last time out out here for Texas how are we approaching this game coming up Joe I think both of these pitchers have to come out stronger you’re right uh Ura got completely lit up but you look at his home erra it’s a 1.35 I’m expecting him to come out stronger here versus Detroit and I do think Mana can come out strong enough to go over his strikeouts his strikeout number coming in at 4 and a half that over is plus 128 we’ve seen him have success especially on the road with those strikeouts we’re looking at him coming in here with 14 strikeouts and 15 Innings on the road pitched and I do think he had six versus the Red Sox he should be able to get over the four and a half versus the Texas Rangers I don’t trust their bats right now and I do think this is one where these pitchers are going to have the leg up for the full game so give me the under eight and a half in this one as well all right I love uh you going right to the plus money board I love it and you have an anytime home run here with the white socks and cubs Joe is that what I’m seeing yeah absolutely I am looking here um for Louis Robert Jr to come out nice and strong we know when he came back into this season he was able to get that big home run and that’s exactly who it was on it was on the Chicago Cubs here and I’m expecting him to be able to come out nice and strong in this one now you’re getting him for that home run at plus 340 you can take him for the RBI if you want I do think that cashes easily too that’s coming up plus 124 and I think the Chicago White Socks Joe don’t laugh have a chance of winning this one here versus the Chicago Cubs they were so close to being able to get it done in that last game and I know this team is on such a losing streak right now this losing streak has to be broken and until it’s broken we’re getting that value right now we’re not going to get the value in the next game I do think tonight is the one that’s being broken here and at plus 168 I’m jumping all over the white socks here I do think they can get it done I love this all Dylan C trying to break the uh the losing streak here the Padres they have been terrible uh he hasn’t been that great but he’s been pretty good on the road and this is a lineup he should dominate shouldn’t he Joe he should absolutely dominate here over the Angels this Angels team is one that I can’t trust not to strike out here I’m looking at Dylan Z now his strikeout ability is so phenomenally strong I do think you have to all his strikeouts though today because if you take it over the six and a half you’re laying so much juice the books want almost 170 juice on the over six and a half but if you take this up to eight plus strikeouts that’s coming in at plus 124 and this Angels team I just don’t trust them I think he’s going to get right around that 910 strikeout Mark I will take the eight plus strikeouts here at plus 124 and not get greedy I do think though this is one where you got to look look here at this one just to stay under that total of eight eight and a half I expect the Padres not to have many runs either and I do think though Manny Machado comes out nice and strong you can look at him for the RBI in this that’s coming in at plus 125 in the past two games here versus The Angels he’s been able to get that RBI on the board and in three or sorry four of his last five games he’s had an RBI as well his Bat is hot right now and I expect it to stay hot tonight right liking that and finally a little late night action there with the Athletics and the Mariners here uh what are is this going to be a uh a highs scoring Affair I doubt it I really doubt it as well Logan Gilbert coming out here for the Seattle Mariners I expect him to be strong the Seattle Mariners are some of the least disciplined um bats out there though they they strike out a whole bunch I’m looking at Joy EST us come out here and be able to go over a strikeout number now it is low at 4 and a half at minus 128 to the over if you want to Ed up I’m going to take it six plus strikeouts Joe you know I love looking at that plus money that’s coming in at plus 178 and I do think he has the ability here with how the Seattle Mariners just get Reckless and start swinging at everything trying to get those runs on the board and I do think he can have a strong day now I would also look at this one to stay under that total like you said these two pitchers should be nice and strong I’m not expecting the runs to come easily in this one so the under for the F for the first five as well as the under for the full game I love that there all right I don’t want to be accused of uh being a homer so uh just let me ask you real quick before we get you out of here Joe um it’s G to be Panthers in a gentleman sweep I I mean I’m just going to say it they’re going to let him get one and it’ll be over in five here how many games does it go here Joe I think it’s going to be a little harder Joe I am with you on the Florida Panthers I think this one goes six this is going to come down to that goal tending and that defense it’s going to be a great series 567 bet him now feels like we can cash those tickets Joe Madden best of luck we’ll be back game time decisions [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live over time as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on- one so you got to finish this off they do they do I you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] grid all right Welcome Back ingame Time decisions here on the sports grid network uh in addition to the NBA finals NHL Stanley Cup let’s not forget the legendary Belmont Stakes this weekend here and Craig milowski stepping in for us on a daily racing form and we always appreciate his time coming by because the first thing I guess we should let folks know Craig is that yes it’s called the Belmont Stakes but it’s at Saratoga don’t ask it’s just it’s it’s just at Saratoga but yes in name it’s the Belmont but I guess we should let folks know the big difference is we’re not a mile and a half uh here right at Saratoga so it’s a different race to handicap that way yeah it’s normally at Belmont but they’re doing some remodeling there rebuilding the grand stand so new track and it’s usually the test of Champions now it’s more similar to the Kentucky Derby and it’s debatable if that’s a good or a bad thing but just on this oneye uh uh sample that we have it’s a good thing because we got a really good field we got the winner of the Derby and the pron is showing up plenty other horses so I’m really looking forward to this race yeah it’s a fascinating uh field here of these 10 horses let’s start with the favorite here Sierra Leon listen folks have been talking about Sierra Leon since before the Kentucky all wait till the Belmont all right well here we are at the bmma I mean this horse has only lost two races both of them by a no uh the favorite for a reason yeah he’s the most consistent horse in the field he always shows up uh but I think there are some negatives with him as well he’s still a little bit of a goofy horse these are just threey olds and he doesn’t always run straight he really likes to head towards the rail once they get into the stretch and that’s got him in trouble in the past in both of his losses and there was a real argument he could have been disqualified from second in the Kentucky Derby and I know the chainer trainer Trad Brown is trying a few things with him changing the bit but whenever you want to take a short price you don’t really want to have those kind of concerns yeah yeah especially when he’s drifting uh around the turn don’t want that uh Mystic Dan is interesting number three uh Mystic Dan I believe is the only horse that is going to be running in all three legs of this year’s Triple Crown Kenny MC PE Brian Hernandez Jr can they get a can they get two out of three well Ken mCP is a guy who likes to run his horses there’s no doubt about that so if anybody’s going to run in all three legs it would be one of his uh I am a little dubious of his chances in this one because the trainer did express some concern even before the pness he ran fine I think maybe he regressed a little bit from the Kentucky Derby now he’s got another quick turnaround coming back in just three weeks and he’s a horse I think might be over the top a little bit he’s going to take a lot of money at the windows so he’s not for me in this spot yeah it’s interesting um the we’ve got not one well it shouldn’t be a shocker but not one not two but three top Fletcher horses in this race here Craig uh the one guy that every other trainer hates at the Belmont uh maybe it’s at Saratoga so it’ll help but mind frame is a fascinating horse I mean this this horse what when’s the last race this horse won and and what do we need to know about it uh I mean he’s a very lightly raced horse he’s only W run twice but he’s won his two races by a combined 21 lent I believe it is uh not much competition in those he’s going to take some money he draws a good post for a lately raced horse he’s outside so if he’s not used to a big Fielder this better competition he can just stay outside of him but it’s someone who’s bet these races for a long time I’m always leery of taking these really lightly raced horses getting thrust into much better competition so earlier in their career so maybe he’ll turn out to just be a freak and be better than all of these but at that 7 to2 Morning Line that’s not something I want to take a stand on yeah number seven uh protective is the other of course uh one of three uh that uh that Pletcher has in here so tell us who wins this uh when it’s all said and done who’s the who’s the top choice on your card Craig well the guy I’m going with is resilience the two horse he ran in the Kentucky Derby finished six beating about seven length in there but he was a horse who was outside most of the way like three or four length wide made a really good move into what was a hot early Pace packed it in a little bit but I really like the direction he’s moving he’s getting a little better every time he runs out he’s sent by Bill Mt and I really like that 10 to One Price I think he’s got a much better chance and his odds are going to indicate it’s like you Craig you don’t come on here giving out chalk like some other guys on this network no you come out with 10 to one shots at the Belmont and we could not be happier to have you swing by as always check them out at the Daily Racing for appreciated Craig game time decisions returns after this [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now it’s two2 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a pet shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three on- one so you got to finish this off they do they do I see you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] grid all right welcome back in Game Time decisions and that’s exactly uh the time of the week it is in which got to take a look at the PGA Tour because it’s going to be a heck of a next couple of weeks but it starts at Jack place the memorial here one of the uh one of the better uh tournaments on the tour mostly because you will not find anybody winning it uh at minus 20 or or crazier there and uh nobody knows that better than Brady Cannon uh and Brady Jack’s Place is always a challenge I and I think it’s a fantastic warmup for the US Open for these guys all the Heavy Hitters guys love this tournament uh for Jack’s Place and it is a challenge so I don’t think we’re going to be seeing you know 16 17 18 unders this week no I doubt it Joe and you’re right this is a big boy event one of the best non- major tournaments there is on the tour calendar you know right there with Riviera and Tory Pines it and we we’re on a heck of a run here I mean you go Wells Fargo PGA Colonial Canada now into this and the US Open and then you get a signature event after the US Open as well at TPC River Highland so this is a really good time to be a golf fan and a golf better you’re right this course is extremely demanding the fairways are pretty wide that’s where Jack kind of gives you a little bit of a break but the greens are lightning fast they’re undulated they’re smaller than tour average and the rough that borders the fairways is very very thick some of the thickest rough certainly probably the thickest rough we see in a non- major so yeah I mean it’s a great tuneup you’re you’re really asked of all the same skill sets that you need to win a major you got to do everything well this week I specifically honed in on iron play Strokes gained approach you know Nicholas he’s a second Shot Golf Course guy you got to really hit The Greens in regulation get it close to the hole you have to be spoton with your irons this week and then I looked at par fours which most of them are 450 to 500 yards in length at this golf course you got to be good on those to separate yourself from the field and then finally into these small greens hitting these iron shots you’re going to miss some greens you’re not going to hit them all in regulation and you’ve got to be able to get up and down from some of that very thick rough that borders these greens so give me a guy that can really scramble do well on the long par fours and hit great iron shots and I think you have the formula for Success this week by the way you mentioned you know 1820 underpar probably not going to happen my good friend Jeff Sherman at the super book here in Las Vegas set the number at 275 a half will the winning score be under or over 275 and a half which amounts to 12 and a half underpar yeah well that’s uh that’s going to be interesting interesting uh isn’t it especially with the names at the top of the board uh of course I the shefflers of the world as the favorites a Rory Xander shafley I think in his first tournament is a major Champion now the top of the board it’s The Usual Suspects but is there any value looking past those guys all right well okay well hold on Bry we’ll get you back there uh look at I completely stumped them there I threw out Scotty sheffler uh and immediately started collecting bail money I have no idea why but we’re going to have to get back to him on that but the reality is it is the usual here at the memorial right now Scotty Sheffer right around you can see it top of the board about 350 360 and then you’ve got The Usual Suspects Rory Xander how about Mora Cawa too who already has a win on this Golf Course uh and he loves mfield Village uh this is a guy that also won here in the co shortened season there in 2020 and uh I love that number with Victor hin by the way because let’s face it we talked about him couple of weeks ago made the uh made the swing coach uh change there reuniting with his former coach Joe Mayo uh at the PGA Championship and that is now wow three weeks ago and then he finished outright third there the only problem with him is he’s the defending champion of the Memorial tournament and you you’d go wait a minute he just won here a year ago yes he did uh but the problem was is that after last season you know sometimes these guys like Victor hlin they don’t need a coach anymore they already know what they’re doing and yes it turned out Victor hin was MIA for the first uh you know uh the first three four months of the year here in the season and then all of a sudden he saw the arrow of his ways there hooks back up with his former coach and if the PGA Championship is any indication of what is ahead because this was a guy we had were fully anticipating coming into this year uh competing and if not probably winning one of the majors that we have had here so far he came close last week at the PGA Championship we’ll see if he can get it done here this week I would absolutely have him on the card top five top 10 I think he’s going to be a force now that he’s got uh the putting back and now that he’s got the swing corrected and he’s got the confidence uh it should be very very interesting there are a lot of other guys in this tournament too that you’re going to have to keep an eye on including very familiar names uh how about Justin Thomas uh can’t go wrong with him how about 2019 and 2021 Memorial winner Patrick kley as much as it drives me crazy to think about uh Patrick kley uh and having a ticket on him as he melts down on a Sunday uh there is no denying he loves this course it is a course that he has dominated not once but twice as a uh as a champion he is going to be there on Sunday whether we like it or we don’t and if you go back a little further uh you also have Hideki Matsuyama who is also a winner here at the memorial he’s got a pretty good price although he has been battling some injuries and again Tommy Fleetwood is always a name and if you can get him at 30 to1 or better certainly uh somebody that you are absolutely going to want to keep an eye on here this is going to be a great tournament because the following week is going to be the US Open and you got to love uh what happens from here into the US Open uh there are some guys I think that are absolutely built to be able to compete and possibly win here and then do the same thing at the US Open Scotty Sheffer is a name that comes to mind but I gotta tell you col Colin morawa uh I love this guy don’t forget he was the 4 hole co-leader what three weeks ago at the PGA Championship and then he forgot his putter or his putter forgot him but the bottom line was he could not make a putt he had six eight and 10 foot birdie putts all day long and a Sunday could not make a puck but you heard Brady tell you he’s looking at ball Strikers this week looking for guys uh with iron play and living right around from what used to be the Honda Classic here on another Jack Nicholas course at PGA National yes you better be able to hit your irons and you better be able to hit your long irons here and as you can see from Brady’s outright I love with some top 20s in there those are guys that fit that bill guys that are absolutely going to be maybe not in the top five and the top 10 but certainly guys are going to be up there on the leaderboard uh making some noise but Colin morow is not a guy that I think he’s going to be very comfortable here he’s had some time to figure out the Putter and work on it but you will find no better ball Striker here this week than him and Victor havin will be the other guy I hate going back to back with guys defending Champions but something tells me this kid found something three weeks ago at the PGA I would not at all be shocked if Victor hin the defending champ is once again on the E with Jack as this week’s winner and if it isn’t this week and I kind of hope it’s not then the US Open Victor hin is a guy I’m certainly going to Target we’ll have much more on the memorial as we get a little bit closer to the opening te times tomorrow but in the meantime we got more game time decisions coming your way next year on the grid [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting Above the Rim got a brok J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right iname live prime time to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Rose iname game live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to Beyond Sports Grid it’s two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a ped shop see if uh they get through this uh Power Play though and oh they got a two-on-one here potentially three-on-one so you got to fin this off they do they do I you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports [Music] [Music] grid wow it’s good to see the Dodgers finally uh remembered had a hit here even against Paul skes but it is 72 right now as the Dodgers just giving up a uh a seven runs here through four Innings is not good uh but they have seemed to get tkin here for a couple of runs Yankees and uh twins nothing nothing and I have a feeling I know somebody that might uh might be involved in these games as we welcome in the man taking over at the top top of the hour Scotty Wetzel on ingame live Prime Time coming up here Scotty uh SK I was laughing last hour going you do realize the Dodgers are an underdog on the road at PNC Park I I mean 900 million dollars you pay for a team and you’re an underdog at PNC park in June here Scotty but I guess they’re an underdog for a reason at this point yeah against the rookie pitcher no less obviously a good rookie pitcher but still a rookie pitcher done the done the same down seven nothing oton just hit a two-run blast he struck out against SK the first time hit a two- run homer so I guess they’re even as far as their personal matchup goes but still seven2 I tell you in this game Joe I I saw something I can’t remember happening too often and that is last night they had posted on FanDuel anyway sk’s numbers strikeout totals how many outs he’s going to get right so his strikeout total was seven and a half which is a pretty good number he’s hit that a couple times so this afternoon when I looked again it was 6 and 1/2 and it wasn’t like 6 and 1/2 minus 160 or you know it it was a legitimate one strikeout drop and it’s just like why you know why would that happen now the guys’s got five through three Innings you know so he’s on Pace to get his eight from that original number but I I can’t remember you know they haven’t had strikeout props around that long but having a strikeout prop drop on a guy like that who’s a public player well that was kind of weird that that had like sucker written all over it if you bet the over but again you got five so far so you’re looking pretty good yeah no so far uh so good here uh Yanks twin still nothing nothing actually I’m sorry one nothing it looks like now Yankees have taken the lead uh it uh 4 nothing I’m sorry uh yep yeah I know I didn’t refresh it though four nothing there Rays 52 over or over the Marlins which we got seven runs in four Innings with those two teams Scot they haven’t scored uh seven runs in the last two months here and the Orioles on top of the Blue Jays what are you doing with some of these late night games because I really want to back Dylan CE and the Padres he it’s a step down I mean he hasn’t been great but it it feels like this is the spot where he gets right and the Padres get right here tonight well it a’t they better I had the Padre’s the last two nights Joe I I can’t believe die to this lousy Angel team I are you kidding me right I mean geez are we going to go back to the well you know he’s their best pitcher you know you have to I suppose but man it’s been tough uh they’re big favorites too 170 on the road you know who wants to lay 170 with with the San Diego Padre Randy Jones could be on the hill and I I don’t want to lay minus 170 but we’re going to do it we we’ll lay the minus 170 got burned with the Cubs uh yesterday you know which I suppose we had no business even being in it since they were down 5 nothing in the fifth inning but they came back they won but only six to five so I laid the run in a half so I might put a Cubs uh because fedy pitching for the white sock is actually halfway decent he’s believe it or not he’s four and one White Sox only have 15 wins on the season five have come with him pitching so think about that so may maybe uh maybe a little wh or a Cubs uh Padres uh parlay rather than laying the run and a halfs with those two teams I I’m kind of with you I mean I’m it’s the last time I’m betting you Padres if you uh if you screw us again here tonight this that’ll be you can’t win with Dylan C on a mount against the angels I don’t know what to uh I don’t know what to tell you here uh it’s an exciting week uh and weekend though Scotty right we got the NBA kicking off tomorrow in Boston uh and I saw this line get up as high as seven today in spots here I I are you running through the window laying seven tomorrow night with Boston I I mean it just seems excessive no yeah really does right you could grab them in the series you know I know a lot of people are thinking this and I’m I’m I’m buying injo take uh Dallas plus to 180 190 or so hope they split first two games they’re very good on the road they’re better in fact on the road than they are at home have been all all season uh and then you go back to Dallas tide 1-1 and now they won’t be a plus 180 190 Underdog you know they’ll probably be closer to pick them or so if you get the split so that that’s my Approach I there are a couple props there that that that jump off the page for me um how about this how about uh Jason Tatum to get five or more assists in every game five to one he averages close to Six so what am I missing here then we got Kyrie to get five assists in every game 19 to one he averages over five not a lot over five but 5.2 so they’re giving you the number for both of these guys a little bit less than that and and one’s 19 to1 one’s 5 to1 so if you like to play a couple of props little side goofy things I mean yeah could you know either one of these guys have you know one or two assists one night you lose your bet yeah but at least it’s not like asking for more than what they really average so I’m playing both of those yeah I like that is there any world in which Luca is not the leading scorer in this series I know I know right I mean he would I unless he got hurt Joe and you know he’s ailing but they’re all ailing but otherwise right it’s not going to be Kyrie he takes too many games off Tatum you know has the capability but um you know he also takes a couple of games off so it it’s got to be luke I mean it’s minus 170 which you know I mean think about a baseball game minus 170 you’re willing to do it so why not right come hook or crook win or lose he’ll probably be the guy uh how many games does it take in the Stanley cup Stanley Cup I think it’s going seven uh NBA I think it’s going six majority of NBA finals go six 30 of the 77 finals have gone six games exactly so you can make that a little better if you want to almost two to one uh but hockey I I think this is going to be War I I think both teams are going to win on the road uh I think it’s going to be a low-scoring series not a lot of goals I wouldn’t play too many of those goal props so I would stay away from that and then WNBA tonight Las Vegas laying 7 and A2 8 n Joe they’re coming off a loss all the other games that they’ve lost one they’ve only lost two in a row one time in two years all the other games that they lost one time they came back and won the next game by 10 points or more except for one game by nine Las Vegas bounceback it is a bounceback people Scotty Wetzel coming up top of the hour enjoy it my man we’ll close it out next here on the grid [Music] you get a full and true assessment on how your ball Club looks for the entirety of an MLB campaign so how did you look at this Memorial Day Weekend around the bins there’s at least a half a dozen teams right now that you know that are completely out of it and are going to be sellers at the trade deadline and I think you could probably look at it the other way too and then everybody else is sort of in between and that’s the hard part to figure out between now and the trade deadline the early line only on Sports grid Sports grid your 247 Sports wagering Network fantasy sports today be a guy that’s really useful in your fantasy rotation I think the answer is yes game time decisions and guess what I’m going to lose the BET cuz he’s injured again betting above the he’s got a broke J that’s all there is to it he’s got no confidence in that jump shot my thing you’ve always heard me say on the network is you’re either winning or you’re rebuilding ingame live all access wondering when that was going to happen and the answer is uh it just did sometimes you think the bigger guy will have the advantage well if the little guy can move Joe it’s hard to hit the little guy sometimes when you’re a big boy right in game live Prime Time 4 to one I’m going to take a little flyer on Justin Ro ingame live overtime as you sit here and listen watch right now you may want to consider uh placing that bet it’s smarter to be on Sports grid he two nothing he’s crying behind our bench uh but now’s 22 he’s got a little bit more pep in his step right now he’s sort of into you guys will catch him when next time they do a pet shop see if uh they can get through this uh Power Play though and O they got a two-on-one here potentially three on one so you got to finish this off they do they do I said you got to finish that off Sports rage late night only on Sports grid [Music] all right welcome back in ingame live I’m sorry game time decisions in-game live is coming up here in about six minutes here Prime Time Scotty wetzell will take over with the crew Dave sheren and uh they got plenty of games getting ready toh take Center Stage Scotty was just telling us couple of games in the WNBA coming up here tonight one on the west coast there we also have some 8:00 uh Major League Baseball games getting ready uh to take Center Stage the white socks and the Cubs as well as Texas taking on Detroit but a quick look at the scoreboard right now and the Yankees uh I you know there are some teams that you can trust not to come through teams like the Atlanta Braves right now who got one hit earlier today losing N9 nothing uh to Boston and absolutely you cannot trust them you can’t trust the Dodgers who were down 72 after getting uh shut out last night if it wasn’t for an Otani uh two- run home run they still wouldn’t have any runs here but the one team you can trust especially against mediocre competition is the Yankees uh right now four runs five hits all four runs in the bottom of the first inning off of uh Chris Paddock uh it is almost impossible not to cash a ticket with them uh at this particular point I know there was some concerns about rodon um Pitch I don’t know why people still have reservations about backing Carlos R down he’s gone three Innings he hasn’t walked anybody he has struck out six some of the numbers scream negative regression I get it uh but this is not the time and I’ve been saying it now for well over uh the last month or so he is a guy that finally looks healthy is admittedly the healthiest he has been in a couple of years and we’re talking about a guy that was not only one of the preeminent strikeout pitchers in uh in Major League Baseball but he was darn like unhitable when he was with the Giants uh and then of course he got that monster contract with the Yankees and then got hurt uh but he is healthy now and this is quietly uh while we all stuck a fork in him because of the amount of money that he was given uh that was maybe a little premature so uh rodon to me is a absolute guy that we are going to want to back all right we got him back here he’s going to run over the card for us on the memorial Brady Cannon technology is wonderful when it works my friend uh so go ahead uh the floor is yours break down the card for us this weekend I had to run down the street and pay my Internet bill I apologize but uh we started with Russell Henley at 40 to1 i i i skirted all the favorites I went down to Russell and you know here’s something to realize here you know the quote unquote other best golfers in the world we’re getting some pretty juicy prices I mean I took Keegan Bradley at 60 to one this guy just finished runner up at Colonial when was the last time you saw a number like that on Keegan Bradley and Russell Henley these are top 20 players in the world so Henley at 40 Bradley at 60 uh Alex noren I’m back on the swed this guy’s playing too well well he makes too much sense this week with the scrambling the ball striking got him at 60 Sam Burns at 60 good form as of late 13th prior to the PGA Championship 10th last week in Canada Shane Lowry at 70 to1 plays Tough Golf coures well has won in the state of Ohio before Tom hogi at 92 to one another ball Striker if the putter can get hot for he and Lowry it just might work and then finally a long bomb another ball Striker guy who has uh the skill sets to match this venue Kurt kyama at 125 to1 oh that is a card is what we’re talking about here a couple of head tohe heads as well there Brady uh played one head-to-head Tommy Fleetwood at even money over Justin Thomas I Like the Way Fleetwood is trending right now a lot of people think he’s going to win this week I’m going to wait I think he could win next week he is on my for the US Open but I think he’ll do better than JT this particular week a little pre US Open tuneup let’s see if he can win that matchup and then maybe win his first uh PGA Tour event SL major next week looking uh looking forward to this uh tournament here because like you said it’s Big Boy golf uh $4 million prize to the winner uh that is not chump change these guys are going to be going at it and of course like you said I hope there’s a couple of guys that don’t win this week so we can back them next week here so you never want to do the whole backto back thing but I think this is going to be fascinating uh this Tournament of course uh Brady will come back and join us on Friday we’ll see if there is any in-game opportunities as well in the meantime get ready ingame live Prime Time coming your way next here on the grid enjoy the night [Music]

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