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KAPAL API Indonesia Open 2024 | Fikri/Maulana (INA) vs. Astrup/Rasmussen (DEN) [4] | QF

KAPAL API Indonesia Open 2024 | Super 1000
Men’s Doubles | Quarterfinals
Fikri/Maulana (INA) vs. Astrup/Rasmussen (DEN) [4]

#BWFWorldTour #IndonesiaOpen2024

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[Music] we look forward to our last quarterfinal of the day it’s the last of the men’s doubles and it’s the 2022 all England Champions fiki and molana up against the world championship silver Med AST and rasmuson asro and rasmason incidentally won two weeks ago at the Malaysia Masters the the pair right in form so will it be for different nations at the semi-final stage or will there be two Indonesian pairs gut and isfahani are already through so who will play against Liang Kang and Wang Chang we are about to find out mamed is Bangladesh and now third tournament in three weeks for the dates as and arasmus but just listen to the raw for the Indonesians mammed so andas smana [Applause] the DS the left and right-handed combination a twice World Championship medalists the first was a bronze in wver in 2021 and then silver last year on home soil in Copenhagen ninth consecutive Indonesian open for the Danes uh they really have been big supporters of this event in their fourth quarterfinal today they’re looking to reach their third semifinal at this particular event now this is the fifth meeting between these two pairs and home fans will be surprised and maybe a little disheartened that fi and molana have never yet been able to beat AST and have is you choose the left side indes win the toss of the coin and they’ve chosen ends well if ever there was a time to record your first Victory against the DS it’ be on home soil wouldn’t it home support we were talking about that yesterday can make a huge difference this is Muhammed soib 24 years of age from bangle and that’s in West Java 5’9 and a half and they number 11 on the world ranking at the moment have been as high as eight at three weeks from the end of March earlier this year at their career highas molana will turn six next month from cacha in Central Java won the all England championships two years ago and caused a bit of a sensation because it was their first all England championships beat the former Champions the winners two years ago Luen and uwani in the first round and then beat the popof brothers in the second round second round match yesterday rather easier than their first round against the Chinese number eight seeds so to the left-handed Kim ASR who’s at 32 years of age from herning and he’s just under 6’1 one place down from their career high ranking of three four weeks from the end of October last year semi-finalists at the Indonesia open in 2016 when it was still a super series event we hadn’t even entered the world tour era at that stage and also two years ago as well so rasmuson is the older of the two at 35 and those are their results so far the twin brothers from Chinese taipe in the first round and then mitsuhashi and Okumura of Japan ready to play the second round three finals this year already for the Danes winning two titles the European championships and as I was telling you the Malaysia Master is two weeks ago ke BS of Australia is our umire for this one Serv this judge from Bangladesh [Applause] [Applause] well just listen to the fans it may be nearing 9:00 at night and gentlemen but they’re still in fine voice AR and and rasm Denmark and on my left Muhammed Shah and Bas molana Indonesia serve to mhamed sh Love play so the D oh Kim wait until he’s ready well the Umpire said that he hadn’t actually finished say play so Kim ASR will have to serve [Applause] again service over one love out service error from Morana now Jeff When I Was preparing for today’s quarterfinals I looked at the head-to-heads for this men’s doubles match for love the Dan’s win against these Indonesians F3 and Moana it has gone to three games three of those four times but in all honesty I’m quite surprised by that for love is there something in the style of play that the the Danes find Superior or that the Indonesians perhaps find difficult to deal with with the Dan I think with the Danes they’re very they’re very structured PA so the I think the the way I guess Danish men’s doubles is it’s it’s very tactical based it’s getting the the shuttle below net level it’s about service situations and having fire turn here we’re ready for this shot here so I think that the structure is what can be really difficult to play against the Indonesians cuz Indonesians in themselves especially in the men’s doubles event they’re so natural they can drive they can play Fast they’ve got excellent net play but if the Danes are kind of setting up and ready for these certain things then it can quite hard to play against the the structured formations of the D so I do think that that is where the Indonesian pair do struggle a little bit oh missed Opportunity by [Music] molana three4 [Applause] [Applause] ball three that’s a perfect example of the structure the serve and he was immediately looking for that third shot he knew where it was going to be and you have a look here in the last two serves when Kim Master serving he’s going straight to the net and rasmon is covering the midcourt that was a really good return so oh well it’s called long of the back line the Danes have handed the shuttle back which makes me think that they believe that it landed in here we go no oong well done line judge challenge unsuccessful One Challenge remaining so that suggests that the drift is again going faster towards the far side of the Court oh good work from as 73 six straight points and that comes to an [Applause] end you were saying yesterday or maybe it was last week Jeff I really can’t remember when we were commentating on the D previously I think it was last week actually you you said that Kim ASO had improved immeasurably on the front Court I know he’s just missed one there but it’s interesting to me you know both the games were in their 30s so to suddenly start making improvements that’s that’s remarkable isn’t it yeah it’s it’s it’s really good and it’s it’s kind of promising for I guess anyone out there who feel like they’ve missed their Peak or something like that because they’re with sports science today bodies are in better shapes than they used to be when you’re 30 years old you can get treatment there’s a lot more science behind the training not overtraining injury prevention Etc so I think that the older athletes are becoming a bit more common here um and especially I guess in a in a men’s doubles event where it is still pH physical demand but it’s the way that the Dan play it’s it’s kind of that structured play it’s not really just I’m going to smash it 100 times it’s really about where do I position it to get an easy one later [Applause] on Lovely which means that like that if if they’re going for angles and the placement you tend not to have such long Ries is so it’s not as physically demanded yes it’s very explosive and you need that explosive power and incredible reactions look I mean for goodness sake henra seaan played his 24th Indonesian open this year consecutive yeah and I think the way that he can play for so long is because one he’s so smart so he doesn’t expend a whole lot of any G chasing because he’s always guessing right most of the time and then second of all his technique and the way he plays is just so smooth that the impact on the body isn’t as much as well I I always like to use the analogy of fedra versus Nadal I know that Nadal still still playing but in terms of injuries and everything like that how much force goes through the Nadal body compared to the federal body based on technical skills absolutely and it’s a great analogy 10 [Applause] [Applause] service over 71 service over 117 interval so 117 the advantage at the midgame interval in in favor of the Danes 20 seconds one 20 seconds players back on court 117 play so 117 as play resumes in favor of AST and rasmason you know given what we’ve just been talking about Jeff you know and the D playing better now and having better results over the last 12 18 months than they’ve ever done and they’re the age of 32 and 35 it makes it all the more sad when we’ve just heard that Kevin soolo has announced his retirement age 28 yeah I think it’s a different kind of when you look at that develop development of players when they’re either in an Asia based kind of country versus European it it is very different and rather than just talking about the age of 35 or something like that and 28 with Kevin i’ probably want to talk more about binton age which is Def different it just doesn’t correspond to your kind of like your normal age explain that more I don’t understand so the way I Define bon age is kind of how many hours or how many years you’ve had on court with that intense training yes and like it’s not uncommon for players from Asian countries to kind of not go to school or not go to school very much when they’re kind of in their young teenage years some some even younger and the amount of hours they spent on court training at that high kind of level is way ahead what the Europeans would have because the Europeans will often trying to do it with with the school commitments as well and maybe not go fulltime in babington until much later I completely understand what you’re saying now so by the time you kind of the Europeans catch up with that badminton age at the Asians had then you might find that yeah they’re peing at 30 32 years old instead of 20 24 years old because of just the number of hours I’ve had on court yeah very very good point I mean I understand that in China that talented athletes go to sports schools where they are developed from five six seven eight years of of age so yeah I mean the amount of hours if if somebody’s training from that s of age yeah that’s a very very good point Jeff very relevant oh that’s a [Applause] beauty well I think that the more the Indonesians can vary the pace and take the Pace out of shots whilst the D may be playing better binon than they’ve ever done [Applause] before I think changing direction for the Dames and especially for rasmuson he he doesn’t look 11 you know as agile sometimes on court as his partner yeah and that’s where if if the Indonesians can kind of exploit getting them out of position so getting them out of their normal kind of set plays in their normal structures that’s where gaps can open up out that’s another cice AR service over 161 [Music] [Applause] nice set is over 126 [Applause] oh my goodness that’s a clever clever shot from this man and his 17 12 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah see that one there that’s a really good example of when the Danes kind of get out of their normal structure that they used to being in where ast’s kind of hunting that net then going over astri just then all of a sudden rasmason has to go cover behind him and then gets the weak reply to give the Indonesians that attacking [Applause] opportunity 14 17 [Music] [Applause] sort of lost his footing didn’t he he was trying to jump but because his footwork wasn’t right he couldn’t leave the floor he might have yet maybe jumped a bit early and then yeah kind of I think he tried to change direction but he was still in the air so couldn’t really change direction at all that’s just wides and the D two points away from the opening [Applause] game it’s a nice Sur brilliant absolutely brilliant from AST 20 game points 14 six game point opportunities for the Danes service over 1520 play that’s game wide so two game points have come and gone and there still another four remain for the number four seeds from [Applause] [Applause] Denmark this time they convert on their third game point opportunity first game won by Kim as and Anders scab rasm 21 16 amhar confirming that score line of 2116 16 minutes for that opening game in favor of the D Astro and Aras fore spee foreign CT one 20 seconds CT one 20 seconds thank you players back on [Applause] court so the players return to court for the start of the second game and I have a feeling as the players were making their way back I got a glimpse of the famous Indonesian supporter [Music] panto who’s been supporting the Indonesian Bonton team literally for decades he’s a wonderful character I do hope we get to see him that’s [Applause] nice very nice [Applause] lovely lovely shot from P service over one love [Applause] service over one all yeah well [Applause] Play service over 2 one well Indonesian pairs Jeff have won 24 of the previous 41 men’s doubles titles here which is 58 a half% that’s amazing isn’t it yeah it is and I think that’s I guess where Indonesia is so strong all always there’s always a top indon Asian men’s doubles pair yeah it’s it’s the discipline even in men singles and they’ve had some wonderful men singles players in the past only only only 22 of the 41 previous men singles titles going to sh AC do itly don’t hit it like that oh telling off ASAS for scuffing the shuttle back in contrast no Danish pair has ever won the men’s doubles here you look surprised I thought that uh maybe car morgenson and Matias Bo would have won one no but uh they were in a couple of finals okay yeah yeah y 12 years ago and seven years years ago have never actually won it wow that’s just fabulous rally service over 24 well given the strength of Indonesian men’s doubles it would be ironic wouldn’t it Jeff think you if the only Indonesian pair in the semi-final if the Danes were to win this quarterfinal we know that gutama and isfahani are in the semi-final and they’re independent players yeah I’ve never seen them play before have you not yeah I haven’t really seen them play much I’ve uh they they won one of the European tour World Tour tournaments earlier this year in fact I think they were in Two finals [Applause] service over [Applause] 52 over 35 yeah they won the Spain Masters gut and Isani having been I think in the was the all was the same time as the all England they reached the final of that [Applause] too juice oh there he is pacento service over how wonderful to see [Applause] him there he is oh he’s got to be VIP I should think so too the amount of time he spent supporting the Indonesian players yeah I suspect Jeff that the Indonesians have been told they’ve got to attack more yeah you can tell how much more activity there is just in their footwork and just it looks like they’ve just gotten more energy [Applause] [Applause] yeah8 three [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness me what happened there was he trying to leave it that was most peculiar wasn’t it either he was trying to leave it and get his racket out of the way or he just completely mtim the shot that one t to the next [Applause] 5 service over 95 [Applause] oh there’s a challenge here challes out well it look pretty close [Applause] [Applause] here we go yeah clear it long hold on line I have to say there’s been very very few challenges that have overturned the line judges calls 10 play [Applause] service over 6 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 10 to the game interval the Indonesians with the advantage a five point [Applause] Advantage far more aggressive in this second game f and Milana and it’s paying dividends at the moment [Music] Court one 20 seconds Court one 20 seconds 116 [Applause] play oh what a good tumble serve and Kim as points to the other side of the Court asking his partner would it have gone wide at the center line and the answer I suspect is it may well have done too late now [Applause] wonderful wonderful play from P I think pikri is the one who stepped up in this second game he’s looking for those opportunities to come forward there of course Milan is been attacking really strongly but I think vict is the the one that’s creating the opportunities now for the Indonesian [Applause] pair wow [Applause] my goodness me speed of Fe it’s playing 2v one at the [Applause] moment oh just wise service over 73 [Applause] that’s well left that’s gone way longer to that line 8 13 oh that’s a [Applause] beauty what a right defense by The dames [Applause] a impressive Point by the Danes here they looked like they were in real trouble and then again rasmason with that smart attack so not going hard every single time that one just kind of more like a reverse Slice on this one here made it drop a lot quicker and look how far back the Indonesians are in their defense yeah it was a beautiful change of pace and angle wasn’t [Applause] it and this is where the the variation and and really using that creativity in the attacks can help the body we’re talking before about rasmon 35 years old right so basically can he smash 100 times in a row I’m not too sure but he’s just as effective when he plays half smashes and slices and everything about service over 149 nice work again by F there in the front Court [Applause] [Applause] service over 10 was that broken Springs or a broken frame I hope it was just broken strings [Applause] behind the back3 oh 114 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well it was called Goods the day are pretty certain that it was out if they’re wrong they haven’t got any challenges left in this second game but they were very very detonate with their arms raised to challenge I was actually quite surprised cuz I saw that as out us I saw that as in did you here we go no it was long wow correction out so that’s a very good challenge 12 14 so we’re not going to hire you out as a substitute loan judge then not from up here Jo don’t ask me to go two points in it [Applause] [Applause] missed on the smash there from Fe Creek again he seemed to M time his jump 13 [Applause] 14 watch this he seems to hit it as he’s already landed [Music] four straight points and only one point the [Applause] deficit almost got it back in as the Indonesians needed that point to break the momentum a bit there yes they’ve won seven of the last eight points the days 613 down they were oh that came out some [Applause] frame on the back a this the easy one it’s so often the way isn’t it over all these sort of trick shots behind the back and goodness only knows [Applause] [Music] what I don’t know if a player loses concentration yeah whatever it was he’s frustrated by it once again just one point in it we’re starting to see Kim Astra make some moves towards the net in the last several points now he’s starting to make a bit of a difference at the front [Applause] Court my goodness he’s done it again oh another behind the back shot from molana and then gets the net CAU there it is over look at that 164 [Applause] unbelievable oh his limping has struck what happened there I think he hit himself I think he hit himself in the leg okay so it’s not a twisted ankle or knee or okay thank you players back ont I’m not here we go couldn’t really see it could you couldn’t really see no 174 rking I was just seeing on social media that one of the Danish players who was playing last week injured himself Magnus johanneson he’s just had to undergo an operation after the injury last week we don’t need any more injuries that’s well taken careful not to take the shutle before it crossed over the net 184 [Applause] yeah no I think that was fine three points away from a third game two points away M apologizes well I’m not sure that’s going to help the Danish CS oh that’s nice I like that 14 molana and AST going to the Nets shaking hands no harm meant no harm [Applause] taken that’s a great defense from p [Applause] went for the acute [Applause] angle six game point opportunities [Applause] 14 well I can see Pac yanto just behind the court telling his players he’s literally he’s come down from his seat he’s he’s just behind the barrier and he’s telling the Indonesian players to calm down what a [Applause] character out service era GS the second game to the Indonesians F and Moana it is one game all and we will be treated to a third and deciding game 215 one game all one game all 2115 what a quarterfinal match this is [Applause] oh back [Music] 20 seconds 20 seconds play back on court final game [Music] [Applause] LEL play so the par calls to the start of the third and deciding game what a fantastic match what a fantastic [Applause] atmosphere service over one love well I wonder if the choice of ends is going to play its part in the outcome of this match it was the Indonesians who won the toss of the coin and chose ends yeah that was good energy in that Rally from [Applause] almost touched the shuffle there Milana [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] love is over over 13 yeah that’s good work [Applause] from I think it’s going to be a little bit of a battle now between Kim as and FY to see who is going to take over the net take those chances that’s going [Applause] wide 3 play [Applause] service over 4 three oh that was a good flip serve 5 [Applause] three nice play by the Dan here so both asri and rasmon coming forward but they just bringing your shot down each time they didn’t go for too much more of a placement rather than [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] power oh that was going wide nice angle brilliant what a rally I don’t believe it you’re not allowed to goes what a fabulous point that athletic play from F [Applause] Creek he knew that wasn’t going overas just made sure the Umpire saw it though hey that was two shots there je B’s far to experienced not to have noticed that longest rally of the match so far and quite possibly the best rally of the match 83 sometimes it’s one rally isn’t it that can sort of ignite momentum or uh cause despondency with one pair you often see one particular rally change the momentum yeah and then when someone gets on serve like astraia when you get multiple serves in a row so one from the odd side even side odd side and you do that a few times all of a sudden you recognize a bit of a pattern hey they hit here last time where am I going to be ready this time and it just because those players on the other end your opponents haven’t changed sides so you know okay last time they played straight here I’m ready for this they play cross here so it’s once you start getting consecutive serves in the row you can start to predict even better than before 113 interval Chang from three all to 113 eight straight points and no doubt the momentum is with the Danes minutes into thech 20 seconds 20 seconds thank you [Applause] is Anders thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 113 so 113 the advantage to the Danes the number four seeds ASO and rasmon against F and Morana so the Run of points eight straight points it was before the change of ends for the D comes to an [Applause] end well a couple of quick points and now only six points the deficit and all of a sudden couple more points and it all becomes believable again doesn’t [Applause] it 6 11 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah it was that change of angle that astri hit which was really effective so this one here K is kind of headed towards the center and then it just pushed him out wide again caused the weak and short [Applause] lift yeah lovely smash from Milana [Applause] service over beautiful net coverage again from F and then a really good finish from [Music] Milana oh that’s well taken from Kim Ash service over 137 I think that’s one of his best interceptions all day isn’t it the timing on that was perfect oh I think it’s just [Applause] wide yeah it was called wi very difficult for us to see from our commentary position see the line judge at the back of the Court [Applause] well the Indonesians were winning in the second game I felt from sustained attack and I think that perhaps they need to revert to that of course if they’re able to do so whether the days allow them to do that or whether it’s gone wide service over 15 eight that’s the thing you you’ve got to force the D to lift to be on the attack haven’t you and that’s easier said than [Music] [Applause] done nice 16 eight well the [Music] Indonesians once again find themselves eight points a drift and this really is a bit of a mountain to climb at this stage of the game this stage of the match this opportunity there too 178 the D’s lead is extended to n points [Applause] one senses Jeff that it’s now on ever as far as the Indonesians are concerned oh don’t give up yet they’re still trying oh that’s fabulous this time it was rasmuson the interception at the front of the court [Applause] 189 he’s taking out really well actually F shot wasn’t really that loose even oh set is over [Applause] 108 y well done 118 that one just a little bit low from as so playing into the racket well put away by F at the front [Applause] nice absolute commitment from Fe Bri on that final fill launches himself towards the net look at [Applause] [Applause] that brilliant well I said that need to make that move now and they’re making it thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh there’s a big big gap across [Music] Court service over and that was well found by the [Applause] days two points away from a third semifinal at the Indonesia open as and rasb [Applause] yeah I really like that smash from Milana this one here goes to the center that one there when you go to the center like that and it just brings the front cor player into it a lot more so F could finish that one off yes cuz it now s the angle of reply doesn’t it can’t create so many angles more likely to be in The Hitting Zone of the front Court player [Applause] [Applause] 1419 y clearly in service over and is Match Point opportunities for the D Kim as and hors rasmon thank [Applause] you Serv over 1520 [Applause] well they’re not giving up the fight and we wouldn’t expect it either would we 162 [Music] [Applause] third Match Point opportunity for the [Applause] dames Never Say Never 17 20 [Applause] [Applause] that’s beautiful what a shot that hold and and push at the last second the D had nowhere to go 182 four match points have been well saved [Applause] young Danish fan struggling to be [Applause] [Music] heard two match points still remain for the D [Applause] I told you n Never Say Never this is just [Music] unbelievable five match points have been well saved one more opportunity for the [Applause] dames oh touch it’s a double hit from the remains and it is 20 all would you believe it yeah clearly touched it the fans absolutely on their feet extra points required until Z clear twoo winning margin [Applause] oh I think there was a clash of Rapids there with the Indonesians [Music] 212 seventh Match Point [Applause] opportunity well the strapping on mulan’s knee has come loose what a time for that to happen thank you remember the Indonesians have been 918 down and here we are at 2 2122 Match Point number seven good flip [Applause] I seriously can’t believe this what a match what drama what excitement and is 21 all [Applause] yeah thoughtful placement on the final shot from Rasmus 21 surely this time Match Point number eight [Applause] oh what a superb final shot from rasmason Delight for the day as they come through a thriller winning on their eighth Match Point opportunity 2321 in the deciding game in a match lasting an hour and 8 minutes my goodness me Jeff what a match what an almost comeback and I think the fans here really appreciate how hard Indonesians fought even though they look like they were out of 21 15 213 the final steep shot from rasmuson you talked about that earlier in the match about how he just takes a bit of pace off and focuses on the angle and that one worked to absolute [Music] perfection Smiles For The dames and it means of course that at semi-final stage we’ll have four pairs from four different nations confirmation of the score 216 1521 2321 in the deciding game in a match l in an hour and 8 minutes winning on their eighth match points opportunity well what a fabulous day of [Applause] robon and we get to do it all again tomorrow as well tomorrow all 10 semifinals here on court number one and it all starts at 12:00 noon local time that’s 0500 GMT so until the semi-finals from all of us here from Jeff toe and myself Joe Clark we’ll see you tomorrow bye for now now [Music] n [Music]


  1. It doesn't matter what team you support, watching a comeback in the third game will make your heart go crazy either way !

  2. This Indonesian pair play way too relaxed and inconsistent, I don't think they'll ever win a major title.

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