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A Summer Sports Betting Bonanza! Behind The Lines Episode 63

As summer approaches, Shane and Andrew tackle some hot topics in sports betting, discussing the impact of betting on the integrity of professional sports, rising betting taxes, and potential opportunities in baseball betting. They highlight the challenges sportsbooks face with high tax rates and government spending, and explore strategies for live betting and seasonal sports betting trends. From the excitement of upcoming events like the Euro, Olympics, and NBA playoffs, to lessons learned from baseball betting, this episode is packed with insights and strategies for smart betting.

I had a great baseball season last summer I was making I would say three to five bets a week and I got limited on two different books throughout the summer and I profited about $30,000 and a big reason why I profited again no tiny violins here only $330,000 um whoa got confetti raining down on me on the broadcast here um you made 30 grand you made 30 grand confetti started pouring on me hello and welcome to another episode of behind the lines the only podcast purifying the sports betting industry remember to like download subscribe follow us on all the socials at Inplay live and if you want to see what it’s all about on the inside we’ve got that promo code for you behind the lines all caps you’ll get the very best pricing to see what inlay live is all about all right on today’s show a sports agent writes an oped in the New York Times there’s fears of a betting tax contagion and this is June what does sports betting look like in this month all right I’m your host Shane Mercer and as always joined by Andrew Pace the founder of Inplay live Pace how are you buddy doing great Shane good to see you as always I want to kick things off here with this sort of interesting oped that I saw in the New York Times uh authored by guy named Lee Steinberg he’s a sports agent a well-known longtime sports agent he’s represented the likes of Patrick Mahomes Troy Aman Manny Ramirez uh just to name a few and the title of his article is sports betting is a ticking time bomb and he’s essentially arguing that it’s integrity that’s going to get blown up um so in this article he essentially argues that legal sports betting is going to ruin the Integrity of professional sports he’s saying you know it already is he’s pointing to jont Porter and the sh Otani scandals um also mentioned uh that the MLB is now investigating otani’s former teammate David Fletcher uh who is now part of the Braves organization uh so so he’s being investigated for placing wagers with the same bookie that otani’s interpreter was using you know in this article uh you know also makes reference to the 1919 World Series Pace I don’t know how familiar you are with baseball history but this was the Chicago black socks Scandal uh in which the white socks players um allegedly helped fix the World Series um so it’s a sort of famous fix there you know he makes the case you know that with so much of the sports economy now revolving and sort of being integrated with the betting uh companies that we’re just going to see this erosion of Integrity you know he believes the leagues need to intervene but what’s interesting is that in this piece he doesn’t really say what that intervention should look like or could look like only that they need to do something uh so what do you think Pac are do do you think that that sports betting you know has the potential to ruin the Integrity of our big professional leagues so the world’s collapsing yes everything’s falling apart AI robots are going to kill us no one can agree on politics you know the world’s burning sports betting is ruined sports are ruined like so much as like clickbait media fearmongering and all that kind of stuff um you know like a really good example of the whole fear of Ecommerce was like oh Amazon’s GNA run every other store in the world basically out of business yeah and just completely ignoring the fact that the hasn’t made an impact on retail of course it has but completely ignoring the fact that like people actually want to go try clothes on sometimes and like go to the mall with their friends or you know go to the mall on a rainy day and then you pop into a brick and mortar store and actually potentially buy something instead of buying it online like there’s there’s a place in the marketplace for like a whole series of different um technological advances and then a whole series of ways that I guess uh the old school or passway is going to you know continue to be present and be be of demand for lack of a better term I mean you kind of said it in the article like since 1919 this shit’s been happening so legalized sports betting all of a sudden it’s exploded like every game’s rigged and like this whole psychology of um everyone blaming someone else for like the reason that they lost I think the the whole mindset of uh a certain ref favoring a certain team or a certain player that’s got a motive outside of his team’s motive uh the list goes on and on and on is it lacks ownership it’s it’s putting it’s putting your wager and the the bet that you took um in someone else’s hands and it justifies why it lost because there’s no way you could have lost on your own like there’s no way you could have picked a losing um you know side of a side of a game it’s it’s nuts so it exist yes it exists since 1919 um you know do we have all the details no um is there an argument that could be made that you know the mob running casinos in Vegas and sports books um having a greater influence than like say a legalized regulated uh landscape 100% um sports betting has been legalized in North America since 2018 so here we are six years later saying it’s now going to ruin it what wouldn’t it already been ruined um and then like with what we do at in playay live with live betting it’s like could that affect us sure has it maybe do I care like no you know I don’t know when you’re wagering when you’re wagering live it’s based on what’s already happening um so I find that if you were to make an argument that the game was rigged from the beginning you would have seen it happening on the screen and you could have adjusted to it based on what you’re what you are watching so I don’t know I think the whole Doom and Gloom message with no solution is just a total copout move and um yeah uh if Regulators are looking to make this landscape clean and by the way this was one of the biggest reasons people were saying that um sports betting shouldn’t be legalized because they said that this would that now happen more but they went through with it anyways and also the whole nil stuff in college football they said that that would totally ruin the Integrity of of the game and and of course things like that make an impact um but you know we’re still here we’re still watching sports I think we had the highest viewership ever in a women’s game this year we had the most viewed Super Bowl of all time um this NBA Finals probably GNA get some pretty big traction I think as well so you know yeah yeah you know uh you’re right like uh interest in sports and people watching is definitely uh uh you know skyrocketed in a lot of areas especially in in sort of sports where you know historically people weren’t watching like you know women’s basketball for example um as sort of the most sort of uh you know the one that’s kind of out there right now in our in our faces and we can kind of look to as as an example of that um I I guess I’m wondering though you know does he have a point in in maybe thinking that we’re going to see more pro athletes get caught up in these sort of scandals and you know does the league need to do something about the way it restricts players and how they can how they can bet and I know that they you know different leagues already have these restrictions in place but I’m wondering if maybe you know what might a solution be if there even is a problem here right so like as a general statement like the Calvin Ridley thing in the NFL the guy was making parlays on other teams it wasn’t even it wasn’t anything that he could influence um and he lost show Otani thing it’s his interpreter right that’s what we’re saying it is yeah did the guy win or lose he lost like freaking years of Show salary yeah it was like 40 million or something so we’re we’re not necessarily talking about guys winning a bunch of money here you know so um like if if anyone does need to get involved I think it’s the leagues themselves um yeah and and at the end of the day like as we all know you know if you have Otani who now lost his interpreter as his better and still wants to make a bet do you think he’ll be able to go place a bet somewhere like I’m pretty sure he can get someone to place a bet for him I’m pretty confident that that he he’s going to be able to do that so the sports books there’s not much that they can do I know we talked about on a different episode where they only offer certain sides of bets which would just be freaking disgusting for the better um but it it is the leagues and the way they crack down on it and how they handle it I think needs to be pretty severe because I actually you know I was kind of talking all gloom and doom there um but if if the league does get involved and you do have a guy that has been proven to be betting the punishment should be pretty harsh um because separately of of all of all of that it it does if if if it is like what jontay Porter was doing it is it does affect the Integrity of the game so um it does happen I’m not going to sit here and say it doesn’t happen I just think that like as a general statement the leagues aren’t plagued with it players show up they make an insane amount of money on their salaries and on their endorsements and they play to win and that Integrity has been baked into sports since day one are you telling me separate of gambling there aren’t times where you’re G to have a few players on the team that just don’t want to be there a team that just didn’t make the playoffs and still has to play a regular season game that’s like [ __ ] this I just rather go home right now like their motives are in question right so there’s always going to be uh motivational changes from game to game and from person to person one person is fulfilling their life’s purpose on a team the other person might be getting a paycheck and you’re going to have that in any organization anywhere you go right so you know motivations are always in questions one of the ways that we make money at inlay live is is figuring out what those motivations are in certain circumstances and then capital Iz in on them based on a discrepancy there so um yeah come down with a harsh punishment from the league maybe maybe a punishment so harsh that it doesn’t even seem fair set an example and a guy like Otani has immunity because he’s sh Otani is like the best player in baseball he’s the face of the league he’s the face of international fans that otherwise would not be there right um you know Ichiro Suzuki Sho Otani like they’ bring in fans by the millions right um if they put that aside and they said hey buddy you were involved in this it’s your guy he was your responsibility um you’re done like you know it would really send a message it I don’t I don’t know if I agree with it I’m just saying that you know if you if you take harsh and Extreme Action you you might find that uh you know a guy who is making a great paycheck goes I don’t want to risk this yeah you know we we’ve also seen from the leagues that that they don’t always necessarily uh uh think about sports betting as a top priority and they don’t necessarily know um everything that the books are doing as we sort of saw from from Gary bman a few months ago you know not knowing about about sports books limiting players and I imagine that you know in a lot of ways uh the sports betting side of things is is just sort of you know just another issue in the pile of things that that leagues and Commissioners have to deal with um it will be interesting to see though what they do because I I think if if there’s any point in here that made by um uh by by this agent Lee Steinberg it’s that I think we can expect to see more instances of players doing things in the sports betting realm that the league says they shouldn’t be doing and and we probably will eventually have to see some kind of Crackdown in the various leagues um so that’ll be sort of something to to kind of watch for well Shane one of the things that you just you just mentioned there like hey it’s June right well what do we see in June in the NFL what do we see in May in the NFL quite a bit we off like crime is up in the NFL we see players that get into trouble in the off season yeah a lot of players doing stupid stuff yeah and people are like oh you know what do you expect like you know they’re not in they’re not they’re not with their team right now they’re more likely to to act out kind of thing or they’re they’re they’re young and have too much money that they know what to do with so they go off and do stupid things or Superman syndrome or they think they’re Invincible or whatever the case may be and obviously some pretty serious stuff has happened over the years like obviously Henry rugs being a a recent one but like put that lens now with betting being legalized like [ __ ] is going to keep happening it it might be betting related it might not be it’ll happen in all arenas and and that’s just the nature of of human beings so you could be like oh create a harsh punishment like I just said you know PE the harsh the Henry rugs is like in jail for life he still went out and and what happened happened right so like [ __ ] is still going to happen that’s that’s just the reality of of humanity right yeah yeah and we we’ll see people continue to to sort of you know jeopardize their careers uh even if even if it is for you know a negative EV you know 10 10 L parlay or something right it’s like just something totally stupid but yeah you’re right we’re probably guaranteed to continue to see that kind of that kind of stuff um okay uh I don’t want to stay all doom and gloom but this is sort of a little bit of Doom and Gloom from the sports books point of view uh and an update on a topic we touched on last week so we talked about taxation in the state of Illinois well Illinois has up their tax uh to 40% at least for uh DraftKings and FanDuel and those two sports books uh have something like 90% of the market share in the state when it comes to uh sports betting and uh online sports betting um so they’re they’re they’re seeing their tax rate in that state go up to 40% um the state’s also raising uh the minimum tax for low volume Sports books to 20% so it’s a it’s a tiered tax system when it comes to sports books in the state of Illinois um Ohio also raising its tax rate uh from 10% to 20% and uh in the article I was reading a sporo uh article which sort of looks at all things um uh in the business of Sports World uh that that kind of the the nature of the publication um they they quote this one analyst uh who who’s saying that you know uh Wall Street I is is you know is saying that states see sports betting as an easy path to increase tax revenue and there’s a contagion risk that that term is coming from uh Benjamin Shelly a UBS betting stocks analyst uh warning of this contagion risk that other tax hungry states are going to see States moving their tax rates up and they’re going to want to move theirs up as well and uh you know they they’re saying that you know it’s going to be bad for the operators now the only possible good side is that the operators may be allowed to open up more online and mobile casino games um which could potentially you know be be more profitable for The Operators uh but this idea of a tax contagion risk uh uh Pace do you think this is something that that the sports books should be worried about yes yeah why well if we talk about you know the Massachusetts stuff where they’re talking about not limiting players that’s not good for the book and if that rolls off state byst state that’s going to make them less profitable if the books have higher taxes to pay and it works in one state and they go why can’t we do that here Ohio did it why don’t we Illinois did it why don’t we that could snowball as well the P the public nature of the Massachusetts hearing leads to the potential for if those operators then show up and expose all their practices than all the other states seeing that and then that snowballing um as well or becoming a contagion right so yeah I think I think it’s definitely a factor I just I find the the world is so [ __ ] up um in so many ways and I know we’re talking like oh it’s all gloom and doom and then I’m like this place is [ __ ] well the reason why I say it is because you have a revenue stream that does not exist there’s an a legal offshore Market where billions of dollars are being wagered no one wants you to legalize this stuff because the potential problems that it could have on on the area in which it’s legalized it gets legalized because you kind of take this mindset of it’s happening anyways and we might as well capitalize on the tax dollars so now you have a new channel of tax revenue coming into the government and rather than being like oh this is great you know we’re getting 20% of the books uh profits uh here is tax revenue you go let’s up it to 50 like you know you just press a button and you’re like give me more money yeah it’s just [ __ ] um it’s [ __ ] yeah you know if you’re if you’re an operator you’re probably looking at this like yeah thinking exactly that’s complete [ __ ] how do you go and you know ramp it up that quickly you know that amount um and you know we’ve seen too that these uh a lot of these Sports books aren’t aren’t you know aren’t profitable yet so are they you know just because they’re raking in uh BR bringing in a lot of uh uh Revenue in terms of of you know betting dollars from from any particular jurisdiction uh the the sports books themselves are still struggling to to turn a profit and if they got to start paying you know I know that New York is at is at 51% or something so you know this this tax rate in Illinois kind of gets a little closer to that um and and Pennsylvania’s up there as we mentioned last week in in the high 30s um so you know I I don’t know that they can afford it especially if it’s happening in every state right yeah and I think that there’s a lot of things that pushes the player back offshore we’ve talked about that a lot like what does all of this lead to it leads to the player going back offshore it leads to the player going back to a local bookie it leads a player to the quote illegal um uh methods of wagering well what about the sports books like they’re going to go back to they’re going to go back to Cur [ __ ] [ __ ] Illinois like you know we we’ll we’ll operate uh we’ll operate in the gray market and and and operate to jurisdictions that we don’t have to pay such obscure amounts of tax to um yeah I you know survival is is important and when there’s someone a power that has that level of control that just presses a button and meanwhile I always find it ironic because the worst run businesses on the planet as a general statement are governments like they don’t handle money properly they go into huge amounts of debts they spend frivolously they spend money on things that most people probably wouldn’t prioritize and and they run out and then they just press a button and say give us more money at at the business’s expense or at the individual’s expense um and sometimes when you look at the flow of money and how it just there’s like these compounded taxes being put on it from the cor Corporation paying it to the individual paying it and then the individual going to buy their goods and services and then them paying again on top it it it’s compounding all around us at all times and there’s a reason for it we have to pay for healthcare and infrastructure and Roads and all these other things that are required but again from a business standpoint they’re not run properly uh again as general statement there um yeah yeah I think I think a lot of people they have the power to do this yeah yeah you know the government you know government spending in so many different areas so many countries and jurisdictions could get completely out of control but I don’t want to get too far down into the into the political world here because uh you know uh uh things can get a little tense especially uh with an election uh taking place in the United States this year um leftwing leftwing rightwing it doesn’t matter I think most people can can agree that that there’s a lot of things that they don’t agree on yeah exactly uh and you know the government will always be there asking for more money and The Operators are are pulling in huge amounts of of Revenue they they’ll be there with their hands out and looking for more all the time um okay uh let’s get to the side the beating the books side of things now uh Pace this is June we’ve just entered a new month and traditionally I think getting play Live Pace this has sort of been part of the downtime of year really kind of getting you know summer begins in this month of June and we sort of get into these dog days of summer um and and they’re kind of just around the corner here but uh things aren’t necessarily as slow or maybe they won’t be as slow this year as they have in past years I want to kick things off with a conversation around baseball because Pace we are just coming off of a weekend stream a Sunday baseball only stream at implay live which uh is is pretty unusual I think this was the first one of of the season right that was sort of just with a baseball focus and uh I got to say the team on the stream absolutely crushed it I think what was it four for four five for five on on some of the main Market plays that were called on stream um it was it was really impressive to to watch and I think anybody you know who isn’t a part of implay live now might be a good time to join because you can catch up on these sorts of uh uh strategies that are being deployed throughout the summer while learning and preparing yourself for the football season and the Really sort of busy Sports season that kind of takes place from September through to the end of March but um if you are already a part of implay live pace and for people who are members already they’re probably wondering and they’ve been here a little while they might be wondering hey what’s going on behind the scenes that that you know could be leading to more uh potential baseball opportunities so are you asking me that Shane yeah I am well you were on the stream yesterday right I was yeah so yeah we we killed it um it’s a small sample size right and but I I haven’t I’ve been pretty open about my baseball Journey so I’ll kind of touch on that a little bit um as a recreational better always fun to have some summer action uh you know you’re at the pool at the beach on the boat you know you get a nice refresh in there maybe a couple run lines on a parla always good fun um definitely negative EV uh and expected losses is in in the agenda there and then when we launched Inplay live I think naturally what happens is if you have a betting group that’s focused on winning and you love a certain sport you are now going to look at that certain sport differently than you looked at it before so in my case specifically um we had the covid bubble season of NBA and NHL playoffs and then the fanless NFL and college football season starting um and then we had a weird baseball season that year where baseball wasn’t as affected as the other sports because uh you know it’s it’s outdoors and they just went with like no fans and and a lot of the baseball season it was affected but a lot of the baseball season was played but we had playoff baseball at the same time as we usually do well for me um you know playoff baseball is at a time where football is more of a focus for me I don’t really care that much about following playoff baseball um you know through uh October and November um well a couple of the guys in the group um you know started making some money betting on baseball in that baseball playoff season so much so that there was a couple strategies that I was jumping on myself um that that were really profitable in that playoffs um Astros Dodgers comes to mind a few few different bets we took there and uh that rolled us into the next baseball season where I got pretty excited about the regular season because of the profits that we had in the playoffs and um you know a couple couple guys in the group that that had done had done really well um and and I just got crushed like I got crushed I went into baseball thinking to myself like okay I’m going to make money this year I’m making money on all the other sports um let’s just roll in those same unit sizes into this new season and and uh and go from there yeah like I’m guys I’m talking multiple six figures like I think I lost like 300 G’s that summer wow um and and I did it in a way that number one it was within my bankroll at the time um number two uh I did it with like this belief like we can do this and it was a little strange because a lot of for me was just um following um and not learning like I was not learning I was I was mostly just following and also too there there might be people that had a great summer that summer that I’m referencing um I was I wasn’t in for all of it you know so I’m coming in and out yeah I got I got hit pretty hard um had that all back and more um you know within within a month or two of of that football season so it’s like you don’t need to there’s no no tiny violins uh over here you know um and then the the next season I approached things uh definitely much more cautiously and um you know still didn’t necessarily do well and that led me to last summer where I wasn’t like okay this is going to be how like I’m in I’m making money on baseball all this kind of no it wasn’t like that it was like this is tough and I know it’s tough and I’m going to be here as a member of this team and I’m going to see what I can do where when how I can do it and and this is also years of collaboration at this stage referencing last summer and uh I had a great baseball season last summer I was making I would say three to five bets a week and I got limited on two different books throughout the summer and I profited about $30,000 and a big reason why I profited again no tiny violins here only $30,000 um whoa got conf raining down on me on the broadcast here um you made 30 grand you made 30 grand confetti started pouring on me um but but uh the reason it was only 30 grand was because I wasn’t betting heavy on on anything I think probably the biggest wager I made would have been about $2,000 like I really was very cautious which this MLB season I’ve already wagered quite a bit more than that on some of the bets that I’ve I’ve called um but last season kind of set this season up where we go hey like let’s not pump this and make it sound like it’s going to be this great you know amazing time of year and I don’t even want to have that message come across now but let’s look at some of the things that we built off of last summer and see if we can hone those in and that came down to like just building a couple things looking at a lot of data and compiling it over all of April and all of May and then going hey maybe we have something here let’s start poking at it and see where it goes and uh that led to yesterday which again is a small sample size but like you said I think we went five for five on Main Market Wagers and uh I just had a tremendous Sunday that has got me I we’re recording this on Monday um it got me really excited for tomorrow night to to stream baseball um so there’s a couple big nights of baseball where you get a lot of games in a short window and what’s great about that is with a high volume sport it does allow you to be selective where maybe you do have 10 or 18 games on in a day and you only end up making a couple of Wagers in that entire day you’re looking at everything you’re evaluating everything but um where the star where the sort of stars align uh where you actually do get theoretical value on on a on a great value wager um yeah you you might only get a couple well uh I’m looking forward to to maybe tuning in for some of these baseball streams throughout the summer there uh you know you mentioned Tuesday you know baseball uh Tuesday nights and Sunday midday right those are those are two days out of the week that I think are pretty consistently good baseball days and so uh you know if you and the team are going to be streaming those days I’m gonna try to make them a priority and tune in for for as much as I can because uh yeah I’m just you know baseball not a big part of my betting portfolio um at least for the past you know little little while you’re year and a half or so but um you know interested to to just learn and grow and and sort of see what you guys are doing and kind of uh uh you know pick up on on what you guys are putting down if it’s working and sort of you know roll it into my toolbox and something that you know I can I can sort of practice this year and then maybe build on on next year um yeah but but really kind of looking forward to that yeah so I think there’s there’s actually a message here that I could send out to the batting community that might be of value as well there’s a lot of like pregame BAS guys and they will be the first to tell you that the edge in baseball sometimes doesn’t even make it worth it they’ll be like oh you know like did I make money over the summer yeah I did but it was a real grind a lot of time a lot of work a lot of energy a lot of them have huge Bank rolles too to to justify their very small edges yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely um and and so much so that they go even with the money that they did make it was so much work that they would have rather just taken the time off take that approach into the live menu into the live game so like there was a few of the calls yesterday Shane like I didn’t say this to anyone but they were games that I like loved pregame I loved them and then I took that knowledge into the live stream without having money on them yet and then got to make a decision uh contrary to that uh there was it wasn’t a baseball stream but we were focusing on playoff Sports where there was a baseball game coming in and it was a game I loved pregame that went the completely opposite way and we ended up capitalizing on that game as well because of the fact that I didn’t have money on it I waited for live and I was able to let that pregame bias go based on what was going on in that particular game and in in all those examples we happened to want to win those those Wagers so my advice would be if you do really like a game and you do have a couple question marks about that game let it play out a little bit and yes there’s going to be a time you know where you’re like oh my God you know they’re up four nothing already I should have I should have bet them you let that go and you just don’t worry about it and I always like to say like even if a team is winning the value on them is still there and I’ll give you an example of what I mean by that in another sport so let’s just pretend that like Ohio state is playing um an underdog like a Maryland or someone that’s in their division that they would typically just obliterate and for whatever reason you thought that plus 21 and a half on their opponent um was a good line um one that would cover uh at a rate that provided theoretical value and you go into that game having not wagered that pregame line and Maryland’s actually competing with Ohio State and a tight game or or maybe it’s not a super tight game but you know they’re play they’re they’re they’re playing football with them it isn’t just one of these completely typical like oneway Alabama or I Ohio State type games whether it’s the main markets or some of the minor markets those opportunities even though the game even though you might have wanted that pregame line in there are still opportunities to capitalize on it live in real time and it puts you more in tune with the game so if it turns like this morning I watched Novak jokovic be down two sets to one and down a Break um in that fourth set where he’s about to lose the match and then you watch him break break back and then challenge him on the next serve where you’re like okay Novak’s turning it on now that’s kind of like a similar example where Novak is like an Ohio state where you know you see him just taking over and since you’re in tune with it live maybe you can bet on the Novak or the Ohio State in that particular case or maybe you go oh shoot like I actually am glad I didn’t end up betting this pregame because I’m now watching this team who was who was competing with this favorite and doing really well I’m watching them just derail and I can see it in real time and that’s presenting an opportunity here or that’s presenting a great leave where I’m like okay I’m so glad that I place that bet so take your data take your information Bring It live into the matchup and don’t be afraid to let go of any and all bias uh that you had pregame towards that team or event and and just just run with it from there yeah no great great advice there uh absolutely and uh you know it’s a a great leave can often feel as awesome as a win as an actual win knowing that you made a great decision by not betting something um okay I want to talk about a few other opportunities that we’re going to get this month and these are Championship opportunities we’ve got the NHL uh Stanley Cup Final and we’ve got the NBA Finals both taking place this month uh let’s start with with hockey um just a quickly what can we expect from the Rangers and Florida and and what are you sort of hoping to see from the series well um you said Rangers and Florida so I expect Florida to advance to the Stanley Cup Final had Rangers on my mind there was because it’s been Rangers in Florida all this time for the last little while yeah the Oilers in Florida Canadian team in the in the final yeah I really don’t know it was a such a weird game to watch the Oilers just get absolutely pummeled and win the game yeah shots yeah nothing would surprise me I think Florida going back to back to the Cup Final I mean losing both would just be devastating to them I can’t imagine so they’re going to be freaking hungry and they’ve been hungry see it all playoffs how just how hungry they’ve been uh from a betting standpoint I’m I’m hoping for a lot of panthers leads late in games um but we’ll we’ll see we’ll see what comes of it um honestly it’s like the Super Bowl it gets so hyped up everyone’s tuned in everyone knows who’s playing and you know from a betting standpoint it’s extremely low volume now you know you you might get excited for a game that you end up making no bets on at all uh and you know on the other side of things on the basketball side things we’ve got the Mavs and Celtics um I’m hoping uh that we just have a nice tight series you because basketball has had a lot of H blowout series uh this playoffs it’ be nice to see the final really sort of become a nailbiter go to go to seven games you know let’s get some some close games all the way through uh that that’s what I’m hoping for uh uh Pace I imagine that you’re kind of hoping the same yeah and I mean like the Mavericks are getting no credit again and it’s just [ __ ] insane to me so they went in the west is better than the East that’s not some new thing yeah it’s been like that a long time is better than the East period um they took out the one seed in the Thunder and they had to play them on the road they took out the wolfs who took out the defending Champions and they had to take him out on the road who arguably have one of the most exciting players in basket ball in Anthony Edwards yeah but I mean Luca donic is better than everybody right and now he’s plus seven heading into Boston in game one I don’t know what’s going to happen they’re just getting no credit right so if it’s a tight tight series that means there’s probably going to be a lot of value on the Mavericks throughout it like based on the the Mavericks are are playing paying over 3.0 or plus 200 to win game one um based on that line it’ll probably be a pick them in Dallas at home so Boston might be a slight favorite in Dallas and I have no idea who’s going to win but if if are you telling me Boston’s going to win four nothing like I think there’s going to be some value on Dallas throughout the series yeah yeah I hope so you know you get them down a couple points late in the game you could have a tremendous number on them and all you need is a Luca three ball yeah you know we could be looking at those kind of situations yeah uh all right um other sports taking place this month we’ve got the WNBA in action Pace I know that people that that didn’t play Live have uh been some of the pros have been been calling and a lot of people have been betting on the WNBA um and I think you included you’ve been you’ve been getting some Wagers in on the WNBA uh what what can we expect through this month just kind of more of the same I think yeah so I’m like I mentioned being a follower in baseball a few years ago I’m a follower in the WNBA I’m just kind of listening and watching right now um it’s my first year with it uh that’s really all I can say the guys that have been calling it have done a great job and yesterday um swept that as well so you know um yeah hope hope to continue to follow and watch my bankroll grow from it yeah yeah great if you know if anybody wants more basketball the WNBA is there uh it’s not you know as high volume as the NBA but you know you got a you got a four game slate you know on a day that’s a that’s a pretty good WNBA slate and you mix it in with everything else that that that’s taking place out there in the World of Sports and you know you can have some have yourself some some really great opportunities uh anything else to watch for in the month of June Pace anything else you’re keeping an eye on are you kidding me man I kind of know where you’re going with this we’ve got we’ve got the third no we’ve got the fourth most popular football league wow in North America Fourth most kicking off on Thursday number one is the NFL number two is Collegiate football number three is the UFL number four is the CFL we’re still U the UFL definitely attracts bigger crowds I think they had some some big numbers in their in their in their stands but yeah uh I I I love betting on the CFL throughout the summer um I think there’s a lot of things that they could do differently that would improve their league as a whole I think the the they need to play fewer games to to to prevent some injuries and I think they need to stop competing um with uh the NFL college football MLB playoffs the start of NHL the start of NBA with their end of season if you told me that we were a couple weeks into CFL already right now and the season wrapped up um at the end of August or or first week of September right before the NFL I think a lot more people would follow it in and uh and could see a season um from cover to cover uh but yeah regardless of that uh great sport to bet on and line discrepancies are rampant in this league so you know when you’re when you’re looking at one or two different sports books uh you might see some some pretty crazy opportunities um when you’re wagering on the so uh and it it is exciting it is a really exciting League the way the the rules are are designed is so that the game never ends and what I mean by that is um if if it’s even a three-score game we saw it last year um teams can be down 21 with like two minutes left and still win the game um with the the way the Clock Works and everything so it can be pretty electric at the end of games when does That season kick off Thursday Thursday holy crap geez but it’s upon us it’s coming all right well there we go so you know really it’s not as uh slow as maybe we think it is when it comes to this time of year there’s a lot going on a lot to be excited for right well betting on sports is is dependent on sports right and betting is um it’s seasonal it’s cyclical right um but it it changes lockouts strikes covid bubbles all this stuff affects it but I find that there are so many different times of the year where I say to myself gosh I love this time of year so you know if if if you call the start of the Year September right kickoff for NFL you go gosh I love this time of year and I don’t think it needs much much explanation but one of the reasons that I absolutely love that time of year is because Tuesday nights Wednesday nights and Friday nights tend to be pretty chill and and provide great midweek balance you fast forward to October and you got the puck dropping in NHL and the tip office in the NBA so you go gosh we got all these other sports now to bet on I love this time of year November you throw college basb basketball into the mix both men’s and women’s now you are in the busiest time of year so from November until the end until the playoffs of football that is where it is like fullon you you sometimes can’t even believe that you are taking time off because you’re like oh my God I’m missing this night which every night is just non-stop Sports and is insane so there’s a beauty in that um then you get into the NFL playoffs like what more could you ask for there and then obviously you transition into uh March Madness then from March Madness you transition into the playoffs of the NHL in the NBA MLB starts the CFL starts and then you have tennis and golf season uh so you know when you when by the time June rolls around I go gosh I love this time of year because it’s the summer and it is a little bit lower volume but separately of what we’ve touched on this summer there are some other sports people love to bet on like Aussie Rules Football um cricket and uh we have the Olympics this summer so we’re gonna get more highlevel basketball with like men’s Olympics and then all the other uh Olympic events that that can of course be wagered on as well and then you blink and it’s August and August is actually the most underrated time of the year because the NFL preseason is so freaking amazing to bet on so all of a sudden that’s that’s 12 months of of betting so you have to continually have balance with yourself and you have to continually remind yourself of the benefits of the current time of year that you’re in um from a betting standpoint because uh you don’t want to take any of it for granted you want to enjoy the journey you know I’m glad you brought up the Olympics that’s sort of one that we’ll have to look at a little bit later in the summer Pace maybe we’ll do a whole show on on Olympics and and Olympics DIY betting and have a conversation about that and I’m glad you brought it up because it joged my mind on another big sporting event taking place this Summer that is the Euro yeah I mean how could we be you remiss to to not mention the Euro uh which I think begins later this month yeah it begins later this month and that’s gonna be awesome um and we got a lot of Imagine imagine being a a a sports fan you’re listening to this podcast and you’re like anything else going on in June Pace I’m like the CFL they’re like these idiots aren don’t even didn’t even bring up the Euro like oh my God yeah the most watched the most watched event of the year we don’t even touch on we don’t even touch on so we’ll have to we’ll have to talk about more about that as as the month rolls on and as we get closer uh to the beginning of that tournament so a lot going on uh at implay live it is the summer but it is not necessarily slow still a very very busy time of year and and lots to kind of uh participate in and and learn about if you’re you know just uh wanting to to add some uh add some tools to your tool belt in in the sports betting World there there’s a lot of options a lot of opportunities there and uh we will be with you through it all here on this podcast and next week do we ever have an amazing guest for you this is one you are not GNA want a Miss uh a former CEO of a sports book and a true Trailblazer in this space really looking forward to having this guest on I’m not going to tell you who it is but it is a big one coming at you next week so really looking forward to that pace um anything to leave our audience with Before We Say Goodbye keep beating those books keep eating those books take it easy buddy cheers thanks for tuning in to another episode of behind the lines remember to like download And subscribe we are on YouTube Apple Spotify and everywhere you get your podcasts have a betting story or want to be featured on our podcast drop a note in the comments below and if you want to join in play Live use promo code behind the lines


  1. Living in California ,we're forced to use offshore books. Which is fine ,I've been using them for years. Are they regulated by the same standards as US books?

  2. Take your pregame into live is great advice. I do that regularly and helps me from not making wagers more than making wagers 🙏

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