Golf Players

Ep. 74 – Think About It

Adam Hawk and Ryan Engle discuss fast food advertising campaigns, Keith Mitchell’s choke job, the Free the Tee movement, and jumping in a time machine to 1999.

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[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to the fellowship a weekly podcast of jaw jaing and horse hockey hosted by a couple of blo hard talking heads from the nation golf company my name is Adam Hawk he is Ryan Engel we have a lot to get to today in no particular order Keith Mitchell proved it’s really really hard to swing a golf club with both hands wrapped around your throat just a choke job of epic proportions and it’s really too bad that neither Johnny Miller nor Paul ainger were on the broadcast to call it for what it was we will briefly get into that also I have some thoughts on the free the tea movement that I will share and finally Ryan and I made a Turn and Burn trip to the desert for two meals 18 holes and a lifetime fellowship at Indian Wells Country Club and four cigars for the kid here lot of stoies credit to you for piloting the vehicle home we were in gale force winds and your head was probably swimming from all of the tobacco and nicotine but you guided the Ford Transit van right back to the Riverside parking ride where my car thankfully was not on cinder blocks oh man boy had it been this podcast would have been better the photos would have been great yeah in retrospect Adam looking back don’t you wish it kind of was on blocks well for the folks at home Ryan lives in San Juan capestrano I live in Fullerton we both have two different routes out to the desert and for the second time we have met in Riverside at a parking ride where I will leave my vehicle and then get in his and this particular parking ride had some Google photos attached meaning people that have stayed there before have shared photos of the parking lot so you know where you’re going and you know what to expect ECT there were eight photos shared and three of them showed cars that were left on cinder blocks so sick and so the entire time we were out in the desert playing golf the question of the day was when we do get back to Riverside at 8:00 at night will my Toyota Corolla which is affectionately missing two hubcaps be missing four wheels if we had left it overnight and picked it up in the morning I’d say you’d probably double your chances 8:00 pickup I think we were good but boy would that have been funny yeah I think Park and rides in general should be renamed to park ride and prey there’s a whole lot of hoping that your car is still going to be intact it should just be just plainly called park at your own rist absolutely all of that coming up but first I do have a bone to pick if you listen to last week’s episode that you know that I’m on a crash diet no carbs no sugar no booze until mid April because in just over 3 weeks both Ryan and and I will be at the Indian Welles Country Club member guest tournament staying at a friend’s house this friend is 70 years old he’s lost over 100 PBS in two years he looks better than both of us and he has a pool and I can’t have someone twice my age who used to weigh three bills looking better than me at the pool it cannot happen again I’m elated for this friend and his success with diet and exercise but I’m also using it as a motivational Benchmark one of the hardest parts about being on such a restrictive diet is finding something to eat that doesn’t completely blow me up and it got me thinking do you Ryan remember Jared Fogle Subway guy you got it wasn’t his last name pedophile yes it turned out to be pedophile Jared Fogo was the spokesperson for Subway for a long time and you’ll remember that the entire ad Campaign which ran for close to 10 years was Jared Fogle looking America right in the eye holding up a size 60 pair of jeans and telling the country that he lost 200 lb eating nothing but submarine Sandwiches my God that just can’t be true now of course we all know that Jared Fogle earned himself 30 years in the clink for Distributing and possessing child pornography and he crossed state lines to commit a sex act with the minor so let it be known he is a sicko and a freak and a horrible person and I wish him nothing but the worst for every second of whatever is left of his pathetic life but where is the jail time for Subway how come Subway still gets to be a company after selling millions and millions of Submarine sandwiches to fat people hoping to lose weight like fogal it’s so funny you bring up Subway because I said it last night in front of the family and I’ll say it again to all the listeners out there in TV Land Subway is so bad you know why all their ingredients are sitting in those little plastic trays every [ __ ] ingredient doesn’t matter what you put on your sandwich every single ingredient on there it all tastes like green bell peppers they all taste like the same [ __ ] did this all come from the same bag have you ever seen someone cut a vegetable at Subway you know that [ __ ] comes from bags dude if you have a lunch break and you’re walking into a Subway just hang your head in shame you’ve made a a poor horrible decision What a Sad lunch to eat you’re better off spending twice the money and going through Mickey D’s and getting a goddamn Burger okay I really appreciate that rant I do I I hate Subway I think it sucks I’m less talking about Subway and more talking about the submarine sandwich and the fact that it was pwned off as some sort of diet to lose weight correct me if I’m wrong are you not eating an entire loaf of bread every time you finish a submarine sandwich imagine going into the pantry to make a peanut butter and jelly and you think to yourself you know what two slices of bread not enough I need the entire loaf I need one whole foot of bread crust and all because that’s what a sub sandwich is and just boil it down to the name of the sandwich they didn’t name it a dingy sandwich or a catamaran s sandwich or an aluminum fishing boat sandwich they named it after a submarine one of the biggest freaking boats in the world because sub sandwiches are ungodly in Mass just like the boat that they’re named after and this company Subway was telling fat people across the nation hey you know what we know any dietitian in the world would probably tell you this is one of the worst things you can eat but and here us out here why don’t you have one for breakfast lunch and dinner it worked for this fat pet file why not you what an egregious diet to sell people on that would be like telling lung cancer patients the best way to get better is to burn three packs of heaters a day yeah now don’t get me wrong I love a sub sandwich and no one wishes more than me right now that you could eat three a day and somehow lose weight but holy Hellfire how were these advertisements even allowed to run sandwich is just it’s a bad call it’s a waste it’s a bad order unless it’s a a really good Deli and you’re watching the dude just slicing the meat up and you’re getting a fresh slab of sourdough unless it’s a real sandwich just skip it if you want a real sandwich you go up to Los Angeles and you go to langers you go to a good Jewish deli like langers or factors these are fantastic Jewish delies where you can get a real sandwich now all of that being said McDonald’s and we’ll get into golf soon folks don’t worry McDonald’s is currently running the greatest food advertisement of all time don’t know if you’ve seen this you and I are huge fans of the fet Le O Fish it’s deep fried Perfection probably the best fast food item in America and so criminally slept on well McDonald’s is finally leaning in and propping up the fof because they have an ad running right now all about the fileo fish voiced by the Regal Brian Cox who everyone knows is Logan Roy from succession And the tagline he delivers at the end could be the best piece of AD copy ever written are you ready for this yes the filet of fish you either love it or you haven’t tried it yet oh my God pencils down game over drive home safely we’re finished here Mickey D’s just turned into the personal trainer that’s just at the top of the the mountain run with his arms crossed just looking down at all the fat peasants running up the hill the feto fish you either love it or you haven’t tried it yet wow they’re at top of the mountain folks it’s over yeah good luck ever writing a piece of AD copy that good Don Draper is spinning in his grave right now wishing he could come up with that and good luck ever finding a more perfect lightly fried square piece of white flaky fish you can’t do it you could go to a five-star Michelin restaurant and you could slide in just the filt from the fet of fish put on a plate and garnish it with some Capers and [ __ ] drizzle all over over it and serve it to someone and be like oh my God this is amazing you wouldn’t even know it’s Mickey D’s it’s too good I need to watch them make one of these things I got to know man you can’t buy that go home and make it like that it’s like a science project it’s perfect it’s literally got the touch of god dude it’s the best it is the best you know what are we getting fet of fishes today I think so think so dude although I might have to do it without the steamed bun which is that’s hard that’s criminal it is Criminal uh you’re going to have to wait I can’t enjoy mine look over and see that I don’t blame you let’s get to some golf breaking news the PGA Tour is right back to being the PGA Tour after an incredible Players Championship viewers this past weekend were treated to a pillow fight at the Val bar with guys like Pete Mady Chandler Phillips Carl Yun Ryan Moore and Scott Stallings all trying to run down Keith Mitchell I got to I got to say something I got to interject please I turned it on and watched the ending which was cool that was a heartfelt really cool ending Ryan Moore thought that guy disappeared he shows up on the screen I was like where the [ __ ] this guy been Ryan Moore side note used to sign my paychecks because Ryan Moore was an investor in a ice cream shop called Old School Frozen Custard in Seattle Washington that I used to not only work at but manage and did you get fired from there too I did not I had to leave to pursue my dreams in Los Angeles California but my last job in Seattle was Los Angeles my last job in Seattle was the ice cream custard shop manager and Ryan Moore was the owner of so he would sign the paychecks anyway all these guys were trying to run down Keith Mitchell who ended up not needing to be ran down because cashmir Keith slammed it in reverse and became Kirkland Signature Keith right before our very eyes before we get into it it was a Kashmir blend 3% Kashmir before we get into it do you know what you and Kirkland Signature Keith have in common Engle what’s that you both shot 77 this weekend what you don’t have in common is that Kirkland Signature Keith Did It On a par 71 with no wind and you did it on a par 72 with the final three holes blowing at 55 mph what went wrong with Kirkland Signature Keith he came in with a three shot lead needed to shoot a very pedestrian 68 to win and he went out and fired pocket sevens to finish t17 he had $1.5 million sitting on the table for him instead he walks away with a 100 grand rough day for K Sig Keith but probably even rougher for golf Instagram who has anointed him the alltime king of golf fashion Now isn’t it funny how golf Instagram loves to push the zous clothes they’re obsessed with Street Wear they love to hate on traditional fashion but Keith puts on a four button placket and some sza belts and all of a sudden he’s their drip Lord are any of you keeping inventory on anything you say or do or champion because if Keith Mitchell was just a guy with a golf brand and not a golfer you’d hate his brand golf fans are golden retrievers chasing shiny rocks the most wish-wash people on Earth and those in charge of these big accounts know it and they orchestrate it and they set it to music no one sees it you don’t even know you’re in a trance you’re like at a show in Vegas getting quote unquote hypnotized to wrap up the vpar congratulations to Cameron young for setting a PGH record first guy in 40 years to have seven runnerup finishes without a win I tell you what what an unbelievable talent I have a theory I think I know what it’s going to take for him to get over the hump go ahead his action and his move is so good and so solid and so in control but I think what’s happening as the tournament gets further on into the weekend he’s losing a little bit of that control and a little something and I think it’s coming from the feet you know folks the feet are so important in golf it’s your connection to the ground you got to have good footwork except if you’re Scotty Sheffer and the feet are just enormously important to the golf swing and I think what’s happening is he’s losing as the week goes on a little bit of that blood flow to the toes I think if he switched from wearing those [ __ ] joggers to wearing real man pants he might get it done it looks like he’s losing circulation from the elastic on his [ __ ] ankles folks I had no idea where he was going with that he was setting up for a very technical take on cam Young’s footwork and I’m like there’s no way he’s dissecting cam Young’s feet and then what do you know he lands the plane with all these in 10 years all these guys are going to look back and be like look son this is my pj tour career and he’d be like what are you wearing oxe betari is the most heinously dressed goofball looking player in the history of the PGA tour and this is a tour that had Ricky Fowler in the mid 2000s and yesper parnik OE what are you doing dude honestly if you haven’t seen AE betari you got to look this guy up very nice guy heard him on a few podcasts he’s part of the Sea Island Mafia I’m rooting for him but I just don’t want to see him yeah it’s funny how these Brands and the industry at large goes down these rabbit holes to these garments right and it’s like okay this is our golf jogger but it has pockets a button and belt loops you’re like no that’s just a horrible pair of high-tech trousers with elastic on the ankles those aren’t joggers that’s a bastardized version of something that makes no sense for golf and then you got the golf hoodie and it’s like super thin and fitted with this sack hanging off the back of your neck it’s like that’s not a hoodie hoodies are made of fleece like thick fleece it’s like something you wear on when you’re jogging in Philadelphia next to Rocky they bastardize these garments and like turn them into the golf version of it and they make no [ __ ] sense and everyone has to wear them and be like no this is this is hip this is new this is cool it’s like you’re just going to be embarrassed in 10 years every photograph you see of yourself also I’ve never seen someone on the PGA tour wearing a hoodie that actually put the hood on it’s so obnoxious looking it’s just dangling back there what do you have a pickup truck with that fake ball sack that sits off the back of the license plate too truck nuts what are we talking about Hawk all right so now we grit and bear through the Houston open and the Valero open and then we finally get to the Masters it cannot come soon enough and just remember no kidding just remember this folks the reason we all love the Masters is because nothing about the Masters has changed ever it’s the very definition of traditional and it’s why it’s so great so maybe tradition isn’t the worst thing in the world maybe just maybe it’s the best food for thought so let’s chew on that for a bit maybe tradition is why we all love the Masters and maybe tradition is not as bad as everyone thinks it is you know why tradition is great go ahead because you don’t have to chase things you can relax how about that or keep chasing think about that folks think about it all right let’s talk about a local issue that has blown up into national news most of you are probably aware of the free the te mov movement which Unearthed the underground Black Market world of tea time brokers who were using senior players cards in the city of Los Angeles to book Tea Times in advance of the general public and then sell them back to regular old golfers like you and me for a fee I don’t think anyone anywhere forecasted there would be a black market for tea times in our lifetimes but it makes sense when you consider that black markets only exist for highly sought-after items and tea times in Southern California certainly fit that bill especially after covid and especially in a region that simply doesn’t have enough golf courses to meet the demands of how many people play golf here what makes this particular black market so frustrating for so many people is that it seems to have been perpetrated by a handful of Korean golfers who used a Korean text messaging app to sell the tea times which means that the vast majority of golfers in Los Angeles didn’t even know where to go if they wanted to participate in the scam now I’m not invoking race into the matter I am only pointing out that the black market for tea times was not common knowledge for someone who did not use this Korean text messaging app so it certainly adds a layer to the story when the Black Market appears to have only been available to a certain group of people the person who discovered the tea time Brokers and started the free the tea movement is none other than our friend and former guest of the fellowship show Dave thinkink and that is probably the last person a t broker would want to find out because Dave fin has a massive social media following and he is pretty damn fearless and he blew this story up blew it the hell up and quickly he named names he showed receipts he mobilized local golfers to show up to golf courses and committee meetings and he’s in the LA Times and on the news more than the Lakers right now I should point out I have more than a few conflicting interests when it comes to this story I work for the Southern California Golf Association both Ryan and I are friends with Dave fank and have been for a long time and we’ve worked with him before and he’s playing in our tournament coming up in May and I am also a golfer in Los Angeles and like everyone these past three years I’ve never been able to book a tea time on the city’s 12 public courses that said I speak for no one here but myself I don’t speak for the scga I don’t speak for Dave I don’t speak for golf I don’t speak for Ryan I don’t speak for Los Angeles I speak for me and only me and I want to make it clear that I have not talked to Dave since this all happened and frankly I don’t want to right now because Dave is probably busier than God and he’s getting 10,000 messages every day whether it’s a DM a comment an interview request a troll a threatening letter whatever I don’t want to add to that noise Dave has his hands full and he’s on a mission and I respect that and his time I give Dave all the credit in the world for what he’s accomplished he is so clearly the only person who could have pulled this off and propelled the story to the heights that it’s at right now he’s given his time and his energy on behalf of the disenfranchised public and he has shown the local government and the local media that golfers are extremely passionate about this game and their access to it Dave Frink and I say this genuinely deserves so much credit for what he has done for for the community at large period Full Stop Now depending on who you are what you’ve read what you believe there is a gray area on whether or not the city of La was knowledgeable and potentially in on this scam I don’t think the city of La was in on the scam I don’t think they had prior knowledge of it I don’t think they’re on the take and I don’t think they knowingly turned a blind eye that’s just my opinion I don’t have any inside knowledge that’s just what I think I am of the belief that local government by their own function and history is always two steps behind especially with technology I had never heard of this Korean text messaging app before Dave brought it to everyone’s attention and I sure as hell don’t think anyone else knew about it either let alone LA City Golf I’m 36 years old I spend way more time on my phone than I care to admit I’m plugged in and up to-date on technology and apps I keep close t on the Golf Scene if I’m learning about the Korean text messaging app a few weeks ago then I’d bet my kids that the city of Los Angeles’s local golf organization is too so no I don’t think there’s Foul Play here I just think they were caught flat-footed but weren’t we all ask anyone two weeks ago why they thought they couldn’t get a tea time and everyone would have said it’s because of bots but now we know thanks to Dave that it’s Brokers not bots so I really do think we all learn this together and that includes the city government also and it pains me to say it but I don’t think that removing Brokers will make it as easy to get a tea time as we all hope that it will certainly it will make it easier but there’s a difference between easier and easy removing Brokers doesn’t remove the amount of golfers in the city and it doesn’t add any more golf courses to spread them out and serve them this is simply supply and demand and it’s a problem there are too many golfers and not enough golf holes plain and simple think of it this way if you took away StubHub and SeatGeek and all the legal thirdparty ticket brokers would it be any easier to get Taylor Swift tickets no it might be cheaper if you’re lucky enough to click your mouse faster than 5 million other people when they go on sale but you’re still competing with the same amount of people for one concert at one venue with a certain amount of seats there’s only one Taylor Swift and only one Sofi stadium and that does doesn’t change whether anyone is reselling tickets or not so if LA City Golf takes away senior cards and changes their reservation system and they tell everyone they fix the broker problem will it all of a sudden become easier to get a tea time easier yes easy no and will that enrage the free of the tea movement even more because they feel like they’ve been lied to for a second time possibly I don’t know we’ll see but I don’t think it will enrage them if they start seeing the real problem for what it really is it is supply and demand that’s why I would very kindly suggest that the free the tea movement pivots to save the tea go from free the tea to save the tea we live in a state that is chomping at the bit to close down golf courses and build commercial and residential real estate and the state has so much support in this because non-golfers View Golf as a luxury for the rich consider this when a regular taxpaying citizen and drives by an empty baseball field or soccer pitch they aren’t filled with negative feelings they think to themselves I’m glad that’s here in my city because I know it provides a lot of people with a lot of enjoyment golf despite being so much more popular than baseball or soccer doesn’t enjoy that luxury the non-golfing public sees golf courses as a waste of space and a waste of resources so they are inclined to vote for course closures and California knows this and they pray on it whenever they can the more golf courses that get closed the more difficult finding a tea time will be less Supply same crazy demand it’s like taking a lane off the highway you might not be in that lane but when it closes all those cars merge over onto yours and now you’re not moving so I would love to see Dave rally his troops and move them over to saving the tea and becoming extremely politically active in Saving golf courses I’d love to see Dave stage a protest at Weddington golf course which is in the crosshairs right now for closure Dave has the plat form has the audience has the juice again Dave is a friend and I’m not at all criticizing his movement hell I applaud it I sincerely do he Unearthed the problem and changes will be made it’s just unfortunately in politics and in advocacy where you solve and fix one problem you will typically find another and Dave I say it with the utmost respect and as a compliment to you I believe that given your influence and what you were able to do with free the tea that you’re probably the right guy to save the tea Ryan what are your thoughts on this whole thing there’s not enough courses to fulfill the demand of the amount of golfers that want those spots in Los Angeles and that’s going to be the issue and just like you said it’s very true if there is a Black Market in any line of anything it’s because there’s a high demand for it that’s the issue here and I just don’t think that’s ever going to change Los Angeles has been developed I don’t know how many more golf courses they’re going to build there just another example this this grow the game thing really not enough room to grow it the game does not need to be grown golf courses need to be grown to your point the city of La is not going to add golf courses so it’s incumbent upon all of us to save the golf courses that we have because as I said they are constantly in the crosshairs of real estate developers and that gets a lot of public support because the public does not View golf courses the way they View Soccer Fields and baseball fields there is a negative connotation to golf courses they are Big Empty fields that take a lot of water that only the rich enjoy that is such a false narrative you play at San Clemente Municipal Golf Course every single week on a weekday during work hours that Golf Course is full every time you go there oh yeah every Golf Course is full every hour of the day and that is a product of not only golf soaring popularity but the fact that people don’t go to the office the way that they used to their weekdays are open now so you have all of these forces that are bringing so many people to the golf courses that the supply and demand problem will always be the problem so let’s do our best to keep the supply where it is because the demand is only going up again credit to Dave for showing the local media and local politicians that there are a ton of Municipal golfers and they are very passionate about it good job Dave keep fighting the good fight and maybe take this fight over now to saving the tea instead of just freeing the tea moving along we went out to the Indian Wells Country Club this weekend for a round of golf with a couple of strangers the past two years during our Christmas show we’ve raffled off 18 holes in a day at the club for the winner and his or her guest who join us and this year we pulled the name Jerry azerin these Raffles are huge money makers but they’re also an even bigger risk because we could draw the name of a total weirdo so far we’re two for two Bennett Brown and his guest were great Jerry and his guest Danny sing say were absolute peaches we had a great time they are great country club guests they appreciated the venue they kept up the pace they removed their hats and doors and they tried to pick up lunch they tried to buy lunch guys that was that was part of the prize is we we take care of everything but yeah good for them of course we gave him the dolphin and just went yeah yeah we had a great time out there Danny we started referring to as Danny couples because he was the mayor of tempo town just like Freddy Couples what a move Jerry swagged out and Jerry has one of my all-time favorite golf demeanor he played fast he picked up when he needed to hit some great shots and hit some hilariously bad shots and let this be a lesson to everyone golf is hard it’s Witchcraft and there’s a way to react when you’re kicking it all over the yard and that’s to laugh and keep it moving so many dudes go into the tank or get mad and it ruins it for everyone one not Jerry yeah it’s one thing to see a bad shot it’s another thing to see a grown man have a [ __ ] temper tantrum right and Jerry was the exact opposite he laughed at himself he kept it moving I hit some horrible horrible golf shots and we were just laughing and having a good time Adam was hitting fade draws I’ve never seen that shot before yeah that was a double cross Miss Quick transition closed Club face Slappy it was so bad yeah it looked like a Blue Angel air show dude [ __ ] that’s a move I’ve never seen what I really enjoyed is we got to the six hole Arie hole where he famously made a hole-in one during the Bob Hope Desert Classic you did your Spiel to a new guest about how important the hole is and how important the plaque is Jerry paid his respects teed it up on six and then hit a hosle rocket right into the Rock which was where the plaque was where the plaque was 10 feet in front of him and the comment of the day came out go ahead Mr couples said well that’s a hole in rock Danny couples with the comment of the day we love Danny couples we love Jerry we had a great time Jerry he picked a really great guest to bring out now what I really want to talk about is the allnew Ryan Engel your ballf flight is like Jimmy Kimmel’s politics it starts out right and turns over hard left this extreme yet controlled draw that you’re playing is something I’ve never seen from you before you look like a whole new golfer it’s fun I just had enough of the monster drivers I’m over it so I went back in time I got in the old DeLorean punched in 1999 when I was just really falling in love with the game it was the pre-modern era as far as technology and clubs goes I went back I wanted that feeling again and I got it and I started in the Fairway woods and I was like oh man this is it and then I was like well [ __ ] it I’m doing the driver too you know I definitely have lost total yardage but the ball flight the shape the sound the trajectory the absolute fun I have teeing that thing down not up cuz these three and a/ qu T’s we’re going to have to start going back to the two 3/4 cuz these T’s are too long at them cuz one thing you’ve noticed is now with these long 460 CCT T’s they’re going too far in the turf so I’m not getting that spinny tea off the impact that I like where it just flips in the a and looks great on the kico Manola swing vision camera you know for whatever reason my action is homemade I had lessons when I was a young kid and then I just played golf my way for years because like in and out of the game so I’m just not one of those pretty swingers I’m not one of those guys that practice a lot I’m not one of those guys that gives a [ __ ] what his position is I just like playing I like figuring it out and keeping the ball in front of me for whatever reason these 460cc drivers I just I can’t turn them over it’s always accentuated my fade and I hated that man every now and then there’s a hole like 16 where you want to aim at the ukes and just bend that [ __ ] left you just don’t do that with the 460s anymore there are situations where I’m going to be heavily taxed and I know that but I don’t care because the sound and the look and the feel that these little gals give you man it’s fun it’s golf you love to hear it you do you love to see it you love to feel it and you love to feel it you love to feel it you love feeling it yeah we had such a fun day out there the first 15 holes it was like playing in a dome and then the fan kicked on extra high 55 m per hour winds I think I heard that was fun the flag stick was almost touching the putting surface yeah it was whipping we were playing St Andrew’s golf in the desert it was great and the fact that we only had to do that for the last three holes made it so enjoyable I think 4 hours in that would have been a little taxing but to get it for the last three holes was super fun the entire day was great we peeled out of there and as you always like to say man it’s great to come out here but it’s so hard to drive away from it and the drive home was one of the weirdest Drive homes of my entire life because you asked me as we were driving home hey you know what why don’t you put on some radio head and I’ve never heard anything that Jarred and shocked me that much I just I almost I I wasn’t prepared because I think there’s this misconception that because we co-own this golf brand and we are very good friends and we have similar tastes and takes that we agree on everything and that just simply is not the case we probably disagree on more than we agree on when it comes to arts and culture and you have often lampooned my absolute fandom for radio head and then all of a sudden you asked me to put them on and I panicked I froze I’m like oh my God what song should I put on and if there’s a radio head fan out there I played three songs I played Paranoid Android 2 plus 2 equals 5 and they there I went for the more accessible rock songs the epics and how did you like those three songs they’re cool they’re groovy okay great and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome so I quickly gave the Spotify playlist right back to Ryan Engel after I got those three songs in and I drove home after I got to the parking ride and my car was still on four wheels and I just my jaw was on the floor I’m like did that just happen did he really ask me to put radio head on in the car what is going on here this guy went and found MF Doom on his own after we talked about it on the podcast now he’s asking me to play radio head I’m a lot more open-minded than you think I am how about that how about that no you love to see it so you’re moving the ball right to left instead of left to right you’re asking for me to play radio head what’s going to happen next I don’t know are you moving out of South County no let’s just win the powow for once all right we’re going to the member guest in three weeks let’s win the power let’s get let’s get serious man let’s get competitive let’s do it let’s do it but let’s take it serious we did win our flight last year we did now we got to win the kacina shootout to get into the final mhm and then we got to get our pictures on the wall yeah that is the goal the last thing I want to say before we get out of here is my home my residence has turned into a 247 cat wh house it seems the word has gotten out that the crawl space under our house is open for business because there are so many cats going in and out every day under our house and there’s a couple of male cats with swollen balls who will sit in front of our house between 2 and 5: in the morning and just howl and it sounds like kids getting murdered and they’re out there howling waiting to spread their seed and I had finally had enough so last night 300 in the morning go out to the front step in my chonies the cats are at the end of the driveway and I just look for anything to try to disturb these animals to get them out of there and I don’t want to make a ton of noise and wake up the neighbors or my family so I find some sidewalk chalk that my kids had and I just start whipping pieces of chalk at these cats not trying to hit them just trying to scare them you wouldn’t hit them anyways probably not I would miss but I’m also a cat guy and an animal guy I don’t want to hurt any cats I just want them to leave me the hell alone right but there is a cat whouse underneath my house right now cats are so so weird they act like well behaved zombies what other animal in the animal kingdom acts like a cat my favorite attribute of a cat is that they live their entire life with a straight face their expression never changes regardless of how ridiculous they are acting very strange animals yeah and we have a cat we have a cat we love our cat the kids love the cat I’m a cat guy I have a tattoo of my cat but just cuz I like cats doesn’t mean I want them relentlessly humping and procreating under my house and Howling for it if you’ve ever heard a cat in heat or a male cat asking for some sex it is the most disturbing sound it sounds like someone is in my driveway murdering a child with a knife all I can think of is Shan connory and James Bond saying pushy Galore in his accent oh pushy oh man what a what a ledge dude what an absolute legend that guy is who’s your favorite James Bond of all time come on there’s only one only one Sean connory who’s your number two oh that’s the question right there is it Daniel Craig or is it Pierce broen Pierce broen give me a break dude it certainly isn’t Roger Moore I would go Roger Moore too wow and then Daniel Craig if I’m ranking bonds you got to go with the Hollywood classic demeanor kind of thing the cheesy one liners kind of like a little more unathletic some puny little gun that he shoots with like an awkward stance that’s James Bond put me in a really cool car I don’t need the Jason Bourne Bond I thought all the Daniel Craig ons were good but definitely not classic Bond Sean connory give me a break when he gets up in the first ever Bond he gets up from getting his massage with his robe on and the MI6 guys coming to tell him what the deal is and he just slaps the chick right on the ass and the sound effect of the slap just you’re just like my god dude Porsche that is a great note to end the podcast on we want to thank you so much for we’ll continue this conversation off air Fair yeah we don’t want to get canceled we don’t want James Bond from the 70s to ruin our podcast in the 2020s yeah right thank you so much for listening we will catch you next Monday [Music]

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