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You Won’t Believe How Easy This Is! – SIMPLE! – (PGA Tour Drill)

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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of this channel is to provide effective and evidence based coaching content for all golfers.

Over my career I have played professionally for over 8 years won 14 tournaments and have given over 40,000+ lessons internationally. I have taught over 100 Tour Professionals.

On this channel you will find practical coaching content, drills you can work on your own that will help your golf game immediately. If you want to fix your slice or hook, have more consistent impact or drive the ball further, you have come to the right place.

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[Music] so people let’s have a look how the body really moves here through the golf ball we’ve got one major checkpoint one simple basic checkpoint for all golfers here if you get this right it’s going to give you such a dynamic impact position and make your ball striking so much easier and later in the video we’re looking at the Xander schofer drill here can’t wait to show you that one it’s going to really free up the entire emotion through the golf ball people if you are new to the channel consider subscribing and if you like the video give us a thumbs up right let’s get started so guys this is really interesting when you’re building a station and you can be inventive you can use all sorts of things one of the great things about working on your ankle your knee work and your tilts here through the golf ball just has a great effect on your ear impact position and your consistency now you can head off to the hardware store I got these in a German shop I’m in currently in Germany and you go to a thing called tomb Mark right you go to this big place and you got like this it’s for plumbing and certain things but I use stations like this you don’t need two but you can stick something in the ground behind you what I do a lot of the time is I put a shaft in there all right just if I’m working on my right leg or something like that now obviously when getting in with the the hip being nice and deep and this right knee staying in it really helps players get down closer to the original Shaft plane now there’s not much spoken about the original sha plan on YouTube these days there’s a lot of interesting information out there but when we’re looking at the best players the best ball Strikers what we generally see is this incredible ability like a computer chip in the brain to get down closer to the original sharp plan now this original Shar Lan getting closer to it what it enables to do the more that you lift or push forwards or extend the more the handle will tend to lift up and then you have to like bow it down it makes the release really difficult makes the release hard to release the club freely and on the correct plane let’s now have a quick look at the original Shaft plane before we have a look at a feel here through the ball and how we can all improve about impact position and through swings to hit the ball more effectively so people how many times have we seen this over the years with a great ball strike it’s the greatest ball Strikers look at that knee staying in behind the toe line hip deep back down to the original Shar plane the closer you get to this position the better you’re going to hit the golf ball have a look at Sam’s KNE one of the greatest hitters ever same thing knee behind the toe line hip deep guys this is the stuff you got to work on this is the good stuff now before we have a look at the Xander Scher drill and the one one move to improve everybody’s impact position let’s have a look on the Amer on the right of the screen here because this is affecting just so many people out there isn’t it hips moving towards the ball head moving up and getting into impact this is really going to lift up the shaft a look at that 62° I use a lot of numbers like this when I’m doing my online lessons because it’s just well outside the average and from here you’re just not going to create any consistency in fact your only consistency will be your inconsistency it’s really important to use some training AIDS some devices and understand how your body works more effectively through the ball so guys can you hear that right so how good is the Rhythm the timing in your swing we’re going to look at the hips now right the hips and the downswing it’s one of those questions everyone sort of asking how does it start how does it work like we do a half swing now right and get the flow of this right getting the speed almost looks like I know what I’m doing but don’t be fooled now this flow getting some timing in your swing and getting your sequence right it’s it’s often more important than positions now we’re going to take a look now at some pros versus amers and we’re going to have a look exactly when it starts this right leg and how the hips move before we come back here have a quick look at how we can simply feel this not overanalyze it and all get some better flow a better impact position and a much Dynamic through swing to help us hit the ball much more effectively so guys let’s have a look at what really happens in the down swing here look at the initial move now there’s a lot said about what happens what starts how does it work have a look at this right leg moving towards the Finish Line right that’s the first part of the downswing here the right knee beat the hands there’s your sequence and timing and your downswing this gives you lateral shift helps with compression and also helps you turn have a look at Xander sh for the massive shift forwards isn’t it look at that right knee heading the knees closing up here people this is a really important part to notice in the golf swing and they’re all doing it right so the closer you get to this position the better you hit the golf ball unfortunately amers are not getting close to this now the a players they just don’t realize this move in the swing it’s like they right leg is Frozen just doesn’t move and the hands are always winning the race to the Finish Line it’s just making a mess of their impact positions and preventing golfers from reaching their potential and it’s not just high handicapp of players this is the thing it’s affecting so many golfers and just creating a collision C flipping fat shots and thin shots my first coach showed me David Armstrong he played in a few British opens and won a whole bunch of tomor is really great ball strike still is and what he showed us was to get the the right hand to hit the right knee right so you as you’re coming through you’re getting that knee and that hand to move in timing really just trying to keep also obviously when you’re doing it you’re trying to keep the knee inside your toe line as well but getting this right knee am of players they’re just too late they’re bringing their right knee unfortunately well after and really it’s just a flow and a movement thing and it’s almost like dancing and if you practice it and get the beat and get the flow I mean it’s a pretty easy way to go about it but get stuck into that think of it more as as a beat a timing clicking your fingers hitting your leg and getting that knee to the Finish Line before your hands do so people how do we feel what the great players are doing through the golf ball this is a great exercise to feel that simple easy to do and it’s also like a little bit of a test to see what your range of movement is like with your body right so this is what we’re going to do take your alignment stick your T stick and jam it into the ground now you get one foot length of way right then you put your left foot or your lead foot that one foot length away and get your toes set up on the line of that t stick put your hands on the outside of your thighs you’re going left hand left hip and we’re closing up the Gap with this knee right once again left hand left hip the gap between your knees is closing and what we’re going to do is trying to reach down as far as we can on this stick to get great bends through your body now you see where my lead shoulder is it’s as far away from my big toe as I can could possibly get it closing up the Gap with the knees the knees are closing and this is extending how low down can I touch this stick and then simply take your club and hit a golf ball use the same feels as you’re reaching down for something as this left side is extending and these knees are closing up your footwork is going to look great the lead shoulders going to look great you’re going to get yourself into a much more effective position so that we have the appropriate amount of tilt and turn which affects your plane your path your impact and gives you a much Freer way through the golf ball so people when we’re looking at the world’s best ball Strikers what do we see we see movement down a slight movement downwards the PGA to average is 2 to 3 in of movement down now why do they do this so this is why they do let’s look at what the best ball Strikers in the world are doing they got 4 to 6 in of lateral shift they got 12° of sha length and now have a look at that the club is in the air when I get shling I actually shorten the radius of my swing so I’ve got to get down just a little bit to get to the bottom of the ball so for a lot of people out there really struggling to get sharling want to force just a little bit of movement downwards through the golf ball so let’s have a look at a feel now as we move through the ball so people forwards Down and Under forwards down and under the move of the great players we see it from the top of the Swing we’re seeing movement forwards down but we’re seeing them move underneath now a couple of great ways to feel this through the golf ball is like an uppercut move popping the left hand on top of the golf club closing up the gap of your legs having this left side extend as you’re moving forwards and under this right side is shortening from here we just don’t get pulled off the shot it’s important to look at the footwork here and keeping your toes and your left foot firmly planted on the ground so that we don’t get lifted up ripped off and pulled off the shot forwards Down and Under moving through the golf ball in this fashion getting a forwards and underneath move right hand right knee left hand left hip having your hands level right hand right knee left hand left hip moving forwards and under supplies us with so many different tilts through the golf ball it really is a fantastic move in your golf swing it just enables so much freedom and space rather than getting this right hip to ride High voted best swing analysis and best online instruction by several independent surveys worldclass golf instruction is transforming thousands of golfers at every skill level do not miss out this video platform has over 1,400 videos and 85 separate masterclass series the most structured and detailed video platform ever created improving golfers on average between 4 and 11 shots join the chat room and join the community of worldclass golf instruction this is golf instruction that you’ve never seen before the proven PGA corridors factual evidence-based material Unleash Your true potential with The Cutting Edge swing analysis technology experience the thrill of progress with the state-of-the-art practice programs and specialized golf Fitness plans best information available so guys two ways we can look at this drill this is just incredible this drill here what we’re going to do first off is take your address position get the palm of the left hand on the grip and just lift it up all right now what we’re going to look at doing is when we move through the golf ball is get this left hip to move backwards in this direction while your right foot’s on the ground okay so what I going to do is stretch your legs here it’s going to pull your legs back it’s going to give us some space it’s going to help us to extend up okay now with the left hand on the golf club here what it does is it lifts up the Le left side now you can do it like this or you can simply do it without a golf club hold up your left hand so it points about one yard over the golf ball and get a feeling it really is an unbelievable way to get and keep your legs back we see so many players extend bending these legs back in here it’s a great way to keep your left shoulder up cuz when we do this we have really great tilts and if you’re out on the golf course sometimes you just hold hold your left hand out and just get this side to move in you get certain feels and Sensations connect to one that’s a great way to stop early extending and help us get into the zone and feel what great players are really doing now Tia green Scottish shef is the world’s best ball strike Garcia is on left of the screen statistically the best or the second best I’m played in the last 20 25 years just incredible ball Strikers so Sergio Garcia has heaps of lag and a big big angle look at that insane angle coming down and you would have to probably agree with me Club players or your am golfers they can’t do that all right 98% of Club golfers lose their angles coming down they lose the angle between the shaft and the shoulder like Scotty Sheffer okay they don’t have this angle here now when we lose this angle what happens is that the club lands most times quicker on the ground we start to flip and add artificial L we can hit it thin we don’t get compression now 99% of amols lose their angles coming down this is where I’ve helped so many people with online lessons this part of the Swing have a look how wide the down swing is here now Scotty shefer is obviously one of the best hits in the world right now what’s the difference well he’s moving through the wall you can see that right so when you move through the wall you’ll get more sharling and your low point is further left so you get compression have a look at his Lead Foot look how he rolls in the outside of the foot now that’s old school we almost lose some instruction through gen through a generation and we were taught to roll on the outside outside of their Lead Foot the am play is actually when they get to the top of the Swing they roll back see how the foot there’s no weight on it slips back in the look at his foot see how it slips back in the other direction right so by rolling on the out side of of foot we’re seeing this with people that swing wide right we’ve seen it time and time again great ball Strikers wide down swings rolling on the outside it’s like prerequisite it’s like look if you swing wide you got to get you got to get across roll on the outside of your foot arch your back a little bit here people right we’re seeing the am golfers with every single one it’s every single am player that you film has a wide down swing coming down and they don’t move through the wall now we have to understand this and we see just time and time again unbelievable ball struges really wide and then rolling on the outside of the foot let’s see how we can get this into the swing right get it into your action it’s simple it’s basic it’s a stuff that helps send your swing through to me for an online lesson I will get you moving in the right direction invest in your golf guys an important part right let’s get stuck into it now the drill that we’re going to look at here is moving through the golf we’re going to roll toally roll on the outside of this lead foot we’re going to get this r right thigh and knee to move inwards in an internal type of fashion here we’re going to get this right leg to move in we don’t want to be moving up and out of it just the worst thing we can do so we’re going get this right leg to move in and we’re going to roll onto the outside of the Lead Foot now when you’ve rolled onto the outside of your lead foot it’s a guarantee that you’ve had lateral shift and as I said The more lateral shift you have the more sharp lean you will get let’s have a look how we can practice practice this move now through the golf ball here I’m just going to move through I’m not going to hit it hard we’ll just move through the golf ball and you can just see I stop there if you can see I’ve rolled on the outside of my lead foot can you see that now this is a thing where I see a lot of am go they really struggle with now if you can get this right leg to push in and we can roll on the outside of this foot all we need to do really is have our upper body pretty straight without having your chest too far in front of your uh belt bucket here if you can just get a quite a nice straight finish you’ve got your lateral shift you’re moving across you’re covering and you’re getting sha Ling


  1. World 🌎 Class Golf Instruction

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    • Swing Analysis from Craig Hanson
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  2. Craig Hanson it looks to me that if you hold the lag angle a lot at delivery you won't move the hips left as much in the downswing as someone who releases the angle more early . So there has to be a match up thing going on and those movements are tied.

  3. I highly recommend online lessons from Craig! Get your swing analysed by the best. I mean who else can analyse a swing like he does.

  4. Your videos are so useful Craig thank you! Your videos combined with a few lessons have really brought my golf on.

  5. At 6:30 it just occurred to me that while Moe Norman doesn't (can't) bend his trailing knee much, it's because he has an ultrawide stance. So he does bend down his mostly straight trailing leg to keep the correct spine tilt coming into impact as he put his weight on the inseam of his trailing foot/ankle. But for us mortals Craig, I'm with you – well done!

  6. Thanks Craig for useful Youtube videos.
    I have a question about Right knee action.
    I got right knee how to move inside though,
    How should I extend right leg?
    If any chance exist, I am looking forward to upload about it!
    Best regards!

  7. Seriously my favorite non tour player swing on YouTube and great instruction. Beautiful blend of smooth tempo and that snappy, whippy, crisp compression. Great evidence based instruction as always Craig!

  8. Personally I fink it starts from the top , it’s the speed of the arms working down that puts u into transition naturally no need to fink about this imo

  9. Fantastic video as normal – One question – I find that if my 'thought" on the downswing is to to focus on right knee staying inside the toe line then this automatically gets my tilts and my right shoulder correct – does this make sense?

  10. This is by far the best instruction on Youtube. Evidence Based. I don’t need 10.000 golf tips i need facts. Thanks Craig

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