Golf Players

Teaching a HS QB to Throw like a D1 QB

Keenan Jackson is the QB of King/Drew High School in LA. This video is from our training session, where we focused on dialing in mechanics that will help him access more power in his throws on a more consistent basis

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could you imagine starting football and immediately being a varsity quarterback this is Keenan Jackson quarterback of King Drew High School in South Central Los Angeles it’s only his third year ever playing quarterback there’s a lot he’s never been taught and a lot he still has to learn so I had to drive down to get some working with him this is our [Music] session brought you some bro I didn’t get nothing you’re not fitting into that bro shut up I’ll squeeze like nobody ever taught him how to play quarterback or remember that yeah like he like just did it we started warming up and talking about the emphasis for this workout the focus is becoming aware of the mechanics that make throwing come easy and natural developing his understanding for the mechanics he needs to be building in habit you’re trying to transition your arm while you stay closed and then you’re able to use your hips through the throw more if you start to like open up before your arm is transitioned you’re going to lose all that and it’s going to drop but if you’re here and you let it transition up and then you turn through the throw all that power is going to get through your arm and you’re going to be able to actually turn through the release as opposed to just like being disconnected having a noodle arm so when we’re doing this left foot forward I want you to really focus on using that front leg to like press into through the release so this hip goes back almost as you throw and that’s going to help accelerate your hand forward through the release so it gets tough when you’re throwing on the run right foot forward remember you got to let it transition so you can drive your elbow out before you open up let me show you something real quick actually just before we start I want this mental picture in your head he’s hucking that right like that’s like 55 easy the ball gets up there his shoulders are still in line this way and he has his arm all the way externally rotated like he’s not he’s not getting here when he’s doing that he’s back here so then all you see is him being able to turn from there and rip that that’s where all the velocity is going to come from that sequence is so important especially when you start adding footwork in really focus on that the thing about Kenan is he’s very smart like I mentioned it’s only his third year ever playing quarterback and before that he hasn’t played football since peeee where he was a center and defensive tackle in 3 years he’s come a long ways it’s important remember it’s not about your current progress It’s about your current trajectory I noticed all your passes are coming off to the right a little bit like your spiral is so on your pre throw superate it a little bit so like it’s facing like your wrist is already forward then when you go to come through you’re driving that point more down and it’s not out here cuz if you’re pronated a little bit it’s going to be out here and the spiral is going to come out spinning sideways already you superate it it’s going to be straight but it’s just a pre- throw it’s like you got to keep it in mind and just start like that and keep it like that through your motion keep it closed as long as you can really fight that cuz the more you can stay closed when it is time to go everything goes together and it’s powerful so even then I almost feel like you’re you’re stepping and doing this and you’re you’re keeping this closed but that to like you actually releasing the ball is happening too far apart a little bit like you need to make it all more of one motion don’t be so quick to just shoot them out there immediately like start your arm get back here and then hips body you get what I’m saying like start your arm motion and then hips body look at this so you know what this throw is that that Hill Mary versus allons yeah see where he’s at he’s way back like he’s pointed at his Target and his arm is here then he gets to Bam see how far his his shoulder’s in that external rotation position for a long ass time like from here all the way to there and you know that throw he thre that sh like deep like his hips are still moving he doesn’t get here and then everything comes through it’s like it moves and moves and moves together that’s the hip shoulder dissociation you hear people talk about all the time right but there’s a balance to that it’s not the more the better it’s how connected you need to be to transfer and get the most velocity into the ball which is different for every person but the more is not always better you know what I’m saying it doesn’t have to I’ve been thinking like more need more there’s a certain point where you get so disconnected between here and here that you’re leaking power it’s like a overstretch you get what I’m saying are you starting to feel more disconnected as we go think about it too much that happens a lot is like there’s so much going on up here that it becomes hard to like Implement there’s a million ways to think about this it’s really about finding the way that works for you and like the best way you think about it so you want to be stable through your front side so ankle knee hip shoulder you want to be stable so you can like if you watch CJ shroud he’s like one of the most accurate quarterbacks in the NFL right like see how his front side is like stable as hell right all the way through his shoulder it doesn’t move but he gets back here and he’s literally turning through the release and it’s same it’s the same with that Aaron Rogers clip like they’re loaded back here and then they’re able to turn to here and drive their elbow real quick though let’s go back to that first drill even feet right here close throwing long toss a lot of throws will start to get to and you can overthink and you can get into bad habits again it’s all about getting back to those important feelings and doing it right it’s easy to get lost and start overthinking things moving out of rhythm trying way too hard and not getting the output you’re searching for but you have to learn how to get it back you need to have a process to get back to normal and figure out what was starting to go wrong for me it’s returning to nice easy throws with perfect Rhythm when you think about your windup what’s your focus I want you to feel like you keep the ball like on your shoulder platform you get what I’m saying like I love to study personally Aaron Rogers the way he does it because he has such a quick release right all he needs to do is make way for his elbow to get through right so he’s here and the ball comes as far back as it needs to for him to clear his elbow then he’s good see it’s kind of low right there but it stays like right in front of his shoulder and then he’s already rotating through but see how he’s close to his Target his elbow drives there but see how quick that is he does it better than anybody right like he’s the best in the world at this so it’s hard to watch him and then try to just do that but it’s cuz he does like the small Elemental things right no matter how fast he does everything he does everything synchronized up run that one back your brain has to be dialed in on the throw you’re trying to make to get it there before you start your motion see your target understand which type of throw you want to make and then just execute that throw there you go so once you hitch load that back leg up and kind of like be patient and sit right there just for like a split second right because if you hitch and you have a habit of getting onto your front foot when you hitch when you do have to throw your power shot you got to keep that back hip loaded until you’re ready to throw the improvement process is not a straight line you take one step forward then two steps back until something clicks and you jump four steps ahead I wanted Keenan to feel confident leaving this session so we got back to the basics and kept searching for that missing piece to get him throwing how he’s supposed to we got to think of the best way for you to think of this for you to unlock that you have to check yourself and be able to self diagnose that cuz a lot of coaches they’re not going to see that and they’re not going to know like oh why why is this passage not snapping today not reaching back behind out of your frame you want to stay within your frame but you just want to keep your frame closed so you have more power to access the whole thing you know what I’m saying ready don’t feel like you got to put that weight on your front foot immediately right you only put your weight on your front foot when you’re ready to bring everything through like you can step out but this has to stay back here and once you do finally press your weight into that everything should be coming out I like that see how like you’re getting that dissociation but you’re snapping through it at the end of the session Keenan started spinning it the goal of today was to help him understand mechanics on a deeper level so he can hold himself accountable better he won’t always have a coach there to watch and make sure he’s doing things correctly so it’s important that he does it for himself and can figure out quick when things start to feel funny Los Angeles isn’t the type of place to let your guard down Keenan was telling me that a few High School baseball players had just been robbed the other day on their way to practice no I think it was like Friday or something they came when it was going to practice and they had robbed the baseball players that’s a type of adversity most people don’t have to deal with with I’m not worried about Keenan though he has everything he needs within him to make it out and I can’t wait to see what he does next year


  1. ima qb n evb says i suck or tht i cant throw and this is basically my 1st year playing and im in 7th grade and i dont have good arm power and i need tips on how to get better arm power

  2. Great video Dimes. When I’m coaching young QBs I always show them videos of boxers stances and baseball hitting stance and how there power comes from feet legs hips and upper body rotation it really helps them understand the kinetic chain of throwing the ball

  3. Yeah recently my throwing mechanics went down the drain and I’m having to relearn everything. I’m self taught. I’ve tried watching these videos but I have a hard time implementing these tips and I overthink stuff like the guy in the video.

  4. Dimes, I'm a 14 y/o qb, and I can huck a hs size ball 50 yds. It would be cool if we could get a training session in, I also live in cali in the Bay Area

  5. I started playing qb my freshmen year started football 8th grade year came a pretty far way I feel like I open up a little to much with my front foot is that a factor of my throwing or dose it not matter

  6. Bro get In touch with me I’m going to freshman and this is going to be my first year and I really want to be a qb.

  7. I really do care for football but if you want to help me I will do anything because I really love football like I said and I want to get better with my fundamentals with catching and throwing.

  8. Hey man my names Beckett McCaffrey I’m a freshman qb and need to get better. goal is the nfl. Would love to work with you

  9. God loves us all so much that he gave his perfect son to die for our sins and raised him from the grave to defeat death. Through faith in JESUS we can be saved and reconciled to GOD. please give your lives to him, he loves you, is coming back soon, and really wants to take us all with him🙏♥️

  10. God loves yall! and Jesus is King! read the Bible! Seek The Lord! The Lord Almighty! with all your heart and soul and strength and mind! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. This kids are acc so lucky. My dream to get some training in with you before I start on varsity for a back to back state championship team🤞🏽

  12. Hey dimes I just realized that he has the same problem is I do like his throwing motion just looks weird like mine. Like the elbow just looks like it poking out the whole time and my arm is just moving around ut

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