Golf Players

LIVE | Auburn National Championship and Basketball Roster | TAE EPISODE 79

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Auburn Family podcast with co-hosts Kyle Loomis and Austin Scott. Main topics include: Auburn potpourri, Auburn Men’s Golf championship, and basketball roster talk.

The Auburn Experience is an Auburn podcast which is part of E2C Network. You are watching the livestream of the podcast episode, which will cover Auburn Family topics such Auburn football, Auburn University news, and anything orange and blue!

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#Auburn #WarEagle #Podcast

it is Sunday evening once again and that means it’s time for another live recording of the Auburn Experience podcast we have episode 79 coming your way we’re going to talk about yes More Auburn golf a little bit of Auburn Basketball roster discussion and of course take a trip around the Auburn World in Auburn popery all that’s coming up here right [Music] now War Eagle everybody welcome back to another edition of e2c network live we are here excited I am your host Kyle alongside co-host Austin Scott the live recording will begin uh in about five minutes or so but we want to pop in and say hello to you all and uh just enjoy being back together on a Sunday evening with you our Auburn our little family within the Auburn family Austin welcome back thank you oral to you hope you had a nice week officer uh in observance of Memorial Day and it’s good to see you again it is it even though I already saw you this week it yeah we’ll talk about that a little bit during the show uh anytime I roll through Auburn Alabama which was a literally spur of the- moment decision this week um I try to let Austin know I’m coming through town just in the happen stance that we might cross a path and we did in fact I was creeping on him a little bit uh from a certain celebration this week I did you see me before I saw you this week um yes yeah I I texted did you uh I saw you setting up and we were on our way to pick up our dinner but well when you when you sent me where you were I was like I don’t know if he saw me here so I’m just GNA send this awkward picture of like zoomed in on him and I see him right there so that was it you found us I found you it’s like where’s Waldo except it wasn’t that hard until the crowd arrived Golf Club so we’ll talk about that a lot today and I think we’ need to categorize this as the Auburn golf show at least for the next couple of weeks because that seems like all everyone wants to talk about that’s right which is a great thing it’s a great thing should be yep we would love to um say hello to a bunch of you if you can get the show started off on a good note a lot of you are already doing that by saying War Eagle let us know where you’re checking in from a lot of familiar faces already here hanging out with us this evening of course smash the like button if you’ve got some comments some questions topics very brief ones that you would like us to address to start this part of the show we’ll spend another minute or two two three minutes um just kind of hanging out while we let people Gather in who are trying to remember that we are live on a regular schedule I feel like I I throw people for a loop when I have to take a week off and they don’t have the Auburn experience to look forward to I know I know Austin’s probably like like God it was a nice break it’s always a nice break but I always I feel like every time we don’t do a show we just pile up with stuff it never is a dull time when we need to take a break even at the end of May early June and you would think the way that the some of the spring Sports have gone this year that um we might have a little bit of extra time on our hands but that has just not been the case which has kind of been refreshing to be honest with you yeah no it’s true we’ve had plenty to talk about um plenty going on and um a bit a big one with Auburn men’s golf and so uh it’s been nice we I think we’re officially in summer now as far as we’ll be talking having some lesser things talking nothing popping up at the moment unless unless some other surprises happen our way but um it’ll be good when it when is individual track that is this week uh well okay I think it I think it starts the end of this week and I think it will carry over into the next week if I looked at it yesterday and I haven’t like committed it to memory yet but you are correct we’re basically in summer and we’re not discounting track and field in any way it’s just one of those things that like we know that right now not everybody’s coming for track and field we’re certainly going to mention them because they’re doing some great things too not to be outdone it’s been a like we said not the typical things during the Spring that you would talk about and focus on having the spotlight it’s been nice to have a little bit of change of past at least for a little bit now uh question from Bryant and by the way Bryant I sent you a um message in the um Discord that I need you to check out and respond to if you can it’s a direct message because we’re trying to get a little things set up and want to see if you want be a part of it uh where is you’re not invited Austin that’s fine where where is the best place to buy an Auburn golf Natty shirt or hat well uh I you’ve teed me up here for a little bit of self not self-promotion but if you want to help support e2c network you can go through our affiliate link to Alumni Hall they have some National Championship shirts hats gear there that we we’ve already shared a link out once this year so anytime you go through our affiliate link it’s in the description here on YouTube if you don’t can’t find that let me know I can send it to you and you buy something there we get a little you know little recognition for it is how is how all that works just to give you full disclosure but I mean honestly Austin I think everywhere J&M has had them yeah University Bookstore the Auburn has had them I mean there’s really not a best place to buy it’s really just what you prefer like yeah i’ I’d take a look at your options uh you can look at that Alumni Hall affiliate link first and see what see what you might like um but yeah I think there’s been plenty of options I know our buddy Clint has been putting out some stuff too with um some of his own affiliate links as well so feel free to stop by his page and check out his links as well but um yeah there’s been a lot of it there’s been I think Kyle did you uh did you hit the team shop across from Sanford La they had a bunch of stuff already on the table I mean they were ready to go I uh it wasn’t an Auburn golf piece of apparel but I I passed a hat that I literally walked past five times at the baseball popup shop and uh tried real hard to convince myself to buy it that time around couldn’t and I walked bu it five other times in that store and somehow made it out there without the without buying it but I did get the uh both of the commemorative posters uh for both yeah did you miss both of them I don’t know I guess so I only picked up one the White and the orange one unless the other one was just like a generic I got the orange one what was the light one I’ve got it in the closet that it’ll be awkward to watch me get up and you know I think it was the national championship emblem again but with the guys around it like competed in it um I’ll have to go look it may have just been a generic Auburn men’s golf one they already had for this year on top of that bummer but I think it was a national championship okay well yeah I got I got the orange National Championship one I gotta I got to find somewhere to put it for a little while in here Brian ask are we go Auburn golf fans now Brian we’ve always been Auburn golf fans we are bigger Auburn golf fans now I think that’s the way I would phrase it I don’t know how Austin feels about that yeah look hey they wear Auburn I’ve always been a fan of them I might not have known money of their names before uh last week but uh I’ve been a fan of them so you know I think it’s with anything look we’ve we’ve been pretty transparent on the show before that we recognize the the big talking points are football and and B basketball and baseball softball those kind of things but um look hey you know they’re all part of the Auburn family they’re auburn student athletes and and e2c network does the best job anywhere around of trying to trying to cover all of those so we’re happy for them not that we’re biased or anything like that no not at all have no reason to think that whatsoever but we do what we can to service you the Auburn family all right so we are about eight minutes into the stream we need to get started um so let’s go ahead and jump into this for those of you that know how this works hang tight just a second for those of you that may be stopping by for the first time here is how this works we’re going to record a 30 to 45 minute show we’ve changed it to that recently just because it tends to happen that way three hopefully somewhere 10 to 10ish minutes 10ish minutes I can’t say it 10ish minutes segments um and we’ll talk about Auburn popere we will discuss Auburn’s go Auburn men’s golf championship and the celebration and a little we mention some stuff about women’s golf too because that’s been pretty awesome as well we’ll also talk about Auburn basketball’s roster potentially being mostly being finalized with an addition that happened while we were gone and then at the end once we’re done with the recording I’ll come back and we’ll hang out and take questions and comments like that so if you are ready Mr Scott we will get started yes ready to go in three two one David hell described it best we are living the whole of the Auburn experience you can quantify it you can qualify it through a variety of different methods times people places Championship celebrations additions to team rosters variety of many things but at its heart and at its core it is all about the Auburn Sports Auburn culture and of course the Auburn family since it’s about family let’s get a few members in here you’ve got me your host back again in seat number one Kyle Lumis and alongside me the one you’re all here for the best co-host in the land Mr Austin Scott back for episode 79 welcome back sir thank you welcome back to you as well after a week off we’re glad to be back and uh you know like we said pre-show when you miss a week There’s plenty to catch up on so we got plenty to go through you might say that I found time to go put on a few greens oh gosh oh my gosh no no no I’m going be honest I was I took a little nice walk before we did in our neighor NE Hood before we did the show and I was sitting there thinking of how many golf jokes gosh could I do and uh you just you were just putting around thinking about what just putting around you know just mulling about thinking about what jokes I could make but we will keep that to a minimum no promises Austin is a dad and it is almost Father’s Day I haven’t had the prep I haven’t had the prep to do this though I hadn’t thought about many I’m sure you’ll come up with it um when you’re ignoring me about something during the show that’s usually how it goes all right we got a lot to talk about folks Auburn popere we have a long list and most of it’s not going to get covered so let’s go ahead and jump right into things I want to start here um we’ll start we we do want to talk about Brian bti but I want to start with kickoff times first um just because I feel like that’s something that a lot of people um haven’t had an opportunity to express and talk about yet because a little bit newer information uh kickoff times have been announced for Auburn football’s 2024 season for first three games and lo and behold Mr Scott when we know that we’re going to be starting In the Heat of August playing five games in a row at home someone looked down upon Auburn in central AL Central Eastern Alabama and saw how much we were all gonna be sweating and said please give them two night games for the first three games of the Season we have been blessed with a 630 kickoff for Alabama A&M blessed with well you determine blessed or not cal cal will not like it uh for C 230 kickoff and then a 6:30 kickoff for New Mexico state is this no no University of New Mexico is not New Mexico State let’s be very very careful I did it I did it University of New Mexico not New Mexico State I knew that was coming I was waiting on that no sir this is what happens and uh you take a week off okay New Mexico we’re just going meic blow right past that uh I was going to ask before I embarrassed myself what you thought about those times and what um was that what you thought we might get um I was hopeful right I thought that that would be um you know a couple night games right that’s all I I was hoping for it we’ve Kyle and I are not big fans of the morning games in September no one is so I was very happy to see that I’ll be out of town first week so I’ll be missing the home opener but I’m glad it’s at night game that is wonderful 2:30 for Cal uh will be uh warm but I did think about it and I thought you know we had to play at our time like was it 9:30 oh yeah like real 9:30 so they gave us we got their taste of it you know it’ll be 12:30 their time but I mean they’re going to get the taste of of September day Saturday in Auburn Alabama so all fair and Love and War I’m happy with that it’s the white out game I think that’s smart make sure everybody stays hydrated and where’s your lightest color and then New Mexico at 6:30 is homecoming right uh yes that’s much to our Avail we tried we tried Kyle we tried to get it later and they did not listen to us why are we doing Homecoming in the middle of sept should okay I’m not gonna do that again tried we tried we tried and it didn’t work but it’s okay that’s your wear blue game I think the first game is where Orange game so look you got three out the back out the front where you got to have a color designation we’re ready to go you know exactly what you’re supposed to do where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there start prepping now folks get excited about it let’s talk about Brian B and um this is one of those times over the last couple of weeks that I feel like I may be stepping out here a little bit but I’m trying to read through what we’ve seen reported what we’ve heard seen discussed by some coaches um for those let me set I call it setting the table Brian P obviously was involved in an unfortunate situation where his brother lost his life and he was shot in in the head uh in gun violence and has potentially left him with some very serious injuries and there was a time we were very concerned about what was going to happen it looks like we have moved into the territory now where survival is looking good and that we are impr improving but there will be potentially long-term implications for Brian we don’t want to go into what those are you’ve seen those reported um on one hand encouraged Austin that we’re hearing positivity out of this obviously we our hearts are still heavy for the implications of what may be happening sure yeah I think I’m you know we still want to take a stance we did a couple weeks ago on you know there there are probably a lot of information that that we don’t know we don’t need to know at this time with Brian and his family um but we we certainly are are praying for him and praying for his family as grieving a lost loved one but Al with with Brian’s um health status as well so I think it’s become more and more kind of um Hugh frees has commented on it Derek Nicks has commented on it it’s become more public information out there and the family is starting to let people know um which is totally their decision um but we can continue praying for Brian his doctors and all those involved and I think that’s the way you should operate right now is we’re not going to be seeing Brian out in the field but hopefully we’re going to get to see Brian at some point I I would hope but that’s maybe agre what we’re hoping wishing and um again I think the Auburn family continues to show out uh when they are called upon in ways that maybe just through prayer uh through well wishes uh GoFundMe so I I want to continue to extend that um congrat congratulations the um admiration I have for our Auburn family stepping up when they’re called upon for their their Auburn family members so that’s a great thing to see out there um I want to bring this up it’s not necessarily an Auburn specific topic and we probably will come back maybe even next week or a couple following weeks to go into some more detail about this but it’s got huge implications for Auburn and all of College athletics the NCAA has settled on a major lawsuit $ 2.77 billion dollar will be doed out essentially over for for the past 10 years which is about 14,000 we had these numbers I think came from the AP um former and current players that would fall into these last 10 years that will be divvied out to these players across the power five conferences that’s who settled the NCAA and the power five conferences huge implications I think which we’ll dive into to more detail about how this is going to be paid out how does this affect certain Sports boy the college sports world just keeps changing what was your reaction this week when you saw that uh I mean I think you know what you said just then is that college sports is changing um this is a major milestone in in where it’s changed um for you know the future uh it certainly looks like this kind of sets up a precedent for Revenue sharing for making student athletes employees I think we’re still you know not a long way away from that but that that all still has to be finalized but it seems like that’s the direction we’re headed um with with this kind of legal action so pretty crazy pretty something that um you know came about feels like pretty quickly uh here in the last few years so it’s a new world of it uh I you know biggest thing with NCAA and the legal aspect of it and and all the paying players and all that is I think that there is a a faction of people who are concerned that College athletics is is GNA go away um and I think as you know it it will uh I think it it is it’s been changing regularly for for years um but I don’t think that it has to lose your passion for it or the pageantry of it either I don’t think those are are one hand in the other um in this situation so i’ just be care I’d caution people to worry about you know what this means for College athletics you can still love your school and and that’s part of what this show is about is is the Auburn experience is more than just Sports um it’s culture and family but just because Sports changes doesn’t mean you have to lose your love for it so uh that that got a little more emotional than I thought it would but you know I would just I’m just tired of seeing people worried about what is going to happen like it’s going to be okay you know well that’s why I to bring it up this week but as we discussed this is probably something we need to go into more detail about and maybe even next week or just a week or two after that we’ll see how the schedule lines up and dive into it in more detail um I do want to run through a bunch of random stuff that happened this week but I I’m going to change it a little bit on Austin because I want to give a shout out to someone I love love watching our Auburn guys and ladies get their shots in the big leagues and there’s a guy that’s been very important to Auburn baseball over the last uh several years not been with the team for a while been competing in the minor leagues Ryan Bliss uh finally got to debut not just in the minor leagues and whatever level that was but the major leagues this past week and not only that got his first hit as part of the Seattle Mariners organization and playing for the M Mariners on the big leagues that was so cool to see amongst a week of all kinds of crazy thing happening um I remember Ryan being such a likable guy and great baseball player when he was here and it shows that he’s getting a chance in the show so so it was just one of those icings on the cake for this week that I’m like my little Auburn heart has just filled up even more I love seeing this happen for Ryan Bliss 100% it’s you know there is a a larger group Than People realize of of Auburn baseball players who have made it to the pros and Ryan buiscuit at his name I think he’s number 58 I was wondering if you remembered the number or not got it sounds I got it and so um I’m I’m excited for Ryan and his family looked is you know I don’t know how people find these things but looked like people did some digging in his in his tweet history and he had sent the Mariners a tweet one time it’s his dream to to get a hit there and he did so those are always cool things that come full circle that’s just nuts it just goes to show you I know it sounds cliche but stick you know set your sights on a goal for it and you just never know what doors may open for you so congratulations to Ryan Bliss and we’re excited to see yet another tiger in the MLB something somebody else we get to follow while you’re watching along there throughout the spring and summer uh rapid fire here to end out pop just some things to keep in mind 90 days to kickoff public season tickets are now out I got mine rest of the football team is starting to arrive some of your fan favorites that you’ve been waiting to see wide receivers and such softball tournament was announced for next season Clear Water Invitational February 13th through the 16th Olympic trials and qualifiers including one Sunni Lee several swimmers and many many more uh track and field outdoor Nationals Matty Penta made it to pro softball and of course we may talk about it next week or the following week’s renderings for that video board that came out from that was a lot of stuff and that is Auburn poer re let’s dive into our major topics right now we’re going to talk about of course Auburn golf and then we’ll talk about some Auburn Basketball roster finalization but first I want to talk to you about our friends at Magic mind and as I just ran through a plethora of items to keep track of to be focused on in on Auburn popery about all the things that have been happening the past two weeks that means you got to have Focus but you also have energy let you’ve seen me hopefully display here uh to get through that long list and the way that I do that through a variety of different methods rest and things like that but sometimes maybe you need a little supplements but you know those supplements those energy drinks or energy shots out there that are um great for you to get that dose of energy and focus but maybe not so great in terms of the overall um Health ramifications for that we’ve got your fix for you here our friends at Magic mind you need to visit them at Magic Auburn use the code Au RN get 56% off uh that subscription or 20% off a one-time purchase I’ve tried it myself and I can tell you folks they really hold true to their claim of tackling uh this space and creating a more nutritionally based but also uh energy and focus driven alternative or in addition to if you’re a coffee person or something like that something that you can use to help you if you’re like me having to get through a long list of news items to cover maybe in a podcast or something else so again visit them at Auburn use that code Au bun for 56% off that subscription or 20% off a one-time purchase we got our big topic number one tonight to discuss and as I joked with Austin pre-show this is now no longer the Auburn experience show this has become over the last several weeks and rightfully so maybe just the entire year the Auburn golf experience show it had has been a year to discuss Auburn golf and I am pleased that we are getting to do that Austin is off camera doing something and it’s making me nervous what have we got never gotten to use this so I had to use my golf ball pull P bring it up a little closer there sorry for the audio podcast oh look at that beautiful thing very nice very nice I don’t even remember where I got this probably from Joo Davidson at Samford golf but how about that you should have just said I this is from the team this is from actually coach coach Kleiner coach Kleiner uh gave it to him not really but coach CL let me just I want to give a shout out to coach Kinard uh he’s just been such a he comes across as such a nice guy and he definitely seems to be I haven’t met had the opportunity to meet him in person but very interactive on social media and very appreciative of um Auburn people in general and I think that is not that we are lacking in that across our coaches but it it’s just so refreshing to see the family atmosphere carry through every every single time we get opportunity to display it from coaches to players from players to fans from fans to coaches all that kind of stuff just really cool so couldn’t agree more shout out on that front but folks y’all know what we’re talking about here for the very first time in program history your Auburn men’s golf team are national champions and boy is it so beautiful are you do on the camera I don’t know how to celebrate on camera so I’m holding my golf ball you should have had a couple started juggling like while I was [Music] doing um we’ll C we’ll talk about the celebration in just a little bit but I want to spend some time uh talking about uh that Championship golf match boy did it have its up and downs yeah live true to form didn’t it for the Auburn experience hey look look it doesn’t matter what sport we talked about earlier you know it could be could you could be it could not be your thing you might not have watched Auburn golf before this past week but you you had a similar Auburn experience to to that with any other sport that you’ve ever watched with auburn it came down to the very end The Dramatics were High um and it was real it was a lot of fun Kyle are you super like before this weekend I know you have because you are the the expert and Pro in all things but did Auburn did college golf had you watched a lot of it in terms of the the team setup like it’s different than you would think I’m gonna I’m gonna be transparent with you and I’m gonna give credit to one of our regular uh viewers and listeners Mr Brian fure who came on our Wednesday night live streams Alburn family nights join us if you can’t or if you haven’t before um uh eight 8 o’clock Eastern time most Wednesday nights uh and I asked for a little bit of clarification from him about just why things are set up the way they are why they’re scored the certain way you know match play versus stroke play and why it’s done this we all that kind of stuff so he gave us a quick brief rown I I will be honest like I understood a little bit of it but the Nuance he helped clarify a little bit for me and the viewers and listeners so to your question I would maybe try to pretend that I knew what I was talking about but I could have been more informed now I’m more informed yeah same well I thought it was super exciting I really liked the setup of you got to beat your matchup right um as part of a team it makes I think golf is definitely a very individual sport uh but in a lot of cases but that kind of gives it a team atmosphere and they that likeed that they asked the guys a lot about how that was different um but it certainly came came right down to the end with JM Butler’s uh matchup being the deciding factor on the last hole so U man it was super cool and it was super fun to be able to see everybody watching that kind of at one time yep um and then you know like we do tumors was rolled very quick right after so it was really exciting unly and then officially later was the yeah the celebration but um loved it it’s so cool those are little things that the Auburn family just rallies around um that That You Don’t See everywhere else I want to set some things up for people that maybe weren’t able to follow as closely how this all transpired who was involved and I want to talk about at least two different elements of this before we talk about the celebration but your setup is this obviously made it to the championship round you had to make it through certain check marks to keep continuing on um Auburn essentially made it to the biggest one was the quarterfinals had to beat someone to or get into the top Echelon then move into the semi-finals where they faced off against Ohio State got a really dicey freshman frean Jackson quen uh he he clutched it up for us and sent us into the finals to take on the other highest ranked team that was left and that was Florida State lot of history between Auburn and Florida State across many sports certain places as well was kind of ironic it was in California correlations you know all all has been Justified all has been Justified uh out there we in the championship round and we were able to pull it off early in the match you saw Auburn like go up immediately but then Florida State kind of not pulled away but kind of established I felt like my amateur commentary on this was a somewhat comfortable lead in most of the individual matches y but then slowly it was like soon as Jackson Ken just took over his match that was like a a little effect there JM Butler kind of got control of his what was going on and It ultimately was the deciding match between him and their best I’m assuming uh you saw even Carson Baka who had been down a lot make a run came from way back uh Josiah Gilbert kind of after getting down for a little bit came back and then kind of held on for a little bit too uh and then bryndan Valdez uh he was really the one that kind of pushed Auburn in into control of the match and really came down to JM put set up JM Butler to have this amazing finish as a senior and all that kind of stuff um did it in only 17 holes and um your Auburn Tigers and national champions the 23rd uh Championship that Auburn sports programs have um accumulated and I believe is that counting in um equestrian because it’s a different governing body I don’t know if that counts that or not that is a great question I’m not sure I saw I don’t know who it was I saw the graphic that that was put out you know counting each one one by each sport I do not remember if they were on there or not the majority of those come by way of men’s and women’s swimming I think so I’m gonna say no because that’d be a good chunk um so it’ be majority men’s and women swimming two from football um from one from women’s track and field two did you say two from football that’s said did I say two from football well technically it should be F fun for football y another they they do it was it was one of the media Outlets they do include them at six from okay equestrian I I thought they did and I just wanted to make sure even though it’s a different governing body but uh 23 national champions and uh the first for the men’s golf program let’s talk about the celebration because you and I both got to attend that and boy was that fun happened at tumor’s corner um the backdrop was Sanford Hall big old Banner put up them rightfully so so you can you could see the tip top of the clock tower of of Sanford Hall I got to attend we put a video out of the full thing if you want to watch if you weren’t able to attend on most of our social media um Austin chose to take the leisurely approach which probably the smart decision to kind of hang out over there on the lawn and just listen to what was going on since he had the boys with him but um I felt from my perspective that they underestimated the crowd that was going to show up given yeah they allotted um what was your perspective no definitely I think that um I even talked to a couple people that were working the event they friends of mine and they were like yeah this was way more people than we expected um and I I I just I love that I I know that that is you know they didn’t print enough free t-shirts I didn’t get a free t-shirt I didn’t get a well yeah I know that really stinks but the fact that you know after all these years all the smart people we have in Auburn marketing who are definitely still smart I’m under underestimate or undering them um they still were not able to adequately and accurately um guesstimate how many people would show up for the Alor family for National Championship celebration in men’s golf um and so that’s really cool to me um like you said I was you know behind everything we could hear everything but we were having some dinner with some friends and and the and the baby boys on the on the lawn and then got to take them over once the rolling commenced again um but just really cool really cool to see that many people um a lot of big names and I think we just think sometimes that it’s like you know well of course he was there but you know I would imagine coach Butch Thompson has something else he could be doing I would imagine coach hre has something else he could be doing right Mr John Cohen he probably should be there but I I think it’s it’s cool to see those individuals pay respects to a program um that while a lot of us might not view them as equals that they view as co-workers and Friends fellow coaches and colleagues in there in the athletic department so really cool just to see it’s aot it’s a special Auburn moment one that one that just gets us right here the the cool thing for me you talk about things that get you um was them honoring the former head coach and His Name Escapes me at this moment U he was there in attendance um and he was the one that I guess Kleiner followed um the former players um some of them were some familiar names of a very recent that showed up and boy a lot of credit was given to them about Paving away and there there is validity to that you hear coaches talk about this at a lot you know this coach chisik former Auburn football coach chisik talked about this famous phrase Auburn was great way before you got here yeah but you have a chance to do do continue that greatness and I think that was a great way of honoring the team by honoring the former people that helped pave the way here uh great speeches by everybody confetti going off that pre-rolled the trees which was pretty funny to watch I looked up uh with the rest of the media M standing there and I was like well it’s already rolled so and then they had an individual toilet paper roll for all that were in attendance VIPs the team uh staff and they got to do it and of course the fans all joined in after the fact um but I thought for a thing that was thrown together the response was great the way it was pulled off was great now we know the bar has been set by in terms of performance for golf but also the response that they’ll get if they continue to do this and as coach even said uh what are we going to do next year run it back baby and when you’ve got the reigning Player of the Year and freshman of the Year Jackson Ken with a host of other talent and I’m sure more talent coming in you can bet the Auburn Tigers may be back there to round out this discussion really quickly we’d be remiss if we also didn’t give credit to coach L Ellen uh names like Megan scof who have and and the rest of the team there that had for the women’s golf who had got us started off really great this year with scul winning the US amateurs she just wrapped up play at the US Open uh finished I think tied for all out of all the amateurs were there and was up in the top five at some points throughout competition today so while we are honoring mainly the men’s golf in this segment as we talk about honoring others and giving recognition where it’s deserved Auburn golf this year you are the winners across the board Co to coach kleard coach leellen whether they’re talking about Jam Butler scof Jackson Ken players and coaches of former past what an incredible day and what an incredible week and what an incredible time to be an Auburn golf fan so super excited to see where it continues going in the future let’s talk about uh big topic number two tonight um we’re going to get back to one of the big three here because you know we can’t have a show without actually at least discussing something about one of them uh while we were gone for two weeks we got potentially what may be the finalization for the Auburn men’s basketball roster for the 2023 excuse me I’m get my years mix up 2024 25 season uh it’s been a bit of a I won’t call it a whirlwind I think it’s gone mainly as planned in terms of the people that we thought would leave left the people that we thought we might get for the most part have uh come in and uh nice surprises to be able to retain Janai broom Dylan Cardwell yep whether it’s CBM Chris Moore all the guys that decided to stay around and and run it back um we’re now talking potentially about the finalization with the with the announcement that uh Mr Miles Kelly uh is coming to us from Georgia Tech and uh he is a bit of a bigger guard I think a lot of people thought we might get another point guard a true point guard to back up JP Pags but here we are talking about what may be the final spot filled one scholarship is still avable sometimes that’s left open by coach Pearl to honor a walk- on but you never know as as our our good friend Travon Reed says we ain’t done yet and it never seems that we are so we’ll just wait and see but for now let’s assume that the the roster is finalized Miles Kelly uh did you see this one coming Austin is this where you thought we might end up I I think once you started to see some of the um the more traditional point guard options fall off the mix or it’s hard to sell people on a backup position right um everybody knows JP pages is a great player Auburn got him really early targeted him really early and picked him up um it’s hard to sell people on a on a backup position knowing that the guy in front of you is probably going to get 20 25 minutes um so um I think as as those options kind of fizzled out it it started to looking you know we talk about like in the NFL draft a lot are you just taking a KN a fit or you taking best available it started looking like Auburn was going to look for the best available guard no matter where they can play that would help them right now um and and Miles Kelly definitely does that a big time score LED Georgia Tekken scoring if I’m not mistaken um had some big time numbers this here in ACC um and can play in different positions I think that’s really valuable with two the with being able to play the two and being able to play the threeome um he adds a of a height and a wingspan for Auburn that that they need um and more than anything he adds experience this Auburn team is going to have 10 seniors and two freshmen that’s crazy incredible that’s nuts but you love that experience and you love how many games this Auburn team these Auburn guys who’ve been here for a couple years have played and understand and what it takes and then you add guys who in other conferences who have done the same so um I love it I can’t wait I think it’s gonna be really interesting as it always is to see how all these cogs fit together right and to see where the lineups can tweak and change um but you know I think what’s great about and what’s great about Coach Pearl’s style is he will play as many as it takes and so have all those guys as willing and ready is awesome and Miles Kelly fits that if you look at where he fits into this most people are going to put him at the two guard position but as Austin expressed uh coach likes to mix and match and and see what’s working and I think what you’re going to find with this team is versatility because let’s be honest Austin Janai broom is not your traditional traditional Center definitely not he plays that essentially for Auburn and a lot of people have the opinion that he shouldn’t even be categorized into that but just put him on the floor and let him cook that’s like just put him put him out there and utilize them um this is a team that I think will have no excuses in terms of experience as you just laid at it will have no um excuses in terms of Versatility and being able to find something that can work what is also Austin let me see if I can jog your memory one of the biggest complaints there’s probably two but let’s see if you can the one I’m thinking of biggest complaints about Auburn guards over the last couple of oh yeah size size size I think he’s six foot six uh JP pigs I think he’s in the six foot one range if I’m not mistaken six foot two so relatively the same but we’re not talking about people you know under that side now just because you’re a small guard or point guard doesn’t mean you can’t be successful but that’s been one of the complaints that a lot of people have had about that’s been a fixed at least in terms of measurable and what we can measure right uh wingspan size weight tight all that stuff so no excuses there whatsoever I think the jury’s still out if the three-point shooting will you know get better and more consistent but if you look at the pedigree of who you brought in maybe some of that’s addressed as well we’re not no we’re not going to ever have a Bryce Brown again folks like that’s it’s just like you’re not going to have a k Newton again they’re not going to be able to replicate those type of Seasons or a Danel puror or Samir being able to just drain them without even looking I mean I still remember Samir shooting one and just walking off one time was incredible uh but all the needs all of the questions I think at least in some form of fashion have been addressed so the question I have for you do you think the the roster is finalized I think so yeah I think it it’s we’re we’re done here um believe it or not we are done here yes I can see you’re you’re sitting there waiting on it um I think that this team has the pieces it’s got depth at each position um and and is probably ready and now it’s just seeing how how unselfish people can be how how everybody can Jael together and and how this can this these all these guys all these really talented guys can work together as a team um that’s what the summer is about that’s what the summer and and exhibitions and all that and even really at this point the non-conference is about and and Auburn’s going to have some big time tests this non-conference we might have to get into that another day yeah they’re going to have some some some big things being announced here soon about where they’re going to go play um who they’re going to get to visit and who they’re going to get to play against so it’s going to be a big season for Auburn but it it as we have said many times it all depends on how things Jael on the for on the court yeah and uh that’s what really makes up a team is how they Jael together how he utilizes everybody’s skill set and Bruce has has shown that he can bring the best out of out of people and I know people don’t like this because he’s left and stuff like that but I think KD showed that this year this past year of taking back seat and learning to become a more uh show not just learning but showing he could be a more well-rounded player and I think people still argue with me about that but if you if you watch that man close enough yeah he changed a lot and I think that’s a credit obviously to him but to Bruce of even the most quote unquote hot-headed energetic guy finding where they can best fit into a team and help them realize that Talent while they’re here yeah um well and you might see that this season right like there’s look all these guys can’t start all these somebody’s going to have to be willing you know K I’m going to reach back into the file here but Kyle and I love talk about this this story somebody’s gonna have to take the Cody Burns man mindset and and say you know the team is above me we’re going to Rally around this you know um and I think to an extent KD did that and understood if he came back he’d be taking a lesser role um but that’s what it’s going to take for these guys and and hopefully they understand that coming in but um it’ll be interesting it always is I I trust Bruce Pearl and his staff more than just about anybody to get it done and Bruce We Trust in that note where you just brought up the analogy about k um of Cody Burns obviously you know right where to play to my heartstrings oh yeah love you 18 love you 18 um we already got that guy it’s Chris Moore true and Chris Moore is a guy that at times has started and has looked all bit of a starter and at times has has looked even better as a role player and has kind of gone up and down and and where he’s fit into his role but I think it would not be unfair for us to assume and I think he would admit as much that he will be one of those role players and you can choose to look at that how you want but I think that’s who that is I think you found your Cody Burns that is going to contribute out there on the court sometimes in humongous ways but maybe isn’t your Superstar and has made it less about the self and more about the team and that’s when you have that type of guy mixed in with mega Talent new Talent there can be some special things that are about to happen uh maybe there a final thought on our on our roster discussion since we’re just kind of finalizing things if you had to say I knew this was coming you knew this was coming what was going to be the starting five for you right now who would it be yeah I think right now uh my guess would be at the one at the point guard would be Pages at the two I would have Denver Jones at the three I would have Miles Kelly Cheney Johnson at the four and j i broom at the five with the hot take CBM coming off the bench and that and that’s kind of who I was alluding to I think that is going to be the the person that that might have to recognize they’re better coming off the bench and leading that second unit because let’s be honest you’re the six man for Bruce you’re you’re a starter right you know like like as much as you’re playing you’re a starter but I think how they how it will look on the court that’s my guess as of this moment is Miles Kelly will will be take the three spot okay interesting I will differ say you go ahead I I I’m same with CBM at three sure um and I think there’s something to people’s discussions you we’ve gone on about this about how people choose to express their disappointment in the way he handled in the departure in the game but you know that has nothing to do with me saying that I hope understand that yeah but some people don’t know how to read into or read too much into things um I I I see that and I think that’s a potentially good way to look at that because one of the things that we talked about this past year was KD and CBM coming off the bench together and how much that frustrated other teams because they played nasty at times and there’s got to be a little air to that so um my guess is as it has over the past couple season the lineup may change the starting five but if you’re coming off the bench that doesn’t mean you’re not going to find a way to contribute on this team this team is deep team is experienced it’s got young Talent that’s being set having their table set for them and jakai Howard and tahad pedford get excited folks for now it looks like we’re finalized on roster I guess you never know but we’ll assume as much for the time being and look forward to the upcoming season that’s going to do it for episode 79 of the Auburn Experience Podcast little poper a little Auburn golf and a little Auburn Basketball talk for you in this episode if you want to keep up with me and talk more do so on x Kyle Lumis 24 Austin where can they find you at Austin G Scott um that’s that’s where I’m at and uh keep up with us there tune in subscribe and follow us anywhere that you can so you don’t miss out on any content from e2c Network the Au experience until we talk to you again War Eagle War Eagle all right folks that’s the show thank you for tuning in with us stick around with me uh we’ll talk for a few minutes Austin’s going to ga up his final thoughts maybe he has some things he wants to address from commentary during the show I just WT is just always G be a hard time he’s giving you a hard time it’s okay don’t you worry I’m already getting my I’m already getting my my tickets for Coleman Coliseum next year WT don’t you look that’s gonna be a top 10 game and I’m be I’m gonna be there we’re gonna shoot the lights out let Mark shoot the lights out my gosh he got one in bad joke well I know I know may not be shooting the lights out you know because he was sold a dream um You Ever Had A hurts donut donut I’m just saying brother if you didn’t see that coming I’m sorry that’s all I gotta say I played the fifth because I’m not gonna get myself into trouble dreams were sold and it wasn’t on the planes hey dream dreams were sold dreams were bought and they didn’t amount to much Le at least for now we’ll see what happens you just everybody you just mark your calendar for Neville Arena that’s right CJ that’s right that’s right oh buddy oh boy any final thoughts for you sir uh no sir I just I I cannot believe you haven’t commented on this and I was really hoping you would have Twi wore it tonight what do you think about my shirt here I did and because we had so I was trying to stay focused the entire show I I meant to say something at the very outset $7 at Goodwill no yeah wait a minute is that a long sleeve too wow7 long sleeve Emily and I were there at Goodwill yeah I know Emily and I were at and it had the original tag on it Emily and I were there the other day and I stopped looking when I saw it I saw it and I just waited for her to register I was like I don’t need to see anything else Austin see this is what I do I was telling him I do during the summer as I come up with things to change as you guys noticed we did the little different intro video if you were here at the start um I I I had a I had a dream for a certain series that I want to start doing one day and uh oh yeah and you just gave me something else to add I would Thrift I would love that we might have we might have to convince Emily to come on thrift store finds got I’m gonna come up with a with a catchy name oh we need it we need it and she’s gonna be the one that uh she doesn’t even know that she’s being uh well I mean I’m I’m telling you we could definitely do a segment on that I in the summer we definitely do it uh shopping with Emily or something like that we’ll shopping with the Scots that’s right Sho th thrift shopping with the Scots oh that would be a good one that would be a good one yeah we’ll talk about those ideas sometimes but yes you continue to give me some good ones good deal all right everybody Wargo all right Wargo thanks for hanging out with this all right folks thanks for uh being here uh as long as you have stick around for a few more minutes we’re GNA just uh shoot the breeze talk about maybe some things that you have on your minds about what we’ve discussed what we haven’t discussed so this is nice it’s like a good Q&A um mini Wednesday night show type of scenario here we usually stay on for about an hour that’s about 10 minutes away depending on how much y’all want to discuss we’ll probably end about that time May extend if we got some good conversation going while you’re thinking about um those things couple things I want want you to go aad and smash the like button if you haven’t also uh queue up some topics if you want me to address something here and let me give you a few reminders while you’re doing that our next scheduled keyword scheduled live stream is what we’ve mentioned during the show Auburn family night um it’s going to be at 8:00 pm this Wednesday as it always is most Wednesday nights uh as a early reminder or update we will not be doing one the following Wednesday that would be the 12th I will be on probably my final vacation of the Year got them all out early this year uh but this Wednesday uh at 8:00 P.M Eastern Time join us for Auburn family night it’s a live call in show we’ll talk about anything and everything just you see the golf team up there picture we took at the celebration but that’s just kind of a one topic we will probably discuss because we we ain’t done talking about it yet uh we do Tik Tok live streams throughout the week uh on weekdays about lunchtime no set time so just follow on Tik Tok if you’re interested in those some similar stuff to what we do here but it’s good conversation usually they get a little Rowdy over there we have to keep them in check the Bama fans but uh you know we uh we handle it uh the best that we can couple of our reminders for you it is a new month and I want to give a shout out to our booster called them the booster club that’s what they used to be call the Conquer Club uh our Conquer Club members uh for another month of support thank you all so much for your financial support helping keep the lights on here at e2c Network if you’re interested in doing that the best way and you can take advantage fully of everything the most easy way is by going to network $1 a month gets you in the door to our disc Discord page you know social media recognition there are other tiers they get you other things like exclusive insights and you know little tidbits we get and on the rumor meal and stuff like that and a t-shirt at a certain level all kinds of things check that out $1 a month get you in the door you can also sign be part of the Conquer Club essentially by hitting the join button on YouTube um I know it doesn’t seem like much but it does help keep the lights on here at e2c Network and we appreciate you all that are able to do that um year month in and month out and it means a lot so we want to give youall a special shout out out since we’re at the start of the month all those other links in um in the description or ways that you can help support us as well uh let’s see here let’s hit some comments and questions uh this is the only Au stream I watch if I didn’t support it I would feel like a hypocrite well you let me clarify you support it by being here that’s how you have well not have to that’s how you best can support us but for those of you that take that extra step I wanted to give you all a shout out and you can see WT is a Conquer Club member by uh hitting he hit that join button here on YouTube uh several of you have that icon here that joined via YouTube it’s kind of one of the special things you do through joining on or you get for joining on YouTube but uh several that have been in the chat are part of the traditional patreon Conquer Club and um Wanted to recognize them as well some people also do it through Facebook too uh let’s see here um CJ ask I don’t think you were you may you must have missed it we did a whole well a mini segment during popery about the ruling for schools uh paying players so I would highly recommend that you go back and watch that slash um download the audio podcast and listen to the full show that’ll be live for you tomorrow morning and uh here our full thoughts on discussing that initially we plan to come back next week probably and um be able to expound on that a little bit more my initial thoughts I hate change so but when I say that I accept the fact that sometimes it’s necessary and this is going to H all this type of stuff is going to happen no matter what no matter how much we moan and all that stuff about it so to me I would rather go and get it done um wow a lot of money a lot of pay players to pay and if I did my math right 140 no 14,000 athletes of the last 10 years current and former and uh 2.77 billion if that is the correct figures and I’m averaging out how much they would get it’s not going to be this simple but that’s 196,000 minimum I think per athlete not that simple I’m sure but was doing just some quick perspective stuff so still I’m still thinking about it so check out our initial thoughts in the show we’ll come back on a maybe the next episode or the next one talk a little bit more about that in detail but good question to um bring up again because it’s a very important topic not just for Auburn but for all of College athletics um there you go WT I see your secondary comment uh BR little let me little business here where do you where do you send me a message can’t find it so there should be an option on uh the um Discord where you get direct messages I don’t know how to really do direct you to it through that um it should be on there but essentially Bryant what we’re trying to see is if you want to be part of our annual kind of get together call we do this summer um with a bunch of the people just kind of to catch up maybe you guys offer insights and uh we’re just trying to see if you want to be a part of that so there’s a thread under the main Hub where you’re at on the Conquer Club it says the meeting or if it’s not there I’ll bring it back up you can go respond in there that you’d like to or not like to be part of it or all that kind of stuff just trying to get all those things oh and he says he saw I just saw that now so there you go um let’s see what else can’t wait for Nike merch to hit stores I sure it will be next year though well technically there’s already some Auburn Nike stuff out there I believe it’s not like officially licensed I listen Clint’s not here he’s the expert on that stuff um the thing does not take effect until this time and well yeah actually July of next year so not over a year uh I don’t know if that means the merch for fans can start hitting the stores before then I don’t know how that works maybe we talked to Clint and see if he has insights on that but yeah um the countdown begins Under Armour to Nike I’ve thought shared my thoughts about this previously kind of sad about it but I understand the need for the change it’s just uh just the way it is sometimes um I love this will Austin be letting us know which games he’ll be attending just hoping to get an edge on which way I [Laughter] bet that’s good stuff right there that’s real real good stuff a lot of familiar faces but some new faces popped in on the show today um good to see all of you guys one of the biggest things that I ask of you um is tell a friend uh get them here drag them here against their will I’m kidding but not really uh let them know that we do these shows on Wednesdays and Sunday evening it’s like the good gateway drug for them to see if they like what we do uh get them to download the podcast um this the Summers is a time for experimentation for us where we try some new things and um you know work on enhancing some things for the upcoming year but we love for you to help build our Auburn family out there our little family within the Auburn family so uh relatives friends family tell them about us get them to YouTube get them to Tik Tok get them to Instagram all that stuff uh help us build our little family within the Auburn family uh do you know if the 2025 football team will be the first to wear Nike I know that is a better question for dustbuster guy Clint you are now referred to as dustbuster guy it’s not even me it happened on my show but you are a dustbuster guy uh apparently it happened while he was on the show as a guest but I don’t know that we want to label him as such that’s that’s a deep deep cut for those of you that have been around for a while War dustbuster to you you don’t want to know folks you just don’t want to know um so the apparel switch happens July of next year not this July but July of next year I would imagine yes that they will be the first ones to wear the Nike gear um in fact I would 99.99999% say that’s how it’s going to happen because as Clint has expressed a lot of times we’ve been on here it’s usually a two-year process to get things ready for the next for for the year that they’re going to be available to you so right now that the you know that thing’s been announced the switch is happening they’re planning that they’re getting it ready so in a year’s time when the switch happens it’ll you know and probably was started long before that too uh they’ll be ready to go I would highly recommend if you’re interested in our talk about um the Nike deal and stuff like that we’ve had Clint on on a on a different live stream where he has gone into some great detail about that so look it up here on our YouTube channel you can find it here on Facebook as well if you if you ever need help finding something from us that you’re wanting to listen watch don’t be afraid to shoot us an email e2c Network or a direct message those are great ways um to just kind of reach out to us and if we don’t get back to you like same day just be be patient and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can all right final thoughts questions comments derogatory rebuttal stuff that’s relevant constructive meaningful whatever you got drop it in right now to uh um wrap up our show already gave you the reminders for upcoming shows uh next wed this Wednesday 800m uh stay tuned on Tik Tok for somewhat daily during the weekdays uh lunchtime live streams uh lots of other content coming out this week check out everything across all social media you want to make sure you don’t miss out on anything uh from us David asks what will happen to um Under Armour stuff at Auburn uh Clint has referred to get ready for discounts so I would imagine they will try to sell as much of it as they can now if you’re talking about the player gear and stuff I would imagine they archive some of it get rid of a lot of it regardless of if you’re keeping the deal or not um I would imagine Clint wants his hands on a few of those things but it’s a good question I don’t really know um what will happen with the majority of the the fan stuff probably go on discount and I’ll probably be buying a lot of it I say that knowing that I’m a cheap skate but maybe keep that in mind um I mentioned this earlier but for someone who never looks at golf I enjoyed the e2c show following along with the golf championship and that was just a regular Wednesday night see we just had to go with the flow it turned into a live of sorts viewing of what was happening in the golf um Championship round and we didn’t get to finish it out together but we did a post stream after that and it was a lot of fun um doing that with you all so who knows what’ll happen on the next live stream I always tell folks if you are missing a live stream you are missing out on something because things just tend to happen and break and you get to watch me frantically try to get my thoughts together about things all right folks we’re going to call it a show thanks for hanging out with us got a long sumary ahead of us stick with us invite a friend smash the like button follow subscribe uh sign up uh to be a booster club sorry a Cocker Club member all the different things that you could choose to do but we just thank you for choosing to be here and being part of our little family within the Auburn family till we talk to you again War Eagle

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