Possibly the Fastest Way to Hit Driver Straight and Long

FIX your SLICE & hook with this SIMPLE golf lesson that i have shown 100’s students in person BUT never on youtube before! Its Possibly the Fastest Way to Hit Driver Straight and Long and all it takes is understanding the influence of your driver golf swing ark and the face you need to fix your SLICE and HOOK out on the golf course. This is the fastest way to hit the golf ball straight with your driver, you can sue this at in your next game of golf it is that easy to understand this simple easy driver golf lesson!

Possibly the Fastest Way to Hit Driver Straight and Long from top 50 world coach Alex Elliott Golf!

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now I had Sebastian come down to musroom hall for a lesson and I bet you can relate said to me Alex I was hooking the gold ball now I’m slicing then I go back to hooking and then I go back to slicing it’s literally a bit like a yo-yo so actually funnily enough Gary Beetle and Eclipse are literally saying the same thing I’m yo-yoing between slicing and hooking the golf ball now I bet you never realize the influence of your ball position on your ability to slice and hook but actually using ball position to stop stop your slice and stop your hook this is all you need to know so let me just show you the influence of ball position on your Ark and your slice and your hook and when you see this You’ be like ah that really makes sense so let’s start if you get a massive slice what I always see so I’ve got a hoop on the floor here you don’t need a hoop but just for me just to to show you so come on let me put this down let’s go in close so you can see here if I put the ball too far forward in my stance so if I stand there right have a look at that there also just look at that coming around there yeah good you can see where that ball is so just outside my left heel so more like my left big Tae now what direction is that hoop that direction of that hoop is left it’s across now if you’re going to hit a slice if you have your face just a little bit open to that what you’re going to do you’re going to slice the golf ball for fun so all you need to understand here is the later our ball is in our Arc the more likely we are to swing out to in relative to Target and then therefore more likely we are to slice it and if I now grab my golf ball and move it towards the back of my stance now I’m exaggerating this with driver it would be a lot less but just really to illustrate the influence of Arc and ball position look how now I would be more on that into to out Ark face close to that I’m more lik to hit a hook shot now I’ve shown you that in terms of the bad shots right what we don’t want to see but surely now think about it this way you could go H can I use influence or ball position to stop me either hooking or slicing the gold ball I.E make me hit a draw not a slice and make me hit a slight fade not a hook 100% you can all we need to do is understand what we got to do with our ball position relative to our swing and then marry up with the face oh I forgot to say that you notice we picked out two comments at the start of this video well if you’re thinking why have I picked those well simply they’ve subscribed turned on the bell and just pop what they needed help with down below so be quick as long as you subscribed and you’ve turned on the Bell no matter how big or how small just pop it down below in the comments what you need help with cuz I want to help you play your best golf this summer let’s get back to the tip so let’s start off if we hook the golf ball what do we need to do to hit it straighter okay I mentioned two things ball position and Club face now I’m going to tee this first go ball up the green one to represent where it would have been originally if you were hooking the go ball so come have a look at this I’m going to pop it down there somewhere okay so a little bit further back in our stance than we would actually want it to be cuz as we’ve already established the further back let me just move this hoop a little bit this way the further back in our stance the more likely we are to swing into out and to too much of a degree with a really close face that’s how we hook the go ball so what I need you to do now and as I always say this is relative to your swing my swing’s different to you your swing is different to every single golfer you’ve ever played golf with so it’s a little bit of trial and error here but you now understand if I move the ball forward I will swing less into out by some degree more out to win well that’s what you need if you’re hooking so what I want you to do now which you will have seen in the thumbnail is Tee the scull ball up right near your left big toe or your lead big toe well look what different Arc I’m going to swing on now more here more here more here okay definitely more of an out to in Arc and all you need to do now we’ve established what you’re doing with your ball position so you’re going to move that way way further forward and I’ll show you that from player cam now have a look at that where the green was now you can see the go balls lining up my left big toe helping me swing less into to out and more neutral or potentially more out to in what I need you to do now is stand here come have a look at this club face make sure it’s Square for me please so hook the golf ball you probably like this at a dress or a little bit of that I need to make sure it’s there before you put your hands on dead straight up and down toe and heel in line please please please we sometimes a little bit skewed on what we we see ourselves on this and you just need to get yourself a bit of a reset let’s hold it up hands on move that ball position much more forwards in our stance we’re now got the ability to hit it later later in the ark less into out and flippy more out to in therefore neutralizing you out a little bit let’s H this one away now look at that just a peely face back into the Fairway just understanding the relationship between moving the ball forward swing a little bit more neutral more out to in let’s say relative to where you were before into to out then with a square Club face that allow me to take that shot now be wary you might do that the first time and hit a bullet pull well just move the ball a little bit further back and what I mean by that I say and what I mean by that is you might go extreme and have it here hit a pull shot or just move it half a ball back half a ball back until you find that sweet spot so if you hook the GOL ball ball way further forward than you’ve ever had it and make sure you got a square face now you slices let’s get you sorted you’ll see now the ball position is really far forward as we learned at the start of the video this means we’re swinging too much out to in so what I need you to do now come and look where I’m going to place this our white ball represents where we’re going to move our ball to I want now have look at this and I put it down our ball position to move that far back so again it’s roughly about two fist wits isn’t it but see on both of them so moving it forward as we did before and now we’re moving it back to get more on that Arc to get more there that’s what we need not that more there so we moved the ball back roughly two fist wits all I need to do now the club face look at this if you slice it you can’t close it or you don’t can’t close it you struggle to so I want you to cheat it I want you to close it slightly just like just that much there so that being Square just that much then place your hands on so look at that there I’ve cheated it it’s already closed so I got to think about less through the ball I like to think about less I really do and I know you want to think about less too so have a look at the differences in ball position I was there slicing it coming across too far forward for your swing I’ve now moved it to the extreme more towards the middle of my stance which as we know is going to help me be a little bit more into out with a closed face swinging slightly into out that is all we need for a draw so can you see the correlation between understanding relative to your swing how you use ball position to influence club path so let me summarize this in fact no let me hit this one away and that’s a summary coming up next look at that baby draw it’s amazing how quick that works isn’t it really is amazing so let’s do that summary right here right now so if you hook the golf ball on the side of the screen here I need you to test moving the ball towards your lead foot and make sure your Club face is nice and square at a dress on this side of the screen now if you slice the golf ball I need you to move the ball more towards the middle of your stance and close the face at a dress understand now you to swing more into out with a closed face versus two out to him with an open face it’s easy as that thanks for watching


  1. So true played today as I quickly realised why it went to the left… straight away I saw the arc and to far forward ball position…. Moved it back straight down the middle..

  2. I also see people whose right hand is not passing over the left hand in the swing at impact. This leaves the face open.

  3. Hi there how can I stop pulling my irons left? I asked this about 6 months ago and yip I'm still doing it. great drive followed by a 170 yard pull.ends up pin high 30 foot left of target.please help

  4. I still have a huge slice, my swing is out-to-in on all clubs. But if I move the ball backwards in my stance, I get no height especially with driver!

    How do you move the ball back and keep driver elevation?

  5. Great video!!…1 fix done…nowmy other fix is my short and mid irons great…but my 4,5 iron goes way to low. I just can't get height in them distance are ok, but I can't hold greens…please help

  6. What I’m having trouble with is …
    I hit my driver too LOW 😩

    How do I hit driver a higher trajectory? 🤔
    I need to get some air under it.

    I can’t tell if I’m …
    a) delofting my club, or
    b) hitting it too low on the face 🤷🏼‍♂️

    If I swing more UP on it, it just takes a nose dive 😩

  7. Tried your feet together drill on range for swinging in balance. Was amazed how easy it was to hit driver straighter. Great tip

  8. If you slice it because its too far forward how do you still hit up on it if you have moved the ball back 2 fists. I have it forward to try and hit up on it and if i move it back i end up hitting too much down on it. Could you expain or do a video how to move it back to stop the slice but still hit up on it please 🙏

  9. This is possibly the one thing you can do to hurt yourself and ruin your swing today!!!!

    Don't follow this person's advice. This is a swing ruining fix. 😊

  10. Good video! Based on the thumbnail, I was about to be upset. lol there are so many people saying just put the ball up farther in your stance to hit up more in it but all that does is make you slice or hook the ball. Good info.

  11. Great video Alex. Thank You.. I’ve been struggling with at least 4-5 driver hooks per round recently so I’ll be trying this lesson shortly..

  12. Absolute nonsense! 180 to 270. Ninety yards by moving the ball 4 inches forward. Come on dude, be honest, and, not a clickbait douche!

  13. I can't stop getting underneath the ball with driver no matter how low I tee it up. It's like my driver swing and 3w swing are the same. Do I just become a DoD king or is there something I can do??

  14. Alex. I can par or birdie any hole club, and it's a tough course. But I can also triple bogie any hole. I'm a 16 handicap trying hard to get better. I start playing with amazing drives, long irons and chips. I may shoot low 80s. Then, the next day, it's like I never played the game. Poor drives, poor contact, and then putting goes. Are there others like me? Whatsoever I do when the wheels fall off?

  15. I really struggle to hit up on the driver, no matter how I tilt my body or how high I tee up I always seem to hit down. please help!

  16. And with a Driver a Neutral swing path, clubface and square stance hitting up will hit the forward ball way left (instep) left and back ball right. This is why great players such as Hogan, Snead, Casper, Moe Norman used a closed stance to naturally PULL the ball straight.

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