POSSIBLY THE FASTEST way to strike your irons pure

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hey everyone today we are going to look at how you can quickly begin to start striking your irons there isn’t loads of technical work here but there are drills which you can use straight away to help your game you can take these drills straight from this lesson onto driving range now I always recommend that you get onetoone coaching to help with your game to help you work on the technical aspects of your swing but these drills will give you an understanding of some of the things that you need to do within your iron swing and if you are already working on your game potentially just push you in that right direction a little bit more firstly pretty much all good ball Strikers will hit the ball first and then the ground afterwards that is what will produce that crisp diver after the ball something that you see common with all good Strikers now this seems pretty simple uh but if you played the game for any length of time you will understand that it can actually be very difficult to achieve now this first drill will give you feedback if you’re looking to achieve that descending blow so take a towel and then place it about half a grip length behind the golf ball a little bit like so now if you’re bottoming out in your swing Arc early which means the club isn’t descending it’s actually starting to get more neutral and even start to hit up on the ball you will bottom out of your Ark and you will hit the towel As you move down into impact and the point of this drill is very simple I just want to be able to hit the ball without hitting the towel so I want to move the club past the towel hit the ball and then the turf afterwards now realistically there’s only so close that you can move this towel to the golf ball before in the back swing you actually start to move it away and scoop up the towel so this is a nice entry level feedback drill it will give you information if you are bottoming that club out early but a feeling that you can coincide with this is as you come through impact if you can try and get the feeling that your chest is over the golf ball at impact this should help if you are struggling with backing up and bottoming that club out early now as mentioned I’m using an a here to begin with and I would always recommend using higher lofted Club even the wedges to begin with because it can be difficult if you’re not used to hitting the ball first and then Turf another thing you can do with this drill is to whack the Subscribe button over 50% of you watching this video aren’t currently subscribed to the swing Quest channel so do me a solid hit that subscribe button and become part of this community dedicated to improving your game now the root of many issues when people strike the golf ball is because the ball is on the ground the Temptation impact is to lean back and to try and scoop the ball up into the air this is perfectly understandable and also very forgivable the most common way that this appears is for a golfer to come through impact to lean this way so to go onto the back foot tilting away from the target adding in a break of the wrists like this so the club head overtakes the hands too early and then often that LE arm can break down and this is all an attempt to add Loft and to try and get that ball up into the air this particular drill is aimed at fixing that lean back and scoop and I like this drill because it also allows a golfer to potentially learn a new shot whilst practicing that overall swing with this drill I would always recommend starting off with some pretty slow swings and again more of a high lofted club but this can be advanced throughout the bag also if you have the option of filming your swing from face on as Jacob is now please do that as well if you have the option of filming in slow motion that is even better so we want the same feeling of moving down missing the towel striking the ball first and then the turf but I want you just to hold the swing at this point here at this position if you can have your body weight over that front foot your left arm and Club extended and the back of the left hand and the shaft and the arm in a nice straight line you can be pretty much guaranteed that you’ve not stayed back and you’ve not flicked so try this first of all with some short swings and then build up from there so I’ve got my a TI again here I’ve come to a hole which is a little bit shorter than my a time would go so 130 yards cuz what I’m looking to do is a nice smooth swing but as I come through get onto that left side try and get that feeling of missing the towel and then extending holding this left arm position and keeping that weight over that front foot just through impact so it’s only short swing holding that finish and after impact I can hold it here oh wow absolutely button that and I can check where I’m at now this is a great drill because it commits you to a certain position and it gives you direct feedback if you get to this and you’re here well then you’ll know you’ll understand that you are leaning back and you need to move into that further forward position what drill like this does is if you can get into this position here at the point of impact we should have the shaft leaning ahead of the ball the shaft wrist and Lead arm in a nice straight line with the weight over that front foot the impact position which is necessary for a really crisp iron strike with a nice diver so if you can get here and you can get here these two positions should match and if you are feeling particularly frisky you can try these two drills in conjunction God I’m striking it so well like that I think maybe this is the secret fixed Golf and if you want some other videos to watch in conjunction with this one to further improve your iron striking check out these here


  1. All this effort e put in just to control a ball that is only on your club for a tiny fraction of a second. MADNESS!!!

  2. Great tips Peter, thanks 🙏🙏⭐️⭐️👊🏼👊🏼🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️⛳️⛳️

  3. I do lean back and get flicky at Times, so this drill will surely help me out. Cheers for all thé good videos and humour.

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