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Stanley Cup Stage is Set | Real Kyper & Bourne Full Episode

Nick Kypreos, Justin Bourne and Sam McKee get into the Oilers breaking their Cup Final drought and share some takeaways from the weekend’s elimination games. Ken Holland reflects on his team’s path to the Stanley Cup Final and what they’ll need to beat the Panthers. Jason Gregor previews the Finals matchup and what went wrong for the Stars and Rangers in the Conference Finals.


0:00 – Weekend Recap
5:35 – Ken Holland on Edmonton’s Road to the Final
29:41 – Jason Gregor Previews the Finals


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all right here we go you guys chatting away we got a Stanley Cup Final to get ready including a Canadian city let’s talk Nick Kos Justin Bourne Samy mcke it’s the real Kipper and Bourn show fastest hour in hockey coming right up we are live on sportset 590 the fan sportset 650 in Vancouver sportset 960 in Calgary and watching on sportset 360 and sportnet sportset plus good week weekend mhm for the hockey for the hockey yes good weekend for Bobby McIntyre forget about Edmonton for a second like Sports Net that’s the first thing I thought of oh yeah sportset yeah and then we’re watching David Amber and Elliott scene setting for us they look like they gave birth last night they were so happy so happy da we got to get on this week fired up it’s Edmonton’s first Anica Final in 18 years but it’s it’s not Sports Net’s first down L Cup Final the Canadian team because the Montreal Canadians went a few years ago but that one kind of was yeah what through a pandemic I don’t even remember Panic reading the information in Wikipedia did they let people in 3,500 people were permitted when the uh Health officials denied the request to go to 10,500 so they had a few thousand at the game and if I may remind you they played an Eastern Conference team in the final things were weird yeah they played the lightning in the final so I don’t want to cheapen that Stanley Cup Final for the M Canadians as for as this is this is the first real normal Stanley Cup Final for Sports Net y yes way to go way to go sports and guess what they got to wait two years for it to start I know oh my God are they not playing Wednesday or Thursday they’re playing Saturday four letters e PN yes oh and like what does ESPN want it to start a week from now for because they’ve got um NBA I think they got a chess tournament they want to cover they got bowling they got they got programming watching The Lumberjacks Jack that Lumber is pretty F there spell they cover spelling bees don’t they they do I mean they got to get to fired a few more Caitlyn takes so they they really they got a busy week hell are we going to talk about for five nights clar I don’t know man I don’t know they’re they’re pretty rough and all Caitlyn before we get into uh Ken Holland who’s joining us here the general manager of the Stanley Cup finalist ad been is joining us here momentarily I just wanted to say uh to everybody at the RBC Canadian open this weekend that stopped me to tell them that that they loved our show it was unbelievable boys really I bet you I got stopped 50 times and I love the show that Kipper’s an idiot so handsome the one guy stopped Sammy and yelled zero FN IQ M atam which if you listen to Friday’s show you know what that means people are still listening I was blown away by how many people stopped me it was amazing so I just wanted I wanted to tell you guys that people do like our show we’re popular and and Rory’s turning into a leaf fan did you hear that I love it he’s trying to fix the leaf problems he’s talking to higher ups at MLS he wants to go to game he’s never been I’m not sure if this was on the broadcast at all cuz I was there and during a very tense moment for Mackenzie he was in the front nine the rink hole was adjacent to where we were and there was a rousing chant of Rory single so I don’t know if that came across on CVS I don’t know if anyone said anything that but they were the 13 people were greased up it was raining they had to enjoy themselves but there was arousing rough isn’t it Rory was very forthcoming with uh there’ll be changes to the leavs yeah he was pushing for him we got to get him on the show so who do you think he talked to prob Keith right I mean has to be Keith belly for sure I mean there’s the connection to the euro tour stuff that he did so oh yeah I would imagine it’s probably the DP World Tour didn’t he yeah so can’t see Brad tree living or Brenan Shanahan breaking bread with him on the weekend I mean they would they of to I’m sure unity all right as Sammy said the gentlem manager of the Edmonton Oilers will be joining us in a few minutes Ken Holland as Derrik brandale works on that also Jake The Snake Schultz and of course this hour of real Kipper brought to you by bet 365 so uh where do you want to start just in terms of the Edmonton Oilers needing six games to put away the Dallas Stars 10 shots to win a game a game where I think Conor McDavid probably summed it best in his postgame comments with Kyle saying if I’m not mistaken not our best effort buddy it doesn’t matter at this time of year right you know what I mean like they got the goals just yeah park the bus as they say in soccer in front of that and cross your fingers and they got her done so they played a couple great games against the Canucks that they didn’t end up winning like that’s how hockey goes like you sometimes you get the bounces you do and like Stu Skinner was great what did what did you see Nazi out of Dallas oh not it doesn’t matter we have someone more important than our opinion let’s welcome him in general manager of the Edmonton Oilers western conference champions now all set for the Stanley Cup Final Ken Holland uh K uh first of all congratulations on getting there and just um you know waking up and and feeling how today hi Nick yeah certainly um you know thrilled to uh be in the Stanley Cup finals but no uh there’s a a big challenge ahead here um feel real fortunate to get by Dallas they were tremendous hockey team and obviously my good friend Jim Neil was uh was the general manager and built them it was a tough conversation after the game when I uh had a short chat with the with Jimmy those are always I’ve been in those shoes before when you lose H you lose tough Series so certainly feel feel real fortunate that we’ve uh got to the sty Cup finals and excited for the opportunity Ken yeah congratulations just Echo that sentiment it’s pretty awesome um we’re excited to have a Canadian team in the final no one gets through three rounds of playoff hockey without a lot of things going well what has gone right specifically for you guys this playoff season to see you win three playoff rounds well first off I think the beauty of the Stanley Cup Tournament is it’s it’s it’s a team tournament and ultimately you need a team certainly we’re led by by Connor and Leon um but um Stu Skinner obviously last night was massive in US winning a closeout game you know I think back to ke to pick to pick stepping in um game four against Vancouver and winning game four and giv given Dustin Schwarz and Stu Skinner four or five days to kind of regroup and work on a few things and steu bounced back and the penalty killing which was uh has been a big key for us um you know I think about the series The getting a goal out from broberg and a goal from Brown and a goal from HRI and um a goal from McLoud you know you need depth scoring so you can’t win one way if you’re gonna get to the finals and and go through three rounds and ult ultimately the team that wins four rounds e need contributions from 20 and maybe 25 people and great job by Chris noblock moving people in and out and he made some massive decisions throughout these playoffs that have really positively impacted our team we’re talking to Ken Holland general manager of the Edmonton Oilers so Ken as as you’re watching the final seconds tick off the clock the first thing that pops into your mind or the first people that you thought of I I know you just mentioned Connor and you and you mentioned Leon um are those are those two guys that you think of first maybe through uh a lot of trials and tribul tribulations towards getting to this point yeah absolutely Ryan njja Hopkins you know Darnell nurse obviously the guys that have been here uh they here the longest um you know certainly anytime you win you know how exciting is for your for your fan base and the and the city I mean lots of things go through now I would say to you what was going through my head the last I think they had two great A’s the last minute uh uh Robertson walking down Main Street about 30 seconds to go and then there was a one timer with five or six seconds to go I was in the corner there with about 8 nine seconds I was kind of and all of a sudden it’s uh it’s in the slot and uh somebody let another one enti ago that just missed it so it went right down to the wire um you obviously it’s so hard you I’ve been at this so long it’s so hard to make this the Stanley Cup it’s hard to get to the final four it’s hard to get to the finals I’m just uh I’m thrilled for first and foremost obviously Connor Leon the players who have worked so hard to to get to this far and the sacrifices they make the disappointment that we went through last year um when we lost to to Vegas and you know I think the year before when we lost in the final four to Colorado you know they’ been at it two three years longer I think we kind of felt somewhat disappointed but somewhat satisfied um that we’ got to the final four last year I know that it was a massive disappointment um when we lost to uh to Vegas and I think that was a lot of fuel um for us being able to to win the west and advance to the Stanley Cup finals and uh so you know the the players ultimately who are out there on the on the ice and they’re given their all day in and day out uh starting in July and August and all the sacrifices that that need to be made to get to this point well Ken it is the players and all that but um you know you had you have a role in putting this team together and obviously there’s a lot of things that have gone right as we mentioned when you look at this team what what decisions or Acquisitions are you most proud of obviously Heyman and neck Homer great contracts the decisions to take on Perry and Kane have worked out skinners played well what do you feel uh you’ve done best to help your team get here you know patience um you know it just how hard it is you just gota I think that’s what we learned in Detroit all those years in Detroit it’s like you you know trial and error and you know you you got to keep banging away and banging away and you know that’s what we’ve you know I felt that you know it’s my fifth year here year one we needed to kind of be in a playoff hunt in March and we were a little bit better than that you you just you need to be in the big games you need to be in the big moments and you the manager needs to learn from those moments and the coach needs to learn and the players need to learn and then you make some tweaks and and you keep banging away and sometimes you’re close but you know the bounces don’t go your way and sometimes you’re not quite good enough and you got to you got to make some tweaks and you know I think about the job Peter Shelli did before I got here and the drafting of buard and the drafting of of of uh Skinner and the drafting of McLoud and and and and you know you know that’s that’s you’re down to minute margins and you know that’s why I get back to it’s 2025 certainly there’s you know there your key people but you just need so many contributions maybe under the radar contributions from so many different people on the ice and off the ice um to be able to um make the playoffs and then and then and then uh be able to advance so now we’re obviously down to two teams Florida and us they they’re doing the same thing on their side that we’ve been able to do on our side and two weeks from now someone’s going to be uh high high high and someone’s going to be low low low and uh both teams are battle tested so it really shapes up to be a a tremendous playoff series tremendous s Cup Final Ken can you can you just talk and again I don’t know if uh yeah you can kind of underestimate what a tough decision it is for any general manager to change a coach midseason um and just the noblock impact and and Paul coffee coming in is there one thing that stands out above all on on what that impact had on this Hockey Club well certainly that was a key point in time in turning around and and certainly Jeff Jackson deserves a lot of the credit most of the credit in that decision uh I had interviewed Chris noblock four or five years ago for the B for the Grand Rapids job Ryan Martin had got down to the we were looking for a coach in uh Grand Rapids and actually it’s funny we got down two of the three finalists one one was Mike Sullivan and one was uh was was was was Chris noblock so I’ve sort of followed his career and you know as we as we got out of the gate and I don’t know we were two six and one and two7 and one and 2 eight and one and you know Jeff and I were talking a lot and you know you want to be patient you want to be patient and certainly believe the team would turn around and ultimately decision had to be made and and uh Jeff knew with you know Conor had played you know he knew he knew a lot about Chris noblock because he had you know had players that had played for him and Erie um and timately came eventually came to the decision that we needed to make a coaching change um and you know when Chris came in the team responded to him um we had a good team you know we had 108 points the year before we’ gone to the second round we were just a bad place um and certainly Chris nolock and Paul coffee came in and we we got it I think we had what the best winning percentage in the league from the time that Chris Chris came in with Paul coffee and um Team responded um and certainly those two those two people um along with it you know I think of the job Mark Stewart’s done with the penalty killing you know Gully um with the power play Dustin Schwarz with you know you got to have a good coaching staff and certainly Chris noblock and Paul coffee have the turnaround really began at that point in time and our coaching staff uh have had a a Major Impact in in in us being able to advance the stle Cup finals so when you look ahead to those finals every matchup uh is is different uh different strengths uh for different teams and so teams tend to play differently when you look ahead to Florida is there any alterations you guys plan to make to your lineup or in the way you play to handle the Panthers well I think what usually happens is you know you go into game one and then you play the game and when the game’s over that’s when the adjustments start even me obviously there’s going to be video we’re doing video they’re doing video you’re going to have a game plan but you don’t really know until you get on the same ice surface and you play a game and then you you know you kind of get an idea on how things uh things look obviously again like they’re battle tested they went to the Stanley Cup finals last year they’re disappointed they’re motivated um you know we’re disappointed we lost to Vegas last year you know but we’re we went to the final four both teams are battle tested um you know so I I think it’s got the makings of a of a tremendous series a long series the tough series certainly they they’re they’re big they’re physical uh they’re hard they’re heavy they got great goal tending they’re deep um when you go to the finals two years in a row you got to have all those things you can’t fluke it in this league it it’s it’s it’s it’s wellb built bill done a tremendous job they’re well coached by Paul Maurice so um we know that we’re we’re facing uh a tremendous hockey team uh we we we believe that we’re a tremendous hockey team uh we’re excited for the opportunity you know I’ve been fortunate to been in this situation a few times uh four times on the winning side two times on the losing side um in the Stanley Cup finals you know it’s you got two great teams going at it and uh it’s should has the makings of a hell a series and uh who knows I like I said I think the adjustments start after game one you go into the game one here and we’re we’re both going to play and then and then from then on you start having adjustments and matchups and and different things so uh excited for this week to prepare excited to get down to Florida and get going on Saturday Ken one more before I let you go are you guys cursing ESPN as much as we are for the the delay till Saturday or are you okay with that well I think the NBA plays Thursday so you know you can’t play th you know they kind of got set TV decides all that obviously so uh you know you know what both it’s it’s the same I think they won the night before we won last night so they won Saturday we won Sunday so both teams are going to have a good break both teams are going to be fresh healthy rested you know one team hasn’t had you know one day is not a big difference so uh uh you know we’re we’re excited we’re going to we’re prac get today off practice a couple of days flight down there on Thursday and you know y Friday’s always a busy day the day before there’ll be hundreds of media down there and get everything out of the way and then let’s play Saturday get excited to get going well we’re excited for you and we can’t wait uh hey thanks for doing this if by chance you win a cup and you want to stop by at rosale golf course again I’m happy to entertain you again if you bring the cup if you bring the cup he says the last time I saw you yeah I think so thanks Ken that’s funny okay thanks guys Ken appreciate it good luck I don’t know who was in our forsome it was me I invited Ken Holland Doug Armstrong and uh rafh and Nadal no no no ra Nadal was still the weirdest player You’ ever golf with um and someone else really important but I can’t remember who it was and who else you’re you’re just greasing the wheels eh getting all those Scoops they love the no scoops that’s Elliot Elliot Elliott followed us in the bushes trying to get Scoops one of those yeah microphones he’s holding up that’s great well um I mean exciting times Ken seems pretty pretty practical about what it’s going to take that Florida Panthers team is a good team I think the one good thing I think for for Edmonton is Connor and and Leon kind of Drew that Line in the Sand a while ago when they said Stanley cuper bust and there’s there’s just there’s no room to be complacent to get to a final for them well and that’s how you end firing a coach so early is that it just can’t keep going on like this you know because those the expectations but I saw a clip I think sportset played it of McDavid last year when they lose saying you know you kind of look at the history of hock hockey and sometimes you got to Lose to Win right you got to go through some of this sort of stuff and you know they’ve been there unfortunately the team they’re going to play has also lost to win so this boys this is going to be a series yeah I got some heat for saying this is the best Stanley Cup Final that the NHL could produce on Twitter it is the best Florida is I would say universally the best you everyone agrees that this season Florida was the best team in the NHL I know the Rangers won the President’s trophy but Florida was the best team so were they not we were raving on Florida all season long all season long this show our show yeah we had put Florida as a complete team that could almost play any way win in any era at any time like they they looked old school they looked new school they they had everything you want should that is awesome as he mentioned the Oilers the best team since the coaching higher in the whole leag they got the best player in the world dry sidles right there in the top handful no it’s set up it’s this is as good as we could do as a league I think you know one of the things we kind of talked about with the Stars is that like the guys in their primy Prime right like I think I think well no you think about I guess it’s hints that would be like in his super Prime but Robertson’s still pretty young all their guys are young they have older guys tot they missed it yeah I’m a big believer in at your Oilers have dry CID and McDavid their Prime of primes and on the other side you have kachuck and barov in their Prime of primes yeah but like they have those like the two it’s to me it’s set up to be Dallas’s veterans just do it over and over couldn’t get the job done they’re just a little bit they’re just a little bit too far gone yeah you know say again Ben p ski they couldn’t get it done they’re young players you’re looking at the young guys to do it hard but they’re they’re they’re not ripe they’re still green yeah so they got caught yeah for sure and they were great they put in they put in that Maverick Bor last night too and which is a bit of a desperation move but I thought he actually had a bit had a couple moments where he’s noticeable number 22 I’m it’s like okay but like that’s the point they were at with even trying even more young guys but can I ask you a question before we get to game time this is a hot debate amongst you know the the internet about the Oilers and being Canada’s team and people throwing themselves by where do you guys St I it’s more of a fan question maybe you guys don’t care but like no it’s it’s a worthwhile question do you guys like how do you think people outside of Edmonton should feel about this because I’m feeling that it’s not Canada te how about new I know know how D I feel I don’t know uh I don’t know what the ratings are but I do know that that Toronto and Boston game seven in the first round I don’t know what that number was but it was go up near four or five million yeah I don’t think we’ve had a Stanley Cup Final anywhere near that in the last few years and I don’t know what Edmonton will bring but it’s hard to get to that number without the support of the province of Ontario and more specifically the Toronto belief audience I will say this that number is huge and if they’re not on board it’s hard and and Zack Heyman did you hear him after the game what’ he say about Canada’s team I don’t know if Toronto feels that same way yeah like that’s that’s what decides from here I hate to say it but that’s what decides if it’s Canada’s team or not but you know what I watched that uh Amanda Bellis is it from the Golf Channel she uh she held up a Matthew sweater at the uh the the rink hole and a McDavid sweater and that McDavid sweater blew the place up they were chanting go Oilers go L I hope they watch onio I didn’t see that the massive pop for the Oilers Jersey I hope they watch okay I hope they watch I hope Ontario watches and they get behind I think they’re way more interested than they would be in Dallas that number should climb to 5 7even 10 million No it should it would be automat for the leavs if the Leafs got to a stand a final that number could be over that’s all that is but but my point is that if if they’re fans they’re watching still I think yeah I I think McDavid alone is enough to generate national attention you mentioned that you are more in support of the Oilers than maybe another Canadian team because you want to see McDavid get his that’s I think that’s what it comes down to like I think there’s two separate conversations between one where sure more people may be watching because it’s a Canadian team and McDavid and dry cidal and Bard and like the whole story but I don’t think more people may be rooting for them I think it’s watching them and watching and rooting are two completely different things if you didn’t do this show would you be watching Oilers yeah yes I’d watch this if to ask me Dallas but you don’t but but your first instinct is you want the Toronto map Leafs to win the Stanley Cup first you don’t want Edmonton to win it correct there’s nothing I care say I would say there’s probably 75% of samies out there in Ontario yeah now the qu they don’t have a show so you know they don’t necessarily have to watch but it’s relevant for Lea’s fans because you’re going to have to hear about this this is you know like you’re it’s going to get your attention because it might come up do you want to hear my honest opinion that might get the oers fans here we go I think there’s a much better chance for Conor McDavid to play for the Leafs if he wins the cup so what are we doing I do I mean if you want the least perspective Friday is off the rails to take our show you think if you accomplish with the team you’re drafted by apologize to our audience you accomplish that right where you’re like I’ve accomplish this we’ve won the cup yeah and now I can go home and conquer the next thing at home holy Mac whether you’re right or wrong I don’t want to have that going yeah I’m not touching it either you’re on your own on that one you’re on your that’s not for today good drop good drop but anyways I I hope I hope the country does rally around it yeah and I hope people here in Ontario rally around it because they’re the they’re the numbers that really drive it for sportset and 30 years since Canada’s had a cup can we get one but yeah Conor deserves it I had to plug my nose and say you know Oiler fans you can have it but like at the end of the day he needs to get a cup he deserves a cup he’s one of the best players in the history of the game he deserves it so how about last night they need a performance out of him and he comes in I cannot believe that goal he scor that’s something that’s like a Thursday Thursday night tho heis skinin was in an absolute blender like I mean that’s the equivalent of getting dunked on in the NBA I don’t know if you saw Anthony patrelli put out a tweet about this where Chris tanv was in the box and he’s on the right side and it’s just like the fine margins Anthony and I were texting about this because I was like that’s not handedness that’s just a guy getting cooked but I mean there’s something to it sure I mean tan probably would have got walked on that tow drag let’s go to Leon dry saddle on oh yeah the Conor goal yeah um Leon you’ve seen Connor do a lot of moves before have you ever seen that one and Connor can you just after Leon’s done just take us through the goal and what was going through your mind there uh yeah it was nice seen it before but nice like any want have you been watching scored 64 times last year that that’s just such a team yeah it’s nice I play with Conor McDavid dude I see a lot of nice ones good on Z for asking it but typical typical should getting game time so we have a guest yeah I’ll get uh game time going here it’s game time presented by bet 365 visit the app Fest dods and find out uh why it’s never ordinary at bet 365 must be 19 plus Ontario only please play responsibly now I have to go way ahead here to look at what’s happening with the Stanley Cup Final uh as I’m trying to pull this up here and it’s not coming up maybe because it’s too far in the future but oh no here we go who do you think is the favorite and what do you think the um the line is boring I’ll start with you I it’s the Panthers are favored and they like minus 120 H you are very close to correct it is the Florida Panthers are favored they are minus 130 and the Edmonton Oilers are plus 110 to win the Stanley Cup the uh con Smite that we’ve got to this point the K’s my favorite I think it’s pretty easy to Guess Who that would be goie Bob nope Conor mcdavis the favorite oh at plus 210 barov next at plus 400 Sergey boski as well at plus 400 kachuck dry sidal Evan buard vagy and then it goes all the way up after that so uh if you want zachman hman you can still get him at 80 to1 Matthew kachuck is plus 600 so that’s where we’re at heading into the finals this weekend you see is 8 to one or plus 600 Forman though Hyman is 80 one wow that’s what’s he need like five goals to set a new record I mean there’s a world but like I said to you guys last week 19 Reggie Leech 12 or something like that how about the shot he made last night I mean the McDavid fake drop that makes the space is nasty but Heyman ding that’s the reason Heyman will never win it because mdav exist McDavid is going to be bouncing them off of him for him to get there and it’s just going to be McDavid coach chippy has a great video of heyman’s I met I met I at the at the party on at the Jay’s party ni he said how you flowing boys that’s how he introduced himself there you go that’s exp anything different anyways uh that was Game Time presented by bet 365 visit the APPL and find out why it’s never ordinary at bet 365 must be 19 plus Ontario only please play responsibly all right let’s take a quick break Jason Gregor host of the Jason Gregor show on Sports night 1440 in Edmonton we’ll join us we’ll get a A vibe out of him and if the Oilers have a chance or not oh they got a chance oh that’s all just give me a chance just give me a a chance give me a chance that more when we return real Kipper and Bourne Nick kiios Justin Bourne Sammy mcke Kipper and borne fastest hour in hockey Jason Gregor uh who’s just sobering up I wish how are you hey I’m good I’m good yeah there’s there’s a few people that are probably hung over yeah I think so and and apparently there’s plenty of time to dry out between now and Saturday so uh uh any chance that between last night and and Saturday night there’s complacency falling into place here for a Stanley Cup Final or do we go back to Connor and leyon saying Stanley cuper bust no I I think it’s you know both teams have basically the same time right the the one day extra for for the Panthers so no I think you got two teams you many players have waited their whole career for this you want to get to a Stanley Cup Final the Panthers went their loss last year the orders have been building for this for a few seasons uh I don’t expect complacency at all will the first period be maybe a little bit Rusty possibly but once this series gets going guys I think I think it’s going to be a hell of a series honestly it’s uh Florida offers a much different check challenge that Emon faced but Emon offers a challenge that Florida hasn’t faced because they haven’t faced McDavid or dry we’ll dig more into the Edmonton Florida Series in a minute here I know there’s certainly two teams that the fancy numbers really like uh but just want you to reflect for a second on the Edmonton Dallas series and what to you were the main stories from that Western Conference Victory well special teams was crucial right that you don’t give up a power play goal the entire series Dallas is over for 14 and and not just 0 for 14 guys like there were power plays where they could barely get the puck in the zone and and last night they almost tried overp passing they looked a little hesitant and you know I thought Leon dry setle said it very well about his penalty Killers he goes they did something that’s hard to do they controlled the rhythm of the power play and I Dallas just never looked really in sync in in this series at all on the man Advantage um I thought steuart Skinner U you know the last three games like the orders after going down two nothing in the first 5 minutes of game four in the last 175 minutes they outscored Dallas 10 to2 like they didn’t they didn’t fall their way into this series they really dominated um and emont you know Chris noblock he pushed a lot of buttons he made lots of changes to his roster and they all worked right he brings in broberg scores a goal right sits out mlau then brings it back in he scores a goal Cory Perry sit out five games comes in gets an assist on that goal so you know lots of uh the decision the coach made worked so what do we think here that Edmonton can turn this into another Power Play Special team situation we know Dallas couldn’t get it going we know Edmonton couldn’t uh couldn’t do anything wrong here is there a chance that uh you know Edmonton can use that momentum in this Stanley Cup Final against the Panthers well I would think so what’s interesting is Edmonton didn’t have there was no Power Play Goals in the first four games right Emon didn’t score then they went four for five in games five and six that was the difference and they ended up being 36% in the series Dallas was very disciplined they didn’t take many penalties guys like six penalties through the first four games like and you know and I think a few of those were Puck over the glass and and uh too many men on the ice penalty so not a lot of actual infractions that they did now Florida’s a different Beast they’re physical they take penalties just because that’s how they play so I’m curious like if you go back and look at the Stanley Cup last year what did they lose on Vegas scored six Power Play Goals Florida had one so I don’t think they want to get into a game where we’ll go power play for power play because emont ultimately is better like they’ve had the best power play for five years in the league I it’s I’d be stunned like look at the last series we thought oh four games Dallas is doing pretty good and then game five and six they’re 80% on the power play and that wins them both games so I really think that you know Florida’s going to play disciplined but they’re also they you you can’t change Nick you would know this you get to the Stanley Cup Final it’s not like well gez guys we’ve been physical the whole way but now we can’t like I don’t see how they can’t I they’re just going to have to play physical within the rules fun fact uh Dallas was the least penalized team in the NHL this year Florida the most um almost double the the Dallas star so there’s going to be a different type of energy uh I’m going to guess in those games so will be should play into the Oilers hands one of the things that has to go well when you kill penalties is your goenda misses a couple games in the playoffs comes back and he’s been excellent since how much of it do you say Stu Skinner’s been excellent or how much is that this defense has protected him a little better and given him a chance to have success well I I think well last game they sure didn’t uh you know Stuart’s was Unreal he stole them that game no question just like he did in round one against La when they got a shot 3313 and he shut out the Kings one nothing um Stuart Skinner you know what he he’s real big into to mental coaching he works a lot on the mental game uh he wasn’t playing up to his standards in that Vancouver series they sit him out for two games he comes back and he’s six and2 since he’s got like a 1 n or 1 181 goals against and a say percentage I think a 920 or 919 and he’s just looked really calm amonton is a good defensive team make no mistake about it they were if you here’s all the stats in the regular season where because I think when everybody thinks emont they still think McDavid and dry settle as they should but these are the categories where the orders were top five defensively in the regular season they were third in high danger chances against they were second in expected goals they were first in in slot shots against fourth in inner slot shots fourth in Rush chances uh uh fifth in chances off the cycle like they were good and they’ve been that way in the playoffs but when they did falter against Dallas especially the last three games which wasn’t a lot but when they did Skinner stood up and he played well so I’ll say It’s a combination of uh Skinner has played his game very well but also the orders are continuing to be a pretty solid defensive team Jason I’m sure everybody’s on the outside’s thinking that the focus is to shut down Conor or or Leon but Evan buard is now the fastest defenseman in history uh outside of Bobby Orton uh teammate of mine Brian leech to 50 points here and um maybe the focus should be on shutting this guy down well buard has really elevated his play I think in this playoffs I I think ever since like he had the benefit a few years ago of getting to play with dunan Keith now he since they they acquired Matias at colan so because Bard’s only his third year in the league guys like playing defense is hard and you know what mostly offensive guys they’re going to struggle a little bit at times but I really feel buard as good as his offensive numbers Bean his overall defensive game has really been to me the biggest Improvement he’s always been a good offensive player he had 80 points in the regular season um you know what he’s a really good facilitator on their power play he knows when to Dish it and he knows when to unleash his shot and he’s got a really good shot um his his best asset is moving the puck quickly out of the zone and so this is going to be a real test for him because Dallas wasn’t physical and Vancouver’s biggest physical came more from their defense whereas Florida’s physicality comes from their Wingers so I look at Bennett kachuck you know those guys I think they’re going to if you’re Florida you have to try to pinpoint buard the problem is he’s very good under pressure so you’re right he has to be a focal point because he’s the guy who moves the puck up and then gets it on the stick of dry sule McDavid and then they’re Ultra dangerous but you know and they kind of you know they play McDavid with buard a lot and why shouldn’t you he’s your best offensive defenseman playing with your best offensive player it makes sense so you know when the the Oilers have fallen short in the past people had talked about obviously defense and goal attending all the things that come up every time you fall short but they’ve also talk talked about depth scoring which it feels like they’ve gotten a little bit more of tell us a bit about everyone’s talking about McDavid and dry Sidle and Skinner tell us about the depth of O the Oilers forwards SC and their group and how they’ve done well I actually argued at the start of the series because everybody was talking about Dallas’s depth and I’m like okay yeah but depth sometimes can be a plight way of saying we don’t have topend talent right and um you know the orders have topend talent and so when you you your top end Talent needs to be good which the orders are but they’re depth guys Matias Yanmar huge short-handed goal on a play from Connor Brown uh Ryan McLoud comes out of the Press box scores Philip brober and you know scored in his second playoff game this year a huge goal in Dallas to now it was a third goal in the game but that just gives you a lot more breathing room where they hadn’t been able to get that three-goal lead um Adam Henrik a guy who who missed most of the Vancouver series but this is like a seven time 20 goal scorer guys scored 24 goals this year and he like the more I watch Henri every game cuz I haven’t seen him a ton God he really impresses me he’s very good in faceoffs and he is ultra smart like he’s not the fastest guy but his brain allows him to take the angles to plays and so yeah their depth is is way like Warren fogal scored 21 goals this season guys he didn’t even get in the lineup the last three games right like Sam Carrick when he comes in like I’ll be curious Chris noblock has has been able to push the right buttons and he looks for matchups on who he wants in at certain times and I look at Sam Carrick and I won’t be surprised if we see him over Derrick Ryan at times in the series because of you know trying to match that physicality of Florida and you got to wear him down and that carrick’s better at that Ryan has better Assets in you know moving the puck and creating offense you know and and winning some face offs but you know Sam Carrick brings you a different element so um their depth guys have all shown up without question and like not with huge amount of goals but just with some timely goals we’re talking to Jason Gregor host of the Jason Gregor show on sports 1440 in Edmonton so Jason we know what we’re going to get out of Bennett and kachuk and and their ability to go out there and you know just grind your gears so where does that put the emphasis on other players on Edmonton not to go chasing anything but where does Evander Kane come into play here oh I Nick I think it’s huge like in 2022 when the ERS beat the Flames Kane kind of neutered kachuck in that series if you go back and watch it right they uh da Tipp it at the time basically it’s it was one of those rare you know Winger on- Wier matchups and he he switched Kane’s line and put Kane out against them more and kachuck after game one did very little in that series now Kane’s banged up I’m not sure if you guys noticed last night he basically was on the bench but didn’t play you know he played two minutes in the first period And I took a few shifts in the second but he he kind of looked like he wrecked his ankle when he went to hit petravic uh in that first period but I think Kane’s a huge part of this game not necessarily gonna score a ton of points for you obviously it’d be nice but they’re going to need him and Dylan Holloway to try to match some of the physicality of Florida and and then stay within you know composure and and not take penalties you don’t want to run around on them because you know like kachuck is unbelievable at pissing people off like it’s an art it’s an art and he’s very skilled of course but it’s an art of how he can just suddenly like he gets David freaking Pastak to agree before he goes to the bench we’re going to fight next time past comes off the bench I’m like the hell is going on here like I loved it don’t get me wrong but that’s how much he can really get under guy skin so the orders you know what like he’s smart he’s not gonna fight Evander Kane but you know what he will try to get the other guys Newen Hopkins dry subtle McDavid you know he’s gonna stick him at every time buard I think for sure he’s going to try to scrum up buard as much as he can and so yeah the orders they’re going to have to stay composed and that’s what I’m G to love the gamesmanship of this series because I think we’re going to see a lot of it yeah Chuck is like Hannibal lecor getting someone to swallow their own tongue just complet words alone make them completely lose thank you that’s who he is to me he’s Han ofal Lector they should reel him out in that gurnie thing to start the the games um on a less psychotic note um give us a A vibe check in Edmonton we we’re fans at the the team it just watching the images last night got got to be pretty good feeling these days you know it’s it’s been a while like I i’ obviously this would be my second Stanley Cup covering it you know for a team that you’re in the city and you know it was way back 18 years ago and it’s funny how much has changed like there’s really no social media back then right so now you see everything but I I like the orders when they won a series lot in 2006 they went to like the bar on white ab and and you know had had a party last night the orders had to go you know they had a private uh function at a player’s house because it’s just a different time now like you you can’t really go out and and it’s kind of too bad because I think you know just for fans to get to you know hey congratulations you know it’s kind good but you can’t really do that now because people go overboard and you got to video everything so you know they don’t want that but um the the city itself it’s obviously a hockey mad market like it would be in any Canadian city for sure um emt’s pretty blue collar you know you’ve got everybody painted up or you know people are flags all over their cars and and now it’s the Stanley Cup finals you got a week to to plan for it how I always say is this in the playoffs is you have your Die Hard fans and this is their reward for being die hards they watch every game in December and January and whatever but now you have kind of like the the B and C Level fans who maybe watch 10 games and some who never watch any but all of a sudden it’s the playoffs and now they’re planning parties you know you got neighborhood watch parties what do we have for food and it’s just everywhere like you you see it like I I coach uh my my son’s ball hockey team they’re 10 years of age so none of them were around in 2006 and you know we had a game on Saturday and all they’re talking about in the game is like what do you think the orders game is going to be like they’re 10 years old they’re right at that age where you can really kind of CH you know kind of chew on the bone of being a fan and have memories of it and remember it for years later so you know 18 years ago like think about it you would had people 18 years ago guys that were probably if they’re 20 to 30 they’re out partying and boozing you know they’re hung over the next day now they’re parents and maybe they’re watching their kids do it and now they’re at home and you know enjoying it with their family so it’s completely different for some fans and that’s what makes it fun like you know you know because you never know when it’s going to be again like let’s be honest here there’s no guarantee a team gets to a Stanley Cup Final and never mind win obviously the orders haven’t won since 90 and Panthers have never won so you know there’s going to be a lot of nervousness but the city itself is everywhere you go it’s you know everybody’s talking about it the football and the baseball team have games scheduled Saturday at at late they’ve changed them so their start times are one o’clock because you just can’t compete right you can’t comp with the NHL team at six just a bunch of parents with Fernando Pani tattoos rooting on their team oh there was quite a few of those for sure yeah maybe some uh some ill-advised Chris Pronger ones they might have gotten taken off yeah right I think I wore the same t-shirt in 2006 thanks Jason really appreciate your time man have fun covering this uh Stanley Cup Final anytime guys have a great day yeah you bet great stuff Jason Gregor you know it’s such a good point 18 long years for the Leafs I mean for the Oilers to make it the time last time the Leafs made it my dad was 12 I it does though speak to a a generation they say I think the Agee that like somewhere between 8 and 12 if you’re a fan of a team at that time and they have success and you’re in like you’re hooked for life there are Generations here where that hasn’t happened so good for the Oilers to have another crop of kids hooked yeah few Generations few Generations you know I it what it comes down to and I hate to admit this and I shouldn’t even say this for my leaf fans it’s just jealousy I’m just jealous as hell what they have like I see their I see and it’s and it’s not Toronto it’s a smaller City it’s just only show in town is the Oilers like they have the Elks they have like the baseball team that he’s talking about the minor league team they have stuff but it’s the only show in town I’m jealous of yeah it’s good it’s good you should be jealous I wish I got a neighbor wouldn’t give can you imagine what we would be doing right now at the least one a game six go the Stanley Cup one hour show now did you hear uh Tyler say again who won by the way Stanley Cup when he was an embryo yes yeah and it’s last night I think you know to paraphrase him uh it’s hard hockey’s hard hockey’s hard tough game it is hard playoffs are beast and it’s so hard and stars have to like line up you know you talk about it being like a smaller sample size in the regular season but just think of how long this Oilers thing’s gone on right like they their starting Goldie was lost and in the wilderness and everybody threw him aside and he came back and he’s been great you know potential it’s one playoffs where it’s not not a small sample size anymore right like it’s just it’s such a grind how many games of hockey you have to play 25 playoff games or whatever to win a cup it’s a lot of hockey so I think last night Sports Net tweeted that it’s the the longest distance between two cities now in the St ever yeah Boston Vancouver was the previous distance and what’s how far is that quite far it’s a little bit less this is a little bit less yeah like it’s it’s still it was over 4,000 but it’s it’s just a little bit loud what happens if like the pilot takes a little wider turn to Rack it up but it is by latitude longitude latitude the biggest difference David Suzuki this is a geography show gosh wow they’re far apart guys what else do you want to [Applause] know latitude and longitude well I’m trying to negate your AR about a long okay well it’s far yes we know it’s far quite far all right let’s listen to some clips shall we yeah which one you you want you want to listen to McDavid talked to to uhh to Kyle yes it’s about a minute and a half or a little less than a minute and a half it’s a great interview Chris thank you Connor you are headed to the Stanley Cup Final uh how would you describe that reality yeah it feels like a dream honestly um it was a crazy one tonight not our best effort but uh we hung in there um found a way to get a win um still was great everybody played great um just hung in there how did yeah well how did you hang on in the third I’m not sure it wasn’t pretty but uh we got to know this building I mean what four minutes left we on their feet what do you think of all this when the horn went off that’s a lot ofest I’ve ever heard it um special place to play honestly so much history these fans um it was great to hear their sport first period you were shot out of a cannon how would you describe your determination to in this series tonight and we wanted to get it done obviously um you know a great opportunity here on home ICE I thought our first was uh was good wish we played a little bit better the rest of the 40 but um like I said we hung in there we got it done everybody deserves it what do you think about Stuart Skinner in the performance he put yeah I can’t say can’t say enough good things you know a lot of people doubt him a lot of people say things about him um but he’s done nothing but stand in there for us and Stand Tall um so happy for him honor congratulations thanks lot so there was a like this is now when you’re the number one player in the world basically that he knows they got away with something a little bit here oh he’s like yeah we wer the best they play can they beat Florida with not their best effort no yeah no so he knows there’s some work to do now they they did in game five they can win all right we’re going to get more into that as the week progresses stick with us lot of time to break it down boys lot of time on the real Ki and born show we’re not going away all week we’ll get you ready we’ll see you tomorrow on the real Ki and born show [Music]


  1. I think much of the countries hockey fans are more open to supporting whichever Canadian team that makes it to the cup than in previous years. I think we'll see fans uniting in hopes for an Oilers win. And really, why wouldn't anyone? Anyone a fan cheers for is because they choose to, no fan owns a player or team, we are just living vicariously through the players efforts.

  2. I don't see Edmonton beating Florida unless McDavo and Drai stay hot and Skinner keeps playing well. Not an Oiler hater, but the only team i want to see win the cup, is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Canadian team or not, that's irrelevant to me.

  3. I bet it’s killing y’all toronto fans deep inside that the Oilers are in the final just like when MTL made it 😂

  4. Good Lord. You’re telling me that Maple Leafs fans are THAT small and THAT petty? Funny that a fan base that clearly likes to think of the Maple Leafs as Canada’s team is so far up their own asses that they don’t realize the rest of Canada would much rather the Oilers win than the Leafs lol. And that’s coming from a salty Canucks fan. Get over yourselves boys.

  5. The McDavid sweater got the positive outpouring over the 34 because one McDavid is the best player in the world, he's led his team to some playoff success. Matthews isn't close to McDavids stature. Until Matthews has anything resembling playoff success he'll always find himself an also ran, Rockets are nice but they don't matter.

  6. Great show! I really liked Sammy's point about McDavid being more likely to join the leafs if he wins the cup in edm. Imagine the legacy he would have if he not only brings the cup home to Canada but then ends the leafs drought and brings it to Toronto. That could be the one thing that puts him #2 all time. If he wins 3 straight like that it would be legendary.

  7. Florida will lose , due to penalties their style will create powerplay oppurtunities for the Oilers . Depth advamtage oilers its what got them to the final.

  8. All Canadians, after long waiting, are excited of Canadian team reaching the final. Congrats!

    Buy you gyus sound a bit desperate to win. In all you speeches.

    The pressure on Connor and Leon is huge, all eyes and expectations are on them. Either they are heroes or zeroes.

    Depending on the result.

    Leafs have a long way to get even near to win the Cup. They dont have the players good enough to do that. Unless they can hire Connor.

    That can change the mood. Lets hope that could happen.

    But my guess is that Panthers win in 6. Sorry gyus.

  9. As a canadian im torn, i want florida to win because their so great and id love to see so much of that team get it done. But i also think mcdavid, hyman, draisitle, hopkins deserves it..

  10. The week break, the fact that there has been three great rounds already, and most of all, summer kicking in, results in a lot of people tuning out.

  11. You fans don't remember precap era, watching jets and Nordiques leave for the US. Oilers almost going to Houston. They don't remember 60 cents on the dollar paying players in American dollars. Canadian teams trying to compete with American Billionaires. Old Timers we cheer for all Canadian teams for the cup. Young people, I don't think so, internet is very toxic, they don't remember how the cap basically saved NHL in Canada. So they don't understand how important economically playoff runs are to the teams.

  12. in game six they had 10 shots on net and really the only offence was 2 power plays. They better get ready for Florida's onslaught. I'm in the Oiler camp but man Panthers look pretty strong.

  13. You bet I'm watching the Oilers, as a Leafs fan.

    And you bet McDavid will stay as an Oiler, even if he wins the Cup. One Cup will not be enough for him; he'll want to at least come close to replicating the Gretzky era before he leaves.

    Finally, why the hell are we doing this to ourselves again? We don't need any more high-priced high-powered high-scoring forwards in Toronto; we've got enough of them. And for those thinking he'll change Toronto for the better, at the salary he'd be asking, Toronto will likely change him for the worse.

  14. "People do like our show, we're popular!" 03:18
    Um..Youre on a major network. But make no mistake, you are completely interchangable, my guy.

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