I Learned the Secret to All 9 Shot Shapes – so simple anyone can do it

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this is the simplest explanation on how to hit the nine shots needed to do the tiger 9 window drill we’ll show you how to Simply hit every shot shape and then combine them to create the nine shots all right so this is really about moving the ball at will moving it left to right right to left first one here Matt I’m going to teach you how to how to hit a draw I need you to have lots of Loft on the club because when I try and get you to hook it I need to your Club face quite shut right now if I have a five iron and I shut the club face I basically got negative loft or very very little Loft this is probably why when you try and hit a hook around with a fire iron it really doesn’t get up in the air very much we can turn a 9on into virtually a 6 iron or five iron all right to sling it so first things first assuming we’re going to aim at that tree down there you see there’s a double trunker well that’s where we want the ball to finish what we need to get you to do is to aim well right of that and get the club face aiming at that tree all right and all you’re going to do is you’re going to swing Along so I want your hand path to swing Along your feet line back and through so you need to do that so aim well right with your feet Club face is going to feel very closed or aiming at those double trunk of trees but the club face is going to be at the trunk trees yes at the Target correct Swing Swing along your feet line on top of all of that you’ve You’ got a thinking ahead I’m going to draw this great there you go there you go mate a a really good analogy would be something along the lines of like a tenis shot or a table tennis shot where you’re coming from the inside you’re trying to hit a Top Spin forehand yes that one I tried not to exaggerate the the feet so much right yeah I tried not to to see what happens and it’s just a smaller smaller draw a smaller draw yes so that the the severity of of both those variables correct can change the severity 100% And if you can keep a constant with your Club face and then move your feet accordingly that changes your gearing effect right the amount of let’s get the club face consistent to the Target take your grit don’t change your Club face and you can move your feet stance according swing your hand line and your Club headline in line with your feet so that’s just going to create or promote a draw F this is learning how to hit an intentional fade or a cut instead of taking a high lofted club like a 99 89 or pitching wedge Etc we’re going to use a four five or six this is the easiest way to hit a hit a cut shot with the drawer we had it closed now with the fade we’ve got to keep it open all right what we’re going to do as well is keep the ball position slightly more forward in the stance no keeping it forward in the stance initially already I’m thinking but surely if it’s forward my club face is going to be closing you’ve got to learn to hold it off so you got to think and manipulate your fade rather than the opposite way which is your Top Spin forehand you’re going to go exactly opposite drop shot under cut slice almost at that top of we’re trying to create this type of of movement which means this club face needs to remain open uh and there’s a couple of little things that I’m going to talk to you about it which is especially with the right hand grip uh we can really promote a cut fade shot by getting your hand or your right hand right on top of the club like a butterfly like so almost feeling like your V goes at your left armpit rather than it going towards your right armpit right that’s helps take away the face closure as well so this is just an extra all right so exactly the same thing we’re going to aim and keep our club face where we want the ball to go and then wrap it on top so aim your Club face where you want to go get your feet open ball position forward butterfly your right hand grip so it’s like right on top and follow your feet line the thing that you really got to work here is maintaining that club face Way open so it’s really exaggerate this hold off then that’s my normal stance so I want to open it more and get that ball there you go more forward good now just don’t let that club face CL yes must match my feet exactly tempting right that has to stay where it was okay I got you wow that actually closed quite a bit yes wow there you go it’s it feels really uncomfortable to start huh now now yep right on top good don’t let the club face close there you go really feel like it’s yeah there you go great now the amount the biggest thing that I see is everyone is trying to hit it straight play with the shape when you understand how to hit one shape and two shapes you’ll understand how to hit it straighter straighter so let’s say I set it up as normal mustn’t I mustn’t close the that club face exactly that needs to stay the same yeah get it more forward and give that little butterfly so that CL face has to stay a lot more open at address as well you’ve moved it how’s that more more open yep wow yep yep there’s your movement in the air yeah you know there’s there’s a lot of trial and error here you’ve got got to get comfortable with you know with this different movement this different aim you know it’s like you don’t expect it to work instantly and that’s the main thing like you got to get up there how much how much open is it enough is my face open enough you know and really exaggerate this feel with the club face Way open you know this particular neck shot is really about keeping the ball flight down um it’s about keeping it either under the wind or maybe you need to keep it sort of under a tree branch in a way um this is going to be like a low straightish shot and I say straightish because it’s not an easy shot to hit straight shots are the harder shots in golf so if it does come out a little bit left to right or right to left don’t don’t fret you know it’s it’s one of these things but the the key thing here is going to be ball position and Club face so it’s exactly the same swing as your normal golf swing the biggest thing here is it’s ball position and Club face Matt maybe you can stand up there and just show me your normal ball position for let’s say a four or five iron on a normal shot okay now first things what we can do is I can put that ball position nothing less than center of the stance maybe just a touch more great now this will need your Club face a little more open yes so if we’re looking at it from a clock point of you maybe from 12 1 or two and you’re going to have a little bit more left aimed which is actually pretty close just aim a little bit more left if you can great with a little bit more open face there you go and I just need you to finish low okay this is this is one of those shots that I I I struggle with because now what you’ve said is so counterintuitive to me mhm whereas I would think you got to shut that face down mhm you got to put it way off the back if you want to hit it crazy low I would put the ball further back maybe not far as back as that uh but i’ definitely keep my club face slightly open that’s I I would never have guessed that there you go great that’s great that’s that’s like honestly the first time I’ve been able to do that because it’s so counterintuitive cuz you’re trying to keep it low why are we opening the face yes and and and this is the this is the reason why um just for the guys who really want to know right the further I put the ball back in my stance the more my path is going to come inward all right so I’ve got to counter that with my feet that’s why I said you got to move your feet just slight a little left and the little open Club face because if I came in there with a squarish club face it’s going to hook too much you know so it’s just counterbalancing all these little things we’re trying to keep away from the over technical thoughts but yes I understand where you’re coming from um let’s just try and keep it really simple you just go through these checkpoints if you do them I guarantee you it’s going to be coming out low and straight well I mean I I was standing there thinking how am I opening the face and I’m going to hit it low yeah and it just did little more little more yep that’s it good awesome so a little on the left side that’s Club face a little more open yeah just a little bit more open and we wouldve been started much more online I mean that’s me isn’t it that was me just opening a little bit more one question I have when I’m manipulating that club face particularly open I mean get closed as well but let’s say we’re standing there and that’s our to our Target and we want to just open it a bit do we grip it while it’s open or do we twist it open no we we open the face and then grip it so you you open it first and then grip the club yeah so it’s not just manipulating with your hands and wrists like that no no so just a recap of the key points here get your Club face open one to two one 1:00 to 2 o00 set the club face down to where you want it to aim take your normal stance move it back towards Center Center back swinging across your natural lines and think low you’re not finishing High you don’t want the ball to go high you’re thinking finish low how to hit the high shot this is going to be a higher straight shot all I need to do is you take exact L the same stance as you would a normal shot exactly the same stance all right uh all the only differences you’re going to have is having the ball more forward towards your left heel right so we’ve got a 7 IR here I’m going to try and finish High yes sir now if I want to hit it low if you’re thinking low what are you trying to do you’re trying to smother it yeah if I want to hit it high what are you trying to do po there you go that’s the difference you just moveing the ball position square square square thinking Monty right so this is this is my normal 79 here yes sir now I want to just Shuffle over there you go that much yes and the feeling is hit up on it good so I’ve equated that one that’s fine this is a whole part of the learning process isn’t it but I feel like if I equated it kind of getting the fuel for hitting up on it this is the exact opposite of what you do your bad swings right yeah this is why it’s harder for you yeah okay closer getting there close this is this is such a good thing for everyone to see because if you really look at it you’ve always had this movement right so for you to do this is the the hardest thing for you this is why you struggle with it not hitting low one you know you can pull off the low one like this all day long still slightly thin right wow very thin yeah yeah this is a tough one for me to get no this is this is where your pet the lucky thing for you is that you generate a lot of speed so for you to get the height naturally is already quite easy you know and that’s that’s really the key thing is like you if you don’t have enough speed it’s hard to launch it look launch can be dictated from the amount of forward lean your hand position your sha position and also your Club face position but for you it’s really difficult to get that body up and back there is another way you can do this okay if you’re finding this one difficult you can actually do exactly the same thing but instead of trying to create that upward feeling all you’re doing is is you’re creating in the beginning oh and then you just swing exactly the normal way that could be an easier way for you rather than trying to change your motion and okay let’s try that you just a little bit of that’s it lean just a little there and same same swing yep there you go well that fixed that yeah so that’s another way you can do it like you can see how many variations you can create all right so with the four shots that we’ve leared you know the high the low the draw draw Hook and the fade cut um we can learn to incorporate and blend in the high with the draw setup to create a high draw or vice versa we can go with the low fade cut setup to hit a low cut we’ve now got a high draw low draw low cut high cut low mid normal and higher you know so you’ve got virtually all the shots you’re ever going to need within these four things that we’ve actually just covered how do we get into the one that gives us the Hydra okay so ball position more forward okay you’re still aiming right with your feet so you’re aiming your Club face first remember you’re talking about a higher draw higher ball position a little bit more forward great and the same concept 100% so I’ve just changed the ball position yes sir oh wow okay that’s quite a lot of draw yeah quite High I mean compared to your other one right yeah but much higher exactly right and position change correct comes out real low yes and it moves big but I can see when that thing lands it’s going to correct correct so you won’t need as much I mean we hitting a hyra or high hul oh okay so so there what’s the difference in high draw High hook so the hook you’ll be more right and a higher draw you’d be less right you’d still be right but just you’re going to tune like tone the back of it so ball position starts yes sir okay so that’s why that’s why you hit the hook before a very big hook so let me just have a look at this so we start at Square mhm then close it off that’s enough plenty enough and then a little forward like that yep and it’s the same feeling line yep oh that’s completely different ball flat so that’s a higher yeah yeah and that’s and look it should be quite clean this is not a shot you’ll be taking divots with oh really yes this would be very very normal for that draw you notice when you hit that lower shot or that left shot you see how much more divot you got yeah and as you start to hitting more draws because of the path movement yes so the more inside the path the shallower your angle of attack that’s why it’s very clean okay so it’s I’m expecting it to come out quite clean but you know there’s a very valuable shot which is part of the punch shot mhm and that’s just to keep it low and give it a little bit of shape cuz a lot of people may be slicing it into the r rough and they want to just get it further down the Fairway instead of going dead sideways M and that little low squirting fade MH is to me as a lower handicap is one of my favorite shows to get out of trouble okay to hit that fade as you know it’s about getting the club face open and the body and the feet aiming left all right so the key thing is moving that ball position further back to hit it lower and you just open the club face a little bit more so we move it a bit back good aim a little bit left of the feet even more open a little bit more open now the biggest difference with this the only thing that I would add is just get your hands push forward without changing the club Face clothes so it’s going to be more there you go am I thinking low am I yes so you’re going to finish low really hold it off so it’s almost like a a punch hold off okay what what is a hold off a hold off or a hold off shot is really learning not to let this club head turn over through the golf ball it’s really about you holding the club face open as long as you can all right so if I want to hit a hold off generally I it’s it’s a very Punchy type of feel it’s a solid half 3/4 and really holding it off holding the club face from rotating holding it off at the target at the Target that’s normal I’m going to open it good ball position back good open a little bit more yes sir and hands forward without that there you go yes and then swing on your feet line and hold it off there you go hold it off so it almost feels yes it almost feels like your Club head’s pointing Towards the Sky yeah okay this is a toughy this is a this is a tough one there you go well it certainly faded I see what you mean about more divot mhm on your Fades so that’s normal cuz I always used to go wow so much so much and then when I hit the drawers I catch them thinnish and I O A bit thin yeah no that’s a okay okay a okay that’s the one there you go wow do you play that differently I just I wouldn’t say differently I just didn’t know how to explain it okay so I do basically the same I just wouldn’t open the face as much as that with my hands for far forward it would be it would be off the back cuz I know um that’s to H it lower but it would definitely not look like that it would just be like that and then my action would be more across it but you can get the occasional snag pull straight 100% that’s why 100% so this is the this is the fail safe instead of that pull left and and and the MJ like the major reason when you’ve got your ball back remember the path always changes mhm so it’s so easy to hit the draw from back there that’s why I always try and open the face just a little bit more okay to counteract that draw F so if we’re moving it back in that kind of a shot because we’re trying to get the fade moving it back will reduce the fade yes so we have to counter the movement back of the ball position by opening the face more compensation correct it’s a basically a zero Something game you’re trying to create yes it’s exactly it it’s just neutralizing things okay I think that’s beautiful me that was a great fade there


  1. Hello Matt. This was amazing to watch. Unbelievable. Glad the Head of the Waddaplaya movement has a great advisor. 😊😊😊

  2. After watching that first video you made with Eric learning the shot shapes months ago, I used that draw setup with a 9 iron to hit a green with a tree right in front of me. It was the only option I had, the ball could just not start left with my usual out to in ball flight or I was dead.

    I had never even tried it before. I trusted the shot and hit this beauty of a high baby draw landing soflty on the green.

    One of the best shots I have ever made/felt.

    The quality of your videos golf wisdom wise is getting ridiculous Matt.


  3. I am strictly using ur videos and my work ethic to beat all my friends this early fall in a Ryder cup

    Im simply relying on u to become a golf god lmfao

  4. Damn, this is one of your bests videos. Thanks for sharing!

    Please make more videos with this teacher! specially for noobs like myself. I am having trouble hitting the center face of the driver

  5. Love this video! My biggest take-away, is that I should trust my instincts more and practice all kinds of shots on the range, instead of only trying to hit down a straight line (which I fail to do anyway).

    It's incredible how much of what Eric was explaining just came intuitively to me when I was a kid, just having fun and not focusing on scores. All that, I since have unlearned, listening to swing gurus and trying to find that one consistent, ruler straight shot. But it all came back now.

    Saved to My Favourites. Can't wait to hit the range and practice area and explore. Will have to try very hard not to experiment too much during my club tournament tomorrow morning 😅.

  6. Hey Eric is back, love him. Tell him to start his own channel, that would be an instant follow for me.

  7. This is exactly what not to do. Follow the advice of the GOAT Jack Nicklaus….there is only one swing and one grip. Simply open or close the club face. For a fade, slightly open the club face and aim left of your target. The opposite for a draw. Swing your normal swing and you will be fine. You can follow the advice of the GOAT or a YouTube guy. Your choice.


  9. I have always been under the impression that for a draw the face needs to be closed to the path but open to the target; face determins start line and path to face determins the bend.🤔

  10. You make amazing videos, I love how you actually film your lessons. Instead of you just telling us what you did in your lesson like so many others.
    Golf game is so much better since watching you.

  11. I have a hard time believing Mattie Boom Boom doesn't know these shots already. 😀 Thanks for acting your part for the video.

  12. Great lesson gents. I have not absorbed as much since the aliens force-fed me through their interocitor.

  13. Great job by Eric of course, and by Matty for asking for clarifications for us, even though he already knows the answer in many cases. Helpful to gather confirmations and explanations from such a top-tier pro.

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