Big Wedge Golf, Zerkaa, Calfreezy, Callux & Randolph try to break Par in this Texas Scramble Team Golf Challenge.

Filmed at The Grove, always in unreal condition all year around

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let’s see how you do Fu this [ __ ] I got problems on problems problems on problem on problems on problems are my brother through the money be call myess fall is back me I’m I’m going that’s why right today we are a fourman scramble and we have six holes to try our best at breaking par let’s get it can we do it break it how about I set the scene I set the scene guys ready yeah all right you want me to go last no no no you go first now he’s teed up he’s said go on then he keeps telling me he’s gonna cut the corner off mixes I’m mixing I know I’ve been missing I needed some personal time bches Dimensions I don’t with your digits I mean it I’m staying ins sh [ __ ] I got what he can’t even do there there’s no G he can’t even do this it was playing off the kids teas all right Lux is going to cut the corner here me out the I can see bottom I can see it at the bottom as well all right guys let’s play the real golf oh is that I lost it that’s going to carry though that’s going to be good he’s he is my faithful man he’s so good I don’t know you know I think that’s in the woods well you be worried then cuz you got me I think that’s good you got me as long as Randy does his Ry new draw yep that’s not good boy I don’t think we have a a d boys we’re we’re two two shots this is wild wait why you do that can I can I I know this is what I say why have you done me Andy guys guys don’t say anything I’ll go at the end on The Fairway it’s on The Fairway it’s on The Fairway oh [ __ ] no okay all right all right cut the corner Randy no no way cut the corner oh that’s actually so I mean it’s the old Randy but it’s the Randy we love I no idea where that went down literally down the middle in between the two trees all right all right cool really remember let the driver get the distance this one leaning tower of Josh’s team it I really like that one that was really good I wish more people heard that leaning tower of Josh’s tea oh they have heard it yeah leaning tower of my’s mouth I like that this is we’re a team we are a team we’re a team come on boys come on is the penalty shootout yes oh my God what a drive what’s the drive that tree what Josh oh it’s there we might we might be able to use that Josh gentleman’s game gentleman’s game this is your love the love the Cabbage the Cabbage give me all right boys to the next one look at that no way I’ll take one of those break we’re break boys oh my let me walk back a million yards to get mine then wow freezy let’s go come on boys we’re going to [ __ ] go under woo W nah don’t get me too excited boy you my friend oh that’s sick different gravy this is where I come and I just [ __ ] it all right boys we got to go we got to bir this hey I think we might even do better straight in from here yeah oh money yeah that’s why I like you yeah y y all right it’s okay boys we can definitely do better though back and forward up and down a bit more right here brother let’s go in the hole yes oh yes Lux I like it you got freezy I love that what you use 52 56 and a 54 I don’t know what do you have two and 56 56 for you brother can you [ __ ] up cuz then if I [ __ ] up I feel less bad yeah sure get this inside me baby yeah I couldn’t help but laugh at you saying put this inside me thanks appreciate it where’s the going no you said any more right I did Vos all right Lu what are we envisioning here so I see it as absolutely straight you know what I love that you love it [ __ ] too right mate here let let me get you on to the next Hole by the way boys we put this in we are looking great great for these six holes come on what is we need to putt this one no no no we have two putts at this for par we want to we want a break par okay oh oh my God go oh a little tap that in tap that in for us there we go we’ve got the par but can we do better it took a little bubble halfway through oh no it took it it looked like it’s little bubbles take it has little bubbles to take it left or right right come on we we need this bur Randy I really like that I I don’t yeah I don’t know why I like that was really bad go to that Josh aim a little bit right of cuz we’ve all gone left we have like like his his right foot that is I really like that yeah that’s cash now you’re just going to play this one in you’re not going to leave it short come on oh turn turn good Josh go on S tap in Josh all right boys we got a par we got a we take a par off the first St mixes I’m mixing I know I’ve been missing I needed some personal time [ __ ] all the pitches Dimensions I don’t with your digits I mean it [Music] I’m okay welcome freezy’s up first at the 490 par five second hole that we’re doing we’re on level we have to break par yes light work this is where we fall apart a little bit unless Freez he does well no no no no what the what the bro what the [ __ ] and stand on our side come on get your [ __ ] together watch him go over the bunker yes my brother this is just Lally this challenge the C glaze off I I literally just said what did I say I don’t know the you get a horny like watch yourself do say huh get horny like watch yeah like that I got me gas I won’t lie that’s Gass me up I’ve got D what did you just say I said this goes over the bun and you literally come on Bros but you know what Randy’s going to follow me right over that bunker as usual no he is he is down that’s not bad not bad full Randy it was that half Randy yeah yeah yeah the peacan slice is still well I would call it more like a fade yeah sure Frieza we’re safe yeah oh we’re safe bro I want you to like it’s your new girlfriend your Brand New Girlfriend fresh out the box why what is a spanker that hard he he likes to Rattle that jiggle back hit the ball like n bro no she’s waiting in the hotel right now she’s Ling herself F she don’t need to that’s [Laughter] all all right l no seriously bro got res no he’s 11 us now yeah he is he going to he’s going to SP eat it all up [Laughter] by the way that was back beinging friendly okay okay okay no way look at the divit Bro not the the good news is is I didn’t hit the ball you didn’t hit the ball I thought it was skim take that all day long [ __ ] it [ __ ] it why not I would take that that that that I take that’s not in play uh uh it won’t be the one we’re using the wind won’t be the problem I promise you I do I do a l now you’re good you’re good oh wow that’s right I don’t see it I lost it as well I lost it just there on the left yeah that’s all right mate oh the look back there was it bad uh no I wasn’t it wasn’t bad it’s certainly not one of the worst where was it uh it’s just gone left it’s just on the hill on the left oh that sounds pretty bad hey trust me it’s actually all right it feel bad but it’s give me that [ __ ] felt good actually by the way it’s a decent Drive I take my drive I’ve Len good in my life did you yeah it went right it but it’s still decent Drive did you well yeah well that’s look see where it is and then they tell me don’t come to c i not this I’m not going to lie this is an awesome [ __ ] shop but the problem is the PIN what’s like the hardest day on the master the pins a Saturday day four Sunday pins they’re the hardest this is like the [ __ ] Sunday pins it’s tucked away in the corner they got about five bunkers protecting it I can’t hit this [ __ ] club to save my life me every club that exists wow I’m actually going to aim towards cameraman Craig over there it’s clean oh it’s a bunker short go over told it’s a nice safe place to stop like a Pet Station that’s not where we want to be at all cuz you got to get on the Green from that bunker oh [ __ ] that’s where I was aiming wasn’t it no no it kind of you slic came out right and bent right more all right look we can hit it clean c a clean we need something in the Fairway here boys we got something in the Fairway in the Fairway there we go [ __ ] hell he’s taken up most of the ground that’s mental by the way my wrist hurs that is absolutely mental all right Randy I literally just need a nice one down the middle of the faway don’t worry about spanking this yeah oh for [ __ ] sake the bun we’re in the bunker fine [ __ ] boys we’re going to bogy what the [ __ ] no no no it’s a part five we’re there for yeah for three I’m walking as punishment no we have to go up and down brother I believe in you I know where you no no no no in the bunker I’m finished you’ve got me you’ve got me yeah are you good at the bunker I’m great at the bunker that’s what I want to hear that’s foreshadow something eh I like the fact that Josh and Randy are are walking that’s your depression right there I think my Callaway 3 makes it out of this bunker not the one the Callaway boys if there’s a time where we need to come together is when we’re in the bunker and we need to get on the green with this like there’s not an if but or maybe like this needs to get on the green hey hey then stop the talking and start the hidden let’s go baby that’s fine that is that’s Cal freezy Bo that’s Cal freezy but it’s not on the green so I need your boys to put it on the green please yeah so you advise us doing that how kind of do it why I did but spank it you know but Randy’s about to do it right here for us come on troops yeah oh my God oh my God please yes Randy I’ve done something in my life great shot that’s my dad [ __ ] let’s go well done mate shout out to your dad yeah he’s not even dead I don’t know I said that I said know yeah yeah sorry about that this my dad he’s really alive uncle in between us are you guys hitting the sand yeah [ __ ] I hit 52 sorry Sor what’s going on and Randy what did you hit out there 5 52 52 as well yeah no bet you hit in the sand did you come on we all made our own decision hey now we’re all together oh this guy’s on a toxic we’re all running together I’m I’m so sorry oh oh my God oh my God oh my God no way on oh my God it hit thank you on the green by the way cig did not move that tree behind Craig [Laughter] just stood there he wanted it on the I screamed for like and he just didn’t move yeah I mean he’s out not might go past freezy I knuckled it all that that look sometimes I just pull out great [Laughter] ow that talking about greatness it looks he bang his head hear me out I think we should take wait don’t touch that one yet I think we should take luxes because it’s an uphill part that looks pretty treacherous to me I agree I agree [ __ ] H wow all right boys let’s get the read because I’m feeling birish I’m feel by the way if we get a birdie off of this oh this isn’t nuts off the tree bouncer yeah break kind of just stayed out there didn’t it I think that’s pretty straight they broke right shut I think you shot that getting bit cold we got yeah I think I hope we on together it’s warmer yeah so cold I think that’s oh [ __ ] off so this will be for par these yeah that’s for par but we really hard to tell that cuz Lux is broke right then yours kind of I think if you in between lux’s ball and the hole you’re probably in the money okay I mean you shot outside [Music] lux’s from the get- go how’d that did you hit it wrong I do hate these [ __ ] lines though just don’t leave it short done the same thing it just weird say it left yeah I did I did flick it for a little bit which should we just take mine or uh now yours is is uphill let’s take yours L one sec go on for now I have to go blind let’s go [Music] look all right L come on man we need a drive other than yours like I it’s not that I don’t appreciate yours we got to do something we got we got to help come on no I got you I got you you’re um left just a little left of the bunker oh that’s so good get over the bunker over the bunker with the wind the wind’s there yes yes oh what a shot luck let’s go cie he said it before you said you wanted to what a shot man yeah I was going to put BR shot there it’s manifestation oh I’ll see you there baby go wind go oh yeah literally literally yeah we’re probably there you want to go let’s go you go I don’t I don’t to R the flow there’s a flow going on right now and if I come in it ruins it breaking it yeah that oh my God what a shot Randy that is an unreal shot mate no pressure at all lad come on I should have joined I should have joined like a let’s go I show you on a different Channel a channel called like go for beginners pel one we start P One Go for beginners oh that’s so good that’s really good yeah why why did she go oh no it is good it was it was really good it’s just cuz I’m jealous bro I’m jealous yeah four Fairways maybe four Fairways baby fair play I don’t think go SP people with anxiety is that speaking from experience or just a prediction I think what it is if I’m drunk I think i’ be good at G come left oh what have I done that’s exactly where I aimed it just oh oh oh that’s fine yeah that’s fine what did you hit there that’s fine that’s an airon it is an Aon 100% come on Randy [ __ ] you put this on the green you pull them pants down and we’re all getting to work [ __ ] me you can keep your pants up you [ __ ] ugly bastard it’s a Confidence Game me I can’t deal with the uh with the the b gets to me every time smell good though I it just soaks into my a hole what yeah I love that love that love that that’s that’s all over it Lux oh Lux let’s go let’s go it’s your to lose let’s go man jeez what a shot n well yeah that’s cuz he’s got muscles oh my God three divots I’m not joking three divots came out there three oh was tooed I was too relaxed it’s a good day it’s always a good day when you’re playing well by playing well you hit one good shot the entire [ __ ] round I’m going to R balls ah run out balls in a full scrumble this is me on to drive home tonight I’ll do this for you thank you I could be like this yeah you look a shot wait pin High what a shot I’m sick I want a sickness what a shot right this is where we get our voting is he going to read what is he doing that’s not how it’s done I’m soing this by the way if he doesn’t especially with them shoes you’re getting no mate I’ve got one fake hip I can’t tell what’s up and down what do you reckon Randy I feel like you’ve got a good eye I reckon yeah well half a cup right if anything half a cup coming right up oh my God a ho who yes sir hey hey hey hey half a cup that was it what a shout for you you what a part from you what an approach shot from you great vibes from you that’s what I’m here for hold on a sec did we use your drive my drive me you you know what he was inches away I know you could have had that bir but it was mine it was C unfortunately Cal sometimes it be like that all right come on honey get in honey it’s Wilson deep red wrong [ __ ] SP mate I’m taking the special one with the the Viator so we’re one under we’re one under you’re supposed to be gas no obvious this yes it is is that good I mean she say you guys was that good no no oh hey this is little te man nothing on just te has it not take no not in this one well now is the time part three downhill oh try try to get the get mixing I know I’ve been missing I needed some personal time [ __ ] all the pitches Dimensions I don’t with your digits I mean it I’m staying inside as anyone else noted the pin is at the front yeah yeah yeah yeah this is stinking of a hole in one hi again um 100 170 yard par three but we’re downhill so it’s actually playing like I don’t know what I’m talking about all right L after that incredible performance it has to be you first that’s very kind oh to be fair last time we did this it was loosen the hip oh oh my God you’re actually on money now I Like It Go a bit more right keep going what did you hit there eight I it what huh eight eight you did hit I’m going to go seven here it went down there love it a little bter there you’re going to as I’m here for nothing else today now oh fruit oh my God come down come down come down oh my get it gety out baby I want to be a that club how do you get a that Club come on have we go all you have to do is hit and you’re in and you buddy let’s go no this is all you this is all you actually I’ve actually lost I’ve lost no confidence and it is it is I’m panicking wait is that is that the first green part three on this channel potentially I think it is I think it is congratulations that is a big big and we I hit it also but we cut it out so it’s coming up just say no hold on to that Forever by way I was I want to hit the Great out everyone just so you know until Randy hits a hole in one there once was a man oh my that’s a good shot that’s right though got to go it’s yeah yeah we’re all up there we’re all up there we are all we are all up there uh go grab that’s all right you want to grab that ball mate we’ll uh we’ll catch you down at the Green sorry I’m so sorry j I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it’s just one of those days now isn’t it kind it kind of hides low your [ __ ] hangs low hi like hides low I’m not going to lie I feel a little bit bad for Josh right now he’s going through it but this always happens the first time you play it after having a lesson I swear to God it is so [ __ ] raving thighs a hey hits me in a dick it doesn’t hurt me everyone’s like w you got no dick but I do actually have one mate that’s not bad that’s not bad but I know you’re you’re beyond me yeah I didn’t pure it though I didn’t pure it know it is I can walk up to a ball in the car yeah [ __ ] it man always hit so cleanly that’s the line that is the line oh my God that was money oh you’ve left it short oh you almost ate oh no no you did say that yeah yeah almost yeah yeah it did yeah go pop that in yeah niely done all right so we’re par come on mate look look look this is the shot we’re going to take yours one and a half cups out the left if you leave it short you can take the buy home that’s so good oh my God that’s so good no one shot hey but great put though great put great oh great part really good put man great really good put okay you’ve seen the line you’ve seen everything there is no excuses for there’s no excuse if this you know what let me get let me get the flag out right now come on boys if this doesn’t go in then crashing that buggy into a pond oh he’s left it short what a [ __ ] stupid little [ __ ] you left it short on the fourth one I just wanted to try a little what are you doing you it’s no look of business man it’s bad is it yeah yeah what did you oh again man me go hey you want to apologize to the camera and tell them what what the situation is I will not take orders from Cal frezy all right well I’ll let you I’ll let you know he had a [ __ ] stiner there and we are one under going on to the last hole so as long as we par this we’ve completed our mission this is where I turn up guys don’t you worry what you’re about to see the best hole of the day from me been needu di don’t mean I’m because none of us can count okay uh we’re hold on hold on hold on hold on 1 two three J that is that’s that’s crazy that’s warm can I hold this as none of us can count we actually have two holes left so uh the challenge is still on I may have I may have [ __ ] it I may no no no you haven’t because but he said in the car by the way he didn’t want to get a birdie cuz he wanted the video to get more watch time cuz they’ll click off if it’s to shut man what load of crap you know what Randy because you’ve waffled so much today and you’ve contributed nich you can go first I love to go first actually well tell them what it is then tell them what time it is it’s time to part it time to what 342 par 4 yards this is a short one so you just drive the green this a par four yards lad this is a par four L what we’ve all lost a PL 342 yards Par Four can you move this out the way please incredibly triggering sh y y yeah M [ __ ] off that looked very good oh my is good oh my God come on is it fair away yes all right come on we’re using around shot now than than well I think not actually on the I maybe yeah where’s the hole is hole to the right though uh left left oh wow it’s right in the corner there yeah come on oh fit right therey that yeah it’s over there it’s good yeah he’s out there with me to the right let let’s just put it this way God bless Randolph the pins the pins far left right yeah it’s right the corner you’re just going straight here though like towards the that way now surely yeah the bunker in the distance like really far away yeah good connection though really good getting better as well just just need a kayak to find that one oh cuz of water yeah this is your this is your club right no wait wait wait wait I was just joking this is your [ __ ] club father father father please what oh well game’s the game at least we got the peanuts oh pleas oh no oh my God if you imagine oh he’s you know it’s bad when cig is 180 he’s looking behind that was some robotto caros es shot though where were you you’re silent which is scaring me I’m so angry I’m there don’t worry been there oh that looks so good a oh my God fine it’s over it’s over got to go I’ve never seen that I put it on the flat but this stuff is no good oh yes yes yeah thank God on yeah yes it’s okay we’re we’re on you know what you’re having a great day you are having a great day what does it feel like you know what I’m actually a bit numb because this has never happened you’re having a great day I’ll let you know well you know you know it’s all fun in games until Josh zurka steps up pipes this one onto the green and we’re dancing for the bird thn it into the bunker short short short the bunker we could use that one extra ball Lux I don’t think you’re on the bunker you know Josh has been going on them solo WS a lot I really feel like he might be going through some [ __ ] right now all right it looks like Lux has got us onto the green so that’s good just seeing it to myself a nice little shot and it’s perfect again so it’s this thing that puts me off I think right now I I’ve had one two cups to the right brother watch this I fed you might two cups to the right right like you drained my nut sack why’ you have to tell them about that bro this is on I told you nut you’re right this is a gentleman you just exposed a crazy thing yeah isn’t that crazy I think you know what I’m not even going to like I can’t actually be bothered about like you want moment stop doing that man it was close it was close I just want a moment it was a good one it was a good you didn’t go he’s cooking his video then thought you got the balls tap that in I love how we do it that way we have to take such for caution mostly would just do like one thing but CU we’re so [ __ ] there’s a good chance that gets hit as well it’s got to go oh that’s the line that’s the line that’s confusing one was no no no it is right oh my god I’ve almost killed you lad I almost killed you he got wait how far did you aim two cups to the right oh wow that’s about three yards to the right yards cups I I’ll give this some one back delete that on delete that L delete that please delete that knable very cool thanks thanks all right delet I’ve been standing up here the entire time to to grab this flag and take it out this is it I’m not [ __ ] lying bro this is all you it needs more a slow beans man so slow oh boys I I won’t lie I’m putting has left a lot desired on Chan we’ve had birdie opportunity I’m trying to around his car around his club by the way boys this is not by the way what it’s I don’t you what you laughing what are you laughing at and saying by the way I don’t get it by the way boys and starts Googling there’s a good chance you saying this is a no I’m saying we M it’s his video he’s on today yeah this is his video got finally I got a video Lads solid 20 so that was that was par so we’re still one under so we’re one under going into the last one and I’m not going to lie I think this next hole will be the hardest one yet par 4 is tricky so we need to we need to part it just needs to be a par four please and it’s going to kill me cuz we’ve had quite a lot of Birdie putts that we probably should have got so if we walk away from here even evens and we haven’t achieved our mission of breaking par I’m going to be a very sad piggy Miss needed [ __ ] all thech Dimensions I don’t dig I mean it I’m stay ins I need some Viagra for how hard we’re going to [ __ ] this [Laughter] hole Yeah final hole we have to get part this is it come on what is it part four yeah part four oh hold on that’s got to get over it though I didn’t see it yeah I didn’t see it land scares me it’s okay about right now yeah fact cuz I might go for it it’s got to go keep going [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] I hit that so clean in the wind’s nowhere now you know what I might aim a bit more right yeah I feel you actually on that one cuz the wind could be [ __ ] it [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s almost as if we say that [ __ ] oh boys we’re F you’re right boys just here the party here the vi here a swing and Mr the ball it’s fine actually Josh a bit right and you know what we need this Josh by way this is the fairy tale that we’ve been talking about prove me wrong about the pressure what did you th I found your club by the way you guys see it you throw the club did you guys see it no no I dropped it over my shoulder all right here we go here we go uh all right Josh step right on here we go here he goes rotate rotate rotate that head over the ball head over the ball oh no that’s so good a great great shot I think really good shot you got to go for it it let’s go find it right I need one good iron shot today to be fair my shots disposable because I’m on the The Ridge and they’re not so I’m to scap goat here oh my God look at how oh no Randy I just love it if you get on the green here do you know how much pressure we you take off us yeah I know we can have fun like we can actually have fun in this okay okay okay so just as a little heads up here pal you’re aiming to the other T box oh yeah you’re yeah I mean it comes a little bit but not 100 m you’re really let find out man let him Lear his mistakes let’s let’s let’s really come a little bit more left this is uh look just sorry I’m just trying getting rattled off again I don’t hate it me hear me out I don’t hate it really good here I’m hitting one from here just for fun I liked it no no not after after we finish I’m going to come back to this spot she’s going to drive back here in the middle of the night all right let’s go Luxy boo so we can go from there now yeah it’s one Club length I believe it’s what the streets say but away from the hole like Lux is going for the what has happened got fever man BR just had to play golf with he is about to be and give him all right here we go oh no he’s had to hold in the sneeze no what happened there poor cameraman on the ropes here you she more left more left here we go yeah yeah yeah this is a I just knew that was [ __ ] on the back could see it it’s hey if we playing like not with this shot it’s still yeah I’ve got the best shot so far yeah it’s past ry’s oh it might go in oh no oh no do you want to know why yeah it’s cuz you gave me that [ __ ] [ __ ] ball Zero spin on that yeah it’s that’s crazy you you did that you did that a Titleist true field that’s what you get in them big buckets balls well we run out of my hit it on the green you you got to make up for that now you walking your ass home bro gave me a true that was a nice shot as well a nice shot put the deepest point [ __ ] finished here on a bit bit raisin yeah yeah oh good good good I didn’t hear I hit the floor the floor by the way we have to get up and down we have to mental absolutely mental when you try your best that’s the actual I hope that’s on lit so we can stick it over the top of this ah it’s fine I swear it’s fine boys we’re going to [ __ ] this we’re going to we’re going to be over par [ __ ] off [ __ ] hell bad enough on to go where we going from uh my ball at the back there oh yeah I might have hit mine where yours is actually yeah I’m very cold very cold cold cold as long as I think I prefer yours what up this massive [ __ ] L yeah I love it I love getting my little did you thank you did you get my clubs no all right okay yeah don’t worry about it sorry [ __ ] all right oh fono you’re actually so good no boys that we have to hold this part oh so really we have wait to actually St oh I’m G to go Josh you go next remember what we did what what about the salsa hips open up turn yeah yeah okay just not as hard as that yeah yeah yeah yeah come on Josh oh yeah oh yeah oh no all right boys please see look as soon as the camera a on up there no problem all right go get your ball bro that just here we go I want it to roll oh sit down sit down sit down yep the same as your it’s all come down to you bro say okay I think it’s poter season that’s what that’s gone wrong you’re looking for the Flop shot here looks no you want a flop shot sh please no please no please no you’re not the content guy right now we content we need we we just need it close to the pin look I’m going to what going on brother mad I need you to land it here anywhere in this radius it’s a small one what she you said yes yes yes yes oh no [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] boys we are absolutely screwed [ __ ] this is it we have to hold this pot like it’s not even a oh I hope we hold this like we have to this is what we’re going to do it’s going to we’re going to start with Josh then Disney that’s not me is that not yours no colorway Ry you want to go yeah soone supposed to like what am feeling bro I’m feeling just straight I’m feeling it’s very straight I think it is straight isn’t it yeah guys I feel straight I feel straight how straight pretty darn straight yeah this is a okay at the beginning it goes is it’s it’s on a SL lels out so I think we need to hit it slightly left to right all right Randy Randy’s going to step right up here guys your head’s now just broke the line here we go ear Mark any [ __ ] excuse for you in it today just hit the ball in the hole and save the vid you [ __ ] idiot whatever you do do not leave it short oh my God right tap that in and take the flag out please oh my goodness actually wait no no no leave leave the ball there just take the flag out leave the ball what was the line there it was like right started right it goes left right and then in yeah so just straight go on Jos so you want straight like a quarter of a cup to the right you’re a bit close you’re a bit close to the te yeah here we go come on Josh oh Josh I’m not going to lie you know how mad it would be if you think this great part thank you mate thank you really good part uh I don’t like it I don’t a flatter no no no I like it I like it I like it Josh this is all you what you like about that you point to right think yeah don’t no me serious he is there can I take it again no no you hit that one part in it please can’t take to be legit this has to be legit ESP content fall off oh no oh was it’s the bloody true feels I’m telling you the it might be the true FS it might be the I was so focused on hit left oh God I cannot leave the short I cannot leave the short if I leave this short I go against everything I stand for it just came off your uh Club it’s straight at it it’s straight at it just just hit this at the hole and we will watch it’s our final Chance by the way is this a break boys so if if you don’t get us in we equal par notal yeah and we failed no Mission failed after being one under from like the whole video and some of the combination is going to come around Simon and Harry going to come walk it for will we could another day yeah we will6 l this is all you now let him come come come come come come let’s go sorry he’s been wanting a clip all day he can finally have it looks please no no look man just look please look please look at it another time all right boys wait I need to see it how’s that look oh and by the way sorry one last thing if you leave this [ __ ] short how how’s this look whatever you want yeah a bit left yeah I would say that too but bit there we go there I love it I love it oh for [ __ ] sake no this is crazy no stop oh my God oh my God give me a what was that it moved it didn’t move I swear to God that mooved no the video is fake I go I’ll go around it’s okay [ __ ] all three of them n I’m so annoyed oh [ __ ] off I’m so annoyed anyways boys look we didn’t break part we leveled it o well played I can’t believe bro there was a thought there was a thought something happened there we need to replay that something moved I I could have sworn that earthquake might Happ it might have been an earthquake yeah it’s possible if you haven’t already subscribe to Big wedge leave a comment down below just say something please just cheer us up say something that will cheer us up in the comments cuz that just gave me crippling depression


  1. Lux's outfit is clean gotta get me some notwoways & freezy's vintage Coke pull over is dope too. Vid Suggestion: 4 man big team VS Pro

  2. Why is josh going last 😂 in a scramble the best golfer goes last so everyone else can free him up to just swing out of his shoes, even in putts the best putter can go last to get all the reads

  3. Josh is also trying too hard to swing n hit the ball just become a pendulum n let the club do the work

  4. I’m sorry, I can’t take lux’s swing seriously – always shocked whenever it goes near the target

  5. the fact that they're blaming a ball dimple at all +20 handicappers is WILD! Calfreezy is the only one who has anything like a golf swing!!😂😂😂Stop the lights! Callux also thinks he's decent bc he fluked two shots. Also WHY is callux wearing those gloves?? and pick up the ball at the end…this was painful as a golfer. TBF they're a lot richer than I am….so I can talk crap.

  6. Not saying the other guys are boring, I love em all but Freezy’s jokes are too good and vibes are great when golfing

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