Golf Players

Robert MacIntyre’s Canadian Open win, Yuka Saso’s U.S. Open win, and an LSU vs UNC show grudge match

Smylie Kaufman and Charlie Hulme run through a long list of items worth discussing from the weekend, including Robert MacIntyre’s Canadian Open win, Yuka Saso’s U.S. Open win, and a Smylie Show College World Series grudge match pitting Smylie’s LSU Tigers against Charlie’s UNC Tar Heels. After matching 64s in a Sunday pairing featuring Rory McIlroy and Tom Kim, Smylie and Charlie discuss both star players and whether their game is trending at the right time. On the women’s side, SK and CH examine Lancaster Country Club – a course they both loved – and whether the test was too challenging after watching pre-tournament favorite Nelly Korda crash out early. Charlie’s failure to advance to the shootout in the Hope Valley member-member tournament results in three incredible names that pique Smylie’s interest.

#golfpodcast #pgatourpodcast #golf #progolf #canadianopen #canada #robertmacintyre #yukasaso #usopen #uswomensopen #rorymcilroy #tomkim #nellykorda #lexithompson #lsutigers #unctarheels #collegebaseball

[Music] H Smiley caufman for 61 wow I’m Smiley Coffman and this is the Smiley Show welcome back to another episode of the Smiley Show and smiley we have just a laundry list of items to get to tonight you are uh where you’re in balst is bstw a place I know it’s a golf course you’re there to play the golf course but I don’t even know how to say where you are right now yeah just here in uh here at balra I don’t know what else to say tomorrow uh uh here all day and uh yeah SM Smiley and B we have we have a a winner of a of a national open on the men’s side we have the winner of a national open on the women’s side uh we have uh an unfortunate Sunday performance at the Hope Valley member member that we’re going to have to dig into but I think I think we have to start with the little house divided action that because I love this so much I’m out there you know trying to grind out uh a a uh an appearance in the shootout at Hope valy day and I look down on my phone and I’m like am I misreading this is Smiley’s dad trash talking me oh yeah I got the Met I’ve not met him I mean he’s helped us with a number of things for the show uh and I have him in there I have a little squirrel Emoji next to his name is his nickname the squirrel or something oh yeah getss up and down uh gets gets up and down from where the squirrels hang out so that’s that’s how you got the nickname so I got a I got a trash talk text from the squirrel man uh on Hope Valley today uh the the the buay you Bengals the LSU Tigers won 8 to4 I think that that just finished as as we’re speaking right now we beat yall 62 on Saturday and so now goes to a little rubber match uh yeah with no arms nobody’s got arms so it’s going to be interesting to see uh what happens tomorrow in that game because it’s going to be I think a very high-scoring Affair yeah this is which and I love this so much because despite the fact that I grew up uh playing a fair amount of baseball you are the seam head on this podcast you are like deep in the baseball talk which I love for you I I I look I love the heels I follow a lot of you know do you know harison anot is I do yes who is he wait or or wait actually think you C K C here are you talking about I know Vance Honeycut the center fielder did I just get him confused the golfer in the I was going to say I was like is this a trick question because Harrison indicot is the golfer he’s the golfer right C Fielder I was almost you scared me there because I I was really good at try to that work out even better it just got you in a got you in a cobweb and then it and then it turned back backfired on me cuz yeah you know who harot is I mean like I I do and also what is his relevance to this conversation uh so Vance Hott is a really good Honeycut Honeycut great baseball Name by the way Vance honey cut yes I I I thought I knew North Carolina baseball but apparently I don’t I can’t remember this guy’s name it just it reminds me so much of Harrison Endicott got too much golf in me we’re we’re bringing it all together we’re giving you a little golf uh baseball yeah so he had a great day on Saturday he was look like he was for five today which is y can play some defense man y’all got uh got some guys that can hit out of the park too I’m I’m I’m a little nervous for tomorrow because it y’all have like even though we won the game y’all kind of pick the momentum back up so I’ll uh I’ll probably be having that on tomorrow when I’m out here doing golf stuff I I love that for you I I’m in the process of trying to get our home packed up so we can move so I I’ll probably throw that on and watch when you moving moving in June uh the actually two days after the US which is great scheding on my part it is it is June we are in June yeah care to be more specific or no June uh it’s June 18th I think is is the day we move in so which is like yeah we’re we’re packing up the whole house the day after the US Open and then moving the day after the US Open and then I see no problems there none whatsoever and then if you really were like hey how could you make this even harder on yourself and your wife then it’s like you know what else you could do is you could play in a member guest tournament that weekend and then the following week you could go to Scotland with your dad for 10 days and you know where I stand on your golf I think you play entirely too much golf I’m I’m going to decide on on your wife’s side on all this I think you do play too much golf but um go off King I you know what for the first time in a long long time this weekend it was it was driving my cart down after we missed the shootout spoiler alert to my car and sadly loading my clubs in the trunk I had like the last spot in the parking lot because it was I was I was I got there late today the at the final tea time on a championship Sunday no the final last group on Sunday and couldn’t get it done yeah by the way like I I I felt like this is the best place to let it all out because you know do I know anybody else who had the last time on a Sunday who just didn’t have their aame and and and you know it happens it happens to the best of us so um Shanks I did not have the shanks we fixed the shanks yeah we’re just all over the place now so we’re just going to we’re just going to yeah it was basically we were um we just couldn’t get we could not get it going and and it was it was actually a little we started the day two shots off the lead in our flight uh and then so we’re in the final pairing with the leaders Scott molo Jimbo Huckabee great A+ dudes they actually won the whole thing they won the shootout so speak an A+ that that second name is an A+ golf name Jimbo huckabey my next life I want my name to be Jim Jimbo Huckabee hucka or Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee it’s man that’s an all-tim name I can already picture what the guy wore today just a um probably the three or four buttons and almost all the way un button wore the white visor light blue shirt semi- popped collar is this the guy am I looking at him how are you nailing this I mean it’s pretty obvious I mean you youve got you’ve nailed Jimbo hucke yeah white visor life blue shirt couple buttons loose brainer you can’t have a name like that not show up to the te with like a a big old big old cup from Hope Valley and and he’s the only guy in the club that puts ice in his beer that’s like the type of guy that that Huck Huckabee is like this is that guy right is am I off there I mean you’re going further in this research than I have ever done in my life so I’m going to need to like actually kind of go and do a little more research and get back to you but he does have his his own custom Carolina blue cart jamming some tunes out of there uh you know with a little phone clip on the side and his partner Scott is like the life of the party so we were we were heading of the day we’re like Good Vibes only two shots off the lead top two teams in the flight get to make the playoffs and just one of those days man just kind of had it neutral all day long and then what where ended up going is we would have had to shoot net five under today to have a chance at making the playoff and we had nowhere near that game like it was like if if we needed one or two it would have felt a lot worse but we I think we were net two over on the day all right can you tell me a little bit about the weather y’all had uh this week there because I was sitting there looking at the scores of the Corn fairy Tour event and they were not very low at all so was the weather bad or was this course that they played on the corn fairy tour and Raleigh really hard so as we’ve talked about a couple times like I played that course last year in the proam with Patrick Fishburn who nearly won the Zurich couple weeks back with Zack Blair um and I thought it was it was a challenging golf course they just redone the greens with like a newer strain of bent grass that is apparently um more heat resistant exactly performs better in the summer months when traditionally bent you know you can’t you you got to let it grow you can’t cut it you’re kill it that’s we got and and it’s and so like everything around here now for the most part’s gone to Bermuda but it was interesting that Raleigh did that with this heat resistance train of bent and um I thought it I thought it was a challenging test for sure but there was nothing in the weather this weekend that would have indicated an inability to score in fact I thought the weather was pretty perfect I mean the worst we had today was it was a little cloudy to start the day and maybe a few droplets of rain and I guess we’re Durham so I don’t know exactly maybe it was like something micro and Raleigh where they got a little bit of rain or something but it was it was perfect wind blew a little bit today but nothing like it was couldn’t have been more than 12 mph at most so yeah that’s that’s another investigation we’re gonna have to undergo yeah there you go a lot of stuff happened in the Triangle had the had the the corber Tour event which was of course second only to the Hope Valley member member had the uncl LSU Regional I mean we we were hustling and bustling down here in North Carolina this week heck yeah I’m uh definitely gonna watch the baseball uh the the corn fairy Tour event they’re just lucky that Harry higs didn’t play because he would have won three in a row uh that was a fun episode if you had listen to Harry higs speak the uh speak the good golf uh man he just had some great golf knowledge that he that he was that he was preaching to all of us uh last week so that was a fun episode but we definitely got a lot of golf to talk about um I know we probably didn’t get to watch as much golf this weekend as we probably normally would but from everybody that I followed on Twitter they were just so complimentary of how good of a golf day it was on Sunday to have the US Women’s Open in the RBC Canadian open on two TVs it’s it’s like a good good day for like Bas like a four screen setup baseball Golf and you just kind of had it all today right it was killer in fact as I was starting to kind of smash the eject button in our tournament I was you know paying more and more attention to what was going on in each of these two events and it it was it was awesome I’d say off the top that you know again we we we are uh we strongly claim this pod we’re a dad pod in fact it was it was great the only thing that bride my day was walking off the last screen and and my son running up to me and picking him up and I was like oh this is you know this is a nice little boost of of a little shot in the arm of of a good smile on my face and warm feeling and then flipping over then to to watch the end of the RBC Canadian open and seeing Bob McIntyre win with his dad I believe douge McIntyre is what I saw on the broadcast that name is 10 out of 10 if you’re in a golf Fantasy pool league to where you have the opportunity to have a username or just a team name I think douge McIntyre has got to be considered it is a 10 out of 10 Scottish name and I hope that somebody calls me douge McIntyre or what’s your boy’s name that you played the Jimbo hucke Jim Bo Huck those are like my two names right now that I in another life I wish were my names how about Vance hyut like we’re actually putting together like an allar roster of names in this episode just right out the gate I mean and if if I’m if I’m not mistaken though right Charlie I mean you’re looking for a name right now I’m looking for yes for for for a daughter are we talking about name of my daughter yes yeah I I I will just go Honeycut Hume honey honey cut Hume is certainly something we’re not going to name her douge I’ll tell you that much and we sure going to name her Jimbo we’re not going to name her Jimbo I mean all right what’s what’s uh Jimbo’s last name again hu hu H Hume don’t don’t look at me like that don’t look at me like that hold can we like maybe combine them all with like what’s dude douge Huckabee Hume dou dou what call her [Laughter] [Music] B I mean I can’t I don’t know how we have this thing so off the rails 12 we have not we’ve not talked about a single shot on any professional tour to this point in the podcast and we’re naming my daughter B after honey douge Honeycut Huckaby Hume uh I I’ll I’ll I’ll write it down I’ll put in the suggestions box and then when it comes time to open that up my wife and throw some out there I’ll make sure that it gets heard I can’t can’t guarantee anything but uh we’ll we we’ll make sure it makes it to the the the decision decision day whatever it’s going to be for names um anyway so douge first of all douge had like one of the most Banger opening lines like first time you’ve been on TV first time you’re doing an interview on National Television your son just won his first PGA Tour event he’s emotional he’s choked up couple weeks before Father’s Day in the United States and Amanda Amanda balionas puts the bike in front front of his face and he says I’m just a grass cutter and you’re just like oh right in the fields heck yes it’s just so good man that was just I mean moments like that you know again we’re we’re in we’re very much like immersing ourselves in the dad life right now and loving every moment of that and seeing things like that I think before you’re like okay this is like whatever Hallmark you know Movie Channel type stuff and great and it’s but it just kind of hits a little different now and I think moments like that it it just really it’s hard to not get emotional seeing the joy that those two were able to share on a Sunday winning a national open just really really cool stuff oh yeah and how about uh saw this tweet I kind of mention this to you and and yes you’re you’re absolutely right Dougie’s first words after winning press uh press conference or not a press conference a uh interview with Amanda that that was pretty damn good but how about uh this tweet from Adam Kirk have you seen this yet no please read Bobby Mack is racking up quite the portfolio of national open performances the Canadian he’s got a w the Italian he’s got a w Scottish open second the Cyprus open I’m not sure exactly what uh what would that be Cyprus is like I think it’s near Greece yeah third we’re we’re definitely disclaimer we’re not a geography pod so we we’ll Google it and get back to you I think we I think we got a bind on this in a recent episode as well but I I I think I want to say Cypress is in the Greece neighborhood yeah and and will and wio is in the eastern times if anybody’s wondering um and that’s besides the point the Mexico open T6 the Open Championship T6 the Kenyon open t7 Turkish open t7 French Open T8 Irish open t13 and South African open T15 this guy just has a flare for Lo National open for the people the hometown people he just he just shows up when it matters the most we got to get this guy to Australia uh for the Aussie open because that that’s got to be next T next task is go Inn there Bobby Mack and douge head head over to to uh the Aussie open so I’m actually I’m kind of glad that you’re pulling on the the national open thread here because we actually had an Instagram message from uh from a listener a viewer named Mike I think his name is Mike Fritz I don’t know if I have that right but uh and by the way if if you’re ever interested in having us discuss something on the podcast help us build that rundown tweet at us send us an Instagram message we we’ll take any and all of it and see if we can work it into the show but just asking about as we talk more and more about a global tour and and the places we need to go around the globe to Big you know air quotes grow the game um just asking why the Canadian open doesn’t have a more an like in in one sense elevated feel like more in the theoretical sense but like I think he’s asking in a literal sense of like why is this not a signature event you know why are we not ensuring that there’s a full strength of field for for this sort of field if we’re trying to make the the tour more Global especially for North American players who it’s not a super long trip up to Canada now like I I’ll maybe go ahead and answer the first part of that question right out the bat because it’d be almost impossible to go signature signature major signature you know you just can’t ask guys to play that much but I don’t know if like is there a way to reconfigure the schedule a little bit to get this thing to where I mean there were great names in this field for sure yeah but it’s it’s just you know how would how is there a way we can get this thing to be top top tier have a signature event field you know every single year because of the importance of doing the the sort more of a global tour and elevating these National opens really as Rory said a number of different times well I think you make great points I mean we it’s sandwiching the schedule it’s hard to get you know all of the top guys to to to play unless it it’s more points or uh there’s got to be some more value to it knowing that before and after the US Open and and everybody knows how grueling of a test a US Open is and how taxing that is on your body so I I I’m not surprised to not see the field be as a sharp as you like it to be but the Canadian open is it’s until you go and and experience one yourself the crowds I mean people come from everywhere it’s not just a HomeTown event it’s it’s a nation’s event in which doesn’t matter where the event is it it used to be at uh oh crap what’s the golf course um um just outside of Toronto but it the name is Gwen Abby is the name of it um but now that it’s rotating more I I think that’s pretty dang cool that it’s you know in so many different locations and and allows um you know the the entire nation to kind of get a you know a glimpse of the best players in the world which um I know that’s not not exactly the best players in the world and where we sit right now in the game but you know you’re getting a very highle field with Rory mcroy Sam Burns uh Tom Kim you see the rest of the guys on the top of the leaderboard very I mean shoot all the Canadian players played and they’re um very high level but you know I think uh this golf course really I wish was the one they played every year because man did it look really good on TV it tested you know I I don’t think it favored one type of player I think it the leaderboard showed that it had long hitters it had good Putters it had a really good mix of of of you know the Rory type of bomb uh hits it really long off the tea and then a guy like um you know Bobby Mack is not not nearly as long as um as Rory by any means and but he had a really good week on the green so uh there was a lot of ways to do it uh the scores being you know right at that 15 16 num is also a great test of hey that’s right where you wanted to to finish at the end of the week too so um and I definitely want to get into a little bit of a conversation too Charlie I don’t wanted this to go too far in into this for us to not talk a little bit more in depth about Robert McIntyre and his and the quotes that have come out with him uh probably over the last month or two just kind of talking about how he’s been homesick he hasn’t felt the love he hasn’t felt the camaraderie like he’s felt on the DP World Tour you know he doesn’t have as many friends I think there’s something to that and I read that he had his mom come cook for him at the PGA Championship and what do you know he contends and then he has his dad on the bag couple weeks later and he wins so I you know just I want to hear your kind of thoughts too on just uh the way you view that and and a guy that comes from from overseas that you know we’ve seen a lot of players have a ton of success and do this but Robert McIntyre has been kind of open and vocal about you know this hadn’t been as easy it’s it’s such a good uh topic of discussion because I think it folds back into almost the discussion that we are having about the event itself and and you know growing the game and and having a more Global tour um I understand entirely why if your bread and butter are American Superstars and those are the guys coming through your ranks and and you know a lot of the system is set up to you know just by definition be an American Centric sort of worldview for this tour that those are the people are going to cater to the most and if you’re asking them to travel a bunch and and you know uh just be fatigued or exhausted or have these schedule demands that are really really tough to to commit to every sort of stop that they’re going in a global tour why you might say hey let’s just really focus on doing the best version of a domestic tour and of course we’ll go to we’ll go to Canada we’ll go to Mexico you know we’ll we’ll of course go over you know to to to play the the Open Championship and the Scottish and things like that but like largely this thing’s going to be based in America I get why it’s been designed in that way but you do it at the expense of a guy like Robert McIntyre and you know as we’re kind of seeing with some of the lived affections too I think you do to the expense of other guys who would love to just be closer to something they know and love and be at home a little bit more often because I think that that would largely be the objection of most American stars to a global tour it’s like hey I want to be able to fly back home or get back home between tournaments see the family spend some time there I don’t want to have to just sort of live this life where I’m I’m just FaceTiming people I love and feeling lonely feeling on the road all the time and and and and not be able to kind of have a somewhat of a balanced life as balanced as one can have as a professional athlete in in you know in a major sport so I I think it’s it’s um it’s it’s a really tricky one and and it’s reading those quotes from Robert McIntyre you feel for the guy for sure and and it’s and it’s almost like it for him this is the only way his dream culminates like if you want to play golf at the top end of the food chain you have to go play on the PJ tour and the PJ tour is based in America and so you know he has to kind of weigh that and say because I’m sure there are a lot of guys that are just like you know what I’m just content to stay on the DP World Tour because that’s just a better lifestyle for me and it’s going to be weaker fields and less money etc etc but this is just a better more balanced lifestyle whereas he makes a choice to come over here and and I I really think that you know that’s why think the live live is so intriguing to a lot of guys because it’s like you know it comes with a whole host of other issues if you’re trying to play long-term professional golf with world ranking points etc etc but it it is something where you can say hey we’re g to be over in these and and we’re not going to play as much so even between those events I can go to the places that Feel Like Home to me and spend time with people I love so I think that’s a really interesting one and I’m really glad for for you know Bobby Mack that he got a win and can can feel a little bit of that all right okay this was all worth it hey did he um qualify on the DP World Tour points to make the Ryder Cup last year I don’t believe he was a pick correct that is correct I believe he was in if I remember this correctly let me go back and check I believe he was like in the one of the last spots from the European points list not the the world points list yeah well I mean that that to me when I sit here and kind of look at his his results over over over the last year and he has played very very bad this year it’s it’s been either feast or famine he’s had uh he’s had actually three top 10 but he’s had so many miscuts you know he’s batting probably below 50% in making Cuts but it’s kind of weird he he had a top 10 at Zurich so it’s like the team thing and he was you know you could tell that he was loved by so many at the uh at the Ryder Cup when you see some of the videos that came out after the guys celebrating them on the bus and and you see Bobby Mack was standing up celebrating and and that’s kind of my memory of him of him and Justin Rose like Rosie just yes kind of you know you could tell like Bobby Mack was not comfortable like he was he hit some really good shots don’t get me wrong but he needed a guy like Justin Rose like everything’s okay like we’re we’re fine and uh it’s really good to see a guy like like him who really does come across as a very likable guy you know very genuine love the way he speaks he’s very open and a very good golfer don’t get me wrong but he’s definitely had his struggles this year so uh to go out and and do it on a you know a difficult Golf Course uh you know I’m I’m very happy to see him get the win and when he was leading after 36 holes I was I was kind of thinking and it’s like man after that PGA Championship having a good week I was kind of thinking think that it could be his week and um he had plenty of guys trying to run him down and but he was able to stay on top well so let’s let’s kind of run down that leaderboard a little bit first of all shout out to tarel Ben Griffin finish second hey did you see the sunglasses thing did you have you heard about this the sun no no no tell me yeah so Ben you missed this uh he did an interview with Amanda on on Saturday after his round he’s wearing like these aviators and okay it threw me off I was like what like Ben’s just gone like full uh aviators mode I was like maybe this is just kind of a bit like he maybe thinks he just looks good in him but he uh he’s got 2020 Vision according to him but Ben was telling us that telling us telling telling the people watching or telling Amanda that he’s got he’s got like the Family Guy Peter Griffin floaters going across his eye he’s got a couple of those that he sees so he says sunglasses help negate it a little bit you know what episode your your family guy guy uh I I was a family guy guy I don’t know if I watched all the seasons but I watched a few in high school there was an episode where like Peter Griffin had he was like a floater I think he was like riding a worm or something like he was like the floater or maybe he was it was like a worm that looked like Peter Griff and like floting across his so he really so he has floaters in in the the the sunglasses cut down on them that’s what he said so interesting he had a great week too I mean I was I was actually kind of because with Ben if he hits it good enough like off the te yeah he’s very good the rest of the way it’s for him it’s all about just putting the ball in play and if he does a good job of that then he’s a good spot T green this week he was third so yeah that’s when Ben Griffin uh has a chance and that’s that’s what happened this week yeah and and and I mean the the 18th could have gone I mean he took an aggressive line there and just missed a little bit left of the green but if he hits that tie and makes birdie we’re potentially headed for a playoff so go heel go Ben Griffin uh Victor Perez makes a big putt to get the 14 under uh that that you know again I think at the time was thinking okay this you know let’s see what the these two guys do but this could be a playoff situation and then going to a a a star pairing of Tom Kim and Rory maroy that shoot matching 64s on Sunday and that’s one that I kind of want to unpack a little bit because I think so too I think those two guys as we head into a signature event as we head into the US Open just kind of getting a gaug for both of their games um you know we as we know Roy’s been playing very well um has had some you know all the stuff off the course that you know it’s I I don’t I would be just be speculating to you know if I was saying whether or not that is HT or helped you know maybe in some ways just he can kind of get that off his mind and really focus on his golf and and maybe that’s a boost for him I’m not sure um but you know Tom Kim a guy who has maybe had a little bit of an up and down go um his of course left for ludvic oberg’s bag and they had Paul Tori who went from cam Young’s bag to prefently Brenan Todd’s bag and then ended up on his bag and I’m just wondering you know let’s let’s maybe start with Tom Kim since he’s a guy that that we haven’t really talked about a ton this year of just what you think this this finish does for him as we head into a stretch of the Season where he’s played good the last couple years like in this sort of June July you know part of the calendar over the Scottish open the Open Championship could this be sort of him hitting his stride this year you know it very well could be but I think uh you got to start with when a guy is not playing well he’s not had a good year and he shoots a six under on Sunday it’s like all right let’s let’s just see what were the circumstances like was he close to the lead uh I mean shouting distance but who was he playing with was it a random person well a one it was Roy mroy so you know you got the biggest crowds and it’s an opportunity for you to go Pro to yourself hey you know what I can go out and and play shot for shot with Rory Ma and that’s what he did on Sunday like you said shooting a matching six under 64 I mean that’s huge man this guy his best finish this year is a t17 after that it’s a t24 I mean the guy has not had a top 10 this year until this week he’s only missed three Cuts but he’s done nothing um really nothing no type of real wow rounds that we were accustomed to seeing from Tom like we saw at Las Vegas we saw wind him um and you know you just it’s it’s very odd his his his scoring average just on the weekend has just gotten worse and worse um he’s 110th on Sundays this year was 7.42 so that’s a big step today go out shoot a 64 I mean there’s no doubt there’s plenty of game with this guy but um he’s had a lot of hurdles this year and uh I read that he said that he was in the bad draw day to GF actually said you’re actually been you’re top 20 in in the correct draws wow but he I remember talking to him at the players and he just switched back to his Old Coach um his I think Sam sire is his name uh his name’s kind of escaping me I’m like 99% sure that’s right uh which was the coach he he uh when he had turned Pro and was working uh with a coach that’s who he was that’s who he came out with and he’s had a bunch of different coaches over the years uh I say over the years really just over the last year and a half uh he’s kind of bounced around a little bit cam corm Chris Coma now back with Sam sire so I think he finally was getting settled you know it’s not easy going from you know having all the success to all right now my Caddy’s left I’m changing coaches and I think it just kind of caught up to him a little bit Netflix I mean the stage just gets a little bit bigger right expectations get higher and I think for Tom he’s a guy that he he wants to be the best and you if you’ve watched the Netflix episode of his that was a feature that comes across he he wants to you know be friends with Scotty and and and all these top players to pick their brains because he wants to be as good as them um and and God he’s so easy to cheer for such a nice guy and him and Paul Tori they they seemed so confident like going right into the players championship and on Wednesday night into Thursday morning he gets sick so it’s just like another thing it’s like they’re they feel so good about like their games in a good spot and then then he gets sick and now he can’t play and now uh it’s just taken a little bit of time for him to find his get his feet Underneath Him and man now I’m thinking Tom Kim it’s like all right that’s a huge round now what can we build on that can we go out on a Thursday and find yourself in the top 10 of the leaderboard uh right from the get-go like you can’t go out and just lose all that momentum it’s a perfect opportunity to go out and just continue to com you know let’s go shoot you know another four or five under round I mean it’s Memorial next week I don’t you never really know it’s if it’s really firm go out and shoot a two under if it’s really soft go out shoot a six under but what he needs to do is continue to build off that and I’ll let you kind of take Rory but that’s my Tom uh that’s my Tom bit well I mean I think to to to wrap on Tom I mean it is it is interesting how often we’ve had this discussion in the past Maybe maybe you know at least just this year but really the past couple months of guys that have had you know swing coach changes and and just a couple things that that they’re working on we’re talking like top top elite players where just trying to kind of find it I mean Victor havin for sure is one of them where he kind of clicks back into place I know col morawa maybe a little bit was one of the guys we talked about there as well and so you know just trying to find the right voice to tell you the thing that you need to hear um is a very obviously difficult thing and you know this far better than I do because you played at the high level but it just seems to me that that is a recurring theme we’ve seen uh amongst you know some of these guys that that you’re just wondering like hey we know this guy’s a really really good player why are they just a little bit you know off the mark and so that that’s that’s an interesting one for Tom just seeing what what kind of form he can find and you know if you’re if the if the goal is to ramp up to win a major championship this is a nice way to take some momentum into the last event before it and then kind of use that as a springboard to go out and try to one of Piner um which you know I I it’ll be interesting to see how that venue suits him as as a as a shorter hitter you know good venue it’s I think it’s a good venue for him and there really isn’t any weakness in Tom Kim’s game I would say that he needs to make his strengths just be a little bit higher you know just I I don’t think there’s any part of his game that’ be like you know what he really needs to go and work on that I mean if the only thing you would say is maybe he should go try to hit it further but that you know what he’s really good at is hitting it straight so I mean he’s a top 20 driving accuracy type of guy so you don’t want him to go and try to just rip it everything but uh I think for Tom it’s like a week at Like Us open is a probably a little better fit than Memorial watch him go win next week that’ll be hilarious but it seems like ball is going to be rolling out more I think he’s he have an opportunity to kind of lean on on his iron game and and he’s a uh he’s been a bit of a streaky putter since he’s gotten out on tour but when his good putting is good it’s really good yeah it I I think you know for for Tom it’s I I’d be really interested to see if he if at some point he pursues something like Xander shley did in this offseason just try to pick up a little bit more speed you know not lose too much of the of the straight right I mean I he’s got the body like dude he’s got the lower half man if you go see him in person he’s a I mean he’s a brick truck down like below the boy the belt yeah I mean it’ll be interesting but I mean that’s that’s a topic for another day but that’s the one that struck me you know just watching Xander’s sort of evolution progression don’t have to be the longest on tour but if you can just gain a few more miles per hour and and and a you know couple more yards you know at least at least you’re you’re not fighting an uphill battle as often so to flip it to Rory I mean we’ve there’s not a ton to say about the stuff that’s happened in the past we know how good he’s playing right now won the Wells Fargo going away um you know this is another strong performance think he had one bad round this week to kind of put him out of it but you know could have you know won this one easily without that one um kind of spinning this forward all the way to to the US Open on the same topic of of course fit I wonder how much of what Rory does well just absolutely crushing the driver works at Pinehurst it it works you think so even if it’s going to feel some tighter you know a lot of a lot of you know Landing areas for driving off the tea listen I’ve played a US Open in this in this similar type of setup that they’re going to have and I felt fine so that if it if I felt fine and I and I was good the Haya King well this is back when I I I wasn’t ha on it then but I felt really comfortable at on that Golf Course um and I can’t imagine why Rory why why Rory uh wouldn’t either it’s all that place is as you know it’s all the green complexes and yes but it’s uh from the people that I’ve talked to that have recently gone and done scouting trips excuse me it’s it’s very similar to was in 14 you’re going to have a ball that gets in the middle of the Fescue uh the sanded Fescue area that you’re going to have a swing and then you’ll be three yards or two yards in and and you’re going to have to punch it 20 yards down the Fairway so bit of pot luuck when it comes to that and uh but a day that you go out and hit 12 Fairways I mean you should have a guy like Rory I mean he’ll how How firm we think that that Golf Course might be he’s going to have short irons in and opportunities to chase down Scotty shord he’ll have a four shot lead yes just fast forward to that you mark that down in Sharpie right now I I guess and my question stems from exactly what you’re describing there which is I I actually played it think in March with a with a buddy of mine and uh it’s just a much much shorter version of the course than you’re going to see for the US Open of course but it it just so the most recurring theme that you have off the tea there is hitting a shot that you think is going to be fine and then it gets on the ground it starts rolling it’s always firm out there and it kind of goes into those sort of Sandy areas with some native grasses and it’s a total crapshoot me it could just bump up against one that has a thick stem and you got nothing in front of you you have no shot or it could just kind of trundle along and kind of miss everything and you can it’s perfectly fine you can pick it out of there and it’s it’s no problems and so I just wonder on an especially firm version of that course for US Open if some longer hitters are hitting it to Landing areas that are perfectly fine but getting a little bit of roll out and just getting some funky lies if that’s going to be something that hurts guys but um that’s just my own hairbrain Theory based on my ver of the course but it’s it’s it’s it’s just it’s tricky at Piner that’s that’s no news to anybody listening to this podcast yeah it definitely is and I’m I’m going back to see what I shot cuz I’m I’m I’m curious about the 2014 uh uh US Open to see where I finished and I guess I didn’t do very good because I’m still scrolling there I am 7376 plus nine missed the cut by uh four yeah but but importantly figured out how to read a yage book with lu earlier in the week that was uh crucial I did not realize how hard this golf course played though I’m sitting here looking at T45 was 10 over and there was a dude on the weekend that made the cut that 887 76 I mean I I again all from an amateur perspective but like every time I go and play this golf course we you know the type of golf course I’m about to describe it’s basically like when you’re going and playing a course that either has is like a you know ranked in the top 100 not that has to mean anything but just like there’s a course that everyone wants to go play or it has some huge amount of History so you’re excited to go play it and and you’re going through the round and you’re almost like I had to SM just we’re having fun here this I’m happy to be a Pinehurst you know because it’s just it just kicks your teeth in and you’re trying to enjoy and take in the sides and the scenery and and have fun but of course you know shooting a million is never fun for anybody but it’s just that type of chorus where it’s just it’s just really really hard all the time and it’s hard on a number of reasons it’s like it’s hard because in a very obvious way the green complexes where it’s it’s you know Lightning Fast Bermuda and there’s all sorts of undulation you never really comfortable over a putt because you think it looks like it’s breaking one way but you’re trying to read the grain around the cup and could it pull back this way and everything’s sliding and quick you know that’s that’s a more obvious way but also just the small stuff where you’re like you’re staying on a te and you hit a good shot you’re like great finally I can exhale and and go have a just a stock approach and you get up there and you’re like it’s 2 feet in the in the native area up against Grass like are you kidding me this again now I’m going to be sweating out a parve you know for the fifth or sixth or seventh time of the day it’s it’s just a really really tough course and obviously the pros play it far better than I did but it’s just one of those ones where I think it’s you know it’s it’s going to be dialed up for the US Open this I think it’s going to be very low scores this time around you do I think so you don’t dude I’m just sitting here looking at the scores from 14 I mean oh oh wait are you saying sorry let’s clear let’s clarify here not I I I I meant the winning number is going to be a single digits a low number I not not like a like it’s going to be it’s I’m sorry I should have I should have phrased that better but you know we’re we’re talking about absolute numbers winning numbers I I don’t I don’t think anyone’s going to take it deep at the US Open let me rephrase that okay all right I I had the office like wait what yeah I was like I just told you you guys 88 on Saturday there um man um yeah I’m looking forward to getting into that and um luckily we have a really big golf tournament next week I mean I think it’s kind of exciting to see who’s going to be in form but dude is Rory gonna win next week and then go to the US Open and and like similar to the PGA like I’m a little worried that he’s gonna go and win either one of uh the uh the memorial or The Travelers I I just I have this feeling that that the US Open for for Rory is I don’t even I just don’t even have him on my radar right now but the memorial and Travers is like yep he’s probably winning there it it’s so strange because I I it’s hard to describe why but I have the exact same feeling around him it’ be such a Rory maoy thing to do just pick off like three Signature Events consecutively and just not be able to get it done in a major uh you know I I just and again and you may differ for me like I don’t love Pinehurst forer Rory um but I I think you know Memorial and especially Travelers for him I just feel like you know those are places where I could very easily see him running away with it um and so yeah we we’ll we’ll we’ll have to kind of see how it shakes out but I mean he’s playing Great Golf right now and and it’s just I think I think a lot of it as amateur psycho analysis here is just there’s just something around it being 10 years since he’s won a major and it’s like you know I think he’s goingon to have to break the seal at some point if he wants to win The Masters complete the career Grand Slam it’s just you feels like it has to be that way yeah uh we’re we’re just set to wait and see with him and uh you know I I was uh from what I saw from already you know it’s just not surprising I think he just got off to a little bit of a slow slow start maybe I think it was uh his second round is what lost in the tournament this week I think he shot like even pars something like that 72 yeah 6672 6564 so he lit it up on the weekend yeah yeah so so let me actually hear while we’re kind of on a Sim topic of major championship venues and tests you know we’ be remiss to not mention yucas Sasso wins the US Women’s Open at Lancaster uh and boy was there all sorts of content coming out of Lancaster this week man I mean Charlie Hull ripping darts and fans passing her their numbers and her just kind of be like this is just this is how I am like I don’t really know I don’t really think anything you know it kind of blew up but like this is just this is how I live my life which I thought was hilarious uh great brand play for all the Charlie hes out there uh proud proud to be on the team uh but but I thought that was hilarious and then on the less hilarious side uh watching Nelly Corda make a 10 on the par 3 12th I believe or third hole of the tournament uh to and then eventually miss the cut I mean that that’s the hole that kind of cooked her um was just kind of stunning and I know there was there was a lot to be said about the the way this course played which which is to say very difficult there were only two players under par for the entire week your winner of four under and second was one under um there was some comments Jenny Shin made on Twitter that I thought were really interesting uh I’ll read both these tweets so she says this leaderboard is and I believe this was on um I believe this was after Friday’s round this leaderboard is shocking I find it sad to see some of the best players with a double- digit score this course punishes in an odd way difficult to explain I played great yesterday and today wasn’t that far off hit too many Fairways and greens for my outcome to be eight overp par when I play poorly I will admit it take my loss but it certainly didn’t feel like bad go today I’m somehow playing in the weekend so I’m grateful for the opportunity can’t wait to experience heart-wrenching brutality again and someone to her credit as well someone replied to her major championship should not be easy and she replies and says agreed it should be a test wish it was like this more often so I say all this to say and you and I talked a little bit offline about Lancaster Country Club how cool it looked out there in Pennsylvania this week and just seeing seeing a different venue in that condition is just kind of fun for for a major championship but you know rewind a couple weeks to the PJ of alalla and all the commentary online the golf spaces of the internet talking about how it was way too easy and the winning score was way too low and it should never be like this for a major championship yet we turn the page to the US Women’s Open and you have the the pre-tournament favorite and the star that everyone you know kind of wants to see just hitting the eject button three holes in the tournament and done for and I wonder I wonder what your thoughts are on that topic of just you know is there room for both do you like looking at this US US Women’s Open leaderboard like do you like seeing that for a US Open sort of test or do you feel like it was a little too punishing for what we kind of for the outcomes we saw coming out of this week man I I I’m in love with this golf course uh I I think Lancaster Country Club was so good and the reason why it was so good was from what I could tell I hav never been there I’ve never um I’ve uh hardly watched enough of it on TV but from what I have seen is that it’s extremely difficult to get the golf ball below the hole and on a golf course in which there’s a ton of movement in the terrain so you have a ton of un even lies from what I could tell on TV just ball above your feet ball belove your feet or you’re playing 12 to 15 on an elevation on an uphill shot so you’re you could see a quarter of the pin and you’re like okay I need to leave it below the hole but there’s a false front short of the green they could roll back 40 yards like that that to me is a a really unique challenge that it it’s like okay you’re you’re hitting the fairways but you also you have to be so smart about all right where’s my leavea how do I get it below the hole and I think for us opens you’re so used to just trying to Pepper the middle the greens pepper the middle the greens this actually you’re probably better off missing greens than being below the hole and I think it’s a just a different Challenge and I thought there was some really cool features in the golf course that had penalty areas that were tucked either short or left or whatever it was right that that came enough into play that made that that 12 pole just be just diabolical um they played it I think they were saying they were hitting six irons into it Nelly flushes one back bunker uh doesn’t exactly judge or bunker shot right decides to go on the other side and and and instead of just pitching something behind the hole knowing that she probably wasn’t going to make that putt because how fast it is she tries to chip it and leave it below the hole and guess what she did it twice not get getting it onto the green rolls back into the penalty area um and just to talk briefly about Nelly quarter how you um you mentioned that you know she’s on this been on this insane run and I think uh brandle shamb actually was listening to him break down uh Nelly’s US Open runs and that she’s not really ever been a contender uh she’s really struggled with keeping the high numbers off the card like a lot of double Bogies um and just not able to uh just keep those de Bogies and and or you know save it pars at times um all this to say is that bogey avoidance uh status hasn’t been good for Nelly quter at the US Open now it’s been great other places yeah she’s she’s the best player in the women’s game but this week this this was a you know right away she probably could have taken her medicine um on that on that Chip Shot taking a six and guess what I I guarantee you she would have probably finished round even par if uh she just didn’t quite get so aggressive uh to try to make it all back and and not get too far over par and part of it too is Charlie when you when you play a really difficult golf course and you don’t know how difficult it is yet and it’s the third hole of your tournament you don’t know where the scores are going to fall and if you tell yourself all all you’ve been doing is shooting 66s and you’re so used to your score being read and the last thing you want to do is be three four over par through the first three holes you’re thinking how how I mean that is a long way to come back I mean there’s plenty of golf after that but still mentally just like rewiring your brain into hey triple Bogey’s not bad here that’s something you know that’s something that probably uh isn’t entering her brain at that point but I guarantee she’s looking back on now thinking man I wish I just would have played for a double and just you know that that would have been probably her biggest regret but um I I really think it was a really amazing amazing week week I mean uh $2.4 million paid out to the winner a really good week for for the women’s game I loved how 16 played on Sunday being driveable um you know you’d love to see Nelly uh at at like competing to try to win this thing uh also Lexi Thompson I think worth talking about her announcing her retirement as well yes um yeah I I would love to play the golf course myself um but I also like to see the men play there I thought it was that good and you see the Tweet by Billy horel that he put out um he just said that uh he was told by a top this a tweet he said he was told by a top teacher that this may be the toughest US Open course he’s ever seen men or women he’s described shots like this which is like a unated lie false fronts Fairways hardly ever with a flat Li greens with a lot of slope um yeah it’s kind of just what I talked about uh really cool really cool venue and I’ll tell you there is uh Christian and and I’m I believe his last name is haer haer is a guy who often gets his last name pronounced I hope he gives me a little bit of Grace here but uh Christian who works with the golfers Journal I believe is a member at Lancaster and all week long on his Instagram was putting out all these amazing pictures and videos of the place and I was just salivating I was like I have to to make my way to this golf course and play it because it just looked so cool but then yeah it looked like such an exacting test you know of just of course we saw play out in terms of like the actual tournament itself and and and you know Nelly on 12 things like that but just even the still images of of like man I don’t know where I hit it on this hole you know I I’m not sure where the Miss is or or you know what I’m supposed to what I’m being asked to do here so I think that’s really cool and and I think it’d be super cool to see the men go here and and and kind of to your point as well on the you know seeing a new venue it’s like you just don’t know you don’t have a reference point for what the score is going to be and you don’t have a ton of like you know research can do on how to play the course you you have your practice round of course but you can never really fully gain the information you need with in in that limit a period of time so I think that’s it’s a unique wrinkle I like that as a player because it it allowed the the veterans to not have that advantage of of knowing all the pins and and all the just years of playing a golf course how much value that is as far as just you know the different weather conditions as far as the wind goes when it gets firm when it get off that’s what’s cool about going to these uh the onetime venues that that we’ll that we play you know once or twice a year that everybody’s like all right can’t wait I I led learning golf courses that was one of my favorite parts of of being a pro is like all right what what are they asking for me here where you know where where how does my game fit on this golf course and how do I get around it what’s and more importantly what is a good score yeah yeah I I think that’s you know all all stuff that as a viewer I think translates as well just like something give me something different to look at especially if it’s a compelling and cool course like Lancaster is and on the experience piece there was like 15-year-old Amer in the running for some period of time asterisk tally so that that bore itself out it was really cool to see a lot of Amer names near the top of the leaderboard at least in the early going uh where it’s like hey you’re kind of you’re free of scar tissue you can just kind of go out there and and play try to play good golf and and uh and and certainly some of them did so it and it wasn’t too long ago too Lexi Thompson the 12-year-old was playing per right is that where we were going well that’s exactly right that’s I was going to segue there because yeah that was kind of a I guess it was interesting in hearing that announcement I’m curious for your Reflections on it it was like the most surprising unsurprising announcement I think I’ve ever heard because surprising obviously given just her her age you in a vacuum but also if you’ve been playing High leverage golf for that long I mean like you know I’m sitting here complaining about like golf trips and member guests and member member tournaments I think played to much you Pro schedule have something that resembles a tour schedule but you know can you just imagine I mean that long her her just of just having a grind and grind and grind and I think there was even some there was maybe a little bit of room left in that statement for her playing a maybe a limited schedule in certain events um at least from what I gather just in the in the the kind of the the the commentary you know after her announcement so we’ll kind of see where we see her in the future but I can completely understand why she would make that decision given you know the trajectory of her career curious to what you thought about it well I I’ve know the Thompson’s a long time I’ve known Lexi a really long time I played golf with her brother Curtis at LSU been a good friend of mine for a long time and it does surprised me I I really think that that Lexi’s been doing this like you said for for you know since she was she’s played a pro golf schedule since she was probably 15 years old pretty much um you know it’s it’s taxing and I feel like for Lexi too she she had to wear some of some really crucial big moments in the game of golf more so than any other player that I can really think of and just how taxing that may be on the mind and and body over the years even though she is 1,00% one of the most talented players to play the women’s game that that I can think of just her ability to I mean just the te to Green strength as far as how far she could hit it and accurately um I’ve played with her before and I’m like I can’t hit anything off the heel or she’s GNA out drve me and that’s serious I mean she’s absolutely hammer it um but when you just kind of talk about it it’s like I I i’ a long time I had heard that she wasn’t going to play pro golf after 30 and I was like all right wait to you know is that actually going to happen but when you kind of look at the the women’s schedule and we kind of talked a little bit about Bobby McIntyre earlier and just yes the type of schedule a DP World Tour players used to playing well well so you know you make a lot of friends along the way on the DP World Tour because you go to a lot of you go to a lot of places a lot of countries and you’re stamping that passwort quite a bit and the women compared to the men so like you said earlier we’re we primarily stay in the states and we go to play the Open Championship and now the Scottish is starting to uh it’s another event you’ll see a player or two make their way to Aussie open or the South African what whatever the open is and a lot of times it’s the guys are paid to go and play in these events but the women though they they start their year overseas they come back and play in the states for for a bit um then they go over play in Europe come back to the States and then they go finish over in Asia it’s just a it’s a a grind of a schedule and combine the travel with what it is to play pro golf for that long and and two it’s I feel like men and women are a little different in this and and I may be speaking a little out of turn on all this I don’t know what your take is on this but I I really do think Lexi wants to if if it’s get married start a family just get away from the pro game and it’s I think for a male it’s much easier to keep trying to play the game keep playing the game keep providing keep chasing the dream where it’s a little different for for women because if you’re going to start a family that’s I mean you’ve seen it with Amanda like it’s being pregnant and playing golf and and and managing your emotions out on the golf course and then also raising kids like I can’t imagine how how how these women are able to do that because I I I couldn’t well it’s I I think it’s a really interesting topic discussion and I think it’s actually I think it’s less of like a you know men versus women thing and more of just a how are you wired you know like what what are your life priorities like I think people forget that you know there there’s something we all know these players in the context of being professional athletes we fall and watch on TV it’s like no they’re also human beings too that do things outside of the sport we all see them play I think you know my my wife is you know a former divisional athlete clearly the the better uh athlete of of anyone in the family and and it’s you know very interesting to your point seeing her have to reckon with the changes in your body going from someone who is incredibly athletic to you know hey this is this takes a huge huge physical toll caring a child you know nine months you know giving birth everything on the back end of that you know know you just C-sections all sorts of things like that like that is so hard on your body and so if can’t imagine I can’t imagine and I’m not we’re not Lexi like we’re talking like she’s like she’s already starting her like this these are just conversations I’m sure she’s thinking about well down the line but that’s it she there’s been plenty of of of women’s players that have played professionally still when when they’re pregnant and have kids it’s just like how in the world it’s so incredible Heroes yeah I mean I and I I and I think yeah and this this is not this piece is not applied to Lexi cuz I don’t know what her life Ambitions are career Ambitions whatever but I think there’s a point to be made there where it’s just yeah it it’s it is it is I think it’s it’s easier in some ways as as a man to be able to you know pursue some of these career things depending on where you are as a family but I also think that you know why I kind of say it just depends on how you’re wired is I imagine some of the hesitance of American men you know to play Global tours being away from their family like if you’re wired that way and I’m not gonna like you know place I’m not gonna say this guy’s a family guy this guy’s not a family guy I’m that’s a great point but like I I can you know again like having a a child you know even in the limited travel that we’ve done you know with with this show to really kind of get meta here is like you know that’s been hard I mean you know this you’ve been on the road all the time it’s it’s hard to be away from your kids and and so it would be really really tough to be on the road all the time and I think you make a great Point too about the LPGA schedule how that is that’s a very Global tour you know with the way they kind of wind through things and go to different regions of the world go to places where a lot of their sponsors are and so I can I can totally see how that would be a grind whether or not you have Ambitions of starting a family and and if you did even harder but you know even you know if if you’ve done it since you’re 15 you’re close to 30 I can see how you’d be ready to call time on it and and and I I do think there’s something to be said for you know just the The Wire ing of an individual just like it’s it’s super cool to play a professional sport at the highest level absolutely but I think you know for a lot of human beings there’s more than that and so you just might come to a point where you say I made enough money I’m content with what I did professionally sure I could have won more but I also could have won a lot less and I’m just ready to call time on this and go pursue other things that fulfill me Beyond this game and I I’m that none of that is a projection on what I think Lexi is doing or what you know what is or is but just the larger topic I I can understand why you might arrive at a decision like that yeah and I I think one hell of a career too and what she does after the game too is uh even not playing I think she’ll still have a great impact on the game uh similar to you know I think Michelle we’s been a really good example of what what you can do once you stop playing the game anuka storm stand the same you know just being able to still impact the game um without having to Tee It Up every week and and maybe it’ll be a semi-retirement thing to where she she goes away and and and maybe comes back I don’t know um that wouldn’t surprise me but um but maybe see her play Just sparingly I think would be great as well like similar to where we see anuka play here and there but uh she’s she’s a really chill girl I mean every time in my time spending around her she’s uh great to hang with and I I think just being able to get away and um not have to just be so you know this game could drive you crazy so it’ll be probably great for her to just be able to be like you know what I can just focus on me could focus on my family focus on you know going out and having a cocktail and playing golf and enjoying the game 100% uh a really impressive career you know of the greatest Americans you know to ever play the game on the women’s side and and uh it is funny to kind of put a bow on this discussion um on the anuka piece you know the way after she put the clubs up the way she came back to playing the game was her son will falling in love with it and her going out and hitting balls with him during the pandemic saying you know what I think I miss this a little bit so I mean there’s the whole family tie and why this game is so great for a number of reasons but um man we have covered just about everything that we set out to cover and then some we made a name Allstar team how about us look at look at us who would have thought I want to leave you with one final Hope Valley member remember story because I saw something today I’m not going to list any names I I don’t think I’ve I’ll ever never see again in a golf course like rarer than a hole in one it’s the most bizarre thing of all time I saw a a teed up ball player makes back swing ball somehow starts to lean as he’s making his down swing falls off the te does not break down swing hits the ball as it’s falling off the tea like like caught it like like just rerouted made the adjustment like and and picked it was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen on the golf course and we were just like what just what just happened there very very bizarre what was a ruling this reh hit the ruling was I think it’s a re hit I’m I’m I’m going to protect the Integrity of the competition not dis close the full ruling on this podcast uh but just know that it happened and it was it was highly bizarre so I love a good Shady member member group ruling I’m just here to protect the Integrity of the competition Smiley that’s all I can say why don’t you open your books and why don’t we see what your handicap really is Charlie it’s lower than it needs to be it needs to be a lot higher I tell you what that I I can here we are saying nice things about the USGA and they’re hosting at Lancaster and excited refiners but like I got I got a few gripes on your handicap your your gen system so we we’ll get to that another time uh but no that uh a fun recap uh and man we have a cool one coming up this week Jackson kin the uh the H Haskins Award winner from Auburn who uh is a team National Champion just defeated Florida State uh you know a few days ago and you you caught up with Jackson on that and a number of other things so that’ll be in the feeds on Wednesday along with like a little brief Memorial preview man I love I love young kids man just just the innocence of their youth and it’s it’s uh I it’s cool to kind of like put yourself in their shoes you know just kind of be like all right if I was Jackson right now what would I be thinking about and it’s like they have nothing but just the world in front of them you know I think it’s the coolest thing ever they don’t have a you know they don’t have kids they don’t have all they can think about right now is just just golf baby just playing some golf and he is playing some damn good golf it’s it is I I I love that time of life I I I love the time of life we’re in now but I also missed that a lot of different ways so very cool looking forward to sharing that with you all this week um so that’s it for this pod Smiley um I say we just you know unless you have any final thoughts just wrap it up and uh thank the listeners and the viewers and we’ll be back here to talk to you all very very soon you know I listen to this podcast it’s really cool and all of our fans and subscribers but make sure you like And subscribe it’s cool to see what you guys are doing I know golf fans appreciate it but we we do too so please keep it up for all the good people YouTube like And subscribe you guys have some good takes so I’m happy to come on and and shoot the


  1. Let’s go Big Mac!!! 😂❤❤❤❤ loves this win for him and Hamilton was a true test this week! Fun course to be there and spectate! Also one I actually want to come back and play

  2. Congrats Bobby, man and what a cool course. But I think the tour can do better getting out in the world, Canada open is usually played in Ontario which is basically part of the Midwest with bagged milk

  3. Lexis game has been in the toilet. She made the choice to turn pro at 15. I wasnt surprised this is her last full season. She hasnt won a 72 hole event in 6 years. Her last win is the 2019 Shoprite LPGA and thats a 3 rounder. It looked like last year she was going to lose her card but didnt. She will be the biggest what if. I know she has 11 wins and 1 major. It could be like 15 16 wins with 3 majors. Her collaspe at San Francisco is the reason Yuka Saso got membership in 2021.

    US Open for the women was a difficult but fair test. 2 women finished under par. The fewest since Michelle Wie won at Pinehurst. She won at -2 and was the only woman to break par. Yeah Pinehurst is a good test for the men. Martin Kaymar ran away with it the year Smylie missed the cut. He won at -9 and won by 8 shots over Rickie Fowler and Erik Compton. 3 finished under par. That is how hard Pinehurst is.

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