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Elon Musk’s Supercomputer and Is Jayson Tatum Cool? | Chris Vernon Show

On today’s show, Gary Parrish and Kelcey Wright Johnson are in-studio together for the first time in show history.

3:00—Elon Musk building a supercomputer in Memphis

15:53—What we’ve been watching without basketball

22:25—Nikola Topic’s partially torn ACL + Zach Edey and where he will land in the NBA Draft

53:10—Celtics or Mavs? The NBA is better off if who wins the Championship? Also, is Jayson Tatum cool? Chris and Gary do not think so. Kelcey does

1:04:44—Fill In The Blank

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Rabbit no she’s not Jessica Rabbit she’s not just grabbit no no the Gary Paris show live weekdays at 10: a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app we have another Edition this will be the third edition of The Debate Club you guys are going to sell AOE to Mr Bennett Doyle our producer over here oh yeah that’s all these I’ve seen I saw these on social media too it’s the perfect house shoe I know like yeah it’s not even a house shoe I bet you they’re really comfortable you know you heard of Unis sex this is you to foot my the sneak Fest show live Tuesdays at 2 p.m on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app heart Royal Flush tour 2024 November 14th FedEx forum a journey through the hits and timeless Classics the iconic band returns with special guests Jason Bonham’s lead Zeppelin evening tickets on sale now at heartmusic docomond Le Zeppelin evening produced by AEG presents now for a limited time the new $199 crispy tender wraps are 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curse is stronger in college basketball how long has he been with riding with KCK rabama Jersey and sa and retired the odds couple with Rob Fischer Lang Whitaker John Roser and CJ hurt live Thursdays at 2 pm on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app Mike did his favorite uh black films of all time Mike where we at if there’s one movie I know every single line to it is coming to America there we go it is coming to America it can come on anytime of any day and I’m going to stop and watch at least 20 minutes of it get all of your HBCU Sports and culture news by tuning in to HBCU huddle with CJ hurt and Mike Wallace new episodes drop every Thursday on Grand City YouTube and Spotify live from Downtown Memphis this is the Chris Vernon show presented by Caesar Sportsbook on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app now here’s your host Chris [Music] ver in your life won’t you do what feels right instead of waiting for the next B compromise stop running your mouth get out of the house get yourself downt and shake it all out tonight I don’t have friends at pitch for eny no sexy [Music] hair here we go it’s no on F welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome it is a Wednesday June 5th 2024 edition of the show today on the show got a different gang here in studio today both Gary peris and Kelsey R Johnson are going to be in studio with us today we have one day until the NBA Finals is going to begin we’ll go through all the news and know today in addition to that there is an NBA draft pick a possible top 10 pick that has a pretty bad injury NFL has started all their OTAs and we we’ll play fill in the blank sucker it is a Wednesday it’s nice outside right now smile let’s do it turn it [Music] [Applause] [Music] up once in your life won’t you do what feels rste waiting for the next big thing to St St run in your mouth get out of the house get yourself down and [Music] [Applause] Sh yeah yeah yeah yeah hope everybody’s having a good day all right we got tons of stuff to get do on the show today uh we are now just one day away from the NBA Finals beginning uh before I get to anything welcome John Rosary to the show John Rosary okay the cologne Ranger the B band s sa G on the back the Grim Roser John Johnny nickar John Lance he is yog Ros what up hello John what up what up what up Johnson here she is Bron’s finest she is the nor from rat trap Queen she is Puerto Rico’s favorite reporter she is the ketchup chip connoisseur Wednesday Yeti yeah Wednesday Yeti and Gary is here from the Gary Paris show in studio with us uh yeah Wednesday’s a little bit different so Devin Walker is sick he is out and the gang’s here today tomorrow we’re we’re moving all these things around Jessica Benson is gone today and then uh the mayor who you have had in studio with us Paul Young uh is coming in with us tomorrow I I met Paul at a Grizzly game uh we ran across each other as he had told you I mean he’s big sports fan so I mean he had um he’s been rocking with us for a long long time and now it’s it is it’s very very strange that the mayor always felt like somebody way older than me and now I’m at the age where the mayor like grew up listening to the shows and I’m like what happened I know like I I when I talked to the mayor he was like uh he didn’t say this but this is what it felt like to your point like yeah I used to listen to you when I was in high school and I know that’s but that’s the way it feels right oh no it’s the worst and this has happened to me now a few times over the course of the last couple of years the worst one still is by far I filmed a video where I raced Calvin Austin in a walking race and we did this whole video where we’re around each other and then we’re walking through FedEx forum uh at this thing and he stops me and he’s like hey man he’s like I haven’t mentioned this the the whole time and he’s like but every day when my dad would pick me up from basically little kid football like fourth and fifth grade at Harding he’s like my dad was a cop and he was like and then he would get off work and he’ come pick me up from football practice and we would listen to you on the a in the afternoons on the way home and I’m like yeah come on he’s he’s a stealer right he’s a Pittsburgh stealer and I’m like what has happened to and now it comes full circle the freaking mayor is I’ve been rocking with you guys for a long time and he’s got such a big job he seems like the coolest guy in the world and it’s weird we actually have f i he’s my buddy Germaine has been friends with Paul for a long long time I got other guys in my life that have been friends with Paul for a long time and it’s it’s just strange it’s strange I know he’s got a huge huge task ahead of him but uh I’ll be excited to talk to him also perfect timing with this Elon Musk thing that came out my God like a few minutes ago and he’s quoted in the story the mayor’s quoted in the story so so you text me yesterday because Elon Musk tweeted somebody that he had eaten this CH uh you know French toast Chala or something in Memphis this morning and Roser was like what is going on and I remembered reading long ago his brother lives here and is like very involved like Kendall musk and like you could if you he if you type in Kendall musk Memphis you’re going to find all kinds of stuff like he’s involved in businesses I think he opened a restaurant at one point and but his brother like lives here and so that’s why I figured he was or I I think he I think he still lives here I don’t know but anyways uh that’s why I figured the guy had come in town but then I guess this story broke today what is a supercomputer I’m so stupid I don’t even know basically what’s the super computer Kelsey either you guys got those in Canada let me look it up so the facility when completed could be worth billions of dollars okay so that I get that right that’s cool right but I I don’t again everybody can just be like cool awesome for Memphis great for the economy and then I’m like what is the super computer the gigafactory will have thousands of advanced semiconductors needed for artificial intelligence Computing and it would train Gro which is his AI oh oh of course of course it’s going to train grock huh yeah not the former Patriots tight end that’d be it’s so it sounds like something that they just make up like hey what are you going to do down in Memphis I’m going to build a super computer not a normal computer but a super one a super computer with AI capabilities okay uh oh what the third line in this article says it is important to note that musk has a history of over promis ing on tight deadlines oh well that’s not nice yeah he also has a history of like taking a spaceship to freaking Mars like right he buil a ni what we doing he built a nice car he built a nice car gu’s trying to build like an underground train system that’ll take you from New York to Phoenix in like 45 minutes do do you remember when he the best was you know his cor his company’s called the boring company and this is like years and years ago but he put up there that they they invented they created like flamethrowers like what you would see in like Commando or something like you know except they shoot out flames right and they sold out in like two minutes he they never made flamethrowers I was like I would I would 100% buy a flame I listen to a podcast about him yeah like there’s a guy who wrote a book a biography of Elon mus like spent every day with him and like wrote the book I didn’t have the patience for the book but that guy was a guest like a three-part podcast I like can do this y he’s wild oh yeah like the story is connected look at his kid’s name it’s just like letters his kid name is like number in it yeah his kid’s name is like TI x45 or something it’s like what come on bro but they they said the way his the way this author described it he said the way this guy’s mind works it’s like so they they have the self-driving Teslas now right that’s right and every once in a while you’ll see like it one just blew up it just ran right into something and it exploded and three drunk guys died in the back seat stuff like that okay I’ve got I’ve got this so they bring this up to him and they’re like they he it was interesting they were like he cannot understand why that is a big deal because he will always revert to how many people died in car crashes yesterday right percentages of like even propabilities yeah even if these three guys died we’re still way safeer my that’s no big deal and they like explain to him but people are terrified of this technology and every time something like this happen and it’s just stuff like that can’t can’t make his mind doesn’t understand those types of things because he’s like on the Spectrum and he’s he also doesn’t care what people think well like all of this stuff and we live in a world where everybody cares what everybody thinks and he’s like the guy that like does an interview and says F off Disney right like you know everybody like gas was like how could you do that he’s like I don’t care I got a billion dollars yeah but I said like these stories are like he’ll just walk in and and he’ll say I want this done and if you express any skepticism that it can be done he has no use for you get out of here then you’re not you don’t work here anymore I need people around me who believe we can do what I’m what I have imagined we can do good luck in Memphis you can’t even get a cheeseburger you want somebody work on a superc computer I was a Wendy’s you pull up to a you pull up to a register a you know a drive-thru at Memphis be like what you want welcome to Memphis El there nothing uhuh like hello uhhuh try try try to get driveth through breakfast on Union Avenue at like 8:00 in the morning it is impossible like I can’t tell you how many times I pulled into that Taco Bell on Union and they won’t even speak to me like they they act like I’m not even there like feel like I don’t even belong there like I feel like I’m doing something wrong well you’re a Taco Bell at 800 in the morning that’s the issue I mean listen that’s a conversation hey PS that hey that’s that’s either you know how they always do the Rich Man Poor Man right and they’ll say like you know uh and they’ll give an example Adam Corolla was big on this back in the day but that is a old man young man perfect old man young man Taco Bell at 8 in the morning you’re either a young man or you’re an old man right you’ve either stayed out and it’s 8 in the morning and you’re trying to drive through Taco Bell or you’re old and you’re like I’m hungry in the morning like the story would be for me would be uh all right had a little too much fun last night around the house uh uhoh it was my morning to take the kids to the school oh Lord I’m rushing out of here now I’m starving hopefully Taco Bell’s open on Union Taco Bell not like Duncan they make a breakfast quesadilla are you crazy you don’t like a nice breakfast quesadilla I wouldn’t think of a quesadilla and a breakfast a steak quesadilla for breakfast just steaking you for breakfast steaking eggs you’re wild man I’ll get a Cheesy burrito I wild I had wonder they trying to serve you they a psychopath is this this idiot getting a steid in the morning the morning I’m in there trying to get a power bowl and a Baja Blast at 8:00 in the morning I had taco Bell breakfast once and it was back when I was like hung over day and I was hung over as hell and I had Taco Bell breakfast once and I have never had it again I was tore you up huh I was like if this ain’t good hung over there’s no way like hung over pretty much like every food’s good it’s like you got to get it and it was it was yeah but honestly you can’t blame them for that anything you would have eaten would have caused that outcome at that oh no no no but the food’s usually good oh you just didn’t like it the F was I like the Taco Bell breakfast it’s a breakfast a as far as I’m concerned I Elon Musk has 11 kids I have their names what has 11 kids and we only know the one anonio cromar what is he doing pretty much uh he does not have 11 kids says his musk Offspring there are 11 how many chicks there’s an article in People Magazine from 2021 about 11 kids how many girls I mean I I don’t know based on some of their names if they’re boys or girls no how many women how many how many uh mothers that’s what I me um I don’t know how many women he has he’s got an ex-wife Justine and then the ex-girlfriend Grimes he’s got a couple with them too Grimes is the one with the crazy name a DJ he’s got five with Justine Wilson he’s got a pair of twins and a set of triplets and then he’s got two boys and a girl he’s got three more with his ex-girlfriend Grimes what a name one of his kids names is techno I kind of like that he’s got he’s got Nevada you want to be techno right there’s Nevada Tech right John techno Griffin Xavier Kai Saxon Daman Strider azour EXA dark dark dark dark musk dark musk is great said dark cidel I don’t know if that’s the full name or those are all three it’s three different women by the way that’s that’s one name that’s one name exod dark cidel and it doesn’t really count because he had triplets that is such a bad my Budd twins no my my buddy had that happen oh yeah yeah yeah my my buddy had that happen like they were trying to have a boy he had two girls and then they were getting pregnant trying to have a boy and he had three more girls and they were all like under the age of five like that changes your entire life get like a sprinter yeah yeah like it changes the way you travel everything it changes your whole life and not in a I can’t imagine triplets no way all girls and then he has I’d go to Taco Bell and call a day and then he has X AE and ayen XI ayen XII well that’s not how you pronounce it how do you PR pronounce itai what up L A all right before before I get into all the sports stuff this has been oh it’s Ash OH the AE thing like the letter that it’s obvious like a Greek letter or whatever it’s just pronounced Ash let’s just name then then spell it as all right come on here okay it’s just a different language before before I get into all the sports stuff uh this has been the strangest week because we were basketball basketball basketball every single night every single night there’s always something going on um all the way leading up and even because of the way that the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference shook out they were playing every other night we like never had a dead KN basically in those and then it all just like abruptly stops and then you realize oh my whole life like every night I’ve just been settling in and watching basketball and I have had the weirdest time like where there is an adjustment period for sure and last night I’m just like scrolling through Netflix and I am making the decision whether or not I am going to commit myself to starting something right because like you f a lot of these shows that I never watched they’re like five seasons six seasons I read some article about there’s going to be like a peaky blinders movie coming out and that’s always on the front of Netflix and I’m like you know what this looks cool I need to just watch it and then I was like man I it’s like Five Seasons or six seasons like I can’t do that I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it through this and so then I just turn on a video game because I I I just give up I give up I’m like I going because I feel when I called you last night you were playing video games so I get so I get so much anxiety feeling like I’m going to start this and there’s no chance I’m going to finish it or I’m going to start this and then I’m going to be totally dedicated to finishing it and so then I just I I get Frozen in time yeah I’m the same way with video games but opposite like I don’t start playing them because I though the only way to get good is to like really invest time in it and I don’t have the time for it so I just never even get started well I just fired it up and play whatever like so last night I played TPC Southwind with Tony Fen now that’s what I did and I called it a night I was like all right I’m done I am I am the worst putter on 2K golf I mean I can’t read the put I don’t understand I feel like I’m doing it the right I I feel like I’ve got the right distance and the right break and I never make it yeah it’s like my life that’s my real life so what have you guys been watching in in the abs of basketball that’s the question honestly uh baseball and uh well your team’s horrible two in a row they’re literally on the front page of oh that’s tra everybody that’s tra trade everybody they’re terrible but they have one two in a row watch baseball and then I watched uh Seattle and Phoenix like I actually watched the WNBA last night oh you did yeah yeah I didn’t want Kelsey to hate me so I felt like I had to watch something other than Caitlin Clark I saw agel ree got kicked out yeah that quick quick double Tech yeah I’m on her side they’re setting the tone they’re setting the tone they’re setting the tone saying you can’t call us she was walking away from the official weirdest it was I I I will say this it is omnipresent like on my timeline now in a way that it never was never it’s never been like this like I had an awareness last night angel ree got kicked out of that game right right right like almost immediately oh yeah and then I’m watching the replay of it cuz I’m like what she get kicked out for and I’m like what right come on you can’t throw what they getting kicked out are they kicking around for right the fun part of that was that Lonzo went to his first WNBA game and he was like live tweeting it like he was like Banna Stewart looks so good he’s like but go Chicago but Banna Stewart’s really good and you see where he said he’s got to cover her fine and she said thanks gang isn’t that sweet I mean he’s gotten paid to do nothing for a long time years years and years and years and years and years dude I saw one last night this guy really is I feel like he’s kind of skated on the whole like you know we talk about like Chandler Parsons right like oh made $93 million i s and now I got I would have to go check against it but it said that in uh I think it was 2019 John Wall’s extension was $171 million and he played 40 games it’s crazy that’s insane over the course of 171 million do he played 40 more gam three seasons of zero games and one season of go look at it I mean I mean you could check against it but it was like and I was like bro this guy has like really skated on the real robbery well well he spent M at least parts of multiple years like under contract on a team and it was just like understood but you’re not playing just you just don’t even have to show up for work he did not play in 1920 1920 huh 2019 20120 yeah but that it’s a four-year extension when did it kick in 19 it kicked in in 1920 that was the first season he did not play that year and then the next year 40 games he played 40 games and then 2122 he did not play and then 22 23 he played 34 games and then so he’s played so no and 70 games jesz yeah it’s amazing but it wouldn’t but $171 million it’s it’s wild we throw around these numbers all the time talking about NBA contract like just in normal people terms oh you how much money that is to just have dumped on you for 40 games 171 million bucks yeah his numbers weren’t like the percentages are not great but like I mean he averaged his last season with the Clippers 22 23 played 34 games he averaged 11 and a half a game so did Jake Ria whoa actually he didn’t I don’t think Jake did average 11 whoopy dooo whoop hold on here what that is just that was UN you average 11 and a half that was unnecessary to bring him up I just do it because you’re like somehow you have transferred after you dit zier you’ve now moved to Jake I know Jake Jake averaged uh 10.8 oh okay have a season right under John Wall he took he took he took 1.3 fewer shots he did shoot a worst percentage from the field like the worst version of John Wall no ravia shot better from three go off Jake and way better from the free throw line all right let me get to this we there there’s a story that came out this this morning uh about this topich guy the guy from overseas who a lot of people have very ranked very highly and you could see it was having to be couched almost immediately by Jonathan gavone it’s like hey he’s got a pors t ACL whatever and then they’re like because of his age because of this they don’t affect it to affect his trash status it’s like can’t right so for sure right but we don’t the the point is we don’t really like that’s a one of those guys where it’s like okay if you if you take him he’s not some he everybody learned his name about three weeks ago right right and so there’s no true way to gauge this but of the names that we do know so I want to ask you this Gary because I was getting into uh I was listening to uh gavone was on with Kevin oconor they did draft thing the other night and then when I did the show with Kevin the other night he asked me about he was like what did you think about what he said about Edy and they’re both Edy fans now you were a huge Ed it when it came to college basketball you picked that like you rode with them you had to fight off fans that when you had I was with them all the way through like half timee of the championship game do you think he’s going to be like a real Pro I think the truth is in the middle I don’t think he’ll be what the people who love him do you think he can make an Allstar team no I’d be I’d be surprised if he’s ever an NBA Allstar but like that’s hard to do yeah yeah I I think he can be a starting caliber Center but something short of an All-Star I think that’s the best case yeah that would be my ceiling which is like what is could he be better than Walker Kessler yeah yeah but similar similar but maybe better sure Walker gu had a really good rookie season not as good of a as good second um I think he’s going to be a real NBA player you do I do not I think if you take him in the lottery which is what some people are suggesting yeah yeah you’ll feel like that was a little that I’d be surprised if that is reflects well going forward I just there’s a lot of I there’s just a lot of things that he cannot do that he’s going to be asked to do and once it’s shown he can’t do them you’re G he’s going to get played off the court you wonder if it’s like a Shawn may Tyler hansboro you know I mean like some some of these guys are amazing college players Frank Mason was an amazing college player right and like I’m talking players of the Year level right like these guys were great great but it just didn’t translate right yeah there’s a long list of guys who were allamerican overwhelmingly awesome college basketball players and it just doesn’t translate and everybody said what’s wrong with you of course it’s going to translate and then it just doesn’t for whatever reason right it’s it’s a league of athletes bro so for sure I had a who I trust I’ve became friends with like probably 10 years now and one of the things his like main go-to thing he’s like the thing I always remind myself of is that athleticism is the most important thing right don’t ever forget that yeah it’s the most important thing by far like the other stuff is important it matters but a lack of athleticism can really keep you from becoming what it is you otherwise would become well oh and the other thing is this is like they don’t post people up in the NBA right yeah just don’t all right so what do you do on offense I I give you I’ve got the these are the national players of the year in college basketball so Zack Edy the last two seasons of course Oscar sheway before that he’s in the G League he was awesome in the G League we’ll see if it ever translates to the also the subject of the stolen basketball in the Indiana Milwaukee game uh Luca Garza he’s on the bench oh these are actually really gooda LCA Garza uh 1920 was also it was Co Shar LCA Garza and Obi toppen Obi toppin is in the league and has a role in the league well and he is to your point about athleticism there ain’t nobody more athletic than that dude back to back it was Zion Williamson and then Jaylen Brunson the year before who are both Zion if he said they’re both awesome when they’re when they’re there so Zion’s the only young guy on that list Frank Mason 1617 who you mentioned I thought he was going to be good Pro 156 it was Co it was Buddy heeld and Denzel Valentine who we all thought was gonna be good and he just not good uh then Frank Kaminsky damn these are all like this is the national Player of the Year where it did not translate there’s none of those brunson’s the only one that’s great Zion Zion Zion yeah uh who would Zion be can you click on that who would have been Zion’s year yeah that he beat for National player of the year I’d forgotten that he was National Player of the Year remember the shoe and whatever yeah I mean he was so it would have been ruy hamura oh yeah oh John marant oh wow Grant Williams JN was up for National Player of the Year huh J was a first team All American Wow first team Aller consensus first team that year was RJ Barrett ruy haimura John Morant Grant Williams Zion Williamson second team Jarrett Culver Carson Edwards Ethan hap Marcus Howard cashes Winston these people just disappear wow they just disappear yeah that was amazing college players too yeah all those those last five it always strikes me Culver I thought Culver was gonna be good it always strikes me leading up to the draft I spend so every year it’s like I’m talking nonstop about Rob Dillingham and nicoa topic and just it’s just and then it’s over and I never talk about 80% of these people ever again I never say their name again it’s kind of wild right to think about all those and how great they were in college and so it used to I mean honestly outside of Zion who is a outlier of all outliers theyve been 17 national players of the Year either National player or co-national player of the year since 2010 uh because you’ve had co- some years there have there are four that you would say are all like have made all-star teams that yeah Anthony Davis Draymond Green Jaylen Brunson Zion Williamson those would be the four and Brunson how about this two number one picks and two second round pick I think that back Victor Victor Oladipo did make an All-Star team Victor Oladipo made two all-star teams but he just got torn apart by injury but like Victor olot was there one of those years you could say five but green and Brunson were both second round picks yes kind of wild and then Anthony Davis and Zion were number one overall picks yeah jeez the Weise so yeah I don’t know about the Ed he is like one of the most interesting things like right now you’ll hear some people say man I think he’s going to be really good I’d spend a top 10 pick on him and you hear other people say he can’t play in the league I I don’t think either one of those things is true I think the truth is somewhere in the middle he can that he has a career he has a career but but you’re it’s not like an allar or a significant starting player on an on a good team career I don’t think so cuz like it’s hard to see him in this finals cuz he’s he’s he’s cuz he’s not going to be your number one option well like a number these like traditional cers in the sense that they work in the NBA it’s that they’re their strengths are on the defensive end of the Court like Donovan his strengths are on the offensive end of the court in a way that you they don’t really play offense in the NBA it’s very very Enis canery preo Fox News it’s well it’s no seriously like Enis caner like he started talking so crazy that it was like bro even if you can give us 12 points Off the Bench like not you’re getting too much attention well like with Rick car like there was that whole thing in Dallas with Rick Carlo and porzingis when they people were like why don’t you post him up and he’s like you guys don’t understand like let me give you the data on this like this is not the way basketball is played you keep you can go on TV every night and say you need to get close to the basket but that it’s just not we have the data on it and it doesn’t support that so suddenly there’s going to be an NBA team just running offense through Zack Ed I don’t know I mean maybe like I I’m also open-minded enough to to because Dan Hurley made this point at some point during the season like you have this overwhelming physical presence this unique talent just figure it out like there got to be a way to use this guy so just figure it out and if you’re not trying to figure it out you’re not doing your job so like and this is true in a lot of prospects like he’s going to have to land in the right spot have a staff that believes in him and and is uh you know creative with how to use him but I I do think he can have a place in the NBA I just think it’s limited honestly I think Kevin’s got him go to Oklahoma City and it is probably the best idea yeah honestly yeah because he doesn’t he’s not needed he’s a bonus that’s right right they’re already good and it’d be good next to Chad yeah because it just takes you you got a seven3 guy and then Chad gets to do the fly around thing right that’s right I mean honestly that is actually a very very good fit where he could just do the fly around thing and again you’re good no matter what yes it’s like if you put him on the somebody that’s not a very good team or where he is expected to be the guy you know then you could see it being Troublesome for him I don’t know um he’s he’s about as interesting as it gets when it comes to this cuz we got what we got three weeks really until we get to the three weeks from tomorrow to the NBA draft Williams said to me last night he’s like the Grizzlies worked out what’s the guy’s name that hit all the threes against Kentucky Jack GOI that’s what he said and I was like I don’t know he’s like I saw that on the internet and I was like what like CHR work on go they don’t like they used to like why not us you know for ever ago they used to put out like press releases on who they would be working out oh no and that’s never anymore geez you think the freaking FBI runs our draft workouts now it’s unbelievable huh they still got oh they still got the window open yeah you can’t see you can’t really see anything usually they black it out though yes there was uh there was somebody on my flight from LA a prospect yep uh Sunday night but I didn’t recognize there was a prospect here earlier today we saw him walking across the Concord right yeah so somebody I don’t know he I mean look he’s 69ine guy walking across the concour I mean from the gym so I mean it’s somebody assume it’s a basketball player I I would assume yeah I would I would I don’t think he’s here for elon’s supercomputer but I don’t know maybe he is that supercomputer is going to be out of order oh so much it’s going to be like the McDonald’s ice cream [Music] machine all right before I get Gary out of here I’m going to let him do our first fil in the blank we’re not we’re not starting the game yet but you can’t play the Sounder I love fill in the blank we’re going to get to the rest of it after Gary leaves us all right you don’t want to fill in the blank I I I’m prepared I mean I’m not prepared I’ve never been a great fill in the blank play but but I’m happy to yeah it is better for the NBA if blank wins fill in the blank sucker Luca all right why because he has been held up as the next face of the NBA for has he as because we just held up Anthony Edwards last round I know but before we did that we were doing it with Luca it was supposed to be Luca’s going to be the next thing biggest thing in the world right that’s where we that’s where we were supposed to be headed and then it got a little dicey the Dallas thing wasn’t working so well and people start going is he gonna ask out of Dallas at some point where’s this thing headed they need to surround him with pieces now well here he is if he wins a title then um he in some ways he becomes you know the young star that’s now got the championship and now let’s start debating him and Jordan and LeBron and there’s no way that can happen with Tatum why can’t Jason Tatum an American you hate American I do hate Americans um um I don’t think Tatum is thought of as that every time I see Zack low or anybody else talk about Jason Tatum they talk about him as the next tier guy but he would be if he wins a championship right cuz Dirk was the second tier guy right and then he took on Miami and knocked him off I feel like this is a I think some of this is going to come down to how does Tatum perform right he needs to per he needs to be the finals MVP and Boston wins and he needs to average 31 or something like that but that’s the same as Luka though if Kyrie is the only one playing well for but the other thing is dude Jason Tatum like he’s not cool what he’s not cool he’s not strongly disagree there’s nothing about him that’s cool I think he’s cool no his game is boring he’s boring his little kid run around the Court’s boring get that kid off the court hold on here hold on here keep your send your kids home about hold on here about boring his shoes are boring name three cool things about Jason T he has he’s OB he’s goodlook goodl looking that’s it he’s good looking he’s good looking I love his style we talk about him literally every week on sneak F his style nobody gives a [ __ ] about that don’t care no they don’t I will I will I will push back you on the boring stuff because you can’t say that and then talk about Luka Luca’s game is not exciting like he like he’s a l it’s the Charisma that takes Luca over and the fact that he takes on all these guys and he yells afterwards and he well he also has like massive signature game-winning shots like against the Clippers and against what we just saw against Rudy go and it’s like and he’s yelling at the stands and it’s like he’s got the step we’ve seen and we’ve been enthralled with him since the time he was 17 that’s right it feels like to me if the Mavericks win we’re going to say man Luca back to what’s cool about Jason tat he’s cool what you can’t just keep saying that over and over again he golfs I love that youf like we golf we golf play with Jason tum go play with Jason tum I mean anything I say you guys are be like he’s not cool I’m just telling you why he is like someone that other people think is cool how big are his clubs what who thinks he everyone around the league he’s good looking he’s good looking he’s a good look guy let’s leave it there and he’s cool like it’s cool that you get to know his family like it’s cool that we have families you don’t think we’re cool he grew up playing ball in Memphis played at Belleview for the war eagles you ever seen a kid rock on a Jason Tatum Jersey I mean in life I’m sure they existed you a been to the Northeast so you haven’t my kids ain’t ask me for no Tatum Jersey you know my kid you know you know what my kids asked me for John Morant well yeah they got that but like I’m losing them I’m losing them oh it’s SGA is hot right now Anthony Edwards is hot right now no oh so different sport my mesun they got that already Ellie De La Cruz oh oh he’s cool he’s cool he is cool yeah the rent guy yeah he is cool my my kids no longer they neither one of them they don’t have Mets as their favorite players anymore they’ve adopted other players yeah look you want to know who’s cool talk to a kid yeah my kids Ain never told me Jason Tatum’s cool have they said Luka’s cool they like Luka Luka’s not cool you guys are so you’re not even going to listen to into anything any points made because you just want we’re not teaming up on you no we’re not has nice clothes we asked you why is Jason Tatum cool and you said because he golfs and has a family that’s us and and he’s goodlooking and has nice clothes that’s not us okay we’re short and not goodlook we we are Jason Tatum if Jason Tatum was short and ugly with a family and plays golf that’s who we are Jason Tatum is part of Pop Culture too like he’s dating a cool singer he goes to like white parties like who who is Jason Tatum dating who who L who is that no I’m telling you that she’s cool you me up when she’s dating Hy yeah no no sick yeah she almost died just the letters LMA or Ella Ella Ella Ella May oh she’s British of course she is it’s cool I don’t even know what that means oh booed up I know that song oh yeah I know Buddha you guys know L all right okay okay okay there was a video going around of Jason Tatum when he walks into the arena you guys know we thought it was initials yeah I thought it was and then and then when she told me music you know her music and they said she sings boo up I was we know that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s a video out there at Jason Tatum when he walks into the arena and then asking him questions and that’s the first time I’ve ever heard him in that actually that’s Jenny Fisher who he does that with he has no Charisma yes he does Jason T Co than you guys think he is if we’re just doing you guys are doing Jason versus Luca and Luca doesn’t have any more Charisma than Jason Tatum does yes he does he yells and he cut he literally got up in a guy’s face and said Who’s Crying Now mother if Jason Tatum did that I would bow to him that’s not Charisma then who what is that is charisma no it’s not what are you talking about is like what has Jason Tatum ever done that has stood out to you in life besides be tall name one thing that Jason Tatum has ever done interesting so you don’t you just want him to like just name an interesting thing that doesn’t include him walking through a tunnel with Alexander Wang on he doesn’t wear Alexander Wang whatever who whatever he wears you just want him to talk [ __ ] that’s what you want like that’s what you’re saying that is that is what you’re saying you know what you’re saying that is no that’s absolutely what you’re saying cuz that’s what you keep bringing up with Luca is that he does that no there is a Charisma it is in emotion I want him to be emotional it’s the same difference between why I love watching Jordan Speed but I don’t care about Xander chafl Xander chafl does nothing for me when I watch him play golf wendam Clark nothing for me when I watch him play golf Bryson Des Shambo does something for me Patrick I hate him uh Jordan spe does something for me John Ry does something for like these guys show emotion when they’re playing right and therefore they are captivating to me you don’t like Sheffer huh you don’t like Scotty Sheffer I like shefford but it’s because he’s totally dominant he’s better than everybody else right if he wasn’t if he was just a guy look like he he whispered in a Miami player’s ear you going to cry just because you don’t see it who said that he whispered who Whispers into someone’s ear it’s just bizarre that’s funny that’s when Stevenson s Stevenson does SS FLIR sounds like FLIR no that’s funny dude you guys just don’t want to hear it he’s boring okay he is and Luka is so interesting he’s boring I think if Dallas win you think Jason D is boring I do find him boring he Bor are going to agree on everything we disagree on everything no that’s not true we disagree on lots of stuff no they do yeah they disagree a lot of stuff I I but Jason data being boring is unanimous everybody me that like I don’t think he’s like some exciting player like I that is the thing like some people like Windam Clark neither one of their two best players Jaylen Brown’s not that way either like Jaylen Brown’s not charismatic or anything like that Jaylen Brown has a lot more emotion he does show more emot jayen Brown is cool jayen Brown’s cool too yes and he’s very emotional I don’t think that Jason Tatum is not cool oh he’s afraid Sim not cool Sim character yeah that’s what he is he’s Sim basketball player and here’s the thing he’s he’s great but he’s not so great that he can get away with being boring the way like niic can be boring but he’s just like and what if he wins a championship I think he will be I this is what I was trying to say if if the Mavericks win and Luca is awesome it’ll be like Luca is that dude if the Celtics win you know people say the Celtics were just the best team you know they just the best team and they got to play like whatever the five seed or whatever in the final the other thing is you could see Luca getting in somebody’s face a fan an opponent an opposing coach anybody Jason T doesn’t get anybody face if you thought anybody on the Celtics if you thought the Celtics if you thought anybody on the Celtics was going to get in somebody’s face you would think it’s Jaylen Brown and Drew holiday that they would do it for sure they would be the two but why does that make someone cool just and I like you know I like a maybe maybe we’re conflating cool and interesting okay interesting on the court because he has a whole life like he does interest he’s not interesting off the court either he’s so involved in pop culture Jason Tatum yes how there’s like five he goes out with a a chick who I just under I never hear or see anything about Jason tat so because he’s private you don’t know anything about lca’s personal life either yes I do I know everything he drinks a lot of beer we know that we know he drinks beer plays video games I know Luka plays video games he does he’s like awesome ad him too that’s you guys like him cuz he talks trash to the little kids over the video yes yes yes I like that same with Kyrie Kyrie is objectively cool like as a basketball player right yeah Kyrie is cool how he plays and he’s also interesting he’s an interesting cat like he’s outspoken and exent see I love this I love this because two years ago Kyrie would not be described as interesting Kyrie would be crazy he has the Nar on himself there’s no question he’s crazy hold on now he was crazy but that also makes you interesting kane west is crazy but he’s interesting I mean Elon Musk is probably crazy but he’s interesting you can be interesting for different reasons right sometimes a guy’s crazy sometimes a guy’s controversial sometimes a guy is amazing and smiles all the time and is like doing the gritty like Jefferson who just got paid $140 million like there’s reasons for me to be interested in you Kye Tatum has never elicited any Kyrie is cool though like even like off the like take away all the stuff outside of basketball Kyrie is cool how he plays nobody plays like that I like Jason Tatum’s number I give that yeah zero is no one believed in him even though he was nobody believed believed in him forever I love it when people think nobody believed him the jaob Gillard to tell to change his story to When She interviewed him and he started to say the reason he was zero and then Kelsey goes no what’s the other reason he goes oh cuz no one believed in me cuz I told Jacob Gillard to tell everybody that and that was like months later like he remembered like oh yeah of course No One Believes In Me usually the people who say no one believed in me it’s like no a lot of PE most of us did or it’s like De Anthony Melton who got drafted in the second round right it’s like or like there’s some kind of reason so you can always remember they counted me out zero it’s because that that’s a percentage chance they gave me of being here right so anyways you say Luca because then they can lift him up as the guy he he will then become what it is people have been trying to say he’s going to become for a while we will arrive at that finish line I am torn on this in terms of which it is better for who is it better you it’d be 18 championships obviously for B so I mean that’s old hat they’ve had that who do you think it’s better it’s better for the NBA if who wins Kelsey I Know It’s Tricky and I’m only not saying the Celtics I don’t know if it’s like they’ve been so dominant for the whole regular season if it’s good or bad for the league that they just go ahead and dominate the season and then also win the championship and then run it back next year and then become the team to be because we don’t for see a circumstance where they’re not losing anyone I mean look we’ve had six consecutive different Champions right and cly be seven huh this will be seven right uh I think it’s or this will be six I think this will be six I think it’ll be six in a row that are all different Champions and the and the crazy thing is like I was asking Kevin this and I really don’t know the answer is this better if this is Denver and Boston I mean history tells us teams and people do like Dynasty people like having a team to beat right oh if Denver’s in the finals everyone wants Boston to win right I don’t know really I don’t know yeah I don’t know I think it’s better with Dallas I think it’s better with Luca and Kyrie more interesting than having a team trying to go back to back yeah yeah I think this is more interesting yeah I like I like Maverick Celtics better than nugget Celtics yeah really because I don’t think that Boston could beat Denver I think that would have been a bad match and it also may just be impossible to we may be done with being able to be awesome year after year after seasons of a new Champion seriously six you can’t hold these teams together anymore well right because look the the Tatum thing kicks in they’re going to give him 300 million so now you’re going to have $600 million tied up into Tatum and brown yeah bro it’s hard as hell to have like who can you they’ve really got you know everybody has got it’s twoyear runs yeah that’s what it is everybody’s got twoyear runs because then if you’re in the apron for a third year that’s when you start getting your picks Frozen and nobody’s going to do it nobody they’re all going to crash down and so that was the discussion we had about the Grizzlies it’s like do they trade in the assets trade in the future picks trade in nine trade in some contracts and just go and try to grab you mcel Bridges try to grab you uh Kevin Durant try to grab you Jared Allen try to grab you whatever and just understanding jiren Jackson’s contract’s GNA be coming up and like you’re gonna have jaren’s gonna get the larest contract in franchise history you’re going to have two-year windows and you’re going to have this new television deal coming in but there isn’t it where it’s going to be whenever the cap goes up because they don’t want that massive cap Spike that they had that allowed Durant to go to the Warriors it’s only going to be like 10% is the most it can go up every year so it’s not going to be one of those things where all a sudden it jumps 30% in one season it’s twoyear windows I don’t like the idea that you even if you draft well and develop well eventually you can’t keep your team together I don’t like that like like in Oklahoma City they will have to choose at some point who to keep and who to move they did that years ago they did that years ago and they kept Serge Bach over James Harden J hard right right I don’t like that part of so who what’s your final answer better if who wins for the league I’m does give you the semblance that if Dallas wins it’s like anybody can do it yeah right I’m gonna go Celtics because they’ve been to six of eight oh because of how cool and interesting Jason Tatum is it’s it’s always it’s always better in baseball when the New York Yankees are involved um do you think he would think he’s interesting and cool if he was ugly do I think be honest yeah if he looked like Tony Snell does Tony Snell look like what Tony snow why did he just catch a stray I mean he’s ugly I try to be a jerk he’s got an okay smile H get okay smile Tony snow I don’t even know what Tony Snow Tony snow could walk in here right now I have no idea who he is oh I would he’s an interesting looking he’s an interesting looking fell he’s an interesting Tony snail if Jason Tatum Jason Tatum like Tony snail yeah would you say Jason Tatum’s cool that’s how much of it is that he is in incredibly handsome well okay so okay can I at least explain what I’m about to say get a Portland Trailblazer Tony Snow Jersey for 54 bucks here I think a part of why he’s cool is that he is very involved in things outside of basketball and pop culture type things and I don’t know if he gets those opportunities if he’s not good-looking I just never see the answer is no he does not get those that’s he’s not goodl looking that’s also an if and he is good-looking so that would be like do you think Luca would be funny if he wasn’t funny but he is so I don’t know this I hear what she’s saying like we can’t take that away like is Sydney Sweeney cool would you even know who she was if she looked different but she doesn’t she looks like that she looks like that so we call her cool would we care if she looked like whoopy Goldberg why did whoopy Goldberg get a stay but here’s the thing no we do like look there are people she look like rosan no there are ugly people I love that are like great actors that’s happened there’s fat people there’s ugly people you don’t have to be incredibly handsome to be an actor like we like we don’t care about Sydney sweet anything Sydney if Sydney sweee was mute we wouldn’t care the only thing she’s cool for Jason T plays basketball which is not something that requires you to be handsome no one cares that he’s handsome when it comes to basketball what does that matter if he’s awesome in these finals it’ll change the looking player of the grizzly is Trey Jon by according to fans I know he stole he stole the right Crown he’s like super handsome who was the pr who was the previous best looking Grizzly before Tre I said it was zier H but I thought Z but the the streets say it was jaw Twitter says that Trey Json stole Jaws zier is the zier has the easily the most potential for like the no the open white Oxford shirt colog ad for sure yeah he looks like a model yes Zer could also probably pull off the goofy stuff during like Fashion Week in Paris wearing like where he looks like he’s wearing like I don’t know somehow they’ll take like a trash B’s a good looking guy guy John’s a good looking guy yeah yeah like not model good looking though but if you saw John Mor you didn’t know he was John R but you saw him walking down the street you’d be like that’s a good-looking man I wouldn’t think it’s I would not say that like that’s just a man walking down the street yeah they tried to get me to do a seora and I’m not not biting I’m going stand on it I think John Mar’s a good-looking man but you guys that’s why I say that the the analogy was not fair on the Sydney Sweeney thing because we the reason we like Sydney Sweeny is not because of her acting yeah but Jason Tatum’s also good at basketball yeah he is so just because he doesn’t but he’s not interesting basketball player he’s interesting enough to have his own signature shoe and his own line nobody buys those I’ve never seen I have never I I have never seen a pair of tatums in the wild a lot of WBA players wear tatums perfect I rest my case what does that mean chicks like Jas a Tatum that’s what it means toxic masculinity here and women are half the population so if half the population likes Jason Tatum then he’s pretty popular come on yeah makes sense the WNBA players wear the tatums the NBA players wear the sabrinas Y my kids have never mentioned Jason Tatum to me in any no kid has ever mentioned no kid Jason Tatum’s own kid will not mention Jason D on the show even de even dece is walking around like in [Laughter] Jaws all right Roser your answer uh the Celtics when the Yanke it’s best for baseball when the New York sorry Gary cuz you’re a Mets fan but they really don’t matter with the Yankees there the Yankees are What mattered baseball baseball is better when the New York Yankees are involved there the Boston Celtics are a premier franchise in the NBA along with the Los Angeles Lakers it’s better when the Lakers are involved for TV ratings all that purposes I believe the same for the Boston Celtics that’s however the storyline of Kyrie beating Boston in Boston in game seven would amazing I’d have no issue with people would be happy for Boston fans to be miserable yeah like there is that there’s a lot of Boston people in the media obviously of I work with many of them but there’s a lot of Boston people in the media the other thing is Boston fans are so entitled cuz they’ve won a 100 million championships over the last like 20 years they have yeah between the Patriots the Red Sox and the Celtics have won and the Bruins and the Bruins all their teams have won right and it’s like all other fans like they [ __ ] about their teams all the time and you know I’m a Cowboys fan who this is literally going to be the 30th anniversary of them winning the Super Bowl like stop you don’t get to yeah like you don’t what are you bitching about are you out of your mind yeah right but they do they can play about they don’t I don’t even think they like this team when you listen to the Boston people talk well that’s the the other thing I wonder let’s say Boston does win this thing will will people didn’t go well they were great or will it just be they didn’t have to deal with MB they didn’t have to deal with they’ll be great if they win this if they win it they’ll be great correct because of how I think how good they were in the regular season they overwhel we are going to overlook their Eastern Conference run be and that’s because Dallas look you can’t take anything away from them they knocked off the Clippers they locked off Oklahoma city was the one seed and they knocked off Minnesota who everybody had fallen in love with after they messed up uh the Nuggets I would say if the Celtics do win this now we we said the betting thing is the most likely outcome is Celtics in five but none of us expect the Celtics to win this series even if they do we do not expect them to win this in five but if they do and they kind of do it in a dominant fashion I mean I do think you probably changes your perspective on them what they are for sure if they dominate it if they go out there and they dominate in their four wins it’s and and they win James it’s like yo but they didn’t dominate Indiana and they didn’t dominate they dominate Miami but it is like okay this team had another level they had another level we sit there and we go bro there was no Jimmy Butler there was no Joel embiid there was no Giannis there was no Dame there was no halberton there was no Donovan Mitchell and Jared Allen like it’s like this is it’s the craziest set of circumstances ever they walked for the whole the whole rest there’s no Brunson by the end of it the whole rest of the Eastern confence is like in an infirmary except for them and I know they did it without poror zingas but still like no we have no way to judge what they’ve just done I picked the Knicks to go to the finals at the beginning of the playoffs and I think I still think the Knicks would have if they would have just had an anobi and had everybody say healthy I think the Knicks would have been a massive problem for the Celtics all right we’re going to finish up filling the bike on the other side we’ll let Gary get out of here thanks Gary back into this Chris show let’s talk about MVPs let’s do it I went with the joker oh my God ncka freaking y every time I watch him play I am so impressed I’m obsessed with him everything he does Works he can pass he can shoot he can rebound he can drive he can defend like he can do everything he can leave the fast break and he’s like 71 I with Lang Whitaker and me Kelsey Ray Johnson on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app I think we have the college basketball title Futures yukon’s number one I really like Houston I’d have them winning it all but you can’t be giving Drake jerseys what is wrong with you maybe the Drake curse is stronger in college basketball long how long has he been with riding with K Alabama Jersey and sa retired the odds couple with Rob fish Lang Whitaker John Roser and CJ hurt live Thursdays at 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app DG Jackson I don’t know if you know this CJ youngest player in the NBA does not turn 20 until December of this year he was the 45th pick in last year’s draft he becomes the first teenager I believe to be named to an all rookie team without having been a first round pick shout out GG Jackson tune in to the Jessica Benson show with CJ HT live every weekday at 8:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app looking for a full court dining experience dribble over to Southland 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21 plus play responsibly for help quing call 800522 4700 lifeare ambulance is proud to be an official partner of the Memphis Grizzlies and FedEx Forum at lifeare they wear their hearts with pride their passion is their people they want you to love what you do and where you do it their employee-driven culture encourages a healthy work life balance and supportive work environment they invest in your success and well-being so that you can provide the best care for the patients that they serve join the incredible team of EMTs and paramedics in Memphis Nashville and Across the Nation today learn more at lifeare if you look at it as far as the uh the number n pick over the years there’s been some pretty good players that have surfaced at number nine of course Dirk nitzki who won a championship there’s been a lot of great guys but who knows if there is a great guy in this draft hey Grizzlies fans be sure to tune in to grisbee where the panel and I break down all things Grizzlies and take a look at the rest of the NBA as well the show is live every Wednesday 2 p.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app March Simpson come on benett you’d hook up with March Simpson yeah you ever see the ones with her hair with she lets her hair down you’re attracted to Marge Simpson Marge is cute cute Legacy I mean yeah I mean you know I respect her yeah but she ain’t Jessica Rabbit no she’s not Jessica Rabbit she’s not just grab it no no the Gary Paris show live weekdays at 10:00 a.m. on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app [Music] [Music] anticipate each challenge make a quick response capitalize on every opportunity and win greatness won’t wait it’s true in basketball it’s true in banking Grizzlies checking from Pinnacle play hard Bank easy open a Grizzlies checking account with at Le $100 and a recurring direct deposit by August 31st and you could receive a $200 direct deposit bonus into your account details at Grizzlies member FDIC the Grizz girls are no ordinary dance team they’re known across the NBA for setting the standard for worldclass dance and entertainment from hip-hop to Jazz the Grizz girls do it all and they’re looking for talented dancers with Dynamic personalities to join the team do you have what it takes to join a premier NBA dance team and entertain Grizz Nation both both on the court and in the community visit auditions now for more information and show us what you’ve got at open auditions Saturday July 13th to the Chris Vernon show on YouTube at grind City media and the official grind City media app presented by Caesar Sportsbook now back to your host Chris Veron microphone the whole place IES and I my break rules I’m coming now up out of my it’s [Music] now you know about tell me what you know about what you know about what you know about at Chris show show always brought to you by Caesar Sportsbook go get the Caesar Sportsbook app by going to your app store type it in Caesar Sportsbook you can download for free and you can use it legally in the state of Tennessee new users get up to $1,000 back as a bonus bet if you lose your first wager using the code GCM 1000 GCM 1000 Caesar Sports boo we are still looking at 6 and a half across the board and a total of 24 14 and A2 across the board all right let’s fill uh let’s uh finish out fill in the blank I already gave you guys my first [Music] one it’s time for fill in the blank answers you can take to the bank it’s time for fill in the blank answers you can take to the bank it’s F in the blank all right well Dirty Feet I’m going to read from an article are apparently commonplace in households with the keles in them have you guys heard about this days after Jason Kelce admitted he doesn’t wash his feet oh yeah Travis Kelce revealed he too sometimes showers without soaping up his little piggies the Kelsey Brothers dove into the topic on Wednesday Ed’s episode of new heights after Jason caused an internet uproar earlier in the week when he posted on his X page that his bathing routine doesn’t include scrubbing his tootsies all of you this is from Jason Kelce all this is from TMZ of course yeah um all this is Jason Kelsey’s tweet all of you have been fed diabolical lies that washing every crevice of your bodies and hair all the time is somehow better or healthier any dermatologist not in bed with big soap will agree hot spots are all that is necessary and actually leads to cleaner healthier skin not scrubbing your feet is fill in the blank sucker disgusting feet are already gross enough at least scrub them okay I say normal when you’re showering you wash my feet every day no okay every okay hear me out every day I’m in the shower but when you’re showering doesn’t all the stuff go down to your feet right like if my feet are dirt like if my feet are dirty like if I was like walking of course I wash my feet yeah you don’t go out of your way to wash feet okay but I will say there’s different types of showers jayen says in my headset he scrubs his every day every day right jayen cuz feet are already nasty enough you at least got to do feet so nasty feet are nasty everybody’s feet are nasty I got to be I got to be honest with you I would do I do the top of the feet bottom of the feet too ticklish that is I I would not like Pedic quite I get I would not like it I don’t want to I don’t want to you fall over in the shower yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to scrub the bottom of my feet Man by the way how do you do that do you do it like where you’re standing in the your foot behind you bro I do yoga like I oh you did not for the for 35 years of your life you didn’t do yoga so shut the do anything with yoga no you just put your foot up on your knee and where where are you sitting I don’t sit I stand you don’t you you until hot yoga there is no chance you could have put your foot up on your knee while you’re standing and scrub at the same time you stand like this and then you put your hand against the wall and then put your foot like that you lean like a washcloth or your hand take the lather thing with the soap in it first of all lofas carry more bacteria toilet bow you’re probably making your feet dirtier yeah maybe lofas are gross but I feel clean and that’s what matters I I actually agree with the Kelsey I do not think I of course you’re a Savage the people that overreact to the cleaning of the feet in the shower care like I don’t care I go half and half if you’re in the shower your feet are getting clean Kelsey what do you mean half in you clean one foot not the other no all I’m saying is there is like for women at least there’s like showers where you like doing an everything shower that means I have to do my hair cuz it’s a whole process you know when I’m doing an everything shower exfoliating my feet will get clean if I’m just doing like an everyday shower my feet will get clean cuz the water is hitting them what are we talking about okay agreed I don’t like scrub my back every shower either because my hair hits it and the water goes down it and it’ll be fine I can’t scrub my back I mean like it’s tough it’s tough I do it I would pull something for sure all right that was a good one so they have they been really promoting uh the Anthony Edwards Adidas commercials kind of been hot right now right you’ve seen those a bunch youve seen camon resp to it whatever but he’s kind of the guy that we’re seeing on commercials and and a brand really endorsing him if you could have you got to sell a product you could have any athlete current not former any current athlete to be your endorser you would choose fill in the blank sucker just selling any products if you say Jason Tatum I’m gonna fight you literally fight you remember they unless it’s for like Scot tape remember they tried to get Travis Kelsey to sell us uh to sell us Co shots and nobody got those anymore they tried like him I saw at Costco they had like Travis Kelce brisket yeah no Travis Kel’s on everything now he’s a they have to be American like can I choose Ronaldo what do you what do you buying because Ronaldo wear I’m just saying that he has the biggest Instagram following out of everyone so like at least my reach would hit the most people no you got to take an American okay otherwise you have the soccer player is the way to go soccer player definely the way to go I’m just saying well then I’ll take the Indian cricket guy yeah you should he’s got the most Instagram followers oh yeah dud I don’t know plays Cricket who gives a sh okay I would choose I don’t even understand Cricket yeah I tried to one day and I was like yeah no chance and these games last forever okay I don’t want you to think I’m a homer I’m gonna go with jaw jaw has a cool Factor he does he sells there’s no question he sells he sells any he played 11 games he had the number nine selling jersey and he sold hundreds of millions of dollars for those underwear that the PSD underwear that he sells the drinks that like has one drink and then there is a risk with Jah that we must admit though some Brands went through it right a r i mean the power the power he wants the Power Aid right yeah he’s just sick well we had all kinds of them like they were sending us Beats headphones and KAS Amigas too right like when when you’re it was it was flowing like wine for a I love my Beats I do too we we did get a pair of beads because of that that was hot I still have I use mine every day when I walk my dog we are talking about like kids and like who they think is cool like they’re the consumers moving forward like people love kids love jaw and I just feel like he’s like anything he touches turns to Gold like product wise I think you can move a lot of product for sure American Sports yeah do I have to pick an American though my God Wim Yama oh that’s actually good I pick wimy I actually wouldn’t choose wimy you don’t think he’ll move product I do yeah I think wmy is cool yeah he is cool I would devel people like the alien thing people like the freaking nature thing I’m developing I’m bringing back Stretch Armstrong except it’s wi I will tell you this kids want wmy jerseys they do yeah I just don’t know if he has like the like like I don’t know if he sells PSD underwear and they say w be on them and then jaw does them and it says jaw if jaw like Jaw sells more he’s more relatable cuz he’s six foot tall we’re not selling underwear here though I’m just she wants to sell underwear so every selling underwear go ahead do yours what about Jason Tatum in underwear you’re telling me those wouldn’t sell come on Jason Tatum underwear no he’s got a little dingy I could tell by the way he plays can’t say that Roser stop laughing why would you say that I can just tell my game go ah former NBA player oh my God goad all right Chase what’s his name buer yeah buer he going to the Olympics he is he’s a volleyball player so cool but he’s always been an amazing volleyball player well that’s good yeah yeah yeah the former NBA player mhm you can’t choose him that you wouldn’t be surprised to just pop up in an Olympic event is fill in the blanks sucker oh that’s kind of interesting uh a former NBA player that was one of mine Kelsey so oh great that was what that was one of mine there’s no way you came up with a fill in the blank that good yours always are ter I was Absol absolutely mine except mine was going to be any athlete mine was going to be any retired athlete what retired athlete could you see in a Summer Olympic event yeah H so you would have to be other thing is I got to think of the event because obviously May okay maybe like Aaron Donald in like the shot put yeah something like that NBA player huh she said NBA player oh she did I did okay you can go okay no but uh are we considering Zion a former NB um Stephen Adams could do shopit oh his sister is an Olympic she like won a bronze medal that’s right but he’s not former either don’t they do karate yeah who’s like Johnson who’s like just out of the league he’s not retired though yeah yeah yeah yeah good point and still like you got to be retired but it’s got to be somebody that’s just gone and not somebody that played for because for sure Vince Carter could have done a lot of those but he played until he’s 50 years old so L Williams what’s Tyreek Evans doing I because I think Tyreek Evans could like still play play an NBA game and get like 10 points maybe uh who else is like recently retired oh Blake Griffin is good Blake Griffin could be but like he can’t move anymore yeah he doesn’t have the athletic way you need somebody that’s like a mega athlete and I’ve also got to think of the event there’s so many events like so none of these guys retired they could not do any of the because Summer is like that’s when you have all your track and field and these guys ain’t doing that like they’re not doing the track and field stuff like as far as the sprinting or the distance running or Arenas could do the shooting thing or high jump oh my God ski shooting isn’t that a thing in the Olympics they do ski shooting great at it um there’s boxing sometimes oh there is boxing yeah that be NL but i’ bet on an NFL player for boxing than an NBA player see James Johnson does like karate they do like martial arts in the Summer Olympics and the Summer Olympics too oh so many Archer recently I wonder recently retire I wonder if you could teach one of these guys if you gave them six years cuz buter has been gone since 2018 so it’s been six years but he was but he was a he was an awesome high level volleyball player early in his life I was trying to think of some of these guys like because they’re so tall and long like if you could teach Mar Rondo if you could teach them how to really swim how to really swim with their link Ricky Rubio he’s still playing those guys could cover so much ground in the water Denny green I don’t think is like retired but like he didn’t play who else is who else just retired like who is tyon Chandler Vince Carter Jamal Crawford I mean if you want to F if you want to find out everybody who just like re Porter junor oh just like of the recently retired just go find out who’s got a new podcast yeah that’s how we can find the list I I do Shaq in the shot put like I assume if you could teach him the form and got him in shape like I assume Shaq could like throw that thing like I mean Shaq is huge think golf golf is an Olympic sport now yeah but there’s none of them that are that awesome at golf yet JR Smith is pretty good table Tenn J Smith trampoline but he’s not that good that like Olympic Golf cuz like Xander shle won a gold medal in like Olympic Golf like yeah you’re not that you’re not you got to be that good oh wrestling basketball three on three basketball is part of it now too well Jimmer fet’s on the team oh yeah I think yeah Jimmer’s on the team oh then yeah on that three on three give me like Jamal Crawford yeah yeah I I guarantee he can still get you bucket half court three go to next one okay this one I was hoping Devon would be here but it’s in honor of Devon today is National ketchup day woo Devon is like really grossed out by ketchup like can’t even be around he does like condiments period yeah no condiments super weird the one condiment that you just like cannot even understand why people like it it’s not your thing is B in the blank suck I mean if sour cream counts sour cream’s disgusting I love s oh it does count yeah sour cream’s disgusting a condiment that I don’t get it it’s not for you H oh jayen just said tartar sauce oh I love tartar sauce I I don’t mind tartar sauce either yeah I don’t mind it either but that’s an interesting one if you don’t like tartar sauce because people do put it on fish but if you don’t like it radish is a good one I like horseradish but like it’s it’s got a kick to it so you got to be careful with how much you put on it’s h i don’t really like Ranch it’s controversial I don’t I don’t know what I’m not a big Ranch person either I don’t know what condiment I don’t like oh you’re a condiment guy yeah I don’t think I I I’m trying to think of one that like I was like yeah I don’t like sour cream but the rest of the condiments I’m like I think pretty much I like everything you like relish i e relish I put relish on a hot dog yeah oh sourkraut oh you don’t like see I love I like sauerkraut oh sauerkraut’s great there you go sour I see people put that on hot dogs and yeah I will do that no with a little spicy brown mustard gross I’ll do that no sour crra oh it’s goated no dude I mean not goated but it’s yeah I like sauerkraut gross I like mostly everything and that yeah I will 100% pass over that sourkraut yeah the name’s awful too Kraut sourkraut you know what I can really use on this from sourkraut no one’s ever said that it’s just like if it’s sitting there people will do it but do people buy s have you ever bought Sauer crra oh my God I would call the f I bought I bought a big jar sour CR you’re nasty yeah no when I’ve got into I’ve done uh what do you put it on besides a hot dog so what I’ve gone to oh brought worst I mean you do BR worst anything that’s not I got anything not in the wiener family uh Reuben my favorite sandwich is a reuben reuben have sour beef corn beef sourkraut thousand island dressing no no no I don’t make them I don’t make them then why would you have the sour crab it’s cuz I have well if you let me explain why’d you buy it I read that Jason Tatum was a fan Whole Foods Whole Foods when I was doing the vegan stuff for a while this is years ago like uh beyond meat they had like the beyond meat uh like sausages sausage brought Wars thing okay so it’s all weener family yeah yeah the only thing that is some types of weener and they had like vegan bread at Whole Foods so yeah I would do that okay so have you eaten sauerkraut on anything that’s not a wiener no he said a Reuben but he rubben you don’t put that on a Reuben yes reuin have sauerkraut on them yes they do you don’t do that at your house I don’t make Rubin at my house right so you bought an entire jar of sauerkraut for some wieners that’s crazy don’t say it like that why are you saying it like that not it’s 100% true it’s for br worse you’re nasty BR all right is that your last one family you one more one more you guys are gonna love this one it it is Brian mite’s 54th birthday today I hate it I hate it I love Brian MC I love Brian mcnight me too start back at one yeah really good love songs right song the best love song ever written is in the god the best love song I mean the first song that comes to the head is Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You Like that’s a great one that’s tally Parton but oh it is my bad sorry rip Whitney Dolly respect love but she did do the amazing remake yes the one that people know sorry Dolly but nobody thinks of yours Whitney took that song your favorite it can be objective not the greatest ever unchain Melody what’s that probably the Righteous Brothers you 1965 you’d know it it’s from or oh you know what and it’s actually a print song but nothing compares to you the sheno Conor song that song’s unbelievable so I’d say those two are up there I that’s top like first ones that I think of they’re good ones good choices that’s probably shout out Brian mcnight first ones I think of all right go ahead knock yours out Roser uh all righty well hang on real quick so they did name oh also W like Lord megion and cardi yeah I do you consider it a love song I mean go ahead if you by the way billboard they updated their list of the best love the top 50 love songs of all time number one is uh Endless Love number two is Boys to Men I’ll Make Love to You cool number three is the BG’s How Deep Is Your Love number four is Rihanna and Calvin Harris We Found Love that a great song that list is horrible it’s not the best list all right go ahead I get Endless Love though okay uh the finals MVP will be in the blank sucker Luka doic I mean depends on who you think’s going to win yeah Mavs in six I guess I’ll go Jason Tatum I say Jaylen brown jayen brown I say Jaylen Brown get big odds on that I say Jaylen Brown uh clipped is out the story the Donald Sterling uh Doc Rivers that Lawrence Fishburn plays Doc Rivers I sent you the picture it said this is this is Dak Prescott and it’s whoever is playing Steph Curry in that show my ringer Buddy saw it I texted everybody I was like watched it I was like is it good and they said it’s all right like it’s like if you know the story and followed it as intensely as all of us had to because of yeah you know jobs jobs MH it’s not as good as if you didn’t yeah that’s what I gathered HBO they got cancelled but they did winning time which was uh it was about the rise of the showtime Lakers Dynasty it was about the rise of the Dynasty uh but it was canceled after two seasons an NBA story you would love to see made into a 10 episode Netflix series is fill in the blank sucker easy easy and this because I just saw Zebo doing that interview with him and Ruben about him fighting Ruben P the jail Blazers for sure a 10 episode Netflix thing on the jailers yeah with all with all the different arrests yeah so I think that’s not even including what happened at practice Yeah so I think 100 so I think that’s the thing it’s like what could you make into a long a long series you don’t have to be a long series we’re talking like you can make one single season of this it’s about something was like a true crime show they like it was crazy the jail placers was wild I mean they got fun characters and they got in a lot of trouble so mean there’s an episode where a guy C weed another one where a guy’s fighting dogs another one where a guy’s fighting a practice they fought each other in practice like fist fights remember Steve cerr telling the story that Randolph asked when they get Christmas break crazy has a rookie like he didn’t realize that they don’t get jail Blazers um I would watch like a you guys are probably going to disagree but I would watch like an indepth Jimmy Butler from like his whole life story into like all the all the crap that he caused in like every team he’s been in all the different yes cuz you could it’s real drama mhm and he’s just a character like if you really sat him down and got him to open up about stuff oh I’d watch a 10 episode thing about Jason just Jason tat just him sitting there yeah just T just him sitting there like a Sim and then going to an award show I would she told me he was cool because he goes to award show he gets invited to pop culture stuff he’s part of Pop Culture who gives a crap anyone who likes pop cult crap who cares Aman shumer gets invited to that too I would say turn uh Phil Jackson’s book the last season that last before he came back the last Kobe Shack Lakers season CU Kobe was dealing with all the stuff in Colorado that last season yeah and he wrote the book the last season like turn that into a TV drama or whatever for a season it’ll be good going to defame Kobe like that no a lot of personalities though but it would be a lot of personalities but he shits on Kobe the whole book yeah he does so they’re never doing that get Paul Shirley they never doing that get Paul Shirley Paul Shirley hated Kobe br it’s going to do it for today’s show thanks to Gary Paris thanks to K Johnson thanks to John R across the glass thanks to J black at Studio we will be back tomorrow until then we go [Music]


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