Unlock More ROTATION in Your Golf Swing

πŸš€ Ready to unlock more rotation in your golf swing? Check out the Rotex Training system with Josh Koch and Dr. Joe LaCaze! πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒŸ

This video dives deep into techniques to activate and prime your body, ensuring you create a big range of motion, maximize your X-factor, and improve your overall swing dynamics. With expert guidance from Dr. Joe LaCaze, discover how to connect your bones, joints, muscles, fascia, and neurology from your feet up through your hands.

Like this video? Transform your game with Josh Koch and Dana Dahlquist as they lay out an entire blueprint for the golf swing to get you hitting it straighter, more solid, and far.

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0:00 – Intro
0:41 – Global Connection
3:29 – Cuboid Bone
9:09 – Right Lateral Bend
12:12 – Outro

I recently had the privilege of working with Dr Joe laaz who is the inventor of the Rotex training system this is used by a lot of the toplong drive guys in the world it’s a great way to not only get loose but to get your body active and primed whether you’re training speed or you’re going to play around a golf I’m going to take you through the three exercises that I recently added to my routine and I do every single [Music] day the first exercise we’re going to work on is going to address two things so in the back swing as we wind up we want to create a big range of motion okay and then as we change direction we want to get the lower body moving out ahead of the upper body creating a big stretch we call X Factor and this next exercise is a great way to get two for one okay Josh this is Global Connection what we’re doing we’re connecting everything your bones your joints your muscles your fascia your neurology from your feet all the way out through your hands obviously feet are the only thing that touch the ground hands are the only thing that touch the uh Club so we have to organize everything in between okay right so I’m going to show you how to step on this just step right here and you can see that we have this one slanted in this one slanted toward the camera okay go ahead and step on now you mentioned grip it like a golf club Y and then slide my hand down correct okay so pretty much internal maybe a little external on the trail side and golf stance put a little bit of tension into that and the reason that we’re doing that we’re going to be adding tension really soon through the feet we already have it in the hands through the arms through the shoulder down through the spine and we’re going to be connecting that tension okay go and turn into a full back swing good and then turn your feet inward one two three relax your feet and then turn more good turn inward with your feet one two three relax your feet turn from your foot up through your knee up into your hip turn inward with your feet one two three relax your feet and always finish with the upper body turn one two three love it rela now a couple of key things that you you’ve focused in on with me was when I reset making sure sure we give it a pause for one second before reason reason for good question reason for is this is called post isometric release post isometric reset we have to wait a half to a second to let the nervous system reset and then we can turn further and further and further love it and the way I view this is kind of like a backswing and downswing drill right um one of the things that you you queued me in earlier is as I went back we wanted to make sure that when I actually change directions I didn’t lower the left arm correct the key was to keep this left arm up and then actually turn which creates a massive massive stretch to my body so if you let yourself turn like this then what you’re doing is you’re degrading that isometric contraction right you’re still doing yourself some good but not 100% and why would you want to do it if you’re not going to do it 100% the next exercise is going to address a small bone in our ankle called the cuboid bone if we wind our body up and we open that ankle up correctly that’s going to give us about 25 extra degrees of range of motion in our turn now the hard part for a lot of people is this is something that is not easy to feel uh my awareness was not great at first until I started working on this next move using the Rotex now we’re going to talk about something called centration okay right and and so we have something in the way we move the way that we we we’re just going to call this spin or transverse rotation that’s not a good thing to do in the golf swing so what we’re going to do is we’re going to put our body in position where we can’t do that and then we’re going to work strategies and you’re going to work strategies on how you need to move okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to pre-tension this I’m G to point my foot about maybe 25 degrees inward from where I am and I’m going to walk over it’s not a circus act I don’t have to spin myself over here and then carefully get on here now my right foot cannot spin anymore it can’t turn like this so what locked out it’s locked out my ankle my knee my hip that can’t do any anything okay so what strategy do I need to use in my foot to make this motion right here there’s a bone in the foot it’s actually called the cuboid right and you turn up and around with that cuboid and you can see that that’s the proper move because my knee is straightening and it’s going up inside the InStep of my right foot not like that okay right so I’m going to let you do this so it sounds like you’re you’re trying to get a little more range of motion from the foot is is that correct 5Β° more range of motion available to you if you learn how to use the foot and and where what part of the foot should I focus in on where where would you say it’s actually coming so if you go to the outside ankle bone okay it’s the bone right in front of that and down right in front of the heel okay all right so I’m going to pop in like this so we’ll start right here correct foot’s on the center of the device y I’m going to spin it around to the point it’s locked out where it won’t won’t go anymore okay right maybe do it a little bit more y okay good perfect so we’re there okay so try to turn this way try to turn it will it go anymore uh go anymore I’m not going to go anymore no yeah okay so what strategy do you have to use to make this go up and around okay so do you have any cues for me any anything I should focus on yep try to rotate this part right here around the back of your ankle bone up to there okay all right so I’m going to turn back y you got it perfect how’s that feel it it’s interesting like the actual intent of where you kind of queued me in on I can actually feel that expanding a little bit more absolutely and you’re right there is a lot more range of motion awesome okay good so how would I how would I organize this into an exercise is it basically just turning back or or do you put this into to reps what’s your what’s your process around that so first of all this is this is a pretty Advanced movement right here for people to learn so I would spend a lot of effort in learning from here down okay learning learning from from that spot right there how to turn that up toward there and have their knee do exactly what yours is doing going up and around in inside the EP of the right foot so it’s not something we need to necessarily rep out maybe just intentional you know reps at a you know to focus on that that back side expanding okay get strong in that movement and it’s amazing okay got it so I’m going to reset I’m going to turn back feel that yeah back side opening up yep love it mhm how many reps would you do in this particular exercise like if if you’re on there like no more than about three to five okay cuz what we’re doing is we’re we’re teaching the brain to make the movement right we’re we’re making a path way to the brain to to learn that movement okay okay so most recreational golfers when they don’t turn that way and they just spin the only strategy that they have to complete their back swing is to lift their shoulders which is a fatal flaw it’s it it makes everything more complicated it hurts the shoulders it hurts the low back because the lat attaches into the low back right like that so when we do this here and we learn how to use these are a little wide to me for me but anyhow when we learn to use that one bone correctly we never have to get to where we have to lift the shoulder see that yeah right all I’m doing is is I’m driving my entire movement all the way up through my hands with that one bone yeah I love that yeah as as you said it there was you know once I started focusing on it there was way more range of motion ab and actually coming off of it right now just kind of making mock back swings I can feel that ankle working a lot differently uh is is how it interacts with the ground so really good really good our final move of the day not only feels amazing on my spine but it is tremendous in terms of training the body how to move from a sequencing standpoint as we get to the top of the swing and we land forward we want to see the left hip stay lower right hip stay higher and as we move our the middle of our body this is going to pull us into what we call right lateral Bend okay for me this was something that was a little bit tricky to feel at first one uh because my motor pattern wasn’t great but then two I didn’t quite have the range of motion and the Rotex addressed both of those things okay so now what we’re going to be doing is just placing the handheld on the wall uh one thing I want to cover here real quick a lot of people find that this slips the secret to this is just keeping these four rubber feet on the wall with equal tension all at the same time if one comes off then it’s going to slip so we going have to push in real hard all we have to do is keep equal tension so this exercise what we’re going to be doing is setting up I like a golf grip for this no matter what sport we’re working with just like that trying to keep the lead elbow straight and then just whatever strategy Josh that you want to use to turn this here right now I’m turning it with my foot obviously it goes from your foot all the way up through your body through your hands okay so we’re going to feel a little bit more hips Y and guys this feels unbelievable on my spine yeah yes absolutely and the reason it does is because you have tension through both of your feet so both sides of your spine are loaded and then I mentioned to you I like to do some backing stuff with it as well absolutely you can see I just lost lost the pressure points yep so back yeah for sure great footwork there awesome footwork now uh one of the things you queued me on earlier was I was a little closer to it y you like to see people stand a little bit further away yes um for not specifically for a golf swing but but you’re connecting more tissue here you’re completely leaving your elbows and your wrist out of the equation I want to connect tissue from your feet all the way out to your hands your shoulders so if you’re bent like this good B then your shoulders aren’t aren’t in the right position to create Max load okay so it’s it’s creating more tension more stretch correct okay I don’t one like the word stretch okay right more more activation you’re you’re getting those muscles to work there you go good awesome really really good stuff there special thanks to Dr Joe laaz for spending some time with me and sharing some of his knowledge if you’re interested in purchasing your own Rotex system be sure to click the link below I can’t recommend Rotex enough


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