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Scandinavian Mixed & The Memorial Tournament Preview | Golf Tips | The Sweet Spot | AK Bets

Welcome to the Sweet Spot, sponsored by AK Bets. Get the latest golf betting tips for the upcoming Scandinavian Mixed, The Memorial Tournament and LIV Golf Houston. Dave Clark and Steve Palmer take a look at this week’s tournaments.

The team also look back on the Canadian Open from last week, won by Robert MacIntyre. They analyse who else stood out, as well as who underperformed. They also review the European Open and US Women’s Open Championship.

Steve gives us his best predictions for the Scandinavian Mixed, The Memorial Tournament and LIV Golf Houston, including other selections who could be worth backing in the markets.

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00:00 – Intro
03:45 – European Open Review
04:43 – Canadian Open Review
07:05 – US Women’s Open Championship Review
08:20 – Scandinavian Mixed Preview
14:30 – The Memorial Tournament Preview
23:32 – LIV Golf Houston Preview
29:48 – Best Bets
30:42 – Outro

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#GolfPreview #GolfTips #PGATour #StevePalmer


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well hello there and a very warm welcome to The Sweet Spot brought to you by the Racing Post in association with akk bets you can see the main man is back in the chair Steve Palmer is back off his holiday Where Have You Been Steve uh went to M Bayer for a few days yeah yeah an amazing trip to Mar Bayer the organizer set up set us up in this lovely Villa one of the best places I’ve ever stayed in knocking it around thinker ctis thinker ctis all the best courses in Spain were lined up Lar um yeah I’m very enthusiastic about Spanish golf at the moment um playing with Wayne Mell and Russ Bray two superb characters from the D scene um but I came back too early Dave I came back for a James concert on Wednesday night um I could have been playing valderama but I came back to a Bournemouth James concert and he fluffed his lines he fluffed his lines in a few of the early songs and I was fuming I was thinking blind me I should still be there but yeah it was a short holiday was a very good one I wasn’t sure where you was we did show a picture last week of your at mvg get up did you just wear that religiously every day that was at uh the mvg show was at lar Thea um Wayne M was um very very concerned that I wouldn’t be allowed on such a fancy golf course with a dark shirt but the Marshall did come up a couple of times to have a little look at me but uh but Let It Go I mean it’s a sport shirt it’s a sports shirt um traffic in that thing it’s very bright but yeah I just wanted to push the boundaries and yeah I think darts need to be welcome more into the into the golf golf Circle you get these snooty golf courses they look down on darts so I was trying to build Bridges and bring the whole sporting world together um and yeah it’s a massively successful trip and yeah I wish I’d stayed longer and then things have just improved from there Dave as I was discussing with you before we came on air you my doctor I finally got to see a consultant it’s so hard to get to see a consultant these days isn’t it and the doctor I saw on Friday has finally sorted me out um he’s made an emphatic diagnosis Dave of acute um acute seratic arthritis acute s got four of my toes more toes than I thought four of my toes one of my fingers and possibly my spine I got an MRI on my spine so this doctor’s just sorted everything out he’s giv me a month supply of max strength steroids and I feel absolutely amazing all the pain has gone and it’s giving me a sort of mental lift as well I feel it’s unfair on the book makers this week Dave I really am concerned for AK bets feel sorry for AK bets I feel like I’ve got an unfair advantage over the bookmaking world this week I feel like Ben Johnson going into the 1988 Olympics do you remember that you’re probably too young for that Ben Johnson was you know basically unbeatable going into the 1988 Summer Olympics 100 meter sprint and yeah I feel like him no need for the liter and a half bottle of coke then that we had before the last show to recharge no no no steroid Steve is is absolutely buzzing look you mentioned AK they are of course our sponsor and if you haven’t got an AK bets account get yourself one because I got a brilliant concession for you as well open a new account Sweet Spot 50 is the code you’re looking for have your first bet on the winner of a golf tournament market and if you player misses the cut you get 50% of your stake back up to 50 terms and conditions apply right Steve how much of the golf was you able to take in while you was away have you played catchup after what what have you been able to catch any takeaways from last week we had three tournaments of course well as I say I got back too early I got back on the Tuesday and missed out on valderama which I’m still you know heartbroken about um but yeah yeah I caugh I caught enough of it to to know what’s going on um and European open probably the one I was most disappointed about really well B’s lorri Canter doing the business there I think around about 33 to one I think ready had over 200 starts without a win so uh you yeah long overdue first de World Tour title he’s always been Top Class really great driver of the ball he was on a driver’s course last week and we’ve mentioned him on Sweet Spot before how he had that sudden injection of Finance you know he had a brief Live Career but even with a brief Live Career it’s enough to set you up for life I mean he he he he he became a rich man through through his Liv career and um yeah we’ve talked about on Sweet Spot before what Swagger that can give you you he’s got a rich man Swagger Now isn’t he and he’s come back to the DP World Tour and um in a few starts back boom he’s got the first win so um yeah I me I was hanging around with some rich men last week you can see the rich man Swagger and um you know lorri can’s got that now and um you know should become a a more prolific DP World Tour winner If he if he stays on this circuit good stuff and Canan open Bobby Mack with his dad on the bag what story oh blimy yeah yeah yeah totes Mo totes em Moes I know you got a couple of kids you probably know what what talking about they they like to yeah that the modern term for extremely emotional things is totes in MO isn’t it and yeah was a real feel-good Victory on Sunday night wasn’t it yeah I was a neutral I don’t know whether you had a bet or not I mean I on my weeks off I like not to have a bet day like to cleanse my brain and when I tuned in on Sunday night I was cheering for Bobby McIntyre and um yeah he’s just a salt of the earth character is he salt of the earth character and um you know to do it with his dad on the bag I mean his dad was cading for him incredible scenes because he he got rid of he parted company with his old caddy at Colonial he missed the cut and the Charles Schwab decided he needed a new caddy didn’t get a replacement in time for for last week’s event bring up his dad you know when you’re in trouble call for your dad and um yeah he just remarkable scenes um so pleased with the prayer of them and it shows the measure of the man Dave he’s turned he’s turned his nose down a um up you turn your nose up or down you well I think you turned your nose up at something didn’t you yeah yeah you see he’s turned his nose up he’s turned his nose up that was a funny face wasn’t it at um a $20 million event this week the memorial he’s he’s got access to the me Memorial this week he’s gone home to Scotland to celebrate his first PJ tour title um you know he knows what’s important in life does Bobby McIntyre and I respect him greatly yeah good session I’m sure north of the bould buck fast all round you ever tried buckfast St buckfast no what’s that what’s that concoction like Rocket Fuel is what it is I can tell you that much is it is a spirit is it yeah yeah I I mean I tend to just drink you copious amounts of tenant slager when I’m up there maybe beautiful moment as well where he mentioned in his interview afterwards that his mom and dad are going to be mortgage free as well because of that that’s that’s the dream right well it was it was difficult to hold yourself together during his media conference afterwards there was a lot of subjects which really did you know he was close to breaking down at times and and as was I he was talking about his family had adopted these children who from from difficult starts in life and they become like brothers to him and um you know he didn’t have much from his growing yeah I’m going to well up here I’m going to well up here I’m on strong medication day um but yeah Women’s Open we’ll move to the women’s open as well because we want to get on to next week’s this week’s action should I say um one by you could say so it was all sorts happening Steve the I think the the anti post Jolly carded a 10 at one point there was Carnage everywhere well the anti poost Jolly blind me I mean um missed the cut by Two Shots I believe yeah Nelly cter um you know not long ago the world and his wife were were planning these Sheffer Corder doubles for the rest of their life and um you you cter show she was human last week you know it was it was a surprising flop from cter um Sasso 50 to1 you know both of her first two LPGA Tour victories have been Majors you know she’s clearly a lady for the for the big occasion 22y old Japanese one of the longest drivers on the circuit though the thing I I noticed uh on Sunday was the prize money I didn’t realize but $2.4 million was the first prize for winning that event and we’re going to come on to the Scandinavian mixed in a minute you know a mixed event and the PRI the total prize fund for that is $2 million um yeah it’s not surprising so few of the lady Elite are coming to the Scandinavian mix the ladies don’t need the Scandinavian mix the prize money in the women’s game shooting up all the time now you know sisters doing it for themselves Now Dave sisters doing it for themselves all credit to them all credit to them indeed right let’s move on then to this week’s action we’ve got three tournaments to get stuck into first one being the Scandinavia mix which was won by a friend of mine D whitel last year he’s in the field he’s telling me he’s feeling good he sent me a picture this morning on the pting green all is right in the world so hopefully he’ll go well where are we off to then Steve we’re off to Sweden yeah we got a new venue vasat torps Golf Club Helsingborg Sweden 7,295 yards from the men’s teas 6,342 yards from the women’s te’s par 72 four par fivs field of6 going to post 78 males 78 females this course full of contrast you got nine holes lined by mature Oak and pine trees nine holes are wide open with just spectator Mounds separating the fairways loads of quirky features you Rocky outcrops little walls here and there it’s a fiddly course from te to Green the dance floors full of Contours it looks an interesting track but the DP well tour they can’t seem to take the plunge Dave and give the ladies the Head Start they need they keep having the the total distance between the men’s and women’s te’s at around a th000 yards that’s about 55 yards a hole I think they need to make that that that Gap wider uh to make it fair I think they’re basing it too much on a freakish performance from Ling Grant you might remember in 2022 Ling Grant won by nine shots that year uh so the DP World Tour is stuck with this sort of thousand yard Gap in the between the t’s um but if you dive deeper into the results you see that you know the the punter should be concentrating on the men it’s kind a long story short the Gap again this year is 953 yards in total between the te’s is not enough concentrate on the guys I’m afraid to say we got a exxtra sunshine cloud and light rain over the first few days gentle breezes and a cloudy weekend with moderate breezes quite cool throughout right should have a look at the market then right it is 16 the field Rasmus hoard Sebastian sturer 18s Alexander bu at 22s and then big priceing this is what a golf Market should look like we’ll have a little bit of chat later on because I know Sheffer is as short as 4 to one but he 16 the field Steve nice wide open you’re telling us to focus on the men how many in the team this week I have two selections and they are both male Dave yeah I I make no apology for that I haven’t got a sexist bone in my body Dave my mom’s a female my wife’s a female my daughter’s a female I’m a big fan of females day but not in the Scandinavian mix because Ling Grant is the outlier take Ling Grant remarkable 2022 effort out of the equation there’s hardly a lady on the leaderboard last year only four women finished in the top 40 in 2022 ly Grant was the only woman in the top 14 and in the inaugural Scandinavia mixed in 2021 only two women finished in the top 17 so I don’t see any reason for that Trend not continuing this week they should give the ladies more yardage they haven’t done I did toy with a few ladies I’m going to be looking at the top women Market I think there’s going to be some book makers I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to harass AK bets to try and get a top female Market uh going as soon as possible because there are a few you ly Grant obviously should be favorite for that she’s the most dangerous lady in attendance Johanna Gustafson um 300 to1 chance Lively Swedish Runner hits it a long way in solid form an vanam an vanam look out for her Dave she it’s it a long way and I even had a look at a thousand to one chance Dave I was you I haven’t just completely dismissed all the ladies I tried to find one that I I fancied so to speak Kiara tambellini a thousand to One Chance the best rookie on the ladies European tour this year fast improving Swiss youngster so yeah look at them in the top women Market which hopefully will emerge uh in in the next few days Grant Gustafson vanam tambellini but for the for the outright Market it’s two men and the best of them is Alexander Bor sorry it took me a while to get to the cut to the chase there didn’t it but Alexander buor he making a significant down grade this week and from the PJ tour to a mixed DP World Tour event he’s a PJ tour rookie but he’s been banking some healthy checks it’s not easy for him relatively short driver you know it’s hard to make an impact State side when you lack that punch off the te but he was 11th in the American Express at the start of the year he’s made Seven of his last 11 cuts on the PJ tour finished 39th in the US PGA Championship last time out that was a big hit his course would it Dave you know a top 40 was a magnificent effort in the usj from buor he’s had a nice rest since then back in his home country this week he was born a couple of hours drive away from this course it should suit him he just looks a sh fire Contender for me so a second D World Tour title for for Alexander bu please okay lovely stuff he’s currently 22 to one at the time I recording with AK bets you’re after the top women’s Market you’ve just shown your hand there we’re hoping they’re going to price up and make a rip and you you’re reallying off all the fanes but anyway the first that’s the first of two Steve who else it’s Henrik norlander another Swedish male 50 to1 with AK bets a class above most of this field norlander has won twice on the corn Ferry tour he’s twice been a playoff Loser on the PJ tour and one of them was not that long ago last year Sanderson far fars Championship this year norlander has shown up well in Weak PJ tour events he was 13th in the Mexico open 15th in the Puerto Rico open 20th in the Myrtle Beach Classic last month now he comes to week DP World Tour event course switch suits in his homeland and last week I think could prove a decent warm-up spin All Things Considered he opened with a 77 in the Canadian open but on Friday he card had a 69 only 32 players in their 156 man Canadian field outscored him on the Friday found his game on the Friday missing the cut there could prove a blessing in the sky he’s come to a much more winnable event feeling fresh for the fight so yeah two-pronged attack Bor norlander lovely stuff right we will move on then to the Memorial tournament once again the last show we did Steve I said the exact same thing but another magnificent Clubhouse here nice track yeah yeah lovely jubly yeah yeah yeah what’s this one called it’s got a nickname Dublin Ohio Newfield I don’t know what the clubhouse is called but I do like a nice Clubhouse but you had Cowtown I last time Colonial this is Dublin Ohio I don’t know whether Dublin Ohio’s got a nickname maybe it’s the the not the Irish Dublin not not the most catchy one uh but yeah mirfield Village Golf Club Dublin Ohio 7,569 yards par 72 four par f a jack nicklouse design nicklous is the tournament host mirfield Village is stagers event since 1976 the 2013 president cup was there too and then there was the 2020 workday charant open which was a one-off PJ Tour event as with most nicklouse designs the fairways are generous but the approach shots are difficult accurate players to to success five of the last 12 winners were first for greens and regulation we got a mixture of sunshine and clouds throughout temperatures between 18c and 26c moderate breezes for the first few days Karma weekend a field of 73 going to post the top 50 in ties and anyone within 10 shots of the lead will qualify for round three good stuff right before we get into the market itself there’s it’s been quite a lively Market this week already AK bets go up early moves for Henley and Mar morawa um not that my view matters everyone is tuning in to to hear who you fancy Steve but any excuse to back West Ham’s Billy Billy hallw was a previous winner um so he’s in the T my team and yeah hland as well who who won it last year and he he went well recently so they my two but forget me uh Market is four to one the field and AK bets almost by default it just seem to take on the Jolly every week so top price Scotty Sheffer if you want to be with the chef at 4 to1 mooy 10 zand chaet 10 moraca 14s and the hog 18s how many in the team for Memorial Steve I got three selections Billy horer is not one of them but he’s got big affection for Memorial you must remember he was crying at Memorial last year when he he was at the pit of depression with his game and then he’s come roaring back and and won recently um so yeah Billy Orel could do it for West Ham I was hanging out at Russ Bray last week another big West Ham fan he um you know he’s he’s he’ll probably be back in Billy H as well but so yeah h’s not one of mine we got three selections and the main pick is Victor hovland 18 to one with AK bets the HOV is back don’t hassle the HOV he made a curious coaching switch at the end of last year didn’t he but we all make mistakes it took Victor six months to realize that parting company with the coach who helped him to become the FedEx Cup champion was a blunder he spent six months trying to fix something that wasn’t broken he was so lost in the lead up to the uspga that he considered not even entering the tournament then that was the moment he decided to swallow his pride pride wipe the egg from his face Dave and reunite with Joe Mayo Joe mayor is his Old Coach they got to work just before the uspga and then boom hovin nearly won the tournament Norway can breathe again the hob back rounds of 68 66 66 66 third place for hland in the uspga he’s back in the world’s top five he spent more time working on his swing with mayo since then pulled out a colonial to get it to get sorted with mayo on the Range again now he tees up as defending champion in the memorial I’m really excited about holand for the rest of this year I’m sure he is too he’s hungry for Success Dave and it’s important this week to have that hunger because even you must be getting a bit bored of all these Signature Events you know Bobby McIntyre can’t even bother to enter it um we’ve had about a million Signature Events in it that that they they’ve lost the motivation of these elite players is not guaranteed now but I think for hovland desperate to get back back to winning ways as soon as possible make up for lost time I think he’s highly motivated I think he’s a he’s a he’s a great bet this week is Victor that is music to my ear Steve I’m already on team bet this week we’re on our 18s lovely stuff with beautiful bets right the H is back hopefully he’s the first of three who else is on the team this week the next best is Patrick cartle 28 to one with AK bets it was a tough choice between hovland and Cartley for the number one spot this week the slight negative of the ongoing PGA Tour policy board commitments is is is the reason I I prefer holand to cley but you know cley’s had time to adjust to that role now and it seems don’t know how you feel about it it seems that we’re in deadlock on that now anyway the PJ tour and live guys yeah it feels like it’s going to stretch into 2025 it could even go further than that so I think kl’s part that that job for now if he’s got his game face on this week and can fully focus on the memorial he’s a massive title threat only Tiger Woods has earned more money in the Memorial tournament than Patrick cartle his form figures in this event a 3541 321 330 he was 7th in the 2020 workday charity open at mfield Village yeah who would be surprised if CLE completed a memorial hatrick on Sunday would you be surprised I certainly wouldn’t be he’s threatened this year you remember he was fourth when we were on him at Riviera in February he was five shots clear at the halfway stage remember that one day five shots clear got ill on the Friday at a high temperature all weekend dropped from Miles clear in front to fourth place that was heartbreaking he was third in the RBC Heritage in April I think Cartley goes goes close to an overdue eth BJ tour title on Sunday like like hin highly motivated spent too long out the winners closure good stuff would you say that he’s trended in the right direction can’t like that seems to be an expression quite a lot now he is trending in the right direction yeah yeah yeah and I’d be I’d be totes OS if he wins on Sunday right third and final member of the team is Davis Riley 150 to one with AK bets I think it’s a staggering pricey some firms went out with 300 to1 opening show this week I could not believe it I thought we’d struggled against 66 to1 you know how can you talk up the colonial champion at 300 he was magnificent last time out um yeah obviously I was devastated to miss out on that that that Colonial one was getting to the stage where I couldn’t take the abuse anymore from the punting Community having put him up unsuccessfully for his previous 200 tournaments um but I think that breakthrough could open the floodgates for Riley yeah the Riley a game as you saw at Colonial is exquisite isn’t it it’s elite H he won twice on the corn FY tour in 201 20 now he’s won on the PJ tour in style with Scotty Sheffer Dave Scotty Sheffer literally breathing down his neck you know playing with Scotty Sheffer in the final group and and and and blowing him away you must be must do wonders for his confidence um he’s still only 27 like hovin went back to his old coach at the at the start start of this year he went back to his Old Coach um yeah I think I think good times are coming for Riley he’s a magnificent iron player as well Dave strength of his game has always been iron play um 13th on his memorial Debo in 2022 and his 54th place last year you might turn your nose up at that let’s get that one going again but yeah that’s a decent effort when you consider his form figures prior to that 54th Place were miscut miscut miscut miscut Mis cut Miss cut he missed six consecutive Cuts coming into mfield Village in a terrible slub still managed to bank a decent check at this time he’s arrived full of beans full of beans much like yourself don’t beat yourself up St about Davis Riley because a lot of people in the comments below the video did Keep the Faith and were with him purely sort of on your say so you know there’s a lot of people I hope Steve’s had a sa bet anything on Davis Ry which sounds like you didn’t but take some sort of comfort from the fact that some of your followers did that’s good I’m glad people kept the faith because yeah was a a long time coming um but as I say I think now he’s off the mark you could see the the relief yeah the monkey was literally leaping off his back wasn’t it as he cuddled his his dear wife um so yeah big things are coming for Davis White he’s a magnificent bet this massive price and that winning that winning a title that winning feeling getting over the line the the mental side of the game is is massive we so often see players in contention and they do crumble late because of the enormity of winning the title so floodgates may be opening that’s it that’s it no I I make him no bigger than 50 to one for this I know it’s an Elite field and better than what beat a colonial but yeah by far the best Outsider good stuff right two down one to go we got the Houston Invitational then to come as well right we are off to a place called humble here Steve I’ve got stat for you here as well information I know people are eager you know had the bridge chat now the Lan Motor Company of course made the famous motor vehicle that featured him back to the future have just one private Factory left in the world and is in Humble so if you’re a Back to the Future fan get yourself to the Houston Invitational and maybe take that in in between rounds the uh the private Factory there for DeLorean but anyway right it’s of course live golf what have you got for us D talk to us about the track that is an interesting fact this track is called the golf club of Houston 7,425 yards par 72 four par fives a field of 54 going to post no cut $4 million to the winner the tournament starts at 6:15 p.m. UK time on Friday live on desan and live Golf Plus app the course will be familiar to PJ tour fans it hosted the Houston open from 2006 through 2019 generous targets off the tea tougher approaches you got sloped banks around fast greens it’s sunny and hot all week with light breezes throughout right so what are we saying in terms of an attribute the key attribute here I think you need a bit of power it’s a long track and you you it’s set up to invite powerhouses to open their shoulders uh and you got a pwell the green these be some of the fastest greens that they play on the live circuit were you doing that in spine you opening in your shoulders I was I was I take driver off every te that I possibly can even on some of the path threes they were so long the par frees at thinker were very demanding yeah yeah no I ate some good shots but then I ate my usual set of bad shots as well but yeah it’s all about the it’s all about the pleasure I don’t get upset on golf coures anymore Life’s Too Short guys well a man that sometimes does get upset is heading the market here John Ram is our market leader um as is kind of standard now AK bets joint top price they’re taking on the Jolly again he’s at 8 to one is John R but some big guns in behind as well Bryson Des Shambo at nines nean at 10 till Hatton at 12s Cameron Smith at four te right how many in the team for the live gol tournament this week just two we got you know got hardly any selections this week three tournaments Focus all your all your what we got seven seven seven in total yeah right so main pick is Bryson D shambal 8 to one with AK bets who dazzled us at the uspga championship became so close to pushing Xander cha to a playoff there cha admitted afterwards he was so relieved to avoid a playoff with Des Shambo because Des shambo’s length on that 18th hole was was was such an advantage um big Bryson purring at the moment he gave us a good run for our money in the Masters you remember he nearly won the PJ championship this week I see him lifting a third live golf title this is a 30-year-old at the peak of his powers an eight-time PJ tour Champion who’s rediscovered the form which saw him win the US Open by six shots that was way back in 2020 his LIF golf breakthrough also came by six shot margin last year closed with a 58 in Liv golf Greenbrier this is a spectacular golfer enjoying himself again and golf club of Houston is a big ballpark as we’ve mentioned he can really open his shoulders there he’s the longest driver on the lift circuit he’s got four par fivs to destroy this week he’s also got a 335 yard par 41 12th it’s an albatross opportunity for that I’ve been looking at that hole I expect Des shamba to go for that hole every day I think he’s going to put on a show this week for for his family and friends and have lots of support this week he went to college in Dallas he still lives in Dallas Dave you know he’s in his adopted home state this week I’m expecting fireworks from from dambal and he will open his shoulders off the tea definitely right he’s the main pick at nine to1 with AK bets who else have we got Steve the next best is Thomas Peters 40 to one with AK bets I cannot resist any longer Thomas Peters is playing some golf again Dave yeah this largely wasted Talent is threatening a resurgent at the age of 32 in his last three Liv starts he’s finished ninth 14th and Fifth and last time out in the sudal open on the DP World Tour he finished second he lost by a shot you know live defectors have been swarming all over DP World Tour leaderboards over the last fortnite we nearly had Thomas Peters winning the sudal and proceding lorri Canter into the DP World Tour winners enclosure Peters has won six times on the DP World Tour is Ric cup Deo is the stuff of Legend da you you we still dream you know you still go to bed at night remembering Thomas peters’s R up Debo it was at least once a week yeah at least once a week yeah yeah yeah I’m twice nightly I’m twice nightly what a debut that was I’ve been all over him since then basically he was fourth on his master’s debut after that he’s won a World Cup this is a gifted golfer with so much to offer golf club of Houston suits him so yeah it’s it’s like an old flame Dave I just I just just can’t forget what T Peters did to me back then um and yeah he sucked me back in again I know you’re a big fan of pet what’s his stats like off the tea at the moment is he still getting it out there it’s loose but there’s plenty of room there’s plenty of room yeah he’s powerful he’s always going to be powerful those long those long levers big tall 6’5 Monster uh puted well in the sud I noticed um yeah I think it’s all coming together for a you potential Maiden title live title for for Thomas Peters um but yeah I’m Happ with the two-pronged attack there you two powerful units uh and as I say we haven’t got hardly any selections this week three tournaments you know we can we can you know bet to decent Stakes uh you know responsible Stakes on those seven yeah H white treles are plenty do of course remember to gamble responsible it feels like we’re quality over quantity this week then Steve right give us a round up of your your tips and give us your your strongest pick of the week as well in the team okay Scandinavian mixed Alexander Bor Henrik orlander the Memorial tournament Victor hovland Patrick Cartley Davis Riley Liv golf Houston Bryson D shambal Thomas Peters if you just having one bet I mean it’s it’s you should always look at weather forecast for that if you just want you just want a fair Wicket don’t you like with Blandy when you asked me to name my my best bet for the last time we we Linked UP should have said blandly because the weather forecast made it a fair Wicket went with Homer because I thought Sheffield was not going to play um that ended in tears um best bet great question I think I’ve got to go with Bryson desam B I mean how does he play badly at golf club of Houston um that’s a rhetorical question good stuff right three tournaments for you to get stuck into then remember to let us know in the comments below who you’re back in if you’re following Steve if you have been following Steve with handy Blandy recently as well and if you got involved in uh Riley as well right Steve will be back next week I’ll be in good company as well because AK the man himself is going to join us as we preview the US Open we also have a watch along uh with some special guests as well on the Sunday evening but three tournaments to get stuck into this week do remember to gamble responsibly and we’ll see you next time [Music]


  1. "Sometimes when I look deep into Steve's eyes I swear I can see his sole". Cantlay and Oosthuizen each way double this week.

  2. Get the Bucky doon yese posh southerners as Rab Mac would say lol it's a fortified wine and has to be purchased and drank with o broon (brown)paper bag. Dave should ask the Edinburgh mafia. Great show as always horschel and McCarthy will do me

  3. S Soderberg 18/1 J SVENNSON 25/1 V Normann 45/1 Scandinavian mixed

    V Hovland 18/1 B AN 50/1 S Burns 60/1 R Fowler 125/1 L Hodges 200/1 Memorial open

    T Gooch 14/1 H Stenson 90/1 boosted price LIV Golf Houston

  4. Not a fan of this new lad at all… cut Steve off multiple times and just doesn’t have the same knowledge and banter that Jack and Bruce had

  5. Hope you and the family are well Steve and you enjoyed Marbella. I played La Reserva a few years back and 4 putted the first from 18ft 😂. Great course. Managed to get the 300-1 on Mavis, staggered to see that price. All the best mate, let’s hope for another great week

  6. Dave you have to let Steve tell us his story's and slow down a little Please , Let the bird fly , don't make this another statistics only show as I can get that anywhere.
    There's only one Dave Raveto there's only one Dave Raveeetooo , love it

  7. Scandinavian Mix the most interesting betting tournament for me due to the more limited field agree with Alexander Bjork also going Rasmus Hojgaard to prove his class, also Matthew Jordan each way, in the Memorial lots of mixed views and Scheffler loiters, Victor Hovland and Sam Burns each way on the list.

  8. Really not sure on this new presenter. Not a fan of how he cut Steve off 2/3 times early doors. Steve get rifd of him off your show

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